Doom: The Dark Ages - This Looks Incredible
Microsoft Auto SR: A New AI Upscaler Arrives!
Astro Bot Looks Terrific on PS5
@walterwolfgaming 17 сағат бұрын
Where is that PS5 Pro? 😂😂😂
@sturgeonguy 18 сағат бұрын
@kyleparsons145 18 сағат бұрын
This is looking pretty good so far. Not perfect. There’s something that still feels a bit odd, but I’m interested in how this turns out. I just wish Konami took the same approach with the Silent Hill 2 remake instead of chasing RE sales.
@Soddus. 18 сағат бұрын
too woke for me, ugly girl and tokenism characters
@shemeerki384 19 сағат бұрын
ue 5 nah we good
@tomsimmons7673 19 сағат бұрын
Looks fantastic. No date. All hype. Don't care.
@tomsimmons7673 19 сағат бұрын
Copy it 1 to 1. Don't mess 💩 up like Square and Final Fantasy VII.
@tyrrell8077 19 сағат бұрын
hope it doesnt feel like RAGE 2....
@CheckmateStallioN 20 сағат бұрын
Do some people actually still believe in "power" of the cloud Phil Spencer's fairytale lol? Perhaps its time to do some research and educate themselves on networking 101 basics and latency. If you think 60 fps or resolutions above 720p (technically SD) are achievable with game streaming you don't know anything about latency and the fact that it has nothing to do with network speeds as so many knowitalls believe. I have fiber in my house and can barely even stream movies without intermittent hiccups. If even movies which are non interactive media succumb to latency on a fiber network what does that tell you about cloud games or game streaming which are super sensitive to input lag first and foremost. Cloud tech will simply fade away in a few years as it already plateaued
@ludio36 20 сағат бұрын
What is the purpose of the DF Clips channel? I subscribed when it started because I thought it would have interesting bite-sized videos about whatever piqued the interest of individual team members but was not worth a longer video for the main channel. However, as far as I can tell, the content comes only from segments of the longer DF Direct Weekly videos. That's fine, but if that's all DF Clips is, and I watch DF Direct Weekly, is there any reason for me to be subscribed to DF Clips? Does it have anything for the DF Direct Weekly viewer that the DF Direct Weekly viewer has not already enjoyed?
@guitarzilla555 17 сағат бұрын
It's just short highlights from their long form content. If you already watch that in its entirety, DF clips may be a bit redundant.
@tomsimmons7673 17 сағат бұрын
No. In the very first video Rich said it was clips of the podcasts and other videos mostly.
@Dick_Valparaiso 20 сағат бұрын
I have never understood why the Series S has less gpu compute and ram than the One X. I do understand the appeal of having a console with low power consumption and giving people a cheaper option for next-gen (in 2020) gaming. My mind is that anything current gen should have higher specs than anything last gen. That's how it's always been. What also gets me is that the Series S only uses 20 of 24 cu's. I know MS couldn't have known the yields ahead of time. But, let's say that all 24 cu's could be used. 24 cu's w/a ~25% clock increase (1955mhz) would be 6Tflops. GDDR6 was also more expensive during initial production. But, 2GB extra in 2020 (covid crypto craze) might have added $20 to production. I'm of two minds here. The first being- why not do a Series S refresh kind of like the Xbox One to One S? Just use all 24 cu's (refined process/better yields) on 6nm (that's what the "adorable digital" SX is using) and add 2GB's more ram. Idk if MS would want to change the 128/32-bit bus config or not. But, if they went with a unified 192-bit bus using the same 14gbps memory it would be enough to edge out the One X's 6.8gbps on a 384-bit bus at 336 GB/s vs 326.4 GB/s ...And, if MS wanted to split the now 10gb's from the other 2gb going from 128 to a 160-bit bus they could invest in some now cheap 18gbps (what's going in the PS5 Pro) and they would achieve 360 GB/s. MS could even downclock it to 17 or 16.5gbps and still reach 330 GB/s. MS could call it the Series ST, phase out production of the regular Series S, and have a vastly more competent entry level console. However, I am keenly aware that doing such a thing would be a big slap in the face to current Series S owners. That, and now having 3 sku's to need development for. But, that was *sort of* the case with the Xbox One, One S, and One X. Although it was more about games running slightly better on One S versus the og One. There are outliers though. System Shock Remake does target 1080p on One S, while the og One has a 966p target (DF's System Shock Remake console tech review at 6:25 ). In the end I really don't know what MS *should do.* Having a revised Series S that fixes the vram limitations, gives gamers a direct path to One X bc, and brings current gen games up to a standard more in line with what people would be/are expecting is a nice thought. ...Please don't get angry with me for saying this. But, I could see MS doing something where regular Series S owners would *technically* be able to play future games (sigh...) via streaming. Again, it's a slap in the face to current Series S owners who bought the console with the expectation that it would last the entire generation. But, can the Series S as is honestly make it until the end of 2027? I might be reading more into the Black Myth: Wukong situation than need be. Devs might just have to start paring back even more features while also creating entirely separate builds for the Series S. The reality is that the Series S has made current gen development more challenging. And, we are seeing that it is affecting the Series X negatively. If this continues to be the case will it cause people to avoid Xbox because games like Black Myth: Wukong won't be on Xbox day one? Full disclosure; I don't own and am not looking to buy an Xbox anytime soon. I have a PC and a PS5. But, I really want Xbox to be competitive. I don't like that fact that Sony is complacent. I don't think that Sony should automatically get the "W" this gen. I also don't want to wait until next gen for things to get competitive again. Maybe just maybe MS has all of this figured out and will drop some news that will make everyone happy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AniketMohite1988 20 сағат бұрын
2024-06-15 Just started the game. Its a mess. On a ryzen 7 3700x + RTX 4070 Frame drops, stuttering... Really bad situation. Never ever have I started any game & then checked the internet for issue threads. Atleast let the game start smoothly & then mess up in the middle or something. This is really bad. Fallen order, didnt face any issue. If there were any, then they were negligible surely. Jedi Survivor, dont know, whether i will play the whole game. I play in short intervals everyday & i cant wait everytime for the stupid shader compilation at the start. I know, there is setting to lower that, but still, its just bad after that as well.
@asturides 20 сағат бұрын
I don't think there'd be a real market for it (aside from the hard-core fans). You can already play most of the PS4 games on Steam Deck, ROG Aly, etc.
@CRISNCHIPS12398 21 сағат бұрын
LMAO, yet another timed console exclusive for PS5 because of the garbage Series S 😂😂😂
@m3gAnac0nda 21 сағат бұрын
@mariorusinek5037 22 сағат бұрын
Im hyped 👌
@minzy421 22 сағат бұрын
Can't spell ignorant without IGN init
@Otzchieem 22 сағат бұрын
I did miss the horror aspect but it was nice actually being able to see what was happening as well. I liked the gameplay loop of 5 but felt like it was way too limited and ultimately it was pretty forgettable just like 4 which again I liked but 1 2 3 were memorable more so 2 with its bosses
@MastaDivinity 22 сағат бұрын
An alternative to facebook junk, thank god.
@lxXSuddenDeathXxl 22 сағат бұрын
This is why i hate gaming culture now. People cry about the most insignificant things like someones “looks” and not the gameplay, tech, story, etc. F all that, look at her face!!! Let’s not have any discussions, let’s hyper focus on her face!!
@densakai 18 сағат бұрын
Thats because the face was modelled after a real guy works in the company, who is a trans. Its ugly af.
@DrierHyperion21 22 сағат бұрын
The PS5 Pro should focus on 4k60 because there's still a lot of games that can't even do that. Or 4k120 would be the shit but that's just wishful thinking.
@DrierHyperion21 22 сағат бұрын
Nothing uses 8k yet. There's 8k TVs but you can't even really watch TV or movies or anything in 8k yet. It was pretty silly that they even tried to say the PS5 would be able to do 8k. 8k is also stupidly expensive still
@phddgrd 22 сағат бұрын
This is the kind of treatment we were expecting Konami take on Silent Hill, but no, they had to follow the path of Resident Evil or even worst... I'm just relief that at least MGS will have this kind of treatment after all the harm Konami have caused through it's history...
@briankennedy3038 22 сағат бұрын
The animations in game are not the same at all as the original. They imported ALOT of animations from The Phantom Pain. For example. Crawling on your back was not in the original at all. Search youtube for " Metal Gear Delta Phantom Pain comparison".
@accumulator5734 23 сағат бұрын
Gaddamn I love Gears of War!!! So excited!
@mightilyoats2729 Күн бұрын
Alex has just confirmed he's never been outside by saying "there's no 30m slopes next to jungle terrain"
@Rogue-76 20 сағат бұрын
there can also be 100m drop sheer cliffs in the jungle lol
@Thanosdidtherighthing Күн бұрын
Look at all the culture warriors in the comments mad because DF is doing what they do best which is analyzing tech in games. They want you guys to push their agenda so badly lol.
@el_italy_10 Күн бұрын
." SONY PSP 3 IN 2026 ".
@fcukugimmeausername Күн бұрын
Calling it now; the character begins to look 'better' in a more hollywood style of 'better looking' when they do bad things and looks worse (they they do in the trailers) when they do good. This is a reverse of the character looking evil when bad and looking good when good and is a modern political approach to say not all people who look healthy are nice people.
@Thanosdidtherighthing Күн бұрын
Stop pushing your culture war agenda onto this game lol.
@fcukugimmeausername Күн бұрын
@@Thanosdidtherighthing You're the one who is saying culture war.
@secondchance6603 23 сағат бұрын
'This is a reverse of the character looking evil when bad and looking good when good and is a modern political approach to say not all people who look healthy are nice people' You honestly believe this is a, 'never been done before' thing? Good luck with that.
@fcukugimmeausername 21 сағат бұрын
@@secondchance6603 For gaming? It's a new thing.
@secondchance6603 21 сағат бұрын
@@fcukugimmeausername If you say so then it must be true.
@Sharki33 Күн бұрын
Glorified walking simulator... Terrible
@fabiofboful Күн бұрын
I just hope we can change or build our own character.
@heeverhashiscage Күн бұрын
First person shooter? That's so woke! It should be first MAN shooter
@OGdrodro Күн бұрын
playground games will and already have killed fable and xbox should be ashamed of themselves giving it to them i honestly hope i am wrong tho because its still too early and unfair to judge on the small amount they have showed us
@TerryRed Күн бұрын
I totally thought this was Painkiller and Doom making a baby when I first saw it. Painkiller is a GREAT classic game. So far ahead of its time.
@javonjames4573 Күн бұрын
This an silent hill 2 remake are my most anticipated remakes😅
@RogerSullivanNOLA Күн бұрын
Seems kinda exactly like fraud.
@kelvinperez8845 Күн бұрын
The coalition is set to blow us aways with the best graphic on a video game , and i can not wait
@tinyrogerts6449 Күн бұрын
Considering that Konami's last effort with Metal Gear was Metal Gear Survive, this is the absolute best we could possibly hope for from them. I'll gladly take a simple, shiny update of MGS3. Day one purchase.
@njerurichard3581 Күн бұрын
Let's get a few points out of the way first: 1) The PS4 is x86 based. 2) It used GNM graphics API. That said, all AMD had to do is create an X86 based APU that supports GNM. Thats it. The two dies do not even have to look similar, as long as they do the same thing. Think about how both AMD and Intel make X86 CPUs their own way but still manage to run the same programs compiled for X86. Also consider how games specify requiring a certain version of vulkan or directx. The implementation of that API is left to Intel, AMD and Nvidia, but as long as the graphics cards support it the games do not care. All AMD has to do is create X86 APU that supports the GNM graphics API, using 5nm or lower process node instead of 28nm. That would result in a stupendously smaller die and ridiculously low power draw. Also the ps4 had a cpu clock speed of 1.7ghz and gpu clock of 800mhz. EVEN SMARTPHONES ARE CLOCKED HIGHER THAN THAT! There is no reason a ps4 handheld is not doable
@lilivier Күн бұрын
Gameplay... Really ? Can't believe DF falling into this trap...
@shayshalevv Күн бұрын
at this point i am only holding onto the series x for the day one black ops 6, if that fumbles i am selling and getting a ps5....shame honestly i think its a pretty good console with the quick resume and overall performance in 120fps games.
@Leeyon1313 Күн бұрын
OK now I know John is a HipHop head. Imagine him almost quoting Q-Tip in this video @1:10 😅
@daviddilascio Күн бұрын
I do think the character model was actually very distracting and not in a good way because with the camera angles chosen, it just felt like (...) this game seems like came out un like '02 in terms like you know its character design like a bit old and not flattering, I don't think for a modern audience, in comparison Forespoken which has a more realistic character design, it's not like this hyper proportions...
@guilhermejrmarin Күн бұрын
Im cautiously optimistic
@Unicornpirate Күн бұрын
Wonder how Alex will feel about the button prompt saying press R1when Snake meets Eva. Probably not too modern audience enough for him
@Hobbes4ever Күн бұрын
it looks very politically correct...
@mangelangel2570 Күн бұрын
Meanwhile Fable 1 with gay hero and Fable 2 with trans hero...
@MrWinnfield Күн бұрын
Nothing about this awful reveal looks fantastic.
@leecroft7311 Күн бұрын
oh Sony, lol
@Hero11170 Күн бұрын
Without Cliffy B, this game will have no soul.
@Red-Revolution708 Күн бұрын
No we got the Meta 3 .