UK General Election Results Explained
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@user-nq5zx1gr8i 5 сағат бұрын
Can't believe in this purely political debate, some have brought it upon themselves to mention about looking apologies for British atrocities, as one who lived through the troubles, from a young child and witnessed the bombing, killing,even unborn children it didn't matter, the audacity to ask for an apology from unionist is appalling, most people where and are just trying to get on with their lives!!
@markmtni 14 сағат бұрын
The tri colour is sectarian and bigoted and divisive . It’s not only immensely ignorant but arrogant and fascist like to claim that green represents PURE Irish . And the orange the others .. This is a de fault failure of Irish politics the Vatican has successfully separated its flock and brainwashed them into actually believing because they belong to the Vatican they alone are Irish . It’s ironic when it was the papal crown and its unholy pagan empire that othered Ireland and the evangelical church of the ancient Irish that Patrick the British Christian brought to Ulster as a slave by the Scot’s from Ulster ….
@user-nq5zx1gr8i Күн бұрын
Still waiting on our apology for our pain and violence against us
@user-ix8ol2xi2i Күн бұрын
Nice Video!
@user-hh8gr2lk1z 3 күн бұрын
wow the country is so divided now, thanks blair
@geenkaas6380 Күн бұрын
There was 14 years of conservatieve rule
@Mitjitsu 3 күн бұрын
Having applied for jobs in the civil service. The one thing that struck me was the exhaustive amount of DEI questions, as well as preferential hiring schemes. So they're most definitely trying to hire people based on what they perceive the applicants politics to be.
@matthewsemple 3 күн бұрын
2:20 - you cannot add Reform vote to Conservative and conclude this is the only reason Labour won. Firstly, polls have shown that only about one-third of Reform voters would have voted Conservative had Reform not stood. Some people would have voted Labour instead or many would have not voted at all. Secondly, if we adding Reform to Conservative, then we would draw the same conclusion by adding Labour and Lib Dem which is a bigger figure, even disregarding the Greens.
@officialredactor 3 күн бұрын
The thing is, Lib Dem to Labour already happened. The main reason why Labour had a such disproportionate result, was due to extreme tactical voting in many constituencies so only the left-leaning candidate who had the most chance would win the seat
@matthewsemple 2 күн бұрын
@@officialredactor whilst Lib Dem to Labour shift happened in key target seats, there were some strange results. North Somerset was a seat considered such a safe Tory seat that it was never a target and therefore the candidates were allowed to campaign openly. This is what happened: Labour 19K Tory 18K Lib Dem 7K Reform 5K Greens 3K In 2019 the Tory candidate had 32K votes and a 17K vote majority.
@officialredactor 2 күн бұрын
@@matthewsemple interesting, never seen that before
@cillianennis9921 3 күн бұрын
On your point about the DUP being important for the conservatives that likely isn't going to be true this time as well the Tories ruined the unionists through brexit & the DUP has a lot of its problems to blame on Brexit (even if they are mainly responsible themselves for not working in a government but still the point stands that they wouldn't have been forced to do what they did had we stayed in the EU). I also really hate the fact that people let the Sein Fein people win they are a terrible vote for both British & Irish intrests. They don't sit meaning they can't argue against stupid ideas like Brexit related things that can strain Irish relations & all. Stupid Sein Fein I may be nationalist but I'll never vote for them SDLP is the way forward not any other parties that are nationalist. Also I kinda dislike all the unionist large parties but some DUP members are good people which is why I am glad Jim Shannon won in my area even if I didn't vote for him (If it was STV he'd have been like my 3rd option but we don't do that for general elections despite it leading to better people getting into power than just meaning no small parties have a chance to grow often.)
@sophiejohere 3 күн бұрын
Jolly good
@MJODENG 4 күн бұрын
Violent criminal lefties
@x_zschannel 4 күн бұрын
In hindsight, those were quite accurate, more accurate than a lot of pollsters said. The only things that were out of range were Reform (5), the Lib Dems (72) and the SNP (9)
@thepollposition 4 күн бұрын
I have to admit I was at least a little surprised when the exit poll came out. I was a little worried that I might have been way off from the amount of MRP polls saying labour would win bigger but I did still have a lot of confidence in my estimates and I'm very happy with how accurate they were overall
@XeNeXX 4 күн бұрын
vote share tends to go down when more parties are introduced and the last 12 months narative has been "please dont give labour a Majowity "
@XeNeXX 4 күн бұрын
people complaining about PR were very very silent when it delivered tory majority after tory majority ALL below 50% vote share, and all corrupt t the teeth, as soon as the tories lose an el;ection, they and the media and the right wing party are all clammering for PR - i just dont buy it, they only want it so they can manipulate every future gov to be 15% more racist than it wouldve been
@CTE-hs2qe 4 күн бұрын
Reform UK for government 2029 or praying sooner
@pipercharms7374 4 күн бұрын
You do realise they intend to rewrite out human rights, right? You seriously going to trust Farage with that?
@x_zschannel 4 күн бұрын
Very, very unlikely. If Labour have a good time in office, and people see themselves as better off than they were in 2024, then there is simply no market for the short-term populism that Reform UK has ridden on in this election. Even if the current situation fails to improve, a sudden jump from 15% of the vote and 5 seats to a majority government would have to have all sorts of perfect factors to line up at the same time, and for Farage to have to make the party image clean, and not give the impression of a party full of racists, Islamaphobes and homophobes, which ended up slightly hurting Reform's polling numbers in the final week or two of the campaign.
@Dere2727 3 күн бұрын
No chance. They got less votes than the Tories, less than half Labour’s votes, and less than the combined Lib Dem+Green vote; let alone barely winning any seats. Brits are fans of the NHS and human rights, not Putin sympathisers.
@stephenclark9917 3 күн бұрын
God help us if Reform Ltd ever get near power. Trumpian.
@angelmessenger8240 4 күн бұрын
The MSM was crowing from the get go that Labour would definitely win. It is that imo that stopped people voting and I think it was a deliberate gaslight. They knew that if people thought they really had a choice they would be more likely to vote. But if they're told that one party is definitely taking it they won't bother for one of two reasons, either because they think that it doesn't matter because it's a fait a complis or because they have become totally disenfranchised. It showed me that it really doesn't matter if you vote because the result is already decided.
@rxdxctxd2287 5 күн бұрын
great video. First comment!!
@thepollposition 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for the great enthusiasm 😀
@winnywin 7 күн бұрын
Tactical voting has got the pollsters flummoxed!
@OldeJanner 7 күн бұрын
That's if you believe that the polls treated Reform Party fairly.
@johndevoy5792 7 күн бұрын
the direction of travel is toward a new Ireland. Btw, the 6 counties of the 9 of Ulster is not a 'country' or as you said, 'a nation,' in the usual or normal way those terms are used. Even those in Britain see it as part of Ireland and as Irish.
@conradgibson3860 Күн бұрын
East Ulster independence
@markmtni 14 сағат бұрын
It’s ironic . As ulster been closer to Scotland than the aggressive south of Ireland . It’s ironic the most Anglo Norman aka english part of Ireland is the south . It’s also ironic that the first Anglo Normans to arrive in Ireland did so by invitation of Dermott king of Leinster to be his mecenary to kill the other Irish and rule the whole island … Its also ironic that this pro nationalist section being also Roman Catholic 1. Catholicism was imposed upon the Irish by conquest and oppression of the papal crown . 2 today it’s laughable as those who demand self government are ulster men as ever while the south is now ruled by the modern papal empire via foreign power of the EU . ROI is not self sufficient or self governing. Sad really
@BennyandBoppy1690 13 сағат бұрын
your of your rocker , and bitter....
@johndevoy5792 10 сағат бұрын
@@markmtni you, my dear friend, are on an entirely other planet. I suggest you climb out of your historical pit into the real world of 2024 and its direction of travel ...not pontificating on dubious ancient history.
@conradgibson3860 9 сағат бұрын
@@johndevoy5792 Ireland is part of the British isles
@PanglossDr 7 күн бұрын
What about tactical voting? You ignored it. I believe the Tories are going to be almost annihilated.
@cormacmacdonncha1052 7 күн бұрын
Good synopsis
@matthewclifton2510 7 күн бұрын
Think the Tories and Labour are going to get less than you predict. Reform will get a lot more. There's a real buzz out there. Millions are voting Reform X.
@stuartcollins82 7 күн бұрын
!remindme 24hours
@eckie4679 7 күн бұрын
You know this how?
@stuartcollins82 7 күн бұрын
@@eckie4679 he means all the other people on his xenophobic social media echo chamber
@johnpotts8308 7 күн бұрын
I do wonder if we might see the Tories complaining about how they are under represented at this election (almost certainly true) and adopt a policy of voting reform to some variety of PR. Though I would suspect that any such support would mysteriously evaporate if they were ever to get back into government (just like Tony Blair's did in 1997). And in any case, it won't matter because Labour are unlikely to adjust a system that delivered them massive majority on around (probably) only 40% of the vote.
@aliservan7188 7 күн бұрын
What's Wikepedia?
@peterdavidson3268 7 күн бұрын
HOW you vote under First Past the Post [FPTP] is more or less irrelevant - it's WHERE you vote that really counts! The UK's incumbent voting system is not fit for purpose and (decades) past its sell-by date. Unless and until the UK ditches FPTP it cannot claim membership of the grown-up club of real European democracies. When the dust settles on this election result, I expect to see yet more examples of the grossly disproportionate influence of FPTP; • ReformUK winning a mere handful of seats with 17-18% of the votes cast Nationally whilst the LibDems (who have decades of experience and know exactly how to game the FPTP system) winning perhaps 60 - 70 seats on 12% or thereabouts. • Labour securing close to 70% of the new MP intake with perhaps just less than 40% support from the UK electorate • Conservatives suffering electoral annihilation because the right of centre voting bloc is split down the middle The UK needs to ditch FPTP and replace it with something half decent, such as Single Transferable Vote (used to elect councillors in Scotland and members of the Dáil Éireann). This change would bring so many democratic benefits for the UK: • ALL ballots cast would count in some way to the process of electing MPs • Results within each individual multi-member boundary would be proportional to the votes cast • All elected MPs would boast broad support across their respective constituencies • The electorate would be obliged to become much more engaged and informed (how else can you rank candidates - some from the same party, 1,2,3,4,5 etc, if you know NOTHING about them?) • Multi-member boundaries would encourage the emergence of more coherent localised political communities Lots of benefits, very few downsides - the main one being that it's more complicated to count so it takes a bit longer for the results to come out - so no election night special - what a shame!
@PanglossDr 7 күн бұрын
The UK is not and never has been close to being democratic.
@lorrainecrampton1632 7 күн бұрын
The ONLY problem I can think of is if there are a number of wildly different ideological parties on roughly the same percentage share of the vote with no outright winner, then it seems to take months for a coalition to form who are ready to cooperate in government together, and that country seems to often grind to a political halt. I voted for a form of PR when we had a referendum on it over a decade ago, but if course it was rejected. I think that was probably because the Tories - the main coalition partner at the time with the Lib Dems - liked things to remain as FPTP and so didn't enthusiastically campaign for it ☹🇬🇧
@eckie4679 7 күн бұрын
All solid points but the UK overwhelmingly endorsed the FPTP system in a referendum in 2011. 🫤
@peterdavidson3268 7 күн бұрын
@@lorrainecrampton1632 1.The referendum you reference (which occurred in 2011) offered a choice between the Alternative Vote [AV] and FPTP. Not sure how many times this needs repeating but AV is NOT Proportional - no voting method that retains single member seats (which AV does) can be Proportional - end of discussion! 2. Moving to an actual proportional voting method, such as Single Transferable Vote, completely reshapes the entire electoral landscape and with it, the behaviour of both voters and political parties. Political parties in jurisdictions that use proportional voting methods include in their manifestos detailed information about which other parties they WILL NOT cooperate with to form any post election administration so that solves your hypothetical conundrum. Finally I have intimate knowledge of behind the scenes activties that took place during the Referendum you reference - I was involved in the YES to AV campaign (on its periphery). Let's just say that campaign skulduggery of the lowest order on the part of Cameron (who personally reneged on sworn commitments he made in advance as part of the deal to even hold the referendum) and his acolytes was common currency. The threat of potential legal action prevents me from being more specific. See also my response to @eckie4679
@peterdavidson3268 7 күн бұрын
@@eckie4679 I'd be the first to admit that the UK needs a massive and comprehensive public information program to provide them with independent and objective facts about how voting systems work and their impact upon our democratic/political culture. I vividly remember the Daily Mail headline on the day of the AV/FPTP referendum you reference - it read "SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY" in huge capital letters font size. The panic within Conservative Party ranks was palpable during the campaign period itself - Cameron & Co reneged on previous commitments about UK Govt. intervention in the campaign - a variety of legal actions were threatened, in response to naked lies widely spread by the NO campaign. Are we likely to see any independently overseen public information campaign of the type I allude to when the LabServative duopoly exerts almost total control over the media landscape, ie. what the public hears and reads about on a daily basis - are we ****!
@emilymaitlislaptop 7 күн бұрын
Good basic explanatory analysis - subbed!
@cheeseburgersarecool6600 7 күн бұрын
how many independence will win seats that is the question
@thepollposition 7 күн бұрын
There could be a few independent wins but it is difficult to tell as constituency polls aren't always reliable and the polls aren't always effective in estimating how well independent candidates fare on polling day. At most I would say there are 4 races are looking competitive enough for an independent to do well
@hubertcumberdale4385 7 күн бұрын
01:36 22 + 7 = 29 =/= 39
@thepollposition 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for picking that up. I think that error began with a typo and I was just too tired to notice as I had been writing, recording and commuting almost all day. It would be a national swing of 14.5% instead
@vivienclogger 7 күн бұрын
I think you're right - I think the Tories won't do quite as badly as people think, but will still be humiliated. And yes - voting is the one day every 4-5 years when we have the power to truly influence politicians and policies.
@johnswift1736 7 күн бұрын
No one knows about the swing from labour to reform
@whoknowsbruvs 7 күн бұрын
it's about 3% of previous Labour voters to reform, far more ex labour voters are swinging to greens. Labour are picking up more voters from other parties than they are losing. Yes there have been polls specifically looking at this.
@thepollposition 7 күн бұрын
I would say that the swing comes from dissatisfied conservative voters who switched to labour and then changed their minds and went to reform instead which we can see with the poll slump labour saw in the last few weeks
@johnswift1736 7 күн бұрын
@@whoknowsbruvs the polls are slanted by the parties so voters think it is a 2 horse race and try to steal away from lib dems and reform. If the turth about hoe high reform are doing. More Labour and tory voters would vote reform uk. Let's hope people wanting new politicians vote reform. None in the passed parliament are worth keeping.
@isabelstokes4042 7 күн бұрын
Tories are idiots. Reform are Neo-Nazis. SNP are wasting their time. Vote Labour.
@bombheadgames9565 7 күн бұрын
Google conservatives Russian money .. how can they have the gall to propose national service when they were a contributing influence to causing the Ukraine war by taking bribes and causing BREXIT.
@Jxw238 7 күн бұрын
41 mins after the polls open I think: 🌹423 🌳138 🟧61 🎗️17 ➡️4 ☀️4 I’d love to be proven wrong 5:37
@turquoise7817 7 күн бұрын
lets hope the numbers for tories and lib dems get swapped here
@AprilSBarnes 8 күн бұрын
I am very curious how much of the slump of Reform in the polls will translate into the actual election. Given the current scandals they're facing, it may end up being a case of poll respondents simply hiding their intentions to vote for reform instead of truly being turned off from them, the classic phenomenon right wing populists have seen in polls in the past as shown with Brexit and the past 2 American elections.
@thepollposition 8 күн бұрын
I think it is very hard to tell at this point as turnout is expected to be lower and there is still a section of undecided voters leaning towards reform. I think it could go either way because there will definitely be people who will be more apprehensive because of the controversies surrounding the party. The question is will this give the tories votes? Will reform get them back? Or will they just not turn out? I guess we'll just have to see
@AprilSBarnes 7 күн бұрын
@thepollposition Absolutely, will be fascinating to see either way :)
@CatharineGregory 8 күн бұрын
Brilliant video. Please could you explain how the polls predict results for the new constituencies?
@thepollposition 8 күн бұрын
They place the notional results which are if the votes in 2019 were placed on the new map and apply the swings to those new seats. Since we know how each polling district voted it is quite easy to get the results which are taken into account by both the aggregates and the MRP polls
@iano239 8 күн бұрын
Political friction is in the eye of the beholder. The DUP create their own friction. Sinn Fein are relatively moderate. I am hoping that Unionists will finally ask Sinn Fein and the Irish people for forgiveness for imposing partition on Ireland against the democratic wishes of the people and causing so much violence and pain. I'm sure the BBC will continue to ask for apologies from Unionist candidates for various British atrocities during the troubles and will share how unnecessary Partition really was. Maybe a few headlines about how those apologies are still not forthcoming.
@joekavanagh7171 5 күн бұрын
Don't hold your breath. Unionists don't do apologies.
@user-nq5zx1gr8i Күн бұрын
Your expecting an apology after what the ira put us through, bombing the heart out of the country and the killings, even unborn babies weren't safe, who should apologise to who?
@user-nq5zx1gr8i Күн бұрын
The violence wasn't one way, what a short memory you have, I take it you got my last comment took down? Probably because I mention your little army and all the bombing and killing including unborn babies, who should apologise to whom??
@charlesjohn7492 8 күн бұрын
Referring to 'the six counties as a nation is so laughable.
@BennyandBoppy1690 13 сағат бұрын
referring to you as a person of good will is laughable...lololololol
@charlesjohn7492 9 сағат бұрын
@@BennyandBoppy1690 I can't think of anything more laughable than the suggestion that as I do not consider the six counties a nation I can't be considered a person of good will. Calling a nation that part of Ireland which still has not been recovered from those who stole it and colonised it, displays ill will..
@edwardhoptrough9933 9 күн бұрын
Remaining hopeful that with some tactical voting and a DUP underperformance, Alliance can get 3 seats this time: keeping North Downs and grabbing Belfast East and Strangford, which is perhaps a bit of a push requiring a 7% swing, but in that seat there's no real viable competitor based on 2019 results. There's also Antrim East and Lagan Valley, which theoretically require a similar 7-8% swing and they were second last election, but there the UUP were just behind them and will probably overtake them if there's a DUP collapse.
@xander1052 4 күн бұрын
Unfortunately only 1 Alliance seat again, but the DUP did take a big fall.
@In-Christ-Alone 15 сағат бұрын
Good to see alliance didn't gain
@michaelmccarthy9411 9 күн бұрын
It's ironic that there's now a Northern Irish Irish Conservative party considering that the full title of the Tory party is The Conservative and Unionist Party!
@thepollposition 9 күн бұрын
It was actually the Liberal Unionist Party that gave the Tories their modern name as the two party's merged in the 1910's to oppose home rule in Ireland with the merger leading to the party we now know as The Conservative and Unionist Party
@anglodoomer5995 9 күн бұрын
Cool video
@johncahalane7327 10 күн бұрын
One very important thing to explain why Sinn Fein do not take up and have never taken up Westminster Seats ,this situation has been since December 1918 when Sinn Fein won an overwhelming majority in the last All Island election a Parliament, Dail Eireann was set up in January 1919 and Sinn Fein never again recognised Westminster as a legitimate Parliament......this is the reason why .....the 43 Westminster seats promised by Home Rule Bill passed in 1914 never came to pass thus Southern Ireland 🇮🇪 went it's own way followed by the Anglo Irish War, The Treaty in 1921 ,independence inside Commonwealth followed by Civil War and Full Independence in 1949 .......Sinn Fein only began to hold seats in The Dail in the 1980s again...
@sonnyirish3678 3 күн бұрын
Sinn Fein are traitors.Brits out Africans frauds.
@kbreslin7289 10 күн бұрын
The TUV only getting 1 seat isn't the fault of the voting system. Had they another voting system they would have none.
@homolgus1 8 күн бұрын
If the TUV had their way Catholics would have no votes
@BernardFitzsimons-i5h 10 күн бұрын
Its not a nation. And for 'General Election... read sectarian head count.
@VectorTracker 10 күн бұрын
I suspect Sinn Fein won’t do as well as expected. Fermanagh South Tyrone will be close as Gildernew left to fight for an EU seat in the republic
@zoso7889 8 күн бұрын
Wishful thinking Billy.
@VectorTracker 8 күн бұрын
@@zoso7889 nothing i have said isn't accurate. What are your thoughts?
@zoso7889 8 күн бұрын
@@VectorTracker Boundary changes mean Fermanagh South Tyrone, even with SDLP spoiler candidates, will not be as close. Boundary changes on the eastern side will add around 1,700 voters, the vast majority of which are nationalists. Blackwatertown will be absorbed from Newry and Armagh as well as the rest of areas like Moygashel, Mullaghmore and Ballygawley.
@VectorTracker 8 күн бұрын
@@zoso7889 fair assessment. But I still believe SDLP will do better
@VectorTracker 8 күн бұрын
@@zoso7889 having said that on the boundary change website it suggests that with 2019 numbers sinn feins percentage would go down from 43.3% to 42.5% voting share.
@Tcoc11 10 күн бұрын
Lagan Valley and Strangford will be interesting
@thepollposition 10 күн бұрын
It's definitely more of a sleeper swing seat in that it may change hands but no one pays enough attention to it (ironically including myself). It's whether or not the allegations around Jeffrey Donaldson have a lasting effect as it is his seat and whether Alliance or the UUP win more votes off the DUP making it a lot harder to predict though I have a feeling that the DUP will just get by with a reduced majority
@meiriongwril9696 10 күн бұрын
Hardly a nation!
@Joseph13163 9 күн бұрын
No truer word said
@conradgibson3860 Күн бұрын
Neither is eire
@markbracegirdle7110 11 күн бұрын
Why no mention of Reform UK? They're fielding a raft of candidates, on a joint ticket with the TUV.
@ciaranfooty7720 10 күн бұрын
Because nobody will vote for TUV.
@thepollposition 10 күн бұрын
It actually slipped under my radar that they had a deal. There has been so little coverage on the topic from the news however I still should have spotted that to begin with so I do apologise. Thank you for picking that up and I'll try to do better next time
@markbracegirdle7110 10 күн бұрын
@@ciaranfooty7720 I agree, and it's quite a contrast. Nigel Farage knows how to work a crowd and has loads of dark money. Jim Allister is anything but charismatic and the TUV is permanently strapped for cash.
@johncahalane7327 9 күн бұрын
@@markbracegirdle7110 Why would anyone in Northern Ireland recognise or ever vote for an English Nationalists party outside the TUV there are no links to Farage and his pirates ,no is the answer as Reform doesn't care about Ireland why ever would Irish voters care a jot about Nigel Farage... Monster Raving Loonies has more support in Northern Ireland..
@patrickmccutcheon9361 8 күн бұрын
Yet Farage is supporting DUP candidates.
@captainteeling7002 11 күн бұрын
Sinn Fein are Not Nationalist, Sinn Fein are Pro open borders and Pro Multiculturalism.
@MitchMurray-my8qy 12 күн бұрын
The Republican/Nationalist vote hasn’t broken 40% yet despite all of the bickering within unionism. There will be no major changes in Northern Ireland until the union is under threat. It won’t happen for a long time. Both tribes have very ordinary leadership. At least Paisley and Adams had some charisma.
@tomgreene1843 9 күн бұрын
They also had an ability to carry their followers I think .
@bluechip297 4 күн бұрын
Nationalists have little interest in voting in Westminster elections.
@shred_hand_of_ulster 3 күн бұрын
It did this year...
@AreJayCee 12 күн бұрын
Farage & Reform have given up on getting anything in Scotland.