Shame on you, New York Times!
5 жыл бұрын
The Truth About BDS
5 жыл бұрын
Messi, don’t get messy
6 жыл бұрын
US pulling out of the dangerous deal
The Truth About Apartheid
6 жыл бұрын
The Truth About The Taylor Force Act
Move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
The Truth About Jerusalem
7 жыл бұрын
Support The Truth
7 жыл бұрын
Palestinian Terror Glorification
Where in the world did UNESCO go?!
רק רגע על טירת צבי
רק רגע על בית לחם
8 жыл бұрын
רק רגע על אקסודוס
The Shekel
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Rav Ovadia Yosef
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Operation Solomon
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The Ofek Satellite
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Maccabi Tel Aviv 1977
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@johniraqui681 14 күн бұрын
All zionists lies Palestine was stolen from the native Arabs by the European zaionists. Israel is a stolen country and a genocide against the Palestinians
@TehThermaltake1337 Ай бұрын
Bunch of thieves and ibliss worshippers. The more you guys expand, the more we believe and understand our prophets message, especially the most hated one for you, Mohammed AS., Your afterlife curse.
@rudomeister Ай бұрын
I got clarity today about this devastating fact, and all of a sudden I got a strong feeling all of this "Palestine" and "Palestinians" are just a chaos of fake identity, and identity theft of the original people Phillistines, who lost their identity +- 500bc. Just like popping a ballon and behind it.. the truth, and with it, all the lies, and lies within lies, and within it's environment a pitch dark ideology, violence, stubbornness, and total lack of responsibility for them selves. Thats how the feelings is portraied by the fact, and facts doesn't care about feelings, so that is a relief.
@civirebel Ай бұрын
We all can conclude that we are all victims of man's thirst for power and control, justified by some dumb ass bs..It all starts by empowering the mothers, while stop listening to corporate lackies like Danny.. We are not the greedy fools that run our nations..
@civirebel Ай бұрын
Rich man's war, vulnerable population's blood, we are not the power hungry men that rule our leaders. No one can be free until we are all free from capitalist exploitation and greedy mans abuse of power. #FreePalestine #LandBack #BRICS
@user-sp1md5xu8j Ай бұрын
There is no such thing as the West Bank, there is only Judea and Samaria, the land of the Jews.
@user-ew9lk4xj3g Ай бұрын
What a lot of crap, you psycho pathic, lying evil demonic, being.The history of the lands of Palastine is nothing like you spruek it. Read your own violent , criminal , murderous , history, you can't cover up that ,by your twisted , self deluding propaganda.You are all complicit,in the attempt to eliminate all Palestinian People by vicious torture and industrial scale genocide!!! Thats why the ICC,needs to issue warrants, for the arrest of Netanyahu and his Zionist colonial, killer, cronies, happily playing ,kill the families and celebrating afterwards,for the death of a child, guilty of nothing,but they wanting to play, on the swings and slides and gets killed by a sniper drone,sent by the IDF!!! How can you make yourselves victims, when you commit these evil crimes and then celebrate this madness!!!
@erberon82 Ай бұрын
Ask your Hamas fellows how could they celebrate and shout out Hamas for killing 1200 innocent people on 7/10.They know very well how to celebrate death cult.
@rubylicious1024 Ай бұрын
the keyword, Israeli citizen's.. and Palestinians aren't Israeli citizens now are they!?
@NissarKhan-uu3os Ай бұрын
How this guy is fooling everyone who is watching This video. Please don't believe This lier
@erberon82 Ай бұрын
Oh and whats the truth ? Please share your opinions.
@icu3519 2 ай бұрын
😂 Losers
@geertdecoster5301 2 ай бұрын
So let me summarize your point of view. The Arabs still living in the area that was once the British Mandate for Palestine and according to yourself now Judea and Samaria are never to be considered by the state of Isreal as a citizen either because of your opinion that they can't be trusted? Should they then be thrown out of the land to the neighbouring Arab states? Not many of them still have a Jordanian or Egyptian birth certificate though, or does that rule of yours not apply to that issue there then either?
@kenadams5697 2 ай бұрын
Yes Jordan did occupy The West bank at the end of hostilities. Annexed the West Bank in 1950. Israel took it back in 1967 so yes not an occupied segment of land. BUT has given rise to one sided arguments claiming Israel are the occupiers.
@ULON-y1b 2 ай бұрын
All true.
@claytonbennett7797 2 ай бұрын
"Terra Nullius" ("no one's land") was the argument used when the British took over Australia, killing and enslaving many aboriginal people. "Palestine" does not have to have been a preexisting sovereign nation for Israel to be a settler colony that displaced people. Cultures like America claim to love freedom, but many have no empathy for a true Bedouin lifestyle.
@tysonesh898 2 ай бұрын
you so wrong let this message find u ... hahahaha they couldnt read hieroglyphics when they started this lie but its called Peleset in 12 hundred bce ,,,,,,, so u feel dumb huh
@tysonesh898 2 ай бұрын
google it
@kingcobra8840 2 ай бұрын
Israel occupies the West Bank by definition, they have military bases, checkpoints and illegal settlements all over the West Bank. The Jews originally being told they would get all of Palestine and Jordan is not a justification for Israel holding the West Bank, that decision was made by a group of Europeans without any input from the Palestinian and Jordanian majorities of those mandates. Israel has illegally settled Israelis in the West Bank since it's conquest of it in 1967 and despite even the United States' recommendations that Israel stop these settlements, more and more are built every year, with Palestinians facing the full force of Israel's settler colonial brutality.
@baruchlanda6922 2 ай бұрын
You used the term "West Bank" multiple times. The West bank of what? Oh that's right - Jordan. The West Bank of Jordan. And you're wrong about "...without any input from the Palestinian and Jordanian majorities of those mandates." The Jordanians themselves gave up, quote, "full military governmental control" of the West Bank to Israel in 1988. Again, there was no legal PALESTINIAN sovereign entity governing the West Bank, Gaza or any of "Palestine" for that matter, EVER. The Palestinians had no government until 1964 because they weren't a nation or a people, and didn't even label themselves as Palestinians until then (they literally SELF-IDENTIFY as Arabs anyway). The fact that the Israeli controlled West Bank is (mostly) regarded as illegal according to most countries: you're going to sit here and tell me that politics had nothing to do with this? Of course it did. Because according to *actual* international law and just law in general, *GOVERNING LAND CONTROL* goes from one entity to another. Politicians used their power to change legal definitions, there is no way around this FACT (not opinion). Politicians using their power though still doesn't negate the truth - that this land is disputed, not occupied.
@kingcobra8840 2 ай бұрын
​@@baruchlanda6922 the decision Jordan made in 1988 has nothing to do with the original British plan to give Palestine and Jordan to the Jewish state. By that point, Jordan had the west bank taken from them 20 years prior. I don't think it matters that Palestinians mostly called themselves Arabs until somewhat recently. For many years there was no such thing as a "Bosniak" for example, and were often referred to as "Slavic Muslims". Israel has more or less full control over the west bank. You can argue that the west bank is disputed land, and I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that Israel controls the West bank, making them the occupier by default.
@baruchlanda6922 2 ай бұрын
@@kingcobra8840 OK great! Now we can have an actual discussion. Yes, Israel controls the West Bank. And yes - that makes Israel the "occupier" by default (really, this just means it makes them the current governmental custodian of the land until a political solution is found). My particular issue was with your statements, "The Jews originally being told they would get all of Palestine and Jordan is not a justification for Israel holding the West Bank..." and "Israel has illegally settled Israelis in the West Bank since it's conquest of it in 1967..." To your first statement: The Jews originally being told they would get all of Palestine is not the reason for them governing/"holding" the land. This is very disingenuous. The Arabs lost a war they started. That is what happens in war. Why should this be the literal singular exception in human history? Because they're Jews? Or what? The fact is Israel is "holding" the land not because they were originally told it was theirs...but because they won a (defensive) war. That *IS* a justification for holding land, especially until a political solution is found. SOME entity has to run it in the meantime. It can't be complete lawlessness. To your second statement: You cannot illegally settle a population if a land is disputed. Yes, you may piss a lot of people off by implementing this strategy (this is clear over the past 75 years). But if a land is disputed and not occupied, any issues of legality become much less clear than an outright "illegal" occupation. You can say it's unwise of Israel to settle people in the West Bank (and I'd 100% agree). But "illegally" settled? This isn't the case.
@kingcobra8840 2 ай бұрын
@@baruchlanda6922 Israel does not need to occupy the west bank at all. They should hand it over to the Palestinian authority, a group that made peace with Israel decades ago. The settlements are illegal as the United nations has agreed that you cannot settle a territory as an occupying power.
@baruchlanda6922 2 ай бұрын
@@kingcobra8840 The United Nations is used by politicians/countries for their own gain. Saying otherwise is an outright lie. I urge you to watch this video: Even with that said, I agree! It should be handed over to the PA *FORMALLY*, with written/signed treaties and (primarily security) guarantees. The issue is the Palestinians can't bring themselves to do this. Take it up with them, not the Israelis.
@kingcobra8840 2 ай бұрын
Bullshit. Israel ethnically cleansed the Palestinians from their homes in the build up to and during the 1948 nakba. Take for example the Deir Yassin massacre, the Tantura massacre and the thousands of Palestinians who fled in fear because of them, only for Israel to steal their homes. Or the villages and towns who had their Palestinian populations expelled with many villages being destroyed. The Jewish refugees had a brand new state with conveniently empty homes to live in, whilst the Palestinians who's families had lived there for thousands of years had no right of return to their homes whatsoever.
@ulrichgerhardosterloh6069 2 ай бұрын
They didn't live there thousands of years. Most of them had been themselves immigrants that only came there two hundred years ago. They are modern Arabs... 850,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries so that tiny piece of land, the size of New Jersey, was hardly a loss for the gigantic Arab world.. Those Palestinians who suffered were the ones who refused to accept the world political decision to give a tiny piece of land to the Jews, and who refused to make space, but certainly not to be homeless but to move elsewhere. Jordan is basically "Palestine" full of Palestinians who did make the move, and in consequence didn't suffer. And also hundreds of thousands did agree to become Israeli citizens, they didn't fight the change, they became part of it and now there are two million Palestinians who are full Israeli citizens, many of them living successful lives in business, politics, entertainment, and law etc and having a much higher standard of living than the descendants of those Palestinians who fought Israel from the start, and now living from western donations and making everything worse for themselves. Those massacres and war crimes you mention were bad but a result of insane fighting against Israel instead of going with the flow, like the lucky ones who did decide not to fight Israel like idiots.
@kingcobra8840 2 ай бұрын
@@ulrichgerhardosterloh6069 firstly, the descendants of Palestinians have lived in Palestine for thousands of years, as both Jews and modern Palestinians are descendants of Canaanites. Secondly, please site your sources for most Palestinians "only immigrating 200 years ago". Thirdly, the Arab world is only gigantic by landmass, and most of the land in those countries are desert, with only small pockets of cities and greenery. And finally, your trying to make it out as if it was just a massive loss for the big, greedy Arab league, when it was the Palestinian people who suffered the most. You can't just lump all Arabs and Palestinians together.
@kingcobra8840 2 ай бұрын
The 1967 war wasn't a war of "self defence". Many of Israel's neighbours had mobilized forces on their borders with Israel, as tensions were extremely high, however there was no war yet and it could have been resolved. However Israel decided to attack and they gained the West Bank, Golan Heights, Sinai etc. The Israeli army committed many crimes against humanity during this, especially in West bank and Golan. The United nations recognises the Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem to be in violation of international law.
@1czechit1 2 ай бұрын
That was very cool.
@1czechit1 2 ай бұрын
calling Judea and Samaria "West Bank" is like calling Poland "General Government"
@21stcenturymale 2 ай бұрын
Islam is cancer to the world.
@iqbalganjami-el2nn 3 ай бұрын
Not true. Let peace prevail
@tonymccaul7159 3 ай бұрын
Rubbish, don't waste your time here!
@johnirqui6868 3 ай бұрын
The zionists stole the country of Palestine from the natives of Palestine. The Palestinians lived in Palestine over 2000 years
@baruchlanda6922 2 ай бұрын
Palestinians literally SELF IDENTIFY as Arabs, because they are Arabs. How can Arabs be native to the Levant? Explain that one lol. Some Bedouin Arabs lived in the land for generations, but most of the Arabs in the land emigrated from various parts of the Middle East. They certainly weren't native to the land.
@erberon82 Ай бұрын
And before Palestine it was and still it is Judea Samaria.A territory which belonged to Jesuits and Judas.And before them it was place called Canaan.But has nothing similar with todays Palestinians because at least 3/4 of all Palestinians are descendants of migrants from Jordan,Egypt,Syria,Iran.
@billihendry3094 3 ай бұрын
He actually believes the nonsense he's spinning.
@helenerickson2195 3 ай бұрын
Sir. you are absolutely correct seeing the deeply corrupted UN. No surprise at all what happened on Oct. 7th 2023. UN is the instrument to feed Hamas against Israel. There is no Righteousness nor morals...all political interests doubt standards. It is absolutely despicable.
@helenerickson2195 3 ай бұрын
They are professional refugees in order to group terrorists Hamas under UN's covering. Despicable.
@helenerickson2195 3 ай бұрын
I don't understand why you stopped making videos for a few years, especially about the current situations since Oct. 7th, 2023 in middle east. Please keep educating the public the fact and truth.
@helenerickson2195 3 ай бұрын
There is no apartheid in Israel, but it is true in Gaza ~ there is NO NO Jew in Gaza.
@helenerickson2195 3 ай бұрын
There is never west bank in the history of Judea Land. The sovereignty of that area being stolen by changing the name in political reasons. The whole area belongs to Israel. When The Lord Yeshua 2nd coming back, He will redistribute the Promised Land to Israel 12 Tribes and build His Temple. Ezekiel 40-48
@augen8819 4 ай бұрын
Back to eastern europe israhellii khazarian
@earthlingkat2124 4 ай бұрын
Sweet Jesus, what dreadful Israhelli propaganda this man spouts - he forgot to mention the apartheid rules Palestinians are treated in Gaza and the West Bank. Christian Palestinians cannot go to Jerusalem from Bethlehem. They also have to use different roads to the Israelis. Please stop lying!
@2589003 4 ай бұрын
Jerusalem was under Jordan rule until Jordan war against Israel to wipe them out BUT Jordan lost😭 and lost Jerusalem🥲 🥹so next time don’t attack Israel if you don’t want to lose more lands ok?🥹
@1czechit1 4 ай бұрын
Oslo was born out of an attempt to change Israels identity. Rabin won the 1992 election by default. Shimon Peres his political rival within his own party was attempting to undermine him with a group called the Blazers. One of them was Yosi (Joseph) Beilin. While Rabin was conducting negotiations in Wshingon (keeping Shimon Peres and his Blazers out of it) Yosi Beilin and some others were secretly negotiating with the PLO in Oslo Norway. Beilin seems to think that the treat to Israel is not from terror but the traditional/religious/right-wing. (He was a progressive liberal). The attempt was to change Israel from a "Jewish" in the religious ethnic state into a liberal secular "Jewish" state. however the demographics were changing. The "Left" only won the election because many right wing parties were unable to pass an electoral threshold. So Oslo Accords were being conducted in secret behind Rabin's back, and undermined the Washington talks. Rabin was then handed the Oslo Accords as a fait accompli. Rabin was opposed to it but felt he had no choice but to support it publicly. It failed because the PLO continued terrorism and Beilin and Shimon Peres continued the sham while at the same time undermining the symbols of the Jewish state and religious institutions. Eventually Rabin turned against Oslo intending to fix it after the next election... only he was assassinated. Ironically, if someone wanted to stop Oslo through assassination, they would kill Shimon Peres and not Rabin. Later Oslo failed, and the PLO started the "second entifadeh". A new election was held and Sharon was elected. Yosi Beiling began a second Oslo like negotiation with the PLO called the Geneva Initiative. Sharon countered this by keeping Peres as Foreign minister and sending him to Arafat undermining Peres' politically in the eyes of the Israeli electorate, and initiating the Gaza withdraw in 2005 to sterilize the Geneva Initiative. Oslo Accord were anti-democratic scheme by a radical progressive who tried this crap twice. October 7th is what those who opposed Oslo said would happen, although they di don't realize to what degree. Oslo is dead and should be buried. The only difference between the PLO and Hamas is one is secular, the other Islamist. Both are terrorists and should be eliminated.
@twistylox 4 ай бұрын
Lol, that's funny as heck!! Do better??
@user-sp1md5xu8j 4 ай бұрын
Plastilin is The Century's Anti-Semitism Invention as a Continuity to the 1938 agenda.
@user-sp1md5xu8j 4 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as the West Bank, it's Judea and Samaria, the most central area besides Jerusalem, Zion, to the Jews and it belongs to the Jewish state of Israel forever.
@cmhanson 4 ай бұрын
Amazing that a video made 12 years ago can be so prophetic. I am viewing this video "post-10/7". Since the war that began after the Gaza terrorist (aka refugee) invasion, the IDF has discovered very interesting facts about UNRWA. UNRWA employees actually incited, led & participated in the barbaric 10/7/23 massacre of Israelis. UNRWA buildings, hospitals & schools in Gaza were hiding & being occupied by terrorists. UNRWA facilities gave harbor to terrorists who were holding some of the Israeli hostages captive. The "United Nothing" (United Gog of Magog) at its finest! Am Yisrael Chai from an American Christian!
@ulrichgerhardosterloh6069 2 ай бұрын
And those "Protestors" in the USA right now have received over 3 million dollars from groups linked to Hamas. Hamas are fighting a global war against Israel, including an information war... The result of not fighting Israel and understanding that Jews really needed their own tiny state (just the size of New Jersey) after the horrible expulsions from Nazi Germany, Russia and the Arab world can be seen today in the 2 million Palestinians who are happy Israeli citizens, many of them having successful careers, even in politics ... Whereas the descendants of those hating and fighting Israel from the start now live in poverty and religious insanity.
@claudioroma5405 4 ай бұрын
Who was the Arab judge who arrested a Jewish president?
@shamsdoha952 4 ай бұрын
InThe Old Testament God promises 7 times over the Total destructions of Jews. Jews put Prophet Jesus OnThe Cross. Jews lost 10ed tribes out of12 trib
@ulrichgerhardosterloh6069 2 ай бұрын
You are obviously using unproven stories from your culture's religious sources. Do a proper research (for example on Wikipedia) and don't spread fake propaganda. Jesus was not a "prophet", he was a Jewish man and a wandering rabbi and healer, and to Christians he was filled with God's love, with God,, so he was "the (only) son of God" on Earth... He was Jewish himself so to say "Jews" crucified him doesn't make sense... The powerful rulers of religion had him crucified because he was a danger to their old privileges and dated religious rules.. it was a small man against the powerful, and not a non-jew against the jews ... And also the crucifixion was his final aim, it was his fate.. in the new testament he even asks God to take this fate from him... So even though it was bad, it was meant to happen and ultimately those who killed him served the will of God, so there's no punishment for killing Jesus. Jesus had to die this way, it was planned by God. And on the cross his final words were " it is accomplished"... Without this death on the cross he wouldn't have been able to ise to Heaven and later on appear to many people like a vision to prove life is eternal.. and without his death, he wouldn't have been able to take away a very deep sin from the human race, the sin of separation from God. His death created a bridge to God, and being with Jesus is being with God... My own believes are slightly different, i'm just writing all this to tell you about the Christian perspective because you have very wrong ideas of Jesus, his mission, his (Jewish) identity, and don't seem to have read up on Christianity... The 'Jesus" in your religions writings isn't the Jesus of Christianity and is also not the historically correct Jesus. Again please do your research, check Wikipedia article on Jesus and lose your negative judgment of "the Jews"... Btw you wouldn't hold a phone in your hand or use the Internet or have satellite and countless other things without"the Jews" as so many great scientists were and are Jewish
@joshuahouston 4 ай бұрын
You talk a lot about whose territory it is but you're stealing people's homes.
@tdadler 4 ай бұрын
A Zionist Jew is a Jew that believes in returning to Zion which is the Jewish ancestor land. Judea and Samaria. That is it. And a Jew is just a person who follows the Jewish religion. Facts show that usually where Islam gets in violence and segregation of women and minorities take place. In Israel Israeli arabs Muslim Christian’s Druze etc live in peace and equal rights
@ulrichgerhardosterloh6069 2 ай бұрын
Because their ancestors were wise and kind enough to become Israeli citizens, instead of fighting Israel from the start like mean-spirited idiots... Today 2 million Palestinians live happy and successful lives as Israeli citizens while their relatives in the West bank and Gaza live poor lives full of hate and religious insanity
@danielburger1775 5 ай бұрын
@valerieprice-wn9qb 5 ай бұрын
God bless Judea and Samaria it was always the Jewish Holy Land
@islammohamed7375 5 ай бұрын
Seriously the way yall Zionist twist narratives and lie is sickening 🤢. Arab propaganda yall say what about the Zionist propaganda claiming “it’s a land without a people for a people without a land” or forgetting to mention that it was originally the philistines and canannites. Ethnically cleansing no matter the status of statehood before hand is not a justification!!! Especially if it is for fanatical or historical nostalgia that every demographic can claim if we go back 3,000 years ago
@ali-onaissi 5 ай бұрын
@tznwyvuk471 5 ай бұрын
6 day war was not a war of "self defence". Israel first attacked its neighbour countries.
@tznwyvuk471 5 ай бұрын
Palestinian refugees have a right to return to there ancestral homes.
@mjazzguitar 5 ай бұрын
They lost it when the arabs attacked.
@shimilangagardens1804 5 ай бұрын
Most poorly produced propaganda I've ever seen. Next time, consult some film makers, graphic designers, or kids with crayons. I hope you go to jail for a long time. Shalom
@yasmeenhassim4684 6 ай бұрын
Please do the research independently. This has soo many lies!!!
@TheGamePro24 2 ай бұрын
Ok, so if this is filled with “lies” then prove it