Having Long Hair As a Trans Guy
Reacting To My Trans Coming Out Video
Why I Haven't Been Posting
2 жыл бұрын
My One Issue With Masks
3 жыл бұрын
The End of Vlogmas // VLOGMAS #17
@kookyzebra6550 3 сағат бұрын
Those all look great!
@plumpmeup 4 сағат бұрын
I needed this, thank you <3
@Alina_Schmidt 12 сағат бұрын
I kind of want to know the story about the bookshelf 🤔 I don‘t know any of the books visible so I don‘t know why
@vanessav6027 15 сағат бұрын
Sounds exactly like the kind of guy to be reading such feminist trash books. I don't understand these dudes who indoctrinate themselves like this, it's very neurotic and pickme behavior.
@Cal760 15 сағат бұрын
“I started at the bottom so my shelf doesn’t fall” 😭 thank you for making me see there are more trans nerds out there and I am not as alone as it seems
@InuGrlYasha 21 сағат бұрын
Why not just stitch them as a blanket, once you get enough that is. Nice quilt? Something to cuddle under while you read.
@jackisnotabird 7 сағат бұрын
Ooh that's a great idea! Maybe by the time I have enough for a quilt I will also have learned enough about quilting or crocheting to make a blanket!
@taylorjade6918 22 сағат бұрын
YES. What a great idea to get obsessed with 😂💞
@colegoeman 23 сағат бұрын
you articulated this perfectly. very helpful thank you.
@austenclayton7006 Күн бұрын
this is such a cool idea!
@oliverdavis8958 Күн бұрын
I get a lot of homophobia and transphobia and a few others thrown at me because of me being trans ftm and that I'm pan and polyamorous and I don't normally like it because of all of the slurs, "jokes", and mean comments about my body and the stuff I wear and everything I do. Most of my classmates like to make fun of me because of my gender or use my dead name or pronouns I normally tell them to stop but they never do and that hurts my feelings and everything that I've worked so hard to forget and change just for it all to come back up and it's even worse that I can't use my preferred name as my school email instead of my dead name and it hurts to know that my new classmates or teachers will use that name instead of my preferred name because that's what's in the computer...
@andreastrom6106 Күн бұрын
I stitch too much lately to read. I suppose i could listen to books as i stitch but mostly i just put on a series on netflix and let it play or music. I used to read every night before bed im not sure when i stopped but i got out of the habit and just play a puzzle game or something before dozing off. I do occasionally like to write my own stories and sometimes my nightly game will turn it a few pages of me writing something fun
@Financiallyfreeauthor Күн бұрын
Very cool idea!
@waffles3629 Күн бұрын
That's so cool
@juresichj Күн бұрын
I read fiction. 358 books in 2021, 458 in 2022, 416 in 2023, and only 99 so far this year. I have to keep track in a book. You should listen to your books as you stitch - the library often has audiobooks on their app, so you can go back and forth between reading and listening.
@jackisnotabird Күн бұрын
Wow, that’s so many!! I do indeed rent audiobooks from the library and listen while I stitch. But I guess I need to do it more!
@voidfallen4014 Күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I am in the BEGINNING stages for figuring myself out and the middle of your video said it perfectly. it almost made me cry so thank you
@cloud3158 Күн бұрын
thank you so much for making this video. i'm 25 and am finally accepting my transness after 8 years of repression and denial, and it's super hard. but your video has really helped me realise that my doubt is normal and that there is no perfect way to be trans.
@louisthehuman6077 2 күн бұрын
My doubts stopped one day when I realised I've had no regrets or issues with anyone of the physical or presentational changes I've made, and no desire to live any other way than the one I am now. Weather I'm "really trans" is irrelevant, functionally I live as a man, I'm part way through medical transition and plan to change my sex as much as is medically possible right now and I would consider myself a man. It took a while to work out how I wanted to live but having tried a lot of other things this is the only one that works for me. My personal advice for anyone having doubhts is rather than worrying that you aren’t who you think you are deep down think about weather your happy with the choices you're making. If you're content with the choices you're making thats good enough.
@bluespectrum1348 2 күн бұрын
10 years later I got this recommended lol great video lauren greetings from south america
@tacticalforesightconsultin453 2 күн бұрын
Thanks! These are some good tips, I didn’t know about the card. I’m a transfem enby so most times I’m just hoping to not be verbally or physically attacked, and feel lucky if there’s a gender neutral bathroom 😅 I’m not sure what my fav crepe would be (haven’t had a lot). But I’d guess strawberries and cream
@tacticalforesightconsultin453 2 күн бұрын
And not being misgender on purpose
@hellacooook 4 күн бұрын
Probably if you blend the corn kernels into a powder so it changes to a cornmeal then mix some water it can waffle
@hellacooook 4 күн бұрын
Should have a second safety googles ontop
@brody1216 8 күн бұрын
Seeing a grown trans man do theater makes me go "wow!!! I can do that!!!". 24 and just moved to a city to do theater professionally :')) also I saw the infinite wrench in Chicago and it was such a wonderful experience
@InterstellarDreams 8 күн бұрын
This is all just basic, garden variety SEXISM! Which you apparently internalized, and bought into, to the point of thinking that you disliking and not fitting into those sexist stereotypes..? Meant you're not a girl / woman, and that somehow your body / sex was the problem, that needed to be fixed. Rather than the sexism itself being the problem, with SOCIETY being the thing that needs fixing! Everything you've done..? Is in no way a rebellion against sexism, or the status quo. It is something that only further helps perpetuate it, albeit in a slightly different way than the mainstream conservative worldview! Basically, conservatism..? Goes: "if you're a non-conforming woman, there is something wrong with you, and you need to make yourself conform to sexist stereotypes!" Whereas gender ideology..? Goes: if you're a non-conforming woman, there is something wrong with you, and you need to harm your body, and deny basic reality, in an attempt to opt out of womanhood!" Regressive sexism 2.0, right there. I realize that you're VERY deep in this now. So I doubt you'll ever wake up. The sunk cost fallacy applies, and you likely feel like you have FAR too much invested in this awful, regressive ideology being true. So your subconscious mind is going to protect you, HARD, from ever peaking. To tell you the truth, though..? I still hope you do. If you came to see this for what it is, and decided to fight AGAINST it, instead of promoting it, I think you could do a lot of good. And no, you are NOT "too far gone". Reality is reality. It always was, and it always will be, no matter how much you've harmed your body to escape it. And it shouldn't ever have to be about trying to look more "feminine", if you decide to try to stop running, and stop lying to yourself. It should be about TRUE self-acceptance, the way that you are now, and coming to also accept the unchangeable reality of your female sex! Ceasing to actively lie to yourself and other people, and ceasing to further keep harming yourself. That's all. Anyway, tidying and cleaning are very important life skills. As a woman living alone, I have to do a lot of it! And I still would have had to do just as much of it, had I been a single man, too! Perhaps instead of being furious that you learned something useful from magazines, as a kid, we should instead try to also teach boys and men the same basic skills, as well..? Just a thought.
@StarkyLife 9 күн бұрын
@Connorsedols2002 10 күн бұрын
I am officially two years on T. And i just finished filling out the paperwork to change my legal name and gender and am going to file the paperwork this week when i get paid. I am also saving up for top surgery. One of the first youtube channels i watched about transitioning was yours. I feel so lucky to have gotten this far and it's because i had been able to see people who look like me transition, i think it gave me the confidence to take the first step, coming out, calling to set up an appointment at a gender clinic to start T, to now finally being able to find the paperwork and fill it out for a name change. Thank you for sharing your story and journey transitioning it helps so many people!
@IowaTower 11 күн бұрын
Kind of a convoluted was to be a straight woman. It's cheaper the regular way.
@manchitas3531 15 күн бұрын
At 61, I am grateful that when I grew up a tomboyish girl none of this nonsense existed. Nobody had to mutilate or poison their natural bodies to conform to society's definitions of a gender.identity.
@maidenofmeme 17 күн бұрын
neil is everywhere I go
@brody1216 18 күн бұрын
I waited three years to watch this video because I was afraid of being seen. Finally got to it today and wow. Definitely a feeling I've been struggling with!! I've been out for 4 years and I sometimes still feel closeted or seen as a different person when I'm around my siblings. They're supported but never asked questions. And so I think in a way, they overcompensate by treating me like a random cis man then by treating me like, well, me. On the other hand, it feels bizarre that I suddenly lose "little sister" privileges around my older sisters. I didn't get invited to their baby showers or bridal showers and it hurt! It's all very complicated hahah
@orangequeen1428 19 күн бұрын
You look like dantdm
@marcielynn4886 20 күн бұрын
Don't ask me, ask yourself!
@mazzyraaymakers7908 21 күн бұрын
I don't know if you're still reading the comments, but I just want to thank you for your videos. You are probably the first trans male youtuber I've ever watched and you have had a tremendous impact on my life as a person starting his medical transition at 24. Great to see another video from you.
@ShadowWolfVR 24 күн бұрын
I'm so scared to even seevor try to figure out if I'm trans. 1. People suck 2. I don't want to try and be trans and then not be one. I feel like that's disrespectful. (Is that true?) 3. I think it's too late to even question it.
@Dynamic.Dylan24 25 күн бұрын
Is it true that god won't let you into heaven if you're trans😭
@TheIndispensableOpposition 10 күн бұрын
depends on which god you're looking for
@ThatEmoBixch 25 күн бұрын
FTM: Hello! I’m Ash. When I was 11 I started having heavy gender disphora after hearing about trans people online. I had minor once before doing research on the trans community, but afterwards I realized that I might be transgender. I remember looking myself in the mirror, taking up my sports bra and suffocating my chest until the pressure made it hurt. I’ve always been seen as a “tomboy”. Wearing suits instead of dresses, hoodies, ripped jeans and more norm masculine clothes. Looking back at it, I was pretty much already aware I was trans from a younger age. I made my voice deeper too to try and sound male because “it made me comfortable”. But this didn’t come with A LOT of doubt and pressure. Crying, screaming, SH, mental breakdowns and much more. But now I’m here, 16 years old, still having gender disphoria, cut my hair, binded my chest and changed my name and pronouns. And I’ve never been happier in myself and my body. If you’re younger and doubting yourself even with all the signs and all the things making you feel male. Don’t try to fight it alone. There are hundreds of free online therapy courses for transmasc people. You’re not alone. Doubt doesn’t make you any less trans. Stay strong, kings! 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
@clubbe2004 25 күн бұрын
I think this is the most you video ever
@Chermax-sim 26 күн бұрын
Is this Jesus?
@mateicimpan3791 27 күн бұрын
you helped me realize i was trans when i struggled with my gender identity, 4 years ago. i've just gotten my first T shot 2 days ago. I'll forever be thankful for your videos.
@BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 27 күн бұрын
@slowerpicker 27 күн бұрын
Dude, I can’t believe you got to ask Laura a question face to face and it wasn’t about her favorite Leatherman or green insulation.
@Zephix_LikesSallyFace 28 күн бұрын
YOU LOOK LIKE WILL ROLAND OMG (No hate I absolutely love him :D)
@tinaann3323 29 күн бұрын
Hey, you wanted to be a guy. Serve your country
@american1476 Ай бұрын
this is the most white woman privilege shit ive ever seen i wonder if she boned the notary
@schmutzke6844 Ай бұрын
I’m non-binary and I wanna have a breast reduction cause I don’t wanna ‚fully loose‘ them and I wanna have kids and try to breastfeed, but I also just want them to be gone. Every time I move just a little bit faster like walking down stairs and stuff I’m always thinking „can’t I just screw them off and give them to my boyfriend? He likes them but I don’t“ so yeah. The thing is that in Germany it gets paid for if you’re ftm trans (or other surgeries for mtf) but if you don’t identify as „one of the two existing genders“ you gotta pay it yourself. It’s more than 5.000€! I thought that I’d be able to buy a car with this but now I have to think about what’s more important for me: feeling comfortable in my own body or being able to get around by myself and not depending on someone to bring me to the train station and someone pick me back up in another city ._.
@lilghostantenna Ай бұрын
thanks for masking on public transit, as someone who cannot access public indoor unmasked spaces, this was really encouraging to see. i legit almost cried. thanks for helping to make the world safer for us disabled trans guys out there <3
@anotherjunkie2 Ай бұрын
But if the bio male does these things way more than others, it is why it is creepy not stereotypes.
@123Zara Ай бұрын
This nonsense is why I don't see doctors or medical professionals. I don't care what your reasoning is, I don't disclose I'm trans at ANY POINT because there are far too many people who use that information against me in some way shape or form. No thanks to half-assed medical care.
@Jay-wu8lr Ай бұрын
Wow, this is the first video that captures my exact thoughts and feelings. Thanks so much!
@nicksmoljan49 Ай бұрын
A trans man is a man an a trans woman is a woman
@noelleshadley 24 күн бұрын
@nicksmoljan49 Ай бұрын
One of the biggest things for you was making the mistake thinking your trans