Big double going down!
Ай бұрын
Just letting you guys know....
The rather dubious side leaner
Welcome to 2024!!
6 ай бұрын
Wedging over a nice Redwood
7 ай бұрын
Happy Thanksgiving!
7 ай бұрын
Making a spring board on site.
@usmcmohammad 10 сағат бұрын
nice cut
@HubertofLiege Күн бұрын
I know driving trees with other trees is considered a safety violation in many places but do you ever do that instead of jacking? Nice buck you didn’t pull any wood or get pinched with that butt hanging in the air.
@nathankelly7259 4 күн бұрын
Weekend At Bernie’s…perfect comparison 😅
@user-pl9xb9vi6c 5 күн бұрын
I much enjoy your videos for I am a former heli-logger, having done much work in Northern California. I can relate to many things you have said for my wife is not a Christian. It has been a very rough road for me and my children. I was brought up in false Christian religion and I now reject that for the holy Bible is the end all and the be all, there is nothing else.
@user-pl9xb9vi6c 5 күн бұрын
According to the book of revelation I very much doubt that America can be fixed. An absolute nightmare for planet earth is just around the corner. The current presidential administration is preparing America for this. Joe Biden had been purposely put in office to ruin this country and to make people angry.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
I would agree that there are a lot of signs pointing to the beast system coming in fast.... many have speculated it was coming in at other times in history... but with the technology and so many of the signs pointing to it.... seems to be very likely that's what we are looking at...Thanks for the comment... 👍
@ToddAdams1234 5 күн бұрын
All that was missing was the William Tell Overature(sp)
@MrHuntermikey 5 күн бұрын
I agree 100 percent . Great vid hopefully people see it
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thanks ....I hope so to.
@briananderson7497 5 күн бұрын
Nice finally. HOpe you and your family had a great American Independance Day. God Bless America!
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thankyou....yes it has been a very good independence day weekend...I hope you and your family have had a good fourth of July as well..
@stevet8121 6 күн бұрын
I honestly can't imagine how things can improve going forward. $30 trillion in debt. Millions of illegals flooding the country with the housing shortages and health care gaps. We could turn it around, but it would be painful and one person acting alone has no chance. The swamp is too deep. I guess the fireworks show was nice but that's because China makes great fireworks and America prints money to buy them. They seemed kind of hollow to me.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
I tend to agree that turning things around at this point .... the chances seem pretty slim...Seems like the best thing people can do is continue to build their personal relationship with God and with the important people in there lives... and of course... move towards self sufficiency as much as possible. Thanks for the comment Steve .. God bless you...
@geoffreygreen297 6 күн бұрын
Beautiful. Hope you had a happy Independence Day.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thankyou...and Happy Independence Day weekend to you and your family...
@dannywhelchel4801 6 күн бұрын
I'm in complete agreement with you,all of our enemies are knowing we are a weak nation now because of our leadership or the lack there of,and here we are at the brink of ww3 and our leadership worried about things that shouldn't even matter vs trying to fix the things that should,it's a sad state that we are in as a nation,I almost believe we are to far gone now,I hope I'm wrong but the future isn't looking to promising to me.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Yes ... I worry we are to far gone as a nation as well...I hope and pray that somehow these things can be turned around ....but it's hard to see how that can happen when so much damage has already been done....
@geoffreygreen297 6 күн бұрын
🤙 I know that we can make America great again, with the LORD’s help. Definitely not the satanic garbage that the dparty is pushing. I gained a lot of respect for the rparty when I got to know the platform. It really surprised me when “I’ll never vote democrat again” came out of my mouth. I may be wrong, but I don’t see Jesus anywhere in the dparty. I see Jesus all throughout the rparty though, and that gives me hope for the country. Out of the three people running, none are republican and all are democrats. One just has an r by his name, and has a big mouth.😂
@russcook6476 6 күн бұрын
Absolutely correct in your assessment! I like you am absolutely astonished that Biden is the President with the nuclear code & utterly amazed that his wife and family care more about themselves than the welfare of their Country, it is the most selfish thing I have ever witnessed.
@richardbrowne1679 6 күн бұрын
Hi Dan: I agree with everything you said. Only God is going to save this country. I believe we living in Romans 1 & 2 times and we under Divine Judgement and country will turn around if its God’s will. Trump is not the answer- God is.
@Larry-hi1ri 6 күн бұрын
Very true
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Yes I agree....God is the only answer
@Larry-hi1ri 6 күн бұрын
Well said sir couldn’t have said it any better great videos
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thankyou ! Glad you like the videos...
@jordanstoddard1523 6 күн бұрын
Here in nova scotia, 90% of it is mechanical. Im a big believer in boots on the ground. I haven't logged full time in 10 years. Being a faller for skidder logging is my background. Im a carpenter now but the once in a while i do clear lots to help excavator operators out for new home builds. Love your channel keep up the good work!
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info....It does seem to vary from area to area...Here in Northern California there is enough situations where hand fallers are needed that it still allows for some full time hand fallers. Thanks again for the input....stay safe over there....Carpentry is less dangerous...but still plenty of injuries with the skillsaws...chopsaws ..etc.
@randyballew8795 6 күн бұрын
Where's your helper at?
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
I had to go back to cutting solo for now. Times have been tough so far here in 2024...
@stevet8121 7 күн бұрын
Dan, part of the reason you took that job was for the exercise and figuring out how to stay alive while doing so. You got it all on that tree. Good moves.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Yes...that's true Steve. This job keeps me engaged and the day usually goes by opposed to other jobs. When I was in my twenties I went and worked in a sawmill for a while...It was boring and extremely repetitive. The days seemed like years !!
@WaynesWorldGarage 7 күн бұрын
Dragging that jack around all day has got to fatigue you. Do you want an ATV close by,??
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Yes...dragging the Jack around gets old. Not every tree is a jack I just try to be strategic about it and put the Jack beside the next Jack tree....rather then moving it around more then needed. As far as ATVs ...yes we use them on some jobs if the access is bad....but on this job the roads are opened up and I have my pickup parked fairly close by....
@ToddAdams1234 7 күн бұрын
Very interesting. It “appears” as though there’s many limbs left attached to that stem. Am I mistaken or is that a “normal” thing?
@bryanchipps6572 7 күн бұрын
Those limbs will get knocked of when they get yarded to the landing and the ones that don’t will get taken care of by the processor
@bryanchipps6572 7 күн бұрын
Those limbs will get knocked off when it gets yarder to the landing and the ones that don’t will get taken care of by the processor
@ToddAdams1234 7 күн бұрын
So apparently it’s a normal thing.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Looks like Bryan already answered the question...but I will just add a little more....yes its a normal thing to leave the limbs on and have the loggers take it from there. In some cases they have us full manufacture ( limb and buck out to a six inch top) But that is very rare these days with all the processors and high tech logging equipment used now.
@dennysmith5284 8 күн бұрын
Hi Dan, a question from left field: tongue-and-groove felling technique is getting a lot of attention of late: when would one use that (heavy side leaner?), and is it useful. Any unusual danger with it? Thanks in advance.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
That is a very good question...In my mind I can imagine that would actually be a pretty good option on a side leaner...( if it did not pop out of the groove during the fall)'s something I would like to experiment with. Never really tried I guess the answer is....pending...
@dennysmith5284 5 күн бұрын
@@norcaltimberfaller1943 Thx for the input Dan--stay safe out there.
@Johnstanton533 10 күн бұрын
Having completed a job like that is the beauty of it. Doing something that is absolutely necessary, and at the same time full of risk to me is the joy of it. Understanding Trees and Saws is exciting. I understand what you say about working with pain. I do it everyday. Sometimes you wonder if you can make it through the Day,and some how you do.Great Video.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment....Glad you liked the video.
@deernation9326 12 күн бұрын
Finally someone who says fall in stead of fell. Why do other tree cutting channels use the for word FELLING, OR FELL, which is the past tense of fall.
@HubertofLiege 12 күн бұрын
He’s a faller, but a good feller, too
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thats a good question...I'm not really sure why so many people use that terminology...but it seems to be a very prevalent thing in the Timber Community.
@blakebiagiotti5596 12 күн бұрын
Hey man I really appreciate this video, so many guys seem to be real cagey about talking about this stuff. Im just a firewood cutter/ land clearing guy myself and i live in the redwoods but mostly cut hardwoods, could you elaborate on the hardwoods adding a danger factor for you?
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Your welcome...glad you liked the video. As far as the hardwoods adding a danger factor....Its the Alder that ends up adding the most danger. The reason being is...they tend to lean hard ...and split fast ( barber chair fast) even with a backstrap ....they can pull the backstrap to soon ....barber chair even with a back strap...if the hinge was not cut up quite enough....etc ..etc...
@blakebiagiotti5596 11 күн бұрын
@@norcaltimberfaller1943 Ok I figured it was something to do with that, I don’t come across alder, the main trees I’ve gotta worry about barberchairing are madrones, and I haven’t really attempted to fell one using a bore cut, I usually use a “coos bay” cut which is the same as a triangle cut, so far so good but I’m not usually cutting huge ones
@krissingh4015 12 күн бұрын
Thanks Dan!
@danlynch6194 12 күн бұрын
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
@WaynesWorldGarage 12 күн бұрын
Dan, great video! Thanks for sharing. Stay safe. Wayne @ Wayne's World Garage
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Thanks! Glad you liked the video....
@WaynesWorldGarage 11 күн бұрын
Dan, and I learned my lesson 9 years ago.... complacency kills.... I've been chain sawing for over 50 years.... expect the unexpected.... I spent over a month at Baltimore Shock Trauma while they tried to put me back together!
@norcaltimberfaller1943 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing ! Yes ....complacency is a big danger! It is the one I have to fight against the most doing this job day in ...and day out.
@mhrogerscement9794 12 күн бұрын
Awesome! I like your lunch break chats. I’m looking forward to checking out your school! If you have the time, could you talk about how one might get into tree falling, who you can work for or if you’re more of an independent contractor, and if there is a lot traveling involved? Thanks a lot!!
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Glad you like the lunch break far as elaborating on what it takes to get into timber falling....that should not be a problem. Seems like a good follow up to this be looking for that one to come out soon.
@mhrogerscement9794 12 күн бұрын
Awesome, thank you!!
@Mightycaptain 12 күн бұрын
What's your plans post logging? 30 years has to be taking a toll.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Yes....30 years is certainly taking a toll. I am blessed with good health overall and by the Grace of God I am still in one piece....I plan on cutting trees a few more years at least....but at some point I will probably need to start running a piece of equipment for one of the loggers around here ....or something along those lines. I don't see just being able to retire on social security most likely just working in a different capacity as I get older....
@crispbacon696 12 күн бұрын
I always had this crazy idea but never tried it myself. Though about making a hinge and back cut low, wedging the tree to get the side lean out of it but not to fell it over. Then do a higher face cut and back and use that to get it to go in a direction for falling. Honestly it’s probably a bad idea and has reasons why I never see anyone do it. But it does sound slick on paper
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Mmmmm sounds interesting ....could be worth the very least it would be an entertaining process.....
@HubertofLiege 12 күн бұрын
You’d be cutting your hinge holding wood down to a square, albeit on separate levels, but that’s asking a lot of a small square of heart wood. Maybe if you stood it up perfect, but I’ve had some scrambles when I messed with the hinge in a way it didn’t like. There’d have to be no wind, too.
@HubertofLiege 12 күн бұрын
Hand cutting school is a good idea as it’s a dying art with the advent of bunchers and the progression to tree farms. Forest service teaches their employees, but it’s forest service. The days of being a bucker learning how are gone. Most cutters are old,lol
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Yes....its a dying art...but there is still room for some new guys to come you said....most Timber Fallers are older now....and on their way to the rocking chairs soon....
@CatDaddySteve 13 күн бұрын
Dont go near the coast unless You want BIG timber, WET weather & hucking a BIG saw & bar and extreemly expensive Silvey jack
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Yes....I would say that is pretty accurate....
@dennysmith5284 13 күн бұрын
I would imagine that the element of danger keeps one focused, except if one is bored, and then, at least for me, the danger level skyrockets and because I'm bored, I don't even know I'm in danger. Anyways, I've learned to stay very focused, and found that when I do, my work product is a lot better. Best to ya' Dan.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Yes...that's true...getting bored in the more straight forward cutting can lead to hazards...Always important to stay matter what type of cutting it is...
@ToddAdams1234 13 күн бұрын
I can EASILY see everything that you were talking about. I can also see where having to constantly invest in the equipment is just one of those “necessary evils” that are just an acceptable part of the job. Besides the obvious investment of some fairly steep these days COIN for a saw, your also going to need to invest in some wedges and axe, belt harness, and potentially a jack for directional falling. Wedges are like chain: consumable commodities. You’re also investing in your own PPE, whether it’s chaps, pants, helmet, screens, glasses-goggles or whatever. PPE is a liability for your “bosses” if you’re not wearing it when something goes wrong. Just remember this VERY important thing; BE SAFE AND CAREFUL! It only takes one “oopsie” for a life to be forever altered!
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Yes....thats true...the investment in equipment is fairly substantial, and as a contractor....there is also insurances to pay as well. A guy needs to get a fair amount of work in each year to make it worth while
@jamesmooney5348 13 күн бұрын
Said it wasn't found. Clicked on it through your your YT home page....
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Mmmm thanks for saying something....I will have to investigate . I thought that link was working....
@jamesmooney5348 12 күн бұрын
@@norcaltimberfaller1943 Could be on my end, too???? Idk. But look frwd to seeing this program
@dennysmith5284 17 күн бұрын
Hi Dan: question on this: the bore through to the face cut--still about 1 or so inches above the "v" of the fact cut for the hinge wood?? Or, direct into the V? Thx in advance!
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
I think your talking about the conventional face cut and boring through it in order to place the wedge in the back. In that case it makes the most sense to raise your back cut up about one inch and then bore out through the face.....
@dennysmith5284 12 күн бұрын
@@norcaltimberfaller1943 Thank you. That's what I thought I saw. Stay well Dan.
@dennysmith5284 17 күн бұрын
I always come back here and review the small tree felling vids, as I've got a ton of 'em on the property. Appreciate all that you do Dan.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 12 күн бұрын
Glad the videos are helping!
@duck-n-cover477 27 күн бұрын
Sounds honest. Owns up to the long bar in soft wood. I Like my 400 for much the same reason as you like the 562. Sometimes it's less about HP and speed, than torque that's needed. I don't run more than a 25" bar on the 400, but I prefer running it with a 20". Otherwise, I'd want a 70cc class saw in hard wood with up to a 28" bar. East Coast here, eh. I like both Stihl and Husky...and own more Huskys. Put the 60cc class saw with a 20" bar in hard oak, hickory, and's tough stuff and absolutely needs a sharp chain.
@yearginclarke 27 күн бұрын
Man that log busted loose down the hill in a BIG hurry! The element of the unpredictable is always there out in the woods. Glad to see nothing bad happened.
@teutonicterror2609 29 күн бұрын
You sawing for your brother or yourself?
@standingstone1973 Ай бұрын
God will definitely make everything right in the end, but that does not mean that everyone will be happy about it. Romans 8:28, 29 says "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he be the first born among many brothers". God allows everyone to choose who they will follow. And, on the day of judgement, we will all be responsible for our choices. Blessings.
@thebeach50 Ай бұрын
No I don't believe that at all
@TekkWolf Ай бұрын
Back in 2021 Inflation was called a "right wing conspiracy theory" by CNN and MSNBC. How would printing over half of all the currency in existence over the course of a year and a half while simultaneously sabatoging the oil industry lead to anything different? When you combat inflation that was caused by printing exorbitant amounts of money through massive spending bills by passing the "inflation reduction act"; which IS a massive spending bill; it becomes obvious this is all intentional. Our governments corruption is past the point of redemption. Right now we're just at the point of them stealing the silverware while the ship goes down.
@Mightycaptain Ай бұрын
I'm undecided. Do you know how many women and children die every day from violence or disease or hunger. Seems like he can't be all knowing and all Good in this circumstance. Because if he does know then he is not all good. And if he doesnt know he isn't all knowing. There are some other issues. Job was an eye opener for me. He destroyed that man to prove to the devil he was a faithful servant. But then gave him a whole new different wife at at the end. 😮. As far as people feeling oppressed in the USA. C'mon. We have it so easy compared to so many places in the world. I have the freedom to do a lot of things. I can freely travel. I abide by the law and nobody messes with me. Idk. Ymmv.
@Liberty_Tree Ай бұрын
I do. But God's timeline is not ours. We may never see it ... on Earth
@stevet8121 Ай бұрын
I believe it but I try not to think about it because I don't know God's timeline. Every day is a new and different day, so I just do the best I can and don't worry too much about it. When I look at world history it surprises me that God has let that happen, but I'm thankful I live in America because we have it pretty good. Be thankful and take pride in the work that you do and that it provides you with the basic necessities and then some. 3/4 of the world's people do not have that.
@jdatwood7086 Ай бұрын
That’s because the ownership class has convinced the masses that the union worker is the root of all evil and not their corporate greed. It’s alright though Dan, God IS in control. Amen
@austindenotter19 Ай бұрын
You have choices.
@Larry-hi1ri Ай бұрын
Amen brother
@gdot9046 Ай бұрын
This benefit only extends to those who trust in a Christ for salvation. Not only will he work all things for good in the end, but even in the moment all things are working for good. For those outside of Christ, nothing good, everything just.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 Ай бұрын
You are correct...thanks for sharing.
@HubertofLiege Ай бұрын
Everything that God allows in your life is geared to bring you back to him. Meant to bring about your salvation. For example, I recently had a long time get diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a certain death sentence. Because of this he has found the church, repented and got baptized, and now is attending. He states none of this would have happened without him facing death and judgement, and says he can see the hand of God guiding him to treatment and back to the church.
@norcaltimberfaller1943 Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing