Covering Testimony: Alice E.
3 жыл бұрын
Head Covering and Pride
5 жыл бұрын
Head Covering Styles For Beginners
Inconsistent Complementarianism
@MMJ501 23 сағат бұрын
What about single ladies?
@TimeIsNow4Jesus Күн бұрын
This is the reason we have so many different denominations in Christianity, because we continue to interpret the Bible the way we want it to be. The Bible is clear. God is not the author of confusion. Doesn't matter what the context or culture is, the commands of God is very clear. Women cover your head/hair, men remove your hats when praying or prophesying. This is not very complex, it's fairly straight forward scripture. I'm disappointed that Mark Driscoll tries to appease his base by teaching falsely
@TimeIsNow4Jesus Күн бұрын
This is true teaching of the word of God unlike most so called christian ministors now. All these false teacher are at risk of going to hell for teaching falsely.
@qualitybread7891 6 күн бұрын
Did you guys not read verse 15 where Paul says your hair is your covering!!!!!!!!!! Also if you are going to cover your head you should do it right by covering your head most woman I’ve seen cover just 30% of their head. What is your head? Well, every area you have hair from your forehead all around so if you are wanting to obey this which vs 15 shows you your hair is your covering, but if you want to obey this cover all your head not just partially.
@truthbtold6118 6 күн бұрын
Wow thank you for you obedience to Jesus Christ may many others come out of disobedience to the word of God and be able to continue in His grace and mercy. God bless you dear lady ! Jesus said, "if ye love me, keep my commandments". John 14 kjv
@franixbw3593 8 күн бұрын
Trust Derek Prince to give you sound doctrine
@mammakim8543 9 күн бұрын
Is there more than one verse that says women should wear head coverings?
@aubriellemorgan 12 күн бұрын
I was my understanding a womans hair was her covering. I guess I was wrong.
@heidrichforgottenfaith 19 күн бұрын
Thank you RC Sproul for your humility to speak unpopular truth to a wayward church! You've been an integral part in my wife deciding to stop dishonoring Jesus by covering her head.
@lw6138 19 күн бұрын
I cover with a wide headband 24/7 because I pray throughout the day, because of the angels, and because I need a reminder to MYSELF of the headship in my life. I was convicted in 2020. It makes other believers uncomfortable. I've only know RC Sproul, a leader in my corner of theology, to agree with it.
@robertmiller812 10 күн бұрын
I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11, I don’t think there is a separate verse that would null what Paul wrote in chapter 11. The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering. The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus. I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long. But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way… Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off. So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15. So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.
@solochristo65 21 күн бұрын
So, He does not say emphatically that women have to wear a covering on top of her hair in church....but if some believe they should then do it......if not then don't do it.
@lw6138 21 күн бұрын
Hi Jessica! I also live in AZ and cover. I know of only one other in my church who covers. It's good to see you!
@headcovering 21 күн бұрын
@lw6138 Hi! Nice to hear from another lady who covers in Arizona!
@heathera2874 23 күн бұрын
Head covering is submission to God. I feel protected("covered") wearing a head covering. I went through varying "phases" of relating with my head covering and a self consciousness about it. I understand not all women feel called to head cover. I also recognize how sensual our hair can become in the eyes of some men. I believe the call to modesty for so many women nowadays is a very difficult conviction to surrender to! This is why it is imperative that Christian men support head covering!
@robertmiller812 10 күн бұрын
I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11, The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering. The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus. I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long. But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way… Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off. So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15. So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.
@WholeBibleBelieverWoman 23 күн бұрын
I have worn a head covering due to my Bible study, esp. 1 Corinthians 11. I don't know anyone else who covers her hair. I have done it a total of not all that long (at first it was on and off simply because I had such a hard time figuring out WHAT to wear on my head and not wanting to look Muslim, which would be "false advertising" as I really WANT people to know I am a follower of Christ Jesus. No one has hardly EVER asked me why I headcover. Surely someone has at some point, but I don't really remember it. I just want to obey the Word. I won't be on the FB group as I do no social media other than KZfaq pretty much. All my life since I was a teen -- and not a Christian yet -- I have been annoyed by the feminist movement. I remember hearing that men were afraid to open the door for women anymore because they would be offended. I felt the feminists were cheating me of GENTLEMEN. I still feel that way (and I'm 70 years old now). From what I understand the NOW (National Organization of Women) had a campaign -- not sure which years -- encouraging women to take off their head covering. I think it would be interesting to have a show about the feminist movement and its relation to head covering.
@howardking3601 23 күн бұрын
For a Bible-based study of headcovering and related issues, read The Myth of Sexual Equality, by Howard Douglas King.
@SuperIsadam 23 күн бұрын
I'm a Muslim woman and wear a headscarf. It's interesting to hear the young lady's journey with head covering and how the challenges she faces are quite similar to my own particularly in a society that is moving away from the practice.
@amoleis61023 23 күн бұрын
Please keep doing videos 🎉🎉 I appreciate them as someone who just started head covering ❤
@amishgirl1000 23 күн бұрын
When I read 1 Corinthians 11, I saw that the taking of communion is in the same passage, as head covering. I wondered why churches still have communion, but they no longer tell women to cover their heads. Why do churches obey one part of the passage, and yet reject the other. Churches don’t regard communion as cultural, so why should head coverings be considered to be cultural. This made me realise that all of 1 Corinthians 11 should be obeyed as God calls us to.
@WildernessChurch 23 күн бұрын
I am putting together a really good teaching about the head covering. I have been working on it for a couple weeks. God bless you for your videos on this subject. It’s very encouraging.
@PresidentChristopher 27 күн бұрын
I DO NOT want to see a buncha of plain Janes with their head covering! NO!!! I want to see hot college chicks with their hair down. I thought we were free in Christ Jesus, or is Christianity just a new set of taboos and laws? God DAMN the head covering!
@Thedevilisaliar23 Ай бұрын
I am near 50 and reading about head covering now 💥 it hit me like a ton of bricks and I now want to cover in church
@ilovecatsijustlovecats3944 Ай бұрын
😭 I have a flat head in the back and no headband will stay on my head
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@ilovecatsijustlovecats3944 Snap clips help to keep on a wide headband. There are also headbands for sale that are attached to an actual *plastic* headband (the fabric part hangs off the back of it). You can also try sewing in a small comb to the top of a headcovering to help it stay on. And, there are velvet headbands you can wear underneath your regular headcovering to help keep it in place. You might be interested in browsing the online stores we have listed on our site, since some of these sell the items I just mentioned:
@maggiechildofgod974 Ай бұрын
The background music interferes with the message.
@savithrivenugopal Ай бұрын
1 Corinthians 11:4-13 King James Version 4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. 5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
@godswarriors7543 Ай бұрын
Some women like to wear a headband, cap, hat or even a hair tie that contains the Ten Commandments in order to obey Deut. 6:8-9. Because it says it is for the children and not just men or women. It normally doesn't cover all the hair as Paul describes. Those coverings have come to be known as the armour of God. There are eight pieces that many are seaching for. There is the head, both hands, the belt, breastplate, heart and feet. Exactly what are they, what do they contain? Jesus tells us that if we love Him to keep His words for they are spirit and they are life, Maybe that is the spirit we are to walk in. We just need more work and workers. God grafted Christians into Israel so the O.T. wasn't just given to the Jews but Christian as well. Those commands God gives to His children is for all who believes in Jesus. The O.T. is our school master just as the Prophets and N.T.. ALL scripture is inspired. If the head of woman is the man, then why isn't the man's head covered?
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@godswarriors7543 To answer the question at the bottom of your response, "If the head of woman is the man, then why isn't the man's head covered?": The biblical and most straightforward response would be that it is not commanded by Scripture (in the New Testament) for men to cover their heads while praying or prophesying.
@godswarriors7543 27 күн бұрын
@@headcovering Him in you, you in Him? Jesus is The Word, John 1:1-5 The Word God spoke: Exodus 20:1 The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13 and The Word God made flesh John 1:14 Jesus is the law that hung on the cross as well as the law God wrote upon our heart. If Jesus is in you, you must get in Him. Our directions are found in Deut. 6:8-9. It is for all the children of God. The Father and Son are one.
@discipleinlight Ай бұрын
I dont remember him teaching this when he was a big leader among Charismatics in the 70's and 80's. Anyway glad he saw it.
@JordoGarcia Ай бұрын
The angels who sinned….
@Brick1978 Ай бұрын
We can throw in the rebellion of women lying and saying they were called to be a pastor, teacher or apostle!!!
@donnawiseman3686 Ай бұрын
Interesting. But where in the scriptures does God reqiure this.? I am aware the scriptures of paul saying this but is this just pauls view? What i mean paul is not God so are we ment to take on everthing paul said as if God told him?
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@donnawiseman3686 Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write what he did, so everything in the New Testament that Paul wrote is the word of God, not merely of Paul. As such, it deserves to be obeyed. Also, the reasons God (through Paul) gives for headcovering are based on principles which are found *throughout Scripture*, not just in this one place. The following study might be helpful for clarifying what the Bible teaches about headcovering:
@wgterry73ify Ай бұрын
The culture of the Corinthians was for men to cover their heads and the women didn't. Man is the glory of God and the glory of man is woman.
@ellena1838 Ай бұрын
Yeah okay but: never have I heard someone explain, how women covering their hair is a principle when men not covering their hair is clearly not (because Aäron and the priests díd cover their hair in the tabernacle/ temple), while these texts clearly belong together. I personally think the principle is womans submission, not headcovering?
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@ellena1838 Here are a couple articles from our website which may be helpful: Why Head Covering Was Not a Jewish Custom If Paul appelas to the Creation Order, why didn't Eve wear a Head Covering? The second article specifically addresses the difference between practices instituted under the Old Covenant vs. practices instituted under the New Covenant.
@wgterry73ify Ай бұрын
Why does a man remove his hat to pray? Is the woman the glory of a man? So if the woman covers the glory of man in a worship service she in not in conflict in worship of giving God glory ....
@willardswelding7243 Ай бұрын
First of all, RC says, in order to know, scripture, really know it, I have to go out and purchase his book on the subject. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and by the grace of God I live in a country with the literacy rate is above 95%, and even before you could get the Bible free on your smart phone, in the country I live in you could go buy a complete one at Walmart for five dollars. As a result and once again by the grace of God, I’ve read the Bible covered cover between 50 and 60 times, and one of the things I did not get out of it was that I needed RC‘s book to understand what I was reading. As I’ve said before, I have no problem with the doctrines of God sovereignty calling election. I believe in these things as much as any of these men on this panel. My problem is, and it could be my imagination, though I don’t know why I would naturally think this but, every time I stop to listen to a so-called Neo Calvinist they come across as arrogant and grumpy. I will never call myself a Calvinist, though I believe in, the aforementioned doctrines, simply because of what John Calvin allowed the city fathers of Geneva do to Michael Servetus.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@willardswelding7243 Here at HCM, we do not promote one specific denomination. This is one video out of many other videos, quotes, and articles that are posted for their interest value, and because they support headcovering. We agree that the Bible is our sole authority, and that is where we get the headcovering teaching.
@kornykorhorn Ай бұрын
Principle &/ customary. I love how RC Sproul laid that out.
@laurenthompson3424 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I've been muling over this line of scripture and praying for God to lead my heart in obedience and trust. As i was anxious about wearing a cover in church today with my in laws there and all the questions i fears i would face, or fearing that others would think i was trying to get attention, i chickened out. Lo and behold, in the sermom today, my pastor mentioned coverings (in a more spiritual sense) as an act of obedience and I am amazed, as always, at how He will lead us if we sincerely ask to be led. I plan to cover in church next Sunday as an act of obedience and thank you, my sister, for making this video for those of us seeking answers to these questions.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@laurenthompson3424 It is common for women to feel nervous when they first start covering. That's okay! Just try again next time. :) How neat to hear that the sermon you heard at your church spoke to you about the very issue you were dealing with!
@blessedrthosesermount99 Ай бұрын
What about a woman wearing pants? Scripture says a woman shouldnt wear that that pertains to a man. When this was written, both men and women wore dress like garments. The mens were shorter however than the womens. Can a woman wear womens pants clearly made for a woman vs mens pants from the mens dept. Because womens pants are designed for women, can they wear them? Thank you.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@blessedrthosesermount99 Here at HCM, we focus primarily on headcovering. Some women who wear headcoverings wear skirts and dresses only, while others wear pants some of the time. It's up to the husband and wife to decide this issue based upon their understanding of Scripture and their convictions. You've asked some good questions. May the Lord guide you to come to some good answers, based on His Word. :)
@blessedrthosesermount99 Ай бұрын
Isnt head coverings for married women only? Not single women? It's symbolic of a woman in submission to her husband. Thanks.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@blessedrthosesermount99 Here is an article from our website which answers that question: Should Single Women Wear Head Coverings?
@Gratusgratus Ай бұрын
I gratefully concur with Sproul about head covering for believing women in the Christian gathering. Praying or prophesying (male or female) should be subjected to the oversight of the (male) elders. Women believers should speak in a feminine way, like all the prophetesses in the Old and New Testament times. They should not 'teach'. (Cf 1Cor14; 1Tim2). They should not admonish the present believers over their present sins, like Paul admonishing the Galatian Christians. They should rather encourage the believers, and invite unbelievers to believe in Jesus Christ. The Greek NT verb for teaching is didaskein (only male elders do this in the gathering) and the Greek NT verb for spreading the good news is evangelisein (all believers may and should do this).
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@Gratusgratus Thank you for sharing those thoughts. Glad to hear you agreed with the video.
@b.6184 Ай бұрын
"it's in scripture and it applies to you..." you're talking about the most complex passage in Paul's writing. You need to do more homework before you make such a confident assertion. I come from a long line of legalism in this area, and this "movement" seems to come from people who are discovering it for the first time. You're literally buying into bondage that many people have found freedom from. All legalism feels good for a season.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@b.6184 For those interested in the research/study behind why many women choose to headcover, we recommend reading our study (The Case for Christian Head Covering) and numerous articles, to start with (though we're not the only resource): Study -- Articles -- On our website, one will also easily find what we believe about the gospel (and legalism). For example: Statement of Faith -- What's More Important than Headcovering? -- No Other (Head Covering) Gospel --
@b.6184 Ай бұрын
@@headcovering There are plenty of articles on both sides. A person should always honor their convictions, and you are well meaning, I have no doubt, but the long-term effects of any strict external standard is easy to see for us who come from generations of the practice. It inevitably binds up the souls of people and confuses the next generations in regard to freedom in Christ. Exegetical and historical arguments can be made on both sides as well, and part of of understanding and getting clarity is to look at the fruit of a teaching.
@JESUSISLORD38368 Ай бұрын
Theres this lady she had to have power in my church, she continuously thinks im muslim and think i wont stay long enough and think ill chose the mosque over the orthodox church. I told her im very sure because i dont even think about converting islam. I dont think they think or even see a full time head coverer like me. Even my pastor in that church wonders why. I think because i look muslim they delay my orthodox baptism, i will change church before i ever take my headcover out. I went a period without headcovering and ket me tell you, i was disrespected and felt less protected and was glad i started covering again. I also felt more beautiful and reminded of my feminity and to keep it up ill get a husband one day, God willing, the one he has for me. I wish people wouldnt judge but your right, its for God.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@JESUSISLORD38368 We're sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having. You might be encouraged to know that there certainly are Orthodox Christians who headcover. For example, here is a monastery in Arizona that requires all women to wear a headcovering when entering the monastery (in addition to a very modest dress code):
@user-tj6fx7ok6e Ай бұрын
Most beautiful! An inspiration/ example of Christian womanhood!!
@StacyMcAfee-so9ip Ай бұрын
According to I Corinthians 11:6, if a woman is not covered, she needs to be shorn. In 2022, The Lord had me begin shaving my head. It's also about v15 for me: the ONLY glory I have is that of my dear Savior Christ Jesus. My hair is no longer my glory. Only He. I have gotten flak for this, sadly.
@headcovering Ай бұрын
@StacyMcAfee-so9ip The text says that it is a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven ... so, God wouldn't have us do something on purpose that is shameful. If someone were to be humiliated in that way, it would be as a form of church discipline (though I don't personally know of any examples of this, nor are we saying we support this). But, God's will is rather for us to obey Him by wearing a headcovering while praying or prophesying, and for women to have long hair (and men to have short hair). If we are following His will, there is no need to shave one's hair off.
@NVRAMboi Ай бұрын
You serve and worship God in the manner you believe to be pleasing to Him. There are no concerns beyond that.
@bobbyadkins6983 2 ай бұрын
1 Corinthians 11:14-15 [14]Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? [15]But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@bobbyadkins6983 Here are a couple of resources that give our view of whether long hair is the covering, or if it is a piece of fabric: Video-- Article --
@bobbyadkins6983 27 күн бұрын
@@headcovering No thanks. The Bible is pretty clear on it. I'll just stick with the Bible.
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@@bobbyadkins6983 That's similar to saying, "I don't want to engage in conversation with you about this." (Smiling in a friendly way, here.) We stick with the Bible, too, but in order for others to understand why we interpret it the way we do, a conversation (or reading articles) is necessary. Believers are a body made up of many members, and we need to hear each other's viewpoints in order to help each other grow in understanding of the Bible -- because sometimes (it happens, right?) we can be wrong in our interpretations. We're just human, after all. It's a bit ironic (friendly smile) that you want others to hear your opinion (and you're not the Bible, are you?) but you don't want to make the effort to understand why we believe what we do. Saying all this in a friendly spirit of brotherly/sisterly conversation. :)
@bobbyadkins6983 27 күн бұрын
​@@headcoveringI really don't feel like talking about something like this. This Bible is clear enough in my opinion.
@ChristopherAlsruhe-si9ff 2 ай бұрын
Who cares what RC Sproul believes about head covering? What he thinks in no way makes it correct. Stop idolizing him.
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@ChristopherAlsruhe-si9ff Here at the Head Covering Movment, we don't idolize anybody, including R.C. Sproul. However, it is interesting for viewers to be aware of what certain respected teachers in Christianity (both in the past and more recently) believe about headcovering. The video is meant to be *informative*. But our main concern is always what the Bible itself teaches. Here is a study which could be helpful for those who want to know what we believe about headcovering, and why:
@Looopita 2 ай бұрын
People look at me strange. I wish I was at a church that was wearing it like me .🫤
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@Looopita Yes, it can be challenging to arrive at church (or anywhere else) looking different. For 11 years, I was the only one who headcovered at our previous church. It felt awkward sometimes, but I kept on going because I was doing it to obey God. When God sees us obeying Him with the right heart, He is so pleased! Just try to keep on remembering that when you feel discouraged. :) ~Jessica
@Looopita 27 күн бұрын
@@headcovering you are right. I continue to wear mine since I know I am being obedient to Gods word. Thank you for the encouragement.
@vickyables8343 2 ай бұрын
I crochet the handkerchief style
@brianbachinger6357 2 ай бұрын
This channel would have to put disclaimers on commenting because of the intuitive absurdity of this movement. So when Paul says it’s a disgrace for a man to have long hair, I assume it was a disgrace for Samson to have long hair? The appeal to what is natural doesn’t hold because by nature a man’s hair grows and by definition will get long if left alone. Don’t promote law-keeping nonsense that has nothing to do with loving God and neighbour by appealing to reformed theologians who are the best example of missing the entire point of the spiritual life: God in you.
@headcovering 27 күн бұрын
@brianbachinger6357 Actually, we have an article about Samson having long hair: Here's another one about whether appropriate hair lengths are dictated by culture: On our website, we have many more articles which help explain why we believe in headcovering. We don't promote law-keeping for salvation; we promote obedience to the word of God out of love and gratefulness. For those who are interested, here is an article outlining our Beliefs, Purpose, and Values:
@philipbuckley759 2 ай бұрын
it has to be amazing on how many things we neglect about the Bible...
@savithrivenugopal Ай бұрын
Most don’t know that the plan of Salvation is outlined in Acts 2:38. Acts 4:12 confirms it. You can’t go to the book of Romans without going thru the book of Acts of the Apostles for this is how the birth of the New Testament church took place.