Demystifying "ska" in Swedish
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Speak about the FUTURE in SWEDISH
Master SWEDISH Adjectives
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Do THIS when in Sweden
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Apologize like a SWEDE
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How to say GOOD BYE in SWEDISH
Swedes never say "NO!"
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How to Use the Swedish Word "HOS"
How To Give SWEDISH Compliments
Sweden's FUNNIEST Placenames
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2 жыл бұрын
@silverhooligan1256 Күн бұрын
I spend 3-6 months in a rural farming in the Kopparberg area and everyone has the vibe-y i to some degree, more common with women. I hear it in TV talk shows, regular TV, movies, basically everywhere. Most people I hang out with are over 30, mostly over 60. I have no contact with under 30’s. You're the first Swedish language KZfaqr that rags on the sound that it's a poser thing to do. I've asked my friends about it and they have no idea what I'm talking about, they're unaware that they're making the sound.
@sayitinswedish Күн бұрын
Never said it's a poser thing to do. But foreigners think it's required to sound Swedish which it isn't. You can sound Swedish without it and the more extreme version sounds weird even to Swedes.
@DebrerFrans73 2 күн бұрын
I'm a bit confused, because I used to watch Scandinavian series and in some of them Swedish and Danish people meet and seem to understand each other quite well (like one is talking in Danish and the other one is answering in Swedish). It isn't true in real life?
@sayitinswedish Күн бұрын
Not so much with Danish and Swedish, no. As a Swede, you need quite a lot of exposure to understand spoken Danish.
@SuesWorld 2 күн бұрын
For me "listening"is the most difficult part learning swedish doesnt matter how many swedish words I know 😭
@coreyloucks4865 5 күн бұрын
I'm a writer doing a fantasy story that is based off Scandinavian Vikings and how would I portray an accent like those you spoke about in written form?
@sayitinswedish Күн бұрын
I don't know.
@MyCat543 7 күн бұрын
Iove this so much, thank you!
@drPiotrNapieraa 8 күн бұрын
en underbar idee. tack!
@sheilacomer6172 9 күн бұрын
I have a Swedish friend I text with and I ask for a VM at times. It's soft, precise and slow. A bedroom voice, omg.
@jangelbrich7056 11 күн бұрын
So, that's like the Turkish i-without-the-i-dot, they have an extra letter for that, together with the "normal" i with the dot. I noticed that already in the 1990s, but the Swedes I met then (in Southern Sweden) did not know how to explain that to me, they did not use it. But on SVT it was there very often ...
@sayitinswedish 7 күн бұрын
No, it's not like that Turkish I actually.
@kumpircan 13 күн бұрын
İ am here because of Alexander skarsgârd
@CJWarlock 13 күн бұрын
I knew already what technically fika was (a coffe and a biscuit) but I didn't knew the social side of it. Thanks for a good explanation. Yes, having a fika is a good habit - otherwise one may get burnt out with hard work pretty fast. Cheers! :)
@emilnordlund5708 15 күн бұрын
Hi can you watch hazbin hotel
@alisezone1800 16 күн бұрын
Need more videos from you!! You really help me and the community learn Swedish and the videos are so soothing ❤❤
@ShironCollab 20 күн бұрын
Hey notch can you give me a minecraft pass?
@dellyspice 21 күн бұрын
swedish are extremely selfish ppl. so not a surprise.
@garlicky_salt 21 күн бұрын
i think i like swedish better than my first language it makes so much more sense 😭😭
@ProductofWit 27 күн бұрын
Embodied by The Lost Vikings. The tiny vocal red-haired one is the Dane, the muscular serious blonde one the Norwegian and the frivolous fat blonde one one the Swede.
@gcoudert 27 күн бұрын
That was fascinating. My first language is French and I studied English at uni so I'm no stranger to phonetics. Can I ask though: am I right in thinking that the letter 'ä' in the conjugated verb form 'är' is pronounced [e:] even though it is placed before an 'r'?
@sayitinswedish 22 күн бұрын
[e:] or [æ:] are common depending on the region, sometimes it does become an [æ:r] and sometimes that R turns into a retroflex consonant if the next word starts on an S, T, D, N, or L.
@andresleon2293 27 күн бұрын
It's funny that I thought pitch accent was unique to Japanese 🤣
@radha3236 29 күн бұрын
This concept also lies in india i.e. ऋण/भार - this means you should not be in debt of anybody's favour whether it's money, food or either doing some bad to someone else , we have to repay those debts in next life(reborn) . So in order to attain enlightenment we don't want to be in debt of someone's favour Butttt..... In india we people treat guest as god (अतिथि देवो भवः) so we can not send our guest with empty stomach , we will cook even delicious food and feed them over. So the two ideologies clashes but we live with second one cause not everyone is concerned about afterlife, rebirth and enlightenment.
@docholl93 29 күн бұрын
Vad händer när ett ord som har accent2 är oberonat i en mening? Typ “många” som inte är betonat i vanliga fall
@sayitinswedish 29 күн бұрын
Då får ordet ingen ordaccent.
@Wigant-wc7to Ай бұрын
Jag är stjärnbock!
@Wigant-wc7to Ай бұрын
The Romanian beggars in Sweden always say ”Hej Hej” instead of ”Hej” 😂
@Wigant-wc7to Ай бұрын
I’m from Sweden and i’m trying to learn to speak Swedish with a Danish accent.
@stibba4286 Ай бұрын
men sluta stirra då D:
@sayitinswedish 29 күн бұрын
Jag ser dig.
@docholl93 Ай бұрын
I couldn’t make this sound at first but then it became natural and now i just “IIIIIIIJJJJJJJJJJJ”😂
@markwest7928 Ай бұрын
I give up. I'm going back to Norsk bokmal.
@sayitinswedish 29 күн бұрын
Norwegian has similar rules though ;)
@felicytatomaszewska2934 Ай бұрын
I was an exchange student in Sweden Stockholm for a semester and among other courses, I needed to attend Swedish language course. They taught us academic Swedish but not the practical one which the people in the street were using. Though I hold a basic talk but swearing was not included in the syllabus but Swedes swear all the time.
@Axizl Ай бұрын
I as a Swede have been attempting for the past year to retrieve my accent after American schooling trying to take it away from me and considering me to have a speech disorder because of it find this very helpful
@sarahelize7883 Ай бұрын
Thank you for adding IPA it helps a lot ⭐️
@umakarunakaran4626 Ай бұрын
At first I thought du -> ru was odd, then you gave the example sentence and I was like OH. At least when I speak quickly in English I don't know turns into I dunno which turns into I rro (hard to explain without audio but it feels similar)
@Phylaetra Ай бұрын
Family names as first names - my last name is 'Riley', for some reason it has become a reasonably popular first name...
@Phylaetra Ай бұрын
You have a beautiful singing voice!
@sayitinswedish 29 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@gcoudert Ай бұрын
I love your videos. And I'm a synth addict too!
@jdb6026 Ай бұрын
This is such an interesting concept. In Chavacano, we have two words for "where" : onde and donde. "Onde" is used to ask for the location of an immovable thing like a house or the hometown of someone whilst "donde" is used to ask for the (temporary) location of something or someone. Eg. Onde el dituyu casa? Where is your house? Donde el dituyu nana? Where is your mother? To ask "Onde el dituyu nana?" can imply that the mother of the person being asked is dead and had already been buried.
@kumpircan Ай бұрын
Touch scottish Accent 🤣🤣
@petitetempete Ай бұрын
I loved this video! My dad’s family is Swedish so he visited a lot throughout my youth and brought me back a wooden Dala horse and I inherited his painted Välkommen sign for our front door. Ever since I learned about the dala horses symbolism I have started collecting them. They make me happy and remind me of my heritage
@17year_cicada Ай бұрын
Google TTS seems to love this sound 😆
@NeonPlatinumZ Ай бұрын
All the rules make my head hurt. But I know that English is way worse lol. Tack!
@gcoudert Ай бұрын
In songs, does accent 2 disappear altogether?
@sayitinswedish Ай бұрын
Yeah of course, you cannot sing notes and have other tones at the same time! Emphasis on the is important though.
@SaturnineXTS Ай бұрын
I think they say Norwegian is West Norse because it originally was, and that shines through in some elements such as diphthongs, the feminine etc - most of those being emphasized in Nynorsk. However, Bokmål (especially the conservative variation) is pretty much Danish, so East Norse.
@sayitinswedish Ай бұрын
Yes, but even the more conservative dialects have "Swedish" traits. It's just not that simple. All the classification is good for is, as you say, to describe some sound changes.
@SaturnineXTS Ай бұрын
@@sayitinswedish Exactly, the whole West Norse thing is essentially just stuff like "ben" vs "bein" or "rök" vs "röyk", and very few of these forms are actually mandatory in Bokmål. What I do find interesting though is their feminine, which is also optional and I hear is slowly disappearing, especially around Oslo: ei kvinne - kvinna instead of en kvinne - kvinnen. More conservative languages such as Icelandic or Faroese f course also keep it
@Drumrock361 Ай бұрын
As a hockey player. Insulting/Chirping a man in his mother's tongue hits different. It's a very special kind of angry.
@Prinssi1 Ай бұрын
Can you even sound more gay?
@user-bt5mj7vc4d Ай бұрын
Stop skipping the fucking videos wtf
@spamgarbage6999 Ай бұрын
This womans accent brought me here. Its was so jarring I thought it might be like a faux news reporter accent
@sayitinswedish Ай бұрын
Her /i/ is very toned down though but she generally has a "compressed" kind of voice. It's not her dialect or anything.
@voltafy Ай бұрын
I love the Stockholmska i.. As a talare of Swedish som undra språk, Swedish vowel are difficult to differentiate.. Så when I use it for my i's, I feel it makes it cleared what word I'm trying to say.. I know I don't have to do it.. I sound more rikssvenska.. I still use it..
@Suhaisuha1108 Ай бұрын
@user-uv2nw6zi6f 2 ай бұрын
Hej, at 9:10 you actually sound like a Welsh person (from North or West Wales), speaking English.
@fi-onabentz2006 2 ай бұрын
How do I know whitch group the verbs belong in?
@sayitinswedish 2 ай бұрын
If you watch the video, there are a few tell signs but there isn't one way to just know unfortunately.
@oriyakatz9284 2 ай бұрын
Ok but what's supine?
@sayitinswedish 2 ай бұрын
It's a verb form we use to construct perfect at past perfect. You don't really need to know what it's called but since we only use this form for this, it's good to distinguish from for instance participle.
@oriyakatz9284 2 ай бұрын
@@sayitinswedish thank you for your reply but I still don't understand. No matter, I'm only a beginner. I'm sure I'll figure it out later 🙏🏻💜
@annikaerf 2 ай бұрын
Hej Joakim! Jag undervisar också folk i svenska. Ibland söker jag efter användbara bra klipp på KZfaq att tipsa mina deltagare med. Jag gillar ditt anslag, dina tips och hur du är levande och använder mimik och gester mycket. Ett litet aber är att detta är toklångt. Mina deltagare pallar bara 5-6-minutersklipp. Om jag hade fått önska så hade jag också velat att du tonade ner din amerikanska engelska och talade mer brittisk engelska, som vi gör här i Europa. Detta var kanske oombedd feedback men uttryckta i all välmening.// Allt gott!
@sayitinswedish 2 ай бұрын
Både oombedd och jävligt konstig feedback. Vilken accent jag väljer att tala är ju mitt val. Det är inte mitt modersmål så "som vi gör här i Europa" är nog det dummaste argumentet jag hört. Och det ska komma från en språklärare. Aj aj.