@BuddhaofBlackpool 2 күн бұрын
Interesting you mention IBS which is obviously an anxiety manifestation. And many anxiety symptoms are the same as vestibular ones.
@kelly86 3 күн бұрын
South Yorkshire lass here… so happy to have found your channel! I have been suffering from chronic dizziness and head pressure (and many other fun symptoms) for around 6 months now. I was referred to ENT at Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield 3 months ago who diagnosed Vestibular Migraines and put on a dose of 120mg of propranolol but it hasn’t helped. Finally got my follow up appointment this weekend and they are now trying me on a different medication and are referring me to neurology but essentially said ‘good luck with the waiting lists’ and they will call me in 3 months while I am waiting to see how I am ‘getting on’. Which tells me the waiting list for neurology will be longer than that. Did you go private at all? I don’t feel like I can just wait months and months to be seen (not because I think I should be seen above others I just mean because I can’t live like this!). I am also seeing two different physios privately - one is a vestibular specialist and the other is working on my neck and spine etc. Any tips would be appreciated! ❤
@lewisadam5608 6 күн бұрын
MATE! I am also from sheffield!! Chronic vestibular migraine sufferer also. I feel your pain. Would be good to have a chat about our experiences because only us sufferers know about the diziness!!!
@lewisadam5608 6 күн бұрын
Mate. So glad o found your page! As a fellow Yorkshireman and after 10+ years of dizziness, just recently been diagnosed with vestibular migraines. Feels like such a relief that I'm not going crazy and its not just anxiety!! Gonna be watching all your videos. Big love ❤
@B_Ruphe 7 күн бұрын
Remember the oestrogen-mimic thing has not gone away in spite of decades of awareness, if anything it is worse now with all the deceit around "BPA-free" plastics. Best advice is to avoid ALL plastic, e.g. plastic-wrapped lettuce, spring water in plastic, plastic water filter jugs, wine in plastic (boxed), mild in plastic (bottles or cartons), beer in cans, coke in plastic, etc.. That can help somewhat, though environmental plastic is everywhere now, including in women/babies' placenta, men's semen, antarctic ice, penguin eggs etc.
@B_Ruphe 7 күн бұрын
Paraquat (banned pesticide used (shhhh) by farmers) wafting on the breeze. Dry cleaner's trichloroethylene fumes affecting nearby flats, pavements, shops.
@B_Ruphe 7 күн бұрын
Both of these are strongly implicated in some neurological conditions like parkinson's and pre-park.
@B_Ruphe 7 күн бұрын
IBS: cut out highly processed seed oils, some of the most inflammatory stuff we ingest.
@BuddhaofBlackpool 2 күн бұрын
IBS is an anxiety problem
@rileymarie2041 7 күн бұрын
the way i describe it to people is it comes out of no where (my attacks). it’s hard to explain but it’s not a dizzy sensation necessarily it’s more of a lightheadedness swaying sensation like the inside of my brain feels like it’s rolling around. and it comes super unexpectedly like you have no idea and then boom it hits like lightning and it’s an intense swaying sensation that makes me feel super disoriented and have a little derealization to the point where i feel like i need to sit down right away and grab onto something. and nothing ever triggers it commonly, it’s at the most random times. whether im in bed, whether im washing my face, whether im talking to someone or just walking its always different. i’ve had this for 8 months now and i haven’t been diagnosed but i have every single symptom you said in the video. these little episodes make me feel off balanced at times, affect my vision (i see microdots like tv static u said) and the violent swaying that comes like a bolt of lightning lasts for about 30 to 45 seconds and then it slows down and stops eventually but even after it stops, I just feel super off afterwards for a while. I always noticed I get this after I eat in restaurants and out at stores (not the episodes, but the feeling of just feeling disoriented and feeling like I’m gonna fall over) it’s so scary. And it’s so hard to explain to people. I fully convinced myself. It was a brain tumor for a little bit, but this sounds like exactly what I’m dealing with. it started in October and I had one episode, then the next month around the same time I had another one for the second time ever, then it was on and on like that once a month for a couple more months until it started happening more frequently around twice a month, to now once a week or once every couple days. it’s the weirdest thing ever.
@willowholman7381 22 күн бұрын
Thanks Matt. I just discovered your channel and found this video quite helpful. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to watching more of your stuff in the future. - Willow
@hectorlamar806 22 күн бұрын
Very good comprehensive thesis. Thanks.
@raffaele_vaira 25 күн бұрын
What percentage of recovery did you have?
@SaraK177 26 күн бұрын
This describes all my symptoms the anxiety when an attack comes on is the worst. I feel like my neck gets really stiff too. I get a lot of muscle twitches and breathlessness too and the de-realisation is next level in shopping centres. I also get chest pains sometimes. My head also feels like it's going to explode and I get the tingles down my head and my arm. It took me 9 months to get diagnosed its been horrible.
@SusanFlint-jk6rv 26 күн бұрын
It is so refreshing to hear you talk about this Vestibular Migraine. You have really helped me understand that you aren't alone in this world with this condition where it is not known.
@SusanFlint-jk6rv 26 күн бұрын
Was diagnosed with vestibular migraine Oct 23. Vertigo really bad. Tried doctors of no proper diagnosis. Tried the Optometrist as I was suffering visual disturbances. I was then referred to the Ophthalmologist who knew from his testing that I have Vestibular Migraine. He then referred me to a good Vertigo Physiotherapist. It was wonderful to finally be diagnosed properly and not feel like a freak. She put me through exercises which really helped. I have found that playing an instrument seems to help with the Vertigo and headache. I did try those meds through a neurologist to help with Vestibular Migraine but made me worse. Now I just take vitamins B2, Magnesium Glycinate, D3, CoQ10 and Ginko Biloba everyday. Walks really help as well. I live with it everyday and it is a battle. Blue light removal glasses have also helped me. Removing the LED light bulbs in my rooms calms my brain and doesn't cause the light sensitivity. That hurts.
@Michelle76767 28 күн бұрын
Hi! Did you try any other medications before Zoloft/Propranolol?
@louisewood4410 Ай бұрын
Hi, really appreciating your videos! I’m so confused as to whether I have VM?! I definitely had a BPPV attack 14 weeks ago as I tested positive in the Dix Hallpike and the Epley did help. However I have lingering dizziness that occurs when I’m over stimulated, say at work or do too much movement. My physio said because I react to chocolate, caffeine and cheese that it’s probably VM. However I’m not light or sound sensitive. But when I’m having a spell I do get shocked by sound! Also my head feels like it’s thrumming with electricity, my vision gets worse and I get a headache over my eyes and a spot at the back of my head, always on the left! 🤷‍♀️ My left arm seems to go weak too but when I test my grip, it’s not! Seeing my GP next week to discuss VM and will asked for a private referral. Who best to ask for, an ENT or neurologist? My physio replied when I said I felt out of breath during my worse time, was that the vagus nerve is affecting by vestibular symptoms so that can cause fatigue and breathlessness. Apologies for the long post, as you can appreciate vestibular symptoms aren’t straight forward! 🤦‍♀️
@christopheralex1761 Ай бұрын
Can you explain the medication you’re on and the mitigation measures you described in this video?
@loknathchakraborty4779 Ай бұрын
I have been dealing with a migraine for 3 months now. I have had dizziness, light headedness, brain fog, sound sensetivity, etc. There's also certain places where i feel more dizzy then others. I turn my head right or left or even up and down and feel more light headed depending on where i am. I even went to my regular doctor a few months ago and she seemed to underestimate my issue, said i should drink more water. I know water is important but i also knew that water wasn't gonna solve my problems.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
What a stupid suggestion from your doctor. Are you able to see a specialist?
@loknathchakraborty4779 Ай бұрын
@@thebluntyorkshireman5161 I can. Based on my symptoms though would you say this is vestibular migraine? And for these symptoms do you know what the typical treatments would be?
@susanskidmore9516 Ай бұрын
Thank you for that “elucidation”. I have been following your posts for awhile and this really hit some “targets” for me.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Im glad i could help, Susan.
@BuddhaofBlackpool 2 күн бұрын
Does "it".
@lostintranslation03 Ай бұрын
Interesting, I have had ongoing (3 years) of pins & needles in my hands, with numb arms, strange breathing, headaches and dizzy symptoms with Tinnitus, this is usually triggered by strong smells (purfume, washing powder etc) which then send me into a 3 day cycle of hell! then after going private recently (NHS doctors kept fobing me off with Anxiety) I was sent for Audio vestibular tests, which I was then diagnosed with VM, its early days for me as Im also recovering from an Internal Corotid Aretry dissection that they found from a hospital visit in Feb (I think they found this due to the mixture of VM symptoms and having stroke like symptoms) which landed me in the stoke unit of AE, so im interested to know if anyone else has experienced the numbness and smells that trigger it?
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
I havent, but really interesting my friend. I hope some folks reply to you.
@angel_rufino1 Ай бұрын
Bro god bless you for this videos. Where i can get those glasses and what kind of medications you took. I live in usa
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Thanks Angel, your'e welcome. In the states, try Axon Optics. I am on sertraline and propranalol.
@petershock3606 Ай бұрын
I started suffering with vertigo earlier this week, it got worse then I felt like my head was in cotton wool, dragged myself out to vote (may 2nd election UK) at the polling both I could hardly speak or understand what the woman was saying to me. When I got home I started seeing colourful zig zag flashing lines in one eye. This lasted about 20 minutes. 4 days on and Im still not better, spatial awareness is crap and I feel unsteady on my feet. Hope its not chronic, dont think I could stand it.
@MarineEngineer1989 Ай бұрын
How long did it take for the sertaline to make you feel some improvement
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
About four weeks. After four weeks they raised the dose from 50MG to 100MG and I noticed things started to improve quickly from that point.
@MarineEngineer1989 2 ай бұрын
Did you have any issues of dizziness ?
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Not so much. It was more a feeling of being off balance.
@angelamorris2758 2 ай бұрын
Your videos are so comforting to me. I was recently diagnose with VM's and I'm working on getting the right meds to help. I just want to say Thank you for making these videos, they're encouraging.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
I am very glad they have helped. Good, now you have a diagnosis and are searching for the right meds, you will be on the road to recovery soon.
@FlaGrown1955 2 ай бұрын
Have not watched all your videos, so I am suggesting that you get an MRI.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
All done, and all fine, but thanks anyway.
@JigsawPuzzleConnection 2 ай бұрын
Just starting on the journey with Vistibular Migraine. Somedays it is 24/7. I feel better listening to you. Thanks
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Ah bless you. I hope the journey is a short one and you get the right treatment and feel better soon.
@JigsawPuzzleConnection Ай бұрын
Thanks so much.
@Ashwiniashu-hp5qh 2 ай бұрын
Very true i am facing these issues but the sad part is doctors r not knowledgable abt this i met one ENT specialist she used to tell it's all normal just do some exercise that's all she tells how did u overcome can u please adress me
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Yes, unfortunately, a lot of doctors are no use as they havent heard of the condition. I overcame it with the right meds, tweaks to my lifestyle and time. Have a look at my other videos for more detail.
@Jim-pn8sc 2 ай бұрын
My story is a bit crazy.. i had a rare stroke and brain bleed 7 months ago a friend found me 10 days after it happened i lived along..40 year old male.. healthy fit they dont no why it happened.. in hospital i complain about how dizzy i was like on a boat, they had not answers .. so i was dizzy everyday all day ..then i listen to a doctor on youtube taking about vestibular migraine and ive has migrains a few times a years for years.. and treats it with nortriptyline so i started 20 mg a week ago and its a miracle im maybe 50 percent better .. ps sorry if my spelling is bad still working on that
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Sorry to hear about your stroke, Jim. It makes sense though that the disruption that would cause, could trigger something like VM. I am sendng you the very best for your continued recovery - great to hear youre 50% better.
@sandlinfamlin 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience; you're so pleasant to. We never know when we will help lots of people for so many years by speaking out. I was nodding my head with everything you said. I've been dizzy and All The Things for about 5 years and just last year a specialist neurologist (not my regular one) immediately diagnosed me with this and PPPD. I'm still looking for the answers - looks like more to this story - because i want to raise my son and need to work to have health care. I'm in the US, feel really stuck in an impossible situation. Anyway, thanks for your help today! I have a little more motivation again and that's what I needed. 😊
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Ah youre welcome and I am glad the video helped. You will get there! Best wishes to you and your son.
@coolvideos350 2 ай бұрын
When you started the Zoloft and propanolol did you find that you felt worse after starting them like the first few weeks/days before getting better?
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 Ай бұрын
Oh god yes - for about four weeks I felt terrible! Then when they moved the sertraline up a notch, things started to improve quickly. :)
@saraferebee2522 2 ай бұрын
I’ve had it for 2 1/2 years, but it took 2 years and a lot of tests and specialists to rule out a lot of other things. I’m in the US so it was also quite expensive to finally get a diagnosis. I still have 24/7 symptoms but I’m finally on a medication that is helping tamp down the symptoms a bit. I keep a cane in my car for especially bad days. I hope you find something that works for you.
@jersey5715 3 ай бұрын
Before my diagnosis, I had migraine on and off for a few days plus vertigo, but then one day I thought I was having a heart attack. My resting heart rate was up 20 points. i didn’t know then that panic/ anxiety are a main symptom of VM. My God, it is SO disturbing. Had to take a Xanax. It helped FYI
@jersey5715 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I’m only a few weeks in to this, it started 5 weeks ago. I pretty much self diagnosed VM after a morning of sudden dizziness and vertigo while exercising on the floor ( the floor felt like it dropped from beneath me), followed by a weird migraine with visual aura many hours later. I already suffer from occasional regular migraines so that’s how I put 2 and 2 together along with Dr. Google. The GP here in Chicago sent me Meclizine for vertigo and Zofran for nausea. They did nothing. A headache specialist diagnosed VM and gave me Ubrelvy. That works very after onset, but does not prevent. So I’m happy to have your video describing preventative measures and meds, thank you. What is your experience with trying physio for this? Epley maneuver for example.
@mariegriffin7966 3 ай бұрын
I seem to be having these symptoms on a daily basis now. Most days I’ll wake up in the morning with this. Thank you for these videos. May you and your family have a wonderful Easter!
@dazeyevans9093 3 ай бұрын
Sorry I can't read the any of the writing in any of the boxes
@user-mm7tj4kf7v 3 ай бұрын
I love you mate , oil up and get your curry out. the amount of times you got the meds and fl-41 lens out lol
@Tad-zh4wr 3 ай бұрын
Ty kindly
@seanfischer5856 3 ай бұрын
My vestibular migraines have a lot to do with my TMJ (Jaw). I have degenerative changes to my left jaw joint and supposedly the inflammation from the disorder can reach the vestibular nucleus in the brainstem.
@Hari-kk7my 3 ай бұрын
I have tmd 😢 and VM
@seanfischer5856 3 ай бұрын
@@Hari-kk7my didn’t know whether to like or dislike that comment, so I will just say, I feel ya!!! TMJ and VM together are awful!
@laurenbaldwin-kl4fg 3 ай бұрын
Do you reccomend amitriptyline for constant tension headaches n migraines
@kenfry6367 3 ай бұрын
Interesting. I've never been aware of any physical underlying cause for the problems I've had, although I am a bit deaf in one ear, so I suppose that might be related. In my case the problem was definitely brought on by stress, either from work or family issues*. Sitting in front of a screen for too long doesn't help, either, particularly if I'm tired. Strangely, some of my worst bouts were on the first or second day of a holiday, when the pressure from work had just lifted. *I had a really bad spell for a few months after my mother died; that was when I finally went to see a specialist who confirmed I was indeed suffering from vestibular migraine. He prescribed Propranolol, which helped. I took a low dose for several months, but later came off it after consulting him again. I'm now working only four days a week, feeling less stressed, and haven't had any attack for a year or two. The worst symptom is vertigo, which has sometimes left me unable to move or tolerate light for 2-3 hours, and usually caused me to throw up. Sometimes I would get a bit of warning, but at other times the room would start spinning with no warning at all - utterly horrible.
@carissakinder029 3 ай бұрын
The worst is vertigo and the pain so bad i vomit. Horrible thing to have to deal with. Even patterns or stores make me dizzy, certain lighting or fans...so weird!
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Yeah some patterns I just cannot look at. I am sorry you have been reduced to vomiting - that has never happened to me.
@juliebey8240 3 ай бұрын
Great information but this illness is so random it seems as are the symptoms and causes. I don’t seem to have any symptoms or triggers as you describe. The episodes I have come on suddenly with no warning. They leave me incapacitated for hours where I am confined to bed or couch. After taking a large amount of meclizine I just wait it out before I can stand again. Keeps me confined to the house for a couple of days afterwards. No migraine pain or anything. My vestibular physical therapist is the ONLY one who can explain this to me. Does anyone else have attacks like these? Thanks
@healingyourself333 3 ай бұрын
Yes I feel the same and vestibular therapy really helps and the FL 41 glasses help because light is a trigger, the weighted vest helps too when you feel imbalanced
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Yeah my vestibular therapist was excellent and understood it all more than the specialists!
@MikeyMichaelton 3 ай бұрын
A lot of these factors apply to me. I've been suffering for 6 months now. Luckily im not so bad that I can't get on with my life but I have some days better than others. My symptoms started after a viral infection. I had a CT scan which showed a few small pieces of metal in my scalp and a bit in my eye which is from my job as a welder. I also have a hiatus hernia which means im susceptible to acid reflux (inflammation). My dad and sister also used to suffer from migraines. So your research makes a lot of sense to me.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Ah so a virus was the route in for you :( I am sorry you are suffering but hopefully it remains managable for you. Interesting on the metal - that wont have helped either!
@MinkasTNR 3 ай бұрын
Matt!!! Great to see you, Mate!
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Cheers mate. :)
@tompepper5326 3 ай бұрын
food kicks mine off when i have cheese
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
I avoid cheese -fortunately I don’t really like it.
@tompepper5326 3 ай бұрын
i had normal migraines for 20 years as soon as i had the covid vaccine I'm getting vestibular ones now and short term memory loss ..worst thing i ever done getting that vax
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I’ve heard the vax has upset a lot of VM sufferers. I’ll never get another shot - I’m fortunate it didn’t impact me VM wise though.
@tompepper5326 3 ай бұрын
@@thebluntyorkshireman5161 thanks for the reply m8 ..thing is doctors dont want to know when you tell them ..scum bags told me it was safe ,,ho0pe everything goes well for you m8 ty for the videos
@nervousfrog101 3 ай бұрын
Covid can attack your nervous system so I guess it's a kind of damned if you do damned if you don't. I made the decision that risking a VM attack from a vaccine was better than catching Covid/Long Covid. I also live with family that are high risk for Covid so I have to consider them as well but I would advise you to speak to your Neurologist before making any decisions. I have had multiple boosters sometimes I felt ill afterward sometimes not it never triggered a full blown VM attack.
@B_Ruphe 7 күн бұрын
Though no shot was best, main thing was not to go beyond the second shot, i.e. initial plus first booster. Those who took the third, fourth or heaven forbid further ones are queuing up a whole lot of problems. For your symptoms there are various protocols for clearing spike etc. available through FCCC Pierre Kory or UK group of Tessa Lawrie called BIRD.
@nigelwyn 3 ай бұрын
I hope you've put a new battery in the smoke alarm by now.
@ImFastrnU 3 ай бұрын
I have never heard anyone describe the symptoms so well. That is almost exactly whats happening to me. All of the tests, multiple doctors, it's awful and I'm finally hearing someone else outside of me saying it outloud. Im in the US and have been suffering for 15 years. Probably before they even knew VM was a thing and didn't know what to do with me.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Ah bless you, that is a nice compliment. Yes, they wont have known and many still dont. Now you can go back to them and suggest VM!
@kathryncollins8708 3 ай бұрын
Mine began in 1982 but the head pressure only started a few years ago - not sure when. Never put the 2 together. Wonder if I could have MdDS and VM because the dizziness began decades before the head pressure. No spinning - only had a few times when sick with head cold.
@thebluntyorkshireman5161 3 ай бұрын
Quite possibly, Kathryn x