Why Hollywood is Bad at Diversity
The 10 Best Films of 2023
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Ben Solo was a Mistake
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Goodbye Loki
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The Lighthouse - The Real Horror
The Death of Modern Hollywood
Star Wars - The Lost Franchise
The Failure of Modern Disney
Velma | who was this show for?
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The MCU 14 Years Later
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In Defense of the Dark Empire
The end of Obi-Wan Kenobi
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The Racism problem within Star Wars
@fatimafahad2493 2 сағат бұрын
its crazy this was worth 180 million when godzilla minus one (aahhhh its soooooo goood)was worth 10-15 million..its so sad man. They can do so much better but they'll never listen.
@C_rue 3 сағат бұрын
Rogue one and solo were great, now imagine if Disney decided not to rush the sequel trilogy and did one off movies first. I wonder if we would be in a better position than today. Well besides the acolyte
@danamania150 16 сағат бұрын
It’s my theory that very few people actually like this show. Saying “it’s not as bad as they say” doesn’t make you a fan of it. Defending something you don’t really like is just an extension of the culture war at this point Edit: Okiro, you’ve moved on from Star Wars but a lot of us haven’t. I still love it, I still defend TLJ to this day, but it makes me so sad to see the direction they are taking it. Sacrificing the timeless heart & soul of Star Wars (a soap opera in space about the Skywalker family) on the alter of Current Political Thing is bad. Not to mention most of these poorly written stories and characters (*cough* fanfics *cough*) are produced for the purpose of putting dollars in Disney’s pocket.
@ruthvermeulen2098 Күн бұрын
I find it really sad honestly. I’m absolutely enjoying it so far. It has these corny stupid scenes in it that make you laugh but are also so common in Star Wars. It gives me nostalgia when there are these random corny scenes. I’m planning on introducing Star Wars to my little 11y/o sister and I think she’s going to love this one😅. She isn’t very interested in the original first films because it’s ‘old tv’ it’s a bit to prehistoric to her. However I feel like this series could potentially spark her attention enough to watch everything. She’s incredibly intelligent and read all Harry Potter books by the age of 7 and since then she’s read them in English instead of Dutch because it’s ‘way cooler😎’😆😅. She’s incredibly smart but often has a hard time socially. Next year she starts high school and as a geeky Star Wars fan it really helped me find people to connect with trough a common interest.
@TheFirstOkiro Күн бұрын
It’s a sad situation. I remember when I was younger we could discuss things we liked or didn’t like about Star Wars but ever since 2017 we argue about everything everything and anything, even if it doesn’t make any sense. I miss when we could be Star Wars fans together. .
@clayongunzelle9555 Күн бұрын
Disney produces "content" and whether your content goes viral because it's bad or good it still is viral and is being discussed. I feel like these studios are leaning into that way of thinking
@originaldarkwater Күн бұрын
They are making a season 3 of Visions!? That's the best Star Wars news I've heard all year!
@Deuteromis Күн бұрын
The show is just mid with bad writing. It's not hot garbage, but it's not the masterpiece Disney and Headland is claiming it out to be. Also when KK claims something is the most Star Wars thing created, take it with a micro grain of salt.
@alecjackman2655 Күн бұрын
The acolyte ain’t no masterpiece but there’s no way it gained a 15% score without some meddling. It’s still better than TROS yet that movie somehow still got a better audience score for whatever reason.
@pbh9195 Күн бұрын
Needless to say this is the one of the most devisive SW since TLJ
@Silica-black Күн бұрын
I just realized that im not a star wars fan, im just a prequels fan lol
@davehandelman2832 Күн бұрын
Wow. That was MEGA anticlimactic. Love your voice.
@JacksonWalter735 Күн бұрын
My favorite Star Wars character. I know many people hate the sequels, but I grew up with them. My babysitter used to put on Force Awakens all the time when she came over for us to watch.
@brandonadams32212 Күн бұрын
Lucasfilm is owned by Disney …. So yea it was and is quite possible or better yet likely they will have homosexuality in Star Wars
@mphoramathe1801 Күн бұрын
15% on RT says the fans are pretty united
@MattWeberWA Күн бұрын
Surely the observation that the online discourse is shrinking (or at least that its the same people talking over and over as you said) is validation for the anti-Disney Star Wars crowd? If fewer people are watching and talking, theres probably a reason for that.
@Daigunbrig Күн бұрын
I didn't understand the meaning of "speechless" until i watched this film
@bmt131 Күн бұрын
once i found my satisfaction with Obi Wan, i closed my door and locked myself away from whatever they were doing with Star Wars. but The Acolyte is like looking outside my window and watching every Star Wars fan rip each other apart. but all i really want to do is shut the windows, turn up Rebels and ignore whatever the hell is going on out there.
@nathanmeyer6743 Күн бұрын
Poor story and poorly made. Feels amateurish. I gave up after two episodes
@KennethWrites Күн бұрын
As someone who was sentient in 1999, I find all the hate and infighting repetitive and boring.. I'm getting generational whiplash from people previously wanting to nail Lucas to a cross, to now wanting to defend "his vision" to the death. I guess each generation gets a crack at it.
@CrankyOldNerd Күн бұрын
as someone who was sentient in 1977, this whole thing makes me hate the fans. The nostalgia filtered view of the first three, followed by the frustration with the 2nd and 3rd attempts weren't 'perfect' like the first one 'was'. I'm just happy we have more stories, I mean it really sucked to be around from 1983 to 1999 wondering if we'd ever learn what the clone wars was and the only thing we got was Ewok movies and Droids cartoons - which you watched because more star wars.
@martinjrgensen8234 Күн бұрын
The writing is just bad. The pacing is bad. The acting is often not good. And the show doesn’t look particularly good. I can’t see where the 180 mill $ have gone
@joh2434 Күн бұрын
The Acolyte is halfway through it's run and it's a mystery show so I'm going get to the end before passing judgement, so far it's been intriguing but nothing amazing.
@kaiserflanderson2632 Күн бұрын
Used to love Star Wars, now I’m just apathetic to the brand. Andor was cool though, it felt like a show for adults (which I am), so maybe that’s why. Perhaps Star Wars is now just a child’s brand and not for adults anymore
@matthewk4912 Күн бұрын
It's interesting you say that because data shows that kids and teens aren't that interested in Star Wars. It's people who grew up with it before, 2000s kids and before that are actively watching the shows and buying the merch. Kids now spend more time on KZfaq and TikTok.
@Jerome616 Күн бұрын
Here are my centrist thoughts. I don't like the not so subtle political messaging in the show, while a kid might not catch it, the adults certainly do. I am interested to see how the story progresses, though i do find the story to be full of holes that i assume will get filled up by the end. I like the action, but have not found the action to be very interesting story wise yet. I like the acting so far, with some exceptions. I think the "worst thing ever" is over blown, yeah, it's not great, and i has questionable messaging for a Star Wars film, but it's not horrible by any means. Having said this, I will give an anecdote: My normie wife and sister in law started watching it, and both don't like the show three episodes in. I have not spoken to them about the fan reaction to the show at all, they just don't like the way it was written.
@Jerome616 Күн бұрын
A few more thoughts. This is the first time that the "woke" messaging has been font and center in a star Wars story. I think that might be where the reaction is coming from. It's a storm of a middling show, political messaging, Seemingly cannon breaking story elements, and fan blaming that is creating this storm.
@danamania150 16 сағат бұрын
You nailed it
@GeneralTaco155555a Күн бұрын
At this point, I'm fairly certain Disney is the ones stoking the flames of controversy, just to get more people like you to "judge it themselves." They know if they create some kind of controversy around their POS product, it will attract more attention. The only people who would give enough of a shit to want watch modern Star Wars are total braindead fools that will watch regardless of quality, culture warriors wanting to hate it because of "wokeness" or some random BS.... and then there are people seeing these 2 groups duking it out and wanting to judge for themselves/defend it against the culture warriors.
@deity752 Күн бұрын
An insult to George's vision
@KRobinson-ko1ne Күн бұрын
At least it’s fair to think so because of Leslie’s pitch, the one diminishing George’s involvement with the franchise and the quality
@goracyi Күн бұрын
I'm a bit more frustrated than intrigued by the first four episodes of "The Acolyte." They need to do something impressive to justify all this setup, which I assume is leading to a significant payoff. I'm not writing off the show entirely, but so far, I haven't been impressed with the writing.
@obi_dean Күн бұрын
dont all assassins challenge their targets in public bars?
@mollymcallister1671 2 күн бұрын
The most fair criticism I've seen of The Acolyte so far has been complaints about execution, things which could've been fixed with more time. More time in production, more/longer episodes to flesh-out the details etc...
@TheFirstOkiro Күн бұрын
Which to me are the fairest complaints and ones I share as well The other stuff…that’s just going overboard
@wickdaline8668 2 күн бұрын
I've been a modern SW defender since 2015. But with Acolyte, I'm not as pessimistic about it as a lot of people are, but it ain't my favorite either.
@LaFemmeFictionale 2 күн бұрын
The Acolyte is something I am enjoying so far, but I also want to wait to see how it ends before I make my final verdict.
@TheFirstOkiro 2 күн бұрын
I see it ending somewhat middle of the road.
@suzygirl1843 Күн бұрын
​@TheFirstOkiro I love Amandla Stenberg. Nerds are pussies. The old guard of men (Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, Clinton Eastwood) would NEVER breathe a single word about women being the enemy. I see why the West is suffering a population decline
@michaelt1357 2 күн бұрын
You know what would be great? If they just stopped. For like 5 years at least. Then come back with something strong like a faithful adaptation of a beloved expanded universe story. Plenty to choose from.
@mollymcallister1671 2 күн бұрын
Especially if when they came back they allowed whoever got the new projects the time and breathing room to cook.
@BatmanNoir 2 күн бұрын
Kylo ren and the knights of ren are so cool but disney killed any potential they had
@TJ_mx 2 күн бұрын
Bro I don’t think it’s divided fans if anything it’s uniting them 😂
@danamania150 16 сағат бұрын
Agreed…very few people actually like this show
@SideSwipesABoss 2 күн бұрын
Great video as always bro. But can you make a complication of you just saying “The Acolyte” for……research purposes…..
@Wade_Tyler 2 күн бұрын
Crap. The acolyte is crap.
@redcrow4533 2 күн бұрын
Or you are? Yeah you’re crap.
@quantemwensday 2 күн бұрын
and all disney had to do to not ruin star wars was turn the already exsisting stuf into movies/tv shows/games
@Supyloco 2 күн бұрын
You're too early.
@Arander92 2 күн бұрын
Not really
@quantemwensday 2 күн бұрын
right on time
@symboh6492 2 күн бұрын
I see what that guy is saying about Brody. You have to really think about it though as it not shown in the movie. Would love a director's cut where his character is fleshed out. At the very least an extended scene with Jyn where he tell her all about the father she never knew.
@taluca8474 3 күн бұрын
You know what’s also worse? The Jedi Order has also led Anakin to become Darth Vader, you said numerous times how the Order had dogmatic rules and those dogmatic rules did not help Anakin in his lowest. They did nothing for Shmi, they took Ani and left her mother into slavery when they could apply her to live comfortably. The Jedi ignored the pain Ani suffered to simply tell him “You shouldn’t feel that way, the Jedi laws say you must be like this” and look where it got them. Padme and Obi-Wan impacted the story in their ways, but the Jedi Order did so much that if they actually were to have given Anakin therapy and helped his mother, things would be different. It’s why I heard a theory that the Chosen One Prophecy was actually talking about Anakin becoming a Sith Lord to shift the balance of the Light Side to the Dark Side, all because the Light Side was too overwhelming for the galaxy and became too complacent.
@solblackguy 4 күн бұрын
This aged like fine wine with the insanity going on with Acolyte. The Star Wars fandom decided to trade in their robes and lightsabers for white hoods and burning crosses.
@souledge4924 5 күн бұрын
Channel awesome luckily made a fantastic story about Finn that truly did him justice
@biglee3816 6 күн бұрын
You are not allowed to love anyone except rey.
@itsasecrettoeveryone7158 7 күн бұрын
I feel Cosmetic shit like skin color wouldn't matter if the personality of the characters stayed the same. Velma changing race would still have been a shock , but it's her personality that pisses me off. That and the thinly veiled racism accusations. ''i feel like you wouldn't mind the personality if she was snow colored'' fuck you!
@dontkave2641 7 күн бұрын
And now with the Acolyte show destroying star wars more and more ppl will fluid to EU because it was done by real fans and loyalists
@voodooluck 9 күн бұрын
0:23 Our hero