@JINX1441 29 минут бұрын
The EU streamer tournaments are showing that former pro players can get shit on by soloq players too, in a pro-like setting
@MaskedPlayer514 35 минут бұрын
This is why nobody believes in bds btw
@shacozzi4888 46 минут бұрын
I LOOOOOVE Corki Tristana every game its so FUNNNNN to watch :DDDF
@richie1496 48 минут бұрын
4:18 yeah Adam missed out like 3 autos. Worst pro gnar ever
@CoiminBerby 50 минут бұрын
no way dom is the kind of mf that plays sejuani in soloq
@jikhuri3121 Сағат бұрын
Bro Adam 💀
@cuk9967 Сағат бұрын
Chris man you gotta shower brother the lec is not worth every second
@EibonAQT Сағат бұрын
Ice is the only human in this match
@Kejmur Сағат бұрын
That Adam teleport to perfect suicide in 3rd game was like a low elo game flashback. Exactly the kind of throws you see there. Like in the mirror. Like what the hell. And it wasn't just one play. This series was full of them.
@c9fan Сағат бұрын
@youtubeacc69469 Сағат бұрын
L take. Definitely not narcissism but go off king. Is he delusional 100%. However in a regular ladder if the strat isnt good then he wouldnt climb. Problem is the ladder is broken. Game warping strats do not mean the rest of the team doesnt play league of legends. Unless you are willing to say the same thing about Baus or other things like Kayle/Teemo top. The ONLY difference between him and Baus is Baus' impact is easier to see and probably more effective.
@jay17737 Сағат бұрын
Baus plays purely for content, if he didn’t do inting strats he wouldn’t get as many viewers
@schwingmeister2171 Сағат бұрын
Brooo we need fearless in Lec, 3 games corki trist holyyyy
@Velereonics Сағат бұрын
Yeah firing your casters because you want to save money, when they are generating your community which is how you get money, and then production staff clearly also left as a result Seems like they torpedoed their own business.
@Vuosta Сағат бұрын
Fleet footwork is just disgustingly OP in general.
@darkin1484 Сағат бұрын
Why is that bro coping. Bardinette has said on stream he knows hes 100% soft inting and griefing, and doesnt care because he likes to play that way. Bro is the most delusional bozo trying to reinvent the hot water. Ban dat guy, hes grieded thousands of ppl. He gets prolly dozens of reports a day literally anyone above master who played in a game with him has hates his guts, has reported him and wants him banned.
@eternalgamers10 Сағат бұрын
Typical French player.
@Velereonics 2 сағат бұрын
Adam flashed because he crossed her up and thought he was going to get wall slammed and bodied.
@icamarillo121 2 сағат бұрын
The best part when there’s a 0-6 Renkton top lane and flaming you why you don’t help him when he’s losing 1v1s
@rank1frombottom 2 сағат бұрын
Just remove soloq and make ranked que you into a lobby so ppl can discuss and agree on a way to play the game before queuing you into draft then the game. The process irons it out eventually when you eventually find a group of friends you vibe with so you queue as 5 to save time
2 сағат бұрын
You mean make like it was from season 1 to 4? It was already like this, but people cried because you did not have a secured roll and only first player could ban, so you ACTUALLY had to communicate your strategy
@rank1frombottom 2 минут бұрын
No no no. Its kinda like teamspeak waaaay back then for normals. 5 ppl get in a chat. All agree to play tgt. Everyone queues together as 5. So there is no more ‘solo’ just a team game. Queue to find 5 players -> enter vc -> everyone readies up after agreement -> queue for ranked game as 5 You might say isnt this dynamic que again? Well yes but this time the person playing solo isnt playing solo as he is choosing his teammates and communicating with them Other features that can be included: -add preferences such as ‘quiet lobby no vc’ or ‘que me with a certain comp’ -perpetual dont queue me with this player list. Toxic ppl will get pushed out of the community by either getting exiled by everyone else or (the noisy crybabies) exiling themselves by blacklisting everyone. You might ask, wouldn’t matchmaking be an issue then? Not if we make it queue the team according to the highest elo on the team. A challenger ques with 4 bronze will still face 5 challengers. Cant complain about your teammates if u had the option to leave and join another lobby. What about boosting? Elo lost/gained is fixed. The bronzie won’t shoot up to challenger because he beat a challenger eloed team Isnt smurfing still an issue then? Well yes. This doesn’t fix this. You might also ask, wouldn’t the blacklist start a witch hunt? We can make the ability to blacklist available only after you have queued with said person. Advantages: -Fixes matchmaking by making it the players problem -in game issues can now be properly fixed as the game is being played as it should be played (no more lowelo/highelo balancing issues) -riot can now actually work on the game instead of trying to whiteknight the community -saves money for riot as the community will just regulate itself. No more need for reviews
@itsharuko1538 2 сағат бұрын
In Game 2, (around min 20), NUC Tps to the bottom tier 2 and then backs???
@AmeDZ24 3 сағат бұрын
Think Dom's timer for game 3 is off by like 2-3 seconds.
@summonstormx 3 сағат бұрын
Tryndamere, Nasus, Qiyana SMILE. I will say, LoL is the ONLY MOBA with assassins being this strong. In any other game they are insanely bad or actually 1 for 1 / pick characters. The only "True" assassin is arguably Shaco. Everyone else is extraordinarily inflated since they actually one shot you, when every other moba that isn't the case. Talon would be shot on the spot and not viable as an assassin for example.
@AlienCupcakes 3 сағат бұрын
And this is why I think they need to make a different rank system for women call me sexist all you want until you get the egirl support that sits behind you and stares at you in the perma 1v2 lane.
@StoneDeceiver 3 сағат бұрын
it is sexist because sex is not the variable that is responsible for this. in other words, you are wrong because blaming women for behaviour that people who aren't women also do. not that i care whether or not u hate women or don't, hate em all u want lol
@user-lo6nd4xp3o 3 сағат бұрын
Ive seen shopify play and that shit is way worse lol
@smo6257 3 сағат бұрын
and riot is finally doing something about this, im glad.
@xfadeangelzz3684 40 минут бұрын
Are they? What did they say?
@risy95 3 сағат бұрын
Fails all over the place, Zyra in all games... Someone recorded my matches and swapped the nameplates?
@Jxd1219d 3 сағат бұрын
Qiyana is just weak sadly, look at beifeng he rather plays other classes like mages rn because qiyana literally deals negative dmg early game and is a scaling assassin😂
@WickedSL 3 сағат бұрын
lec is something nowadays
@Roberto-bf7us 3 сағат бұрын
MickeyMouse EWC trophy HELLNAH
@recordkeepingandinformatio8206 3 сағат бұрын
BAD lions (Killed on Impact) vs Team Below Dog Shit
@mr.spooderman4912 3 сағат бұрын
Why are you solo casting game 3 when all i care for is hearing jiizuke? Sad clown
@miguelsegura1859 3 сағат бұрын
I'm by far🔭 the best🏆 ADC🏹 in the LEC🇪🇺. I think💭 I'm better🏅 at laning📝, teamfights👊, macro🤓, micro🤏
@luisbrenes4620 3 сағат бұрын
This analogy shows dom knows ball 🏀
@derechte6086 3 сағат бұрын
I mean people been picking whatever they want in soloq even if it’s absolutely terrible for team
@xfadeangelzz3684 39 минут бұрын
But atleast they play their role
@aR0ttenBANANA 4 сағат бұрын
It’s insane that I’ve been using that analogy for years and somehow even today it sounds alien to the average league player.
@aR0ttenBANANA 4 сағат бұрын
Shit like this is why I just can’t take esports equating to sports. There’s just such a a disconnect in ethos between the playerbases that kill the core of what a team sport is. The average “gamer” just doesn’t have any respect for a competitive sporting environment. It would be unacceptable and would end in violence if you played any sport and just started doing your own shit and putting your team in compromising situations. They’d fuckin pummel you and then ban you from ever playing or kick you off the team. So why is it any different in video games and something not ban-worthy? The worst part is people say it’s only “ranked” so it’s for fun but in sports even if it’s for fun, a team environment is the no.1 priority.
@alphasheaa198 4 сағат бұрын
If he's in masters playing bard top who cares it must work for him to the point where he's high elo
@EvolutionWar 4 сағат бұрын
Pleaseeeeeee tell me they fired both teams after this game for revealing that they have in fact not been practicing League of Legends, as shown in whatever this was.
@jaebi1961 4 сағат бұрын
Saves trists life, then dies trying to ks.
@gtmaniacmda 4 сағат бұрын
I had to leave my PC during both Game 2 and 3. Both times were right after MDK had won a teamfight, but somehow, by the time I got back, BDS had won the game. And I was only gone like three minutes. How the hell did that happen two games in a row?!?
@Velereonics 4 сағат бұрын
that analogy is actually so effective. it's like brilliant and it applies to a lot of meta strategies for the ladder. otps who play really one note champions, especially in off positions, people who fight from the first minute and either stomp or gigafeed, perma roaming supports, and, controversially, inting sion all fall into this category. they are making the game about them, and you can either play along, or you will lose. you don't get to participate in the strategy itself you're treated like a bot.
@gaboelexo 4 сағат бұрын
I never know if this is ai or what
@Velereonics 4 сағат бұрын
He's so unlikable. it's like he wants to be hated like he gets off on it or something. I think the best thing to do is to not pay attention to him. he doesn't care about anyone but because of that you can't damage him by talking about him. because he doesn't care what your opinion is he's going to stream anyway he would stream if he had literally zero viewers because he's just watching himself.
@aspiwri664 4 сағат бұрын
Bro got turned into a 13 yr old girl shame on you Adam..
@Nykryian 4 сағат бұрын
34:26 there is legitimate pain in his eyes. I feel so bad
@r9dog949 4 сағат бұрын
They recruited these guys from my iron lobies.
@ayyylmao6520 4 сағат бұрын
at this point there should be investigations, these players are TOO disgusting
@BigBobbyRoss 4 сағат бұрын
What’s with the Caedral thumbnail?
@xmdpxbasketball 5 сағат бұрын
it’s always the french
@xmdpxbasketball 5 сағат бұрын
that analogy is so fucking good
@MJ-zr6bb 5 сағат бұрын
i laughed my ass off watching this vid