@virtualee2000 2 күн бұрын
Very good
@bradeedwards2505 2 күн бұрын
SO fake! A TV show run by a mormon billionaire to pay grown men with kiddy science test kits & fake their experiences. Then, Brandon Fugal makes billions more off charging people to watch this junk! PATHETIC show! SO fake!
@majellavito5784 4 күн бұрын
Thank you Kaleb for your military, community & Faith service 🇺🇸🫡
@marilyncalvert4143 4 күн бұрын
I’m curious as to what type of signal they are trying to send. For those that are expecting a type of speech from this I thought I might voice my experience. In 1965 I had an encounter with three aliens . I was 8 my brother was three. We were sitting outside on my mom’s VW bug in mass just south of NH and west of Boston. It was mid August about 12 am. We were waiting for our mother to take us home a short distance away. This craft hovered over us by 30 ft it was luminescent. They spoke but it was by telepathy but it was like they could in our language each of these greys were three different heights. The taller one was inside this observation deck like on a blimp but this was not a blimp. The first communication was for us not to fear them and nothing told us to fear. They said they watch over us and protect us. After the taller one was done as if he was fixing something. We were told they would be back. So these being are able to communicate with us but not spoken language by mind speak. In that area our family had other different types of contacts one by a portal and some other really bizarre things. I have a gut feeling this is not the only worm hole on earth Alaska and Bermuda may be others.
@pennyjanesplace 5 күн бұрын
I am seriously glad that I found this podcast. Keep it up very interesting.
@Nic-kx5dn 6 күн бұрын
Kaleb keep safe❤
@kylesmith4973 6 күн бұрын
Destabilizing magnetic vortex wormhole generator from downed craft? White hole? Wormhole? Intersecting points of the hypersphere in our lower dimension?
@matbritton6816 7 күн бұрын
Humour me a minute. How would a pyramid built with original Giza plateau building materials, with the gold tip touching the anomalous area react? Could that be why pyramids were built? To tap some sort of energy. Also get some experienced psychonauts to take some magic mushrooms there.
@timryan8444 7 күн бұрын
He just said "Nazi"
@marilyncalvert4143 7 күн бұрын
Our science doesn’t answer everything. Orbs come from our own bodies. When we die this orb leaves through our head. Many that have witnessed death will tell you we leave through our heads which explains neurons in our brains. We die we see tunnels as we travel out of our bodies. These beings 11:31 our helpers. Much that we don’t know is right in front of us. We know so little aliens mock us.
@azman67 8 күн бұрын
I think if you all keep digging what happened to that calf aka microwaved! Is going to happen to one or all of you! You guys dont have a lick of sense! STOP DIGGING...What ever is inside the mesa is more powerful than you! This powerful entity can kill you in less than a second! Get out of there and stay away!
@carolrohrer325 8 күн бұрын
GREAT show!
@Jfree906 8 күн бұрын
Thank you Carol. We so enjoy having Erik on the show!
@pirateeaglefang 8 күн бұрын
Could these two questions be answered, please? 1.) For drilling, can someone mention to Kaleb - to pass along to the team - as to why there is not more collaborated effort to work with neighboring "Blind Frog Ranch" in so far as both drilling expertise and equipment? 2.) Was the (very low) flyover by a US Air Force plane more about the actual "dropping" of unseen surveillance payload - upon the top of the Mesa - than it was about flyover surveillance itself? It is a bit uncanny how everything fell apart from that flyover point, moving forward.
@Jfree906 8 күн бұрын
As far as Blink Frog Ranch, we just do not know. As for the Flyby, what you suggest could be possible. It is very likely they are being surveilled. By who, we just do not know. more likely a private entity.
@pirateeaglefang 8 күн бұрын
@@Jfree906 Have you ever heard of "The Collins Elite?" As a follow up, I do appreciate you responding to my prior questions.
@pirateeaglefang 8 күн бұрын
This recording was aired from Coast to Coast (radio) and it was an interview conducted by renowned investigative reporter George Knapp: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/obuaepx-zdq0gpc.htmlfeature=shared
@EttaV007 9 күн бұрын
@Judy-w2s 9 күн бұрын
The phenomenon going on at the Ranch reminds me of a Next Generation episode, where we had a camouflage "mountain range " for observing the local culture without detection
@Jfree906 8 күн бұрын
OH I remember that one. Wouldn't that be something??
@jackiefruge5884 9 күн бұрын
Erik- your name will be in the history books. Brilliant conversation and I always learn something new! Respect
@Jfree906 9 күн бұрын
I agree. I always learn something.
@jackiefruge5884 9 күн бұрын
We are witnessing History being made! Love the series!
@Jfree906 9 күн бұрын
This show is certainly unprecedented!
@alanheadrick7997 9 күн бұрын
It seems at this point there is something there. Now its up to us to figure it out. So now what is ET going to do? Watch us to see if we come visit them? Or at some point they drop in and say OK, don't destroy our portal? I would like to watch this but 2 hours is a bit much. The wife l not approve.
@Jfree906 9 күн бұрын
Well thanks for watching what you did. They are so long because we do these live and having a guest that is as engaging as Kaleb, we had to keep going.
@virtualee2000 9 күн бұрын
The balloon may have been caught in some kind of time/gravity anomaly. There could be pockets of such anomalies around the ranch, which are a by-product of the UAP travelling through the portal over the triangle. Alternatively, we may have a situation similar to the sudden wind which arose, as the 'Beyond' team were conducting an experiment where the Skinwalkers were prominent. In that case, the team measured a signal, which appeared to coincide with the sudden strong wind. The point being that given the correct balance of energy, vibration and frequency, it is possible to manipulate the weather in a very localised way. HARRP can work along those principles, and apparently so can the Skinwalkers, who may be more techno wizard than shaman. The incident with the calf may also be a manipulation of energy, vibration and frequency. Perhaps there is some kind of directed energy device over the Ranch, which is invisible to the naked eye? Perhaps this is a defence mechanism for whatever is going on at the Ranch. For instance, the calf appeared to be a distraction from the drilling. I have to wonder about the extent to which the US military is involved in manipulating these strange events. They clearly still have a vested interest in the property, and have access to all manner of new and exotic technologies, including directed energy weapons.
@rneidermyer5266 9 күн бұрын
Heard a transmission. Now that is really really interesting. Not that all the other things are not interesting. They are. But that one is a worthy mic drop moment.
@jackiefruge5884 9 күн бұрын
I love skinwalker ranch show. Keep up the good work
@Jfree906 9 күн бұрын
Thanks! Will do!
@rneidermyer5266 9 күн бұрын
I have launched a lot of rockets myself and seen more rocket launches and recoveries than I can think of and never, not once, have I seen a rocket with the chute open descending stop and hang there.
@Jfree906 9 күн бұрын
Yeah I think this is very unlikely to happen. Million to one odds?
@SamFerlauto 10 күн бұрын
Great interview Kaleb as usual and thanks for sharing, it's so true we get wrapped up with silly little anomalies of think we have solved it as backseat drivers , forgetting at times the big picture of everything else! Learnt a lot!! God bless and kudos to you and the crew for all that you do
@voidagent 10 күн бұрын
The only way to explain the LiDAR solutions showing a giant toroid underground is the photons are experiencing time lag on the surface returning to the LiDAR sensor. That is Time-Dilation. The field from whatever it is underground is introducing a 1/1000th second delay in the return. Notice, this is only for coherent L.A.S.E.R. photons being absorbed. Daylight incoherent light is not affected. It really needs to be understood how innovative the Living Laboratory is for studying astrophysics phenomena. The RF - Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyzers they have now used to be in giant instrument boxes weighing 50 pounds, 20 years ago. This moving entire RF laboratories outdoors is very innovative.
@eighties8 10 күн бұрын
Can you guys ask Kaleb next time you do one of these, why don't they run the crawler cam back into the hole now that they have larger diameter holes than the ones before when the crawler could not move into the hole.
@Jfree906 10 күн бұрын
I can ask but I don't think the holes were stable enough ... yet ... to get equipment in there.
@eighties8 10 күн бұрын
@@Jfree906 Thanks! it would be great to have an answer, whatever it is, to put that question to rest until they make more progress. Based on Kaleb's answers it appears that they finally break through eventually this season so hopefully that happens and we can get back to experiments vs broken drill rods and setbacks
@eighties8 10 күн бұрын
Episode 10 transcript leak (comic spoiler alert)... A few segments later... "After the last few experiments here at the ranch failed to produce any tangible results, Eric and I decided its time to get to the bottom of this situation with Jay Stratton. Eric thinks that Jay may actually be communicating with us but we just can't audibly hear, or physically see, the lips moving or the words coming out of the area that constitutes his mouth, throat and vocal chords. So we got the guys from Precision Tower & Crane to help us set up a 160.16 foot scissor lift over at the triangle. The plan is to secretly record Jay's silent thoughts and musings as he sits around the table here with his arms folded, blank stare, nodding every so often and occasionally raising an eyebrow. We'll place the recording up on the lift under the anomaly and broadcast it on a loop while we shoot several rockets up into it. Kaleb and I will draw straws to see who does the countdown (or hell, we might just do the deadgum thang in unison), while Dragon, bless his heart, he'll be listening for our signal to push the button to fire the rockets. Meanwhile, Eric will be stationed in the command center with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of monitors and sensors covering every angle of the ranch to watch for any non-transponding UAPs, totally dependent on Thomas to radio "Eric, you got a copy?" before he has a clue about anything we are seeing or observing during the experiment. We hope that by firing hobby rockets up and through Jay’s silent thoughts and oddly vacant facial expressions, we'll be able to observe any anomalies or signals it may produce that can help us get closer to the answers we are looking for here at the ranch."
@dodgeguy232 10 күн бұрын
Pretty good video showing how that laser scanner works (not the same model, but still the same principle). In the video, you can easily see that you should not see anything in the sky unless there was something there. Strange capture at the ranch, indeed. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/fJ2XnteSssjQfI0.html or kzfaq.info/get/bejne/etxljMqLlZzSnmg.html
@galenyoder5020 10 күн бұрын
Great show to all of you. Caleb is such a nice guy. Love hearing his take on things there. On finding material coming out of the hole , why don’t they good thru the heavies. Like the mud. Most of the flakes would probably be there. The rocket shoot., I’m speechless. Did they check the DNA on that dead animal in the stream? The calf was hard to watch. Do you think it got hit with some sort of radioactive pulse. Kinda the same when Travis got hit at the old sewer by homestead
@Jfree906 10 күн бұрын
That is what I thought of for the calf. Some sort of targeted energy weapon. I know that is reaching but what Kaleb has told of his own experience is frightening.
@francinewilson106 10 күн бұрын
Like that pretty black cat. LOL
@francinewilson106 10 күн бұрын
Thermals updraft would have moved the shoot, but in this instance it didn't sway or move. And it stays convex, as a parachute would normally going down.
@alanheadrick7997 9 күн бұрын
It did look odd, but I do think it was an updraft. But these guys should know being on the ground there and familiar with the weather/effects.
@francinewilson106 10 күн бұрын
Then the parachute stopped mid air
@Jfree906 10 күн бұрын
Yes that is truly crazy.
@francinewilson106 10 күн бұрын
Could the small double-edged piece in the dumped water be an edge of this dome object? Then that poor calf gets microwaved?
@Zoolatron 11 күн бұрын
Kaleb rocks
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
Yes he does.
@theman-gg7hp 11 күн бұрын
can wrap machines in metal, like a feriday cage...
@theman-gg7hp 11 күн бұрын
no choice, gotta dig....
@randywollin5732 11 күн бұрын
Those of you with all the complaints, I am glad you listened to the show. I guess we won't be hearing from you anymore though so bye bye. As for the rest of us, this is my only way I get the show since I can't afford cable right now, so thanks for your podcast.
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
Sorry you can't watch the full episode but glad we can help bring it to you. At least in this way.
@janet3704 11 күн бұрын
Travis is Rocket 🚀 Man 👏🏻😊🚀
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
Yes he sure it!
@TheStobb50 11 күн бұрын
If it’s a wormhole there’s nothing we could do about it, because it would go straight over our heads, it would be like giving a mobile phone to a chimpanzee
@rogerfroud300 11 күн бұрын
I'd love to watch a brief review, I don't have time for two hours to review a program half that long.
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
Yes I do understand that. It is hard for anyone to do. We do these live and that is one of the reasons we go so long. Folks like to hang out and comment during the podcast. Plus having a guest here. Kaleb was great and I was not about to cut him off.
@steveo288 11 күн бұрын
A 2 hour review of what? They have had no answers for into their 5th season now and these people thinks it's a good idea to do a 2 hour broadcast? What a joke Oh, and this show is a joke, too. This show failed to keep me interested, as they had more questions than answers. Then the intro into the rocket launches almost every episode in season 2. They were doing experiments you'd expect to see from High School kids. How many more years will this last before the public gives up on it? 5+ seasons and they still have no solid answers explaining anything. This show could turn into the worse ever reality TV show if they come up with no answers.
@kapirk2244 11 күн бұрын
But you stuck around long enough to be nasty for no reason. You don’t like it, why waste your time being so negative? Go find something you enjoy, maybe you would not be so nasty? Or, maybe you just get your enjoyment that way?
@elitet3359 11 күн бұрын
Then don’t watch because it’s very clear you have no idea what you are talking about.
@steveo288 10 күн бұрын
@@elitet3359 I'm interested in shows that keeps my interest. This show did not do that. Does every show you watch hold your interest? Highly unlikely. I will still give my opinions on you tube, no matter what you comment.
@kekui1647 18 сағат бұрын
@@steveo288 So, wait, the show didn't hold your interest, so you decided to search for a podcast about said show that reviews Season 5, Episode 9. On top of that, you decided to post a comment which only helps the channel because all KZfaq cares about is 'interaction,' whether negative or positive. It seems like maybe you are interested in the show; you're just a bit unhappy in your life, so you let that negativity infect everything you say. With that said friend, sometimes you just gotta let that negativity go because it will rule over you until you do.
@StanGraham1 11 күн бұрын
I had to watch a few hours later but to make for my lateness I cast your show on my big screen and it really pops! Great show and Kaleb is such a real guest! I gotta join the Insiders and be in the know!
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
The Insider program really is great and the community there is great. Everyone is so helpful and like minded.
@allegedlyannie 11 күн бұрын
I miss your “lives”. However I listen to each of your shows usually twice. ❤ love them. Thank you!
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
Thank you Annie. I am glad you enjoy the shows. Hopefully you can catch it live sometime and let me know you are in the chat!
@loadedhot1034 11 күн бұрын
Since the mesa is a mix of sandstone and clay the clay is gumming up the cutting head and the water is not flowing hard enough to clear it out. Now if there is quartz mixed in with the sandstone it can make drilling incredibly hard and if the clay is gumming up the bit it makes it even worse. I bet if they turn up the water pressure and really blast that clay off the head they will be able to drill. Where i live in Kansas we have red and blue clay and the blue is nearly waterproof when it packed. People build huge ponds and line it with blue clay and it keeps the ground from soaking up the water and any leaks from developing over time.
@Jfree906 11 күн бұрын
I wish I knew more about drilling and the make up of the ground there at the Mesa
@loadedhot1034 11 күн бұрын
Sandstone Hardness On the Mohs Scale of Hardness, sandstone rates between 6 and 7, which means it's hard enough to last but still soft enough to cut. However, the hardness of sandstone can vary depending on its composition, which includes quartz sand, feldspar, clay, and silt.
@loadedhot1034 11 күн бұрын
Who wants to see Dragon with a case TNT???
@Seafarer-Ade 11 күн бұрын
I want to know why a ( seemingly) grown man goes around calling himself 'Dragon'...
@kapirk2244 11 күн бұрын
@@Seafarer-Adehe did not call himself Dragon. You are being critical over something you know nothing about. It’s a very funny story how he got that name, but I’m not telling you.
@lynnesperoni2686 11 күн бұрын
@GeorgannHughes 11 күн бұрын
What was the elevation that the rocket stopped?
@loadedhot1034 11 күн бұрын
My first thought was the chute got hung up on some kind of rising radiant heat like the kind that Buzzards soar on way up high.
@navydogsadventures3500 11 күн бұрын
I wonder if pro cavers could climb underground in the mesa?
@therealdaftaida 11 күн бұрын
They would have to pursued someone first😂
@voidagent 11 күн бұрын
The show is getting several things wrong in the narrative. Skinwalker Ranch was not a US government project for 20 years. Bigelow bought it in 1995 and was doing his own research with his BAASS team. It became a D.I.A. Defense Intelligence Agency project from 2007 to 2012 through a contract with Bigelow Aerospace, A.A.W.S.A.P. Travis really should stop saying the ferroaluminum alloy layered composite metamaterial is the same as the Space Shuttle Orbiter tiles. They aren't the same at all except for being the outer coating of a spaceship hull. The D.I.A. is sending the military aircraft, as a reminder to Brandon that he only owns up to 400 feet and then, it is US Federal Government property. They are there on orders, Special Forces does not allow "joyrides". Notice, they steer clear of the area above the center of the triangle.
@dodgeguy232 10 күн бұрын
Travis needs to stop saying a LOT of things. Since S1, Ep1 he has been stating his opinions so strongly and in such a way which makes many people believe they are facts. Every time Erik uses that emboss filter, I want to throw my shoe at the TV to try and knock some sense into him. And then Travis chimes in with his opinions, not knowing emboss produces an altered and fake representation of what was captured.
@voidagent 10 күн бұрын
@@dodgeguy232 There is nothing wrong with using the emboss effect. They always show the original 4K color before applying the emboss effect. It gives a 3D volume to the object which stands out from the 2D of the background. Real world emboss is taking a copper plate and embossing 3D volumes by stretching the copper outward. No, that nitpick needs to go away. The other thing that needs to stop is Travis Taylor referring to a transversable wormhole. Wormhole is street slang and is not a worm hole. It is street slang to refer to the Einstein-Rosen Bridge of instantaneous transport of matter between two distantly separated points in space-time. That is not what is going on although there is a giant gravity amplifier in the main field.
@dodgeguy232 9 күн бұрын
​@@voidagent Unfortunately, that is not true. Embossing a digital image is a graphic design styling effect that alters an image to give the illusion of depth (as opposed to physical embossing to actually create depth). The software filter looks for changes in pixel information to imply an edge. Emboss is not a means to use for scientific or other analysis of digital images to determine any kind of structure/shape. Erik should know better. For TV entertainment purposes? Sure. Travis is using his imagination that this "object" is really two semi-spheres connected by some structure in the middle. I made a quick, no-frills video showing how one could perceive depth simply from printed markings on an object (it's a digital image, but the same as if I took a photo of a ball with printed stripes on it). Including light reflections from a surface implying structure. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/adqDibpnmMfDgIk.html
@voidagent 9 күн бұрын
@@dodgeguy232 You have gone off the trail. They are showing the original video first and the object can be faint. The emboss is being used for illustrative purposes, to just make the object more visible. That it is a pseudo-3D representation does not invalidate it.
@dodgeguy232 8 күн бұрын
​@@voidagent I am not off the trail, but will admit that for this example at @51:10 in the video they are not embossing it. But my comment about embossing altering an image to where you cannot infer anything about its shape or construction is valid. I agree, if it were just for "illustrative" purposes, fine. Travis should not say anything as to what it could be. "Hmm, that looks interesting. We'll investigate this more." and then keep quiet. This 3D model was originally from season 4, episode 2. Travis specifically says it was taken from his phone camera. Not any super-duper, hi-res camera.
@tsg888826 12 күн бұрын
Cone vortex est volume=1/3pix0.25*.038 cubic miles? Cone Slanting side length from homestead 2 to cone apex ~0.62miles