How to play the game of life
How to use the I Ching for beginners
The Dangerous Rise of Scientism
@ikanderson 4 сағат бұрын
This "reality" exists solely in the media. The media shows negative stories because it catches our attention and keeps us engaged for longer. Social media portrays a negative image of the world because it makes us engage with it out of fear. This "reality" is not at all representative. For the 20% of bad stuff that happens, there is 80% of good stuff, but the media only shows the bad. Once you stop viewing this negative content, hope returns. I recommend blocking people who only paint a negative picture and using other tools of social media platforms such as pressing "not interested" or disliking content. This does not make you misinformed, as the default social media algorithms are already a misinformed view.
@jgarbo3541 13 сағат бұрын
At age 5 my teacher put me "behind the piano" , punishment for "asking too many questions". Sorry, I've never stopped...
@DamonBoykiw 18 сағат бұрын
Gay vid
@RemiStardust 20 сағат бұрын
Was this written by ai?
@supremereader7614 22 сағат бұрын
Paul fell through the water when only when he looked down and realized walking on water was impossible. 🥄
@samhparker 23 сағат бұрын
I've been in and out of depression and a fixed mindset over the past 2 years. This was such a great wake-up call reminding me of just how much my mindset inhibits growth and positivity. Thanks for all your research and putting this together. I've read and learned about a lot of these concepts individually. But I don't think I've ever internalized them or understood them like this before. While I was listening to your narration it was like having blinders taken off of my eyes and seeing the world and my life through a whole new lens.
@thomasmalamas1431 Күн бұрын
Actually angels numbers are divination. They are demonic . They give confusion . Look for bible verses every time you see these numbers . seek lord for answers not angel numbers and tarot
@Chorizotacosbaby Күн бұрын
Don't trust this! these numbers are not coming from angels. Malign spirits will often masquerade under the guise of being benign, but that is one of the ruses of the masters of deception. They use something that is seeming to be peaceful and good for you to lure you in and trust it. Then you come to rely on it and you follow its meaning like a moth to a flame, until you are completely guided by these "synchronicities", you see a bad number sign you panic and say what am I doing wrong? what will I do wrong in the future, what bad is coming for me now? tomorrow it may say different, and you breathe a sigh of relief. On and on it goes; you are now a slave. Do not put your faith in signs such as this, these are deceits that get you to put your faith in the material (things we can see). Faith comes from within, and if you are a believer faith comes from walking on Gods path. There's a reason why many of the wise know new age to be demonic, that is why it was introduced to us, to mimic true "spirituality" and lead you astray. I used to fall for this but thank God I stopped, all it will do is serve to enslave you to mysticism, as all evil ever does is seek to enslave. turn away from it, the numbers will try its best to keep you and you will probably see even more numbers, but, looking back you will see what I mean. Believe me I know your doubt, it uses real truth to snare you, but trust me you should turn away from this. All the best to you.
@UltimateHotdog Күн бұрын
For every like I will study an hour
@Mettlehead Күн бұрын
Pure play is one of those things that I feel is a human essential and a human universal. I don't think we can survive without it. Playing tabletop games with my friends is one of my favorite things in my life.
@lisriver1 Күн бұрын
@genuine4708 Күн бұрын
I got 10
@liltick102 Күн бұрын
I want that coat and hat 4:58 - I appreciate this video a lot
@knobfieldfox Күн бұрын
The problem with games is that they always have losers.
@karenmattiazzo6639 2 күн бұрын
I have one cool story that it happened yesterday, but connected to something from a long time ago. I'm from Brazil, but I live in England for nearly 5 years now. When I first got here, I started dating someone and told him about missing my family and missing events that happened back home, important events of people I love. I decided to look for a thoughtful gift for my sister to remember me by, one of the people I miss the most, and it was a wall tapestry with an illustration of a piece of salmon with eyes and arms hugging a piece of rice, just like a sashimi you know? I couldn't find that wall tapestry to sell in the UK, only in the US, so I kind of gave up trying to get that for her. That was around three years ago now.. Yesterday, Saturday morning, I decided, after lunch, to get my laptop and sit in a café close to my flat, that I've never sat before, even though it's facing a tram stop that I usually use and I've considered several times to sit there to work remote. I got myself a milkshake, and I'm working for around two hours, maybe three hours focused on my screen, and then someone walks out of the pharmacy right in front of the café, and I could've looked anywhere else, he could've walked out of any shop around me, but he decided to walk out of the pharmacy and I decided to look up and look at his T-shirt. He had that exact illustration of the salmon and rice. Immediately made me remember my sister. I wrote down that synchronicity, and today, Sunday, I had completely forgotten that a cousin of mine is getting married in Brazil, and I couldn't attend, unfortunately, but the wedding was yesterday, and I keep thinking, maybe at the exact time that I saw that illustration was the time that my sister could've missed me at the wedding party..
@rogelioflores9371 2 күн бұрын
If it’s not a game, look at politicians argue over a decision
@griley266 2 күн бұрын
@user-zq1su1vt6f 2 күн бұрын
When you don't know you in the game. priceless !
@graces2534 2 күн бұрын
i've never seen anyone else discuss this theory so maybe its just me being crazy. it's clear enough to observe that tyler durden represents the shadow, the unconcious compensatory aspect of the personality. i have begun to wonder after rewatching a few times if marla singer is the personification of his anima.
@meatandsatoshis 2 күн бұрын
@tomsisson660 2 күн бұрын
“He hates his job . . . . . “ This is the attitude of a person that thinks that he is owed work. That he is completely unthankful for the job he has, not seeing the option of unemployment. Tom Sisson
@JewTube001 2 күн бұрын
@annakonda6727 3 күн бұрын
I did make it to the end and found it really interesting. I've read some of Philip Dick's books,, loved Blade Runner, but did no know mast of this. Fascinating, thanks!
@positivityplace 3 күн бұрын
Black and White Synchronicity...Years ago, I had a vivid dream where I was surrounded by women in black and white outfits in my office. The next morning, I noticed one of my coworkers dressed similarly. As the day progressed, I saw more colleagues, including the receptionist, accountant, and my close friend Caroline, all dressed in black and white. Even a saleswoman who arrived that morning wore the same colors.Intrigued by these synchronicities, I shared the experience with my supervisor, who suggested I look for a message in the Bible. I went to another room, picked up a random Bible from a bookcase, and opened the first page I came to at random. It was 3 John 1:13-14 in the JB Phillips version, which read: "I have many things to say to you, but I cannot write them down in BLACK AND WHITE..." Remarkably, the previous chapter mentioned my name, Demetrious.These coincidences were overwhelming. It had to be a rare JB Phillips Bible that was randomly lying around, as his version uniquely uses the term "Black and White" in that scripture. To me, the message was clear: sometimes, guidance cannot be given in clear black and white terms; we need to be open to listening
@positivityplace 3 күн бұрын
Also a 19 Synchronicity......In 1994, on the night of my birthday, September 18, I experienced a spooky feeling like something shook my bed. Scared, I prayed to God and felt a lightning-like sensation through my body, which was beautiful and overwhelming. The next morning, at my job as a production manager at Channel 19, I shared my experience with a friend from a Christian program. She and her friends prayed over me, and I decided to be born again. This happened on September 19. I felt transformed.The number 19 began to show up in my life significantly. I worked for Channel 19, was born again on the 19th, and had started working at the TV station at age 19. Later that year, I noticed that 94 days from September 19 landed on December 22, which was marked as St. Demetrio on a Mexican calendar-my name is Demetrio also, that could only happen in 1994. When the TV station was sold, I realized that the license plates of key people at work, including mine, all added up to 19. The new production manager, who emphasized believing in the station's number, was surprised when I pointed out that his license plate also added up to 19.These coincidences are overwhelming. What are the chances that the number 19 would appear so consistently and meaningfully in my life...
@LifeHacks-pu3ol 3 күн бұрын
Way before Shakespeare the hindu religion thought of life as a stage.
@TheTexasWhale 3 күн бұрын
The narrator almost ruins the video by emphasizing ever final word of a sentence with the same tone of wonderment and questioning. Makes it feel fake, but the message is good.
@roadrunna1up 3 күн бұрын
The best thing I got out of this was to share Synchronicities with others 🪲🪲🪲 I am a scared because some people think you're crazy 😂😂😂
@syzygy4365 3 күн бұрын
Make work feel like play. Thank you for this. After all that's why I was attracted to this job. Sometimes we overcomplicate things and forget the happiness our choices were supposed to bring us. I think, this can help too with a w-2 job. As long as you can find something you like about it give the tasks meaning and have fun in places you like about it then your happiness will be more stable than the times our praise low and other places our ego holds a dark shadow over.
@luisumaaa 3 күн бұрын
This has got to be one of the most inspiring and beautifully crafted videos I’ve seen in KZfaq. Thank you for reminding me the true nature of learning.
@SkyeAten 3 күн бұрын
"The lost art of play" with an AI image as the thumbnail? 😂 Thats so ironic... AI has literally removed play from the equation. Pressing the button on the microwave meal doesn't make you a chef and you certainly don't learn anything about cooking... There's no play involved.
@eric6242 3 күн бұрын
Thanks I needed this 🦆
@ronfarrell776 4 күн бұрын
@sethflix 4 күн бұрын
👤 Well done, sir.
@CollegeEntrepreneur2345 4 күн бұрын
Have seen Stranger Than Fiction multiple times, never thought of it this way. Will probably never watch it the same again… The fact that we all know we’re going to die is exactly what gives life meaning. The stakes of that don’t take on any real bearing until we get close enough. Most wait until it’s too late, which is why so many people start to change after a near-death experience
@JC-lc5lm 4 күн бұрын
Well shit, I've had that book, Little Bets for more than 7 years now and I haven't gone past the first 2 chapters.
@MTheory333 4 күн бұрын
What an incredible, thought provoking video. Thank you thank you.
@ramio42 4 күн бұрын
9 day 8 full CEO and always had a difficult relationship w family due to being to giving 😢😅🎉😊
@madeleinesander6190 4 күн бұрын
@Starowlnightwatch 4 күн бұрын
@jjt53 4 күн бұрын
🍞...thanks for sharing Viktor's story.
@Andrea-Rose 4 күн бұрын
Such a good video. Thank you for your creations 🦉🦉🦉
@jaynormas 4 күн бұрын
@ter2710 5 күн бұрын
The ideology of courage..
@MTheory333 5 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for creating this video
@jacob_dmn 5 күн бұрын
brilliant 🌀
@grantgoldberg1663 5 күн бұрын
Just say being in the zone. That's all my generation needs. We watched Jordan enough.
@catcoin- 5 күн бұрын
I adore your nice video. Thanks for your spiritual sense. ❤
@OfficialExocet 5 күн бұрын
Fixed Mindset = Mistakes are Bad and Irreversible Growth Mindset = Mistakes are Natural and Reversible
@mulekezicanorole 5 күн бұрын
props man, this is an awesome video