@user-sg1jp4ws9c 2 сағат бұрын
Your summary was excellent, good job with all those mental notes and memory. Your finding of the nature of the people will be fairly constant wherever you attend, and I'm glad you used 'first' as a descriptor, because that leaves open the possibility of a second, and beyond. You will find variation as you attend different places, even the same place repeatedly. Only rarely will someone you would consider a Church 'leader' will be the speaker, as this is not only a 'lay church' but one in which the laity depends on the laity, and the Church obeys the commandment that we 'exhort one another', and to some extent, with our deep belief in the individual and personal attention mediated by the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit, as some say, even us), we've partly reached the state where a person need not obtain all required knowledge only from designated leaders preaching and teaching weekly from the pulpit. You'll even hear some of those Sacrament meeting 'talks' given by very, very young children and teens, whose knowledge, power, and privilege to speak might be scorned in some churches. Please come again.
@axoid 2 сағат бұрын
Good introduction. I've definitely heard both of those statements before from people that seriously believed it.
@RogersMgmtGroup 3 сағат бұрын
Plenty of evidence the Book of Mormon was created - not translated - by Smith. The entire book is a lie. Since the book is fantasy the whole religion is nonsense.
@keithsmith5998 10 сағат бұрын
Let me paraphrase a famous quote from the movie "Highlander."There can be only one Hill Cumorah!"
@MoiraDodkins 10 сағат бұрын
@robertbarrett487 14 сағат бұрын
Adam was in the presence of God in the Garden of Eden and God Himself said it is not good that man is alone and gave him his wife, Eve. Heavenly Father married them and they were in the presence of God then! How does that line up with what you’re preaching about when we get to heaven we won’t need our spouses because we’ll be in the presence of God and that’s all we’ll need? Further, God can’t give us all we need because he can’t fulfill the need for romantic love and companionship that it brings. The corruption of sin can separate families, but our Heavenly Father’s plan from the beginning was for husband and wife, families, to be together for all eternity.
@RazingthenRaising 17 сағат бұрын
Here is a different argument for getting lost in the wilderness: If you are out on the plains in the midwest of the US, you can EASILY loose sight of ANYTHING familiar if you travel to an unexplored area. It's so flat, it's like being in the middle of an ocean without land in sight. But in this case, it's just grass. Something to consider.
@coryminson9060 19 сағат бұрын
Pastor, thank you for your honest research and comparisons. It has been a while since you did this, but I am hoping you can respond. You said you were troubled by chapter 8. How in your mind is this different than the flood?
@angielocks 22 сағат бұрын
Loved this ❤ thanks guys!
@robertbarrett487 22 сағат бұрын
Jeff, You’ve sited 1 Peter 2:9-10 as evidence that there’s no line of authority of priesthood, but that anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their savior has, essentially, been chosen and now has access to the priesthood to preach, teach, baptize, etc. Where do you draw the line?? Allow me to preface this by pointing out that there are an estimated 55,000 different Christian denominations. This number I'm sure doesn't count those who believe in Jesus, but do not affiliate themselves with any church or organized religion. With regard to the apostasy, you agreed that the Roman Catholic church started changing things away from the correct teachings and practices of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. But what you’re saying is, if you believe and accept Jesus, you’re a priesthood holder. So… why are you protestant? Why aren’t you a nondenominational? Or Baptist? Or 7th Day Adventist? Or Lutheran? Or Abundant Life Fellowship? Or New Life? Or Presbyterian? Or Pentecostal? Or…? Take your pick. They all have accepted Jesus, so do they all have priesthood? And if you would agree that, yes, they do… then you must also agree that God our Heavenly Father is a contradictory Being. And if contradictory, then He cannot be God. Why? Because non-denominational Christians typically don’t believe baptism by water is necessary, that Jesus did the work and when you accept Him, you obtain a kind of spiritual baptism by the Grace of Jesus whereas Baptists hold that full immersion baptism by water is absolutely necessary. Where do you draw the line of who is correct and who is not? Which is correct? Are they both correct? If so, then, again, you believe in a contradictory God. This is why there must be a line of priesthood that can be traced, that is done in His way, by revelation, by the laying on of hands by one who is in authority to prevent this confusion. God is a covenantal Being, He is a Being and God of order and not the author of all this confusion. Yes, there was an apostasy, and yes, priesthood authority had to be restored in these last days of which Peter was fully aware and taught that: Acts 3:20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: 21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
@HydroMaker Күн бұрын
I have a question for Pastor Jeff. I'm a little confused by the phrase "...in our context, there's this belief that, there being no judgment or condemnation for those who are in Christ, they won't necessarily stand before the White Throne Judgment--where, you know, if your name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life, you're with him, if not, you're not--but there is, what is referred to as, that Bema Seat of Christ, that believers, those who have been born again by the Spirit of God, are judged based on their works, but it's more to receive a certain level of reward, as opposed to having some sort of Eternal tie." I guess my confusion--my question here--is: "How does someone qualify for the Bema Seat of Christ and avoid the White Throne Judgment?" I suppose the answer is in the statement "believers, those who have been born again by the Spirit of God" But, I have been a believer for most of my life, and yet, I have been skeptical at times. Has my skepticism disqualified me for the Bema Seat of Christ? I feel as though I have been born again many times in my life where I have felt the Spirit confirm great truths--not just once but many times--and yet, even after having felt that warm confirming light of being born again by the Spirit of God, I have had times of tribulation, darkness--one could even call it "Hell on Earth," where I have been completely devoid of feeling the Spirit, one could say "dead again by the spirit of the devil." Have I disqualified myself from the Bema Seat,? Must I now face the White Throne of Judgment? I have had times when like Peter, I have felt I could look the Savior in the eye and say, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." And I have had times like Peter that I have acted as though "I do not know the man." I have found the only way to relieve myself of the pains of an anguished soul (that Hell on Earth that comes through sin) is through faith in Him, repentance, and doing all the works he has asked me to do. Surely, I cannot save myself through my works alone but only through Christ and His atonement on my behalf,. And yet, I don' know how the Savior can possibly save me, if I do not act on His word. I do not know how I can become one with Jesus as He is one with the Father (John 17:21) and be "made perfect in one," and have Jesus be one in me, as the Father in Jesus( John 17: 23) without any effort on my part--without any works and acts of my own--to accept his atonement through repentance and doing His will. So, will I face the Bema Seat of Christ or the White Throne of Judgment? At what point do I have to make that decision, if I want to qualify for the lesser judgment of the Bema Seat of Christ? Or is this only in the hands of God? Does He get to chose who is saved and not saved, or do I have some role in that? Can He remain a God worthy of my worship if He uses His Almighty power to chose who will be saved and who will not and does not exercise his Love and Patience to allow me to show for myself through my works how much I love Him? Should not everyone (believers, atheists, those who are born again by the Spirit of God, hypocrites, liars, cheaters, philanthropists, the charitable, the greedy, leaders and followers, good and bad examples, haters, abusers, the righteous, the proud, the meek and humble, the robbers, the baptized, the unbaptized, the saints and the sinners), "stand before the Judgement-seat of Christ...to be judged of your works, whether they be good or evil" (Mormon 3:20)? Shall we not "all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad? (2 Corinthians 5:10)? I don't want to be controversial or a Bible basher, (and I understand that the original Greek has different words for judgment seat like Bema Seat and White Throne) but I think I need some clarification, I guess, on what it really means to be a "believer, those who have been born again by the Spirit of God" so that I can merit, and if not merit, receive by His Grace, as opposed to those whom He choses not to bestow His Grace, the lesser consequences of the Bema Seat of Christ, rather than the Eternal consequences of the White Throne of Judgment.
@Eluzian86 Күн бұрын
Here's the easiest way to explain having many gods but only one God...We are literal children of God, and the many gods are simply members of the eternal family of God who are sealed together for eternity. We worship our Father in. Just like there are many fathers on earth but we each only have one father, so it is in eternity. We worship Christ as our Savior by the direction of our Father in heaven, so worshiping Christ is worship of God, and the Holy Ghost has no physical body, and can therefore testify of truth directly to our spirit in a way undeniable. They are one in purpose, because Christ couldn't have been praying for his apostles to be one in body when praying for them to be one like he and the father are one. That's why I would say the Godhead can't be the same being, but three separate beings with the same eternal purposes and goals working together.
@Eluzian86 Күн бұрын
I would say this about the chapter and verse breaks...The Book of Mormon was translated and written down without punctuation and was just a simgle stream of writing. The punctuation, chapters, and verses were added later. I think it would be natural when the words of Isaiah came up, that they would simply break it up into chapter and verse as was familiar for them at the time of printing.
@Eluzian86 Күн бұрын
Polygamy holds a similar position of direct control of its practice by God's command as those who hold his priesthood is by his command. The Aaronic Priesthood had been given unto the tribe of Levi and the High Priest position unto Aaron and his sons. Anyone officiating in the tabernacle unauthorized was to be put to death. (Numbers 3:5-10) King Uzziah tried to burn incense unto the Lord at the alter in the sanctuary of the temple. He was trying to exercise priesthood authority without God's permission. Therefore, Uzziah is said to have transgressed and trespassed before the Lord, and "neither shall it be for thine honour from the Lord God". God then cursed him with leprosy and he died in a leper colony being cut off from the Lord. (2 Chronicles 26:16-23) The priesthood that Moses had and that Aaron had was a higher priesthood (Melchizedek Priesthood) than the lower priesthood held by the tribe of Levi (Aaronic/Levitical Priesthood). Some of the Levites were demanding they be given the higher priesthood also. The Lord had them present themselves before him the next day, then Moses said unto the congregation, "Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins". The Lord then opened up the ground and swallowed them up with all of their possessions. The people murmured against Moses and Aaron the next day for the Lord killing those Levites. The Lord then curses them with a plague for going against his authority to choose who gets to hold his priesthood, and to what level of priesthood would be permitted. (Numbers 16) It was called wickedness and sin to officiate in priesthood duties without God's permission, but it would be to thine honour and righteousness when officiating with permission from God. So it is with polygamy. It is righteousness when practiced with the permission or commandment of God, but wickedness and an abomination when practiced without his permission or commandment to do so. In Jacob, the current command of the Lord is to only have one wife, so it would be wickedness to have more. However, if God commands it, it is righteousness. (Jacob 2:27, 30) It is also further clarified in Doctrine and Covenants 132:34-40.
@333Lovelylaura Күн бұрын
James Jewel is my favorite. Or just coming to my breath and feeling it come in and out and loving myself being breathed :-)
@kellypatton1220 Күн бұрын
I am an ex-mormon, and the Mormons do believe they could be a God of their own planet after death.
@axoid 2 сағат бұрын
Yeah. They seem to be walking it back recently because it kind of makes them seem weird, but it definitely was something we believed and discussed openly when I grew up Mormon in the 90s and early 2000s.
@jonathanfrazier2908 Күн бұрын
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." -Colossians 2:8 KJV ✝️⛪️🕊🤍
@colleenjohnstoncomedy3036 Күн бұрын
Yes LDS so believe in celestial Kingdom his of their own planet etc it they won’t admit that to you. They k is it sounds kooky. I think they’re walking back on that now but you’re. It going to get any real honesty
@jameszred3062 Күн бұрын
That's admirable point dear pastor Jeff- patience. Which would give supplement key virtue to the message ...and pastor's to muster courage also, to crossing seeming two divides were perfect examples...
@jameszred3062 Күн бұрын
Ok dear pastor Jeff you're a step ahead of president Nelson's talk I mean you vibe you really can either way you can resonate or be critical that's admirable of you
@Eluzian86 Күн бұрын
The prophets in the Book of Mormon talk about many other writings on plates that are being kept, but the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated were revelations specifically for our day. So why wouldn't such revelations contain words that we would be familiar with at the time the they were to be brought forth to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ? The prophets didn't have to understand what they were writing, they only needed to know what to write. They had other plates written for their day and their understanding. The Book of Mormon had to be for OUR understanding. As far as I'm concerned, God can reveal to his prophets any word from any point in time that he chooses because he knows all things past, present, and future. The revelations a prophet can receive are not limited to THEIR understanding but GOD'S understanding.
@Eluzian86 Күн бұрын
James chapter two says that works are necessary for us to be saved. For he says "faith without works is dead" and "the devils also believe and tremble" and says that Abraham was "justified by works" when he obediently offered his son as a sacrifice when commanded by God to do so. Nobody is perfect except Christ, but we are expected to keep his commandments to the best of our ability. God cannot save the disobedient devils, and he cannot save us unless we try to do the works he commanded, because we would be no different than the devils who only believe and do no works. Trying to do the works is what differentiates the saved from the devil. Why is this a concept so difficult for most of the Christian world to understand?
@Killthesefears Күн бұрын
Thanks for doing this, Jeff. Please tell your evang friends to try as well instead of dismissing.
@mckaysmith679 Күн бұрын
Cool to have him on, good stuff. Also, heard good things from members about the conference you had hosted, well done! Excited to figure out how to find the content online :)
@michaelwardle6333 Күн бұрын
gentiles means the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. gentiles means the church. gentiles means the white man that came
@fraleyiii Күн бұрын
Muy Bueno!
@dalecash2236 Күн бұрын
Excellent and productive discussion Jeff. So great when people of differing faiths can have such discussions. I believe this is what God wants His people in the body of Christ to do so we can all come to understand and grow closer to Him.
@rileypico507 Күн бұрын
As a lifelong member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I love to hear the viewpoint of others as they read the articles of faith, thank you for sharing! Your videos help me have more open and understanding conversations with people of other faith as it helps me respect and understand where they are coming from. In regards to the third and fourth AOF, I just wanted to share that the ordinances required for salvation through the atonement of Jesus Christ are only those first ordinances and principles listed in the 4th AOF (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost). Those are what are required to be made clean from our sins and saved from spiritual death (salvation). The ordinances that are performed in temples that you briefly mention, are not part of the basic requirements of salvation, which is why they are not listed in AOF #4. The ordinances performed in temples are a continuation of our covenant relationship with Jesus Christ that help us strive toward exaltation (the highest state of happiness and glory in the celestial realm), but are not required for salvation, rather a choice that we can choose to make if we desire to further that covenant relationship beyond salvation. I believe I’ve heard you mention that you’ve learned about our belief in the different glories of heaven, so hopefully that won’t sound too foreign, but I just wanted to clarify that difference between salvation and exaltation and which ordinances apply to which. Once again, really appreciate the viewpoint you both offer! Thank you!
@jessicaheath2018 Күн бұрын
I loved this! Two people who love God and the Bible but from very different, sometimes conflicting, perspectives. I love watching this respectful, insightful conversation. Thank you Pastor Jeff for taking us seriously.
@renomoore3487 Күн бұрын
false religion
@Eluzian86 Күн бұрын
Ok, Pastor Jeff had a hard time reading the destruction on the Nephites and Lamanites at the time of Christ's death because of the heaviness of the judgement upon the people as a punishment. He says it doesn't sound like the Christ he's familiar with. I guess that means how Christ is presented specifically in the New Testament. To that I would ask, "Is God and Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever?" If the answer to that question is yes, then the character of God in the Old Testament cannot be separated from the character of God in the New Testament, because both presentations are the same unchanging God. The Old Testament focuses on the justice of God, and the New Testament focuses on the mercy of God, but they are still one and the same. The father who punishes his child is the same father who rewards his child. Why would it be any different with our Father in Heaven? Also, if Christ is going to bring a purifying fire of judgement upon the earth at his second coming, why could he not do such type of judgements on a smaller scale before his second coming?
@BellDavidE Күн бұрын
At 11:00 “In the Protestant world we call that imputed righteousness.” Well, not exactly. In the Protestant world imputed righteousness comes through faith alone, not through the obedience involved in keeping covenant relationships (Rom 4:5,6) as stated at 10:45.
@Eli12344 Күн бұрын
So that means you both are probably gentiles because both of you are probably european decents. Maybe the mormon guy is adopted. Right so the native Americans are not gentiles. Thats awesome if I'm right. Thank you guys.
@MeganRoseanne Күн бұрын
This is by far your best video. Love this so much ❤
@user-dc1mv5rd4n Күн бұрын
"Can we go through Swig now?" - classic Utah..... you fit.
@JonathanWillistheAmazing Күн бұрын
what happened to part 2 of 3 nephi with Greg Madsen (Cwic Media)
@HelloSaints Күн бұрын
It’s out there: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/os6cmKt0uL7OnWw.html
@JonathanWillistheAmazing Күн бұрын
Maybe it was Helaman I’ve been waiting for 😅
@sophistikate100 2 күн бұрын
Great conversation. Thanks for posting it so we could all participate. I'm grateful for the dignified way of talking about our similarities, while also our beliefs. I'm inspired by Kyle's understanding and knowledge of a church's history he doesn't belong to and the compassion he shows. I would love to see you have a conversation with Derik Dirkmaat or Casey Griffeths and Scott Woodward on these or other historical documents. I am enjoying learning more about mainstream Christianity and your beliefs as evangelicals through your channel. I am reading Alma 17-22 right now and your work and ministry, Pastor Jeff, is reminding me of the trust with his audience that Ammon built with King Lamoni in chapter 18 of Alma to prepare him to WANT to know who God is - His character and His relationship with us. PS, I am waiting for my fight criticism with curiosity shirt now. Thanks again!
@Lieslbiesl69 2 күн бұрын
I love these discussions! I felt like I should share the knowledge I have about the DNA question. There has been middle eastern DNA found in Native American tribes. I am surprised the professor didn’t know this? “A 2013 study published in Nature by researchers at the University of Copenhagen found that up to 35% of Native American DNA is linked to Western Eurasians, including people from the Middle East. This study challenges the previous theory that Native Americans are primarily descended from East Asians who crossed the Bering Sea to North America around 14,000 years ago. Instead, the study suggests that Native Americans are the result of two distinct populations meeting: East Asians and Western Eurasians” Also see this article: www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/131120-science-native-american-people-migration-siberia-genetics
@stephanieargyle7328 2 күн бұрын
Loved listening to this conversation!!!
@brb5506 2 күн бұрын
Jesus was indeed the only one who can redeem us from physical and spiritual death. The suffering that is spoken of by Joseph F. Smith is the natural consequence of earthly sins. Any desire for those sins must be burned out of them -- the fires of Hell often spoken of -- before the wicked can be redeemed and receive their kingdom of glory. The kingdom of glory they can abide, Telestial, will be their permanent resting place. It will for them be the place they are most comfortable in throughout eternity. There, they will assist God in His work of creating worlds without number.
@allanjennydeleon-hw4tw 2 күн бұрын
I am praying to you pastor Jeff that someday you will humbly open your heart and mind.to follow what Moroni said in Moroni 10: 3-5 ,but if you will be harden your hearts the spirit of God our Father in Heaven will not help to open your understanding.
@matthewjeffersonportorange7885 2 күн бұрын
I am in love with this passion for Jesus! When believers come to common ground in Jesus, this is where truth is! No denimination is truth, and no human is truth- all truth comes from Christ alone. From truth can Mormons, Baptists, Word of Faith, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals, Charismatics, etc come together as neighbors. Human nature (survival instinct) craves to see difference, but the Holy Spirit craves to see Man with Christ, unity in the body prepared before Christ. We will be this or that branch of Christianity for now, but in eternity this will not be, as we will eternally be one as believers with our savior.
@user-kn6pz1dq7n 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Pastor John for posting this video of this wonderful man Russell M. Nelson. As followers of Christ we must respect all churches and people who love the Lord and work together in harmony for His greater good. I feel we need to be less worried about "what church do you go to?"... to what can we ALL accomplish for our communities in Christ's name?
@dcammack52 2 күн бұрын
Best video so far! Looking forward to Ether and Moroni! Tyler is amazing. 😅Please invite Jared Halverson from Unshaken in for a chat. ❤ He can answer any doctrinal question that you have not gotten a clear answer on.
@brb5506 2 күн бұрын
I believe that you were Divinely guided to do this. You are lights to both the LDS and evangelical communities. Thank you for what you are doing.
@StaceyGrl75 2 күн бұрын
Hey Pastor, do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?
@elbert1216 2 күн бұрын
You should do an episode where you discuss the fall of Adam & Eve with Brother Tyler Griffin.
@jannercervantes219 2 күн бұрын
I love Tyler Griffin truely a master teacher!
@testtest648 2 күн бұрын
I love that you own the same mechanical pencil that i own.
@TRCampbell 2 күн бұрын
Excellent episode. Thank you