Intel Stock Is Back To Value, Again...
@Spura83 5 сағат бұрын
The top of american tech companies collect money globally from nearly everyone. They have massive near-monopolies. Nobody is challenging KZfaq. Same with MS office. Etc. that's why they can keep double digit growth while being worth a couple of trillion. The rest of S&P is not so lucky. American stock market is not as strong as the couple of the big gainers are.
@syedarmaghanhassan4652 5 сағат бұрын
1:14 Which chart is this? Where to access it? Thanks!
@AR-go1rs 6 сағат бұрын
Tesla fanboys 😂😂 … tell us how you feel … it was good Sven
@svladylen 6 сағат бұрын
Too much bs for one video, I don't care how I earn money in investment with dividend or with capital gain. Value investing works, just definition of value low pe is not right.
@JB-jkhb1972 7 сағат бұрын
I am a vaiue investor and am doing very well. I life off my returns for some years. I do not care about the market at all. However, China stocks are cheap for a good reason, one can not ignore the hostile political environment. China under Xi st not the same anymore…. I stay away from- a whole country in the too hard pile, and my bets have as little exposure as possible to China or other similar dictatorship … did not hurt me, there are still enough opportunities
@jonathansmyth4260 7 сағат бұрын
"In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine." Benjamin Graham.
@eugenebrandon1533 7 сағат бұрын
Excellent video.Chuck carnevale said something like this that resonated with me.Valuation matters.You have to understand the price at which you purchase.
@arkiki2717 7 сағат бұрын
Maybe focusing on free cash flow and dividend yields misses the bigger picture that companies at the top of the markets (Mag7) may simply create more value for their shareholders reinvesting into their own operations through opex and capex than by focusing on cash generation and distribution. Maybe they are the new value stocks in a way, being able to compound in new ways (through internal value accretion rather than through capital distribution), and building on their moat to disrupt older business models / sectors? Even Berkshire went from picking buts to investing in great businesses at a fair price!
@DenniDeVideo 7 сағат бұрын
great Video again Sven thanks
@Witnessmoo 7 сағат бұрын
Inflation informs rates. Rates decide the multiple for stocks. Our productive capacities are extreme now so inflation can be controlled fairly easily with just more output. Meanwhile most new services and goods produced by massive automation don’t even factor in inflation figures (think Google, KZfaq, etc). It’s a different world now.
@WarrenBuffettDividend 7 сағат бұрын
What investors don't understand and i believe its the entire point of Sven is the RISK. Its all giggling and laughing, Apple never going to fail.. Next year Microsoft and OpenAI launch a new phone with Samsung and Apple will collapse in to pieces.. exactly the same that happens to Nokia. "Nobody knows" its a sentence Sven is always saying.. and its true. If Apple was at 10 pe ratio it has a margen of safety, but they dont and the CFO keep doing buybacks at 27pe ratio. To risk, i pass.
@javiervazquez9591 7 сағат бұрын
Everyone has an opinion, just a few have the knowledge. Dont listen to them Sven. You are doing it great.
@styx814 7 сағат бұрын
It's been a while since you looked into Brazilian market. Huge, mostly stable country, no serious geopolitical issues, gets on with both US and China, young fast growing population similar to India, one of the largest and diversified commodities exporters. Stock market looks pretty cheap - not as cheap as China but nowhere as crazy as India. I'm a regular visitor in Brazil and what I see gives me confidence this is one of the future markets. By the way, I always recommend investors into EM to visit the countries you investing, try products, witness the reality on the ground - not just from newspapers. It gives you confidence in your investments. Ambev in particular looks pretty attractive to me: stable dividend currently at 6.8%, growing revenues and earnings, stable growth in free cash flow. Guarana is more popular than Coke there - huge moat as they own most of the popular brands in Brazil. 12 PE and the stock is down 70% from its all time highs as is most of Brazilian market. Many companies paying above 5-10% dividends. Also, would be interesting if you could talk in more detail about USD and EM correlation as expensive USD seem to be one of the biggest issue for EM stocks. Thank you. Love your videos!
@minhdinh3942 7 сағат бұрын
US stocks sooo overvalued bubble terrritory! Buy chinese stocks, lower price lower risk, risk priced in, wait until their economy and consumer spending recovers! and it will!
@Pavel1471 8 сағат бұрын
Thanks Sven, you helping a lot of people to better life!
@michaelbird6741 8 сағат бұрын
I would add one more point which is net worth at risk. Many people commenting on missing NVIDIA or micro or the next hot stock may have participated but with only a fraction of their net worth. It's very easy to buy a few shares (1-2%) in a 100k portfolio but it is very different to deploy 10%+ towards an idea. That is conviction. I am sure there will be some people posting here that did so but those will be in the minority. Can you invest 80%+ of your liquid net worth and sleep well at night?
@mccannger 8 сағат бұрын
"When growth goes wrong it looks ugly". 100% agree. Thanks for your perspective as always!
@JimMcNutty 8 сағат бұрын
I just don’t understand why you have to be a value investor or growth investor. I have made huge returns in growth stocks since I bought in the recent pullback in 2022. If the market called for more value investing than I would have more “value” positions. I have a mix of both but most are growth right now. I just think value people pigeonhole themselves into only doing value investing that causes you to underperform. If you are a professional investor and you can’t outperform a simple SPY benchmark what are you doing? Most people should just buy an index if they are going to try and make greater returns.
@JayprasadKaiwrta-ut4br 9 сағат бұрын
While others are wasting time on different investment projects, UNIMANTIC PROTOCOL is already at the top of its game! Speaking as a young millionaire in my city
@biswajitsen7503 9 сағат бұрын
When you think you know everything about cryptocurrencies, UNIMANTIC PROTOCOL comes along and says, 'Watch how it's done, baby!
@somvirshayar3850 9 сағат бұрын
Interesting, but this video forgot to mention the most powerful project - UNIMANTIC PROTOCOL
@RamLakhan-qs2wj 9 сағат бұрын
Oh, yes, all these coins... but have you heard about UNIMANTIC PROTOCOL
@RajCharpotaRajCharpota 9 сағат бұрын
Other cryptocurrencies may try to be cool, but UNIMANTIC PROTOCOL simply challenges them and says, 'Look at me and learn from the great one!
@kentwheeler2079 9 сағат бұрын
You’re a bit defensive
@randyromano2854 9 сағат бұрын
No one criticizes someone for spending 4 years in College and then taking 7-10 years to perfect their craft. Why would value investing be any different? 4 years educating yourself and then spend the next 7-10 years perfecting your craft. Otherwise just buy a lottery ticket and hope your make a million one day. Thanks for the free education Sven. You can get something for free these days.
@CraigTaggart 9 сағат бұрын
thanks Sven excellent review about value and current state of the market. Completely agree with compounding as we have been very fortunate to have been with Google since 2007. This is not the time to chase technology as most of these AI companies on the venture side will fail in the first year. Nvda cant keep the market and AI story chasing up forever.
@aman101112 9 сағат бұрын
Great video. Investors no longer take starting valuations into account. The expectation is that 30-40% returns will arrive irrespective of what the starting value is. Thanks Fiscal and Monetary policy for detaching asset valuations from fundamentals.
@aman101112 9 сағат бұрын
If history is any guide, you (and other value managers) will end up on the right side. Or we are living in a new paradigm where businesses are valued based on how much they can excite investors rather than how much they can earn. That paradigm poses some other very interesting societal challenges. Society and money are deeply interlinked and if you distort one, you distort the other. So this will be a fun ride.
@Albannas 9 сағат бұрын
Tesla is like a lottery ticket, 1% chance it will change the world and 99% chance it will stay as an ordinary car maker out of 100+ car makers in the world. But Sven I don't agree betting against large caps growth stocks. Their prices are growing together with cash flows and they are doing bussiness not only in the US market.
@ed2023bc 9 сағат бұрын
Another great video, thank you! I wish something like this existed 20 years ago. But better late than never. Great point about standard deviations! However the crowd behaves like in 1700s in Holland. Tulips were expensive back than 😅
@gchan325 9 сағат бұрын
What I am doing is putting maybe 50 percent of my investment in us stocks and the rest to other countries. I think I have a value investor mindset. But I am a human, I would still feel upset if the sp500 keeps going up and my value stocks don't. Therefore, I put money into both.
@BowserHunter-ui7hk 9 сағат бұрын
Can you do a video on Leidos stock please??🙏🏼
@JackDespero 9 сағат бұрын
I became an adult as the world was collapsing in 2008. We went from having this bright future to "slave wages are not that bad, actually". I always invest with fear and with the understanding that anything I put on the market could be gone by tomorrow and I have to be at peace with that. For me, the idea that everything and anything can keep growing exponentially without limit is just ridiculous. Every company saturates. Companies that were the absolute dominants when I was a child have already disappear into obscurity. Investing when everything goes up is easy. Investing when some things go up and some things go very low, now that is when investing is difficult. The worst thing that could happen to you in th last 10 years was that you would grow 7% instead of 20%. The worst thing that could happen to you in the next 10 years is that you lose 50% instead of earning 7%. I started to invest very late in my life because I wasn't sure where to invest, whether the growth would continue, and where to invest when everything were collapsing. I wasn't knowledgeable enough to understand the risks, so I prefer to lose on some potential gains, instead of risking my money recklessly. Some people sometimes forget that one of the Buffet's lessons is that you do not need to capture all the 10x companies, if you capture one or two in your life, you are set. What is important is that you do not lose your money first. Not losing money is more important than trying to get 20% instead of 7%, and that is where the market is going to get complicated.
@afonsodeportugal 9 сағат бұрын
Very nicely put.
@linegoesup-tl1hq 10 сағат бұрын
alot of the comments you received seemed to be very racist and america centric. "crappy indonesian company" . Right. other countries cant exist making quality services and products only america can? guess these people think samsung is a weird "crappy asian company" indomie is an indonesian noodle brand. it is sold from africa to the middle east to every part of asia. Its a number one favourite in the rest of the world. These american commenters probably have never heard of it. I think my point is made the only reason the USA market is so huge, is because it has a large monopoly. What happens when other countries develop? you think they will want to keep paying premiums to enter the usa market when they can trade with each other, with younger populations and newer ideas.
@Nufaa2 10 сағат бұрын
Impressed by the patience and restraint Sven. For people out of their 30s some of us can remember comments about how Buffet is outdated and has lost his touch. This has been going on a long time. Funny we can't remember any of those people's names. I love your willingness to be that bearer of the message no one wants to hear. It makes your channel my favorite investing channel
@MyroslavOhorodnyk 10 сағат бұрын
Hi Sven! Thank you for your regular videos. Could you make a video about Rights Offerings, how to calculate a fair price after the company makes rights offering, whether to use those rights or sell them, etc. On of the companies I am following - Sify Technologies is offering rights right now, and I find little information on how to do math based on the rights offering information I have. Thank you in advance!
@biaogeng8932 10 сағат бұрын
Value stocks only outperforms for a short period of time such as in 2022.
@theodoroseidler7072 10 сағат бұрын
Value investing is the best strategy. Thanks Sven.
@xiartist 10 сағат бұрын
I kind of interpret many post on here as acknowledging that we're reaching a market peak, in general, which is a well-supported thesis, and so if you've been sitting back chill while the gains roll in because bull market, well, time for traders to stay sharp, many are expecting volatility, probably a sharp downturn, smart traders should check their risk management is in shape, time to pay attention. The timing of his post vs what I know about the market supports that well enough. But yeah, the post could mean anything.....managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Sandy Barclays, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.
@xiartist 10 сағат бұрын
Sandy Barclays program is widely available online..
@sequias 10 сағат бұрын
Exploring new investment opportunities demonstrates your proactive stance towards financial growth during these volatile times. Diversifying your portfolio can play a crucial role in effectiveIy mitigating risks..
@bongogames3992 10 сағат бұрын
Indeed, the recent market downturn serves as evidence that a vast majority of individuals lacked a sufficient understanding of the underlying financial dynamics at play.
@svcalvin 10 сағат бұрын
Over the years, I've been a part of numerous trading programs, sifting through a barrage of information. Yet, nothing has come close to the sheer clarity, depth, and precision of Sandy insights. It's akin to finding a diamond in a coal mine.
@batiaz 10 сағат бұрын
I agree that there are strategies that could be put in place for solid gains regardless of economy or market condition, but such executions are usually carried out by investment experts or advisors with experience.
@gregorsimon9337 10 сағат бұрын
You are right 👍 Nice sweater.
@Nrgdumik 10 сағат бұрын
Sven, you have been preaching for China years already and no result. Good luck with your holdings in case ccp tries to invade Taiwan
@mihaigeorgeanghel6066 10 сағат бұрын
Agree with Sven. Past 5years SP500 up 91%, Romanian BET up 97%. Still you can buy biggest marketcap stocks on BET under 10 PE.
@eminhawa 10 сағат бұрын
My favourite KZfaqr. Every time I feel like throwing in the towel to give up value investing I watch this channel for comfort. Apple has been flat for growth for a while and the market is somehow so patient with their lack of innovation. Then you have other companies like alibaba that just cannot get things right to have sustainable rally.
@TidusVen 10 сағат бұрын
Great video Sven. Maybe what value investing is missing is a shift in investor sentiment: for most value companies, the numbers are there (growth of revenues, earnings, dividends, ...). Similar to what you said, I think some people don't research enough and tend to invest their money in companies they don't have to "get to know that well". And I think this is why we see companies like NVIDIA, Tesla, Apple making new 52 week highs every month. I don't think we can control investor sentiment, so we have to keep putting cash in sound businesses and wait. It usually pays-off, as I have seen with META: a pessimistic 2022 (the company will lose to Tik-tok and die) and an exuberant 2023 (the company is dirt-cheap). All it takes is research, conviction/patience and consistency.
@robertbrechin8387 10 сағат бұрын
Two examples of bad value in Oz. Westpac bank cutting dividend, stagnating 5 years. Telstra. Unreliable. Surely a mix of growth and value can’t be bad.
@Skaahn 10 сағат бұрын
Value investing works over a very very long time period. But over a very very long period of time, we all are dead.
@aleck67 10 сағат бұрын
I am sorry Sven, I think that you do disservice to your listeners. is Microsoft an American company, or a global company? is apply an American company, or a global one? the last time I checked, both have less than 50% revenue from us!
@antoniolaforgia6626 10 сағат бұрын
@KL4NNNN 11 сағат бұрын
That is because every single chinese company lies over and over on their books. Any data coming from chinese is fake and lies.
@karsinds 11 сағат бұрын
I'm 100% value investor. I can't buy, literally, stocks or indexes with high multiples. I'ts like going to a store and buy discounted stuff and bargains instead of over expensive things.
@antonio_16180 11 сағат бұрын
I think that the massive TBills position of Buffett is a kind of bet on America, is a bet that the Government will not default.