Something Similar to Quran?
21 күн бұрын
Quran Talk - Knowledge & Power
Debate: Truth & Answers
2 ай бұрын
Quran Talk - Names vs. Concepts
Hadith & Women
3 ай бұрын
The Moral Event Horizon
4 ай бұрын
Preservation of Quran vs  Hadith
Masjid of God vs.  Masjid of Satan
Sunnis Follow the Sunnah of Jews
Hadith Fails The Authenticity Test
Quran Talk - Anatomy of a Miracle
What is the Most Gracious?
7 ай бұрын
Quran Talk - Gaming Isnads
8 ай бұрын
Quran Talk - When Sahihs Disagree
@peachy_talisman 10 сағат бұрын
The more I learn about Abu Hurayra, the more I’m convinced he was a con-man. How could anyone believe him over the literal word of God? It’s shocking 🤦‍♀️
@ahib_hayati 17 сағат бұрын
Nowadays, I don't think men treat women well. That's the main reason we decided to live independently.
@richlisola1 19 сағат бұрын
If Islam is such a miracle? Designed to right the past wrongs that had infiltrated godly worship via Judaism and Christianity, then how was Islam islam wrecked through “the hadith,” within a few years of muhammed’s death?
@peachy_talisman Күн бұрын
I am still so shocked as to how this could possibly be a controversial take. I would think it’s more controversial to claim that the Qur’an isn’t clear or complete or detailed. God literally tells us in multiple surahs that the Qur’an is perfect and nothing else is needed, and yet we refuse to listen. Lord help us 🤲
@adamsulaiman639 Күн бұрын
Wow ! just Wow ! Peace
@Jazzgriot 3 күн бұрын
All orthodoxy what ever the religion, is just an attempt to grab political power. A man came to the Prophet and said "People are telling me so many things I am confused. Give me something simple that I can hold on to and understand." Muhammad's reply was, "Believe in God and live upright to the best of your ability". Simple as. Only once Muhammad had died, and Islam had been usurped by the Ummayads, who were basically dynasty builders and colonialists, who had no experience of handling anything bigger than a tribe, did the need for a legal system arise. So they borrowed from the Jewish books of law to fashion the Sharia. Hadeeths as such didn't start appearing till about 200 years after the Prophets passing. The fact they are meant to be verified oral traditions means nothing. They're basically what we used to call "Chinese Whispers", and are as unreliable as Hamza Yusuf and Hakim Murad, who are both Wester converts, and known by many born Muslims as "Scholars for Dollars". You can find videos on KZfaq of people calling them 'Mushriks' and 'Munafiks'. Also if you watch The Correction Officer, a West African Sheikh and Quranist on KZfaq, you will hear him and see him, confront and rigorously interrogate, many Arab and Pakistani so called expert Sunni's over the validity of the practice of believing in hadeeth. Anti Black attitudes among Asians and Arabs & Race and Racism per se, play a big part in the fragmentation of Islam as anything else, and a big part in the rise of Quranists. Sunnis have now rejected 93% of Sahih Hadeeth, especially such hadeeth that serve only to justify slavery, and the abuse of women. Two things that The Prophet was firmly against. Also there are many hadeeths that are out right laughable. The problem is always with the followers, who are generally men, and how they corrupt, and pervert the original message to their own purposes. The role of Christianity in Medieval witch hunts, and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade are prime examples of this in two most obvious cases. As a species we are a work in progress, and far from perfect. Occasionally some one like Buddah, Jesus, or Muhammad is born, and people glean what ever guidance they can from these people. If God wills. As the Qura'n states in Surah Asr, The Decling Day: "By a token of time through the ages Mankind is at a loss. Save those who do good works. have faith and enjoin one and other in the teaching of truth, patience and endurance." Allah The Tremendous has spoken. Who needs the peregrinations of power hungry men. No one. We need to move on. We need to look inside ourselves, and trust the evolution of our own intelligence as Believers in One God still growing, still evolving our understanding in the light of new evidence. That was a rant I know 🤣
@sidharthbanerji9256 3 күн бұрын
After listening to this counter argument especially that people are still trying to get their Qibs right after so many centuries, I think this counter argument is very weak and Dan is right. It is soo sad to know that people have been going to the wrong location for Hajj for so many centuries. Please form a consensus amongst yourselves to start going to Petra for Hajj soon.
@adamsulaiman639 3 күн бұрын
we're not very good with reading, are we? salam alaikum
@akameel 3 күн бұрын
Crap. If what this guy saying is true then even the glorious time of Muslims would not have happened in the first place…
@googleaccount065 3 күн бұрын
Qurhanits are mad about hadith 😂😂
@joemccormick9109 3 күн бұрын
This is amazing.
@christopherprado3923 4 күн бұрын
Please make a video about Suran An''Nisa which is so controversial
@sparephone8228 4 күн бұрын
Isnad is not the only criterion for judging the reliability of ahadith. The text or matn cannot conflict with the Qur'an or established Sunna or plain logic or common sense.
@amitagashe3045 5 күн бұрын
Petra or Mecca doesn't matter. If you want to follow Quran and Hadith you have to become radical fundamentalist. Islam is going to perish soon.
@syedasimali1946 5 күн бұрын
What about the orientation of the earliest mosques built in Egypt or other north African countries, north Arabian cities or mosques in Syria, i mean places to the west, south and north of Makka? For instance, an ancient mosque in Egypt is oriented south-east or north-east? Mention smthg about that as a clinching proof.
@Angel-gb9gi 6 күн бұрын
If there is no evidence of Mecca being the birth place of Islam than its not.
@josephalison12 6 күн бұрын
WARNING: TO ALL SINCERES MUSLIMS STUMBLING ON THIS CHANNEL. This channel and many other channels) are on a mission. A mission sponsored and financed by very high profiles from different countries which aim is to discard the Prophet of Islam as a role model by throwing doubts into the mind of Muslims about the Sunnah and Hadiths. Islam is growing very fast, churches are being turned into mosques after they are bought. The threat posed by Islam to these people is not only on the spiritual level but they see that Islam will free humanity from the sins they have plumged it into. Those sins are source of tremendous financial profits (alcohol, gambling, fornication and sex, wild consumerism, usury etc etc). If you try to answer some of the comments or the video content itself and come up with rebutals, then those in charge of the chanel will swiftly delete your comments. These people are not here to debate, they are on a mission which they want to succeed. I have warned you. Stay away from these satanic people who pose as Muslims but they are not.
@noamansattar 6 күн бұрын
Would have been better if references from Hadith could be given Like Sahih Bukhari Hadith number …
@qetoun 6 күн бұрын
If Mecca existed prior to the 8th century, then someone would have seen it and written about it?
@Jijfr-vw4us 6 күн бұрын
calling him Master within the Kaaba is blasphemy enough. My skin gets cold whenever I hear this. it gives master and servant vibes. which we are not,. we are only the servants of ALLAH subhana wa tala alongside Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him
@sefidrawan1 6 күн бұрын
Well done brother 🙌🏻🫡
@Assadul-Naml 7 күн бұрын
Master is meant as teacher, like Zen master, a master in an apprenticeship or as fictional example jedi master. But its still weird this fixation on one prophet. All prophets should be honored. Having a plaque of all prophets mentioned in quran would be a nice touch. But this is overkill
@sefidrawan1 7 күн бұрын
Nice job 👍🏼
@Jijfr-vw4us 7 күн бұрын
in Sura 3 also mentions sth like People adding sth after mentioning the Book of the Jews i believe
@shaikaleemuddin1255 7 күн бұрын
Anyone who is concluding any decision by watching this clip better to study the ilm ar rijal from every understanding
@syedasimali1946 7 күн бұрын
The way you pronounce the Arabic names and titles shows you have no knowledge of Arabic. Your accent betrays your Iranian origin. Since you never censor the shia hadith books, though they are replete with nonsense, proves you have an Iranian sectarian agenda.
@auralitedivine 7 күн бұрын
@syedasimali1946 7 күн бұрын
Your series on the shia rijal and shia hadith books is awaited. I can’t wait to hear your views on them. It will also prove that you are not driven by an Iranian sectarian agenda.
@nobinkurian1 7 күн бұрын
the proper answer would be archaeological evidences from Mecca
@nobinkurian1 7 күн бұрын
your mocking style makes me believe in Dan more!
@Truth786SubmittertoGodalone 8 күн бұрын
Beautiful video Ma Sha Allah
@auralitedivine 8 күн бұрын
Alhamdulillah, shukran for this blessing of a reminder brother!! SubhanAllah☮️☮️☮️
@syedasimali1946 8 күн бұрын
Sunnis? What do you mean? Shias would like to put the names of 12 imams ma'soomin also. You have a sectarian agenda, don't you?
@omarsalim9562 9 күн бұрын
there is no miracles also in the quran
@UNK019 9 күн бұрын
The ALLMIGHTY ONE GOD and HIS Messenger The Quran ironically has a partner now according to your discord and his name is Rashad Khalifa. That is what you and your community is actually saying in your own words that is Hypocritical. Peace
@togupasrib7718 9 күн бұрын
Sana'a manuscript is the proof Quran is NOT preserved, it has been edited
@sonabarnes6670 10 күн бұрын
People have been dumbed down
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
U ar a fraud u lie in purpose , u deni the CORAN , u kwon ur destination !
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
U ar complice of this crime and u know what s happen of wrongdoer
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
CORAN 5 :77
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
U ar tryiing to justifie yourself to find a reason acceptable but the CORAN tell you this is the comandemant of iblis , deep in ur heart u know this is perversion , u ar trying to justifie the GENITAL MUTILATION OF A BABY ! , CORAN 4 : 62 ; 63 : 135
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
U negate the CORAN !
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
Are u trying to justifie this aberation ?
@mharzinoureddine5383 10 күн бұрын
Peace , the followers of iblis have infiltrated the structure of the movement ,like him sitting on sirat al moustakim , CORAN 103, bro we have the responsabilité to spread the truth and whit it from darkness to light , i have a sugesstion for topic but it s very delicate and many dont want to seek the trhuth and change (cognitiv dissonance ) this topic is about the mutilation of male genitalia ( circonsizion) a pratik herited from the pharaon transmited by the jew , totaly HARAM , this practise is a iblis commadement CORAN 4:119 , it s very important to understand the impact (physike and psyshik) of this aberation ! CORAN 7 : 149
@Hazara26 10 күн бұрын
The moment you said God speak and told him means God is human who speaks and do things like humans which can't be possible. And how you know God did this and did that? You came to know from a book which is written by humans and no eye prove or witness of Allah existence. Anyways for pass time I will listen to you.
@binga360 10 күн бұрын
Quran is the only book of guidance
@binga360 10 күн бұрын
Only Quran is to be taken guidance from
@Skepticalogetic 10 күн бұрын
You just believe no evidence
@sojourner312 10 күн бұрын
This is nothing but fitnah. It is clearly engraved "Muhammadur rasuluLLAH"
@sonabarnes6670 10 күн бұрын
Earth is not a spinning ball Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater