Gold Rank's Strongest Warrior | PvP Live Comm
mayhem is a great place to practice sniping
Timeline's Vertex hotswap
Күн бұрын
various clips, and an Ace gameplay
How to master any new map quickly
Manticore is legit strong
21 күн бұрын
Bad Juju = super
21 күн бұрын
Fang of Ir Yut | First Impression
Blast Furnace First Impression
28 күн бұрын
@somethinstubby5928 Минут бұрын
That end clip was too relatable 🥲
@Richard-re7pb Сағат бұрын
Am I the only one who doesn't mind the crappy MM? Sure a lot of matches are unwinnable but it just gives you opportunities to 1vX. Quitting isn't the answer, just rough it out and get your reps in. At least that's my philosophy with it
@geequik Сағат бұрын
They don’t put incentives for people to play non comp pvp. Thats on bungie
@Luke_was_here 2 сағат бұрын
I've had matches where the opponents can barely shoot back and I've had matches where I get skill diffed so hard that I don't even get loot at the end. Something ain't right.
@HappyCetacean 4 сағат бұрын
People want matchmaking that benefits themselves at the expense of others. We play PvP to dominate (sometimes to "challenge" ourselves, but really it's for the feeling that comes from winning against the greatest challenge we can defeat). The dev's task is to create a matchmaking system that actually favors the the fewest number of people while selling it as one that helps the most. It's terribly difficult to get outside your personal perspective without also losing touch with reality, getting lost in idealism.
@mje1984x 5 сағат бұрын
Good thoughts.
@yarukineez0 5 сағат бұрын
Those clips at the end were nuts!
@brentwunderlich4634 5 сағат бұрын
I’ll never stop playing pvp., no matter what. It’s the best thing to pass time in Destiny. Getting better every match.
@mushamusha123 5 сағат бұрын
I completely agree and relate to everything said here. BUT WHY?! I'm not a high skill player! Why do I have to carry blueberries against ascendant rank players when I "don't got it like that"? Matchmaking has been all over the place cus I either get 5.0 or 0.5 in control and there's no in-between
@BuffGenji 5 сағат бұрын
Especially during into the light I feel like players just especially played more PvE. I usually play like 90% PvP and 10% PvE, but I found myself grinding a lot of PvE and barely playing PvP, just because I really wanted the rewards from onslaught and I found it fun. I’m sure a lot of players were the same, so it pulled a lot from it. But before into the light, I was having a really good time in PvP, got some streaks going in comp and hit ascendant and the games just felt fun, both in comp and qp
@sauseysandwich9215 5 сағат бұрын
I agree with you that control is supposed to be a “medium” option balanced for casual and competitive players. To ease the game giving high skill players to abuse the casual play styles of other players, I would love to see a control game mode where there are no supers, but grenades, melee, and class abilities are allowed and balanced accordingly. You have much more experience in PVP than I do so I trust you judgment. but when I play control, I find supers to be an instant win button and it feels like a coin flip if someone is going to kill you with it if they decide to use it on you. What’s worse are the panic supers, where the “one and done” supers like blade barrage will kill you even if you have high mobility with astrocyte verse and blink and reacting in a timely manner because of the ridiculous amount of tracking the knives have.
@boltstriker7736 5 сағат бұрын
Need players to matchmake, "hardcore" players want no sbmm to stomp on noobs and fill an ego, noobs want sbmm so they don't get stomped. When either side loses they look at bungie hoping for a miraculous fix expecting that something can change that will turn everything into roses. It doesn't happen and everyone leaves
@pumakane 5 сағат бұрын
I play a lot of QP as a solo player, and the 2 main reasons teammates quit are snipers and being matched against premade teams. They really need to bring back freelance. Being matched against premade teams 18 out of 20 matches, just aint it.
@shawlawrenceYT 5 сағат бұрын
Weve had low population before but matchmaking has never been this bad. Outlier is just not working. I play console and find if there is an outlier running the lobby it’s usually obviously someone using KBM or it’s a coordinated 2 stack that gets on our spawn immediately. Snake draft doesnt work with 2 or 3 stacks. I’d rather wait 5 minutes for a good match than load into one i’m going to quit after getting t-bagged by a XimCronus igneous user in the first 40 seconds as my team refuses to team shot.
@LilBert420 6 сағат бұрын
The slug flick right at the end was hot
@taylormorgan3669 6 сағат бұрын
I think in PvP the community is too hard on abilities, a lot of people seem to gravitate towards not using abilities even though abilities are half the game, especially on warlock and titan yet the community is so full of hunters which are movement and gun based so they’ll just hate on any and every ability that does a bit of damage to them and bungie seems to slowly be killing off abilities too, I just play warlock so it’s annoying when the main thing about my class keeps getting nerfed like overall ability regen or threadling which were being abused by hunters which made them seem more broken since their abilities would summon them up close so you can’t run away as easily while warlocks summon them out of themselves so it’s easier to defend yet we all got threadlings nerfed, it’s both bungie and the people who praise guns and movement over abilities who destroy half of what makes destiny PvP
@BigfoxN-A-chiccenhouse 6 сағат бұрын
Idk why 5v5 was never tried
@Ranktank14Gaming 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah i primarily play pvp and all i have to say is that the last half of the season i faced nothing but high end players running handcannon meta and shotgun loadouts. There was no variation to speak of what so ever now while i don't mind it cause i learned how to play with a handcannon as the result but i play with my wife most of the time and she is a casual and it made it very hard for her to even play the game because no new player is going to beat a igneous hammer from 40 meters or ace with a skilled hand. Would like to see much more of a balanced take to the team building.
@user-vg6bv3fp9y 6 сағат бұрын
if ur on roller u cant complain about pvp
@BcDyxaLKgoNdgU 6 сағат бұрын
I hope fs moves the needle regarding pvp. The connections are so half assed I cant tell if a dudes using 3rd party hardware or software or if we're both victims being mad at eachother
@wezzy9437 6 сағат бұрын
Sometimes you need to tank your kd to get better matches. Idk what they did but after shadow keep the matchmaking got so terrible. Also I hate that they put clash in the comp mode it has 0 business being there! Countdown was a perfect comp mode and I wish it was back. Now before anyone says "comp isn't competitive anyway" I do not care my dude it's fun for me, but should be worrying to anyone who plays trials because whatever they try out in comp always goes to trials next and I pray y'all trials players don't get clash because it's awful as a 3v3 mode. YES BRING BACK FREELANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@graemekulas2784 6 сағат бұрын
Its been mercy or be mercied all season for me with a few high quality games sprinkled in. I used to play control to warmup for comp, now its the other way aroind. The matchmaking makes some games impossible, especially against K/D farming stacks. Blueberries cant handle a coordinated meta 6 stack.
@xanthacanthus 6 сағат бұрын
as a middling skill player who is just good enough to run a low skill lobby but completely unable to hang in the waters surrounding even remotely high skill (or meta abusing) players, I played 10 matches this season that I genuinely enjoyed, around the time of into the light (probably due to the huge spike of players bringing brave weapons into pvp to try them out) but in the past 2 weeks it's been miserable. losing streaks of 6-10 games in a row where I am helpless and usually top score (if I don't see the writing on the wall and give up because my spirit to try having fun in these lobbies has been utterly shattered)
@AB_02 6 сағат бұрын
Hahahaha that ending. Perfection.
@TLProduktion 6 сағат бұрын
this gun is goated on console. slide & opening and EOS + PI is my choice for console
@haraadessingh7199 6 сағат бұрын
I'm an average (or even below average) pvp player , but still enjoy the game mode a lot. Until now, I've still been able to run off - meta fun load outs and not get stomped cos mostly the matchmaking was balanced. Recently its been unbelievably bad. I was playing 2 days ago amd went on a 12 match loss streak ( all of em were pubstomps ). Heck, the situation was like the average lobbies had (literally) double my KD, 3-4x my total kills, or were even people like Wallah or Hynra. It was usually so bad that I'd get insta-deleted by something so bad that most of the time i can't even conprehend how the hell am I actually dying. Matcmaking has been bad before, but nothing to this level, it's almost unplayable for me rn. Sorry for the rant.
@twostop6895 7 сағат бұрын
checkmate is way better than control, one hit kill ability uptime is much less
@kriegman6040 7 сағат бұрын
I haven't been able to even turn on my xbox for a year and a half so watching you play pvp has helped me at least get prepared for what to expect when i get to play again when that may be. I don't think I'll be anywhere near as good when that day comes however you and your content helps me at least stay in the loop of things and i think you do a great job with everything you upload.
@boatsfa2015 7 сағат бұрын
My team: 1.0 - .3; Enemy team: 4.0 - 2.5. Guess i have to hard carry every game while getting swarmed. idk
@ziggymugstube 7 сағат бұрын
Yea, my biggest gripe is running into teams, freelance used to be so much better,
@ForeverLaxx 7 сағат бұрын
The premades actually end up on *different* teams in your lobbies? 9 times out of 10, if there's more than one fireteam and they can all fit on a single team together, that's where they end up. It ends up being 2-3 premades against a bunch of soloes for me a lot of the time.
@BlewGhost 7 сағат бұрын
We're breaking up those teams to find a better match.
@giannicamilli1477 7 сағат бұрын
Sensei Cammy, your the man !!! Hopefully bungie watches this video and realizes what's going on
@gottahuntgg7392 7 сағат бұрын
How about trying to higher health bar for people that suck like me might help player base just a thought
@WitherhoardHug 7 сағат бұрын
Have you played around with the idea of setting up a team comp in 6's where you play like a hero shooter?
@NemesistheBoss 7 сағат бұрын
Matchmaking takes minimum. 3or4 min. İ dont care playing same level like me. I just want to do gaddamn bounties for brightdust. Just make a quick lobby and start the game May be i will stomp by goldexile,cammy or wallah. İt does not matter... just build up lobby quickly😡
@Thadiloth 7 сағат бұрын
Removal of one of the 3v3 game modes for the addition of a 4v4 control is something I’ve wanted for a while. Is there a reason they have only been doing teams divisible by 3?
@seffers4788 2 сағат бұрын
Me too I really want 4v4 something. I think the reason is that’s how it was when d2 launched and people did not like crucible. But it wasn’t really that it was fours instead of threes, it was everything else. I think teams of four is just best honestly.
@SmilingImp 8 сағат бұрын
the opposite of a banger is a clanger!
@MrKevinpeters86 8 сағат бұрын
You are so right about the quieter penalty I have 500k crusible kills and since the last dlc this is my routine, load up quick play if I feel within 2 games the parameters are off I start leaving games. When I get a msg about leaving games I go play cod, bungie doesn’t need to punish me for there bad mm, in com even worse I wait 1 round unbalance I leave.
@Mysticmingas 8 сағат бұрын
i think 4v4 and 5v5 is worth exploring
@bruhdespacito8324 6 сағат бұрын
Maybe but given how d2 launch went bungie would be very scared to try
@travisholcomb9203 8 сағат бұрын
You are 100% on the money with the "quitter penalty" likely being [in my opinion] one of the biggest reasons the PvP base can't/won't stick around. Not that I always condone it, but I personally have ragequit out of lobbies numerous times (either in 6's or comp, occasionally in Trials) because my teammates were beyond terrible; rather than sit there and get farmed for the next 10 minutes and getting angry, I choose to quit and try to find another match. If this happens "too often (in Bungie's eyes)," I now can't play ANY PvP for 30 minutes. This leads me to just say Fuck it and I don't play destiny that weekend. Absolutely terrible decision making. The penalty system already exists in the "competitive" game modes: If you quit in Trials, you get a loss on your card; if you quit in Comp, your points and/or rank goes why penalize even further? It's a negative feedback loop that does nothing but further pushes players away from PvP.
@sapphy9594 8 сағат бұрын
very cool
@StasisTitan 8 сағат бұрын
Lobbies have been awful for me, i sit in queue for 5+ minutes just to basically have to 1v6 every match
@ghostmantis1068 8 сағат бұрын
In Australia our matchmaking is fucked i hate it... you either vs the same dogs multiple games in a row or it throws you into asian matchmaking and that shit is like playing for your life..
@Trevoroxx 8 сағат бұрын
I left the pvp scene when they changed special ammo. Special ammo wasnt the problem for me it was certain classes/abilities. I want to use my shotgun as the opener in pvp (charge in, get a kill, take that good position, maybe follow-up with 2-3 kills with primary after that). The changes are just straight up not fun so ive been -1 pvp pop for months.
@mrchief5844 7 сағат бұрын
Yeah I feel like they kinda killed some play styles through checkmate. I play solar warlock with a sniper as Icarus dash lets me change my positions fast and easily. But since checkmate special ammo changes have been implemented snipers just don't feel valuable anymore, as if you miss a shot due to bad aim or flinch, you won't get your bullet back. I really liked sniping in 6v6 game modes and hitting clips, but everyone seems to play back with scouts and pulses flinching me as soon as I peak a corner.
@TheCrucibleBros 8 сағат бұрын
This video hit the nail on the head Cammy, I agree with you on almost every point! as someone who faced you quite often, I FEEL THAT ENDING SO HARD!
@lollygirl39 8 сағат бұрын
the matchmaking is horrid, if youre a good player you already know which bots will be on your team based on load outs before the game even starts. Even in trials running solo, you know which garbage duo will be your teammates, while the other duo are two competent players everytime
@largecupenjoyer1459 7 сағат бұрын
so the matchmaking wont be terrible if its a lopsided match favoring torwards you. good to know.
@jormungandr4690 6 сағат бұрын
@@largecupenjoyer1459 I shouldnt be able to predict with 99% certainty which players will be on my team. The matchmaking in this game is made by a janitor who doesnt speak english
@drayreign0391 8 сағат бұрын
It's not only high-skill lobbies, I'm a 1kd player and my matches suck, half the time is either a 5v5 or 5v6
@Nibblerr 8 сағат бұрын
Cammy has made this video at least 5 times now...
@ookie007 8 сағат бұрын
“PvP doesn’t move the needle” - Joe Blackburn. They do. Not. Care.