David Frost: The making of a Conservative wipeout | The Brendan O’Neill Show

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10 күн бұрын

David Frost - Conservative peer and former chief Brexit negotiator and - returns for this post-election edition of The Brendan O’Neill Show. David and Brendan discuss how the Conservative Party got it so wrong, what Nigel Farage got right, and how the Tories can rebuild from opposition.
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@-DC- 8 күн бұрын
An 80 seat majority utterly squandered, The Conservative Party did this to themselves.
@CatAtomic99 8 күн бұрын
They have the same agenda as Labour.
@jameswebb4593 8 күн бұрын
Pure arrogance , roughly ten years ago at my local Cons' Club I asked a visiting bigwig , what was the party going to do about immigration . His reply was , we don't talk about that. There in a nutshell is their problem , issues that are top of the public concern is ignored , too rightwing , leave it to the BNP . Well the BNP is history and hopefully Farage will make the cons history . I am 83 and seen many crap governments , but this last one takes the biscuit.
@AutoAlligator 7 күн бұрын
14 years in power is quite a long time to get so little done. In fact working families are worse off now than they were 14 years ago. Over 1 million legal migrants last year with literally no spending on public services. No new schools, dentists, doctors surgeries...for 14 years. People in the UK do not hate immigrants! They want the Government who invites them to spend the taxation on services to support everyone! It really isn't "brain-surgery".
@louisebrown4622 7 күн бұрын
Your right they did
@fredo1070 8 күн бұрын
In 2019 we voted for a conservative Prime Minister but we ended up with Greta Thunberg as Prime Minster.
@Cotictimmy 8 күн бұрын
🤣 Greta Thunberg - who was then replaced by Klaus Schwab.
@user-jy8bt9uz7f 8 күн бұрын
Trish blush 😅❤
@paulrobson3413 8 күн бұрын
We got Carrie Antoinette running no 10 not Boris
@AutoAlligator 7 күн бұрын
What did we vote for this time I wonder? And what did we get?
@nowherepeople3431 7 күн бұрын
“Building back greener and in a more feminine way and dare I say it, in a more gender neutral way.”
@774Rob 8 күн бұрын
I don't even want to listen to a Conservative making excuses. They had one job, protect the realm, and they did the opposite.
@nowherepeople3431 7 күн бұрын
Me neither. It’s pathetic. These are the people in charge of Ofcom and the police service, the Home Office and the border force who have been making it harder and harder for any of us to speak out on these issues and yet they claim not to have foreseen any of it. Liars.
@colinmartin2921 8 күн бұрын
The Conservatives would not even allocate David Frost a constituency. If he were leader the Conservatives might start being Conservative again. As for the reason why companies were able to pay immigrants 20% less than British workers, this is easily explained by Phillip Hammond, who stated that it was a means of lowering wages, so it was in black and white, the Conservatives desired poverty for British workers. Welcome to the Victorian era part II.
@Cotictimmy 8 күн бұрын
I watched a Time Radio podcast yesterday evening with a title suggesting the Conservative rout was Liz Truss's fault (either they are delusional or they are deliberately mis-directing.) In that podcast you could plainly hear Danny Finkelstein express absolute dripping contempt for Reform voters & their concerns. I've quite liked Danny Finkelstein in the past and I was horrified by his attitude and tone here. As far as I am concerned that tone absolutely sums up the reason why I & many previous Labour & Tory voters switched to Reform. I switched from a lifelong Labour voter to vote Tory in 2017 & 2019. People like me have had it amply demonstrated to us that the elite ruling class in both main parties despise us and are absolutely determined to resist any moves to curb mass migration or towards a more democratic populist direction.
@user-kb2fh7ox5e 8 күн бұрын
Yes. They have no interest in being democratic. They think everything is about them and what they want. They say they should govern from the centre but their centre has moved far left of the public's. Studies show that most people over the last decade or two are a bit Left of what they were but the media and political elite are very much further Left and calling anyone Right of Mao "racist" etc.. Even wanting to refuse to be part of a medical experiment was somehow labelled racist because that is what they call anyone they want to bully into obedience after the working class dared vote for what they wanted - Brexit. These brats will find a way to call anything acist if it suits them - it is dehumanising and excuses treating people like crap which suits these snobs fine. hen they don't have to be democratic - hence when democracy doesn't support your brat behaviour call it "Populism" and then crush your enemy heartlessly and make our that you area hero for it. Make out you are the her for having the police check their thinking, lock them up for free speech, for cancelling their sources of income, getting them smeared and sacked and possibly driven t suicide etc., etc.. This is sociopaths and Narcissists having a field day. There's a study that shows that the characteristics if the Left are increasingly the ones psychologists consider Narcissistic. Many of the loudest are arseholes frankly and influencing the rest of the Left which is full of wet people wanting to feel they are "nice" people but with no God ascribed values to measure themselves by and ripe for manipulation based on values that are just made up without time tested benefits and guilt based manipulation. The Left activists and bullies and smear merchants are often very spoilt and not hurt buy the policies that they encourage and create. Selfish, selfish arseholes pretending, often even to themselves, that they are nice because they treat foreigners like precious pets but unlike the working class and even middle class people they deride, they have never lived with foreigners. The rest of us have been doing that for centuries. My great great grandmother was a slave and no one needed a lecture then from a Luvvie about racism not least because Luvvie class families are the ones that most benefitted from slavery like they benefit most from cheap foreign labour and exploitation now. Grotty, hypocritical snobs telling us how to get on with foreigners, telling us how to suck eggs when they are completely new to it. Unbelievable arrogance as usual. All the Jocastas and Ruperts in "Jus stop oil" and the World have no clue what it is like to be unable to afford food or housing or to do without housing and private health care when there is no access to doctors and dentists for people who have paid into the system and watch strangers walk in and get put ahead of them and often the Jocastas and Ruperts don't care about anyone that does either unless they are high up on their list of who counts as a worthy victim. They would rather hate us and call us racist because that makes them sound like the relative heroes in their imagined version of reality but real reality is coming for us all and the situation is unsustainable.
@afifahhamilton8843 8 күн бұрын
The Times Radio folk are notoriously dire. I've never heard them frame anything honestly. They always distort the truth.
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
This was not a tory party it was blairite party. Reform now in parliament will get more voters from Tories and labour. The tory party is finnish if reform do the job back.
@SpeedfreakUK 8 күн бұрын
Even worse, they weren’t Blairites, they were just trying to be, without realising what Blair actually did.
@shelleyscloud3651 8 күн бұрын
I’m getting a bit peeved by all this ‘gloom’. Yes, it’s going to be awful, Labour will be disastrous, but we knew all this. The pragmatic fact is the next couple of years are necessary for the wider public to awaken to the dreadful reality of the mess we are in and that Labour, as well as the policies they espouse, are only exacerbating the mess. Only then will the real change we need be demanded. As people say, labour’s vote was broad BUT SHALLOW, that tells me that we are nearing a tipping point. This is simply the final awful, but necessary, scene in Act 2. We are nearing Act 3 , where there will be a resolution. Keep the faith 🙏
@importantjohn 7 күн бұрын
You are living in a fantasy world. 85% of the voters and 90% of the country did not vote for reform. They will not suddenly be a majority in 5 years time. Most British plp vote for left wing parties. We had one chance to stop a left wing revolution. We failed, now own the consequences of what you have done
@shelleyscloud3651 7 күн бұрын
@@importantjohn deep breathes John. There, there. Now get up off your knees.
@drstrangelove4998 8 күн бұрын
David Frost showed so much promise, as did people like Mogg, But in the end neither developed their potential.
@leviercosmicwind 8 күн бұрын
That's precisely it, Gove, Frost, Mogg gave us confidence to vote for Brexit and then all backed away leaving the country to fall to destruction. Absolutely no backbone, they are the reason for the destruction of the Conservative party. Leaving wets to following a left-wing agenda on the assumption that it aligned with voters. Not conservative voters, what idiots.
@afifahhamilton8843 8 күн бұрын
I think they are too 'gentlemanly' to get into real fights, and fighting is what is required at this juncture. The other side fights ALL THE TIME and that is why they are winning. We have to learn to fight for the truth, for the people, and for the proper running of this country, and that used to be 'Freedom and Rule Of Law'. Democracy is not even the true basis of our country. It's meant to be a monarchy with a small parliament of competent people who defend our core values and systems, and let the people run themselves.
@matthewblake4945 7 күн бұрын
I think David Frost is ok but Mogg not a fighter. Witness his attitude to Donald Trump.
@tombennett1636 8 күн бұрын
The Conservative party didn't just let down Conservatives like myself. They let down the Conservative candidate in my area (Whitby). He would have won hands down, young bright and a consevative. I voted reform in the true sense of the word.
@taradalik1405 7 күн бұрын
Same in London
@jules2545 8 күн бұрын
Tobias Ellwood losing his seat, whats not to like.
@bertiescunsbutch9323 8 күн бұрын
Exactly that is a bonus.
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
Tories failed on brexit we never left European Court of Human Rights. If you done that stopped the boat you might won the Election. This is blairite tory party the happy to pass the batten on to new labour. We become a one party country the different rosette colours
@importantjohn 7 күн бұрын
Brexit was to leave the European union. The ECHR is not part of the EU
@geoffm9944 8 күн бұрын
The Conservative Party has gone down the semi socialist route which has meant that many traditional Tory supporters have decided to vote Reform, who now seem to be the standard bearers of genuine conservatism. Johnson was a complete disaster as PM, a bone idle PM and someone who decided it would be a good idea if his government promoted net zero and green issues. By the time Sunak arrived as PM, the ‘red wall’ voters had gone, particularly after Sunak’s utter failure to deal with illegal migration.
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
Labour voted for more imagration. . It quite plane to see tories and labour want more migration. Reform does not.
@shelleyscloud3651 8 күн бұрын
One of the best Frosty interviews I’ve heard yet
@darkjudge8786 8 күн бұрын
A lot of words to ignore the fact that Sunak is Indian with an Indian wife whose kids are Hindus, and his successor will be one of 3 women, 2 Indians and a Nigerian. Sorry, call us racist but a party that overpromotes first generation migrants for a nation still 86% white despite an immigration policy we never voted for this is fucking insane.
@oghamstone5964 7 күн бұрын
👍,The Emperor's new clothes. The obvious must not be spoken of.
@yn7751 8 күн бұрын
Another conservative who will roll out the wouldve, shouldve, couldve, ifs and buts and all manner of excuses. Not interested mate.
@NorfolkSceptic 8 күн бұрын
They aren't excuses, they are explanations. There is a difference. And Frost has been saying it well before the GE.
@Chiefmismaker 8 күн бұрын
Rishi Sunak has one hell of a lot to answer for.
@oghamstone5964 7 күн бұрын
Never actually elected to his position by the electorate. Comprehensively rejected by the electorate. What the hell were the Conservative leaders thinking appointing him. The man was clueless. 80 seat majority and he blew it.
@familycompactthegrange7014 8 күн бұрын
Do you bet that Labour will ignore the Cass Report?
@junehope5152 8 күн бұрын
They already are lots of talk about conversation therapy
@MsJackrussell2 8 күн бұрын
Shame we can't sack the civil service en masse. It is their job to support whoever is in power, not to dig in their heels and try to impose their own views on government.
@DavidSmith-mo3dk 8 күн бұрын
I will not bow down to globalists whether they be Labour or conservatives.
@thediscokidd 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for letting us know.
@ppetal1 6 күн бұрын
@doctorbritain9632 8 күн бұрын
If the Conservatives want to survive at all they could do a lot worse than having Lord Frost as their leader.
@alfredhockley4823 8 күн бұрын
I would not trust David frost any where near the refrom party we don’t need him
@shelleyscloud3651 8 күн бұрын
Look, I see where you’re coming from but, real politiks: he’s in the Lords. That’s a possible opportunity.
@afifahhamilton8843 8 күн бұрын
I am not sure why you say this. Please expand. I find David Frost entirely sensible and honest. He seems very much of the ilk of a Reform Party member. I hope he jumps ship and joins the club.
@doctorbritain9632 8 күн бұрын
He'd make a good leader of a re-jogged Conservative party but they won't happen. As another commentator mentioned he is in the Lords and right now Reform don't have anyone there.
@user-hp1mr8rm3f 8 күн бұрын
David Frost tried very hard to get Brexit done , but Teresa May stopped him from getting what the people wanted,so he resigned, HE is a decent man ,and I would love him to come to the peoples party REFORM,👍🙏🇬🇧✝️🩵🩵🩵
@colinmartin2921 8 күн бұрын
Sorry, David Frost is one of the greatest politicians in Britain today, he would be an absolute asset to Reform because he is a true Conservative who believes in Brexit, low tax and small state.
@DavidRobinson-rj2sp 8 күн бұрын
There is no reason for the Tories to exist any longer. Reform UK for me from here on out and have committed to 25 quid per annum into their coffers.
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
Tory voter all my life Reform did not stand in my area so i did not vote
@louishiggins8881 8 күн бұрын
About the Conservative "scandals", even if the news cycle is short - people don't forget 😂. After the party gate scandal, I was determined not to vote Conservative again - in itself not massive but really indicative of how the political elite viewed ordinary people. One rule for the peasants another for us. I did NOT forget.
@VincentRE79 8 күн бұрын
Rishi Sunak was a truly dreadful Conservative Party leader, reminded me of John Major in many ways and led us to a even worse similar to 1997.
@Zara-jl5zw 8 күн бұрын
Thought the conservatives would be happy the government has not changed just the baton and the cronies who get the contracts
@afifahhamilton8843 8 күн бұрын
Thank you, Mr Frost, for using the word 'terpitude' as it drove me to look it up, and am horrified that I didn't really know the meaning before. I knew the word, but not its meaning or usage, and now, I do! Thank you for your decency, honesty and adherence to conservative values. Thanks Brendan for this interview.
@dalane5196 8 күн бұрын
Labour will now show the Tories what you can do with a big majority, they had it and did nothing, improved nothing.
@paulinemoorhouse3856 7 күн бұрын
Fishing, farming, borders, laws. Did you deliver Brexit? Communities relied on the Tory’s to bring these Brexit requirements about, then you gave £millions to France for what!
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
We had to get the blairite out of the tories party. We still need more off them out deselection is needed
@user-jc4lb5mm7x 8 күн бұрын
Sunak lacked the balls to sack the troublemakers, he had a vast majority but was scared to use it.
@Jobu_ 7 күн бұрын
Leaving the ECHR was a fringe issue up to 18 months ago? I seem to remember a referendum 8 years ago about leaving it
@stephenrichards5386 8 күн бұрын
Why do interviewers ask a question and then seek to answer. They talk through their thoughts and end by asking the question again
@tonybradley427 7 күн бұрын
Perhaps you need to start listening to the electorate and allow members a vote on the leadership. Stop dictating and looking down on the centre right.
@peterdockerty8077 7 күн бұрын
Lord Frost should move to Reform to help Farage organise and administer the growth, plus lead on policy
@RuneRelic 7 күн бұрын
If they ran out of steam and time, what the hell were they doing in government ? Its not a holiday camp. Its a job. Working while on a job isnt voluntary ??? Perhaps the champagne and cake was more to their liking ?
@thomridgeway1438 8 күн бұрын
Wow, an intelligent, reasonable UK politician who sounded balanced, coherent, detailed, and interesting! That's one for the scrapbook!
@dalane5196 7 күн бұрын
Yes but not good enough to be able to win a preselection for the Tory Wets though, we dont need his type in there confusing the electorate with common sense.
@taradalik1405 7 күн бұрын
@@dalane5196Exactly. They really shadowban people like Frost. I don’t know why he insists in staying with the Tories.
@autumnleaves2766 7 күн бұрын
It's also concerning how many people who had registered for a postal vote never received their ballot paper in time, and so most of them were unable to vote on the day. Apparently around 30 Conservatives lost by under 1000 votes, including one who lost by just 39 votes. Labour's vote share was 33.7%, less than they received when Corbyn was up against May in 2017. About 60% of voters did indeed vote, so it means Labour has a landslide when only 2 out of 10 people voted for them. I do think we could be lurching into dictatorship territory, and I worry about Keir Starmer's ideas on constitutional reform. The msm told everyone it would be a landslide for Labour from the word go, so some people may have given up and not voted. Where I live, no one talked about the election campaign in public, the climate was one of fear. Some people really do believe everything the msm tells them.
@satchm0999 7 күн бұрын
Power has moved from the right to left faction of the uniparty.
@jacklind1894 7 күн бұрын
Lord Frost is one of the more eloquent of contemporary Conservatives but fundamentally he is an institutionalist
@beachdancer 7 күн бұрын
"After fourteen years in government, this time we are going to do what we promise"
@AutoAlligator 8 күн бұрын
14 years. Is quite some time to be the ruling political party...while getting so little done. The highest tax of any European nation with some of the worst public spending/services. Labour couldn't possibly tax people any more than the tories already have. Money squandered all over the place. To lose over 200 seats is simply embarrassing and a testament to how unhappy (to say the least) the electorate are. Reform took 4 seats. The Conservative party did not "lose" to Reform, they lost because no-one voted for them. Could you ask Mr Frost what the conservative party should have done? I don't think lowering taxes and being frugal with public spending should be frowned upon. Mrs Truss was naive to think the banking sector would approve of those policies unless "they" put the leader in place themselves...We simply cannot have the leader of the country so obviously put in place by the corporate sector as with Mr Sunak. The electorate are not stupid. They will remove a government that is so obviously useless. That is the beauty of democracy. Please do not try to fight the next election on identity politics. That has already proven to be a loss. People will fight with or against identity politics. The job of government is to run the country.
@davelewis7098 3 күн бұрын
Thankyou for your work it's always a mindful conversation, but the big discussion that everybody avoids , is the fact they are not your rulers !! they are your representatives around the world public sector /civil servants !!! God bless common folk
@specialistcarmarketing 8 күн бұрын
Didn't need to lockdown for so long so again self inflicted.
@davidmrenton 8 күн бұрын
the only group that can take real comfort from this is Reform, they got nearly half the votes of Labour, 2nd in nearly a 100 seats With the Inevitable disappointment that will be Labour in 2029. Voters will not have the Tories to go back to, they will reject Labour and Reform will be in position to break past that small party disadvantage and capitalise on it they did this in a month, people are passionate about Reform, very few are the same about Labour Reform and similar parties (even on the left) are the future of British politics, the tories/labour are done Labour might see in 2029 and even bigger loss than the Tories just did
@RuneRelic 7 күн бұрын
Exasperated isnt strong enough. Apoplectic would probably be more appropriate. Thus 'zero seats'.
@davidmrenton 8 күн бұрын
if the Tories go left, then they disappear, it's why they are in this state anyway, and what's the point in having 3 identical parties on the left. If they go Right, people won't trust them with good reason They only answer is to disband , do what's best for the country, understand the Tories have no future, and the future is better served with Reform
@joanr3189 2 күн бұрын
I always wonder why KZfaq channel holders bother having a Comments section. It should be called Complaints & Insults.
@robinrdale8318 8 күн бұрын
A conservative that realised that they had gone centre left as all the other I have seen interviewed where thinking they had gone to centre right
@Swamps-dd4bc 8 күн бұрын
The blob "come to heel"? - No, the blob were always on Labour's side. Comments from senior civil servants about how they've been planning the change for 6+ months. It's evident, when the right do get into power again in 5-10 years - they need to clean house, entirely. Bring in professionals from the private sector.
@tohellorbarbados4902 8 күн бұрын
What a plum.
@aidanbrennan8428 6 күн бұрын
Rishi copying a policy from Jacinda Arden was just embarrassing. And i am not even a smoker.
@Gorbyrev 6 күн бұрын
Hooray for the collapse of the SNP and a moment of respect for Penny Mordaunt who might not have been good on the culture wars she was the nemesis to Ian Blackford's hubris.
@blazzedpigeon783 7 күн бұрын
Govern as conservatives and you might just stay in power. If you don’t do the jobs you say your gonna do and the problems Get worse you shouldn’t win.
@user-hp1mr8rm3f 8 күн бұрын
I voted Labour until I couldn't agree with there policies ,then i went to the Conservatives and for many years i was happy voting for them , but these last few years showed them what they were, career politicians ,so now i found a home with Reform, Im afraid Conservatives are well and truly finished, REFORM FOR 2029👍🙏🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
@matthewblake4945 7 күн бұрын
Sound like Lee Anderson!
@user-th5nb3ox1w 6 күн бұрын
I still cant figure out why sunak went early. Did he know something terrible is in the pipeline? A putin victory in Ukraine?
@ninasnyman 7 күн бұрын
Due to our first-past-the-post system, Nigel Farage strutting around victoriously is not a victory for the people who will suffer under Labour politics.
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
Can we get change on first past post systems.
@anglosaxonbreed 8 күн бұрын
Up market paper I cant aford to pay on state pension
@waynemcauliffe-fv5yf 7 күн бұрын
I thought the other Frosty had returned
@gusmlie 8 күн бұрын
Zero seats.
@simonsmatthew 8 күн бұрын
Very poor questioning. You should challenge his responses not say how brilliant they were. I have got seven minutes into this. Are you going to ask him does he take any responsibility for this defeat? Do you think that perhaps Brexit was oversold - on both trade deals and immigration? Would you call your Brexit deal a success?
@davidh6543 5 күн бұрын
A corrupt toad. Johnson's bum boy, "lord" Frost haha
@martinwelsford1353 7 күн бұрын
Far too much time posing long rambling questions with a tendancy to make speeches. You were interviewing Lord Frost who happily answers questions - provided he has discerned the crux of the question after all the waffle
@curiositycloset2359 7 күн бұрын
Guys speaking utter tosh on immigration.
@nowherepeople3431 7 күн бұрын
In what sense?
@GodsOwnPrototype 6 күн бұрын
The official figures from schools in England show the children of native families will be a minority within 11 years. By the trends of the official voluntarily provided census, along with official immigration ones, the English nation will be a minority in their homeland in a mere few decades & all Britons in the Isles some short years after that & who knows what the reality on the ground means for how much sooner these will occur.
@curiositycloset2359 6 күн бұрын
@@nowherepeople3431 on why they bought them in.
@bazzaah 8 күн бұрын
His crappy Brexit deal was part of the mix.
@dalane5196 7 күн бұрын
His feral was the best on offer, it was that or no deal, and to be fair to Frost it was never his call if No Deal would be better than what he managed to get. His job was to get the best deal that could be got out of the EU, I believe he got that, whether the UK should have went No Deal was never within Frost’s mandate, he may have even believed that but would never have been able to say it.
@bazzaah 7 күн бұрын
@@dalane5196 it’s a no deal brexit disguised as a deal.
@devilishdeed 8 күн бұрын
Ukraine is losing. Stop the war.
@christopherquinn5899 7 күн бұрын
I am always interested to hear from Lord Frost, but Brendan O’Neill is certainly no interviewer.
@ppetal1 6 күн бұрын
You're all doing a great job of ignoring genocide, climate destruction and the steady decline of your rotten economic theories, while at the same time presenting yourselves as the height of civilisation 😂.
@joanr3189 2 күн бұрын
And your point?
@666Eva 8 күн бұрын
The Tories went wrong by associating with people like David Frost and Brendan O'Neil.
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