Disney Princesses can't superhero

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@rickh6963 7 ай бұрын
My wife made me ask my granddaughter if she wanted to see The Marvels because I always take my grandsons to the other Marvel movies. When I asked her she asked me if Thor would be in it. When I told her no, she said, "No." And went back to her phone.
@silverjohn6037 7 ай бұрын
A young girl who is interested in a strong, good natured male who tries to help people? Must be the internalized misogyny.
@codinghusky5196 7 ай бұрын
...your granddaughter is displaying shocking amount of heterosexuality. you should pray the hetero away!!!
@crispy1186 7 ай бұрын
My daughter wanted to see it, but I said no. Sorry, I'm that dad. Now, in her defense, she's only in 3rd grade and still believes in Santa. So I said I'll do anything g but that. Now she has an Xbox. No, I'm not joking.
@toxicwaltzn8175 7 ай бұрын
Yeah….this didn’t happen.
@Noqtis 7 ай бұрын
Lmao buhahahahhaha if anyone wonders why no one is watching the Marvels. There are dads out there who would buy their kid a console instead of having to watch that movie with them. And the best about it is I'm not even a dad and I can see me doing the same shit. I would buy my kid a gaming rig with an rtx 4090 if it shuts up forever about anything marvel.
@christopherflanagan9626 7 ай бұрын
"Remember when Disney liked families" - direct hit.
@MrTickleTrunk 7 ай бұрын
I still love ComicBookGirl19's description of current Marvel. "[Disney turned all of the cool female characters from the comics into No Fun, Marvel Mommies]."
@StephenGillie 7 ай бұрын
But they're missing the tenderness, nurturing, and loving qualities of a mother. Captain Marvel scares me.
@rbu2136 7 ай бұрын
Marvel to Karenvel. Star Wars to Karen Wars.
@MrTickleTrunk 7 ай бұрын
@@StephenGillieLOL, OVERBEARING, CONTROLLING MOTHERS I'm assuming. That's what the "The Fun" part means ;)
@dalemanolas5994 7 ай бұрын
The next Marvel superheroes will be Sensible Slacks Woman, Boxed Wine Mom, Perfect Feminist Girl, Lesbian Princess and Fat Blue-Haired Chick With Bad Tattoos. They'll all do a team-up movie with SheHulk and smite the evil patriarchy together. If you don't love that movie then you're a misogynist scumbag!
@1911Earthling 7 ай бұрын
Shit I could get warm with captain marvel. She was fine . A quick shower after working out and fresh as a daisy.
@GaudiaCertaminisGaming 7 ай бұрын
My youngest daughter was a huge Marvels fan. Who’d have thought a teenage girl would be interested in a handsome god, a handsome billionaire and a handsome super soldier. I know, crazy. Her interest in Captain Marvel is less than zero. She doesn’t want to ‘be’ a superhero, she wants one as a boyfriend.
@nerychristian 7 ай бұрын
True. It's like if Mattel tried to turn Barbie into a boy brand by making Barbies with mostly male characters. It's just not going to happen.
@-o-dq7nd 7 ай бұрын
Makes sense because she see them as great providers, and protectors who are not perfect but are good men.
@m.rivers9201 7 ай бұрын
Bingo! You are right on target! Many Women I know Are not glory hounds and take a lot of pride in the ability to pick a good man to share their lives with as 1 unit. Disney's/Marvel's Version of womanhood is completely out of balance. Seriously think about, no man in that weird universe is really worthy as a partner as they are all a bunch of wimps.
@last7509 7 ай бұрын
is it possible that everything is just over?
@rdkirk3834 7 ай бұрын
@@nerychristian I think you mean by making more versions of Ken. If they threw some GI Joes in there, they might get some boys interested.
@silverjohn6037 7 ай бұрын
There's the Aesop's fable about the dog that was given a bone and was running of to chew on it when he walked past a stream and saw his reflection in water. Thinking it was another dog and that he could get it's bone he snarled and barked at it only for the bone he did have drop into the water and out of his reach. Hollywood has done the same thing with the fan base. They thought they could get more audiences for their productions only they've lost what they did have trying to chase a bone that was never really there.
@CallMeChato 7 ай бұрын
@oldgoat142 7 ай бұрын
Silver John, of all the comments I've ever seen about this subject, THAT is the most spot-on assessment I've ever read. Hands down. I remember that fable, but thanks to you, I went and looked it up again.
@StephenGillie 7 ай бұрын
The "Dog With 2 Bones" episode of Farscape.
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
Marvel comics has had years of attempting to pull in females to read comics and Disney hasn't payed any attention to things Marvel comics learned
@thomasc9036 7 ай бұрын
Let me tell you about another Aesop's Fable about a Disney BLM princess. He/She/They/Ze was/were unfairly detained by evil White police officers for "borrowing" a bag full of items. He/She/They/Ze protested vehemently that white men fed "fentanyl" caused the racist profiling. One officer said, "Sir, calm down". He/She/They/Ze courageously screamed "I am a Disney princess Jamal of Crackonia, not 'sir'". Officers knew then that they committed the most hideous sin of "misgendering" a black man/woman/it. The BLM princess of Crackonia took out a gun and shot those evil officers like all woman bosses do. The BLM princess carried off her/his/zis/their prince Lemarcus into the sunset.
@ronaldbell7429 7 ай бұрын
Let's all remember the Princess Leia was, from the very start, a very strong character, not to be intimidated. Carrie Fisher pointed it out herself in interviews that this was part of what drew her to the role. Disney wasn't fixing any bigotry in the Star Wars universe. It was simply introducing a bigotry of its own, a pathos so extreme that they couldn't allow their female protagonists to undergo the classical hero's journey because that would mean the protagonist didn't kick ass even in the beginning. They have no arc. They're boring, except as a psychological study where the writers and producers have laid themselves bare, proudly oblivious to all the pathos they've put on display.
@mooseyman74 7 ай бұрын
Han "It's not wise to upset a wookie, they've been known to rip arms out of sockets" Leia "Can someone get this walking carpet out of my way?"
@clogs4956 7 ай бұрын
Pathos or bathos…?
@reb3102 7 ай бұрын
As I remember, Carrie Fisher asked to wear the slave girl outfit since she wanted to look sexy in one of the movies. And there's nothing wrong with that.
@mooseyman74 7 ай бұрын
@@reb3102 she showed some modesty unlike Jabba and Salacious Crumb
@WhiteManOnCampus 7 ай бұрын
@@reb3102 And it wasn't until decades later, when she was old and wrinkled and undesirable in most roles, that she started bitching about "patriarchal exploitation."
@darksidemachining 7 ай бұрын
You are so correct… imagine the uproar if Barbie had actually tricked everyone and all the trailers were the sum total of all of Barbie’s scenes and only to discover that 90 percent of the movie was about Ken.
@lennythealien8051 7 ай бұрын
Exactly! Barbie made over a billion because people wanted to see Barbie. And they got Barbie. There’s no such movie that’s made for everyone. Star Wars and Marvel have a specific demographic. Trying to appeal to the people who don’t like it won’t work. And it’ll alienate the people you had before. My sister doesn’t like Star Wars. Or Marvel. She didn’t before, and she still doesn’t. It’s not her thing. It never will be. She likes movies made for her demographic. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Make movies that the fans of that genre will like. And they’ll see it.
@dilbertjunkmail 7 ай бұрын
Dude here ... Never saw the Barbie but the reviews suggests that it's success was related to the exaggerated depiction of patriarchy (it doesn't exist either like Barbie land) and the comical relationship of homeless singing Ken to butthurt Barbie. Like all modern-day movies stability returned when Barbie straightened out the Doe eyed Ken's failings to manage Barbie land by themselves. All praise the Barbie! No Thank You...
@michaellane5381 7 ай бұрын
​@@dilbertjunkmailyou'd really need to see it to understand I guess. You grossly oversimplified and emphasized unserious points. Your analogy is like saying people obviously like crack for the withdrawal symptoms.
@StephenGillie 7 ай бұрын
Starting to think that "not giving audiences what they wanted" isn't "subverting expectations" but "lying for profit".
@brucegilbert625 7 ай бұрын
@@dilbertjunkmail with Barbie’s success we can assume that the makers knew what they were doing when they hid the “woke” parts like the patriarchy from the trailers. I think women went to see it because it became a meme with it’s bright colors and Margot Robbie’s ability to look like Barbie. I think on average people think it was an average movie. The only way average movies get to 1B is if it’s memetic. Meaning it has a critical mass of people already interested which makes other people interested by proxy. The true test will be Barbie 2. Now that the hype is gone and the woke cat is out of the bag will it be able to generate the momentum of the first one. I doubt it.
@Hinatachan360 7 ай бұрын
Disney and Lucasfilm just don't get that female fans of Star Wars and Marvel Comics like me are turned off by their stupid "girl boss" versions of characters. I find it a bit insulting.
@VivaToddVegas 7 ай бұрын
You have to admit the Hawkeye TV show was awesome! They need to make more shows like that. Hailee Steinfeld, Florence Pugh, and Jeremy Renner were amazing
@HighTechBull 7 ай бұрын
​@@VivaToddVegasChris Hansen wants to talk to you. 😂😂
@StephenGillie 7 ай бұрын
It doesn't compute to them that girls like boys, and the girls would be fans of the boys. They're all-in on Mantle Theory, which treats every character like James Bond and has us begging to know who the next Miles Morales will be, but only allows us to be fans of characters whom we superficially resemble.
@motorolas 7 ай бұрын
Looking forward to Madame Web film
@mattjvictory 7 ай бұрын
​@VivaToddVegas no, she doesn't have to admit that a mediocore-at-best streaming show was awesome; why make innocent people lie?
@BeholderThe1st 7 ай бұрын
These are brands that could do no wrong with their core audience. If they built it, they would come. Now...they only exist to please people who wont be spending any money on them regardless of what you do to appease/please them.
@rasalasblack 7 ай бұрын
Especially when these people hate capitalism and believe in communism/socialism. Ergo, they just dl from the high seas instead of paying to watch anything. Also, they tend to be broke af.
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
I want it to become so bad they sell their rights to others so in the future might be interesting again
@thegodofalldragons 7 ай бұрын
Disney managed to kill the enthusiasm for the most diehard Star Wars fan I know, which happened to be... my mom. So good job, Disney. This was a brilliant plan.
@aarontrue5719 7 ай бұрын
At this point, I can only assume it's intentional. They want to tear down our heroes, our values, and everything that unifies us and gives us hope.
@nerychristian 7 ай бұрын
It is intentional. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, is another question. One could say that it is just a result of years of feminist indoctrination.
@willia3r 7 ай бұрын
It’s that whole _non-binary/gender neutral/gender erasure_ being pushed these days. That’s what is at work here. It’s due to _ESG/DEI/CEI,_ courtesy of the World Economic Forum.
@sunzshotcuts1162 7 ай бұрын
Damn right!! It's all just spite.
@Ichi.Capeta 7 ай бұрын
So brave of Disney. They sacrifices themselves to set an example to all the companies out there. That's awfully very nice of them.
@TheBelrick 7 ай бұрын
Can we be clear, Disney's actions were predictable once you understand their hostile motives. Pointing out these actions in a negative light will draw attacks from those seeking to continue making hostile actions. It is called warfare and yes hollywood is a combatant
@613harbinger316 7 ай бұрын
A lot of people, especially on social media, make the mistake of seeing misogyny as a weapon in the hands of people who hate women. In reality, misogyny is a shield wielded by those who think women are too weak to face up to their own mistakes and accept valid criticism. It is wielded by those who hate the idea that women need to earn their progress just like everyone else.
@rpgadventurer32 7 ай бұрын
It's not just that. Women and Men have different tastes. They like different things. Action adventure genres of entertainment have always been male oriented and male centric. Their target audiences were always boys and men. They always catered to their tastes and made billions of dollars for decades by doing so!
@What-he5pr 7 ай бұрын
Women love being lied to.
@jscullyandmulderx25 7 ай бұрын
No. And your Basically women haven't have done nothing to earn oh every one else like men you mean men. Maybe the majority of women don't like action adventure and nothing but not all.
@demoniac972 7 ай бұрын
"No one went to Cinderella to see girl on girl action" 🤣🤣🤣
@fillerbunnyninjashark271 7 ай бұрын
Disney : "we're lacking in male brands" Also Disney :
@mjbull5156 7 ай бұрын
An interesting question is: are women and girls (beyond specific subcategories) partiicularly interested in Disney's take on female superheroes? The answer increasingly seems to be "no". So they have driven away the old core audience without even replacing it with a new one.
@bondgabebond4907 7 ай бұрын
Girls love romance. It's in their makeup. Sad Disney is turning women into men. It never works.
@geneanthony3421 7 ай бұрын
Women don't want to win, they want a winner. They aren't interesting in female superheroes (outside of a small subsection of women). It's usually submissive men who are into them.
@feral_orc 7 ай бұрын
@@geneanthony3421 wow yeah I've never seen a woman competing in anything ever before so you must be 100% right, women are not competitive and don't like "winning" yes that's correct.
@rpgadventurer32 7 ай бұрын
No, because women in general have different tastes. The superhero genre in entertainment has always been male centric, always appealed to boys and men, it was structured as such. It's a male oriented genre of entertainment like most action adventure genres in entertainment.
@EduFirenze 7 ай бұрын
My girlfriend can't stand anything superhero related, showed her lord of the rings, she loved it. Well written stories and characters will always win over ideologies
@ShaunRF 7 ай бұрын
It always amuses me when I see statements that say Star Wars didn't have adequate female representation in the old days. The first major protagonist we meet in the entire series isn't Luke or Han, its Leia. Her actions are what set the events of the story in motion. Not only that, but she is arguably the most iconic strong female character in cinema history.
@landor7610 7 ай бұрын
Seriously, and she starts off as instant strong female. Her first scene she is squaring off with Darth Vader.
@Skaldzerker 7 ай бұрын
@@landor7610 Indeed, she instantly recognized his foul stench when he came on board.
@hafirenggayuda 7 ай бұрын
These "modern" writer think strong women should be better than men/ male, but by acting smug and condescending
@Maitch3000 7 ай бұрын
Well, it is either Leia, Sarah Connor or Ripley from Alien. It is strange how they used to be able to write good female characters, but that is somehow been lost
@Tonyscasa 7 ай бұрын
@@Maitch3000 it’s over for Disney. They have destroyed their own brand to the point of no return . I can’t even force myself to watch the marvels when it comes to streaming services
@bunberrier 7 ай бұрын
"What is a princess?" - Matt Walsh, sort of 🤷 - Disney
@atlanta2076 7 ай бұрын
OMG! Captain Gore! So shtunning and brave. I need a signed copy! 🙂♥
@melissar4612 7 ай бұрын
I loved Star Wars as a kid because of the Han/Leia love story and because I had a huge crush on Han. I loved the MCU because Thor and Loki were gorgeous MEN (not boys, not thin-wristed hipsters) and their history was compelling. I laughed - outright LAUGHED - during Endgame when that ridiculous "gurrrrl powurrrr" scene happened. It was so ridiculous.
@Darrylizer1 7 ай бұрын
Yeah that scene made me snort, it was such obvious pandering.
@superfuss1984 7 ай бұрын
I was more of a Star Trek Guy... SW is more like Fantasy in Space...🤷
@mark63366 7 ай бұрын
This is the best review of The Marvels yet.
@SG-js2qn 7 ай бұрын
The hero formula is build on humility, self-sacrifice, and service to others in the name of morality. Modern Disney heroes completely lack this.
@elliec4154 7 ай бұрын
I loved Star Wars for it's story and characters, a small brave group who stands in defiance of evil, a mighty democracy felled from the inside, a pointless war where no one really knows what they are fighting for, a tragic hero who fell, losing all he sought to keep, for friendships as close as family, who sacrifice and die for eachother, and in the end even the worst villain can be redeemed. I loved Star Wars, I love the old. I don't recognise the new, it is empty and shallow and selfish. As a woman I see myself in coherent characters who are flawed, but struggle and grow. Why would I want to see myself in shallow, selfish vapidness?
@dcisrael 7 ай бұрын
I loved Star Wars when it came out but it's not like I go back an re-watch it now and there are other brands that are still re-watchable. I wish we could all be entertained by just churning out "on brand" forever but it's not possible. Yeah Disney failed to update it's brands but that doesn't mean what they were attempting is stupid. For instance even the princess brand has to be updated if you want to keep it alive as Barbie shows.
@madebymonkeys5641 7 ай бұрын
Modern protagonists are so bad in most cases, I've started rooting for the vilan.
@bondgabebond4907 7 ай бұрын
Star Wars was a great saga. It crossed all the boxes of a great movie series, a story that was understandable and cheered. But the six chapters, Episodes 1-6, is over. What many of the critics don't understand is that Star Wars was a story about Anakin, his beginnings, his rise and eventual fall. It was a family story pitting the good vs the evil. It's a shame Disney has been taken over by nobodies who know nothing about good story telling. They are too deep into the DEI, BLM, LGBTQ+ to understand SW was not about that. It was a story of people who would not consider the crap dished out today.
@michaellane5381 7 ай бұрын
​@@dcisraelthey didn't fail "to" update" the brand, they failed in "how" they updated the brand. You don't expand a brand by turning on what you perceive a brands target audience to be, and you cannot gain a "new" rabid fan base you never had. At some point those die-hards you turned on won't let new fans forget their original default towards the brand(apathy), and those new fans will recall that default if you try going back. The only exception to this is if your brand was trash to start with, so what if I am beloved by people who hate cat videos, if I rope the alternative in I can be successful... But I cannot be stupid enough to pay billions for a cat vid hating brand and then try subverting them into cat video subscribers... The original brand just didn't have the value to purchase and won't have a receptive audience to my new message, in trying to change THEM I have failed because I cannot sell a stick of self loathing without a carrot or "fix" like religion to keep them coming back.
@alexandresobreiramartins9461 7 ай бұрын
I don't, because the villains are equally empty. I just root for not watching anything produced by Hollywood.@@madebymonkeys5641
@Slitheringpeanut 7 ай бұрын
The fact that Disney thinks that to uplift female characters is to denigrate male ones is highly misogynistic. They're implying that the only way women can compete is if the men are too dumb or worthless to oppose them.
@cy-one 7 ай бұрын
It's even funnier if you remember all the "old" typical chick flicks... never needed to do that. Mean Girls, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Charmed (ok, a series, not a show), 10 Things I Hate About You (the movie, I mean, not the show), Pitch Perfect, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones, Kick It Like Beckham, Coyote Ugly, The Devil Wears Prada, Legally Blonde, Clueless and Pretty Woman never had to disrespect the men to be appealing. And, funny enough, those movies are liked by all, no matter what dangles or doesn't dangle between the viewer's legs.
@DaMaster012 7 ай бұрын
Why are they trying to make women compete with men in the first place? Women were explicitly created for the exact purpose to be "a helper and companion" to their man. To seduce women into oppose men is to have them rebel against their divine purpose.
@finkejdf101 7 ай бұрын
They did it with Thor by making Jane more powerful.
@Slitheringpeanut 7 ай бұрын
@@finkejdf101 Yup, have to bring down the man! Can't let him have his strength, while she has hers. Nope.
@Pyrate_Of_Las_Vegas 7 ай бұрын
Love the Chris Gore as Captain Marvel thumbnail.
@benevolentremnant2949 7 ай бұрын
"Those offended by Conan the Barbarian just need to shut up." 100%. I got into Conan only recently because I always assumed it was some brainless macho man franchise. It ain't. In the hands of Thomas/Buscema/Chan it was an era-defining book. And it _is_ refreshingly out of step with current sensibilities.
@DJRonnieG 7 ай бұрын
I still need to watch Conan for the first time. I prejudged it but saw enough clips to know what you're talking about.
@smackroscoe 7 ай бұрын
Love the new CONAN comic from Titan comics. Old school, OG Comics in story & beautiful art.
@feandil666 7 ай бұрын
The movie is excellent because it's sincere, the people who made that really respected the books and the spirit of the character.
@JackieBillyTom 7 ай бұрын
I still have the first 230 or so issues
@Pyrela 7 ай бұрын
@@DJRonnieG IMO the original movie is great, the second not as much, but still has a certain charm to it. The remake is...umm, well, I've heard some people like it.
@ScriptDoctor 7 ай бұрын
One thing that makes brands successful is that they don't have any barriers to their potential audience. If it was designed as a boy brand, yet attracts a small percentage of women, the brand doesn't need to change to bring in more women as it already accomplished and expansion it was not intending to reach. That's called a win.
@TheKarnophage 7 ай бұрын
The two largest signs that a property is doomed is when someone says "it was not made for you" and or "If you don't like it don't buy it".
@srichael2713 7 ай бұрын
​@@TheKarnophageAnd lambast you because you actually followed their suggestions instead of the people they pander who can't be bothered to patronize them.
@rickh6963 7 ай бұрын
They do suck ... but don't say that out loud on the train or you'll wind up in jail!!
@AlucardNoir 7 ай бұрын
At least in Canada he will. EDIT. Wait, he is Canadian! Well fuck. Been nice knowing you Paul.
@carlosalfredolopezr.1709 7 ай бұрын
I laughed with the thumbnail for this video, and I totally agree with your points expressed: disney ruined both marvel and star wars. They pandered so hard to push the all female heroes + no male needed, romance = bad, etc ... a.k.a. THE MESSAGE. They chased the man away from it, and couldn't even get their weird target to buy their products.
@TheBelrick 7 ай бұрын
its far more insidious than you drinker lickers know Every new hero in star wars disney was not a why-te male. Every new villain was. Every existing why-te male hero was vilified and degenerated. The actions of you nose who was full on social warfare
@grumpyoldwizard 7 ай бұрын
You always have excellent points and a reasonable view. Thank you!
@CallMeChato 7 ай бұрын
Much appreciated
@wtbAI 7 ай бұрын
Chris Gore as Captain Marvel in the thumbnail? Brilliant! 😂
@davids4610 7 ай бұрын
Truth Chato. you're a national treasure and I'm claiming you for the US... :)
@dingleberrysnigglefritz 7 ай бұрын
International Treasure it is.
@davids4610 7 ай бұрын
@@dingleberrysnigglefritz I stand corrected - he is!
@ArcturusMinsk 7 ай бұрын
It's also baffling to me that they refuse to make any plans for movies and just shoot shit and hope they can fix it in post. As it turns out having no plan is a pretty bad plan.
@kevinintheusa8984 7 ай бұрын
One of my colleagues still works in Hollywood and he blames the fact that all of the showrunners, producers, and many directors they are hiring are from other countries because they will work cheaper but the quality is very, very bad. He said he worked on one set where the director and his main support staff all spoke Chinese and had to have interpreters for everything they did on set and there was chaos everywhere due to lack of communication. I don't anticipate this will change anytime soon. BTW, my friend moved to Vancouver to work and has never looked back at Hollywood.
@srichael2713 7 ай бұрын
The director of _Secret Wars_ blatantly said that it wasn't his job to make the series and interconnected with the rest of its shared universe. Unbelievable...
@walkir2662 7 ай бұрын
On top of all of that, I'm always shocked that you can basically measure the cost of movies in warships now.
@SchnuckySchuster 7 ай бұрын
Three Disney movies equals one maned mission to the moon
@zacharymcmillan2788 7 ай бұрын
Man that thumbnail pic had me in stitches,Gore's face stripped onto Captain Marvel's head is comedy gold! 😂👍👍
@beerosaurusrex 7 ай бұрын
It's still absolutely insane that a company could buy a 35-year old IP for $4 billion without seemingly understanding what they bought, why it was popular for 35 years, nor why they just dropped $4 billion for it. (I know it was for all of Lucasfilm but it was primarily just for Star Wars.)
@fauxpukka 7 ай бұрын
They did understand what they bought. The original films were very successful. I think I read that the Avengers films had set some sort of record. That was the high point for Disney/Marvel. And now they are at a point of diminishing returns. If they are smart they will be very careful about what stories get made into movies. The Marvels was way too costly, and compounding on that kind of loss could put the company in jeopardy
@TheVagolfer 7 ай бұрын
You succinctly covered all the salient points of the implosion of Disney, well done! Sadly your wisdom will fall on deaf ears. "There are none so blind as those who will not see." John Heywood.
@jakeviolet2195 7 ай бұрын
Girl power superhero movies are like rebooting The Notebook featuring the cast of The Expendables.
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
Or sex in the city using the cast from the expendables
@geekmastermind 7 ай бұрын
"Not a sexual metaphor." Sounds like a challenge. Gimme a couple of minutes. 😉
@davfree9732 7 ай бұрын
There used to be a way the Princess could save the Prince... By being the reason to stop. The Prince has to go through hell, his blood pumps, the red mist descends, the adrenaline pumps as the Prince loses his reason to become a snarling beast... And in this state the Prince could be the monster he sets out to defeat... But for the Princess to appear before him that triggers that primal part of his mind that this is someone he cannot hurt, and thus, the Prince stops. Question... If a writer replaces the hell walking Prince with a Princess... What makes the Princess stop? Because from these writers we know the monster Princess will never see the Prince as something they should protect and thus will never stop being the monster. Disney had an interesting idea, but they never explored the idea. They just used it to push an agenda.
@Inug4mi 7 ай бұрын
Sad part is Disney could have superhero princesses if they just embraced magical girls. Japan’s got the anime and manga for this down to a science.
@dannylo5875 7 ай бұрын
But America has been shit in entertainment for a long time. It's gotta change or probably not...we know it's the reptiles that they are that want to dumb down society...
@gazz3867 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, but then they'd have to be recognisable as girls or women and that is not allowed.
@willia3r 7 ай бұрын
Facts, 🇯🇵Japan has already showed how you can project strong women in heroic roles without maligning men at the same time. The Sailor Moon series will always be a classic fan favorite.
@jakoballfather224 7 ай бұрын
That would be worse
@JimOMoore 7 ай бұрын
I took my daughters to nearly all of the phase 1-3 movies, and they loved them. They cried like babies at the end of Infinity War, and couldn't wait for Endgame. Then phase 4 started, and apart from No Way Home they have lost all interest. I tried sitting down to watch She-Hulk with my eldest daughter, and although I made it through the first episode, she stormed off about 15 minutes in after watching Bruce be denigrated by a magically superior Jen. "How the hell is she better than Bruce when he's had years to master his powers?", she demanded, not understanding that women are just inherently better at everything. This is maybe because she's actually had to work for things in the real world.
@LexTenebris 7 ай бұрын
I have a bit of an alternative suggestion. It's not that Disney turned Star Wars and Marvel into princess brands to join the classic Disney princess brand itself - it's that Disney decided to abandon the underlying idea of a princess brand altogether. After all, as you noted, what is a princess brand with a princess doesn't end up with a prince? It's part of the whole concept. At one point, Disney had an excellent princess brand and knew it - and wasn't shy about putting it in front of little girls who would love it. But even before the acquisition of Marvel and Star Wars, Disney was pushing back away from Disney princesses. Look at the stories they started telling. It wasn't about princesses being princesses. It was about princesses being little girls, hanging out together, doing each other's hair, and most definitely not talking about or dealing with yucky boys. It's arguable that Frozen was the last good princess movie after the infection really took hold and it's clear that Frozen is deliberately an antithetical princess movie. The prince is corrupt. The princesses may as well be isolated and they certainly start that way both socially and literally. At the end of the movie you have a queen who hasn't really earned that position with the people, isn't prepared in any way to be a ruler, but is lauded purely because she has a terrifying amount of power she really doesn't understand how to control. It doesn't get better from there. The princess brand burns. In an underlying narrative sense, taken as a whole, the only way to really describe it is the de-feminization of the princess brand, not to be more masculine but simply to be less feminine. Add to that the acquisition of Star Wars as a property, a property with such incredible cultural and social popularity that it would be ridiculous to suggest it got there without the active love of women. While we associate many of the classical Star Wars tropes with men, obviously there are a whole lot of women who appreciate the femininity of Princess Leia and the masculinity of many of the other protagonists - particularly Prince Han Solo. (In the same sense as Prince Ali.) Women clearly had to love it for it to be as popular as it was. What did Disney actually began to do? They removed the princess aspects in a very literal way. Everyone, men and women, in the New Star Wars™ is neuter. The women don't act like women. The men don't act like men. It's a removal of any discernible social, physical, or cultural role for men or women in new Star Wars. It violates an essential underlying precept of good writing: you want the audience to buy in to your fantasy. In order to buy into the fantastic elements of your fantasy, you have to provide them with strong elements in the rest of the setting that they can predict, identify with, and observe as similar to the things in their world. If the setting is alien to the audience then the people need to behave in ways that are truly recognizable. If the society is alien to the audience, then the grounding of the physical world needs to be something recognizable that the audience can get to grips with. It's bad and Star Wars but it's even more recognizable as what it is in the M-She-U. None of the characters act like human beings anymore. They don't react like human beings anymore. The world doesn't look like anything close to what the audience can respond to anymore. They are just images thrown on the screen with the occasional "do you remember" applied in subtitling beneath. It's not a princess brand. There are females - but no women. There are young females - but no girls. There are males - but no men. There are not even any young males at all, anywhere. It's a stretch to even call the characters people. No romance. No families. No communities, really. When communities do come up they are cardboard cutout parities of communities; the shape of a community with no content. No conflicts between individuals who might then have to actually struggle against one another and come to a real compromise or realize that someone is actually wrong. It's beyond feminization. It's depersonalization. It might even be depersonization. Not only is nothing truly personal, no one is truly a person. No one can like that. Not men. Not women. Not boys or girls. And the numbers show it. Disney is not alone in doing this; Hollywood as a whole seems to really want to strip the humanity out of everything they create and people just won't pay for that. As we see.
@CallMeChato 7 ай бұрын
Excellent comment.
@thefrenchspacer 7 ай бұрын
Yes Hollywood is the new cancert
@atomicgun2491 7 ай бұрын
You need to just make a video explaining what you wrote.
@LexTenebris 7 ай бұрын
@@atomicgun2491 I'm more of a text and audio only kind of guy. I'm happy to do video editing for other people but - I avoid the front end of a camera just like you might avoid the front end of a guy in a balaclava in Portland. For many of the same reasons.
@Gun665 7 ай бұрын
@dronesclubhighjinks 7 ай бұрын
Your thumbnail really caught me off-guard!
@scottbrower9052 7 ай бұрын
I respect the "Chatoverse."
@cakecrumb095 7 ай бұрын
Blue Eye Samurai really proves that you can even make a baggy sweatpants butch woman but still have her be interesting, charismatic, and even beautiful. It takes effort and passion, something Disney has forgotten about.
@chadowens3254 7 ай бұрын
Right??? Disney and a few others should have been taking notes how to write a story and develop characters cause BES put on a masterclass
@raymathews1474 7 ай бұрын
I may have seen that version of Cinderella at the Illini Theater in '78
@KAZVorpal 7 ай бұрын
What Hollywood executives don't understand is that they're incompetent, shitty storytellers. This is why when they try to adapt a book to movie, they constantly strip out the best of the story. They don't comprehend that Tolkien, Heinlein, Rowling, or even Herbert (wordy) or Burroughs (outdated) are better storytellers than they are, so their changes just make things worse.
@brettbeyer73 7 ай бұрын
Aladin was the same from the start. It was obviously targeted towards boys, but Disney could never admit it, and then the live action version had to end with a girl power moment.
@TheMyrmo 7 ай бұрын
No, they didn't LET these brands burn to the ground, they slathered them generously with kerosene and flipped a lit match on them. Let us not presuppose any victimhood here... Disney bought these things IN ORDER TO change them. This was all very intentional.
@VivaToddVegas 7 ай бұрын
You have to admit the Hawkeye TV show was awesome! They need to make more shows like that. Hailee Steinfeld, Florence Pugh, and Jeremy Renner were amazing
@ColinForBooks 7 ай бұрын
It does seem incredible, doesn't it? To make one or two mistakes is understandable, but to do it again and again is mindboggling.
@hibiscus779 7 ай бұрын
The problem Disney is having is that they do not recognize the function of a story - specifically, the function of a fairy or folktale. These stories were basically therapy - the reason why kids demand to listen to the same fairy tale over and over for a while is because that story represents a particular issue they need to overcome in that stage of development. They stop asking for it once they are over that issue. Many of these stories are about adopting social mores and traditional gender roles. The stories draw us because we recognize that stage and enjoy the echo of overcoming that issue. When the traditional roles and desires are ignored, the story loses its appeal. Fairy tale psychology is pure gold, I won't include links here but I recommmend research in this field to anyone critiquing the failure of Disney
@russellharrell2747 7 ай бұрын
Disney (specifically Walt) certainly knew the value of story telling and fairy tales/folk takes. It was their bread and butter for decades!
@hibiscus779 7 ай бұрын
@@russellharrell2747 They forgot
@1992holycrap 7 ай бұрын
Ironic for a company that built itself off the back of fairy tales...
@pyorre2441 7 ай бұрын
@@russellharrell2747 Now they seem to hate the the old ways of Disney. Rachel Zegler didn't write or direct the Snow White, she was repeating what she saw and heard while making the Live Action Snow White.
@CoryTheRaven 7 ай бұрын
What are you talking about Chato? Millions of basic women have replaced their "Live, Laugh, Love" signs with "Nasty Woman" and assure us that they're the funny one when they're out with the girls. Troublemakers all!
@lexdeobesean 7 ай бұрын
Like others have said, my gf only watched the marvel movies for the dudes... Thor in particular. (Edit: she doesnt actively identify with female characters that go around beating villains up, she prefers watching dudes save the day, hint: upper body mass, that she drools over) Personally my fav superhero movie is Wonder Woman: the beautiful Gadot delivers a sensual, kind-hearted heroine that can kick ass, but undergoes an endearing journey from being naive to learning a hard lesson. She is also powerful without making the weaker men look useless. Her costume is not overtly sexual but it is suitably feminine such that my male brain can appreciate her natural physique. The imagery and music from that movie is also excellent. With exception of Black Widow, the marvel ladies just don't have that X Factor. If you gender swap them to males, you're left with douchebag dudes that nobody would like. Their stories also lack any depth or character growth... or serious threat. It's like the writers are scared to put those powerful girl bosses at a disadvantage out of fear to be seen as sexist. As a result, they're actually severely damaging the idea of a potentially great female action hero, which can be done and has been done many times. They're ruining it for every one by forcing an unrealistic and boring political ideal.
@davidgantenbein9362 7 ай бұрын
I would have one small correction: Disney didn’t let all these franchises fall in disarray, Disney actively mandated the changes. How else could it be explained that the changes happened everywhere, not just Marvel or Lucasfilm or Pixar, no, all of them at once changed. This could only ever be achieved if Disney’s management actively made it happen.
@sirrathersplendid4825 7 ай бұрын
Or were forced to make it happen….
@jonbuono7826 7 ай бұрын
Girl power portrayed in the Marvels : cats, skipping rope, dancing Green light ;)
@markmunroe-hz8rf 7 ай бұрын
There are no more princesses or masculine men in Disney. That's outdated. True strong feminine women and girls and strong boys and men are out. Perverts and groomers are in, and if you disagree, whether you're straight or gays, it's the guillotine, I mean, you're cancelled.
@Tim99GT 7 ай бұрын
Hey do you remember when Disney would make products that people wanted instead of selling a product that the majority of people did not want at all? BTW, I always love your commentary Chato.
@Dr.Cosmar 7 ай бұрын
You mentioned the classic blood squib and getting riddled with bullets trope, instantly remembered the OG Robocop.
@otakubullfrog1665 7 ай бұрын
If Dominos were to switch from delivering pizza to delivering motor oil, nobody would call anyone else a bad person for pointing out why their sales would fall off a cliff.
@OzziesRobots 7 ай бұрын
Common now Chato! Princesses are passé It’s non binary or bust for Disney these days
@VoxVeritasXXX 7 ай бұрын
@EternityKingdomsHeadHoncho 7 ай бұрын
@paulscottrobson 7 ай бұрын
Sad thing is they got it right. From about Belle onwards the princesses stopped waiting to be rescued and were strong women, or developed into them. Girls and women understood them, like I suspect they do with Barbie.
@bhushanharripersad5716 7 ай бұрын
You know modern Disney doesn't like busts.
@didjargo 7 ай бұрын
I would like to add onto all your valid points. When Disney purchases a brand, their method is quantity over quality. It used to be that every MCU film was a must-see because each one was carefully crafted to serve the overarching plot, and their releases were few and far apart. Since it became a Disney property, we have seen multiple steaming series set in the MCU and an overabundance of theatrical releases being pumped out. The overall quality decreased to increase production. It became cinematic fast food.
@168tsai8 7 ай бұрын
Damn you, sir, for inputting the desire to see girl on girl action in a Disney live action remake of Cinderella into my head.
@HarupertBeagleton-dz5gw 7 ай бұрын
I bought my friend a Rose Tico action figure for 79 cents as a joke. He displays with the good stuff and it brings up conversations about how bad the movies were.
@paulscottrobson 7 ай бұрын
You were ripped off!
@RuggerDez 7 ай бұрын
I’m a 51 yr old man who LOVED…loved superhero Star Wars sci-fi genres!!! Still do! Alas, apparently the stuff that’s being produced today is neither meant nor made for me. Disney has chosen to leave me behind.
@paulscottrobson 7 ай бұрын
And you like me bought associated stuff, paid for movies and DVDs.
@f0rth3l0v30fchr15t 7 ай бұрын
I think an important part of it is that Disney just doesn't *get* superhero origins. Typically, the characters will gain power (that helps them face an external conflict) and grow through internal conflict. Iron Man showed both in his first movie, as does Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man, Bruce Banner/Hulk, even Ant-Man. Captain Marvel just pulls a doodad out of her neck and remembers that she was always awesome and some people were mean to her.
@CoryTheRaven 7 ай бұрын
It's deeper than that. The traditional hero's journey is the call to action, training, quest, failure and setback, growth, and achieving the goal through sacrifice. The feminist hero's journey is the girl who is just too awesome for society and society is holding her back but then she learns to accept how awesome she is and then everyone says she's awesome. It's a fascinating insight into entitlement, and not particularly accidental that the feminist hero's journey was traditionally a VILLAIN'S story arc. "I'll show them, I'll show them all!"
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
But they should why was Cinderella an interesting figure because she was poor and downtrodden and yet she was about to attract attention from the prince it wasn't just because she was beautiful it was also because she was a good person.
@willia3r 7 ай бұрын
@@patrickday4206Feminists don’t like Cinderella because at the end of the day the character had to rely on someone else to become _”better.”_ They want women in roles where they gain power, respect, and fortune on their own individual merits. I’m not saying whether that viewpoint is right or wrong. I’m just stating what I heard from the feminists.
@robo5013 7 ай бұрын
The interview process for hiring new writers for Star Wars or Marvels should be done at the prospective writer's home. The interviewer should enter and say, "give me a tour of your home." If there isn't at least one wall of shelves containing hundreds of SW/Marvels toys, comic books and games (etc) the interview is over and they will say, "we thank you for your interest but you don't seem to be a good fit."
@CallMeChato 7 ай бұрын
I like that.
@gorkamorka999 7 ай бұрын
Being an unquestioning consumer would be a red flag in my book. Owning a Funkopop does not make you a fan. I'd rather take someone who doesn't own a single action figure, but has read all the books. You need people who understand the mythology, not just people who like the brand - I'd argue Filoni is the exact type of person you describe: good at making stuff look like the IP on a surface level with zero thought given to the internal logic of the setting or any understanding of why it works the way it does.
@n.d.m.515 7 ай бұрын
Some of us love the movies, but aren't into owning or able to afford the merchandise. However, they should at least have the movie special additions.
@joeherrera8826 7 ай бұрын
You know I remember years ago when they did Xena Warrior Princess she had a relationship with Gabrielle. Allot of male audiences really love the series even if she was bi. But what made her a great character was that she was beautiful and also a bad ass. She stands up to misogyny, but doesn’t think less of men. Xena also owned up to her mistakes when she was a warlord and try to make things right. People in the series looked up to her and she empowers them. Even if you put diversity in a show there is a way to do and not just by shoving it down people's throat and doing it all the time for every piece of entertainment. In other words not every freaking tv show has to have a gay character.
@srichael2713 7 ай бұрын
Ow, I feel old remembering that series. Yeah Xena and Gabrielle are real strong women because of legit character development alone.
@richardbates6311 7 ай бұрын
Good job Paul. You described the real problem better than most have. You should go be a Disney network exec - save that disgusting company for Walt's sake:)
@TheIndianaGeoff 7 ай бұрын
Agree. One of his best.
@jamesanthony8438 7 ай бұрын
But Di$ney _doesn't want_ that. They said it themselves in one of their sh*t sequels... kylo ren: "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to." They're just doing what they must to destroy the past. Let 'em burn. =(
@pedroares6562 7 ай бұрын
Well said! My 2 cents is that the companies forget who is their audience. Marvel is a superhero movie, for teenagers, you can try to make 1 superhero movie for girls, but you can't forget your main audience. Also the review blew my mind, but not in the same way it blew yours 😀
@nightelfuser 7 ай бұрын
When a brand sticks to the principles that brought it success, fans don't demand change. The people who demanded change are the ones that weren't fans in the first place, and should be listened to with caution.
@tomatocutter 7 ай бұрын
Modern Marvel movies are the equivalent of Metallica performing easy listening covers of all their songs.
@mightyzeus1e 7 ай бұрын
"When I mention Wick, a brand image comes to mind..." So very true- the image in my mind was so clear, and so fresh, this line brought a wry smile to my face. Spot-on, as usual, Paul.
@pyorre2441 7 ай бұрын
Bearded Keanu Reeves in a suit holding a pistol tactically? That was the image I saw when Chato mentioned John Wick.
@NeoN-PeoN 7 ай бұрын
Disney managed to shit in SW so much that people don't buy the merchandise anymore. That shit is LEGITIMATELY insane. I think people don't understand the magnitude of that. In the prequal trilogy, people (including OG fans) still loved it enough to drop LOADS of cash on merchandise. Kids everywhere had SW toys in the late 90's, early 00's. The fact that they lost THAT means they lost their WHALES. that fact alone is much more important than the fact that people don't watch their tv shows.
@NorbertPueschel 7 ай бұрын
The exploding head at the end makes me want to give a second thumbs up to the video, but KZfaq doesn’t allow that. 👍👍
@RhinoTheHamster400 7 ай бұрын
Disney Princesses can't superhero... in a CAR
@psychomoth06 7 ай бұрын
I’ve said this before, and I think it applies as much as ever: imagine starting a club, and after over ten years of good times, telling the members: “We’re changing the club to bring in new members. You don’t have a say in it. We don’t care if you don’t like it. This club is no longer for you. Also, we really never liked you in the first place. But we’ll still take your money!” That is what the MCU has become.
@rigell2764 7 ай бұрын
I wonder how long it will be before Hollywood rediscovers this simple fact: men like action movies and women like romance movies. There are obviously exceptions, but you don't make money marketing to the exceptions.
@mbengambenga-xi6dp 7 ай бұрын
... can a child imagine a woman punching hard , honestly, when woman are the softer figures who hug when crying, , , , a 5 year old just wants stories that fit his mindset , , even 9 year old, , , plus a muscular Thor a kid can imagine winning a big fight but a skinny Captain Marvel seems weak and yes magical powers help but it's less believable, , , and dont we tell boys dont fight w girls there is a valid difference we teach that boys roughhouse but dont do it with girls.... Equality is fine at 15 but at 5 it's weird and makes story weird ...
@srichael2713 7 ай бұрын
They already do. When John Wick 4 came out there was YT video about movie marketing research to find out why it was getting audiences plus money. The data basically showed the same thing. But these people as you know don't like reality...
@mework1871 7 ай бұрын
I'll never forget when Disney shrunk John Boyegas head on a poster for the Chinese market.
@lilyvonshtuup 7 ай бұрын
It’s interesting what you said about “was there misogyny in old comics?-probably” I could easily say that in the fairy tales aimed at girls a man only showed up to be handsome and chivalrous and rescue. He wasn’t written with much thought or background, barely a character. He would be a woodsman or a prince or a knight and that’s about it. I grew up in a house of men so I just have always preferred more masculine films, Sûre women were treated badly in some but it certainly goes both ways. The difference is now instead of writing one dimensional men they’re one dimensional and getting their arse kicked. Is that an improvement? Hardly.
@Navigatortrue 7 ай бұрын
I could see a number Disney film that would be improved by exploding heads. Think of Dumbo if everyone who scared Dumbos mum had there heads exploded, or Bambi
@thesaltyweeb 7 ай бұрын
You know Mr. Chato im glad you brought this up! So last weekend I was with my brother and his family at the mall and we were at a toy store. For some reason there was a Captain Marvel doll in a princess dress and I was visibly uncomfortable. So I called my brother's 2 little girls over and asked them if they wanted it. They gave me a huge NO. I asked them why and they said she's: "Not pretty and she's ugly." So as another experiment, I looked for some anime stuff and brought them there instead. I saw some figures and plushies of Takina and Chisato from Lycoris Recoil and I asked them if they wanted it The answered with a resounding YES and I asked why they wanted them instead of Captain Marvel and they said: "Because they're cute and pretty and have cute clothes!". Bought them the plushies and they're unseparable. Suck it Marvel, your crap wont sell!
@Momoka7 7 ай бұрын
2:06 ...LOL! 🤣 Man... you broke me. I wasn't even thinking at that... and you gave me pictures in my head...
@mikeat2637 7 ай бұрын
Paul, this was magnificent !!!!!! I wish they had a extra high grade of "like" that you could hit when something is REALLY great. I don't know, a "mega like" or "abso-f'n-lutely unreal like" or something even more extravagant for that special occasion just like this one. I loved the way you lifted strategic layers of the "skin" of Disney, salted it nicely and then slammed it back down into place.
@quin2203 7 ай бұрын
Spot on as usual. The Wick series has been a godsend in a movie market that increasingly hates men. It seems Hollywood and Disney are determined to destroy every masculine brand there is.
@michaelreich4827 7 ай бұрын
If there was truly an audience for CM (the media seems to think so), they would all go out this weekend and see the movie.
@KAZVorpal 7 ай бұрын
"Men are not interested in Disney's [per]version of female superheroes."
@darson100 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely nailed it there Paul, and yes I had my hand up as one of those fathers that bought every Pixar release for the kids.
@johnbrock8105 7 ай бұрын
Your description of Disney as a "Princess Brand" is very insightful. I hope the race and gender swap continues. I'm looking forward to the all female reboot of "Jaws". But casting will be a challenge, what female actress do you see as Quint?
@3dfreak2000 7 ай бұрын
I propose Leslie Jones as the shark. Then to all, she has a big loud mouth
@StephenGillie 7 ай бұрын
Also looking for the Trans Charlie's Angels. It's at the intersection of controversy and controversy.
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
I'm waiting for Disney to start doing documentaries then we can get a female version of Armstrong 😂😮 they want to rewrite history
@faithcastillo9597 7 ай бұрын
I can see Melissa McCarthy as Quint. She nailed Spicer.
@themoondial2627 7 ай бұрын
@andrewbobb3170 7 ай бұрын
The only way Marvel and Star Wars can revive is if Disney sells them to someone who cares. I know they'll never do this willingly; they'd rather the brands burn than someone else make them successful again. But it might get ordered during bankruptcy proceedings.
@russ254 7 ай бұрын
f that - it’s dead
@VivaToddVegas 7 ай бұрын
You have to admit the Hawkeye TV show was awesome! They need to make more shows like that. Hailee Steinfeld, Florence Pugh, and Jeremy Renner were amazing
@bobbugwithoneeyeskingiskin8974 7 ай бұрын
@@VivaToddVegasNo it wasn’t! It had a girl defeat Kingpin! That was retarded!
@patrickday4206 7 ай бұрын
Never watched it
@19mitch54 7 ай бұрын
This is shocking to me. I would expect that with the hordes of girls mobbing comic book stores that girl superheroes would be box office gold.
@mestizo213 7 ай бұрын
A rant for the ages! 100% entertaining and truthful commentary.
@pharotman2311 7 ай бұрын
What a perfect take on a real problem in cinema. Toy Story, Indiana Jones, Star Wars and the avengers to name a few all had their legacies destroyed and hero’s turned pathetic and sad for what? Someone stop these people or is it already too late?
@jacksonkerr2095 7 ай бұрын
One of the problems with modern media is that there is a very small group of people making about 95% of the films we see, and their idea of healthy relationships and healthy role models is warped. I'm not talking about those directing and acting in the films, I'm talking about who's commissioning the films. We have a group who confuses equality of opportunity with equality of outcome. They believe that everybody should think the same way. Therefore, if 95% of their audience base can't stand the things in these films that's too bad because their audience must be wrong. Ever notice that there are almost no healthy relationships between a husband and wife, a man and a woman? Why is that? If it were a few films I'd just say they're oddballs. But it's most of them. This is not an accident. You don't find that nearly all of the films from a studio over the course of fifty years are about orphans, abandoned children, and broken marriages by mistake. There are very few films now depicting healthy models for relationships between a man and a woman.
@michaelalford7006 7 ай бұрын
Bree Larson with Chris Gores face will haunt my dreams forever now.
@scottmcfadyen293 7 ай бұрын
This video has more heart and head than disney can muster ! Keep the Verhoeven spirit alive !
@kevinintheusa8984 7 ай бұрын
The thing that has hurt Hollywood the most, is that these shows display their total lack of regard for their own consumers. In the past, Hollywood kept their actor's private lives private so it would not hurt sales. That idea is lost today and we now see these actors as pushy blowhards who know little about life and even less about politics, marriage, economics, and any other topic that is not pretend. We all have learned that these actors are nothing without us and we are not taking their crappy movies anymore. Make something good or go broke.
@Launchpad05 7 ай бұрын
I was skeptical of Disney's acquisition of Marvel at the time because at that point, Disney was doubling down on their cheap girls targeted crap from Disney Channel like 'Hanna Montana'. That made me embarrassed to be A Disney fan because I was more into stuff like 'DuckTales', which I would call A 'general family brand' while 'Hanna Montana', and others like it is A 'girl brand' that could easily fit in with their 'princess' brands, (Though they're not nearly as good.) and they were slowly distancing themselves from their 'general audience' brands, and started fully embracing their 'girl brands', and ONLY their 'girl brands'. Disney doesn't know how to do 'boy brands' well as their 'girl brands', and over time, they sucked all the fun, and excitement of 'Star Wars, and Marvel to the point where they're no longer recognizable, and the women who use to see 'Star Wars', and Marvel instead went to go see 'Barbie'. And Disney wonders why people have been rejecting them.
@elmarakovideo 7 ай бұрын
Agreed. I wanted new Ducktales episodes back then, instead we got poor quality DVD sets that weren't remastered. Fortunately, the Capcom game revival reunited the 1987 cast, and was a proper tribute to the show. Disney experimented with "boy brands" when they acquired Power Rangers from Saban. Decent production values but filmed in New Zealand to cut costs. The brand wasn't profitable enough, so Diz sold it back to Haim Saban in 2010.
@Launchpad05 7 ай бұрын
@@elmarakovideo I wanted Disney to make more shows like DuckTales', and less shows like 'Hanna Montana'.
@paulscottrobson 7 ай бұрын
I saw a fair bit of Hanna Montana, my daughter was a fan. It was harmless m and the females were still female. With the possible exception of the young lass, the Marvels isn’t. Girls wanted to be Hannah. Not even Brie Larsen wants to be Capt. Marvel ….
@Launchpad05 7 ай бұрын
@@paulscottrobson That show clearly wasn't for me, and I felt alienated when Disney was making more of it, and less of what I really wanted from them.
@willia3r 7 ай бұрын
Disney was great under the leadership of Michael Eisner. But when Bob Iger and Bob Chapek followed by Bob Iger(again) took over? Yikes.😬 Disney went straight into the sewers.😢
@davidlutz2242 7 ай бұрын
Star Trek and Star Wars are unrecognizable since Disney pretended to understand what boys want.
@Cotictimmy 7 ай бұрын
“She’s not going to marry the prince. She’s going to be the strong leader that she always knew she could be.” 🤣🤣🤣
The Death Of The Girlboss?
The Critical Drinker
Рет қаралды 2,1 МЛН
Cinderella: Stop Blaming the Victim
The Take
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3M❤️ #thankyou #shorts
ウエスP -Mr Uekusa- Wes-P
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Queen Cleopatra - The Most Hated Show Of All Time?
The Critical Drinker
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Superman Isn't Jesus.
Pillar of Garbage
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Was 1984 TV better than 2023 TV?
Call me Chato
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Why Modern Movies Suck - The Strong Female Character
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Disney Princesses As Superheroes
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Why Disney hates geeks and nerds.
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What Happened To Our Villains?
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Why Doctor Who Will Keep Failing
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Ahsoka REVIEW. Women suck at playing men.
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HBO Max Velma review- Terrible. Hateful. Mean-spirited.
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Попалась за конфету 🍭🙃
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When dad sneezes 😱😵‍💫 LeoNata family #shorts
LeoNata Family
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