Drinker's Chasers - The Marvels Will Be A Massive Disaster For Disney

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Critical Drinker After Hours

Critical Drinker After Hours

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Things aren't looking too good for The Marvels; a film hit by countless delays, reshoots, problems and a non-star cast.

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@leonardodavi2695 Жыл бұрын
Unlikable characters played by unlikable actresses who are fighting each other behind the scenes. doesn't that scream success to you?
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
Women ☕️
@Winterascent Жыл бұрын
miSoGyNy!!! Reeee!!!!!
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
And yet, Marvel is pushing these characters on us. They suck. Monica isn’t bad, but look at Kamala. What are even doing here. It’s goofy and her comics have bombed a lot. They’ve also been cancelled a lot. That’s for a reason. She is simply not a good or fun character. Nothing against the actress. It’s the character.
@Darkrai1431 Жыл бұрын
fighting behind the scenes? I thought they were all chill what happened
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like the usual woman problems to me.
@CatAtomic99 Жыл бұрын
The physical standards between men and women in the MCU are actually hilarious now. On one side you've got Chris Hemsworth, a guy with godlike genetics, juiced to the gills, and the other you've got... Florence Pugh, who looks like the fourth cutest girl at my local Pet Smart.
@crazyralph6386 Жыл бұрын
They even had to nerf the heck out of Black Widow in The Avengers, despite being somewhat normal in the previous iron man films. Seeing her doing backflips off of Chitauro Chariots doing 400mph in NYC, was pretty hilarious.
@vladpiranha Жыл бұрын
Chris Hemsworth was paid $150,000 for Thor and had to train and pay for his gym membership by himself. Brie Larson was paid $5,000,000 for Captain Marvel alone.
@moresnacksplease526 Жыл бұрын
Lol good call. They brought in dad-bod Namooooor so I now feel good about myself for eating whatever I want and never exercising. I'm YOUR problem now, society! Love me for my bravery in only getting up from the couch to walk to the fridge! Marvel 'fixes' everything! 🌈
@zacharymcmillan2788 Жыл бұрын
Consequently,Pablo Picasso was never called an @$$hole. 🤨
@MsYunaFires Жыл бұрын
Chris looked disgusting in the latest Thor, imo. I miss when MCU was more "natural". RDJ in 1st Iron Man, Bruce's softer appearance in Avengers... This oily, too muscular look is 🤮
@inazuma3gou Жыл бұрын
I was on an international flight with absolutely nothing to do. I turned on Thor 4 and after 5 minutes I had to turn it off because staring into the void for the next 8 hours was so much more appealing. Thank you MCU.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
How many cringe fueled “man bad, wahmen good” jokes did they cram in those 5 minutes?
@darrylmars Жыл бұрын
After all the other crap, that was the straw that broke the camel's back
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
You mean, you didn’t think Jane Foster translated well to big screen and didn’t think her line of “eat my hammer” was legit?!?! Lmao. Gosh, she was so cringe. Along with Cassie and Kamala. Smh.
@Durzo1259 Жыл бұрын
I am so pissed off at Thor 3 and 4. 1 and 2 were great epics, so of course they had to turn it into "lets make him silly and stupid and we'll all just laugh at him a lot!" Who in TF at Marvel decided that the best direction was to turn it all into a mockery of itself?
@diablows1909 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed Ragnarok, but they gave the director way too much control over the 4th. Like you, I made it about 5 minutes and turned the shit off, and I was watching it for free.
@stonecoldprose Жыл бұрын
If you look at the classic franchises with strong female characters that I grew up/came up with (Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman, Princess Leia, Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Buffy) you immediately notice two things. 1) The men in their lives tend to be strong, not weak. 2) They themselves are flawed and therefore relatable. And they were awesome and men loved them.
@TheGuruStud Жыл бұрын
Ummm, there's never been strong women before brie larsen!
@how8132 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget Jennifer Lawrence's "Katniss". As the first female action heroine, she paved the way for all those women you grew up watching.
@stonecoldprose Жыл бұрын
@@how8132 Foolishly I had forgotten that we exist in non-linear time!
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
We need better female characters who are flawed and are ALLOWED make mistakes
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
@@stonecoldprose it’s a big ball of timey-wimey…stuff.
@scribesntribes Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I never once felt that Black Widow was any less of a strong and important character than any other Avenger. In fact, in many ways, she was actually stronger, in that she didn't necessarily have "super" powers, but relied on her wits and athletic ability. And, if I recall, she was the only one on the team that could actually control the Hulk. And that was all a result of good quality and balanced writing. They didn't have to shit on Thor or Iron Man, for example, just to make her look better. I just don't understand where this, "anything you can do I can do better" female empowerment nonsense came from... she could hang with anyone on that team.
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
Agree. She could beat some ass too. I miss Natasha. Give us more Gamora, Nebula, Wanda/SW. They also need to figure out Wasp. She’s legendary in comics as founding member of Avengers.
@MST3Killa Жыл бұрын
She was a strong, flawed character (who they kinda tried to ret-con into having no choice in the matter, again, trying to make a victim out of her). But she was seriously under-serviced in the films. Her movie should have been a true spy thriller, not a big bang bang boom boom type affair. It should have come out well earlier, and frankly, she probably ought to have had two films. One sometime in phase 2 and one before Endgame. Basically, every avenger ought to have had their own universe within their own movies. Thor did. Tony Stark Did. Captain America did. Hulk (kinda) did. Hawkeye and Black Widow did not. Imo, Black Widow and Hawkeye probably could have had their movies combined to give us a better grasp of SHIELD's operations and such.
@justinm2697 Жыл бұрын
She could tame Hulk by simply talking softly to him accompanied by a gentle touch. She didn't need to prove herself in the lifting Thor's hammer scene in whichever movie that was.
@MST3Killa Жыл бұрын
@@justinm2697 she didn't try to lift the hammer because she knew she wasn't worthy.
@Booger414 Жыл бұрын
Natasha suffered from inconsistent writing, she was whatever each writer and director needed her to be in any given movie.
@hypersleepdialogues8889 Жыл бұрын
The ONLY reason the first Captain Marvel made the money it did was because it was riding on the high waves of Infinity War and Marvel made it seem like it was essential viewing going into Endgame. Audiences know better now.
@A_YouTube_Commenter Жыл бұрын
That definitely helped it. It's not that strong.
@shadowsmith841 Жыл бұрын
Even then it could have made only 700 mil or something. There was proof of several theatres in US reporting almost empty theatres. Disney bought the tickets to make it look like a success. They couldn't afford the movie underperforming with all the hype they created about it. Why do you think they didn't make a sequel right after endgame if it was such a huge success?why do you think brie Larson is demoted in her own sequel (and apparently she isn't happy and is causing a scene at the set)? Because Brie is the only one who believes in her hype nobody else does not even Disney.
@frankgesuele6298 Жыл бұрын
Plus Larson's rep has spread.
@sd5371 Жыл бұрын
It was literally the only movie playing at a ton of theaters. All screens. It was bound to make money by people just wanting to waste time at a theater on their off day. It was deceptive.
@kicksmore Жыл бұрын
EXACTLY. I am a 48 year old woman who loves StarWars. Haven't cared anything for it in years since Disney ruined it for me. I love strong men. I don't often watch women lead role films. These people hate men. That is why they are emasculating our most beloved heros.
@twister1154 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, taking all the hot dudes out and replacing them like they are is like taking all the hot women out and replacing them with fat dudes to be "relatable". It's not relatable. Frankly, it's insulting. I just wanted hot dudes.
@zoso73 Жыл бұрын
My 48-year-old GF walked out of Black Panther II with me and asked me what in the world happened to Black Panther, and why all the men in Wakanda were always in the background behind the Wakandan women? She hated the movie, but loved the first Black Panther.
@terri639 Жыл бұрын
Agreed!! Woman here. I love strong men! Han Solo in the OG Star Wars...yes please. Honestly, ironically this is the case of another man (Kevin Fiege) not having a clue what women really want.
@zoso73 Жыл бұрын
@@terri639 I think he does know, but the post-modern feminists and other Leftists have taken creative control at Disney. If he pushes back, he will be viewed as a misogynist. He can't win.
@Thor-Orion Жыл бұрын
It’s called misandry and it underpins the entire intersectionalist movement.
@nunocoelho7065 Жыл бұрын
The behind the scenes story of Raul Julia in Street Fighter is kind of bittersweet. While the movie was crap and he overacted the hell out of the role, he accepted it because his son was a massive fan of the game. He was also at the latter stages of his disease when the movie was shot. And still was able to give is all into that version of M. Bison.
@hatsunemikufanboy Жыл бұрын
it's this story that un ironically love that movie ... alo zangief's change the channel joke
@harbl99 Жыл бұрын
"For you, it was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday." That is a world class villain performance, no matter how shoddy a film it was.
@Gavinkeenan1 Жыл бұрын
🥲🥲 fair play to him
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
RIP to that legend of an actor. He was amazing as Gomez in the 90s Addams Family movies.
@arthurfrayn7619 Жыл бұрын
Hamming it up can be fun, his Bison was entertaining and I loved Dafoe as Green Goblin. BTW if you want a legit SF movie check out Assassin's Fist.
@ptonpc Жыл бұрын
Katie Sackhoff could have said Larson's lines in Captain Marvel, line for line, and she would have been a more likeable, more relatable character.
@austinbevis4266 Жыл бұрын
No, the movie and script just isn’t good
@someguyontheinternet2399 Жыл бұрын
Larson just reeks of condescension and arrogance,It bleeds into her character.
I wish Larson still stay in her band 😮‍💨
@harbl99 Жыл бұрын
I've seen 80s anime dubs with better, more relatable dialogue than _that film_ .
@tjroelsma Жыл бұрын
@@austinbevis4266 True, but an actress who really cared could have done something to improve her character at least somewhat. With Larson it was clear that she had been paid handsomely, didn't give a s*** about the movie or the MCU and could be bothered to do anything more than to just phone it in. And then she opened her entitled mouth in interviews......... the rest is history.
@elitronprime7322 Жыл бұрын
Captain Marvel is so popular that she needed 2 POCs as protection
@GSthe3rd Жыл бұрын
@@SatanSlayer12& if one comment about POC was funny... surely 2 will be hilarious
@blackfox1320 Жыл бұрын
But they're just as unlikable. 3 shits characters is going to be a megabomb
@GeraltofRivia22 Жыл бұрын
Chris is absolutely correct. When I was in school, the teacher would sometimes talk about going to see Marvel movies just for Hemsworth and a ton of the female students agreed.
@archstanton9073 Жыл бұрын
When I saw Thor 2 in the theater, there was an audible gasp by the women in the theater when Hemsworth took off his shirt. It's absolutely a thing
@snowcloudshinobi Жыл бұрын
my co-worker's mother seemed pretty "excited" to watch jason momoa's aquaman... with candles and a glass of wine.
@terri639 Жыл бұрын
Woman here. Chris Gore is 100% right. It shouldn't be shocking that women like to see hot men ...especially playing superheroes. What I DON'T want to see is some teen girls that look weak AF spitting out snarky lines about empowerment. It's so annoying what Marvel has done to MCU. Ironically...it's another man (Fiege) that thinks he knows exactly what women want pushing this agenda. In reality...he has no clue!! Guys want to see themselves in the heroes. Girls just want to watch the heroes. It's as simple as that.
@englishatheart Жыл бұрын
​@@terri639 But not all of us find those dudes hot. Muscles just aren't attractive to me. Loki is the only one from the MCU that I am attracted to.
@terri639 Жыл бұрын
@@englishatheart All I said was hot men in general. Everyone has different types. I love Loki too! Regardless, what I DON'T want to see as a woman is just all teen girls as the superheroes, which is what we are moving towards. Even all women...that's just not my thing. I enjoy having men in the film that are strong (character and power...not necessarily muscles) because I enjoy men in general. Sure, I'll watch a movie with all girls, but I definitely prefer movies that split the gender pretty evenly...or even tilted towards the male side. The issue is they think they are making these films so women feel empowered or can "see themselves" in the characters. I don't need or want a representation of myself on screen. That's why I didn't try to become an actor. I just don''t watch movies and TV for that. I watch for the interesting stories and characters that are actually different from myself. I get tired of "me." I want to watch a film about someone other than "me." I also feel quite "powerful" enough without seeing a lot of women superheroes. That adds zero power to my life. Honestly, I think it's all dumb. I am there to be entertained. The way I'd like to be entertained is watching attractive men and women kick butt in a superhero film. That's all I need. Marvel is missing that entire point. They are trying to make me feel by having me identify with a character that looks like me. They give me NOTHING ELSE. Do you know what worked better? Captain America's story. I was picked on as a kid because I was really thin and small. So, I identified with Cap. Not because of his gender or his looks. I identified with his STRUGGLE. That's what they are missing. Make me feel that way.
@charleshetrick3152 Жыл бұрын
He was not only doing his best in street fighter he was damnedly dying of stomach cancer and was in pain nearly the whole time.
@MsYunaFires Жыл бұрын
Damn right. Raul is my Gomez, and dammit, he was one of the good ones we lost way too early.
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
@@MsYunaFires tell me about it 😢
@vladpiranha Жыл бұрын
The greatest testament to Raul Julia's charisma and screen presence is that his final performance was a campy, mustache-twirling villain in an adaptation of a video game and it was still a fantastic send-off and his character is remembered nearly three decades later. It takes one hell of a performer to do something like that.
@DenmarkRadar Жыл бұрын
I will summarize my attitude by borrowing the wise words of Vee: "I can remain disinterested longer than MCU/Disney can remain solvent."
@iambob6590 Жыл бұрын
@unwokeneuropean3590 Жыл бұрын
I dont know how superheroes can be so popular. Zillions reboots of same stories. Same movie over and over. Lame fights than cant hurt people in said fight, saving the city by crushing 90% buildings in the city and deleting millions in process.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
@@unwokeneuropean3590 I like the crushing 90% of buildings in the city and deleting millions in the process. It makes me want a Giganta movie played by Margot Robbie or Emma Stone. lol
@starwarfan8342 Жыл бұрын
What does solvent mean in this context
@iambob6590 Жыл бұрын
@@starwarfan8342 The ability of a company to meet its long-term debts and other financial obligations.
@respectbossmon Жыл бұрын
Ages ago, Michael Caine said on The Tonight Show there were two reasons he agreed to do Jaws: The Revenge: First, and foremost, he wanted to buy a house in America, and that role provided the cash. Second, it was work. Regardless how bad the film, it was valuable experience he could capitalize on in later, better projects. Perhaps Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Douglas signed on to M-She-U projects for similar reasons.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I bet Michael has a gambling problem and needs to star in shitty woketarded superhero movies just to pay his debts. lol
@ninjanibba4259 Жыл бұрын
This is the only possible answer, these are legends and the MCU of now are tarnishing their legacies....they deserve better
@real-lomas-chenko Жыл бұрын
The scene in the first avengers movie where banner hulks out and natasha runs for her life would look very different if filmed these days. She'd probably kick his backside
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
Imagine trying to watch Kamala run away from Kang. Lmao. So bad. CRINGE. Why in the world does Marvel actually think we want Kamala. Her comics have bombed tons and been cancelled tons of times.
@allthings1036 Жыл бұрын
Hulk would be black, black widow would be black , thor and hulk would marry each other, shang chi would walk by a few times or be spotted in a crowd as a token asian
@Rickmagnus911 Жыл бұрын
Funny how they seem to have recorded this just before the news came out about how Brie Larson is causing drama on the set and being toxic because the movie isn't called Captain Marvel 2 and focused on her. Really proves everything they said about how unlikable she is and how Marvel kind of screwed themselves by casting her. Always nice when your opinion is almost instantly proved to be correct.
@moresnacksplease526 Жыл бұрын
In all fairness to Brie, before the studio realized everyone hates her they probably told her she was the next RDJ Iron Man(who earned $435 mil), and since she's "only" made $5 mil from Marvel, she's probably looking at this from the perspective of "I'm losing $430 million that I should be making as the leader of the MCU". If I were a rich, entitled, white woman I'd go full-Karen too! Watch, after this bombs and Marvel does a hard reset without her she's going to say something about how studios need more gatekeepers and should hire based on merit. She's the entertainment industry's version of Rachel Nicholes.
@Chris-es3wf Жыл бұрын
​@@moresnacksplease526 Nope in all fairness Brie Larson had no business being casted at all. She's lucky to have any job. Not attractive, not funny, no acting ability, and horrible personality. Why she's anything other than a waitress at Applebee's is beyond me.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
@@moresnacksplease526 The cvnt deserves her “career” flushed down the shitter.
@lordphill807 Жыл бұрын
​@@moresnacksplease526 In the leadup to captain Marvel, feige was doing interviews about how she was set to become the lead hero and face of the mcu. Before the movie even came out, the cinema in my area kept showing the interviews of feige saying those words as commercials. They took an unpopular comic character, cast an unpopular actress and then started promising that she would be the face of the universe. All before she even got her movie released. It felt incredibly forced on behalf of feige and Disney. Rather than let the character earn her success they just tried to push her to the throne that characters like ironman or Captain america sat on. Nobody seems to remember feige making those statements and promises. It's funny to look at the current state of the character and then look back on feige's promises.
@moresnacksplease526 Жыл бұрын
@@lordphill807 A lot of people remember Feige making those statements and promises. Most of us stopped watching though. I also remember when Marvel set a goal of having as many ('diverse') women as men, in a genre that was built by, and inherently geared towards, male-outcasts seeking escapism. Just because Kevin & Co's ideas were stupid, expensive and regretful doesn't mean they didn't spend the last 5 years bringing their Frankenstein monster to life. It's like our little sisters stole our action figures to play tea party, and don't understand why we don't want to play tea party with Barbie and He-Man.
@justhangin2389 Жыл бұрын
It's no accident that they moved this movie to being released during the middle of the holiday season, where most people will have a lot of things going on in their lives and this movie can fly under the radar more, as opposed to being released in the middle of summer right before Comic Con where everybody will be hyperfocused on it.
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
Better idea - cancel the damn movie. We don’t care about it or want it. We don’t want junk characters that don’t move needle for anything. I can understand them using Brie character since she had bigger role in beating Thanos, but Kamala??? Come on Marvel. Her comics have bombed multiple times and been cancelled tons of times. Why? Because she’s not good character.
@dub2459 Жыл бұрын
My mom loves Thor when I told her he was being replaced by female Thor she said she won’t watch it lol.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Your mom is attracted to Chris Hemsworth, most likely
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Thor 1 from 2011 is still fantastic
@MyMy-tv7fd Жыл бұрын
as a shirtless female Thor would be a box office draw I can see the possibilities...
@TamirElias Жыл бұрын
I wonder why lol
@thelaughingrouge Жыл бұрын
Congratulate your mom on her excellent taste for me.
@DarkMetalOmega Жыл бұрын
"Why do they denigrate men to elevate women?" Well, the short answer is old-fashioned bitterness. The women that never got selected and rejected by men they wanted tend to be the ones who scream the loudest and write these things.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
They need to denigrate men because modern women never improve themselves because their insufferable narcissism tells them they were born perfect. Total delusion.
@sup9542 Жыл бұрын
They didn't get the lives they wanted. Mindy Kaling didn't get the white guy she wanted so she made Fred the butt of all the jokes. Sure they all had plenty of hookups and dates, but it never ended up in a marriage with the man of their dreams. It's pure bitterness, exactly what they accuse "incels" of.
@guyvizard549 Жыл бұрын
...and a bit of a lack of originality. It's the easy route.
@chrystianaw8256 Жыл бұрын
Nah, that isn't it
@skylx0812 Жыл бұрын
They can call it "The Marvelettes". When "serious" veteran Latino actor A. Martinez was added to 80s legal drama L.A. Law they introduced his character during the episode set during the LA Riots. He gets caught in a scuffle in the streets and naturally rips his dress shirt and jacket then ends up arriving at the upscale highrise lawfirm shirtless. Susan Dey gets to oggle him all warm and thirsty. They been doing that for a while.
@BabyKrogan Жыл бұрын
You're right about women being drawn to movies with attractive male characters. Also if you look at movies made for and by women and popular with women you'll notice trends like love triangles, emotional drama, the female main character being beautiful and having beautiful clothes, the female main character being rescued at some point, etc...the stoic, butch Strong Female Character isn't appealing to most women, it's still a male fantasy, just a fantasy for male "feminists" with a girlboss kink.
@mkchillin Жыл бұрын
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I never liked these Mary Sue “Strong Women” being pushed by today’s lousy “M-She-U”.
@t-masterrules5085 Жыл бұрын
For real, when you realise how much real women love playing the damsel in distress, well not to the exaggerated level of movies, you'd be surprised why the feminist "strong independent woman" is so pushed. Most women romanticise the idea of a Mr perfect coming to sweep them off their feet and take them into his broad protective hand. They may not say it, but damn, there actions can't hide it. And this is not a bad thing. But media would have you believe that desiring something lofty is a weakness and aspiring to be an unrealistic, all round character, who can do no wrong, knows everything and is worshipped by all, is the way to go
@Ilyak1986 Жыл бұрын
Arcane: ladies do the rescuing, no love triangles. Legend of Korra: ladies do the rescuing--and the love triangle part was one of the worst aspects of it (the other being the mediocre season 2). In fact, the guy screwed up *so* hard that both the women that they wound up falling for *each other*. Swat Kats: Callie Briggs is a complete girlboss. No love triangles. Gargoyles: Elisa is a complete girlboss. No love triangles (IIRC). Trigun: No love triangles, though I think at one point Vash needs to kill someone to rescue one of the ladies? Outlaw Star: No love triangles, and more often than not, the women are badass fighters, even if Melfina needs the occasional rescue because she's not a fighter. Video games: Final Fantasy VII: Tifa rescues Cloud in a BIG way. FFX/X-2: Tidus helps Yuna in X, she repays him in X-2. The tonal whiplash might have been a bit extreme to just overload on all the cheesiness and saccharinely sweet happiness absent from X, but such is life. Legend of Dragoon: Dart and friends would have been toast early on had it not been for Rose. Moral of the story: women can kick ass--they just don't all need to be Wonder Woman knockoffs all the time.
@azzzanadra Жыл бұрын
hey! strong female characters are a good fantasy, they also need to be likeable cause there is a difference between being strong and being insufferable.
@bimmylee1744 Жыл бұрын
A tv show pre-2012 called Earth’s Mightiest Heroes depicted Carol really well. She was Ms. Marvel, but they made her an actual likable character with flaws
@VideaVice25 Жыл бұрын
That Carol was a pretty feminine woman who was in love of a filthy man.... We can't have that.
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
The fact it’s pre-2012 sounds good right there. 😉
@ignorethis214 Жыл бұрын
​@Princess Marlena Yup, I remember 2010-2014 very well, since that's when I was in college, and I was first getting into really 'following' culture. From the video game discussions of consumers and corporations and general film critique on 'the escapist magazine' and the incessant whining of dubious claims and statistics from classmates and professors, it's felt like the world has gone insane, and has only sped up.
@adamshafeeq8685 Жыл бұрын
Didn't think I'd see anyone talking about EMH, especially in 2023
@jimluebke3869 Жыл бұрын
"How did it come to this? I played Richard the Third" - Alan Rickman, _Galaxy Quest_ Of course Disney doesn't use its proper actors properly.
@matthewprince9705 Жыл бұрын
I wish somebody else had bought Marvel, even Elon Musk. Maybe he could had made Kevin Feige reset the MCU after Endgame in the movies AND on TV. Marvel need to focus on their other characters in movies. They have 8,000 of them! Pick one of the multiverses and start again!
@genebaker511 Жыл бұрын
The fact that we got the M Power trailer before the The Marvels says a lot.
@Hyperion4K Жыл бұрын
"m power" literally sounds like a satirical name, kind of like the m-she-u, but no it's actually real. wtf is this timeline
@callmeviper7723 Жыл бұрын
@@Hyperion4K I hear M Power and I just think of Man Power, so this entire thing failed
@hivebrain Жыл бұрын
M Power makes me think of gas and electricity bills.
@TheFarCobra Жыл бұрын
Raul Julia made Street Fighter great (or meme-able at least) by going out there and chewing the scenery to an unholy degree.
@michaelmoore2679 Жыл бұрын
The Dungeons and Dragons movie too. “AND BLOOD WILL RAIN FROM THE SKYYY!”
@JarinXeno Жыл бұрын
I think he actually likes the corny roles that he can have fun with. He did the same thing in Addams Family.
@salomaonplanetsaturn Жыл бұрын
He is a boss in a movie 😎🦆
@azh698 Жыл бұрын
*Turns head* OF COURSE!!!!
@salomaonplanetsaturn Жыл бұрын
@@azh698 🥳😊
@Ravenscroft82 Жыл бұрын
The original Carol Danvers, i.e. Ms. Marvel, was in fact a VERY likeable and complex character. It is tragic that someone decided she needed to become the smug and completely un-relatable person she is as the modern Captain Marvel. One more instance of fixing something that was fine to begin with.
@MontChevalier Жыл бұрын
Look up the video "Is Captain Marvel a hero". You'll find that statement to be full of it. She acts like a villain in the comics. Why do you think she acts and sounds awful in the movie? You useful idiot.
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
They better not mess with White Queen or Shadowcat.
@azh698 Жыл бұрын
@@princessmarlena1359 The best way to mess with Shadowcat would be to get Ellen Bage to play her again.
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
@@azh698 **shudders** Tell me about it…
@boobah5643 Жыл бұрын
I'll have to take your word for it; I've only read her first issue (where she came across as 1970s girl-boss, even if the term wouldn't have been used) and then as a bitter amnesiac who blames Rogue (with some reason, admittedly) for all her problems.
@dronesclubhighjinks Жыл бұрын
A movie that is marketed as starring "strong, independent women" characters is a red flag. They're obviously not focusing on storytelling. What Hollywood considers "strong and independent", is what the rest of us consider bossily overbearing, needlessly contemptuous, and insufferably smug. There have always been strong, female characters in movies and TV shows in pre-woke times, but Hollywood cannot acknowledge that. They have a very narrow-minded definition of what "strong women" are supposed to be. The unspoken part is that the male characters have to be correspondingly weak and pathetic. Women do not respect weak and pathetic men. We like strong men, and strong women, and we like that they can work together to defeat a common enemy, and achieve a common goal. I look forward to a video of the production hell that this movie almost certainly is. I also look forward to each of your reviews of the actual movie!
@MsYunaFires Жыл бұрын
You said it so perfectly. I miss when movies focused on STORIES and not this woke "only 1 gender can shine" crap. I hate seeing actors humiliate themselves for this foolish agenda.
@dronesclubhighjinks Жыл бұрын
@@MsYunaFires Thank you! Yes, it’s awfully degrading to many actors. Chris Hemsworth even said that he doesn’t want to play Thor anymore if they’re just gonna keep weak-ifying Thor. Henry Cavill walked away from woke “Witcher” because they would not stick to the source material. These actors are rich, famous, and well-established so they have the clout to be able to say things like that in public, and not have to worry that they’re going to lose their income. They are probably very unpopular in Hollywood though. The truth is unwelcome. Studios would even rather go bankrupt than acknowledge the truth that their ego and/or woke agenda is ruining entertainment. A good tip is to buy DVDs of your favourite movies and TV shows. If we rely on streaming services to watch them, the source material can be edited/censored by whoever owns the source material. Hopefully common sense will return soon!
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
A “Mary Sue”, playing the game on Easy Mode.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
@@princessmarlena1359 Easy mode with a cheat code that gives every straight male character an extra chromosome.
@MarvinHartmann452 Жыл бұрын
And I have troubles to imagine a real, normal woman who look like these insufferable characters and says "Yes, it's exactly how I want to be". Who exactly find these characters relatable and appealing besides the writers themselves?? They have to be out of touch.
@emberparadox458 Жыл бұрын
Realistically, people making movies now need to STOP with the press junkets. That's what is killing the majority of these movies these days. D&D is the absolute perfect example of this. When the trailer first dropped people were actually very interested in this because it looked like it was trying to stay reasonably faithful to aspects of the source material. Now with the press they've been doing for it, opinion for the movie has absolutely tanked before it's even hit the theaters. We're seeing this time and again with tv and movies, where the production team and actors go on press tours make these grandiose statements about it being so powerful for political or social party X, or that it's so "empowering" for minority group Y... no one CARES about that. People just want good entertainment and they don't want that entertainment to be overshadowed by the agenda you're actively pushing as hard as you can before the damn thing is even released. Look at the super successful movies from 15-20 years ago. The press tours that those productions had involved the team saying they thought they made a great movie, the stars saying the same thing and how much fun it was to work on, and that was IT. They didn't talking about "women shattering the glass ceiling" or how their movie was going to be a statement of some kind for some political or social group that is pretending they're oh so oppressed these days. They damn sure didn't call their audiences racists, sexist, homophobic, etc if they chose not to see it. Honestly, that more than anything is what is killing the entertainment industry, the fact that for the last 5-10 years Hollywood has forgotten their in the business of entertaining and now seem to think it's all about social engineering for what THEY think everything should be.
@Hurricanelive Жыл бұрын
When most of your actresses are people nobody likes that is when they need to start asking themselves different real-world questions. These women are not held accountable for the evil they do on screen. I think they know what they are doing, that's the point, it's the principle of the thing in an actual war against society. Money doesn't matter, even if it negatively impacts their personae, it still feeds the ego and agenda.
@jimjam51075 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention I wouldn't want to even stick any of the three of them with someone else's unit. Movies have lost sight of why people like watching actresses.
@joet.s.6283 Жыл бұрын
I think you're spot on. The creators see themselves as "Activists" and the company as a bottomless billionaire money vault. They aren't in it to make money or win awards. They are in it to get on their soapbox, to get in their self-insert, arguing with the shower head fanfiction and dunk on others.
@whitebeardskydaddy6756 Жыл бұрын
But Brie is such a bundle of sunshine and joy!
@whitebeardskydaddy6756 Жыл бұрын
@@jimjam51075 Dang skippy right dude! I don't guess fem-nazis realize that there is most definitely a point when men(real ones, not the confused) will say "Get that stinking thing away from me you ain't that special!" But be careful. It's best to allow a bit of distance. In my experience they don't handle rejection well.
@TheFourthWinchester Жыл бұрын
@@whitebeardskydaddy6756 Only when she shows off her torpedoes.
@manservantchris Жыл бұрын
If the Marvels take theirs shirts off it may have a chance.
@itusjr69 Жыл бұрын
I don't think theres enough bleach in the world to erase that image from societies mind. If that scene would happen, Disney/Marvel would have to pay for every persons psychatrist, cuz even if there was a threesome between those women, people would be puking their guts out on the screen.
@chifumujmanda7643 Жыл бұрын
​@@itusjr69 incel much?
@TheMaleRei Жыл бұрын
Brie maybe. That outfit where she hosted the late night show wasn't bad. The other two? No thank you.
@Sneedmire Жыл бұрын
@@chifumujmanda7643 Brie is the only one who looks like she might be okay to spend the night with. Although, if she loses any more weight, it's going to be like railing a skeleton. Yeesh.
@thisisfyne Жыл бұрын
Now that's equality
@joelanthonyalvarado6947 Жыл бұрын
I read that Bree Larson is pissed that it’s not named captain marvel 2. Lmao
@docsavage8640 Жыл бұрын
The only good thing about it 😆
@Nemenis Жыл бұрын
We finish her off by recasting 💀
@moontoonex3984 Жыл бұрын
She should be pissed. They took her character outta the title of her own sequel. She's forced to share the screen with 2 complete nobodies, and Kevin slobs lil brown girl's knob to build her up. She's been trying to recover her unlikable image from the old press tours for the past few years, and this is what they reward her with. Furthermore, she's the BEST actor outta all 3 of them and has to share the spotlight because even though "It did a BILL, GUYS!" everyone knows it was poorly received and over-preformed (Partly because of her likability, but mainly because it was poorly written. Katee or Ronda aint saving that script, she was always gonna come across as some cardboard nothing character)
@antibull4869 Жыл бұрын
@@moontoonex3984 the fact that she *is* the best actress out of the three is a condemnation of the movie’s casting, not praise of her acting skills. Not to mention she is a hateful person at her core.
@moontoonex3984 Жыл бұрын
@@antibull4869 I'm not saying she's a good or kind person, IDK wtf her personal persona is beyond being a woke IDPOL pushing fool-feminist who seems to support affirmative action hire reviewers because 'White MEN are too racist to be trusted to fairly review something NOT MADE FOR THEM'. I'm just saying, she has full right to be pissed TF off. Not a SINGLE other MCU lead has been written out of their own title, there's no way any actor worth a damn with a scrap of pride wouldn't feel slighted by that. It's like Halle Barry getting that Razzie for Cat Woman and thanking the writers and such for it, there were a lot of reasons CM turned out the way it did, and she gets more blame for it for being the face of it. Even if she didn't come off as an unlikable IDPOL pusher, there was no saving it with those writers/ director. Now they tossed her to the side and started dick riding the lil brown girl whose done fuck all.
@seanbazaar Жыл бұрын
She literally advocated herself out of her own movie an now shes mad. Welcome to 2023 peeps lol
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
Whoa no way! A woman with zero sense of personal accountability? That’s uncommon.
@ninak.5283 Жыл бұрын
Being old school female (-gasp- yeah, boo me) I'd rather watch the original Sarah Connor in T1/2 than any Marvel Messenger. And strong noble men of course.
@docsavage8640 Жыл бұрын
Did you just assume your own gender? Pretty sure that's transphobic or something.
@ptonpc Жыл бұрын
The Sarah Conner Chronicles were really good too.
@vanguardian2864 Жыл бұрын
You’re not old school, you are normal.
@johanhalfson3712 Жыл бұрын
@garym6315 Жыл бұрын
I saw that Ghosted trailer as an ad on KZfaq and rolled my eyes at the romcom opening, but then it got in to him going abroad to find her and being knocked out and tortured. That piqued my interest...until his girlfriend came in and kicked everyone's ass and he looks on in total amazement. It was then I pressed the skip ad button.
@Hajime079 Жыл бұрын
If you have to lower someone else to be on their level then you inherently never will be on their level. They’re insulting themselves without noticing it.
@theelder4797 Жыл бұрын
They're all about equity, which is just commie-nism - they think this is a GOOD thing, they definitely don't understand the self own aspect.
@demomanchaos Жыл бұрын
They are communists, the only way they know to make everyone equal is to make them equally poor.
@nalublackwater9729 Жыл бұрын
Woman here: I got attracted to the MCU, primarly because of Loki. Stayed because of Loki, Thor, Tony Stark, Cap America, Bucky Barnes... once they are out, I'm out too, because the ones replacing them are just insufferable and the women fromt he first phases have been twisted and nerfed to no end (I can't get over what they did to Jane foster). So yeah, I'm out.
@MsYunaFires Жыл бұрын
Bruce Banner (Norton vers) & Tony Stark got me into the MCU. Stayed for the stories. Bruce, Tony, Blonsky... I suffered She-Hulk for Blonsky and I've had a bad taste of the MCU ever since. I enjoyed Loki but his show arrived a bit too late, imo. Poor guy just looked tired of it all. Couldn't get past 1st ep.
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
What about Jane Foster??? Was it the “eat my hammer” line??? It was so bad. I have no idea what Marvel is even thinking with these new characters. They don’t even do well in comics. Their acting is horrendous and those characters simply can’t translate to TV/big screen. Give us more Wanda/SW (she ain’t dead), Gamora, Nebula, perhaps Wasp. Don’t wanna see again on screen She-Hulk, Cassie, Kamala or Iron Heart. I miss Natasha Romanoff. I did think Kate Bishop was solid. That could’ve been Clint though helping out to make Bishop role pretty solid.
@nalublackwater9729 Жыл бұрын
@@jayw3512 Aside from what you pointed out, it's more than that, and more serious than a bad oneliner. In TDW they turned her into an overreactive teen, but in LaT they altogether erased her father, who was the reason why she was in New Mexico in the first place, and the reason why she got to meet Thor. She was a character who had had a healthy relationship with her deceased father and whose goal was to vindicate his memory, and through that vindication she achieved what few scientists had done. But no, it's no allowed that a girl has her inspiration from a man, especially her father. We are not supposed to love our parents, much less our fathers. Fathers are to be insulted, downgraded or forgotten in the best of cases. I really wish Marvel writers would stop dumping their personal traumas onto scripts and sought professional help.
@DriveupLife22 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Bucky was easily the choice to lead the MCU after the departure of Stark and Cap, how did they mess that up?
@nalublackwater9729 Жыл бұрын
@@DriveupLife22 Because he was white, straight and good looking. And the actor doesn't like commies.
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
One thing that I wonder if Marvel ever aware or think twice about (and Mauler used to say about it in his Multiverse of Madness video as well) Monica Rambeau let Wanda off the hook by saying “They will never know what you sacrificed for them.” After that, Wanda managed to kill Captain Marvel who was Maria Rambeau in the alternate universe. Which means, thanks to Monica’s willful ignorance, she accidentally helped Wanda kill her own mother (albeit from different universe) which is fine if it’s portrayed the same way as Peter Parker indirectly caused Uncle Ben to die because he didn’t catch the thief beforehand, “with great power comes great responsibility” stuff, but I doubt Marvel will hold Monica responsible for this.
@docsavage8640 Жыл бұрын
That only applies to men. Anything a woman does is stunning and brave.
@wiinterflowers4277 Жыл бұрын
First off Monica's line pissed me off and still does. Second, everything she does in the WandaVision, she didn't earn her powers and only got them because THE MESSAGE! Monica will probably get the pass in everything in the film since the actress who plays her is besties with the director (same director of the racist Candyman remake where the movie was basically BLM and hating white people).
@lukewilsontv Жыл бұрын
It’s crazy as you get older, you just see and accept the general differences between men and women, it seems like a lot of these writers haven’t thought about that kind of stuff anymore whether they believe in traditional roles/personalities/traits or not. Edit: also what oppression have these women faced? I’m not doubting it, I just want to hear their personal, real experiences that they use as fuel for their stories
@Chris-es3wf Жыл бұрын
Seriously... they were born into well connected families with money and handed roles they didn't earn. They're more privileged than 99.999999% of anyone who has ever lived.
@lukewilsontv Жыл бұрын
@@Chris-es3wf I just think they’re a bunch of sigmas, they don’t like the way society is but instead of being satirical, cynical, or smart, they just bury their heads in the sand and take the least efficient way to change peoples’ minds (putting out bad movies). The audience for the woker marvel movies are people who think the same as the writers, but the writers are forcing themselves to believe everyone thinks exactly the way they do
@Chris-es3wf Жыл бұрын
@@lukewilsontv sigma is probably the last word I'd use to describe them and hardly represents their personality types. For example, brie larson is emotionally immature, selfish, etc and I get absolutely zero sense of loyalty from anything she's ever done professionally.
@chocochib9913 Жыл бұрын
@Sonic Collections Ps2 Noises women in the middle east literally get killed for going out with their hair out but yeah so so peaceful
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
Zero. That’s how much oppression women face in the modern world. They just need to cry and whine about something all the time because they’re all children in adult bodies.
@gideono.s3459 Жыл бұрын
When I hear Captain Marvel all I think about is Rings of power Galadriel saying "you have not seen what I have seen." Ugh.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
@garym6315 Жыл бұрын
Remember when people complained that Michael Burnham in Star Trek Discovery was like a plank of wood and unbelievably boring? Then in subsequent seasons they over compensated by making her an over emotional weirdo who cried constantly? That's what we are going to get from Brie Larson I guarantee it. From all the criticism she received, and all the talk about this being a funny goofy movie, and her cameo in Ms Marvel, she will be giving 200% in terms of wacky comedy. So instead of the cliched "raised eyebrow condescending smirk" being her only emotion she will play it with crazy eyes and lots of confused head tilts. So you will get a character that is totally unlike her previous portrayals (like Thor) and even the people who liked Captain Marvel (the movie) to some degree will hate it.
@rynxalenium Жыл бұрын
Everyone is missing the point. This is a monumentous moment in history. I, for one, will be there. I will be in theaters. 10yrs from now, I can say: "Hey! I was there! I saw The Marvels! I sat in that theater, alone. And I survived. I survived the biggest flop in Superhero movie history!"
@IRedpunk Жыл бұрын
Don’t give them money, period
@Hyperion4K Жыл бұрын
i wouldn't count on surviving the movie honestly
@11jerans Жыл бұрын
You’re a hero
@rynxalenium Жыл бұрын
@@IRedpunk who I said I paid for it? 😉
@rynxalenium Жыл бұрын
@@Hyperion4K it's gonna be a massacre. I'll probably lose a limb or 3.
@thehumancomet Жыл бұрын
I've loved Katee Sackhoff since Battlestar Galactica, which was a fantastic example of a great reboot that honored the material. She would have been a great Captain Marvel. She has this charming tomboy charisma. Brie, while a good actress, is like a brick onscreen.
@nelsonschneider5443 Жыл бұрын
Heck yeah!
@vincentphilippart4669 Жыл бұрын
Have you seen what' she's been in lately?
@michaelhoscheit7836 Жыл бұрын
Watched the trailer for Ghosted, I’m looking forward to the ending when Chris Evans gives birth to their baby.
@ampjr99 Жыл бұрын
Raul Julia did street fighter as a gift to his children who loved the games. He knew it was shit but he wanted to give them a gift before he passed. Rip Raul Julia
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
Indeed. He was amazing.
@darrylmars Жыл бұрын
"Maybe the writing standards are not that good." Understatement of all time. Merry Marvel marching society from the beginning, you cd not pay me to watch an MCU movie or show today. Never, no matter who is in it
@TheFyend Жыл бұрын
Should have cast Yvonne Strahovski instead of stinky cheese.
@MontChevalier Жыл бұрын
My God, she's like an upgrade of Brie Larson. Except not Brie Larson.
@edwardp7725 Жыл бұрын
Humans enjoy looking at other humans they are attracted to, and nothing is going to change that.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Human nature is an odd thing
@SusanDelgado1177 Жыл бұрын
No amount of fat-ctivism...
@chrispekel5709 Жыл бұрын
It's true. I look unlikable and scary, and I'm treated that way even though my personality is completely the opposite. I look like a villain. It is what it is, I don't worry any more
@just_a_turtle_chad Жыл бұрын
Modern day marvel is a prime example of EVERYTHING that's wrong with today's movie studios.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Soooo true. Its all a mess now
@SusanDelgado1177 Жыл бұрын
With the western world
@VeritasOmniaVincit176 Жыл бұрын
The Critical Drinker video on The Marvels is going to be epic!
@OldVetNerdSage Жыл бұрын
I'm ready for the cast and execs to hurl insults at the ppl who don't like the show. You know it's coming.
@MsYunaFires Жыл бұрын
Yup. The second you criticize current Marvel, you'll get the "well you just hate women" treatment. It's basically Marvel's version of sticking their fingers in their ears and going "lalala can't hear yoooou!"
@theelder4797 Жыл бұрын
They just need to end all trailers with "this movie failed because of racicicists and smexists."
@wiinterflowers4277 Жыл бұрын
@@theelder4797 Well the director is a racist hard core white hater.
@aesthral Жыл бұрын
as a woman i like my super heroines being girly pretty and strong ... and tells you why Wonder woman was so popular; apretty woman badass showing femininity and as girl we think wow she is so pretty and classy and badass and even guys think she is cool in her movement sets but also think she is pretty too also why Harley queen from the movies was so popular among girls too she was femenine in her own way and pretty
@GabrielBelloMusic Жыл бұрын
How dare he portray Raul Julia’s performance as Bison in any way shape or form as a negative?!? 😂 he acted the MESS out of that role and it’s almost as memorable as his iconic performance as Gomez Addams. “For me, it was Tuesday.” It still makes me sad that he was originally cast as Don Diego De La Vega in The Mask of Zorro, not that Sir Anthony Hopkins was a downgrade, but I lament was Señor Julia would have done in the role. For Raul, vaya con Dios 🙏🏽
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
“Of course!”
@robertbeisert3315 Жыл бұрын
I think they're playing that scam from The Producers in real life. Why else would you do things to tank your film before it even comes out, if not to justify the failure to your investors?
@markbrittain4625 Жыл бұрын
The bigger trainsmash is currently filming and that's Daredevil. With legacy characters being removed or recast and if Disney does not land this with the budget it's getting compared to the Netflix shows. Netflix will always be able to say we can do your IP better than you can.
@moresnacksplease526 Жыл бұрын
Netflix released Jessica Jones. Marvel released She-Hulk. Nuff said.
@coreyg3228 Жыл бұрын
They really should have Rogue take her powers so we can get a proper Rogue (unlike the xmen movies) and get rid of Bree Larson at the same time.
@TheBloopers30 Жыл бұрын
Be careful what you wish for. Who knows what a mess of a character they will make out of Rogue these days. At least the one we got in the xmen movies weren't straight up unlikable.
@coreyg3228 Жыл бұрын
That's true, they'll probably just woke her up too.
@LynetteTheMadScientist Жыл бұрын
I think it’s very possible that men and women don’t consume entertainment the same way. Men seem to watch movies in an aspirational way, so they like having role models (ideally male ones because they’re more relatable). But women seem to movies in the interest of emotional gratification, so they like stories that feature men most of the time because that’s what we’re attracted to.
@shawntco Жыл бұрын
That's a fascinating thought. It would explain, for example, the meme of women asking "He didn't cry at the end of Titanic? Don't men have feelings?" meanwhile the next panel shows a man distraught over say, Braveheart or Saving Private Ryan. Men and women both want movies that involve emotional connection but we attain those in different ways. For women it's the more stereotypical deep intimate conversation. For men it's working together over difficult challenges, etc.
@HerculesBallsInc Жыл бұрын
It has been observed that in the typical male-liked action movie, the hero fails and has to train really hard to finally win... but in the typical female-liked romance movie, the heroine is mercurial but perfect from the beginning and the men have to bend over backwards to please her. These are fundamentally different kinds of movies. Catpain Marvel 1 followed the romance arc much more than the action arc.
@kdizzle901 Жыл бұрын
Casting Brie Larson one of the most unlikeable women in Hollywood who luckily got an Oscar as one of the most charming likeable charismatic and powerful women in all of Marvel comics (back when Stan still wrote her) was Disney’s biggest mistake I think Chris nailed it on the head with Katie Sackhoff
@azzburgersaf1973 Жыл бұрын
You are right that women in general adore strong men and are most likely to watch movies with strong men in it and don't care about strong women. Look at 50 Shades of Grey. A story about a rich and handsome man that was dominating a submissive woman and the movie was a hit with women. Or the anime Redo of Healer. About a man going on a quest to "grape" and enslave the women that abused him. That was also a hit with female fans...
@dudet9662 Жыл бұрын
you watch weird stuff bro
@cptrelentless80085 Жыл бұрын
Was fifty shades popular? I thought people agreed it was shite
@azzburgersaf1973 Жыл бұрын
@@dudet9662 Never watched both, but I've seen the reception of them.
@azzburgersaf1973 Жыл бұрын
@@cptrelentless80085 It is crap, but not to the women that enjoyed it. Hell a movie worker found a cucumber in a movie theater after a 50 Shades showing.
@ar1sm70 Жыл бұрын
@@cptrelentless80085 They did agree and it was shite, but it was also a commercial success and it wasn't men that made it so.
@MST3Killa Жыл бұрын
Couple reasons why they denigrate men to 'uplift' women (if that's what you wanna call it). 1) They are bad writers. Simple. 2) They are writers who have an agenda, which includes their own biased senses of pettiness and vindictiveness. It is the idea of fighting a fire with fire, except there isn't a fire, so all they've done is start one themselves. They've bought into their own propaganda and are now the very thing they pretend to fight against. Tony Stark had a whole host of personality faults. Thor did, as well. Brash, egocentric, greedy, vain, etc. Thing is, these personality faults were obviously bad things. The characters had to learn to recognize them and grow out of them (they grew more mature, they were less head-strong, they cooperated more... and when they didn't, like with Ultron, we saw consequences). With the current writing, however, those faults we all accepted as, well, FAULTS, are propped up as positives for the female characters. Being brash, egocentric, greedy, vain, etc... well hell, that's now YAS QUEEN GURL BOSS! material and they cheer it. This is them 'fighting fire with fire'. That's them becoming the very thing they despised, as well as not recognizing that in storytelling, good characters have faults that they have to contend with by overcoming them, changing, or failing and suffering consequences. And guess what we see with the current writing? BAD characters. Poor motivations, over-powered and who learn and earn nothing, people who don't grow or recognize their own faults. Characters with faults who are portrayed as role models FOR those faults rather than characters being role models for reconciling their faults. In a sense, the strung out drug addict isn't a role model. The FORMERLY strung out drug addict is. Why? Because they grew. That's overcoming adversity, whether internal or external. That's the hero. The drug addict who starts off as an addict and dies an addict, but snaps their finger and says, "Look at me! I never changed! How awesome is that!?" is just static. Pointless, uninteresting, a poor example of humanity's ability to grow or, if the medium were trying to be contrarian, that we can also fall. (Certainly plenty of stories out there about someone who had it all and lost it...they're called cautionary tales). But they don't want cautionary tales. They want women to have always been awesome (but victims), to currently be awesome (despite never earning it), and ending even more awesome (because, that's 'growth' to them).
@Thor-Orion Жыл бұрын
Don’t ever call me a role model. I talk to kids about never becoming me.
@terrygallo8999 Жыл бұрын
Funny aspect of this too….when CM came out, it was literally at the peak popularity and cash flow of Marvel. They had the money to buy up theater space if they truly felt like they needed to in order to avoid the embarrassment. They sure as hell don’t now.
@macmcleod1188 Жыл бұрын
The studies were caught doing that. See the "Business Inside" article about studios buying their own tickets.
@ChrisPeteG Жыл бұрын
Movie theater manager here. I would HAPPILY call BS on the "They bought tickets to Captain Marvel" conspiracy. But the opening night of that movie we had an allegedly "sold out" show that was MAYBE a little over half full. We found it very odd. Something fishy was definitely up with that one.
@terrygallo8999 Жыл бұрын
@@ChrisPeteG you aren’t the only manager who said it, but you are one of the few who that admitted that some chicanery was afoot.
@voidstarq Жыл бұрын
5:30 "Chris Pine was happy to do it" -- Have you heard the one about the time an Aeroflot flight had been delayed for several hours? Impatient passengers were demanding to know what was happening, and it was finally explained: "The pilot refuses to fly the plane because he doesn't believe it's airworthy." "Oh, so we're waiting for the mechanic?" "What?! No! We're waiting for the new pilot." (True story. Source: my first wife was Russian.)
@truckercarlson9081 Жыл бұрын
That's too bad about Chris Pine. He was amazing in Hell or High Water.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
That movie is fantastic. Good, old fashioned modern western
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Jeff Bridges is a Beast in that movie as the sheriff
@truckercarlson9081 Жыл бұрын
@@chasehedges6775 Yes he did. All of the actors did a great job. The filming of poverty in West TX right along with the signs for predatory payday lenders was so well done.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
@@truckercarlson9081 Great acting in an all around good movie
@hoeraufist Жыл бұрын
A woman so strong she killed the entire Marvel franchise.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Way back in 2019, a meh year for films
@garym6315 Жыл бұрын
One movie character who received mixed lukewarm to negative reception, along with a chubby teen who has only been in a TV series most folk didn't watch, and a supporting character from another TV show. Yeah I don't see this tempting people in in any way. This is a major problem Marvel has where they think that every supporting character and z-list comic character has the potential to be an amazing box office draw for people. Seriously, you have actors and characters like this going up against films with Tom Cruise?
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
Please, we don’t want to see Kamala, She-Hulk, Iron Heart or Cassie again. They aren’t even that good in comics. She-Hulk had some decent ones but it doesn’t translate to big screen whatsoever. I did like Kate Bishop though. She was pretty solid. Kamala comics have bombed many times and they’ve cancelled so many projects with her. It simply doesn’t fit but Marvel wants to force it on us. It’s almost like Marvel is saying - we will show the audience that we can make Kamala or these others household names. Well, Marvel, it won’t work.
@timothymoss5007 Жыл бұрын
​@@jayw3512 It already hasn't worked. Their respective comics are proof of that. Hell, in the comics it's had the exact opposite effect.
@jayw3512 Жыл бұрын
@@timothymoss5007 Agree. Some work on screen and some don’t.
@markiangooley Жыл бұрын
Audrey Hepburn had US size 10.5 feet and was insecure about them. Brie Larson: US size 9. I think that Hepburn was only a fraction of an inch taller than Larson is. Beauty depends a lot on personality, and physical quirks can be endearing in someone you really like…
@MattDawgGaming Жыл бұрын
To be fair they haven't done a good job promoting Brie, if that was something they wanted to do. She had her one movie, a cameo in Endgame, and a few sub-cameo appearances throughout Phase 4. Like... idk what they were expecting.
@IRedpunk Жыл бұрын
Hard to promote a selfish piece of shit. Marketing dep. can not do much when the product is trash.
@fuferito Жыл бұрын
A movie starring B and C-list actresses playing utterly unknown superheroes. Marvel™'s assisted suicide plans are going very well, I see.
@JulianGentry Жыл бұрын
The craziest thing i learned recently is that Jessica Gao (She-Hulk writer) wrote the Rick and Morty 'Pickler Rick' episode. Unrelated to the video, but you know. Thats how it is sometimes
@princessmarlena1359 Жыл бұрын
Gao is a no-talent hack.
@Story2ScreenMovieReviewPodcast Жыл бұрын
Let me say this about Brie Larson, she's a talented actress who's done a great range of movie roles, Room, 12 Short Terms, Scott Pilgrim Vs the World, Kong Skull Island, the Spectacular Now, etc. If you watch her earlier interviews prior to Marvel, she came across perky and adorable, but somewhere between these two things, something changed. It could have been a double whammer of winning an Oscar, appearing in more commercial hit movies and nabbing a major role in the MCU, which I'm sure she was told would be the next Cap/Iron Man type of role. Also the SJW and MeToo movement boosted her ego and all that Captain Marvel press tour nonsense that unraveled
@chrispekel5709 Жыл бұрын
Most women become awful around their late 20's
@SuperLloyd84 Жыл бұрын
She probably had better handlers for her earlier interviews. Ones that told her what to say so her ugly narcissism didn't shine through like it does now.
@fireironthesecond2909 Жыл бұрын
I personally think it’s method acting. Either that or Brie wrote Carol’s lines in Captain Marvel because she acts in interviews just like Carol defensive, snappy and bitchy like she’s about to punch you at any moment for daring to be in her presence and then you see her social media and she seems like a fan girl of Marvel
@mikewaterfield3599 Жыл бұрын
I know women who saw “Love and Thunder” explicitly to see naked Thor.
@SuperXrayDoc Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately sex sells. 50 shades of gray existing is proof of that
@mikewaterfield3599 Жыл бұрын
@@SuperXrayDoc sex always sells. Hence the piss poor performance of the MSHEU. I have never watched a movie for eye candy thats what porn is for. I certainly appreciate it though.
@joshg.6315 Жыл бұрын
“Don’t they get paid less?” Gore from the top rope!
@theoneandonlyoni Жыл бұрын
My sister is 6foot, 250lbs, fouled mouthed like a Sailor, drinks and Smokes heavily, and is just as quick to call a woman or a man a little bitch it a cunt, to their face. And she’s a leftist feminist, we like in Northern California. My point being, even She doesn’t identify with the women of Marvel because they’re unrealistic, my sister doesn’t see herself in those characters because men and women are a lot more alike than movies make you think. Like I’m Aliens, Ripley and Hicks are both Strong and Capable people thrust into a reluctant leadership position, and collaborate to escape, if they were both making shitty jokes at eachother they’d have died instantly. It’s kinda like the writers there at marvel currently have never been in or seen a hostile situation where people get really badly injured, so they can’t embody those aspects of a character, man or woman...
@PokemonkaDub Жыл бұрын
I hoped that the Dungeons and Dragons movie is just gonna be a meta-fest for DnD fans, as the trailor with "speak with the dead" indicated as it looked JUST like a Dungeon Master shitting around with his party and it fel genuine, so maybe they just say those stuff for free press of outrage? Because in DnD the point is the joke's on the classes of the characters. Since the power dinamic is dependant on that. I thought that Chris Pine's character is a joke not because he's a man but because HE'S A BARD, the heart of the party. Maybe he will be the heart. I'm going to see it anyway, mostly because of the meta-humour and that it can't be worse than the last DnD movie. And if it's shit, I still can just go and watch Vox Machina :'3
@MontChevalier Жыл бұрын
Vox Machina sucked. It was the same stupid shit they had for D&D movie. With boring characters and subpar plots.
@demomanchaos Жыл бұрын
Do NOT give WoTC your money by watching that movie. One of their execs said that white men could not leave the hobby fast enough, and let's not forget all that bullcrap they were trying with the revision of the Open Game License nor all the woke crap they've been shoving into everything (A black Aragorn for example). The sooner they die the better. The old books are still around and there is nothing stopping you from using them or one of the many many alternate systems.
@PokemonkaDub Жыл бұрын
@@demomanchaos I was gonna watch it once it's on streaming somewhere anyway, so no problem. I rarelly go to cinema, big screens hurt my broken eyes.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
That shitty DnD movie makes me wanna start a game campaign where every human that isn’t white is a slave for white people to do whatever they want with.
@dkintelligentuprising Жыл бұрын
There's no treatment for insanity, until Disney is completely eviscerated and sold to be reorganized I'm fine with tuning into great creators like you and your peeps Drinker!!
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Watching Disney burn while listening to the Drinker is much more rewarding and entertaininging
@ScottCleve33 Жыл бұрын
Chris makes a very good point. All Marvel films were at one time written for men because of the action but was also had "sexy" men in them as eye candy for women. Today's "woke" Marvel films don't have anything to attract the men. At least not any me with self respect. Sure they put action in them but that's offset by the way that they treat the men as if they're compete idiots and can't do anything right.
@Semper_Iratus Жыл бұрын
At this point marvel studios have become a modern day bomb factory.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
The MCU ACME BOMB factory from Looney Tunes
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
That is the most accurate thing I have ever read
@darthgroot9130 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad that they didn’t wreck Katee Sackhoff by casting her as Captain Marvel, she’s pretty cool as Bo-Katan
@get_lucky6402 Жыл бұрын
honestly im the the most excited to see the Marvels movie, its going to be a glorious train wreck. The reactions are going to be glorious
@theelder4797 Жыл бұрын
Just don't pay, dude. It will be available for like a week to 30 days after it's out.
@shadowsmith841 Жыл бұрын
Don't even pay for it. Wokeney doesn't deserve any money.
@triggerfairy4070 Жыл бұрын
Just looking forward to all the content thats gonna come out of it.
@kaj7135 Жыл бұрын
Don’t give them any money, just wait for Drinker to upload his review. You already know it’s gonna be a million times more entertaining than the actual movie.
@lethyguaimare Жыл бұрын
I'm a female and this is my reaction to the Ghosted trailer At the beginning: oh cool a new Chris Evans movie 🤗 At the end: I understand that Chris Evans can't play Captain America type of characters all the time but fuck this shit, I don't want it! 🤮
@kentnebergall3156 Жыл бұрын
“Three curtain calls!” -Galaxy Quest.
@1vandread Жыл бұрын
The show must go on.
@juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370 Жыл бұрын
Marvel is so confident in The Marvels, they postponed it until the end of the year😁.
@docsavage8640 Жыл бұрын
Wait till they change it again to the post-Christmas dead zone of January...
@TheMaleRei Жыл бұрын
​@@docsavage8640 Disney: "It was always part of the plan!" Disnoids: "Brilliant! Genius move!" Everyone Else: ::pulled up chairs to watch the dumpster fire::
@juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370 Жыл бұрын
@@docsavage8640 If that happens, I wonder HOW is it going to make even an acceptable profit.
@OhCanadaGamer Жыл бұрын
I'm just here to watch the dumpster fire burn. They did it to themselves.
@VolvoImpala Жыл бұрын
I heard Vin brought Brie Larson on to the Fast and Furious and as soon as that happened Jeremy Wan, the man behind the camera for multiple projects, quit on the spot. She does sound harder and more trying to work with than most.
i rolled my eyes when i saw brie larson in the fast x trailer, makes me more glad i stopped at furious 7 (which is the true ending to fast and furious)
@VolvoImpala Жыл бұрын
@@CRAZYMUGMAN I actually only watched two of them, the first one and Fast Five. The first one was just douchebags racing rice. I did like Fast Five but that's because of how ridiculous it was- and it was fun. They really did a good job stripping the douchiness away. I guess 6 and 7 continued down that line? A lot of critics said 7 was actually the best.
@christianellegaard7120 Жыл бұрын
They did the same thing with Matthew Modine in Cutthroat Island back in 1995. It was the production company's last movie. And it pretty much killed Geena Davis' career. You'd think that they'd learn their lesson.
@joehenry9546 Жыл бұрын
The horrible Ms Marvel show, the unlikeable Brie Larson, and a movie with a ton of reshoots? Yeah, that film is going to bomb hard.
@Agooo13431 Жыл бұрын
The woke is strong with this one
@JoeSyxpack Жыл бұрын
Raul Julia knew exactly what kind of movie he was in when he did Street Fighter, and hammed it up like a pro.
@VeritasOmniaVincit176 Жыл бұрын
I’m surprised they did it mention the supposed “hidden message” in the Marvels’ poster.
@tagus100 Жыл бұрын
What message?
@Luke_Groundwalker Жыл бұрын
Kumail N complained how he got into such great marvel shape for his shirt off scene and then never got one (in eternals)
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Hated Eternals and that guy being the comic relief didn’t help
@jeancaron9325 Жыл бұрын
A Balance Story where both Men and female shine will always make a Great Movie.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
👍👍👍👍. There is no shame in having your male and female characters working together and showing and displaying their weaknesses and strengths. It’s what make them human to the audience.
@Lord_necromancer Жыл бұрын
I think the best thing about the marvels is going to be that if you ever need some alone time, you can go see this movie. There won't be another person in the theater and you can just listen to music on your headphones and relax.
@Likwidfox Жыл бұрын
The 7 dislikes is the cast
@sethkaicer319 Жыл бұрын
It's a drinker and I opened up the 7th circle of hell just for the hell of it.
@TheColonelKlink Жыл бұрын
I agree. Good actors are wasted in Hollywood.
@nicholastotoro7721 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like Chris Evans is actually playing his real-life self in the AppleTV show LOL! *The Marvels* won’t have a movie like *Endgame* looming to boost ticket sales. People saw *Captain Marvel* with the belief that it would strongly lead into *Endgame,* but that grace period is over now.
@Peorhum Жыл бұрын
I have seen old interviews of Bri Larson, and she was such a charming lovely person. Maybe her ego got to big.
@chrispekel5709 Жыл бұрын
Wonder why Leo only dates girls under 25?
@GonzoInside Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that Oscar really did a number on her.
@billstephens396 Жыл бұрын
The key to real storytelling is not catering to either sex; male or female (biology rules, wokies drool), the key is to appeal to the attitudes of individuals, not a collective... The collective is ALWAYS the villain...
@wowzers94 Жыл бұрын
Chris Gore and the Drinker! What a great combo!
@JW-fq1pp Жыл бұрын
Had to go look up "prolapse", now I can't un-read it. Thanks, guys...
@TheRealBlackarrot Жыл бұрын
What if Captain Marvel's been a Skrull this whole time?
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