Evasion by Bstanko6

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SH3 Bstanko6

SH3 Bstanko6

7 жыл бұрын

Keeping your U-boat quiet from pursuers

Пікірлер: 30
@Kikunis 7 жыл бұрын
I have just watched 4 or 5 of your videos. Astonishing. I don't know if you're a teacher but for sure you're an exceptional communicator. I find it amazing that you got just very few views (less than a hundred). I predict you'll get many thousands. Greatest tutorials I have ever seen about this game. Fair winds and take care. Oh, I almost forgot! Many many thanks!
@SH3Bstanko6 7 жыл бұрын
Kikunis thank you much. Not a teacher, just an enthusiast. I learn better visually, and I just hope to help others that learn like me. Thanks again!
@jotabe1984 4 жыл бұрын
Very very nice video, i never watched it in the channel before... as for what i do... we have a lot in common but some differences (SH3 GWX3): 1) i try to get inside columns of a convoy, shooting from outside will most of the times limit the sub to pick up less important (a.k.a. less tonnage) ships that sail in the babor and starbord side columns. Furthermore, this will be a much easier place for the escorts to spot your sub and/or torpedoes. (to keep it real i do keep using T1 torpedoes the entire war, since external storages historically could only carry T1 (or their FAT version) torps). 2) i allways try to aproach from the front/side... setting my uboat at 45° in front of convoy's path and then sailing straight in a 90° angle to their bearing (first at full, then at normal, then at 1/3 and finally at slow) up to where the convoy will be. This will work just fine for Convoys at 6 to 8 knots... for faster 9 to 12knots convoys a little bit further ahead should be the starting point. That means passing as close as maybe 3000 meters from the front escort, and that also means sailing at slow at that point (to be honest above 2km distance 1/3 is just fine but i don't want to push my luck before the attack). when aproaching/engaging I DO NOT USE 50rpm speed... never, this is just too slow for tactical maneuvering and sub offensive positioning 3) if i've done things very well, i will be inside the convoy's columns... then, before the torp attack, Sub is not limited by speed since escorts will not detect you between all that merchant engine's noises around. If not i have to perform the attack from the side to less juicy ships and with the side escort breathing on my back (and that's NO GOOD but nevertheless is better than nothing). 4) once the attack is performed, i will dive up trying to reach 120mtrs, i will hit the "silent running" no matter what speed i will choose after... if im inside the convoy i will use 1/3 speed, if im outside i will use slow speed, if i think i'm detected (and i'm going to assume i am if an escort sails torwards the sub) i might use normal or high speed (mainly dependant on sub, Type VII-B is (type XXI aside) the fastest boat so it will allow for a faster speed with less power needed compared to something like a Type IX-C). IF I'M POSITIVELY SHURE I'M DETECTED (some merchants shoot at my periscope or whatever reason) I WILL CRASH DIVE and before reaching 70mtrs will set the depth to 120mtrs and the speed to slow or 50rpm depending on the case. 4B) If an escort is close to or above me and drops depth charges before i reach 70mtrs (worst case-scenario) i will use flank speed and hard turn right/left up until depth charges explodes... the Flank push will hurry A LOT the diving times, that's a way of escaping that 1st drop, that will be setted around 50-70mtrs and if you do your work OK will be around 90-100mtrs depth. After the first "charge" from an escort i will set my speed to 50rpm no matter what. by that time i will be (hopefully) at something like 100mtrs or more. 5) once i reached 120mtrs if i haven't setted my speed to 50rpm before i'll do it now. and then i will set an oblique course away from the convoy... that means if the convoy is heading East, i will head north west... or it might be south west... that will depend of what i'm closer to the northern or southern most part of the Convoy... if i'm not detected i will keep that straight course for the timelapse of maybe 1 hour. 6) If i'm detected at a deep depth i will change the depth from 120 up to 140mtrs (for 1939 to 1942) or 140 to 160 mtrs (from 1942 to 1945 only if i'm in a Type VII-C/41 or newer design uboot) and will change course by 90° degree between 90° and 180° degrees from Convoy's heading. I will only make new turns if i'm detected by ASDIC (strong continuous pings). If i' hear just a lone ASDIC ping i will not consider my boat detected, moreon if i'm at 45° or less profile from sweeping Escort's ASDIC. Eventually Escorts will follow the Convoy, even in later years, that's why is so important to sail away from Convoy's heading. Once my attackers drop their search i will resume step 5, or if i'm shure that Escorts are sailing away to resume escorting the convoy (therefore they are at a fast speed moving away from their attack location to join the convoy) i will consider myself almost safe and resume to next step. 7) After step 5/6 i will sweep with my Hidrophones for a last time and if no ship is at close range i will go to periscope depth, at this point i will stop silent running (but keep speed at slow) and start reloading torpedo tubes (very important to do as soon as you think Escorts will not hear you). Note that escorts can use the tactic of shutting their engines down and remain in the zone waiting for the uboot to emerge, that's why the 1 hour navigation after last action is important. Once at periscope depth, 1 full 360° sweep with observation scope at 1x, then a new sweep with 4.5x... and then emerge at conning tower's depth (6 meters for type II, 7 meters for Type VII and 7-8 meters for Type IX). I will use my best watch crew on deck in order to get as good warning as i can. As allways, radar (if avaiable) set to off. This works pretty well for me, i have dodged dozens of convoy escorts SOME SIDENOTES: A) If i take damage at some point from depth charges i will stop silent running and start repairing the sub as a top priority, it is by far much more dangerous to the sub to let damage alone wihtout handling it than anything else. I will not reload my torps. And i will keep my speed between 50rpm and slow, making evasive maneuvers B) In the event of an escort attack i will put the map in the closest range to the sub, will set RPM at 50 and will leave it there, and will take sonarman's seat to listen the escort/s behavior, along with setting the sonarman's report on closest escort (in the event something's missing from my ears or if i focus too much on a given sound). That way i know i'm "undetectable" by sound, i will listen to the escort's Behavior and will draw a small line above Sub every couple of minutes, just to have a path of the route i'm taking, just to check i'm zigzagging and moving away from convoy. C) Some early and/or smaller escorts will not be provided with ASDIC (that's historically accurated) up until late 1941-1942, so by fully stopping the sub (along with silent running) it will become invisible for those escorts. I do not like that 1939-1941 usefull tactic because you'll train yourself with something that it is not going to last and will in fact play against you later in the war, but it is good to know it just in case. Oh, and BTW... if the sea conditions are EXTREMELY calm (i mean windspeed of 3mtrs/s or less) and there's no other ship in the area, escort MIGHT somethimes ear you even at 50rpm D) Escorts will turn circles around where they think Sub is and then drop depth charges in the middle of that circle, if you are inside that circle, you need to get out "ASAP" (but not by increasing speed/noise). You can listen the escort doing circles around you or doing something similar of going back and forward in a side of you... in that case Escort will be doing circles around somewhere else. There's no need for use of external view (some form of cheating to historically accurated terms) in order to figure out what's the Escort doing above you. Just need patience E) If hunted by 2 or more escorts, course and depth changes will need to be more often, but not as often as for you to make a mistake... only perform a turn if detected by ASDIC, in you turn, you probably also need to change your depth, not that much, just 10-20meters will do the job of breaking contact. You are allways at risk if attacked by an escort, but its been years since the last time a Tommy's DD sinked my uboot. Planes are far more dangerous
@jotabe1984 4 жыл бұрын
i forgot to mention that once i climb from really depth after evading escorts, i might sit at 40mtr for a while, while recharging torps. some SH3 mods will not let the uboot to recharge subs at periscope depth on bad weather
@slighter 4 жыл бұрын
I will learn that instruction by heart and will train this asap. Thank you alot for this!
@slighter 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks alot for these great tutorials. I get back to the game at the moment after 10 years and this helps a lot to really understand and master it.
@SH3Bstanko6 4 жыл бұрын
slighter glad you like them!
@Stryker2716a 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I can usually get away, alive, maybe 2 out of 10 times (I can’t help myself I wanting to watch the boat explode). This video has made a HUGE difference!!! I now plan ahead executing your evasion tactics. What a lifesaver it has been for me. Thank you!! Thank You!!
@SH3Bstanko6 5 жыл бұрын
Mark Woodall I’m glad it worked out for you. I intended my videos to be simple in nature, yet drives home real strategy. You can’t even count how many SH3 videos out there show people watching the explosions and then cannot figure why the destroyers find them!!!
@alvarogonzalezrodriguez5771 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing work in your video tutorials. Thanks for sharing with all SH3 fans. Please continue with them, because for those of us who are starting, they are an incredible source of inspiration. Would it be possible for you to do some about Hitman Lagewinkelscheibe Tweaked & discs of Ahnenerbe? Hitman Lagewinkelscheibe Tweaked in Ahnenerbe WideGui is a great tool but I do not know how to use it. A greeting
@SH3Bstanko6 7 жыл бұрын
Alvaro Gonzalez Rodriguez I appreciate it. I remember first starting out playing SH3 vanilla. All the documents out there to read would make my head spin. My methods are not the most mathematical or "best" to any standard. They are just methods that worked for me over the years. The lagewinkelscheib is the black and white disk correct?
@shanejohns7901 2 жыл бұрын
It really is a pity that these are in such a low resolution.
@SH3Bstanko6 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah these were from my laptop years ago. I hope they still help!
@niume7468 7 жыл бұрын
@thinzunthane5803 3 жыл бұрын
What to do when they have locked on Acdic, going slow now is that the best choice. Havent yet got so far in the game.
@SH3Bstanko6 3 жыл бұрын
Good question. Never go slow. What you’re doing is you’re waiting for the escort to get right above you. And then as soon as the depth charges go, you’re flanking and getting out of there. Pick a direction and GO!
@thinzunthane5803 3 жыл бұрын
@@SH3Bstanko6 Thanx man, And Im like the others here. Best videos for silent hunter on the net. Would love to se a video when your on patroll and do all the stuff. I hope to se it in the future. :)
@SH3Bstanko6 3 жыл бұрын
Thinzun Thane I have a series right now that’s going. I’ve been so busy I havent been able to continue it. It’s in the second season. If you want to see things while I’m playing the game, that would be a great way to do it.
@AlternatifDiyarlar 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Bstanko6. What is the effective range of ASDIC?
@SH3Bstanko6 3 жыл бұрын
Alternatif Diyarlar I don't know exact numbers, but in mY experience, it is around 5-6km when they really start zoning in on you.
@AlternatifDiyarlar 3 жыл бұрын
@@SH3Bstanko6 Thank you for quick respond. Making evasive maneuver is really tough during wasser bomb rain. I am always dying. I need more and more practice.
@usergmail3900 7 жыл бұрын
why not reverse full speed? and turn using rudder commands and rudder amidships command.. it's how i prefer..and it allows you to get out faster... by turning you lose a lot of time
@niume7468 7 жыл бұрын
Whats your modlist?
@SH3Bstanko6 7 жыл бұрын
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157 [C:\myUboat\SilentHunterIII\MODS] NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version NYGM3_New NYGM3_6F Merchant_Fleet_Mod_3.2 Stiebler4C_SubsFlag NYGM_HiRes_Submarines_3_6F Harbor Traffic Add-In M.E.P v5 Optional - FSF for MEP v5 Optional - ShipVanishingHull for MEP v5 Optional - Stock Reflections for MEP v5 1500 meter bearing overlay Single Merchant Contact Mod Depthcharge Shake v2.01 TKSS18 German U-Boats Compilation(noEagle) TKSS18 German U-Boats Compilation2(noEagle) New U-Boat Guns Fixed Reworked (for German U-Boats Compilation) FixAllSubGWX Stiebler_EnvSim Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final - FILES for NYGM v3.6D Color Dials with Dark Compass NYGM Tonnage War Minefield Mod DD_VisibleMines_V1.0 Lighthouses and Entrance Points for NYGM3.6F beta Fubars harbor personnel Das Boot Clothes Bearded faces RL_E v2 standard RealDC_4 SHIV U-Boat Missions-Flaggen für SHIII TheDarkWraith_Ejecting_Pilot(s)_v2_0_SH3 Real Depth Charge Thomsen's WhispeRING RING mod KB's Diesel Sound Mod TheRealPing TorpedoTubesFfireFinal vStock RadioMessage - MorseCodeOnly Aces' Radio Room Postcards Optional O2-Gauges v2 (for V16B1) Stiebler4C_Addon_for_V16B1 AI_Sensors for Stiebler's 4B_V16B1_Revised patch and MEP v5 Rapt0r's Uniforms (Only Watch) depth charge explosions and fire light Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)
@badgrfan 6 жыл бұрын
Is there any to torpedo destroyers? I usually find it to be a waste of time and torpedoes.
@MrAuk929 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, A great vid. I hope you are using some of my Sound mods for Silent Hunter III and V. :) KUrtz
@SH3Bstanko6 6 жыл бұрын
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157 [C:\myUboat\SilentHunterIII\MODS] NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version NYGM3_New NYGM3_6F Merchant_Fleet_Mod_3.2 Stiebler4C_SubsFlag NYGM_HiRes_Submarines_3_6F Harbor Traffic Add-In M.E.P v5 Optional - ShipVanishingHull for MEP v5 Optional - Stock Reflections for MEP v5 1500 meter bearing overlay Single Merchant Contact Mod Depthcharge Shake v2.01 Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final - FILES for NYGM v3.6D Color Dials with Dark Compass NYGM Tonnage War Minefield Mod Lighthouses and Entrance Points for NYGM3.6F beta DD_VisibleMines_V1.0 Fubars harbor personnel Das Boot Clothes Bearded faces RL_E v2 standard RealDC_4 SHIV U-Boat Missions-Flaggen für SHIII TheDarkWraith_Ejecting_Pilot(s)_v2_0_SH3 Real Depth Charge Thomsen's WhispeRING RING mod KB's Diesel Sound Mod TheRealPing RadioMessage - MorseCodeOnly TorpedoTubesFfireFinal vStock Optional O2-Gauges v2 (for V16B1) Aces' Radio Room Postcards depth charge explosions and fire light Stiebler4C_Addon_for_V16B1 Optional - FSF for MEP v5 TKSS18 German U-Boats Compilation(noEagle) TKSS18 German U-Boats Compilation2(noEagle) New U-Boat Guns Fixed Reworked (for German U-Boats Compilation) FixAllSubGWX Stiebler_EnvSim M.E.P v5 - VisualSensors for NYGM 3.6D Haunting Atlantic Wind Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)
@foojam2002 4 жыл бұрын
In every video you use a different mod, so it's confusing.
@SH3Bstanko6 4 жыл бұрын
foojam2002 hi, I use 3 mods, but the techniques are the same across the board. SH5 and SH3 techniques can be applied to each other with very well results. Hope it helps!
@foojam2002 4 жыл бұрын
@@SH3Bstanko6 Thanks for taking the time to reply, your videos are great and yes, i can understand more the concepts even with a different mod that i use (the GW).
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