My Story as an INFJ

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Just talking about how I found out I was an INFJ and how that has affected and helped me. This was made for the Facebook INFJ group.
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@Lego9663Studios 8 жыл бұрын
Fellow INFJ here. When I was younger, I moved around a lot (every couple of years) and I was okay with that. In fact, I've always been a chill person. My mom told me that when I out of 5 children, I was the only one who hugged people back when I was a baby. I think that I was sensing the person's affection and repaying it. I've always stood out in groups of people my age. I've mildly kept to myself and I've been fine with that. Do any other INFJ's experience extreme anxiety to little things? Thanks for making this video, even though it's been awhile since you made it. :)
@lor428 10 жыл бұрын
"I was always on a different level than them...maybe emotion maturity, spiritual maturity, intellectual maturity" -- WOW, that completely sums up how I have always felt throughout my childhood. This is crazy how much I am relating to everything you are saying.
@Stoofbird11 10 жыл бұрын
I just read a book recently which has really been helping me process my experiences of being on a different wavelength than people throughout my life. The book is called "Searching For Meaning: Idealism, Bright Minds, Disillusionment and Hope" by James T. Webb. I would recommend it if you're interested.
@lor428 10 жыл бұрын
Stoofbird11 I will definitely check it out! Thank you :)
@Buggydreams777 10 жыл бұрын
I also learned that I am an INFJ through a counselor I was seeing when I was 18. She is also an INFJ, we understood each other so well it was amazing. After feeling so alone my entire life and then meeting her, I didn't have to hold back the 90% of my personality that I would normally do around everyone else. She really helped me see that I wasn't alone in the world with my feelings and the way I see things. High school was horrible for me. I felt so alone with my thoughts that I made myself invisible. I literally did not speak more than a few sentences in the 2 1/2 years I was there. Teachers thought I was mute, and they were concerned enough that I was sent to a school psychologist once a week. I had no friends. My sister, an INFP, went the other route and became very mean and angry because she was hurting. We were both an emotional mess. My sister and I didn't get along at all in high school, thankfully she is my best friend now because in my entire family she understands me the most. Home life at that time was chaotic too. My parents, after 17 years of abuse, mostly verbal and emotional, were getting a messy divorce. I am learning so much about myself through personality type theory. It has helped me not feel so alone. It is amazing to watch videos like this and see all these beautiful souls speak of the same experiences I have gone through myself. Thank you for this video.
@Stoofbird11 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. And I am so glad this video encouraged you. :) Accurate self-knowledge helps so much in life. It helps us to be able to disregard all the projections of insecurity and hate other people hit us with. If we know who we are and can come to understand that and be more okay with that, it helps us stand up in the face of those pressures. Much
@dakotagalloway6897 9 жыл бұрын
finding out you are aINFJ is the best feeling in the world! It answers so many questions
@ina1815 5 жыл бұрын
Best and worst feeling, it’s a strange mix
@Stoofbird11 10 жыл бұрын
What I'm finding these day is that that feeling different struggle really never goes away completely. I've gotten better at managing it and finding other people who I can be myself with - but still there is the mass of society which just can't understand, y'know? I think the key is to find those people you can be yourself with though, then living with everybody else isn't as hard. I'm in Oregon currently.
@daniellejohnson6708 8 жыл бұрын
It's a common thing for INFJ's to have depressed bc we are perfectionist and we are very rare! It's hard. At least you found out at a young age about being an INFJ ... I just found out 2 years ago. At age 30. I went though so much from my teen years to college to adult life... Things are better now but being an INFJ is still very hard in this crazy world.
@Ender.wigginn 10 жыл бұрын
The way you communicate reminds me allot of how I communicate. Digression, but it isn't quite digression, because it is still apart of the bigger idea you're trying to communicate.
@Stoofbird11 10 жыл бұрын
Lol - that is so true about communication and digression. I have been noticing it a lot lately in my conversations. It's like I almost give the conclusion first and then some speculations beyond it and what I currently think and then I go back to explain how I came to that conclusion or what I currently think or am speculating about. But yeah - digression, but not quite digression. Maybe regression? Like moving from the conclusion (the general truth) back to the parts which support it. Or maybe that's more of inductive or abductive reasoning. Hmm I'm not sure what's a good word for it. I know I am quite dialectical in my thought processes at least.
@Ender.wigginn 10 жыл бұрын
Stoofbird11 I've been reading that INFJ's look for the big picture (or conclusion if you will) and work backwards from it. So when we learn something new, we learn the core structure and then fill in the blanks. It only makes sense that this is how we would communicate things to others, show them the big picture then make all of the more finite connections for them. I also read that this is how we make our ideas, we see a vision of how we want things to be, and work backwards, basically reverse engineering the logical process required to achieve the ultimate end.
@kateg1653 9 жыл бұрын
I wanted to to thank you for sharing this and having the courage to open up about yourself. It can be very difficult as an INFJ to do that. I relate to almost everything you spoke about. I have always been able to connect other people but they have a difficult time connecting with me and it can be frustrating and feel lonely. INFJS can feel lonely when we are surrounded by people. It's a deep connection that we desire and rarely find.
@jakebauer1262 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great video my friend!! Our stories of self discovery are very similar in many ways...except I was in my 30's, depressed with work and struggling with addiction when I finally decided to see a counselor. I can't speak for other types but finding out my personality type has been the single greatest learning of my adult life. Reading the infj descriptions for the first time was both eerie and relieving all rolled into one. Eerie because it was spot on like somebody had been spying on me and my thoughts my whole life but relieving because the way I was was perfectly normal for an infj. A little surprising too because I always felt very intellectual and analytical growing up however upon reflection (even in how I describe things) I realized that intuition was indeed my dominant function. - The feeling of being different - Being an old soul - The ability to intuitively know someone or solve a problem - Intensely private - Perfectionism - Creative - Idealistic - Loyal - A desire to help others - A tendency to withdraw (sometimes shocking people we care about) It's good to be an infj, lol...we are far from perfect...but I love what we are. PS - Cool Einstein quote. And, just so you know, I made it through my addiction and depression ;)
@ThePeacefulArtist 9 жыл бұрын
21 year and INFJ and had a year of depression and high anxiety. I agree 100%!
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I feel ya. I just gave a 35 minute presentation/speech on perfectionism in own of my classes and shared a lot of my personal struggle and story with it. Again and again I realize in my life that my biggest critic is myself and it takes away a lot of the satisfaction I could have in my work. What's helped me a lot is reading "Feeling Good" by David Burns, which is the classic CBT/RBT book. I would recommend it if you ever wanna grow and learn more positive ways of coping with perfectionism. :)
@marymcclure2948 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your views as an INFJ. I discovered that I am one about three days ago for the first time, and I am astounded. I am so shocked knowing that others feel the way that I do, and the connections that I can feel in strangers that are INFJs. I understand everything that you are explaining and that is a huge comfort. I will soon be trying to find good INFJ friends in the community or around my college. :)
@elitch4413 11 жыл бұрын
As a guy INFJ I can really relate to what you are saying. I spent my years growing up feeling out of place. It can be a lonely experience. Still in the search for people that I can be true self with. Thank you for sharing.
@CalloohCalley 11 жыл бұрын
Depression, bipolar disorder, yes. As well as social anxiety and almost agoraphobia when I'm in a bad place. Since I've started understanding my type, I don't really struggle with all that nearly as much. It became much less a "disorder" (that's what other people wanted to call it, not me) and more just a part of my personality. It became normal. I became normal. And it changed me life. :) I wish you health and happiness friend. :)
@manlyhan9655 10 жыл бұрын
omg I took the test three times and got an INFJ, and I am the WORST perfectionist there is. I will just shut down and bash myself some days because i am not the best I can be. I never understood this trait, but I think it does have to do with the INFJ personality type. #SurvivorOfBeingAPerfectionist
@marygracegrajo6087 4 жыл бұрын
I found out that I am an INFJ last year I was 20 too! It's priceless to know more about yourself, to know that OH, I'M ACTUALLY NOT ALONE. As I always thought that I am out of place back then. Thanks for sharing :)
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
Nice - I love hearing testimonies like that. Everybody needs to feel like they can be themselves and that they aren't different in a bad way.
@itskatehill 12 жыл бұрын
from an INFJ to a fellow INFJ, I loved hearing what you had to say! :)
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
That's great! Love to hear stuff like this!
@JBraden 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. I appreciate your openness in sharing your story, and also your remarks about feeling 'alone' and 'different' as an (relatively rare type) INFJ. I hope that posting this has put you in touch with some helpful people and lead to some helpful friendships. I'm a bit older (late 30s) and first took Myers-Briggs in high school. As best I recall I was on the line between INFJ and INFJ at that time. Since then I've taken it in college and for several jobs and have had the INFJ consistently since then. Also, every three to five years or so I seem to cycle around to reading about Myers-Briggs material, the types, etc. Currently I'm reading the original book "Gifts Differing" by Briggs and Myers. Of special interest to me these days is the concept of "type development" and the improving of tertiary and quaternary functions in pursuit of a balanced approach to life that does not neglect or undernourish ones true nature. I plan to watch some other videos like this, and perhaps look for an INFJ or other Myers-Briggs Type Development group on facebook and/or elsewhere. Thanks again and all the best.
@LivingVicariouslyHD 12 жыл бұрын
You are very well-spoken! Thank you for expressing insight into this type in an honest and personable way. Your bit at the end about how we INFJ's tend to have inner/spiritual maturity way before our peers - at the expense of stressing about the less abstract physical world that most others have become already accustomed to - felt spot on to me.
@INFJTheBarracuda57 11 жыл бұрын
You seem a humble, wise, strong and a very sincere person. Keep it up fellow INFJ!
@michelgreycoaching 11 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed the video. I relate a lot. Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts.
@IntentionalityMentor 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting the video you kinda of inspired me to do my own someday/maybe. I've know I was a INFJ for a few years now agree very much with the observation that we are more mature in many ways then others but also like the basic skills that others have. I to do a lot of thinking but also am rellay focused of making my ideals reality with the help of others and get comfortable living in a state out side my comfort zone to grow my maturity level. Stay encouraged and climb that tree or find a pond to thrive in life.
@beanerbender 12 жыл бұрын
LIked your message! Very interesting how INFJ's have depression/anxiety issues. Also, love the mature/imaturity point you made as well. You are most definitely an infj- thanks for making this vid! :)
@emilyjane198 12 жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm an INFJ, and yeah perfectionism has been a struggle and journey for me, too. I can relate to your talk about being mature and your struggle with being different and how you worked through that, finding people in your face-to-face world to talk to etc. Great video! Thanks for sharing! You're good at explaining things! :)
@CinnastixChick 11 жыл бұрын
Hi, was so touched by your story. I remember feeling so bad about myself as a kid. I feel so much more comfortable with myself now that i realize that im not some crazy who can never seem to fit in emotionally. I just really want to thank not just the uploader, but to all the other infjs who've been brave enough to dig deep and try to make sense of what theyre feeling and thinking so that others can compare and relate to them. I finally feel like i belong somewhere, and its the strangest freedom
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Awesome. That's good to hear. Those are a lot similar realization that have helped me as well. "Progress not perfection," "Journey not destination" etc.. I found the serenity prayer sometime back then too and that helped a lot.
@joelnicholson 10 жыл бұрын
Nice clear video boss, thanks very much for sharing. One of my favourite bits about these INFJ videos is the pauses and the eye closes - where we're basically mentally fishing about in the deep waters of our minds to process the next tiny little sliver to try and explain to someone else, and it genuinely takes a moment because it's not like you can easily explain what's going on in there. I started to try and say something else, but it was worryingly rambling and incoherent. Like the rest of us, I find it much nicer to 'be told what I am like' in the sense of something external to me explaining it than for me to ever really try and explain INFJ. Your video was a good attempt to explain some of the "headlines" about INFJ, that really is the most simple way I can put it I guess. Like you say: it's not about feeling that I'm "better" or "more complex and hard to understand" than other people, it's just a frustrating contradiction between the virtual transparency of other people's lives and issues and the relative opacity of my own internal understanding. One of those lovely contradictions which make us so interesting/annoying/confusing to other people. :)
@mysteryjet2007 11 жыл бұрын
The idealist in me went nuts for 'the venus project' this year, I was just like holy shit, this is beautiful!! Gone down that road yet? just hearing you talk about money. Stresses the HELL out of me. we have such a rich inner world.
@emster1 12 жыл бұрын
Hey you were really fun to watch thanks! I'm an INFJ too, I relate a lot to what you say. You're super cute too!
@bigbufobufo 12 жыл бұрын
I'm infj too. You remind me a lot of myself! Makes me feel good there are others out there and that I am not alone.
@Spiritedlevel11 11 жыл бұрын experiences being an INFJ are so similar to yours. I can relate to a lot of the things that you said. Thank you so much for this video!
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
That's great man - and that's good you're finding your niche more in higher education. And good luck on the career path and the decisions ahead! :)
@rapunzelgretel 9 жыл бұрын
Great video, as always! Totally relate.
@agirlwithacookie 12 жыл бұрын
My whole life I felt different then the others, and I have always felt like I was kind of "older", or more I guess you can say reflective than my others classmates, so I just kind of stumble upon this test, and this makes so much sense! I'm so happy that I found out, like why I am as I am. And now that I hear you talking about it, I can totally relate to it! When I younger I also was known for wanting to talk to grown up instead of kids at my age, because I didn't feel others understood me.
@ihaz8 10 жыл бұрын
When I watched your video, I felt I was listening to my own story..I agree with everything you said, being an INFJ myself. It's only been about two months since I've learned that I'm an INFJ, but it explained everything I always wondered about myself. It was a total eye-opener and a relief that there are people who are just like me, as I always felt I was different from society and no one understood me. Thank you for posting this video!
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I'm glad it made you feel more validated Oliver. Right now I'm studying psychology and humanities. Currently I could see myself being a kind of counselor, writing books, involved in local ministry opportunities/roles and teaching (ideally at the college level). There is no way to say what kind of job INFJs tend to have - you can choose to be anything as an INFJ, but you'll gain more energy and feel more at home in certain endeavors rather than others.
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I am so glad! Like I said, everybody needs that - but for some people it's harder to get. So I'm glad to have helped provide that. :)
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Haha nice. I'm glad you related to my video. I'm surprised how many views it's gotten honestly. I just thought a couple people would watch it here and there. I tried for awhile to imitate other types in high school especially in order to "fit in" but eventually I burnt out (part of the reason for the depression I talked about actually) because I wasn't being authentic or true to myself. There's a quote a friend once told me "Your worst you is better than your best imitation of someone else."
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Am glad my story connected with you! That's the reason I decided to take a chance and make this video. I know there are people out there like us, but unless someone has the courage to tell their story we might all end up feeling like nobody understands us or is like us. I've certainly made a lot of progress in toning down the unhealthy level my perfectionism use to have. But I still have bad days and when I'm off balance I recognize traces of it in me still.
@Slavetilidie 10 жыл бұрын
A kindred spirit. Thanks for sharing. :)
@alphaclone0220 12 жыл бұрын
Hi! Just stumbled upon your vid. I relate very well to your thoughts especially with being very idealistic and feeling like an old soul. Friends often comment on how I'm so "mature", but to me it's just what comes naturally. Great job on keeping your video to its length. I have the hardest time keeping myself from rambling haha.
@emilyjane198 12 жыл бұрын
I gotchya! Yeah, I have purposely worked on believing the good things people say about me over the years, sometimes with a lot of forced intensity. I'm better than I used to be, too. That's a good attitude to embrace -- the whole "it's a journey" attitude -- has been one which has helped relieve me of SO much stress. I now am able more to be encouraged by progress than paralyzed by failure :)
@StarcrossedDeath 11 жыл бұрын
I went through a very similar experience for very much of my childhood. ^^ It's hard finding people who can understand you, but when you finally do, it really is the greatest feeling in the world. :) Infjs don't give up! Be yourself, do your best in everything yourself and happiness will find you! After so many years, it did for me, more than I could have ever imagined. :)
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I can definitely see where you're coming from. I felt like I was able to do that for awhile too - feel good about myself inwardly even if other people were a lot different from me and I wasn't as popular because of that. But eventually my perfectionist nature took me down as I discounted all the positive traits I have saying they weren't "good enough." And then I was more vulnerable to that kind of depression and isolation. It's good to recognize everybody hurts, is different etc. tho too
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
It really is a relief huh? To finally hear an explanation of why you've always felt the way you have and such. I think INFJs especially benefit from the MBTI and studying personality theory because of how different we are. Also, one "love language" you could say INFJs tend to have is "being understood." If someone can make me feel understood, I will feel very loved. In turn, being misunderstood can be very painful - but that's often the road we must take in order to be understood eventually.
@sunshineyang4 11 жыл бұрын
I joined the Facebook group :) Gotta say, I'm impressed... INFJ's are so rare and we need to know that we aren't alone :) But Yea, I figured that you'll be in the humanities field. Psychology, sociology... :) I'm torn in between journalism and a family physician... :( I guess I'll just go with the flow, but that's not me. I want to know everything about the major before I start anything. haha But thanks for putting yourself out there.
@Elahalu 12 жыл бұрын
I'm an infj and I also struggle with perfectionism. We have these grand ideals and we see ourselves getting there, then details and life and other people's plans get in the way and it can be devastating to realize we have failed in our pursuit of perfection. The high standards we have for ourselves can lift us up, but the fall from such great heights is bone crushing. I've come a long way from where I started in forgiving myself, giving myself credit for trying and not getting discouraged.
@logoslines 12 жыл бұрын
nice video! I can relate to much of it, being enfj. I like your reflections on the mature - immature sides of the personality.
@Ky0l 12 жыл бұрын
I'm INFJ and struggle with perfection in the work place and take mistakes of my own really personally and analyze the situation until I find a way to avoid the mistake happening again, and then suggest it to others to try to help them. I've always been more mature then anyone I know, even people triple my age. I actively seek a friend of a certain characteristics since I was 14 and not found success. :) This video is deep, and I'm always told I'm well spoken and polite. I'd be happy to validate
@janenichols9133 9 жыл бұрын
Yes! I love that Einstein quote! It's so nice to hear that other people have developed an intellectual framework beneath their ideas. I have most of my most enlightening conversations with people who have comprehensively thought out their statement/idea/etc. We can delve so much deeper into the topic. You can teach and share with someone without a framework, but it's hard to really discuss when you find they can't say much beyond the surface statement. Which, I agree, doesn't make us 'better' people (I would imagine that we all use our brains relatively the same amount but different parts with different focuses, different directions--excluding more 'mind numbing' activities), but it can make the conversation less fulfilling. Not that you can't grow from any conversation, but you get the point... I LOVE being an INFJ for the most part. I love caring about people and being idealistic and moralistic. I think it's what is most important and so I'm glad that's me. I do understand feeling alone to an extent, and I am extremely picky about finding a spouse who has ridiculously high levels of compatibility. I know that men seem to particularly feel alone, though. I think this is perhaps true for most men, but more true for INFJ men who seek deep connection. I'm not trying to convert you (although that would be awesome :)), but I do wonder if an INFJ man would feel more accepted in some religious cultures. (Not that anyone should necessarily join a religion because it makes them feel better. Personally, I think it best if you join because you believe it's TRUE. If you don't believe it's true, I would probably just take and apply the principles I found helpful.) I wonder because I am a Christian (LDS), and we encourage people to be spiritual, optimistic, idealistic (and realistic), service-oriented, deep, and to be a man of God (which is someone much more sensitive, caring, unselfish, humble, and reflective than the world encourages). It's actually very suited to an INFJ who puts people first. (I know some people might disagree that we do so but that would be a whole other posting.) Also, we define success more along the lines that an INFJ might, that success is found in how we grow and how we help others to grow.
@jakebauer1262 9 жыл бұрын
Jane Nichols Lol, I loved the Einstein quote as well :) Hadn't heard that one before. I agree that religion may often be a good fit for the idealistic infj. I think most religions at their core have the same values as a typical infj. Personally, I struggled with religion from very early on. I got sent to Sunday school etc but my folks really weren't that religious. When I figured out Santa Claus wasn't real, the resulting skepticism cascaded through my life (or maybe that's what led to discovering the truth about Santa - who knows). I don't think I was ever an atheist even when I didn't know what to believe. In high school I had friends that pulled me towards their youth group, church, etc but there was always this aura of superiority there that was eventually a turn off. I can certainly understand where atheists are coming from but I could never understand how so many of them seem so certain (same aura of superiority). Eventually while living life several events happened where I couldn't help but believe something in the universe was watching over me. I'm pretty analytical and fully understand probability but I couldn't shake the 'feeling'. So to make a rambling story a little shorter, I eventually came to "believe". I hesitate to define it, name it, or even say I'm certain I'm correct - but it's what I believe. (And just for the record, I love that Einstein was not an atheist and had similar thoughts) If there's a point to the rambling it is that while religions at their core usually reflect the essence of an infj, my personal experience with 'organized' religion was that the culture underneath that umbrella could warp those ideals and sometimes seem hypocritical. But "please" don't take that to mean I think that generalizes to every organized religion in every community everywhere. I may have just been exposed to a bad sample and, as an infj, was pretty sensitive to the vibes they projected. Cheers!
@girlbehindthereddoor 11 жыл бұрын
I really liked this video. I'm an INFJ and can definitely relate to a lot of things you said. I always felt more mature than my peers in almost every kind of way but thought it had to do with my dad's death and having to grow up really fast but now it's been 13 years I'm realising that it's just the way I am. "Growing Up" in the physical world stresses me out too. I will do almost any job just to get money because I don't get satisfaction from my career.
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
You're soo right about the meaning and emotional contact! Ni is an inner focus of energy and beliefs that wells up and through our Fe is the only way we can express it (though if we're skillful we will also access our Ti to check the logic of our beliefs as well as seek to materialize them with our Se). Yeah it's unbelievable how helpful understanding all this stuff is compared to when you just deal with the problems that come from it. I'll check out your video! Thanks for watching mine. :)
@lizasan87 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thought and experience as an INFJ, it makes me feel that I'm not alone to be so different among my friends and family. Even though I'm not very sure whether I am an INFJ or INTJ, I always have this struggles of fit in to my group of friends or even to my family. In past, I also encountered depressions of having bad grades during my high school. Even now, I feel shamed to talk share my feelings or thought as if I feel it always be wrong to have this thought. Thanks for your sharing on KZfaq. I would like to meet up with a counsellor to understand more about myself. :)
@jakebauer1262 9 жыл бұрын
***** Keep your chin up over there! You are who you are for a reason and as long a you do what you feel is right there is no need for shame. It's hard to feel different, that I know very well, but learning about yourself and understanding that there are many like you out here can give you comfort. From my experience, seeing a counselor was very helpful. Be happy with the fantastic abilities you were blessed with - you are unique but you are not alone. :)
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that Peter. Balance is something I've had to strive after especially as a recovering perfectionist.
@playboyjla 11 жыл бұрын
Hey, good story man. I really liked that Einstein line at the end about the fish climbing the tree. Most people really are intelligent in one way or another. Intellectual aptitude shouldn't only be determined by whether a person is good at math and science. Other academic, artistic, athletic, emotional, interpersonal areas matter as well.
@Daddygril7 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much "you have just justified all my feelings"
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
Hey I've seen you around on the Facebooks! Thanks man!
@Lamproly 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'm not alone in this world :) I had the luck to have a mother supporting me in being myself, I never wanted to belong to the others but also feeling lonely and ununderstood - I think we sometimes have a tough way but finally can see our gifts beside the curses and that it's good like this. The socionics test helped me a lot and starts to give me little confidence :)
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it has been a huge help in me finding my identity and understanding why and how I relate the world how I do. Among other very important things, it has helped me relieve the guilt I use to feel for being so different. It probably would helped if I found it sooner as well, but I'm just glad that I did eventually!
@cmscalise8 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this! I relate to so much of what you described. I definitely have found it tough to relate to the masses, have mainly close-knit group of friends, and have often felt more mature in relation to my peers. Also have been told throughout my life that I am far too sensitive and need to toughen up if I don't want to be taken advantage of in the world. It wasn't until I traveled a bit and met some new people, that I realized there are people out there that are sensitive, open-minded, and thriving, and with whom I can relate to :) Current struggle as a recent grad though is finding my career path as an INFJ
@Stoofbird11 10 жыл бұрын
Yes, my recent prayer has been for a soft heart and a thick skin. I already have a soft heart, but the thick skin part is hard. Caring and being sensitive is the constant gift and curse wrapped into one. I can't count how many times I've just wanted to "not care so much" (or think so much). But to try and deny that (due to the problems and pain they bring) would be to deny myself unfortunately. And that's no way to live. But it seems like a choice, almost, as if we can choose to be ourselves or not. And it really is a choice, to show up and try and express ourselves authentically or not. But either way their is risk and pain. That is what I constantly wrestle with! Thanks for watching and best of luck on career path decisions!
@cmscalise8 10 жыл бұрын
Stoofbird11 yes I face the same dilemma, it seems hard no matter what! but I think it is important to be authentic..For me, being genuine and keeping my soft heart has allowed me to hold on to some very close relationships in my life. Thanks for the reply and take care..
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks man! Glad you could relate. I actually did two 15 minutes videos at first, but they were rambles - so I just decided to condense the same thoughts to one video and managed to do that with this one.
@israelisaac7613 8 жыл бұрын
I'm an INFJ too an I real lice something, even though we have the same personality type we are not the same, you might think of course, you know, even though I don't talk a lot in classes, to the people I talk too I talk a lot, not only that money doesn't stressed me out like that but that might be because I'm only 15, oh yeah also everywhere I go I become popular, sometimes I have to run away, people talking so much you know. It makes me happy to know that there is someone like me out there you know :)
@kaleba5203 10 жыл бұрын
I /definitely/ struggle with perfectionism, and I still do! I relate to the "different level" thing. I definitely felt that growing up. But now I feel like I'm just on a different planet than most people now that I'm out of high school. I am currently going through a period of depression, and I have struggled with it in the past. Mental illness is a really difficult thing to go through. Tonight I've been reading and watching stuff about INFJ personalities, and I'm realizing that my INFJ-ness (the positive qualities at least) could be brought out a lot more if I weren't depressed. I think my depression and anxiety sometimes disguises some of the qualities, too - like empathy; I can be really empathetic, but my low self esteem makes me envious of people or makes my pain feel invalidated by another's. And stuff like that.
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
That's a great question. I think there is a tension for us in that happiness, for us, is more so the absence of negative emotions rather than the presence of positive (hence we tend to be conflict avoiding). But further, the types of activity/being that make us most satisfied are best done in private (and if they are done in public they appear very "serious-looking"). I think most people, until they really get to know us, won't be able to see our inner joy & we also shouldn't feel bad for this.
@sunshineyang4 11 жыл бұрын
I'm an INFJ and I've always been a perfectionist..but maybe it's with all INFJ's. I've also been told that I'm very mature for my age also and I've been lonely through my middle and high school years. I totally understand you. I also didn't know that Facebook had an INFJ group! I'll definitely have to check it out and join! I'm glad to hear that we have a group... INFJ's are so rare and I need some talking time to vent with people who finally understands. What are you majoring in college?
@thehunt098 11 жыл бұрын
Great seeing more INFJ guys talking!
@rominaschnelle3544 11 жыл бұрын
I can relate. Growing up I did feel an increase in emotional and mental maturity than some of my peers. I was always told by others that I was very sensitive, and it came across in a negative light. I always felt different from the majority of people my age, and I feel like I'm 40 years old on the inside, when in reality I'm 22. I noticed from a very young age that my friends, and the people I felt most understood by were always older than me.
@CaptainSrzBznz 12 жыл бұрын
if we knew each other in rl, we'd definitely be buddies. infj guys are so rare as is, and it's nice to have a male infj friend b/c we'd actually have someone to understand us. everything u talked about resonated with me as well :)
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching! I love getting email notifications that people have watched and commented on this video. :)
@Vivungisport 12 жыл бұрын
All you saying remind me of myself when I was young, incredible ! I wish I done the MBti test in your age, that would make a big difference later in my life. Anyway, I know that you are fantastic ( as an INFJ it is quite easy to perceive ). Remember that sometimes ( not to say often ) the people around us can not understand why other personality types are like they are. For a minoity ( INFJ etc. ) it can beacome confusing. Doubts can start to grow inside( it did for me anyway ), ( see part 2 ).
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I do suspect struggling with perfectionism is an inherent INFJ thing. You're right, learning boundaries (both for ourselves and of life and others) is crucial - also harvesting realistic beliefs and developing a sense of humor can do wonders.
@cjadream7 11 жыл бұрын
I totally get you on all your points! On feeling different growing up, perfectionism (to the point where it gets you down), feeling more mature etc. An example of my perfectionism: I play the piano, but sometimes it gets to the point where I won't practice because I don't like hearing my mistakes. (Also, nervousness in speaking in front of crowds). There are some positives though. One being, on feeling more mature: I remember having deep thoughts as a child lol.
@TwilightMoon777 11 жыл бұрын
INFP sometimes INFJ here. I can totally relate to your own experiences. What you went through in high school I feel like I'm going through right now as a college student. It sucks but slowly but surely I feel as if the path is becoming a lot more clearer for me too. Like you, I'm a major perfectionist. I have people telling me all the time to not be so hard on myself. I also once had someone say that my expectations are too high. None of these things really make sense to me though.
@wafflelover16 11 жыл бұрын
Im an INFJ and i totally know how you feel, im currently a sophmore in high school. and i also have been struggling with understanding who i am and depression and what i thought was bipolar. im still struggling to deal with these things and knowing that im not alone is really comforting.
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
That makes a lot of sense to me. In my experience as a philosophizing and reflective perfectionist I eventually concluded that perfection is not something impossible to attain but rather that it is a moving target - thus, it is a very wearisome target to seek to attain. However the thing with perfection-ism/ists is that they never think in terms of perfection - they only think in terms of being (or doing) "good enough" but their "good enough" is everybody else's idea of perfection pretty much.
@Ultimatequinoxe 12 жыл бұрын
Big thanks and respect ! ( from a fellow infj in the uk )
@mandyloop1 12 жыл бұрын
I have been with my INFJ fiance for 2 years. -great counselor but I feel protective of him as he can become very vulnerable most times -depressed when he has his perfectionism come out -He was uprooted many times from his comfy life and this has made him want more time when making a big decision. -The main thing we talk about is the tug-of-war in himself; he craves adventure and is capable of it BUT he needs security so badly as well
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I totally get that. Yes, it is a journey to realize one's limits/boundaries. I think it's rite of passage for a lot of INFJs to have to become more "realistic" about themselves/life - and resisting this only causes more inward strife and depression. I remember giving up my incurably passionate, idealistic and perfectionist drive felt like killing a part of myself that I needed in order to live. Living as a perfectionist gives some level of comfort and certainty, but it's not worth it in the end.
@noradiculous 11 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm an INFJ but the first time I took the quiz I got ENFJ so I see what youre saying about trying to act like more extroverted types. I think that has definitely become a coping mechanism for me.
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Haha, I'm sooo glad somebody understood that. It's kinda an odd concept to most people cause the majority of the population is Sensing not iNtuitive. Your last sentence there describes it perfectly for me - I'm exactly the same way. I'm really trying to grow in that area though, especially as I'm moving closer to living on my own and getting a job after college etc. But it's hard and it definitely almost always comes out of necessity and with a good measure of anxiety too. Good to hear from you!
@keisukemurata4970 11 жыл бұрын
awesome video. it helps explain a lot of things and yea, i can relate to most of the comments below! i would love to learn more though...
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
That makes me glad! Like I said in the vid, we all need to feel that way - that we're not alone, weird or different in a bad way. :) This is a quote I've been thinking about lately: “What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own.” We need to speak up if we hope to find other people like us, no matter how scary authenticity can be.
@user-jq4vc8te9l 11 жыл бұрын
I agreed with pretty much everything you said, im lucky that i met another infj when i was 8, and now 7 years later shes still one of my best friends :)
@MIchelle4reel 11 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you on the career and job thing...and when you get a full time job, make sure you love it, because those feelings only get worse.
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
I'm glad! That's why I made it - so people could relate and know they're not alone. :) Thanks for watching!
@Multitasku 12 жыл бұрын
Thank You so much for this vid.
@lokiwun 11 жыл бұрын
I'm still a perfectionist but my ideas of what constitutes perfection have broadened and widened dramatically, while still remaining true to my core values, which helps a lot;
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks. I realize there is some risk in being so honest. But I also realize that we have no hope of connecting to other people like us unless we risk being honest. Here's a quote I like that kind of relates this: “What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).
@stevendouglas5132 10 жыл бұрын
Being DIFFERENT is suicidal!!! "THEY" told me I was not alone in this WORLD, but, I never believed "THEM", until now!!! I blamed everything ON ME when something went wrong, only because I felt I was different. So, everything became my FAULT!!! That's the POSITIVE to my "STORY".....It's too difficult to tell you more.
@FruitarianSwimster 11 жыл бұрын
Your speaking skills are fantastic and very well rounded. I'd love to hear how it developed for you, as it's very difficult to translate many of the inner impressions that spark up inside into words.
@itsmartharaye 11 жыл бұрын
Aw thanks =] My partners claim that I always take relationships 'way too seriously'. I do take relationships really seriously. When I feel a strong connection with someone I treat them like they're going to be my true soulmate, and most college guys don't like that. But that's what I'm looking for-- one person who loves as deeply as I do and truly understands the way I am. I was reading some INFJ blogs, and these are common feelings for INFJs coming out of disappointing relationships.
@faridsimpson 11 жыл бұрын
Being an INFJ is very difficult. Especially when dealing with extroverts, it really gets tired to keep up with them. Knowing I was an INFJ, now I know why i liked going on solitary walks compared to my friends.
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah, finding out I am an INFJ has improved my life and self-understanding and ability to relate to other people tremendously. Thanks for watching! :)
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
I would have to say that's probably the exception to the rule that INFJs tend to feel different/bad. But that's absolutely awesome that you've never really had to deal with that terrible lie. Maybe you have a couple awesome friends or really supportive/understanding parents that have contributed to this? I wonder, cause, I think the INFJ, when alone, often succumbs to this feeling different/bad stuff. I think that's a very strong and awesome perspective though! One I wish I could have had sooner
@Stoofbird11 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
@lp1 11 жыл бұрын
What's this Facebook group called? Good video! I'm an INFJ to and haven't found another INFJ, or at least, one that's open about it. Celebrate your uniqueness and abilities 😌
@Stoofbird11 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah I've been really busy with school and soccer this week, but when I have more time I'm interested to check out some of that stuff you sent :)
@rennamix 11 жыл бұрын
Hi @Stoofbird11 - INFJ (MBTI enthusiasts here) - I think perfectionism and depression goes hand in hand and is actually a cycle for INFJs to battle with for their entire lives. Not only do we have high standards for others but even higher for ourselves. When we meet short of those standards or fail
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