The Killing of Trayvon Martin

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6 жыл бұрын

Another depressing video that I felt compelled to make. Apologies, folks.
• Video
• Raw Video: George Zimm...
/ shaun_jen
/ shaun_jen
Patrons, plz see patreon for a note about the credits.

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@arleencloud9461 6 жыл бұрын
"God works in mysterious and racially biased ways"
@HxH2011DRA 6 жыл бұрын
Best line XD
@BulletTheEnforcer 5 жыл бұрын
If the ways are simply mysterious, then it's the Devil, not God! If the ways are racially biased, but not mysterious, then it's God! The key component is the racial bias. "Walks slowly away while shedding patriot MAGA tears of transcendent freedom."
@phil6748 4 жыл бұрын
Arleen Cloud god seems to be absent when it comes to race issues
@slothful2039 4 жыл бұрын
@@phil6748 No he's very present according to some people's religious philosophies. Manifest destiny never really left some people they got quieter but it's still there.
@glidercoach 4 жыл бұрын
In my old neighborhood, if you looked at someone the wrong way, you could be killed. Nobody would ever look you in the eyes, for more than a split second, for fear of a confrontation or an assault. If someone tells you, "What you lookin' at?", you're in some deep, _deep_ trouble. Been there, done that. It's not a stretch to think Martin attacked Zimmerman to teach him a lesson for following him. That's the way of the hood.
@jesusfingers8961 5 жыл бұрын
Let's just remember the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin auctioned off for $138,900. That speaks volumes in and of itself
@bhanuposwal7765 2 жыл бұрын
Wait Did that actually happen ?
@fookinkoont 2 жыл бұрын
@@bhanuposwal7765 yep, the wanna-be cop did end up auctioning the gun after getting it back. He also sued the Martin family for damages.
@NecroMady 2 жыл бұрын
@@fookinkoont “hey so like, I was the instigator and cause of your 17 YEAR OLD CHILD’s death, but obviously I’m the real victim, I deserve compensation. Disregard me selling the murder weapon, probably to a KKK chapter, I obviously am hard on money.” More I learn about this asshole, the more I really want to encounter him in the wild and throw a punch. (Don’t worry I won’t die since I’m a white woman, though given his history it would be a one sided fight. Not like it wouldn’t be worth it.)
@LearnedSophistry 2 жыл бұрын
@@NecroMady good ish news, months later, the judge threw the lawsuit case out
@NecroMady 2 жыл бұрын
@@LearnedSophistry Thank you for the update, I appreciate it friend! Slight irritation that it was entertained at all, but at least it was dismissed
@theomegajuice8660 3 жыл бұрын
The "you got a problem... well you do now!" line is so obviously made up by Zimmerman. Real people don't talk like martial arts B-movie extras
@crishealingvtuber8626 3 жыл бұрын
I know right? Goodness gracious. And him using the phone in that moment, please.
@Guadeloop 3 жыл бұрын
this line sounds like it was taken from an 80's batman movie,, really
@thewhitefalcon8539 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes they do. I can imagine an actual thug using that line to sound cool
@thewhitefalcon8539 3 жыл бұрын
@Empty nuts yeah but i could also imagine an actual thug using it
@northernnaysayer1240 3 жыл бұрын
@@thewhitefalcon8539 I'm sure you can imagine a lot of things. Doesn't mean they're real though, an actual real life thug wouldn't say anything at all, they'd have beaten Zimmerman to death before he knew they were there.
@ShadowFire2921 4 жыл бұрын
"I still believe it to be relevant." 2020 everyone. 8 years later and it's even more relevant today.
@crishealingvtuber8626 3 жыл бұрын
even more relevant rn
@gq_barry 3 жыл бұрын
It always has been relevant. I'm so fatigued
@ShadowFire2921 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry you have to go through all this. If I’m there I’ll hug you, but I’m probably not.
@theomegajuice8660 3 жыл бұрын
Give it another 100 years and maybe it stop being relvant because we've all drowned by rising sea levels
@gq_barry 3 жыл бұрын
@@theomegajuice8660 what do you mean by that?
@FieldMarshalFry 6 жыл бұрын
do you really expect the people who would defend Zimmerman to watch the ENTIRE video? it's over 8 Sargon's long!
@ripyungbruh8157 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry but the thugs not the one hunting down a young boy whos not armed for walking to the store and back. LOGIC
@femmedracula6857 6 жыл бұрын
Trayvon Martin was 5'11" and 17 years old, and here is an example of how white people lie to characterize black boys as brutal thugs to justify their murders.
@femmedracula6857 6 жыл бұрын
Oh no, it's a guy paying money for Skittles and an Arizona Ice Tea. Yeah, so what? I spend money at the convenience store all the time. Lots of people do. It's normal. I don't see what the problem is? Oh, wait, I do see what the problem is - this is a video of an innocent man buying candy and a beverage while breaking no laws very shortly before he was brutally killed for committing no crime. And you're trying to argue that there is something *intrinsic* to who Trayvon Martin was that justifies Zimmerman's murder of Trayvon Martin. Not that he committed any crimes. Your previous comment implies that his height alone justified killing him, as if being *tall* is somehow criminal, at least for Black people. You also implied that his age justified killing him, and even lied about his age (he was a teenaged boy, not a "young man") to do so. The reason you're doing these things - lying about Trayvon Martin's height, saying that his height justified his death, lying about his age, saying that his age justified his death, and saying that how he looked in the 7-11 when he broke no laws justified his death - has nothing to do with Trayvon himself and everything to do with your own racist views. You're spouting this stuff as if it's self-evident, but it's not. It only makes sense if you already hate Black people. I like how you assume that all my knowledge about Trayvon Martin came from this video. As if I just sprang fully formed and armored from Zeus' brow yesterday, ready to defend Trayvon for no reason. I also like how you assume I'm black, 'cause I'm white. I guess that gave you an excuse to say some racist stuff to me about believing the media. The reality is you believe the media you agree with, while insisting that the media you disagree with is somehow false. This is just you setting up an echo chamber, a safe space for you to reassure yourself that Black people are really dangerously violent and that Black people just existing is a good enough reason to kill them in the streets. And that makes you a bad person. Sorry not sorry, I don't make the rules.
@femmedracula6857 6 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, I got the specific variety of Arizona beverage Trayvon Martin bought wrong. Okay, so it was watermelon juice cocktail. So what? It's still legal to buy watermelon juice cocktail. I don't believe Trayvon bought Skittles and Arizona watermelon juice cocktail to make a drug concoction, but let's say for the sake of argument he did. Does that mean he deserved to die? No. I mean, this is typical racist crap wherein Black people are positioned as deserving to die because they took a picture of a gun or smoked some pot, and like these aren't things people are supposed to get killed for in the US, so even if what you say about him making Lean is true, it doesn't justify Zimmerman's murder of Trayvon Martin. As far as the video, there are two things going on here: The clerk is slouching in the video, and Trayvon is standing straight up. The other thing is perspective - Trayvon is closer to the camera and thus appears larger because fucking ~perspective~ works that way. If you look at them at 28 seconds, when they're standing in line with each other and the clerk stands up straight, they look pretty close to the same height. Plus, I'm going to believe the autopsy report over a grainy video and the autopsy report records his height at 5'11." I realize either your response was deleted, but it was so wrongity wrong that I had to say something.
@femmedracula6857 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, autopsy reports are the media. Security camera videos are the media. Who told you that Trayvon Martin was buying the drink + skittles to make lean, exactly? Who told you that Trayvon Martin was an adult? Who told you that personal attacks constitute a valid argument? You've painted yourself into a corner so all that's left for you to do is to lash out. Thank you for acknowledging that I know the facts better than you do.
@Riko1980 6 жыл бұрын
Its amazing how defenders of Zimmerman liked to claim he acted fairly because Trayvon was supposedly a thug (even though he wasn't even doing *anything* illegal at the time he was stalked and then killed) whilst conveniently overlooking the fact that Zimmerman had a long and violent history of assaulting alot of people , including his own family members. This case honestly gets more sickening the more you analyse it.
@hedgehog3180 6 жыл бұрын
BenkethePirate Self defense is not illegal.
@Sitarman345 6 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, results based analysis. How fun. Zimmerman was found not guilty therefore its proven Martin assaulted Zimmerman and he shot him in self defense. Wow, some real heavyweight deduction there. Also, straight up laughing about someone being shot when the only witness to assign any guilt is a proven liar who willfully disregarded the police. You know why Zimmerman walks free? Because the American Justice system is deeply flawed and the holes in it are constantly being taken advantage of. He fatally shot an unarmed person. It is indisputable. He never needed to confront Tayvon Martin. It is indisputable. Trayvon Martin did not need to die. It is indisputable. And yet he did. And yet Zimmerman did confront him. And yet he walks free. But hey, the justice system worked, right? Yeah, it sure did.
@LauraGrrrr5370 6 жыл бұрын
All George Zimmerman had to do was stay in his truck and nothing bad would've happened.
@thomasw8625 6 жыл бұрын
Sitarman345 there were witnesses to trayvon beating up zimmerman, also zimmermans busted up face from trayvon beating him up is proof. No proof he confronted trayvon though.
@Sitarman345 6 жыл бұрын
However there is proof that Zimmerman never had to be in that situation. It's a matter of opinion entirely whether or not Martin was justified in defending himself by attacking Zimmerman, whether it was Martin or Zimmerman who initiated it, and whether Zimmerman was justified in using his gun in self-defense. It's not a matter of opinion whether or not Zimmerman could've avoided it. He called 911, dispatch told him not to pursue and he pursued anyway. There's no proof of anything, the witness merely stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. That doesn't mean Martin initiated the contact. If you're arguing that being beaten up is justification to shoot someone then I don't want to ever meet you in real life.
@davidalexander3320 2 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman later sued Martin's family for $100 million and it was just recently dismissed. Just in case you were wondering if he was complete garbage or not.
@bradlee2594 2 жыл бұрын
That lawsuit is no indication whether Zimmerman is garbage or not. The evidence the lawsuit is based on should be front page news until it is proven or disproven as credible. But the media has no interest.
@salemcorriea5157 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, I'd assumed Zimmerman was an absolute garbage human being when he started bragging about selling the gun he used to kill Trayvon for a pretty penny. But what exactly was his justification for suing? I can't even picture a reason to sue Martin's family even if Martin were the caricature that Zimmerman has painted.
@ratatoskr5561 Жыл бұрын
@@salemcorriea5157 from what a quick Google tells me it was a defamation case, apparently he tried to claim that his reputation was ruined. His lawyer also claimed he now lives in constant fear of attack and often receives death threats when he appears in public and that Zimmerman suffers from PTSD and depression
@salemcorriea5157 Жыл бұрын
@@ratatoskr5561 Ya know, from what I see of him when he comes up, part of me really doubts it was a legitimate suit, especially since he's milked the situation for money before.
@arbab2569 Жыл бұрын
@@ratatoskr5561 I'm happy society outcasts him. He should be in jail. I'm glad more people aren't tolerating his b.s. He can move to a KKK area for safety if he cares about his safety.
@TempestAmethyst 6 жыл бұрын
I don't want to make it sound as if all black people are constantly living in fear, but this stuff absolutely changes how we walk through life. Travyon was born the same year as me, so I was in high school when this happened, and I vividly remember how school felt afterwards.The months after this incident, I stopped wearing hoodies to school because I started to get harassed about it being a so called political statement. My younger brothers still don't walk around in them if they can help it because they're more likely to be considered suspicious, and it's hard to forget how many people tried to blame every little thing on Trayvon. The hoodie looked suspicious, he tried marijuana once, he was no angel, so on and so forth. If you're 16 year old me at that time, and you have teenaged brothers, it feels like it could be you or someone you know next.
@nope8083 3 жыл бұрын
@@travispenningon > sees guy outside > he isn't doing anything but looks suspicious, so better safe than sorry > calls police to help clear up situation > wait nah sike even though he's not doing anything I'm gonna get him myself
@overgrownkudzu 3 жыл бұрын
i'm not black so i don't know what it's like, but i can imagine it feels like when i think about where i go and keeping my distance walking home at night because i just know that men can be really scary and hurt me. it's not like you get up with it and go to sleep with those thoughts, but it's always in the back of your head that you need to be careful, wear clothing to not attract attention etc. and because you know if something does happen people will tell you it was because of your short skirt or why were you even alone outside at night. except probably worse because in parts of the US literally anyone could have a gun.
@CARBONHAWK1 3 жыл бұрын
@@travispenningon you’re really pulling ass hairs here. Hiding behind bushes and houses? Where tf you get that from? What would his motive be to do so after buying a drink and snacks? Not everyone’s first thought is to call police.
@jumperguy9867 3 жыл бұрын
@@CARBONHAWK1 How about YOU explain why, as Zimmerman didn't know where Trayvon even was, and continued to talk to the dispatcher without ever going south of the east-west sidewalk, Trayvon Martin didn't manage to make it home - a slow walk that would have had him INSIDE watching TV for more than 30-40 seconds BEFORE Zimmerman's phone call ended. How is it that instead, Trayvon was at the EXACT spot he had been at several minutes earlier? Why wasn't he home already, instead of in a fight with Zimmerman? The phone call PROVES Zimmerman wasn't chasing him, and had no idea where he was.
@CARBONHAWK1 3 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 if he wasn’t following Trayvon then why the fuck did he text his girlfriend that someone was following him, tf would he lie to his girl about that of all things. At the end of the day Zimmerman is alive and Trayvon’s dead, we are all going off by his words.
@ADot-fi1ny 6 жыл бұрын
I remember Stefan once argued that these unarmed black guys were actually 'armed' Because they have two arms on their bodies.
@maxfieldstanton5411 6 жыл бұрын
That sounds like the type of sophistic bullshit argument he'd make.
@discordant8543 6 жыл бұрын
A. Yusuf I'm not surprised
@BollocksUtwat 6 жыл бұрын
The right to grizzly bear arms.
@yltraviole 6 жыл бұрын
"argumentum ad dad-jokium"
@Devilot109 6 жыл бұрын
... Y-You're kidding, right? He's a surreal misogynistic Nazi who is wrong on literally everything, but even he wouldn't...
@upstageprism 6 жыл бұрын
imagine saying goodbye to your son because he wants to go to the store, and you never see him alive again. a human’s life with so much potential, destroyed for nothing. Rest in power Trayvon Martin.
@hanulination3134 6 жыл бұрын
upstageprism Imagine saying nothing at all to your son going to store because "He'll be back in 20 minutes" and then regretting it for the rest of your life :(
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
upstageprism He upstaged you moron.
@upstageprism 6 жыл бұрын
wish i could take you seriously but you did just call me a pissant and i'm still laughing x
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
upstageprism Trayvon's mom kicked him out of her house and told him to go live with his dad. She couldn't handle his crap. She was 200 miles away. Where was daddy? He was in a motel room with the woman who he cheated on his 2nd wife with. He had cheated on Trayvon's mom when Trayvon was 3 and Trayvon lived with his dad and stepmom for 14 years. There were 3 crimes that Trayvon would have been charged with at school if he hadn't been black. He got school suspension instead. 1. Punching a bus driver in the face. Trayvon had a violent temper. 2. He was caught with 12 pieces of stolen woman's jewelry. 3. He was caught with a weed pipe and a baggie with marijuana residue.
@dustengilchrist6374 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery So all those things warranted him being stalked and murdered for no reason? You can bring up as much of his past as you want, the fact of the matter is that he didn't commit a crime before being confronted by Zimmerman You racist assholes are really trying to justify the cold blooded murder of an unarmed teen, who was looked at and stalked only because he was black in a hoodie? fuck off.. The dude was walking home from the store, and assholes like you want to attack him now that he can't defend his name.. eat a bag of dicks scum..
@Pandaman2204 4 жыл бұрын
This video is unfortunately relevant again.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
This video is a piece of crap. The Trayvon Martin shooting was about a teenager thug who attacked a man and got his ass shot for it. The death in Minneapolis was 180 degrees different.
@gwordly23 4 жыл бұрын
Jumper Guy it was a racist killing. Pretty clear.
@Pandaman2204 4 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 Ironically I posted this after Ahmud Aubry was killed, these things happen so often so I imagine it's easy to mistake who I was referring to.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@gwordly23 - Pretty clear? IT? You mean Trayvon Martin's killing? It wasn't clearly a racist killing according to the FBI, under BLACK Attorney General Eric Holder and under BLACK President Barack Obama, interviewed 36 different former co-workers, friends and associates of Zimmerman, including his ex-girlfriend, with whom he had a fiery relationship, ALL of whom said Zimmerman didn't have a racist bone in his body. Hell, hen Zimmerman called the police dispatcher and was asked whether the guy (Trayvon Martin) was black, white or hispanic, Zimmerman replied with "He LOOKS black." Zimmerman wasn't even certain of Trayvon's ethnicity until a little later when he saw him closer. How about some evidence that makes you think Zimmerman shot Trayvon as a result of racism?
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@Pandaman2204 - "These things" DON'T happen so often. What happens so often is that ANY time a non white kills a black man - regardless of the circumstances, racism is alleged - no matter WHAT the evidence shows.
@scoutfungi1771 4 жыл бұрын
i'm a white person who grew up in a rural white area, and the trayvon case was my first exposure to the concerns of the blm movement. i was pretty young, and the case was playing on my grandma's TV through fox news. even as a middle schooler unaware of anything that happens outside of my little bubble, i could tell something was amiss about it, but i quickly forgot about the whole event because it didn't affect me and "it was just that one guy". then my family got internet access. i made friends with black people at school. i realized after actually doing research that the trayvon case was definitely not Just That One Guy. my friend came to me scared one day because a cop pulled her over on her bike, and when she reached for her school ID, he reached for his gun. from that point on she would ask her white friends to go with her to the store. at 19, i sat in the passenger seat as my black housemate sat through 30 minute interrogations because she "matched the description of someone" the cop was "looking for", but the cop could never tell us why exactly she was pulled over... interrogations plural because that sort of thing happened every few weeks. white people who think the blm movement is terrorism are still living in that bubble i was in in middle school. what is it the antisjws say? "maybe you should go outside..."
@scoutfungi1771 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman maybe if you say it enough times it will make it true
@scoutfungi1771 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman i already read the transcript. i somehow doubt you even watched the video you're commenting on though...
@scoutfungi1771 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman i mean... if you're just going to call me a liar i don't know what to tell you... should i reread it again? i'm glad you care enough to have come back to the video though
@scoutfungi1771 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman Michael Bowman i've read it twice actually! i've been into civil rights for years... as a teenager the first time i saw someone mention it online, and again the first time i saw this video. is it really so unbelievable to you that someone would read a court transcript? even if i were to read it again and provide you with a list of reasons i believe what i do in relation to the case, or even - god forbid - direct you to some further reading, you don't seem to be into anything beyond mindlessly jabbing at people on the internet. if you want to actually make a point, you will have to present a case besides simply saying your take and then calling the other person names when they say that, yes, they've read your contextual "evidence." i do think one of us has a confirmation bias, but i don't think it's me... may our comments boost shaun's video to others' recommendeds
@scoutfungi1771 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman again, calling me a liar isn't accomplishing anything... what if i turned around and called you a liar when you said you watched the trial because "why would anyone watch something so long"? sounds silly, right? we've established that we've both gone over the court case and shaun's video. so, by guest, you mean he was visiting his fiancee. the only evidence anyone has for the claim that trayvon was committing a felony is zimmerman's testimony. like shaun states in his video, there were no other witnesses. people who kill people very heavily tend to lie about it in court, especially when there is no other testimony. shaun already pointed out some problems with his testimony that would imply that he is willing to lie... that you don't seem to agree with, going by the one statement you've made, but you haven't actually said anything about it. that's why i say you haven't made any point. do you believe that everything a court decides is automatically true? have you read to kill a mockingbird, and assumedly understand the concept that bias affects your interpretation of reality? if you've gotten that far but don't see how it relates to police or the modern justice system, you should look into slave patrols and jim crow laws for some historical context. some books i recommend about systemic racism and white vs. black narratives, a very necessary concept to understand if you're going to be talking about a discriminatory justice system: 》"black skin, white masks" by frantz fanon, a 1952 book 》"why i'm no longer talking to white people about race" by reni eddo-lodge, a 2017 book 》you've surely read "white fragility", since it's basically all about white peoples' response to being confronted with the idea of racism, and also the white guilt you mentioned? here's a blog post that compiles a bunch of different reports. i'm sure you won't believe any of it, but if you respond simply with "this is a false media narrative", i would like to hear where you get your information from? and finally, let's think big picture: in my original comment, which i'm assuming you didn't like because you responded to it, i was referencing how this is just one case in a long history of cases like it. let's say this murder went exactly as you and zimmerman said it did. are we then going to move on to argue about dontre hamilton, eric garner, michael brown, laguan mcdonald, tamir rice, and the hundreds of other noted deaths? either you've been misled/are misunderstanding some part of the blm movement, or you genuinely maliciously believe in something like white supremacy. where exactly are you going with this? go ahead and call me names for talking about my real life experiences and the model of reality that explains it, but it doesn't change the fact that this stuff actually affects a lot of people. why do you believe what you believe?
@comradejeb2009 6 жыл бұрын
If you look close enough at the walkthrough video you can see that Zimmerman's pants are on fire
@sirenwizard 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry Who hurt you?
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Siren Are you hurt?
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry what? George was a douche, who lied in court and committed manslaughter.
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
VMohdude - Trayvon was the douche and died for it. George did not lie in court, try again. The jury was given the chance at the end of the trial to find George Zimmerman guilty of manslaughter if they could not agree on 2nd degree murder. The verdict was not guilty of 2nd degree murder and not guilty of manslaughter. Do you even know anything about this case?
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry but he did lie, Shawn just provides examples of Zimmerman lying. How was Trayvon a douche exactly, what did he do? And are you saying that if the jury says you’re all clear, then it’s done? So OJ is not a murderer then. Did you even watch this video or did you just leave after a minute?
@zombieedrea 6 жыл бұрын
Every time I hear/read about Zimmerman thinking Trayvon had something in his hand, I remember that the poor kid was holding a bag of skittles and a can of Arizona ice tea. And let's not even talk about Zimmerman's behavior after the trial was all said and done. I don't understand how somebody could not be eaten alive with guilt. Even if he really, truly thought that Trayvon was a criminal, that his life was in danger, after seeing that this person was innocent, how could he not feel any type of remorse? He killed a child. Does that not keep him up at night? Even years after this case, even after seeing people's reactions to the killings of Tamir Rice and Philando Castile and Freddie Grey and Alton Sterling, people's lack of empathy *still* manages to shock me. And then these same people have the gall to compare BLM activists to the KKK and calling them terrorists. I mean, godfuckingdamn.
@unnamedenemy9 6 жыл бұрын
It's because they aren't just bigots, they're fucking cowards. They're too afraid to actually face what may be wrong with themselves, their party, their ideology, and their country. So instead they blame everything on liberals and minorities since that gives them an easy out for ignoring real problems. It's the same thing they're doing with the NFL kneeling during the anthem, and it isn't going to change anytime soon because it's so easy for them to do.
@GARY84ROCKS 6 жыл бұрын
Actually unnamedenemy9, I blame the media more than those other things, but you can continue assuming and feeling resentment & superiority if you choose. Free country.
@GARY84ROCKS 6 жыл бұрын
+zombiedrea Meh. Play the "child" card all you desire. "Skittles and ice tea"? What? This is still a political discussion. Empathy is never enough for your ilk unless it matches exactly the brand you demand.
@umbra1091 6 жыл бұрын
FLYING DREAM PRODUCTIONS The fuck are you talking about, pal? OP is allowed to acknowledge that Trayvon /was/ a child who had his life stolen from him by a pathetic adult. I was younger than Trayvon when he was shot by Zimmerman; I'm now older than Trayvon was when he died. And the older I get, the more surreal it seems that Zimmerman feels no guilt for cutting a young life short. Trayvon was walking home from the shop, with a snack and a drink, and was killed by a pathetic, wife-beating bit of trash. That's it. Facts. Just because he's black doesn't mean he wasn't a child. Making Trayvon seem older than he was has always been a smear tactic used against him- to somehow justify that his life was taken away from him. Let people acknowledge that he was a child and mourn it, for fuck's sake. I imagine you probably thought that Tamir Rice was a big scary thug, too, instead of a little boy gunned down by a moron who should have never seen service.
@unnamedenemy9 6 жыл бұрын
FLYING DREAM PRODUCTIONS That's a mighty convenient excuse. It doesn't explain the consistent trend of people blaming the victim when they're black nor does it explain why people like Finicum and Zimmerman are given a free pass, but it's certainly convenient.
@Frizzleman 4 жыл бұрын
What leads me to believe Zimmerman reached for his gun is that Trayvon Martin was fatally shot in the chest
@The_Jazziest_Coffee 2 жыл бұрын
e x a c t l y
@mikejones9961 2 жыл бұрын
after he was jumped
@dariocarraresi1823 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikejones9961 By Zimmerman.
@dariocarraresi1823 2 жыл бұрын
@marcd Pretend that you are carrying a gun on you. I jump on you, and we struggle; during the fight, you manage to take out the gun and shoot me ONCE. Alright, now pretend that you're carrying a gun, and I'm 2 meters/6-7 feet away from you. You take out your gun and shoot me ONCE. In what scenario is easier to fatally shoot me in the chest?
@mikejones9961 2 жыл бұрын
@@dariocarraresi1823 there are witnesses that Thug boy was beating Zim
@Linesweeper 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing like scrolling down and reading 2 guys personally insult half the comments over the span of 2 years while defending Zimmerman like it's their godgiven mission.
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing like scrolling down and seeing ignorant lying racist cowards like Trayvon Martin supporters. Lol
@nightandfayeify 4 жыл бұрын
Oh dude, you summoned him!!
@Hehe-nt4oe 4 жыл бұрын
I really want to make an alt account called Male Slavery Analysis or whatever the other one is called and say *whomst has awakened the ancient one*
@TahtahmesDiary 4 жыл бұрын
You'd honestly think they were being paid which kinda shows they know there's benefits for certain people/communities to maintaining the white supremacist system.
@berend213 4 жыл бұрын
the dude is still replying btw, there's some from a month ago now. I mean at least he's dedicated but maybe he should dedicate himself to something productive and useful
@OsefKincaid 6 жыл бұрын
I remember when Philando Castille was shot, I had this notion that it would be a bad idea for BLM to put it at the forefront of their movement, because this cop was so obviously guilty that there was no way he wouldn't be convicted, and thus the other side could after that pretend that the system is working fine using a highly publicized case. And then he got off anyway. That's what I thought about when you said the shooting of Levar Edward Jones was a "clear cut case". There's some naivete from us Europeans when we look at cases involving police officers in America.
@shadowshatto 6 жыл бұрын
What was the officer guilty of if I may ask? Yeah Castile died but that doesn't make someone guilty of murder automatically if they are in fear of their life, citizens have the same self defense laws. That he was shot because he was black or that officer's fear black people more or just that he did die?
@eeneremadu 6 жыл бұрын
Shatto then you get charged with involuntary manslaughter... Saying "Im scared" isn't a defense. The cop want acting in self defense as Castike want even in a position to attack him.
@barneyrubble3393 6 жыл бұрын
Shatto fuck off.
@badsocks756 6 жыл бұрын
Shatto 3rd degree murder or some equivalent. That's what he's guilty of. Being afraid because Castile was reaching for his license (a regular occurrence in traffic stops BTW) is not a reason to shoot him in the arm and almost blow it clear off. Moreover, that use of force was INSANELY disproportionate to whatever perceived threat there may have been. The officer could have tased or pepper sprayed him -- there was no justification for lethal force. Get a fucking grip. Seriously.
@miserychickadee 6 жыл бұрын
"citizens have the same self defense laws" They really don't. A black woman in Florida was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon when she fired warning shots at her ex who was threatening to murder her, while advancing on her. The "stand your ground" aspect of self-defense did nothing for her, even though she was in her own home and facing a deadly threat.
@DrXmas 6 жыл бұрын
I'm continually baffled by people who wring their hands about tyranny and persecution and even genocide over things like taxes on the rich, environmental regulations, being wished "Happy Holidays," videogame feminist videos, or too many non-white cis male characters in the latest installments of some nerd franchise, but are completely on board with armed government agents shooting people, and say black people upset about being shot and killed are whiny.
@jimmykrabklaw1216 5 жыл бұрын
Because some people suck.
@Odinsday 5 жыл бұрын
Because those people don't want to face the honest truth. It's easier to sit back and watch chaos ensue rather than jump into it to gain a better understanding of the situation.
@ard1805 5 жыл бұрын
How many innocent black people get killed by cops or security each year?
@duustincrawford2945 4 жыл бұрын
@@Eric-vh3ur you sure did type a while lot of nothing no-one will ever read...
@disappointingperson9162 4 жыл бұрын
@shrededasfuark the comment wasn't about this specific case?
@abbeykins4ever 4 жыл бұрын
even without taking the racial identities of zimmerman and martin into account, it's really frustrating how zimmerman's account is so contradictory and flawed but still accepted by police, and meanwhile rape victims are required to account the day of their own assaults in detail and any single discrepancy is enough to call them a liar. the fact that zimmerman can get away with these lies is just further proof the system is broken and biased.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman's account was never accepted by police. The EVIDENCE is what caused the jury to find him not guilty.
@joshuajames6481 3 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 this assertion is wrong on multiple levels
@jumperguy9867 3 жыл бұрын
@@joshuajames6481 - easy to say....the original prosecutor who refused to bring charges acted on evidence collected by the police....THAT is why Zimmerman wasn't charged originally, and finally, why he was acquitted....the EVIDENCE.
@joshuajames6481 3 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 he was overcharged by the prosecutor and there was evidence for those charges. He mostly likely would've been found guilty of manslaughter or something like that if that was the case brought forward. So you're right somewhat but he definitely committed a crime he should have done the time for
@jumperguy9867 3 жыл бұрын
@@joshuajames6481 - wrong. Self-defense trumps ANY kind of homicide charge. It was clear in all the testimony that the evidence showed Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he shot Trayvon Martin. It's really that simple. You can claim all the coulda, woulda BS you want. It just ain't so. It was a simple case of self-defense. Nothing more, nothing less.
@deltachiken5847 6 жыл бұрын
As a young black man in America. Thank you for this. Although this may not get as many views as I would like it does help. Even if it's slightly.
@coldfrost3 4 жыл бұрын
cavalier how horrible buying food from a store
@martis4951 4 жыл бұрын
@rollo cavalier yeah walking home wow what thug
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@coldfrost3 Trayvon bought 2 ingredients that he could use to make his favorite drug "lean" Trayvon saw George and then ran home. Then Trayvon decided to go back and find George. Trayvon confronted assaulted and tried to kill George. George shot Trayvon in self defense to save his own life.
@martis4951 4 жыл бұрын
@rollo cavalier yeah he was talking to his gf too
@martis4951 4 жыл бұрын
@rollo cavalier You're literally on a video that wants justice for Trayvon and you ask "who cares?" Ok man.
@Leinad44 6 жыл бұрын
Its hilarious how many commenters didn't watch the whole thing and immediately talk about Zimmerman's race and act like they won.
@nicktaylor8771 5 жыл бұрын
zimmerman was not white, there is not a thing anyone can do about that
@jacksonfitzsimmons4253 4 жыл бұрын
I only mention it when someone else mentions that Zimmerman was a "racist white man," or something along those lines
@no_peace 4 жыл бұрын
Mixed people are only *half white* when they're accomplished When they're murderers they're minorities so they CAN'T POSSIBLY BE RACIST
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@no_peace George Zimmerman is part black. His mother is Afro-Peruvian. Her grandfather was black.
@overgrownkudzu 4 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 he literally called himself white. this isn't about genetics, this is about identity.
@lemonaidebey6190 6 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman literally chased trayvon in a dark path between houses. How dare trayvon felt his life was in danger.. Smh it's obvious trayvon walked between houses to lose the creep so that's why Mr. Creep got out his car and followed him on foot
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Love Luv You are an ignorant moron who knows nothing.
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Tom Jones you are a moron, pervert.
@lemonaidebey6190 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery. You would punch someone who was harassing and stalking you as well. Don't lie. By your logic if a woman peppersprayed a creepy old man following her and then the man decides to shoot her it would be the woman's fault she was shot cuz she shouldve let a regular citizen physically harass her. You are so ignorant.
@lemonaidebey6190 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry great retort..
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Love Luv Mine is the truth, yours is all lies
@vontrances4667 4 жыл бұрын
It would've been impossible for trevon to start the fight. A man with a gun was ACTIVELY STALKING HIM for no legitimate reason. The fight was started when the armed man started stalking a teenager.
@theviewer6889 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman And trust me, as someone that's been stalked by a creep you don't exactly want to lead them RIGHT TO YOUR HOUSE. And I'm British, we don't even need to worry about things like a robber with a gun.
@MM-vs2et 2 жыл бұрын
@@theviewer6889 only with a knife it's a joke btw, I'm not the "UK kNifE CrIMe" people
@azophi Жыл бұрын
I’m not on the side of Zimmerman here of course But wasn’t he concealed carry? Meaning Martin couldn’t see it (unless, of course, he lied and pulled out a gun with the whole phone excuse.)
@salamantics Жыл бұрын
@@azophi this is true but it wouldn't discount the whole "man is following a teenager to their home" part of it. Unless of course that wasn't the point you were making.
@tomasrocha6139 11 ай бұрын
According to Martin's friend he had a call with who testified he got home and decided to go back to teach the "creepy fucking cracker" a lesson, and ambushed him while he was returning to his truck, so Martin was the aggressor, not Zimmerman.
@quacker9581 2 жыл бұрын
I sure do love the narrative of "He was a thug" or "He was a criminal". Spoiler he wasn't, but even if he was, Zimmerman isn't the fucking Judge, Jury, or Executioner. Even if he had committed a crime, does that mean he had to die? This country fucking blows my mind. Rest in power, little brother.
@bradlee2594 2 жыл бұрын
To answer your question, no, even if Trayvon had committed a crime that would not mean he had to to die. What blows my mind about people in this country is that they arrive at very certain opinions about this case yet know very little about the evidence in the case. They can't backup their opinions with evidence (but can use lots of emotion!). It's stunningly ridiculous. Worse, they refuse to consider previously unknown evidence... if that evidence contradicts how they arrived at their "certain" opinions. It's absolutely non-sensical. You implied Zimmerman acted as the judge, jury and executioner. The actual evidence in this case indicates he acted as none of those. But because people constantly assert Zimmerman "murdered" Trayvon Martin, people believe it to be fact. Yet they can't make an argument or even answer a simple challenging question. It's pathetic.
@quacker9581 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 That’s a bit of a straw man. He in fact DID kill Martin. He involved himself in things that didn’t concern him and took someone’s life.
@bradlee2594 2 жыл бұрын
@@quacker9581 - Yes, Zimmerman did kill Martin. In legal self-defense. You assume Zimmerman instigated an attack on Martin and killed Martin because of his belief Martin was a criminal - and therefore Zimmerman took matters into his own hands and determined Martin had to die - and then executed Martin. I disagree because the evidence indicates it was Martin who attacked Zimmerman long after Zimmerman and Martin had lost sight of each other - and back near the same spot where they lost sight of each other. To clarify, Martin left the area where they lost sight of each other and then returned to the same area... 4 minutes later. If Zimmerman was instigating anything before losing sight of Martin, he had stopped. 4 minutes after stopping, it was Martin who appears to have turned into the instigator. The evidence indicates Zimmerman shot Martin in legal self-defense, after being continually attacked by Martin for more than 45 seconds. Ear-witnesses back up Zimmerman's story of where the physical attack started (which is right near where they lost sight of each other), and an eye-witness backed up Zimmerman's story that he was being attacked by Martin and that he was the one heard screaming for help. None of that is Zimmerman acting as judge, jury or executioner. And that is NOT a strawman argument. That's me understanding your argument, clearly, and then specifically disagreeing with it and describing why I disagree. I have just described details about what Martin did that, I'm guessing, you won't address because they contradict your "certain" opinion of what happened. Worse, I'm guessing, you can't describe what you think did happen using any detail whatsoever. Yet you will hold strong on your opinion of what did happen. That is what I find so mind-blowing (not in a good way).
@quacker9581 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 Except most of that is untrue. The only “Witness” to the event is Zimmerman himself. And the big detail you’re overlooking: it was not his place to deem Martin a criminal. Zimmerman admitted several times Martin asked him why he was following him. Let’s assume for the sake of argument Martin did hit him. I’d do the same shit if some dude kept stalking me after I told him to stop. THAT my friend is self defense. You just WANT to buy into the narrative of “He was a criminal there was no alternative to killing him.” Nothing I can say will change that. If Zimmerman had listened to dispatch and stayed at his truck, none of this would have happened. But he disobeyed the authority figure, and took vigilantism into his own hands. And look what it caused. Stop spreading lies about the story. I’m more than happy to hear a counter argument. But when you come at me with a straw man and straight up lies, you’ve lost my attention. I hope you find solace brother, I really do.
@bradlee2594 2 жыл бұрын
@@quacker9581 - You are incorrect with every single thing you just said. John Good witnessed Martin on top of Zimmerman and attacking Zimmerman, and John Good was only 20 feet away. Jeannie Manalo and Jennifer Lauer both heard the noises that lead up to the shooting and described where the altercation noises started (near the "T" intersection, which is very near where Zimmerman and Martin lost sight of each other 4 minutes prior - and is where Zimmerman said he was attacked by Martin ). All three of those people I just mentioned were witnesses and testified in court. Would you like to now retract your statement that the only witness was Zimmerman? Do you not see your error? Also, Zimmerman never once admitted Martin asked him why he was following him. You're simply misinformed and wrong. Also, Zimmerman did not disobey anyone. When told "we don't need you to do that", Zimmerman stopped. Listen to his own phone call with the police dispatcher. Listen to the last 83 seconds to be specific, and then please explain how it was that Zimmerman disobeyed and ended up in the same general area he started from (not far from his truck)? I say the reason he ended up very near where he started is because he stopped after being told "we don't need you to do that". He stopped and remained in the general area. That is a perfectly logical explanation as to how he ended up in the same general area he started in. You won't answer my question, because there is no credible evidence what-so-ever that Zimmerman disobeyed. None. And there is not other logical explanation of how Zimmerman ended up in the same area he started in. Yet you still believe you are right and I am wrong, correct? Where Zimmerman stopped is the same area where they each lost sight of each other. That is evidence Zimmerman did NOT disobey, unless Zimmerman chased Martin in a circle. Is that what you believe happened? You don't know enough about this case to provide an answer and then back it up with any detail what-so-ever. Why is it so hard to admit you don't know much of anything about what really happened? I only assume you won't admit it. Am I right or wrong?
@cidevant002 6 жыл бұрын
I am a white hispanic and I am legit embarrassed for people who want to claim that someone being hispanic somehow prevents them from being white. That is not how ethnicity works.
@nicktaylor8771 5 жыл бұрын
you are not white
@Gamenetreviews 5 жыл бұрын
You aren’t white
@franklinvonfrankenstein1137 5 жыл бұрын
You are no longer white, this is 2019 A European colonial nation isn't even white anymore thanks to right wing identity politics.
@Gamenetreviews 5 жыл бұрын
Fire Up The Lancasters Mixed with blacks and Indians, very rarely white. A reason many official agencies differentiate between white and Hispanic.
@Gamenetreviews 4 жыл бұрын
Johnny B. Goode Race is a social construct until militaries start creating poison gassed and various weapons that will only effect people with certain genetic codes that group around racial lines. Then your social construct theory will kick you in the ass.
@ahouyearno 6 жыл бұрын
28:00 "dangerous armed criminal" There was a dangerous armed criminal on that street and while he might not have been high on drugs, he was high on adrenaline. Trayvon Martin was right to fear that criminal.
@callies8907 6 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman shouldn't have been carrying a gun. He brings a gun into a situation, follows someone around a neighborhood in the dark, and then wants to claim *he* felt threatened enough to justify killing a child. He pursued when told by the dispatcher to stay in his vehicle and not engage. I cannot believe anyone would follow a "self defense" argument in this case. He had the opportunity to, and was literally *told* to, seek safety in his car and remain unharmed, and he made the decision to engage. That is not self defense.
@wgebbia 5 жыл бұрын
I don't have a problem with Zimmerman having a gun, which he had a permit to carry. I do have a problem with him following Martin. His testimony all the way from the 911 call to the trial is that some other black people had previously committed crimes in the neighborhood. That was the only reason that he was involved with Martin at all: Dude was black and in the "wrong" neighborhood, even though he was staying with his father that lived there.
@wgebbia 5 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman wasn't reporting or following a known criminal. He was reporting and following a random dude who had every right to be there. A completely different set of circumstances can shift the responsibility, but it's not relevant to the Zimmerman/Martin situation.
@callies8907 5 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter if every time the police haven't caught the guy. Vigilatism isn't a valid defense argument, particularly not when the "vigilante" was explicitly told to remain in his vehicle and openly defied that order. He is not a trained policeman--there's a whole other can of worms with regards to police, but we're gonna set that aside--and so has absolutely no right to follow a stranger he "finds threatening" and pull a gun on him. Martin was not in the act of committing any crime whatsoever, and even if he was stealing or something, unless there's evidence of imminent assault to another person, there's no reason why a civilian should have the authority to intervene like that. Even if he did hit Zimmerman--Zimmerman was a stranger following him around a neighborhood at night with a gun. The man shouldn't have had a gun in the first place, regardless of whether he was technically allowed to carry it, because of a lengthy history of violence against family and friends. It's an all around bullshit defense and the fact that he was acquitted is evidence of a system of racial bias in the justice system. I would say if Martin were white Zimmerman would have been convicted, but I have a feeling if Martin were white he wouldn't have been shot in the first place.
@inverseactuality 5 жыл бұрын
Turns out I misread the original post, I read it as "allow" rather than "follow" and was interpreting it as he shouldn't have legally been allowed to claim self defense in court which would be wrong because of how it would unfairly affect people who actually are innocent. My bad, we're in agreement here, it was not self defense in that specific case.
@marcpelletier2700 4 жыл бұрын
Literally none of you know what you are talking about. I have argued this to death when it happened, and I'm not sure I want to continue, but the facts are there for anyone that wants to read them. I wasn't even on Zimmerman's side until I looked into things. Dispatcher didn't tell him to stay in his vehicle. Those words never came out of the dispatchers mouth. He never once claimed he wanted to "engage". A witness account, both on the stand and on the Piers Morgan show, by the girlfriend of Martin, backs up Zimmerman's account pretty much perfectly. Eye witness testimony places him on the ground being beaten. 911 recordings have him screaming for help for over thirty seconds before firing his gun. He had no opportunity to go back to his truck when he felt in danger. He had no opportunity to "stand his ground" and that was never his defense. No one has ever proved he was the first to attack Martin, or ever hit him at all. Multiple pieces of evidence suggest he was attacked first, including testimony by Trayvon's girlfriend, and he was being pinned to the ground and being beaten for a minimum of thirty seconds while screaming for help before deciding to pull the trigger. Anyone who can't see this is self defense either doesn't know the facts or simply do not care about them and are simply arguing from ideology.
@ghoulishskeptic5749 4 жыл бұрын
Who’s watching in 2020? This STILL hasn’t changed
@haveagoodday629 4 жыл бұрын
@TheRealHiccup 4 жыл бұрын
Very fuckin relevant right now :-(
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheRealHiccup - How is it relevant now? What happened that was ANYthing like a thug in training attacking a man who had to SHOOT him to stop a beating?
@peterjoseph8958 4 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 You're telling me that if a guy chased you down with a gun for no reason you wouldn't defend yourself to save your life? That's assuming the beating happened anyway, which I'd put the odds at 50/50 due to Zimmerman's complete self interest in fabricating the story if it didn't happen.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@peterjoseph8958 - I am not telling you (or ANYbody) that. What I AM saying is that there is NO evidence that Zimmerman chased ANYone, or that his gun was ever out until he was being beaten. I don't know why you think Zimmerman's beating relies on his statements. A neighbor from across the courtyard was on the scene immediately after the shot and SAW Zimmerman bleeding from the back of his head and looking like he had his ass handed to him. It was THIS neighbor who took the photo of the back of Zimmerman's head. Officer Smith, and EVERY officer and first responder at the scene saw Zimmerrman and believed he had had his nose broken and been beaten. Dr. Vincent DiMaio, the expert medical examiner who testified at trial, said Zimmerman's photographed injuries at the police station indicated he had been struck with a hard object, or had his head hit against one. John Good was the neighbor who testified he saw Trayvon Martin throwing punches down on Zimmerman while on top of him. Now, if someone did chase me with a gun, I wold certainly be inclined to escape or, if cornered, attack to save my own life. But don't you think that Zimmerman would have shot Trayvon BEFORE screaming for help for about a minute first? Dude, you have nothing....try again.
@HxH2011DRA 6 жыл бұрын
Hearing and reading those tweets side by side made me physically sick
@ObjectiveMedia 6 жыл бұрын
People like that are pathetic. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so disgusting
@ObjectiveMedia 6 жыл бұрын
NormandyMedia: Filme, Games, KZfaq und anderes “SJW” is a derogatory term, You mean a sane, intelligent human being capable of feeling empathy (like most animals can)?
@ObjectiveMedia 6 жыл бұрын
NormandyMedia: Filme, Games, KZfaq und anderes But you’re not “taking it away from the alt-right” by using it, on the contrary, by using it you’re spreading it and condoning its use. Like I said its a derogatory term used by the right to mock/belittle decent people for the “crime” of having integrity and a conscience. It has no place in a semi-intelligent debate.
@Gaff. 6 жыл бұрын
I think the acronym 'SJW' is really useful as a derogatory term (more like short-hand for uneducated, potentially insincere left-identifying people that I don't want to be associated with; but my sentences will start to lose momentum if I say that every time), personally, but the most important thing is context. I have friends that will refer to themselves as SJWs to 'take it back' so to speak, and really, as long as you're communicating clearly, I don't see a problem. Edit: Also, 'authoritarian'. Big problem for me.
@ObjectiveMedia 6 жыл бұрын
Ei’ríġ Proinsias Dammantaċ Ó Gamhna. I apologise I totally picked you up wrong initially, I get what you’re saying now and I’ve edited my comment accordingly.
@geekaleek 6 жыл бұрын
*In the Levar Jones case. The officer DID LIE. Until the footage (with audio) came out. Then he was arrested and fired.* Levar Jones was saved by the Audio and Video.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
In the Levar Jones case, there was not an abundance of physical evidence. In the Zimmerman case, there was PLENTY, and it supported his claim of self-defense. There was NOTHING that pointed to a criminal act.
@idontknow4950 4 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 have you watched this video? there's no knowing for sure who initiated the confrontation, you know how can you prove that Zimmerman did not threaten to shoot or actually pull out the gun before Martin attacked ? If Zimmerman pulled out the gun before Martin, you could say that Martin acted in self-defense according to a perceived threat to his life, and this is still valid even if Zimmerman did not pull out the gun before Martin attacked him, Martin still attacked in self-defense you know a guy following you at night is not exactly the type of thing that makes you feel safe. Also I think that Zimmerman was in the wrong regardless if he acted in self-defense or not, because vigilante behaviour is not an acceptable behaviour, I do not follow people around exactly like a person with bad intentions would do only because someone looks "suspect" that could lead to very very bad things happening like in this case.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@idontknow4950 - You're right. Unless I was there, there is NO WAY to know for sure who initiated the confrontation. HOWEVER, the evidence and witness statements support Zimmerman's claim that it was Trayvon Martin who initiated both the verbal and physical confrontation. Your claim that Martin attacked in self-defense isn't supported by any of the evidence - ESPECIALLY since there is evidence to show that Zimmerman never ventured south of the east-west sidewalk, despite stating to the dispatcher that Trayvon ran south of the east-west sidewalk. You suggest "vigilante" behavior - again, no evidence of that, either. You're probably right that Zimmerman shouldn't have followed Trayvon, but there's no evidence that by following from the distance that he did, he presented any threat to Trayvon. Dude, I have dug and dug and dug concerning the evidence. If you ahve physical evidence or testimony to support ANY claim you make - as I DO, bring it.
@idontknow4950 4 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 in reality witness accounts say nothing about who initiated the verbal and phisical confrontation, because nobody was there when it happened. Let alone that the way that Zimmerman characterized the conversation is very film like. The only one who heard the start of the conversation was Martin's girlfriend, which for obvious reasons it's not very reliable. The only evidence that support Zimmerman's self-defense is the fact that Martin was on top of him. There is no signs of fight or Zimmerman's DNA on Martin, which you would expect if he was beating him. Also the keys of Zimmerman's car were dropped somewhere at the start of the T, but Martin's body is far away from the T supporting the fact that Zimmerman didn't drop immediately. Also Martin's body was far away from the concrete, Zimmerman had grass on the back of his shirt, I severely doubt that his head was smashed against the concrete. Also have you considered the possibility that Zimmerman "broken nose" could have happened because of the gun's recoil? After all the the two point of bleeding of the nose were very compatible with the back of a firearm, more than a punch. BTW, Martin and Zimmerman probably encountered each other accidentally, Martin probably ran in an other direction than his house, because you know when you're being stalked it's advisable that you don't "give" your house adress to your stalker by going home. So Martin probably went in a different direction, but when he thought he finally lost him, he retraced his steps to go home, and then encountered Zimmerman and the confrontation happened. Let me clarify I'm not a Martin or Zimmerman supporter, I think there is no way to prove who initiated the confrontation, and Zimmerman was "rightly" found to be not guilty. Even if I would like that the guy showed a bit more remorse, you know, he killed an innocent 17 years old and that could have been avoided if he stayed inside his car, but I guess that in his mind Martin was a criminal or a criminal-to-be. The only certainty in this case is the phone calls and Martin being on top of Zimmerman when he was shot. Other than that there is no evidence or witness accounts that can tell who initiated the phisical confrontation. It will remain a mystery.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@idontknow4950 - Well, here's where you have to use your brain a bit. According to Zimmerman's FIRST interviews with the police - on the night of the shooting, and during the walk-through of the scene the following day - he claimed that while walking to his car to the west, along the east-west cut-through sidewalk, he was approached from the southeast by Trayvon Martin, who asked him if he had a problem. Zimmerman claimed he replied with something like, "No man, I don't have a problem". while replying, Zimmerman claimed he was looking down to find his cell phone to call the police. Again, according to Zimmerman, it was then that Trayvon said something like, "Well, you do NOW, motherfucker". It was at that time that Zimmerman claimed he was sucker-punched by Trayvon Martin, and the two struggled until they fell onto the ground in the second back yard south of the cut-through sidewalk. Now, I don't take much stock in Zimmerman's claim all by itself. However, it IS supported by the evidence. First, Jenna Lauer (the lady whose 911 call is recorded) testified at trial that she HEARD the three-part conversation (although she couldn't tell what was said), and then the sound of people moving south along the sidewalk in the back of her apartment, until they fell into her neighbor's back yard to the south. Second, the debris trail of Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin's possessions began at that point behind Jenna Lauer's apartment and ended in John Good's back yard (Jenna's neighbor). The northern most object was Zimmerman car keys - and attached to the car keys was his small flashlight, which was still ON when crime scene investigators found it later. The fact that his keys were on the ground at that flashlight was still on is an indicator that he dropped the keys there - and supports that he did so when sucker-punched, as he claimed. Third, other than the gunshot wound, there wasn't a SINGLE injury on Trayvon Martin's body that would be attributed to Zimmerman. No bruise. Nothing bu a scraped knuckle. Fourth, after Trayvon Martin disappeared during the phone call between Zimmerman and the dispatcher, Trayvon Martin had no fewer that 90 seconds to casually walk home, while Zimmerman casually talked to the dispatcher trying to figure out where and how to meet the cops when they arrived. You claimed that the only one who heard the beginning of the conversation was Trayvon's "girlfriend", but you're wrong. In fact, Rachel Jeantel (that's her name), didn't tell a single living person about her understanding of the shooting until AFTER, Zimmerman's phone conversation and ALL the 911 calls had been released to the public. She had more than ample time to rehearse what she was going to say to somewhat gel with what they all said. Only, it is utterly OBVIOUS she had NO clue about the geography of the area, which makes much of herr narrative impossible. She also had no idea that the 7-11 security video existed, which allowed her to be totally blind to certain things as well from that area. Zimmerman's account has not be contradicted with any credible evidence or testimony, and has, in fact been corroborated by evidence and testimony. Sure, no one can know for CERTAIN who started it - because no one saw it. But, you know what? That's kinf of irrelevant in the big picture. What is relevant is whether it was reasonable for Zimmerman to believe that Trayvon Martin was going to inflict serious bodily harm or death upon Zimmerman - and that's all that mattered in justifying the shooting...and since Zimmerman was acquitted...well, that's all that matters.
@tomasallende9583 3 жыл бұрын
The part that always kills me regarding this case was the obsession people had with Trevon being on drugs while Zimmerman was on temazepam, chlordiazepoxide and amphetamines.
@foolishmuleth6757 3 жыл бұрын
All you need to do is look at who the victim was
@tomasallende9583 3 жыл бұрын
@@foolishmuleth6757 This case played really well into America's ugliest stereotypes.
@tomasallende9583 2 жыл бұрын
@@0verv0ltage It should be a simple google search, specifically he was taking adderall and restoril.
@rodrigodemiguellamminen5244 2 жыл бұрын
Come on don't be unresonable.... Those are white drugs, so they're good and not a cause for bad behaviour and addiction, unlike the black drugs like crack!
@naitthegr8131 2 жыл бұрын
Of course so many people out of racial and political backlash, some of whom likely use marijuana themselves, had to find something in order to demonize Trayvon Martin (who had traces of marijuana meaning he hadn't used it in about a month) and play down Zimmerman being on arguably worse drugs. I like too how the defense even tried playing up the traces of marijuana in Trayvon's system, which would have worked given the makeup of the jury (suburban middle aged conservative white women). I also liked how despite the claim from Zimmerman defenders that the Sanford police did a good job (like the fact they did not even ask Zimmerman to lay down to physically demonstrate how he shot from his back), they didn't do a drug test on Zimmerman to see what he was under the influence of.
@MorganDade 4 жыл бұрын
I think this is one of the most important videos I've ever watched. When I told my dad this, he said the reason black men get shot is because they "dick around" and don't listen to police. He then made me watch a video of a black man getting shot to prove his point. A recent argument about the recent protests reminded me of this. My dad would still deny being racist, but this and many other comments he's made show me he is. He's actually pulled the "I have a black friend" card. He used to be a cop, and will always side with the cops, I just feel emotionally drained.
@dumbidiot1119 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in the same position with my step father except he is a teacher. He talks about ethnostates and white genocide but is definitely not racist. He thinks that antifa is a terrorist organization and all the weird conspiracies too.
@unmermaid 2 жыл бұрын
He sounds like a piece of shit indeed
@radschele1815 Жыл бұрын
You must feel awful. If he showed you videos, could you show him videos as well?
@rooty Жыл бұрын
Cut him out of your life
@philipyoung4439 7 ай бұрын
Dad is right son.
@Speejays 6 жыл бұрын
I literally just pledged on Patreon right now, and this video got uploaded. You can all thank me guys, this video was because of me
@realgenuinemakour 6 жыл бұрын
oh thanks
@Healermain15 6 жыл бұрын
*prostrates in humbled gratitude*
@vmgx 6 жыл бұрын
"thank you"
@OriginLinear 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Speejays. You are a good person!
@Speejays 6 жыл бұрын
Ditch Dota and play Hots instead Billy
@morganjones4281 6 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman's excuse that he was reaching for his phone to call 911 makes even less sense when you consider the fact that he JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH THE POLICE! Like he was telling the police "this guy is so dangerous, he's scary he's up to no good", the police said "OK don't involve yourself". If Zimmerman thought Trayvon Martin looked too dangerous to handle himself and just wanted to wait for the cops to deal with him, he would've done that in the first place like the police recommended. But Zimmerman didn't, because he wanted to be a fucking vigilante.
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Morgan Jones It is obvious that you know nothing about this case. You say that George said, " this guy is so dangerous, he's scary he's up to no good " You are a liar, George never said that. Then you further lie by saying that the police said, " OK don't involve yourself " This is another lie that you made up because you don't know ANYTHING! You have to be one of the most ignorant idiots who commented on here.
@dawanestewart2438 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry what he said is basically true with some fabrications. The idea still remains the same
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
dawane stewart The idea is that Shaun lied because he didn't know enough about the case.
@dawanestewart2438 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry but j reality you don't know anything he's using direct statements from the police and the actual call from the time. You say he lied but you don't give proof or anything to back that up, which unlike you shaun provided
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
dawane stewart You don't know anything about this case, so you are just going by what this liar says. But I do agree with Shaun when he says that the jury got it right by declaring George Zimmerman not guilty. I bet you missed that didn't you?
@satevo462 5 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman was guilty the moment he called the cops for a black man walking with groceries then GOT OUT of his truck to follow the kid. That alone is a blatant act of racism. And the police told him to stop following him and he did it anyway. The wrong person died that night, and everything Zimmerman has said since his trial proves that.
@emjr369 3 жыл бұрын
I'm impressed at how many erroneous statements you can fit into one paragraph
@dpatra7081 3 жыл бұрын
@@emjr369 this whole section man is just something else
@tomasrocha6139 11 ай бұрын
The 911 dispatcher said we don't need you to follow him, he never said you can't and 911 dispatchers have do authority to give anyone orders regardless.
@richardcarson3596 5 ай бұрын
he never did that lol
@PaperMario64 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video, and for seeing others as fellow humans, not “others”.
@alexsmith2910 5 жыл бұрын
@truthonly5716 5 жыл бұрын
Yes and George Zimmerman is a fellow human too.
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@Ethan DeMille You are a shitty human being. Let me prove it to you. If you are NOT a shitty human being then prove one thing George did that was unlawful or illegal that night.
@peterk.9571 4 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 killing a man for no good reason?
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@peterk.9571 "killing a man for no good reason." Trayvon Martin confronted assaulted and tried to kill George Zimmerman. Trayvon sucker punched George in the face breaking his nose. Then Trayvon got George down and straddled him MMA style. Trayvon started hitting George and banging his head against the concrete. George took a beating for over a minute while he was yelling for help and no one helped him. As George was struggling to get loose, his jacket rose up revealing his gun. George thought that Trayvon was going for his gun so he blocked Trayvon's arm, grabbed his gun and shot Trayvon in the chest, killing him in self defense to save his own life. George Zimmerman was innocent!
@abdvilliers222 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like the case of Philando Castille is a good example of the Levar Edward Jones case with the slight differences you mentioned. Castille was shot fatally, the dashcam footage was angled badly and only surfaced later and the policeman was let off the hook after making "excuses" for why he felt threatened.
@eb7446 6 жыл бұрын
A person that easily threatened should NEVER have been a police officer. I can't believe he got off, he KILLED Castille.
@Helmic 6 жыл бұрын
He felt threatened because he's afraid of black people. And that's the utterly cruel, insane thing about the current legal situation surrounding police, an officer can get away with killing someone unjustly by default, they can always claim to be afraid without that fear being scrutinized. Even if that fear comes about because of racial bias, it's still considered a good enough reason to kill a black man.
@alysiamerdavid-wasser9165 5 жыл бұрын
And the most terrifying evidence of the Castile/Yanez case, is the complete CALM with which ("Officer") Yanez' partner approached the car, and the way in which the dashcam shows even HIM, jumping back in reactionary terror after Yanez fired *multiple shots* , into a car, with a *3-YEAR-OLD* in the backseat. Watching his partner get the "all clear" before helping the child out as Yanez panted: "FUCK!" 14x (bc he was in "fear of his life") was scarier than what Yanez prolly felt.
@okaro6595 4 жыл бұрын
Did you look at the video? The cop tells three times to Castile not to reach for the gun. We do not see what Castile did but the reactions of the cop are genuine. Maybe he overreacted but he was not done cold blooded racist executioner.
@singingchef23 4 жыл бұрын
@@okaro6595 yes we saw the video. We saw the officer tell him to get his ID, we saw Philando inform the officer that he was in fact licensed to carry. We then see Philando reach in his back pocket were tons of men keep their wallet, and the moment the officer says stop reaching. We also know the reaction time from both his counter commands to when he fired didnt give much time. But common sense, the subject was calm, compliant, other than 2 people miscommunicating, everyone should have gone home they day. Instead one overly excited cop, who I no longer care for his mental or safety shot a man to death in front of his child. The second officer clearly should have been more present, because the weak beta cop should have never been given the job to begin with..
@KC_Streams 6 жыл бұрын
Occasionally I'll go back to the old Amazing Atheist videos where he talks about the Trayvon Martin case. I've always felt TJ gave the most poignant account of the events. If you're reading this then you're probably not an Amazing Atheist fan and would probably assume that TJ was anti-Trayvon. But it's very easy to forget nowadays that back in 2009-2012 TJ used to be a pretty bona fide progressive. What really gets me about the Trayvon case is how far we've fallen. Because when Trayvon was killed TJ made multiple videos decrying the racism and the murder as a whole. Nowadays, I don't think any of these "skeptic" community channels would respond in the same way to an identical case.
@will_the_warlord8913 6 жыл бұрын
King Ar-Pharazôn You're right I miss those days.
@nickmontoya1 6 жыл бұрын
Holy shit I remember that. It's so weird to think nowadays that TJ used to be left wing. He was also one of the only two people in that community to actually defend trans people back in the early 2010s, alongside Mr Repzion. They're both shitlords now, of course, but it's so weird to look back at.
@anon746912 6 жыл бұрын
I recently read an interesting term for this phenomenon: "the shitlord spiral". KZfaqrs like Amazing Atheist and Thunderf00t have a history of making videos mocking people, which attracts a certain type of audience. When you stop pandering to that audience, you get less views and thus less income - so if KZfaq is your primary source of income, *you are going to pander to your audience*. Many of these seemingly vile content creators probably don't believe half of the bullshit they spout, but they are playing a role and that's their hustle. It's just another sad consequence of the economic system we live in.
@catea4834 6 жыл бұрын
Tj seems to care more about what views will make him money and his political beliefs have changed accordingly.
@liamf2300 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah I remember when people called TJ an SJW
@Mooseplatoon 6 жыл бұрын
It's really hard for me to be objective about this sort of thing, because anyone who doesn't think that a racial bias lead to Trayvon's death infuriates me me. George Zimmerman's reasons for believing Trayvon was a criminal (something he was mighty sure of despite having no reason to be) are completely absurd unless you take racial stereotypes into account. I don't believe for a second that George would've acted the way we did if Trayvon were doing the same things in the same clothes etc if he were white; I think he would've given the situation more thought instead of immediately assuming Trayvon's guilt and trying to enact "justice" on his own terms. Once you read similar stories involving white men who were carrying riffles in public with clear intent to maim or kill it becomes impossible for me to take an argument against racial bias seriously.
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
You are an ignorant lying racist coward. If you are NOT an ignorant lying racist coward then prove one thing George Zimmerman did that was unlawful or illegal that night.
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@francinethelisma2226 You are an ignorant lying racist coward. If you are NOT an ignorant lying racist coward, then tell me what George Zimmerman did that night that was unlawful or illegal. You can't because you are an ignorant lying racist coward. George Zimmerman was innocent!
@memeosaurusrex3382 4 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 He stalked a teen several blocks down the street all the way to his house, ignored police orders, lied to the court, and provably initiated lethal confrontation. That is not just murder, he actively went out of his way to ignore other options that wouldn't had resulted in death. It was a hate crime.
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@memeosaurusrex3382 "He stalked a teen several blocks down the street all the way to his house," No, he did not! George Zimmerman was on the way to the store when he saw Trayvon Martin walking on the grass and looking at a house that had been broken into recently. George drove past and parked at the clubhouse while he called the non emergency number. Trayvon saw George drive past and park. Trayvon followed George down to the clubhouse. Trayvon saw George sitting in his truck while talking on the phone and watching him. Trayvon told his girlfriend that a guy was watching him. Trayvon tried to intimidate George while he walked around George's truck and then down Twin Trees Lane. George lost sight of Trayvon so he drove down Twin Trees Lane and parked at the cut through. Trayvon saw George driving down Twin Trees Lane and he told his girlfriend that the guy was following him. Trayvon's girlfriend told him to run and Trayvon ran south towards the back gate. After Trayvon ran south, the dispatcher asked George which way the guy ran and then he asked which entrance the guy ran to. That is when George got out of his truck and tried to follow in the direction that he had seen Trayvon run. About 15 seconds later, the dispatcher hearing wind noise asked George if he was following him and George said yeah. The dispatcher ADVISED George that they didn't need him to do that. George said okay and stopped trying to follow. The dispatcher only gave George advice, he did not give an order, because he was only a civilian dispatcher who had no authority to give orders. Even police can't give orders over the phone. George Zimmerman did NOT ignore police orders. No police orders were ever given.
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@memeosaurusrex3382 "lied to the court" No, George Zimmerman did NOT lie to the court. The lead Detective Chris Serino was asked by Defense Attorney Mark O'Mara if he believed that George Zimmerman was telling the truth and the Lead Detective said, "YES" YOU can't prove that George Zimmerman lied, and that makes you a liar. "and probably initiated lethal confrontation." You are wrong again! According to Trayvon's girlfriend, Trayvon lost George and made it home safe. Then Trayvon decided to go back 100 yards in the dark and the rain to find George. Trayvon confronted George and sucker punched him in the face breaking his nose. Then George got Trayvon down and straddled him MMA style. Trayvon started hitting George and banging his head against the concrete. George took a beating for over a minute while he was yelling for help and no one helped him. As George was struggling to get loose, his jacket rose up revealing his gun. George thought that Trayvon was going for his gun so he blocked Trayvon's arm, grabbed his gun and shot him in the chest, killing him in self defense to save his own life. George Zimmerman was innocent!
@mdaddy775 4 жыл бұрын
The same people who called Trayvon "violent" are totally fine with armed, screaming militants who are currently storming state capitol buildings.
@williamnacos1357 4 жыл бұрын
Eric No concrete evidence of anything you claimed there. Imagine being that skinny 17 year old and a man with a gun starts following you at night. The moment Zimmerman hops out on phone to trail that kid it’s clear he’s anticipating something. That may not be the physical start of the fight, but anybody in Zimmerman’s situation is clearly ready to use force. The dude literally had charges of domestic violence. I’m not trying to project righteous anger for Martin here, but the kid was unknowingly trailed by a dude with a gun.
@johnnywithshades6001 3 жыл бұрын
@@Eric-vh3ur Zimmermen shouldn't have followed him. The cops told him to stay put but he persisted. Your pathetic for justifying a murder of an innocent.
@johnnywithshades6001 3 жыл бұрын
@@Eric-vh3ur Zimmerman pulled out a gun.
@moriallen643 3 жыл бұрын
@@Eric-vh3ur I'm sorry.. but you understand that stalking is illegal, and the right to defend oneself against another individual, who is armed, is not illegal. I dont know how you would act, but I dont take kindly to someone stalking me around my OWN neighborhood, because I'm black.. The other guy, litterally took over a government building and ran his car in into other Americans. I'm sorry but the latter action is a hell of a lot worse than, "being a suspicious black".. I dont see how you can defend the one guy, and then say that the litteral teenager deserves to be shot after being stalked by an adult male, and defending himself. Let me guess, if a woman pepper sprays a stalker, he has the right to shoot her? He was in distress, right? Especially if she decides to *gasp* fight him for her OWN safety ... you see what im getting at
@EpicLuigi24 6 жыл бұрын
This country is a fucking nightmare
@egyptianpepekek7716 6 жыл бұрын
agree leftism is destroying america :)
@EpicLuigi24 6 жыл бұрын
It's the right that's consistently stood in the way of progress or actively reversed it, so don't blame this country's many failures on the left without blaming the right tenfold.
@egyptianpepekek7716 6 жыл бұрын
"progress" to you is a big gay interracial orgy isn't it, where there is no culture, no races, low i.qs, no genders etc, please explain what is progressive about this ? if anything it's regressive
@EpicLuigi24 6 жыл бұрын
Nice strawman. It's up to you to provide evidence of any of this happening. Also, "no races" is a negative to you? Lol, okay man. I know you neocons get triggered by the shit you say being called racist, but preserving race sounds pretty fucking racist.
@GARY84ROCKS 6 жыл бұрын
TheLastGentleman You have no argument. Conservative ideals are what holds a progressing society together propelled by the dangerously idealistic ravings of Liberal thought. In other words: If it wasn't for Conservatives, Liberals would be conducting their big gay interracial quest in a techno-primitive wilderness vulnerable to the land's population made up of countless lawless tribes.
@hurricanian6146 4 жыл бұрын
There was this weird and surreal video my parents forced me to watch. It said basically “that the democrats are forcing you to vote for them by pretending that oppression exists”, I’m not joking.
@NecroMady 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry this odd to comment a year later on, but Was it PragerU? I remember I saw an out of context shot where they were like “the left wants to take your penis.” Like *ah, yes,* if some adults voluntarily want bottom surgery, that means NO ONE actually wants their birth genitals. Thank you, I shall now wear a tin foil hat and vote against my own existence lol
@walrusassociation9317 3 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure it's obvious what happened here. Martin punched Zimmerman hard enough that he flew 40 feet.
@taylor6528 3 жыл бұрын
man i should've known better than to look in the comments, but it's just incredibly depressing how filled they are with people who a) make points that are DIRECTLY ADDRESSED IN THE VIDEO, if they bothered to, idk, WATCH it, or b) people defending zimmerman like their lives depend on it
@bradlee2594 3 жыл бұрын
What is incredibly depressing is how those who disagree can't or won't have a decent discussion of details in which they disagree. If someone makes a point directly addressed in the video, are they not allowed to address the same point? Are they not allowed to disagree with that point? Is it your position people can comment, often, regarding their hate for Zimmerman but not often if they defend Zimmerman's actions? What is your point, specifically?
@blacktainfalcon7097 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 the problem isn't that they are disagreeing. The problem is, the only arguments they seem to bring up were already address and rebuted in the video. So I'm going to guess you didn't read the whole comment then.
@aarnavchaturvedi2552 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 correct, defending Zimmerman is unacceptable, glad you understand
@autious 6 жыл бұрын
I really like the tone and perspective of your video Shaun. Thanks. Sometimes your view on things can be like an emotional detanglement. If that makes any sense.
@whitetuxmafiaandfilms5042 6 жыл бұрын
Fuck, man. Even reading the title of this video makes me feel fucking sad. He was just a kid fucking walking home with skittles. Even saying that makes me want too cry.
@miserychickadee 6 жыл бұрын
But I heard he maybe smoked pot before, and his clothes made him look really, _really_ scary!
@cerambycidae 6 жыл бұрын
It makes me cry, too.
@umbra1091 6 жыл бұрын
we're nothing in the cosmos What's fucked is Zimmerman sold the gun he used to kill Trayvon and got a ridiculous amount of money. I'm pretty sure he's in jail for domestic battery, though. That's something.
@lexluthore6065 6 жыл бұрын
Rodrigo Gonzalez why cause we can't stand the thought of a child killer walking among us 😟
@sundayescape 6 жыл бұрын
My reply was for Ulf Akesson's "He got justice". Zimmerman is a walking garbage dump.
@khaoulaabbadi3677 4 жыл бұрын
This was relevant in 2017, and it's still relevant now.
@khaoulaabbadi3677 4 жыл бұрын
Then what exactly are you doing here? It's almost like this video is still relevant, and people still come back to watch it, even comment.. Weird.
@matiasgarciacasas558 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman wait so you just come here to find people you consider to be morons?
@matiasgarciacasas558 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman chill out dude. It's ok if you want to drop a full book about it, but at least try to pretend you're not pissed.
@matiasgarciacasas558 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman dude the way you talk about the subject (specially the last paragraph), your constant use of caps and italics and now the "Hahahahaha!!!" makes it obvious. You're extremely pissed off
@matiasgarciacasas558 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman I'm just pointing out how pissed off you look
@KimberlyKohn 6 жыл бұрын
It took me about a month to bring myself to watch this, because this story still makes me so upset. Thank you for the video.
@emjr369 3 жыл бұрын
It upsets you that Zimmerman was arrested?
@awesomeat9113 3 жыл бұрын
@@emjr369 it’s upsetting Zimmerman wasn’t charged
@emjr369 3 жыл бұрын
@@awesomeat9113 he was charged
@SilenceOase Жыл бұрын
@@emjr369 And acquitted so shut the fuck up idiot
@KissatenYoba 6 жыл бұрын
"Two people legally obligated to fight to the death" wow
@godfreemorals 6 жыл бұрын
He said 'allowed' not obligated...
@Redflashx 6 жыл бұрын
Actually by stand your ground law, you're incentivized to murder the other person.
@TheAndyk123 6 жыл бұрын
Redflashx Exactly. Make it so that you're the only witness and you can get away with anything.
@dynamicworlds1 6 жыл бұрын
Redflashx the simple fix to a lot of that (though Zimmerman's case might arguably still be vague, dispite my rather strong feelings on it) while even keeping "stand your ground" laws is to make it so that perusing someone forfeits your right to claim "stand your ground" if an altercation results later as, logically, "your ground" was back where you started persuing them. If you cause the altercation by persuing someone and they could have more claim to stand your ground than you, you have the reasonable responsibility to retreat if possible.
@truthonly5716 5 жыл бұрын
@@dynamicworlds1 in this case that would not apply because Trayvon ran home which was near the back gate, then 3 minutes later Trayvon returned almost 100 yards north to confront and try to kill George.
@boysenbeary 3 жыл бұрын
Shot for, as many would say “walking while black”. Apparently so many things are “illegal” when you have a slight bit more melanin in your skin.
@emjr369 3 жыл бұрын
He wasn't walking. He was on top of Zimmerman and hitting him.
@jam5533 3 жыл бұрын
@@emjr369 So Trayvon wasn't walking before?
@richardcarson3596 5 ай бұрын
he was shot for knowingly and on purpose illegally attacking someone
@Craxin01 2 жыл бұрын
If anyone tries to tell you fine details of a fight they were in, they're likely lying. Adrenalin is pumping, panic is setting in, details get muddy. Follow that up with shooting someone lethally, and your brain is just a soup of mixed information and fight or flight chemicals. You don't have details. You MIGHT get a few flashes of something, but they'll be disjointed and not at all clear.
@PH0B0PH1L1A 8 ай бұрын
ik this comment was from 2 years ago but i was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. i've been in fights before, and between the flashes of painful impacts, muffled yelling (no clue most of the words), and the ringing in my ears, i couldn't tell you a thing about them. people who "remember" every detail clearly are either exaggerating for dramatic effect (which is fine at parties or locker rooms, but not in a court case), or outright lying.
@BloodyRosie 8 ай бұрын
Sure, but the photos of the injuries on GZ say a lot.
@PH0B0PH1L1A 8 ай бұрын
@@BloodyRosie i fully believe a fight broke out, don't get me wrong! but nobody remembers every single detail like that. _that_ part is embellishment and trying to cover for himself.
@thiswillnotendwell1019 5 жыл бұрын
It really is sad, and very telling, how all you have to tell someone is that Martin was beating up Zimmerman, and that suddenly somehow justifies everything that Zimmerman did, from following/accosting Martin, to shooting him to death. And I'm supposed to believe these people aren't evil and prejudiced. Give me a break.
@aroace7913 5 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 Nope.
@truthonly5716 5 жыл бұрын
@@aroace7913 George Zimmerman's actions were completely justified. How could they not be. If you were in George Zimmerman's position, you would have done the same thing.
@aroace7913 5 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 Nope I wouldn´t.
@aroace7913 5 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 I would not confront him after I have been told I should not follow him.
@truthonly5716 5 жыл бұрын
@@aroace7913 "I would not confront him after i have been told I should not follow him." George Zimmerman did not confront Trayvon Martin. Trayvon's girlfriend testified that Trayvon told her that he lost George and made it home. This was almost 100 yards south of where the confrontation happened. George at this time was 100 yards north and walking east. Trayvon walked 100 yards back in the dark and the rain to find George. Trayvon confronted assaulted and tried to kill George. George shot Trayvon to save his own life.
@ben6875 6 жыл бұрын
This was hard to watch, but I'm so grateful you made this video. I'm planning on sharing this with my family.
@LocoLocusPocus 6 жыл бұрын
Shaun solidarity! Keep up the good fight!
@samuelwasmuth 4 жыл бұрын
It's depressing how Shaun videos become relevant every year
@samuelwasmuth 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman conservative defending a racist headass
@heat3495 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman youve been on this comment section for fuckung years, literally just move on
@samuelwasmuth 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman why are you like this
@KillVill75 3 жыл бұрын
29:11 you can tell Zimmerman was about to call it his “service pistol” but caught himself. Nothings worse than wannabe cops/military who adopt the lingo.
@Avrysatos 6 жыл бұрын
34 minutes in and I'm annoyed. I KNEW I heard the name LaVoy Finicum before. Those terrorists that weren't called terrorists cause they're white. It was disgusting that they still don't call them terrorists.
@dinsule 6 жыл бұрын
Many terrorists don't kill for a coherent political aim. Personally, I would prefer we neither charge nor legally identify terrorism as a separate thing for a number of reasons, but that ship sailed a rather long time ago. To break this down accepting terrorism as a useful concept for a moment, the Bundy group was very much engaging in armed criminal activity for a political rather than material or personal purpose. They were representing a political cause. If this is the definition of terrorism you use, quibbling that Finicum was not a terrorist seems strange. A quick google suggests the following more specific language as part of US code: "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents." Crucially, just as threat of violence is still classified as assault in the proper context, "violence" does not necessarily mean direct bodily harm with a deadly weapon in this context. Using the threat of violence to storm non-military installations and hold non-combatants at bay to make a politically motivated statement while not directly representing a national entity (an act of war by foreign soldiers, that is, would not be an act of terrorism even if it was still for other reasons criminal under international laws), certainly fits the aesthetics of US terrorism classifications whether or not it meets more specific criteria for specific criminal charges or watch list classifications. For that I'd want to do more rigorous reading of the statutes themselves. Certainly we can agree that wearing masks and being non-white or politically leftist shouldn't change whether or not certain behaviors are terrorism. Consider the public reaction to black-clad anarachists storming the same building, fully armed. Or religious extremists. Do you think this would be identified by the media as terrorism? I don't think there's a grand conspiracy. But I do think there are some pretty clear biases in how media outlets present these events, and those biases have nothing to do with your typical headline editor being familiar with US penal codes or the various statutes defining terrorism for this or that legal or administrative purpose. It has to do with the superficial optics of terrorism: the closer it looks to foreign religious radicals bombing buildings and hijacking vehicles, the more likely it is to be written about as terrorism in US media.
@Avrysatos 6 жыл бұрын
Terminimal they don't call them these things on the television, they call them these things on the internet. It's like if we tell the average television news watched there are terrorists that aren't Muslim they'll stop watching any news or something. And I've not seen one major media outlet call the Charlottesville driver a terrorist. Last I looked they just called Dylan roof a mass shooter too. Yet by the definition we charge non-white Christian men they all would fall under terrorism.
@estlin2001 3 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman's excuse of being asked by the operator to try and find Martin makes no sense. No 911 Operator would ask a caller to potentially put themselves in danger and would be fired if they did.
@FactCheckerGuy 6 ай бұрын
Yet, the recording shows that the operator did ask GZ where Martin was going.
@estlin2001 6 ай бұрын
@@FactCheckerGuy there's a world's difference between asking what direction a suspect went in and directly asking to follow the suspect
@Helperbot-2000 4 ай бұрын
@@FactCheckerGuy least disingenious racist:
@quique7764 4 жыл бұрын
No matter how much ppl try to justify the death of this young man who was walking home you're never going to convince me or for that matter many minorities living in the US as it goes against many of our lived & shared experiences. Case in point: another black man who was jogging was murdered & it took months of protests for the murderers to be arrested & you don't have to be a minority in the US to know the outcome would have been different if the race of the ppl in question were reversed. And in the meantime the local gov. released any & all damaging info of the victim in order to cast doubt in the public this justifying the state's inaction.
@tzvikrasner6073 2 жыл бұрын
Essentially, the jury in this case did what most juries in these "stand your ground" states do: they treated black skin as a lethal weapon.
@Craxin01 2 жыл бұрын
I'm against "stand your ground" laws. I'm not saying if you're attacked you don't have the right to defend yourself, just that you don't have a right to say some magic words and receive no consequences. Every assault and death need to be investigated, period.
@tzvikrasner6073 2 жыл бұрын
@@Craxin01 They're basically legalized lynching.
@Craxin01 2 жыл бұрын
@@tzvikrasner6073 Not quite sure I'd go THAT far, but there is something to be said about who gets the law applied to them and who doesn't. Wealthy and powerful people get the defense, poor and powerless people might get the law applied if they shoot someone else poor and powerless but not if they shoot someone wealthy and powerful. So, I think I'm about 80% with you.
@tomasrocha6139 11 ай бұрын
Bashing someone's head against concrete is lethal, Martin was seen doing so by multiple witnesses and Zimmerman's head was all bloody
@bronxbl0gr 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for keeping this story in the spotlight after the MSM was "done" with it. This is issue is still very relevant in the states.
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery what is the “missing information” exactly? Or are you disagreeing with this video just for the sake of disagreeing?
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery but I did ask? You gonna answer or not?
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery am I suppose to believe that Shawn’s 40 min video is “missing information”. But some douche on the internet has all the answers even tho he’s not telling what those answers are?
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery and I didn’t accuse you of anything, I asked you a question.
@VMohdude- 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery can you specifically provide any evidence at all?
@TheTheddi 6 жыл бұрын
Second degree murder is certainly not overcharged. He followed Trayvon with a gun and ignored police instructions, later lied in interviews and then made a profit and mocked the death of Trayvon by selling the gun the shot him with. No, Zimmerman had absolutely no reason to be afraid of his own life, if he was he could have simply stopped following Trayvon. And i can't find any other reason than killing Trayvon that explain why he would do the things he did.
@saffles. 6 жыл бұрын
I think in American law you can justify it by saying you felt threatened, even if it's obvious that there was no threat, and that somehow makes it not murder? At least, all the cases that make the news seem to imply this is the case.
@peppermintgal4302 6 жыл бұрын
+Lady Snuffles If I understand correctly, it gets complicated. You may not need to demonstrate that there was no threat, but you still need to show, from your perspective, that it was plausible to assume threat? I think? I may be wrong. Don't hire me as a lawyer.
@sodasalesman6822 5 жыл бұрын
The reason he says it was overcharged is that it was impossible to prove second degree murder, so they should have tried to prosecute for a crime they could prove, manslaughter, in order to at least get him on something
@no_peace 4 жыл бұрын
@@Eric-vh3ur 2nd degree murder is literally defined as not being premeditated
@no_peace 4 жыл бұрын
@@saffles. yes, in the way that being followed by someone makes you fear for your life
@zcreelex 2 жыл бұрын
The last five minutes with the tweets were just heartbreaking
@lisaratley4858 3 жыл бұрын
Zimmerman chased a child down and when the child fought back (probably out of fear), Zimmerman murdered him.
@foolishmuleth6757 3 жыл бұрын
No no no. See all Trayvon had to do was remain calm when confronted by a man who has trailed you for a good distance, de-escalate the situation against a man who thinks you are a dangerous thug, never posted anything controversial on social media, cure cancer, end world hunger, confront the ceo of racism, and bring everlasting world peace
@TheTdroid 2 жыл бұрын
@@foolishmuleth6757 And without hurting any white persons feelings in any way, at any time. Completely reasonable standard
@naitthegr8131 2 жыл бұрын
@@foolishmuleth6757 I like what you did there. If a black kid does anything that most people have done when they were teens, that kid would be labeled as pure evil by so many members of the dominant society looking for any excuse to dehumanize him out of political as well as racial backlash.
@FactCheckerGuy 5 ай бұрын
@@foolishmuleth6757 Actually, all TM had to do was not ambush and assault an armed man. It is a bad idea to start beating a man with a gun.
@richardcarson3596 5 ай бұрын
@vmgx 6 жыл бұрын
Watching that murderer lying to the police is repulsive
@JaredEMitchell 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a simple man. I see Shaun upload, I make some coffee to enjoy.
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Jared Mitchell I enjoy drinking a cup of coffee too, while I listen to garbage like Shaun puts out.
@nutboy93 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry You’re an idiot
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
nutboy93 You are an ignorant butt job, who doesn't know anything about this case, but you still show your stupidity.
@monopolio25 5 жыл бұрын
Jared Mitchell i just binge watched quite a few of these and I enjoy your comments 👍
@cecilia7932 5 жыл бұрын
@@truthonly5716 But job xD Love your comments, they get better and better
@TheRedRaccoonDog 5 жыл бұрын
I love how the killer didn't have a toxicology test done, but the VICTIM did. It shows who they instantly sided with.
@TheRedRaccoonDog 5 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman And everyone claimed that trace amounts of THC means that Trayvon was CLEARLY a deranged and violent black person. The US is a great blueprint for what every other nation ought to avoid being.
@TheRedRaccoonDog 5 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman Is there any reason specifically to test for THC in Trayvon? Or to release such an irrelevant detail? The entire thing was a hit job.
@TheRedRaccoonDog 5 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman MFW murdering someone isn't a sign of intoxication.
@TheRedRaccoonDog 5 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman If you believe his version of events. But he has proven himself to be a constant liar.
@TheRedRaccoonDog 5 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman Except his version doesn't even match itself. But you know. They show up and investigate the victim and not the shooter. Florida's a hole.
@KnowArt 4 жыл бұрын
'racially conscious' sounds like 'racist, but trying to be smart about it'
@jamesoblivion 4 жыл бұрын
Watching this yet again as I contemplate the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, penned in by vehicles while jogging and shot by the son of a former cop, while dad looked on with a rifle. Captured on video. No charges filed.
@jamesoblivion 4 жыл бұрын
Right on. Don't forget you left it there, I'm not gonna keep an eye on it for you.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
Not at all the same. Trayvon was capped because he attacked a man.
@jamesoblivion 4 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 An armed man who stalked and confronted him for no reason, after 911 dispatch advised him not to. If an armed black teen stalked an unarmed white man, and the white man "attacked" his pursuer, you'd call it self defense.
@jumperguy9867 4 жыл бұрын
@@jamesoblivion Zimmerman happened to be carrying a firearm...totally legal to do. But if he had any plans of using his, it wouldn't have taken him nearly a minute of getting his ass handed to him to get it out and pull the trigger, Stalking? Zimmerman followed Trayvon from a distance, and CLEARLY lost sight of him when he disappeared to the south. How you can characterize that as stalking is idiotic.
@anna-flora999 3 жыл бұрын
@@jumperguy9867 by saying he followed him from a distance and tried to find him after losing sight.
@xenosbreed 3 жыл бұрын
It still blows me away that Zimmerman hunted down Trayvon Martin, on the assumption he was armed, doing crimes, and on drugs, cause he's black, confronted Trayvon, and then lied many times about what was said on the dispatch call, and got off, why wasn't manslaughter also pursued? And then Zimmerman auctions off the murder weapon and people will still defend the garbage human being he is. '5 Years later and still relevant' Still relevant in 2021
@bradlee2594 3 жыл бұрын
You're blown away based on being misinformed by media and especially social media. The evidence indicates Zimmerman did not hunt or confront Trayvon Martin. You and most of the world have been misinformed of the actual evidence. There is also no proof he lied about what was said on the dispatch call. He may have lied, but he may have simply made mistakes in retelling what happened. Most of his story is supported by credible evidence, so with that being the case, making mistakes seems more likely than him lying. Manslaughter was pursued (and Zimmerman was found not guilty). And Zimmerman sold the gun, which was used in legal self-defense (not murder), because it was valuable (for reasons that don't make sense, but that doesn't negate there was indeed monetary value). And it's been 9 years since the incident occurred. This case is one of the most misunderstood cases of all time. And comments like yours only perpetuate a misinformed public.
@jasonclarke7557 3 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 didn't watch the video, lectures people how they are misinformed. grow up, troll.
@bradlee2594 3 жыл бұрын
@@jasonclarke7557 - I did watch the video. And the person I responded to was misinformed. As are too many other people who arrive at conclusions not based on credible evidence. And those like you who can't present an argument, resort to ad hominem attacks instead.
@yoloswaggins7121 3 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 You didn't watch the videp because oll of the evidence is presented in it
@jasonclarke7557 3 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 it's not an attack. you lack intelligence, and you are a troll. grow up.
@mr.scarfy6851 4 жыл бұрын
Poor kid just wanted candy. I go on walks to buy shit all the time. Of course, I'm not going to get shot for it, because I'm white...
@willasproth 3 жыл бұрын
Michael Bowman Trayvon Martian also wouldn’t have been murdered if he wasn’t stocked by an armed man.
@pedropenisman1306 3 жыл бұрын
Ok ill be honest this doesn't defend it at all fuck zimmer man but jolly ranchers and sprite isn't just candy if you get what i mean
@djelibaebi4147 6 жыл бұрын
Shaun the Skull-thing: Ace Attorney
@Lastjustice 4 жыл бұрын
He'd lost his ass in actual court as the verdict doesn't support anythnig he says. Almost like...he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I get facts about court cases from credible sources...not biased youtubers.
@peterk.9571 4 жыл бұрын
@@Lastjustice yeah, because the verdict wasn't right
@Lastjustice 4 жыл бұрын
@@peterk.9571 Yeah Because I trust clowns on the internet playing arm chair quarter back over paid professionals who actually looked at the evidence for 1000 of hours. If you look at the proof you would never believe that.
@peterk.9571 4 жыл бұрын
@@Lastjustice are you about to defend the killing of an innocent person because they "looked suspicious"?
@Lastjustice 4 жыл бұрын
@@peterk.9571 What on earth makes you think Trayvon Martin was innocent? The dude was a tall fit guy who loved fighting. Why he was suspended from school in the first place. He had a violent history, and he made it to his backyard. He talked on the phone to his girl before heading back to fight. She begged him to go into the house. If GZ was just stalking TM he'd hand his gun out the entire time and never got punched. TM was on top of GZ beating his head into hamburger when GZ finnally shot him. How many punches did you expect the man to take before he used his firearm? The ballistics prove this as it was a point blank shot. They were engaged in a life or death struggle, and TM lost. He could just stayed home when he got to his aunt's backyard, and called the police like a sane person if he was truly felt threatened. He didn't. He went out and picked a fight with someone armed which people in florida are known to concealed carry. He was the superior fighter, and if GZ wasn't armed he'd been dead.(And we'd never heard about this case.) He legally had the right to conceal carry and his life was definitely being threatened. Your argument boils do to I don't like outcome of the case despite nothing being contrary to it's outcome. The media needs stop trying make thugs into saints.
@hodakok 6 жыл бұрын
This makes me sick and sad. As European guns make me so uncomfortable and thanks to rise of white supremacy and nationalist groups here lot of psycho people around me have illegal guns. I fear the day when innocent PoC will live In bigger numbers in this fd up country(Czech rep). We already have systematic racism that targets gypsies(I am sorry if it's not the right term in english Czech word is Rom). Racism is so fd up and makes me feel so powerless when It seems to me that I can do nothing. Can't even convince my family because of my anxiety. I learn so much about feminism, racism and other SJW issues every day but literally can't even convince someone about how wrong they are because of my own brain. Sometimes it feels like I am adding to the problem because of non action. Its so shorty being literally just keyboard warrior that can't do anything irl. Thanks for your content Shaun. You are doing great work as always.
@hodakok 6 жыл бұрын
Brian they are not all illegal here we just have "big" restriction on who can get it and how. But as we are post communist country bribes are big here so in some areas when you know people or just bribe them it's ok in eyes of people to own guns or do anything because bribes are ok here by public eye of older generations. A lot of people that hold illegal guns around me bought old army gun that had put iron in the barrel and just drilled it precisely so it can shoot again. Its just so crazy. I would be much more comfortable with more acesible weapons but some asurance that the people got training to operate it. In last few years only people killed by guns were by old man who had license but his family literally pleaded years for got to take it from him and from "hunters"( they are not really hunters they take care for population of forest animals and hunt just when there is too many of some again Czech word Myslivec) that were drunk in for eat and thought someone was animal or mishandled guns. Again I don't know how far hate can go and if any of those people owning guns would really hurt some PoC but just the thought of those unstable individuals is terrible. Eh I got so away from the converstation sorry
@MalcH 6 жыл бұрын
Your analysis here is truly remarkable and thorough. I am indescribably impressed. I study law and I agree with your personal opinions and analysis here. The world desperately needs people like you, Shaun...and the US desperately needs intelligent, compassionate people like you to serve as civil rights attorneys. But your videos are always top notch, so I'm glad you stick with it. Thank you, friend, from Missouri!
@peterchurch3855 6 жыл бұрын
He left out the fact that the jury was given the option to find Zimmerman guilty of manslaughter if they didn't think he was guilty of murder 2. That seems like a pretty big thing to leave out.
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
Mal c.H You seem to be ignorant of this case.
@nutboy93 6 жыл бұрын
Elvis Terry You seem to be an idiot and a liar
@truthonly5716 6 жыл бұрын
nutboy93 You are a lying piece of shit who is looking for 5 seconds of fame. What an ignorant and disgusting loser.
@quadeevans6484 3 жыл бұрын
Guys what's with all the ad hominem attacks
@brennenderopa 3 жыл бұрын
2021 and this is still relevant. Funny to see how some guys in the comments still defend their hero Zimmerman. This compared to his altercation with Apperson is really sick. Also Zimmerman has made a killing selling murderabilia and is constantly showered with money by the alt right for his paint by number paintings of the confederate flag. He has threatened people with a gun and had several domestic violence incidents. What a truly horrible person.
@noxthemc7717 5 жыл бұрын
Can we all agree that being stalked by a strange wannabe cop is sufficient reason to be afraid? If someone's stalking me, they're already in the wrong
@Lastjustice 4 жыл бұрын
@@KingBobXVI Actually they use the phone GPS to show he was roughly in his aunt's backyard. He spoke on the phone for multiple minutes before going back instead of going in the house after his Girl begged him to just go inside. He went back and attack GZ. What part of this is justified? He could just called the cops like a sane person...but nope I gotta go back and fight because I thought he looked like a bitch. He was the aggressor and GZ had his gun in his holster. He didn't have any intention of using the gun till he did. If he was going and hunting TM he would had it ready to fire and never been touched. So let's get this straight, he called the police to let them know what was he could commit murder and have them find him? WHAT?!? No, you don't do that when you're trying kill people, you just shoot them and leave their body where it falls to produce as little evidence as possible. It just looks like a random attack, which no motive can be assigned to the crime increasing the odds it goes unsolved. So he's either the worst murderer on the planet or wasn't trying to actually do that. The evidence showed TM was on top of GZ when he shot him. What murderer allows their victim to do that? I'm guessing you still TM was some cute lil kid as they used an old photo of him to make him look sweet and innocent. The dude was 5'11" and in great shape. He had a history of violence, and suspended from school for fighting. That was what lead him to his grave. He couldn't walk away.
@TheSamzidat 6 жыл бұрын
Shaun, you're a stand-up lad. Thanks for doing what you do.
@davidnissim589 4 жыл бұрын
Now Zimmerman is suing the Martin family, and the mainstream right is backing him up. How heartless can you get?
@joeblaster8770 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty god damn low.
@emjr369 3 жыл бұрын
He should win. His case is very solid, based on Martin's own text messages
@bitchpuke 3 жыл бұрын
@@emjr369 did you watch the video? where multiple contradictions that zimmerman made were shown? also zimmerman has a long history of assaulting people. the dude is a fucking menace and he absolutely should not win this case because he's not innocent. he needs to be jailed. you should be ashamed of yourself for defending zimmerman.
@TheRTM 3 жыл бұрын
Wow.. this is the best Analysis and breakdown of this incident that I’ve ever heard. Spot on👏👏
@courteneyskye5690 4 жыл бұрын
Holy shit. I was young when Trayvon Martin was killed so I don’t remember the reactions but wow. The difference between the reactions to a criminal being shot while armed after a high speed chase and a black teenager being shot are despicable.
@mr.scarfy6851 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman what "forcible felony" was he committing? Also, are you just scouring the comments to reply to people with racist bullshit?
@Sableagle 3 жыл бұрын
@@mr.scarfy6851 Walking while black is apparently a "forcible felony." Hadn't you heard?
@alexbull4722 6 жыл бұрын
What a sad and tragic state of affairs, that a random KZfaqr who is presumably not trained in jurisprudence, could have prosecuted this case against Zimmerman more effectively than the lawyer who ended up completely failing in his duty to bring justice Trayvon's memory.
@NaikoIshino 6 жыл бұрын
That's not true. In court there must not be room for doubt to get a conviction for a supposed criminal. Zimmermann was charged for 2. degree murder, which based on the _evidence_ is not what he committed. He acted stupidly, but since there isn't proof that any of his actions where actually illegal, the doubt gives him the free run. The prosecutor most likely came to the same conclusion as Shaun, but as him he didn't have any proof.
@jackwhite8204 6 ай бұрын
​@@NaikoIshinothis is the point the original reply was making and that Shaun makes in the video. The comment is suggesting that, as Shaun says, prosecuting for 2nd degree murder was never going to work and a lower charge should have been sought. This is the capacity in which they're suggesting that Shaun would have outperformed the actual lawyer - which you seem to agree with.
@chriswalker5061 5 жыл бұрын
As a guy who had somebody drive slowly behind them, it does put you on edge.
@richardcarson3596 5 ай бұрын
you were high and driving 5 miles an hour on a one way street, dipshit
@cottoncandy113 6 жыл бұрын
Trayvon Martin is only a month younger than me. I'm about to graduate college soon. It makes me so sad. What his life could have been. And how people laugh at his death. Thanks for making this video, Shaun. I couldn't have ever done so on such an emotional topic. I felt as though you were very fair and respectful.
@boonsaplenty3924 Жыл бұрын
It's absolutely killing me that almost no Shaun videos are subtitled, ffs I love you Shaun but watching your videos as a hearing impaired person is god awful
@antoniodittman5820 10 ай бұрын
KZfaq has a Closed caption feature.
@boonsaplenty3924 10 ай бұрын
@@antoniodittman5820 Yeah, I'm aware, and it sucks. It doesn't do predictive text so it only has up to the most recent word, it's got spotty voice recognition; it just blows compared to actual subtitles done by the channel which, for scripted content like this, shouldn't be too much work.
@bakura1640 6 жыл бұрын
Another great video Shaun, never stop what you're doing.
@simonamorim1405 6 жыл бұрын
That was five years ago already. Wow thats sad.
@svensvenkill 5 жыл бұрын
@@nostepsnek1776 , I've noticed that you've made this comment and others like it in this comments section repeatedly and yet you've failed to actually address any of the substance in Shaun's video or any of the known facts of this case. This tells me that you probably didn't even bother to watch this entire video and instead saw the title of the video and perhaps the first five minutes or so and immediately jumped into the comments to troll people and insult the memory of a dead teenager. You have literally proven Shaun right about people like you having a very clear racial bias and if, as I imagine, you're a patriotic American who believes in "truth and justice" you should be disgusted with yourself. Seriously, take a good hard look at yourself, your beliefs and actions. You can be better than this.
@nostepsnek1776 5 жыл бұрын
@@svensvenkill You don't know my race, it has been a while but I know I watched it more than once because I had time stamps either in mycomment or in notes. I addressed what I wanted to address and though was important. Stop trying to project some racist white american stereotype on me, quote what I didn't address or fuck off because so far you didn't address jack shit.
@svensvenkill 5 жыл бұрын
@@nostepsnek1776 , you addressed fuck all. Instead, you made insulting "joke", throwaway comments such as the one above and guess what? That doesn't address anything. And I'm not projecting, the evidence is in the quality of your comments (I'm not privvy to your "notes"; genius), which I clearly addressed in my previous comment. Seems you're unable to read your own comments as well as those of others, eh? It's no wonder you're not able to objectively assess a video such as this one. And seriously, you're going to pull the "You don't know what race I am!" card? Really?! So, you're telling me you're black, are you? Yeah... right...
@nostepsnek1776 5 жыл бұрын
@@svensvenkill Tell me where I was wrong.
@svensvenkill 5 жыл бұрын
@@nostepsnek1776, tell me where you actually made a point?
@ZeroDrawn 5 жыл бұрын
This video was very, very interesting, well thought-out, and well-presented. Thank you for taking the time to put it all together. Those side-by-side tweets were really something else.
@SnakeMan448 Жыл бұрын
The point about how Martin's actions also constituted self defense and how Zimmerman defenders never acknowledge that has stuck with me for years and has been invaluable in seeing through the ideas the right wing peddle.
@bradlee2594 Жыл бұрын
What, specifically, constituted Martin's right to self-defense? Can you articulate your belief with more than generalizations?
@SnakeMan448 Жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 Creepy older man following a teenager around his home neighbourhood and reached for his gun. Anybody would feel reasonable in trying to chase Zimmerman away by hitting him, and even if Martin had been overstepping the bounds of what is self defence, that's for the court to decide, not a self-important, racist vigilante with a history of violence. I had a look at what you're about before I wrote a reply, and it appears that you're a Zimmerman defending conspiracy theorist. "Everybody is ignoring the details and being biased, except for me" is always a red flag.
@jasonclarke7557 Жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 oof. here you go again. is this video your homepage? seriously dude.
@bradlee2594 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonclarke7557 - Again, when you have something that resembles an argument, bring it forward. Otherwise, you're both a troll and a coward.
@jasonclarke7557 Жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 hahaha, i love it. you're simping for a guy who murdered a kid, got away with it, and you're trying to high road me for calling you out on it after you've been doing it for years? bold strategy. and shaun made the entire argument. nothing more needs to be added. but please, do go on, beat that dead horse. it's a good look for you.
@MalcH 6 жыл бұрын
You deserve a medal, or a tiara. Or both. You are amazing.
@psyjax2 6 жыл бұрын
You do good work Shaun.
@wildwesley9328 5 жыл бұрын
When this case was in trial, I was too young to understand the justice system and how it works. I didn’t understand the difference in charges and what lawyers and prosecutors had the burden to prove, so it was appalled to me that someone so clearly at fault could go free. (I’m from Florida and it really hit home when it occurred) Thank you for this, and all of your thoroughly researched arguments based on logic, facts, and reason as well as the respectful way you handle these topics. I really appreciate it. I wish all people would take the time to at least listen and try to understand even if they disagree.
@tayzers69 3 жыл бұрын
lmao im watching this in 2020 and its so funny to me that ppl defend stuff like the killing of tm. as a black person y'know this stuff is so deeply traumatizing we literally need therapy for it, i know for me personally in the last few months ive been goin thru a huge depressive episode with no sign of ending. the lack of compassion or considerate ppl have for people like me, just because of our physical features is ridiculous. its so mind boggling its almost funny, because i just cant even begin to understand how you could be that fucking evil. but thats all i got to say im high writing this so sorry if it doesn't make sense ✌🏾
@nat-fs3ms 3 жыл бұрын
hating black people and automatically assuming black people are thugs is just a fashionable opinion among our conservative friends. pay no mind to the trolls
@BitchChill 3 жыл бұрын
@entertain7us148 6 жыл бұрын
I could listen to Shaun read the entire Wikipedia entry on 'paper' and still be thoroughly entertained.
@Anna133199 5 жыл бұрын
You say that as if "paper" is a boring subject!
@theusurper4584 6 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate the effort you put in your videos. Tons of research and very thoughtful and fair analysis. So refreshing!
@51pr54 5 жыл бұрын
I love binge watching your past videos Shaun; not for the unpleasant facts of these cases, but for the calm logic and reasoned nuance that you bring to each topic.
@matthewroberts6833 4 жыл бұрын
Just another American reminding myself of the country I live in after the latest police killing of an unarmed black man. Don't mind me.
@matthewroberts6833 4 жыл бұрын
@Michael Bowman Actually I'm not at the present time thanks to travel restrictions but, sure, thanks for the pile of straw.
@DeanCalhoun 4 жыл бұрын
“You’re free to leave” What the fuck are you saying? I see this stupid argument come up all the time. Someone criticizes the U.S. and then there’s always someone quick to reply “then leave”. What does it accomplish? Why is it so bad to want to be better? What is so terrible about wanting change in the country you live in?
@DeanCalhoun 4 жыл бұрын
I’m quite impressed, honestly, with how deftly you avoided the actual point of my comment. Quite convenient to be able to dismiss whatever you like as “emotional jibber jabber”. The point I was making was what good does it do to say that? What does “reminding someone that they’re free to leave” do? The way I see it, it’s a tool to do exactly what you did when responding to my comment: ignore the main issue. If you went and ate a restaurant and ordered a meal and they brought you the wrong meal, you would be right to complain about that error and request the correct meal. Then imagine some other person in the restaurant leans over and says “well you know you’re free to not eat here”. While it is true, it doesn’t accomplish anything. It’s a way to discredit any complaint against the system and shift the blame from the system which is at fault to the individual for bothering to live in the system when they could potentially leave it. Not to mention, this claim of “you’re free to leave” is not even true in every case. A lot of people living in the United States can’t just get up and move somewhere else. That’s not really how it works. There’s no rule banning them from leaving, but most people are fairly substantially economically tied to their current location. So again I will ask what is so wrong with demanding change that when someone does so they are met with the response “you’re free to leave”? Why is it that you feel the need to remind them?
@DeanCalhoun 4 жыл бұрын
Again ignoring the main point of my argument. How naughty of you. I suppose I’ll just do the same thing, then. Here goes: *“It doesn’t do any good”* Okay, so you’ve just acknowledged that I am right. You accept that reminding people they are “free to leave” in response to criticism of their country is a pointless endeavor that serves to divert conversation away from that criticism. Glad we’re on the same page there. *”What it does do is remind people, blah, blah, blah”* Reminding people reminds people. Brilliant. *”They act as if they’re being forced to stay”* Not at all. They make a complaint about some aspect of the way the country is run, without mention of their freedom to leave, and then you feel the need to remind them that they are actually indeed free to leave, which is not what the conversation was about.
@godqueensadie 3 жыл бұрын
Grown man stalks teenager towards his home, instigates a fist-fight where he has a 3 weight class advantage, then pulls a gun because he's losing. Then, after getting away with murder, props himself up as a hero, even selling the gun at auction. If nothing else, he's a coward, and a disgusting excuse for a human being.
@bradlee2594 3 жыл бұрын
You got literally every aspect of this case wrong. "Stalk" is a term you obviously don't understand. "Instigate" is a term you might understand, but the evidence contradicts you in regard to who instigated a fight (rather an attack, not a fight). He pulled a gun to stop a person who would not stop attacking him, even as he screamed for help for over 45 seconds. He did not get away with murder. He was justified in using legal lethal force to defend himself. He never propped himself up as a hero. The evidence disagrees with you in every aspect. Yet you have such strong opinions. Why?
@int537 3 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 So if a person i dont know has been following me for ten minutes, i dont have a right to confront them and defend myself?
@bradlee2594 3 жыл бұрын
@@int537 - Your question is flawed because you assume Zimmerman continually followed Trayvon, and then you imply Trayvon had a right to defend himself against the crime of "following someone". First, following someone is not a crime by itself. But more importantly, Zimmerman did not follow Trayvon continually. Maybe I am wrong. But if I'm wrong, then someone should be able to demonstrate why I'm wrong. Why do you think Zimmerman followed Trayvon continually? And why do you think that justified Trayvon punching Zimmerman in the face?
@int537 3 жыл бұрын
@@bradlee2594 You are right, he stopped long enough to call the copa and be told not to follow him. Which he did afterwards anyway. You also make a lot of assumptions. We dont know that Martin swung first or what their interaction was like before the fight. But in the end, one man was lightly scuffed and one is dead. If Zimmerman had followed instructions Martin would be alive. And most manslaughter charges boil down to If not for their action, this person would be alive. Which is the case here
@bradlee2594 3 жыл бұрын
@@int537 - This is where you, like so many others, can't or won't explain yourself with any credible evidence or reasonableness. But, maybe I'm wrong about you. Why do you believe Zimmerman followed Trayvon after being told not to?
@Matrim42 6 жыл бұрын
This is a really good breakdown of the case, I just wish that some "skeptical" people would actually be receptive to it.
@nutboy93 6 жыл бұрын
Analyzing Male Slavery you mean logic?
@truthonly5716 4 жыл бұрын
@@nutboy93 No, he meant lame semantic games, pay attention!
@Lastjustice 4 жыл бұрын
Why would anyone believe a biased youtuber over the actual court case? If you looked at the proof, the outcome was clear as day. This was self defense.
@samwwrl98ify 4 жыл бұрын
Skeptical is a morons word for ignoring the facts
@portmantologist 2 жыл бұрын
This video was relevant when you released it, and is even more relevant now, after the murder of Ahmaud Arbery in particular.
@anddudewaslike 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the work you do. It really does make a difference
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