The Tories are somehow baffled that young people hate them | Pubcast #5 clip

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On this week's Pubcast, we react to research done by Onward which indicates that the Tories aren't liked by millennials.
We decided to delve into why Conservatives are shocked by this.
Camera: Kesia Evans
Mix: Henry Lewin-Titt
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@spankflaps1365 Жыл бұрын
The Tories hate the public, and they wonder why feeling is mutual?
@WilliamLucas-ef6qc Жыл бұрын
I love Mikey Govey
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
Unless you're minted
@TheBushdoctor68 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Tory politicians hate the public, I think they see them as commodities in their schemes to get rich. They couldn't care less if we suffer or not, as long as they keep raking in fat profits through their businesses and market shares.
@garriejackson9551 Жыл бұрын
But the blue rinse lot will always vote for them
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
@@garriejackson9551 Regrettably so Garrie, as the yanks say, there's no fixing stupid.
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
Oi! Us old school working class who grew up during the Thatcher years hate the Tories too! We were hating them before you were born! 😂😂😂
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
@@eightiesmusic1984 I'm from Liverpool, I grew up with Derek Hatton telling Maggie to shove it up her arse. I know a certain percentile will always back the Torys, Dad always voted Tory etc etc. But I saw what genuine action could do. I saw taxis going max chat all over Liverpool delivering wage packets to council workers when Maggie told us no wages could be paid.
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
@@eightiesmusic1984 & I'll tell you another thing whilst I'm at it. I like many of my generation joined up. There was no work bar HM Forces. I ended up in the RN, & despie any indoctrination that some discuss? I still vote Labour because the Tories have never & will never be for the average working bod on the street
@piccalillipit9211 Жыл бұрын
I was going to say we are the OG tory haters, then I remembered the miners in 1921 miners strike where Churchill sent in the army to shoot them. "On 31 March 1921 the coalmines were returned to private ownership [they had been nationalised for WW1]. The miners' union refused to accept the owners' new terms [massive pay cut]"
@piccalillipit9211 Жыл бұрын
@@markmaher4548 "I saw taxis going max chat all over Liverpool delivering wage packets to council workers when Maggie told us no wages could be paid." WOW thats amazing
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
@@piccalillipit9211 Rule of thumb Picalli, never tell a scouser what he/she can or can't do. We get a bit pissed off if people do! 🤣🤣🤣
@ShaunieDale Жыл бұрын
The crab in a bucket analogy also works perfectly when you consider the general public and anyone like railway workers and nurses. Rather than help the strikers do better the general public pull them back into the bucket with “we are struggling down here, you should stay in here and struggle with us”.
@user-wf4hy4ub7p Жыл бұрын
This has aalways been the case. "He's getting a bit more than me...take some off him", instead of, "He's getting more than me, give me a little more". Dog in a manger attitude. The hay is no good to the dog, but he is determined not to let the cattle have it.
@mickeythompson9537 10 ай бұрын
Yes - that is exactly the case. Why help yourself and others, when you can drag others down to your own level of suffering.
@wef2023 Жыл бұрын
It's not just young people. Anyone capable of rational thought hates them
@jonathanc2959 Ай бұрын
Agreed with you! I'm young but everyone hates politics as a whole
@U2QuoZepplin Жыл бұрын
I hope so ! I remember how I felt about Margaret Thatcher's government back in the 80's and 90s and we had to put up with a couple more decades or so of those losers after that. It was like they were never going to go away. And arguably they never have done , such is the horrifically damaging effect of Thatcher's legacy.
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
You me & a few million 70's & 80's kids
@alanhat5252 Жыл бұрын
'60s too & most '50s, it's only FPTP that brings them back time after time, not people actually voting for them.
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
@@alanhat5252 I must admit I do worry about PR voting. That's how nut jobs like the BNP get seats. It's how the Nazi party got their first seats in 1927
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
When Maggie had her funeral, it was one of the few days I regretted no longer being in uniform, so I could make sure she couldn't rise from the dead come the zombie apocalypse! 🤣🤣🤣
@janetmalcolm6191 Жыл бұрын
@U2QuoZepplin...their ideas have never gone away... Protect the rich....themselves included ....and make life hellish for those not in that category regardless of who they are or what they do. Thinking of Cameron and George Osborne here. The policies from this time are still being felt today. If they could charge for air by the gulp...they would. So many have suffered from their policies it's unreal. Nobody happy with them today. Life is sooo much worse after 13 years of their sh**t.
@BigHenFor Жыл бұрын
Screw the labels - we're all being screwed over.
@_Stin_ Жыл бұрын
Exactly. We need to make a habit of looking at the big picture and not searching for the narrowest outlook we can muster.
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
I agree. It has become very convenient to the tories and Brexiters to have us all fighting with each other.
@Notalloldpeople Жыл бұрын
The labels are stupid as the opening debate proves
@charlottescott7150 Жыл бұрын
I am 56 years old and remain as socialist as I was when I was younger. I still care as much about the planet and other peiple and want fairness for all. With politics getting further to the right, even so called Labour, it looks like I am getting further to the left but I am staying still. I loved Corbyn's politics of hope. If only...
@robe1811 Жыл бұрын
Good on you Charlotte :)
@attackpatterndelta8949 Жыл бұрын
I'm 41 and can feel myself slowly turning right wing, but in an odd way. Brexit is the main example. I feel bad for anyone who voted Remain and their small business has gone down the toilet. But if someone voted Leave and their life is total shit, I'm quite glad about that.
@janetmalcolm6191 Жыл бұрын
@charlottescott7150..Tories have proved they don't care about people or planet. The things they have said prove this. Cameron said we don't build social housing because they don't vote for us. They also ditched energy plans. No reservoirs were built despite larger population. The things Corbyn offered are mostly things people agree would be good now. State owned utilities....and a few more. The media shot him down. Ideas too nice for them. They prefer the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.
@mickeythompson9537 10 ай бұрын
"If only..." And it's that kind of fantasy thinking that keeps us sitting on our holes, while the Tories destroy our society.
@EarlofSalop Жыл бұрын
My parents who are in their late 50s have always argued that growing up under labour in the 70s made them unable to vote for labour again. I generally believe most people under 35 have been so negatively effected by this Tory government and Brexit they’ll never vote for them.
@maxine2798 Жыл бұрын
There was a lot of grinding the uk in and through its toughest time since the war. Not many governments came out of it well
@janetmalcolm6191 Жыл бұрын
@earlbitchin1096.....the Tory policies help no 1. Never have actually. I wasn't a fan of Blair...but the list of their accomplishments were good. Poor were better off....the stats show that. If you are young and have a good job today you are ok....but housing is a big problem not solved. No social housing built....Tories didn't want no first rung on a ladder available. Mortgages hard to get sorted and hard to save for a house now...rents really high as well. So very little choice. People on here don't like me saying this but it has been like this before. It really has. I am much older than your parents by the way...... The young think the world was wonderful previously....with change of governments it was and then it wasn't! Peaks and always.
@chrisd5964 Жыл бұрын
If they are in their late fifties they would have been children under the 70’s Labour government, unconcerned by the politics of the time. Your parents sound like they bought the Thatcher messages, lots of people did. I lived through this time. I’ve never voted Tory. It’s not as simple as you think, a lot is down to peoples personality and moral values. The Tories attract people who like to hate, in my experience. I’m pleased to see the rejection of those Tory values in the younger demographic.
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
How strange. they were too young then to know and obviously like many people who vote tory today, pig ignorant of the facts back then. It was the Heath tory government that caused the massive inflation which started after massive tax cuts they handed out to the already well off. Things got so bad that the Heath Tories were planning to go to the IMF but fortunate for them, they lost an election and Labour took the hit and eventually had to go to the IMF. Seems like history repeating itself. Also it would seem that they must have been some of the few young people who didn't suffer under Maggie Thatcher like many of us boomers did.
@kalebdaark100 Жыл бұрын
@@chrisd5964 Yes I agree they seem to be Thatcher educated rather than Labour refugees. As someone in his early 50s my voting pattern started with me voting Tory. As my understanding of people and economics has improved I've drifted left.
@janelockwood347 Жыл бұрын
I needed that end!! Thankyou!! 😂 btw, not all boomers are passing on their wealth, it’s already eaten up with paying for elderly care homes.. I know several families this is so.
@k3v1n47 Жыл бұрын
In fact, a lot of their kids end up paying out of pocket at the end of their days. Nice fkn system we got here! Yay, Capitalism!
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
This is true. It means also that my wife and I will never inherit anything and most of what little is left will go to some scrungy overpriced care home who's profits are siphoned off tax free to a UK tory sponsored tax haven. Both of us also had to spend a lot of our savings on sick parents and siblings so are left with bugger all as it is, and to top it off we were both made redundant due to outsourcing offshore in my case and illness in the wifes case at which time her employer outsourced her job, never to be properly employed again on account of extreme ageism.
@MrBigSeanno Жыл бұрын
This was the point I came here to make also, it's only getting more expensive too, and people are living longer, 3 of my 4 grandparents spent many a year in care homes with dementia towards the end of their life. Maybe the answer is for boomers to sacrifice a bit of wealth long before they get to that stage to help their children on the property ladder, but you know, they have to be up for that.
@keithpanton7486 Жыл бұрын
And if you decide to be an unpaid carer instead, they offer you about 60 quid in carer's allowance, even LESS than UC. Or you can send them into a care home, to get worse treatment and cost 40K+ a year.
@fredatlas4396 Жыл бұрын
​@@MrBigSeannowell my grandparents lived into their late Eighties & Nineties. And apparently people aren't living longer now, at least not in the UK, the poor and less well off which I would say make up a very large percentage of the UK population now, their life expectancy is now going down thanks to our tory government since 2010. Do you know a lot of people who are living. beyond their nineties now. Since 2010 there appears to be a lot of unnecessary deaths do to tory austerity policies, massive funding cuts for all public services including the NHS and stagnating average wage growth in real terms adjusted for inflation. Average wage growth between 2010 and 2019 was minus 2.5%, and since 2019 I'm certain its gotten a lot worse than that. Under the last Labour government from 1997 up until 2010 average wage growth again in real terms adjusted for inflation was 25.7%
@Angela-wi7sq Жыл бұрын
I'm 59 (born 1963) so that makes me a boomer. Have enormous sympathy with the housing situation for younger people but also, just to say, that it does impact some of my generation too. I don't own a home. I used to (when married) but as a result of that relationship ending, I fell off the property ladder and haven't been able to get back on it - I rent and worry about my future too. I think it's a class and income issue rather than purely a young against old generation issue - and that's not to negate the many issues younger people face but there are older people out there who are also not home owners and concerned about their future too. I definitely don't support the Tories - am looking forward to them going (whenever they eventually do). Worst government I've witnessed since being alive on this planet.
@ftf121 Жыл бұрын
The deposit point is absolutely correct, I saved up a large chunk of my terrible wage ( while going from 0-3 children) through the very same significant sacrifice the daily mail claim millennials are incapable, and in the 7 years I saved to reach my goal the 20% deposit I'd planned became a 8% deposition due to house prices going mental.
@Durzel Жыл бұрын
Up until recently, and possibly still now, if you weren’t adding circa £600 to deposit pool every month, you were going backwards. Imagine adding £600 to a pot every month just to break even, on top of paying rent, etc. Young people are screwed, and the Tories don’t care because there’s enough boomers (of I’m on the cusp of) to vote for the status quo, pension triple lock, etc. Serious home building keeps getting knocked back, NIMBYs make sure of that etc.
@cosmosnomad Жыл бұрын
It is, but in a lot of areas of the country properties are getting so expensive that it's the salary that can be the issue too.
@SplatterInker Жыл бұрын
I mean baseline why does land value keep going up? The demand is artificial and created by mortgage deals which are impossible to meet the demands of. We have plenty of housing stock, just not affordable housing. And that starts with the cost of land, where the jobs are etc. Got f all to do with immigrants or growing populations when some people out there have 3 holiday homes and all the high paying jobs are in just 3 cities
@bearnecessities9568 Жыл бұрын
I am becoming more socialist and angry anti-conservative each and every year I add on. I'm also in the middle of the millennial bracket (1981-1996)
@jujutrini8412 Жыл бұрын
I’m gen x and becoming more anti Tory as I get older - and quite frankly I didn’t even think it was even possible for me to become more anti Tory after the Cameron years! I am living a flippin’ nightmare. I grew up under Thatcher and the naivety of youth meant I thought it couldn’t get any worse than Thatcher! I remember when Osborne and Cameron were the leaders and thinking it’s not possible to have a thicker Chancellor than that chancer! The night they were elected I said to my pal that Cameron is so dense I can imagine him making decisions that could ruin the UK for good. The UK public are too far gone.
@fang_xianfu Жыл бұрын
The "wealth tsunami" isn't coming unless there is reform of the care system. As it is that money will quickly go into care for them when they're in their 80s and 90s.
@phillipspassmore Жыл бұрын
Also dependent on family having property of decent value.
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
@@phillipspassmore Yes, our families cheapest possible housing doesn't make a dent in care costs, they will eat up my mother in laws Scottish village flat in 18 months. My parents money all gone in old age retirement housing scams in Australia (ie just as bad as here)
@TensionalVolt Жыл бұрын
Omg that ending, absolute comic gold. I can't believe you went from derailed to fully lost it. Top tier content
@hughwalker5628 Жыл бұрын
I'm 65, a retired professional and shift further and further to the left by the day. I feel betrayed at every level by Starmer who would be a Tory in disguise if he made any attempt at all to disguise it. How do millennials feel about him? My kids are millennials and just feel utterly voiceless.
@Natta44 Жыл бұрын
As a millenial Starmer does nothing for me. Corbin was the voice we all needed but he's out. There's no one, but we are all going to desperately voice Labour to get tories out.
@doot_slayer Жыл бұрын
Not really the group you asked, but one below here! As a Gen Z, once I started learning more I went from liking Starmer because he’s the leader of the party I prefer, to being just shy of disliking him only because he leads Labour. If it wasn’t him I wouldn’t like him but currently Starmer the turncoat is the guy who I’m stuck with so it is what it is I guess?
@samsoncooper1 Жыл бұрын
As they had more money and didn't want to give it away. Now we have no money and see our friends struggle with no money too. We would have to be arseholes and against self preservation if we supported tories.
@tomthumb2361 Жыл бұрын
I'm 67 this month and have always thought you'd have to be somewhat bonkers to vote Tory if you were born north of the Trent as the Conservative Party is a coalition of those opposed to everything new that developed in the North following the industrial revolution - particularly certain forms of work and certain sorts of association (e.g. co-ops). I now think you'd also have to be bonkers to vote Tory if you are a conservative. It becomes clearer and clearer that Thatcher was an atomist, an economic liberal and addicted to change and the destruction of traditional society. Conservatism is based on the idea of a particular kind of society. I 'm not sure whom or what the Tories represent any longer.
@janetmalcolm6191 Жыл бұрын
@tomthumb2361....they have lost their way now completely....all of them....Tories are really bad. Out for themselves only. Levelling up North was promised along with lots of other stuff... This Govt bandy about promises but no real intention of following through. Blame the money situation but have wasted loads!
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
represent selfish sociopaths like themselves.
@nativeenglishpaul2836 Жыл бұрын
The crab bucket is in one of the Terry prattchet books.
@xMrjamjam Жыл бұрын
Narcissists expect power and praise regardless of how they use power and even if they make mistakes theyll never admit it even with video proof of them doing it theyll deny it. Dark triad personality types are drawn to positions of power
@nickjanczak9665 Жыл бұрын
BTW plenty of pensioners in this country are living in total poverty, UK having the lowest pension rate in the whole of Europe and they are not all Tory voters - plenty of them were marching, protesting, fighting the Tories for their whole lives. These boxes where people are labelled as a Boomer, Xer, Millennial, Gen Z... are very inaccurate labels and often create unnecessary divisions. People investigating generational demographics use them as shortcuts and descriptors for the differences between various age groups but often it overlooks the fact that there is in some cases political common ground there.
@Euro2024champs Жыл бұрын
yes but the demographics are clear - most tory voters are boomers. Look at the data.
@jenny2tone242 Жыл бұрын
Very true. My parents are boomers, very much Socialists and also living in relative poverty. Plenty are and people forget this and assume that all boomers are well off Tory supporters. It just isn't true.
@janetmalcolm6191 Жыл бұрын happy to see common sense written on here. No good putting people in boxes with labels saying all the same. Not all pensioners are anywhere near rich as you have said....and some because of policies and downside of life getting in the way ....poor. Recessions....redundancies...etc didn't help. The Tories favour the rich and always have....they make policies in their favour. Nobody happy at the moment in many jobs. Hope people remember when voting comes round!
@nickjanczak9665 Жыл бұрын
@@jenny2tone242 Thanks for that, it needs saying more.
@nickjanczak9665 Жыл бұрын
@@janetmalcolm6191 Thanks for your comment (I was half expecting to be dog piled by a load of younger people telling me that I didn't know anything). Loads of people I know, they were just creative people who didn't do regular work and money at the time wasn't a huge issue when they were younger and now many are paying the price for those life choices but they weren't rabid consumers or Tories and they were always concerned with the politics of fairness, doing gigs for various trade union causes and against racism, against homophobia, gender rights, as well as going on plenty of demos etc.
@ilikelampshades6 23 күн бұрын
As a 31 year old nurse, I feel like ive been relentlessly attacked by the government my entire adult life. Just when im approaching an important milestone in my life, the government price me out of the opportunity. I am now half a million pounds in debt due to housing costs and ive never had a payrise in my entire life (last one being in 2008 for nurses when i was still in school)
@SashaGrace94 Жыл бұрын
For reference, though Generations are Fuzzy things, Millennial is generally considered to be 1981-1996 and Gen Z is considered 1997-2012. Older Millennials are tipping over 40 and now and even younger ones are nearly 30. It’s those pesky Gen Z’ers who are ‘young people’ these days. Said by a not bitter, pushing 30 millennial 😂
@k3v1n47 Жыл бұрын
I always thought of that generational stuff as bullshit. Bullshit invented by the marketing departments of corporations. I have more in common with members of generations way older than me and way younger than me, than some in my own generation. Can we as a political project, just lump the assholes into one grouping?
@mikecook1537 Жыл бұрын
Most of the gen Z are left wing snowflakes
@phillipspassmore Жыл бұрын
I once had a chap at work bitch about millenials... I had to point out he was my age and in the middle of the millenial age bracket. I reminded him the economic situation has completely screwed us over and it is not poor financial planning lol
@DJWESG1 Жыл бұрын
That make up all the gen x bs to hide the most evil generation of them all.. Generation C (capital) , a multigenerational group of sociopaths.
@Natta44 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I keep forgetting millenials aren't young. I'm the youngest in my workplace and I'm 30, all my colleagues are like 40s and 50s and they always ask the perspective of somebody young. I'm like guys I'm not actually 'young' anymore 😢 ask the temp apprentice haha
@sharongillesp Жыл бұрын
Having a tsunami of money ain’t gonna do ya much good when you’re buried under one.
@potterlover96 Жыл бұрын
I was born right at the end of 1996 so I'm directly on the cusp between Millennial and Gen Z. I'm a homeowner purely down to the luck of having a decently paid job and also my parents earning decent enough money I could continue to live with them after uni while I saved up. I know most people my age aren't in the position, and I only got here due to complete luck. The Tories have created an environment where luck is the only way people in my generation can ever hope to get ahead. Even though I am a homeowner so in the position most people would start moving towards the Tories, I can't stand them and can't ever imagine myself voting for them
@jomckenziesloan5678 Жыл бұрын
I'm a gen x and I've become more anarchic as I've aged 😉 just a natural response to all of this 'nonsense '!
@Tdoshok Жыл бұрын
Same here but with communism- older I get, more I think "you know, Marx kind of had a point"
@gategi10 Жыл бұрын
I am 70 and i am going further left and hate the tories despite being public school with parents who read the Telegraph and worshipped the monarchy.
@smd4246 Жыл бұрын
My whole family supports labour and I am the same, although i think sadiq khan should not be lonon mayor
@tracyfrazier7440 Жыл бұрын
Here I was, watching along, thinking I can hardly tell these are Brits, except the accents of course, as their outlook, worries, goals mirror ours in the U.S. And, then, there was this story/joke at the end, and I still don’t know what the hell that was.
@SarahRickard Жыл бұрын
They do act like we owe them, when actually they bleddy well owe us! 🎯🇬🇧
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
They are supposed to be public servants.
@Natta44 Жыл бұрын
​@@stephanguitar9778 The word servant and Tory sound strange in the same sentence 😂 the upper-class Eton and Harrow graduates would be sick at hearing that 😂
@paultapper9388 Жыл бұрын
I've seen a few comments about house deposits.....Well when I bought my first house in the 90s it was relatively easy to save up for a deposit. Why? 1) You could buy a house for 3x your salary. 2) You could get a mortgage with a 5% deposit. 3) Rent payments were reasonable. Why is it so hard for people to see how hard it is to get on the property ladder in the current conditions?
@dacut6806 Жыл бұрын
The tories are thinking that their seats are safe ,think that they have another think coming !!!!!
@ilikelampshades6 23 күн бұрын
The problem with the wealth tsunami, is that i cant wait until i inherit wealth at 70 years old to start a family. Biology wont wait that long
@pmewUK Жыл бұрын
Three people getting pissed chatting semi seriously about politics interspersed with paintballing dominatrix anecdotes. Meanwhile I sit on my sofa on a Saturday morning while an eight year old bounces a transformer off my head. I live vicariously through you, please post more!
@stephenhodgson3506 Жыл бұрын
As a baby boomer I have always heard that people become more conservative as they age because they want to keep their wealth. I have noticed that many men in my age group seem to become more conservative not because of wealth preservation but rather because of a fear of change and new things coming along. Many seem to become technophobic and attack any new technology claiming it simply won't work and we should go back to the way things were. As they retire they seem to lose their sense of purpose which was built around their careers/jobs. When they then see their old jobs getting dramatically changed with new technology then they see their knowledge going with it and their relevance as well. Most older men would never dream of asking their children or even grandchildren to help them set up their smart phone whereas the women of the same age group seem only too willing to ask and some might say pester. The thought for an older man having to use his smart phone to use an EV is a nightmare scenario. When you have that fear it is very easy to manipulate somebody to think like you. Thinking back to when I was growing up I seem to recall that even back in the 70's, 80's and 90's men were the same. Always complaining about the changes that were taking place and how things were better left alone. While women seemed to go with the tide. As technology changes so fast now I don't see that this will be a thing in the future because it seems to be accepted that there will be a new version of whatever the technology is by millenials and Gen Z. The only question the seem to have is when to jump for the next version.
@irrationalreasoning6368 Жыл бұрын
Their ability to earn the undying hatred from anyone with a brain is impressive.
@dansegelov305 Жыл бұрын
The Tories utilise power on behalf of large business and the richer, privileged classes. They are not there for the majority of people in our country, they are there for the vested interests. Of course, those that fit that description do not represent a large enough cohort to win elections for them, so traditionally, the Tories have gained and held power through their ability to convince poor people to consistently vote against their own interests, by stoking fear of change and difference. The problem the Tories have is that their party is now so depleted and devoid of talent and intellectual ability, that they have entirely lost the ability to convince the poor, that they are on their side. To be honest, they've entirely stopped even trying! There has been a huge wave of 'anti-hate' in society over the last 20-30 years, especially in the Gen X and Millennial generations that means that the Tory's usual schtick of stoking 'fear of difference,' (ie foreigners, gays, etc,) is abhorrent to us. Their last moment in the sun was Brexit. The Tory party will be decimated at the next election as long as the younger Millennials and older Gen Z's get out and vote, and they will never be a force again. Perhaps it was a bad idea for the Tories to let so many of their traditional voting base die during 2020-22!
@PaulMcCormack1968 Жыл бұрын
As a 54 (Gen X?) homeowner, I know this isn't going to attract any sympathy, but there is a mini-scandal about student loans that never seems to be mentioned. As my income is pretty good, my kids didn't get the full student loan with a top-up required from parents. This isn't made particularly clear to the parents and many students don't get the top-up resulting in extreme student poverty. My daughter is leaving Uni this summer and over the 8 years of their uni life, I have paid over £40k in student support out of taxed income. Obviously, children of boomers had far reduced student fees with no parental contribution, just saying.
@LiveDonkeyDeadLion Жыл бұрын
You’re Gen X, don’t let them call you a boomer, be proud of it There’s a documentary about Gen X by National Geographic and it will make you feel very proud of what we did, and Gen Z our kids
@PaulMcCormack1968 Жыл бұрын
@@LiveDonkeyDeadLion haha, thanks Roger, but I do have a boomer brother
@archvaldor Жыл бұрын
@@LiveDonkeyDeadLion I'm relatively proud of being Gen X for other reasons but politically speaking we are to the right even of the boomers collectively.
@HF-tj8db Жыл бұрын
I’m glad to hear someone talking about this! I am a university student and because my mum’s boyfriend is well-off, even though my mum herself is earning barely more than minimum wage, I don’t receive the full student loan payment (I get the minimum). That’s roughly £4.5k a year, when rent alone is over £6k. Many people I know are in similar situations, and are forced to work almost full time hours alongside uni. The government expects that parents will top up the money, but places zero obligation on them to do so. Either they must treat uni students like independent adults and separate loan payments from family income, or make it clear to parents that they have an obligation to provide financial support.
@RedSaint83 Жыл бұрын
Shit is rolling downhill, so makes sense that X had a worse deal than boomers, millennials a worse deal than X and now Z is even more effed. I can't even imagine what alpha and beta's prospects will look like..
@ohyeah2816 Жыл бұрын
I’m of the mind that we should have been going in a certain direction where everyone benefited but the Tories didn’t like that so they screwed over as many people as they could.
@Natta44 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure the Cameron campaign was doing pretty well for young people if I remember rightly. I was like 16/17 at the time, then the student tuition thing did a 180 and I hated the Tories deeply along with ALL young people (who aren't rich). All of us have grown up tonadults now and still hate the tories for brexit, housing crisis, fucking over nurses, teachers basically our generation. Bye bye snakes.
@jonreededworthy7518 Жыл бұрын
“We’ve tried nothin’ and we’re all out of ideas!”
@sharongillesp Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 had a great laugh! Thanks for that😂😅
@battmarn Жыл бұрын
I'm a younger millenial (94-96), and none of my millennial friends would ever vote Tory
@RankinMsP 9 ай бұрын
I think the crab in the bucket analogy is misunderstood. Crabs can't grab on to anything because the walls have no ridges so another crab going higher is something for them to hang on to, to try to pull themselves out.
@nativeenglishpaul2836 Жыл бұрын
Well a lot of people won't get actually get an inheritance because social care is f'd. So the aging population will have to sell their houses to pay for care homes.
@AlexMartynwood Жыл бұрын
That was swerving all over the place... Loved it!
@countcharleshuguenot7343 Жыл бұрын
It took 7 bloody minutes to even begin to hear 1 thought... then you fell back into the crab bucket Thank God we have the glorious Ava Santina to just 'stare at'........👀
@piccalillipit9211 Жыл бұрын
*WHAT IS STARTING TO HAVE EFFECT* on the Daily Mail readers etc, their kids are 33 and still at home cos they cant afford to move out ... This is starting to become an issue for Gen X
@phillipspassmore Жыл бұрын
I'm just amazed at how out of touch some people are. I have relatives who can't understand why home ownership is unattainable while the average house is around 9 times my annual wage in my region... Thanks to the sky high interest rates to get a mortgage would result in the majority of my wages going to mortgage repayments...
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
Good. Might focus the mind a bit. Im seeing closer to 40s living at home.
@piccalillipit9211 Жыл бұрын
@@phillipspassmore - Its unbelievable isnt it...??
@Natta44 Жыл бұрын
​@Phillip Passmore Literally, how many times have I heard the oh but the interest rates were sky high in the 80s. Yes but a house was 3 times your wage. You had to suffer a bit and cut your cloth to budget but at least you could afford a deposit!!!!! It's so unattainable for our gen, but it's like they think we just complain or don't save up.
@piccalillipit9211 Жыл бұрын
@@Natta44 - I bought a 3 bed terrace in 1994 - I was 24 - I saved up a deposit in 3 months and it was 2.5 X my salary.
@jamieford9391 Жыл бұрын
"Hate" doesn't even come close.
@MartinDeanLeeds Жыл бұрын
This is why you should stop this boomer, gen z, millennial bs Use the dates
@DogWick Жыл бұрын
Agreed going by decades is much better those born in 2000s and 2010s are noticeably different
@_Stin_ Жыл бұрын
Indeed. We have perfectly applicable terms already defined. There is no substitute for being clear. I do, however, recognise the human desire for power and control and this is just another expression of how young people, in their ignorance, are vying to 'take back' control of their reality - Creating useless terms.
@stuartmorgan3654 Жыл бұрын
Torries: Am I out of touch? No it's the millenials who are wrong. GenZ: We're not millenials. Millenials: But they are out of touch. GenZ: Mood.
@allergy5634 7 ай бұрын
As a GenZ who ‘like about 96% of my generation’ hates the Conservative Party, I approve of this message.
@samrc8350 Жыл бұрын
Fighting the power one Ralph Lauren shirt at a time 😂
@ian_strachs Жыл бұрын
Lol shut up it's probably from a London charity shop
@thedepthsofrepair Жыл бұрын
He may have become extremely rich, but Ralph Lauren is a class act of humble origins, at least :D
@JoeeyTheeKangaroo Жыл бұрын
Im 98, i'm not putting myself with all of the people addicted to tiktok
@winterskiU Жыл бұрын
Well, they have nothing to conserve 😂
@Darren-fm3pe Жыл бұрын
Sounak be like: Got anything else I can sell?
@kevincox-qc9mc Жыл бұрын
I can't understand why everyone except the ultra rich don't hate the Tories.
@trustthedogsheneverlies644 Жыл бұрын
This was too good dam funny. *Time to invest in paintball*
@MissMorph Жыл бұрын
The most hilarious pub cast yet. If Ed needs an in for that paintball event let me know ….or I could arrange for him to have his own personal event…. Ed running through the woods with a cohort of leather clad Dommes in Michael Gove masks firing paintballs at him.…… that is an afternoon of fun for sure.
@soniakorchynski Жыл бұрын
Taking 19 of 20 cookies and telling you the immigrants will steal your 1 cookies IS the Tory side of the deal. Wake up and stop pretending their side have souls.
@ShaunieDale Жыл бұрын
The Tories have basically killed off their own feedstock.
@ight001 Жыл бұрын
Sad truth, the crab bucket analogy isn't just an analogy. It's biology
@Relisysification Жыл бұрын
"The boomers have homes that have 10-20x increased in value making them very wealthy, and their kids will inherit that they may be 60 when it happens but still" King Charles in the back "I'm still not as rich as rishi though am I!"
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
Not true in most cases. Perhaps whoever said that comes from a wealthy family down south.
@Relisysification Жыл бұрын
@@stephanguitar9778 it was literally said in the video, hence the quote marks. 👍
@arghjayem Жыл бұрын
Hate is too soft a word for how I feel about Tories and the current government. 01:13 and millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, so those aged 42 to 26/27.
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
Im a boomer and I have never hated a government as much as this. They have done nothing good for 13 years and everything bad.
@alwhyte6533 Жыл бұрын
I genuinely thought that you'd struggle to find someone with less charisma than Keir Starmer, then Rishi Sunak started making public appearances. They're just so devoid of charm...
@lvpt84 Жыл бұрын
@patsyjames2077 Жыл бұрын
Not all boomers are conservative! There are those of us who would willingly pay more tax & would support a wealth tax & the redistribution of wealth!
Tax the rich till they leave ?
@k3v1n47 Жыл бұрын
@@BENTWOONEZERO Define the rich. Who are they? How much money does one need to accrue before they're considered rich? Their capital moved. We can see it. Its in tax havens. If we tax them enough where they'll piss off, then we can seize the means of production? Wealth depends on the society they exist in. Capital is also international. The rich, move their wealth around teh world but run to the metropoles when their positions become threatened. They NEED us. We don't need them. Sure. Tax them til they fk off. They're mostly parasitic.
@fortitudethedogwalker6273 Жыл бұрын
1946 to 1965 baby boomer, 1966 to 1985 gen x, 1986 to 2005 millenials, 2006 to 2025 zoomers
@jveng5788 Жыл бұрын
Millennials: People born between 1981 and 1996 (27 to 42 years old)
@stevedavies3058 Жыл бұрын
Politics is what they do for the country and how people have a good living. Over the years both labour and tories have done things that have made are lives bad and some good. This is a time where we need real change. We need a party that can tell the truth and stop giving us crap.They need backbone. So we need to think outside of the box of labour and the tories, or we are not going to get real change, and the mess is going to get bigger.
@stevedavies3058 Жыл бұрын
@80s Music well, it needs a party to get there act together and give us something different to vote for .This chance doesn't come a long that often if they don't then where stuck with the same old Crap that we have had and nothing will change and we will be in the same mess where in now.
@jonathangammond3019 Жыл бұрын
The 1980s Conservatives talked about a property owning democracy and widening share ownership. Those two ambitions (regardless of whether you think they are good or not) are increasingly out of reach for increasing numbers of people the younger they are. The Conservative govt is slowly poisoning the roots of the tree under which they seek shade from the reality (light) of their policies.
@mike595 Жыл бұрын
I was 15 when the millennium, and I do not see how that makes me a millennial!!
@Stevies_Precog_Gym_n_Spa420 27 күн бұрын
It basically means you grew up with the internet as standard technology. I was 10 then and im definitionally a millennial. The youngest millennials are 45. The days of the label being synonymous with young people is kinda over. It's just the majority of people of working age now.
@user-pb7sn1dk7r 5 күн бұрын
Most sane people hate the tories
@mrbearbear83 Жыл бұрын
Aa a 40 yo millennial who owns a home: Fk the Torys Tax the rich Feed the poor Raise wages Back unions Fund the NHS
@alexandermoody1946 Жыл бұрын
Why would labour move right when younger generations are moving left. All these left, right trivialities are meaningless when both parties are holding hands? To be honest millennials disengaging with politics as a whole would not be surprising.
@Stevies_Precog_Gym_n_Spa420 27 күн бұрын
I'm kinda sick of how soft everyone is being on labour tbh. Like, they're the incumbent sure but my gosh they're hemorrhaging dignity and principles like nobody's business. Antisemitism as a factional cudgel in plain daylight for all to see and no-one ostensibly progressive wants to touch it in the media sphere who aren't Galloway supporters. It's getting depressing.
@simonjones6729 Жыл бұрын
The accumulation of wealth isn't the thing which causes you to become conservative as you age - it's linked to the fact you are getting married and having a family - which is something millennials don't do, and the ones who do are normally conservative
@jimmyrich4675 Жыл бұрын
Love the initial convo over which generation is which. I just like to say as a 44 year old that I relate more to prob millennials than people of my own dumb generation and defo not boomers who have a lot to ans for Inc my own parents who I never politically agreed with and think we're naive people God rest there souls....wish more young people would engage in politics and vote!!!
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
Trust me, millennials think (know) that you are an old fart. Everyone thinks they are more in line with a younger generation and everyone older than themselves is beyond the pale. eg in my last proper workplace the 35 year olds thought they were socially equal to the 25 year olds but totally divorced from the 45 year olds (which I was at the time)
@DJWESG1 Жыл бұрын
As a 44 year old you are a millennial.
@davidpearn2484 Жыл бұрын
Yes and a lot of older people hate them as well.
@jerrywinder7249 Жыл бұрын
There's two tory party, the cabinet party and the back benches party!!
@user-ye8fu1pc2y Жыл бұрын
Some do but many don't. Many young people who are doing well will most likely be voting Tory even if they might say they're voting Labour or Lib Dem or Green. Don't forget there are lots of people who will vote Tory to protect their assets but never admit it to a pollster or even their friends! This is especially true for middle class younger people who might talk about fairness etc in public but when they're in that polling booth they're thinking about their Victorian town house, private school fees and exotic holidays. These aren't millionaires but they're doing quite well and don't want to rock the boat. "But not all young people are doing well", I hear you say. Well, those who aren't well off won't be in the polling booth because they don't tend to vote unfortunately.
@BambiTrout Жыл бұрын
'95-'99 are borderline "Zillennials". We don't really remember the 90s but we do remember life before social media. We're the Gameboy Advance SP/Nintendo DS lite/slide phone/flash games/Vine/iPod Nano microgeneration between Millennials and Zoomers. Basically, people who graduated university immediately before or at the start of the pandemic are kind of in a weird limbo where we blur the lines between both groups. That being said, the "official" cutoff point generally seems to be '96 = last Millennials; '97 = first Zoomers
@hughjass6667 Жыл бұрын
Millennials, also known as Generation Y (or Gen Y), typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.
@lucypeace6132 Жыл бұрын
A lot of these people won't inherit from that 'wealth tsunami'. A lot of those boomers will go into nursing homes and those homes will be sold to pay for their care. The government is only obliged to keep £20,000 and that's to pay for things they need while in care, and most of that money will be gone by the time they pass away, so most of that money is going to go to the government to pay for their care and if not them to the private homes they pay to go into. This crises can only end with new legislation and the Tories aren't going to do it. Not to mention how many boomers are defensive and don't care about their kids futures, only themselves.
@markmaher4548 Жыл бұрын
Nice Terry Pratchet reference about the crab bucket! GNU STP
@stu4576 Жыл бұрын
Gitfted deposits or taking equity out of their property on a lifetime loan with compound interest?
@ScruffyTubbles Жыл бұрын
I suppose they can buy a house but just not in London.
@jenny2tone242 Жыл бұрын
I'm gen X, hated the tories when Thatcher was in, hate them even more now.
@BarrySW19 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure not acquiring wealth is part of the cause, but I wonder how much it's also down to people getting locked into social media bubbles with a certain political perspective, and so not being exposed as much to other political positions as they might have been previously.
@stegill38 2 ай бұрын
Think any decent human hates the tories lol
@brucevair-turnbull8082 Жыл бұрын
I'm nothing like a millennial, but I've hated Tories all my life. Perhaps I should be sent to Rwanda?
@DanielleKingdjdinosaur Жыл бұрын
i hated the tories when i was young .Now i am old i hate them even more.
@lukey3263 Жыл бұрын
I’m an older millennial (born 1984) and I’ll never vote for the Conservative party. I’m not sure I’ll vote to be honest.
@ljt3084 Жыл бұрын
Starting to get the feeling she is just a tourist here. Thinking common people by Pulp..
@Adamb87 Жыл бұрын
Exciting that millennials (me) & zoomers are into socialism, environmentalism & people power, and not the Tory party
@EarlofSalop Жыл бұрын
People arguing over what generation they are in is such a useless argument to have
@Euro2024champs Жыл бұрын
as is your post.
@amekomidarake Жыл бұрын
There's another possibility... people don't change but society progresses so as a person gets older their unchanging beliefs move to the right of where society is heading. The effect is that young people who are more in tune with developing society are (or appear to be) left wing while older people without changing now find themselves on the right (or conservative) wing of society. In other words what's happening is progress is stalled and so this effect is stalled too so even though people get older they don't appear to become more conservative compared to society's lack of progress.
@thomashoskins8817 Жыл бұрын
shouldn't that be: 'you need to PUT me in my misery' lolz also - 'did someone paintball you?' 'ahhh no the pain was so nice I 'paintballed' myself mistress - so sorry' lolol
@lemongrabloids3103 Жыл бұрын
I’m a millennial and I was born in 1985.
@kalebdaark100 Жыл бұрын
So the drink was whisky for this Pubcast then. 🤣
@beckiebeckiebeck Жыл бұрын
These three so smoked a huge joint before recording this.
@sofikat22 Жыл бұрын
Young people (under 40, including school kids in this) are being disabled by covid all over the shop, 10% of first infection, 16% of second infection, so we will never be wealthy, and neither will the country - covid inquiry estimated £60m a year cost to support all the newly disabled people, even if covid disappears today. This is a story no one is covering because tory bashing is too easy. 2m out of work, potentially for good. Inquiry is all on youtube
@Czechbound Жыл бұрын
That's why PubCast is the future : we all want to get a bit tipsy with the gang there and laugh till we cry about weird funny stuff :)
@Notalloldpeople Жыл бұрын
The opening debate shows how arbitrary and stupid the age ranges that have been invented are. The groupings are too wide to be meaningful and say nothing about what individuals within the groups might think. As a so cold ‘boomer’ I constantly find myself more socially progressive than those in other groups who often exhibit regressive social characteristics. And I am not alone, lots of my ‘boomer’ friends are progressive democratic socialists. Age is a generally poor indicator of political outlooks.
@andrewjohnfillery5954 Жыл бұрын
Millenials are the people who were approaching adulthood at or around the time of the millenium.
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