Vecna's Map Has A Lot of Problems - Dead by Daylight

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Scott Jund

Scott Jund

Ай бұрын

/ scottjund

Пікірлер: 443
@mistressofthenekos1743 Ай бұрын
The Devs rolled a natural 1 when making the map
@complain9269 Ай бұрын
Not exactly new… They haven’t gotten 1 map that’s more than a 5/10.
@BlairBubblegum Ай бұрын
Its not all bad. The observer "jumpscare" is really fun and the portals are a great idea
@complain9269 Ай бұрын
@@BlairBubblegum The jumpscare is an Easter Egg. Not a factor for gameplay. The portals are just gonna be a pain to balance. Either annoying for survivors because they’re too slow to use, or annoying for Killer because they’re so fast to use. Reminds me of that one event where you could go into the other world during an event. Survivor sided AF.
@BlairBubblegum Ай бұрын
@@complain9269 your point to the easter egg? its part of the map, the creative design process you buffoon
@zuni_9566 Ай бұрын
@@BlairBubblegum thank you for outting yourself as a dev
@skarhn6215 Ай бұрын
Not to mention the loop Scott is at at 2:51 doesn’t even have a window nor a good pallet spawn. It’s such a dog shit tile😂
@ScottJund Ай бұрын
i honestly think the Vecna didnt even know a pallet doesnt spawn there as he tried to moonwalk swing at it
@skarhn6215 Ай бұрын
@@ScottJund yea that was funny, the swing and miss cause he didn’t see the pallet there last second lol.
@Denvigen Ай бұрын
Yeah ever since they updated tiles to be random ive seen multiple instances on multiple maps of tiles that literally have 0 windows and pallets its actually gross. Such a fall from what it used to be too like seriously those tiles used to have both windows and pallets available how did we go from that to 0 of everything lmao
@skarhn6215 Ай бұрын
@@Denvigen one of the 6 pallets on that map is against the wall in a corner beside shack, and if you haven’t already seen it. It’s basically floating in mid air.
@ljkai1108 Ай бұрын
Isn't the pallet on this tile in borgo spawn like left to the hook, in between the short walls that Scott didn't saw in that clip?
@watchmehope6560 Ай бұрын
Also, how do they allow a pallet with a giant gap on its side? Between the two trees. Dont forget the double pallets spawnning inside each other lol.
@conkerlive101 Ай бұрын
Probably because they were rushed to get this done in time.
@holdthisforme8235 Ай бұрын
This is what i mean HOW in the hell does something so OBVIOUS go past play testing ot even a single game.
@vanadiusc6067 Ай бұрын
Yo dawg, i heard you like pallets
@Elutai Ай бұрын
@@conkerlive101 but they had 3 months? and half of this map was already done (borgo) and bhvr is a big team like howwww
@alexandretellini2677 Ай бұрын
I really Hope that all that 95 employees fired had something with this map 😂
@ACleverName4Me Ай бұрын
Not to mention the fact that if you play on a TV if you go downstairs you can't see anything! I played last NIGHT with my lights turned off and my TV bright and I STRUGGLED to see surviors in front of me!
@cesarsaldivar9127 Ай бұрын
same I thought it was my tvs fault
@trueenvy245 Ай бұрын
I changed my settings to be a bit brighter and changed picture setting it to cinema. It makes dbd look really good, the darks are dark but not impossible so see
@shsgshshsdgdhdhhehe5932 Ай бұрын
If you're on pc check out reshade. You should also consider switching to a monitor. On average, they have lower input lag which will make you a significantly better player.
@JakeobE Ай бұрын
The issues isn't the TV, it's the lack of proper in game gamma settings. Same with Dredge in nightfall with no gamma or brightness filters, you won't see sh1t on PC or console.
@4zir856 Ай бұрын
cries in dredge
@Woof_ya_boy Ай бұрын
It’s time to also change the terror radius to be different if the killer is above or below you. Especially on this map.
@larsliamvilhelm Ай бұрын
They managed to make the anti-camp a flat spheroid so they should do the same with the TR.
@zuni_9566 Ай бұрын
@@larsliamvilhelm i dont think you know what the word flat means
@larsliamvilhelm Ай бұрын
@@zuni_9566 My bad dude, they managed to make the anti-camp an OBLONG SPHEROID (Also sometimes known as an ELLIPSOID), so i reckon they could do the same thing with the TR.
@sonodv1709 Ай бұрын
​@zuni_9566 bro is definitely a redditor 💀💀💀
@MaliEndz Ай бұрын
I agree same with midwitch and rpd
@algorithmical3860 Ай бұрын
Shocking how you didn't mention the 2 pallets spawning in the same location and that one COMPLETELY useless filler pallet near Shack.
@mariuscorman6997 Ай бұрын
I'd say it's because those are obviously bugs whereas the map has a lot of issues by design as well
@algorithmical3860 Ай бұрын
@mariuscorman6997 Fair enough yeah, but it is still shocking how those bugged pallet spawns got through testing... if they even do test their maps.
@whiterabbit4945 Ай бұрын
@@algorithmical3860 this map doesnt feel tested
@T.BG822 Ай бұрын
I wonder what happens when you Spirit Fury the former - I've already memed with the latter.
@zagrfige Ай бұрын
Useless? That’s literally a god pallet idk what you’re talking about.
@kalebtacularz8259 Ай бұрын
I got a game vs skull merchant & she placed all her drones downstairs and stayed there the entire game and slugged us to death & we literally couldnt do anything about it
@katniss5052 Ай бұрын
Well that is just skull merchant xD
@DeathhAngel1 Ай бұрын
Sounds like a skill issue, could have just used a portal to get upstairs the moment she chases you
@bloodymascara2649 Ай бұрын
I recently played a match as skull merchant on that map. While it's pretty unlikely that it was me, I did place my drones downstairs because the survivors weren't leaving the downstairs. Which is understandable given how strong some loops are down there. I needed a daily of downs with claw traps. It's not always toxicity.
@Hyde472 Ай бұрын
​@@bloodymascara2649There is a reroll button for daily challenges. Honestly just picking sm is toxic to most players.
@dodang_9147 Ай бұрын
@@katniss5052 no, that is every killer. in fact i have had complete opposite experience as survivor. the upstair is completely pointless to go as killer. there is literally 0 reason to be upstairs as killer. you just slug people downstairs, camp hooks downstairs and survivor can do nothing. This becomes even more obvious on killers like Hag that just camp hooks, Dredge, bubba, and so on. the areas are so in-closed that entire map feels like playing vs Trapper basement. trap on every single portal. complete lock-down. Also exit gates should not be free escape, it is fine that killer is in advantage when they already won the game. escapes in the end game should be based off keys or being lucky enough to camp the gate as the killer closest the hatch.
@skioles Ай бұрын
I think this map would be less bad if it was 100% indoor with no portals. It would still suck, but for a different reason.
@windego999 Ай бұрын
"I don't understand how they put such a glaring flaw into their map." They don't play their game, that's how. They just look at some Excel spreadsheets and don't look into these things any further.
@DammitIvaldi Ай бұрын
Thats because all the good Devs that actually did play the game quit and we got stuck with Almo's dumbass who thinks Hag is the strongest killer in the game.
@Synthpopper Ай бұрын
​@DammitIvaldi Hag is too strong so we decided to nerf Pig :)
@MaximumNaCl Ай бұрын
Another big problem with the map is how the portals interact with killer powers. For example victor cannot go through the portals making him useless if a survivor takes one. I'm not sure about the knights guards but I'm going to guess they can't and will instead just walk against them. Kind of stupid but i guess no one plays twins so they don't care.
@ChamplooMusashi Ай бұрын
Plague can puke on the portals I was so annoyed to discover
@just_tired701 Ай бұрын
the guards won't use the portals, and will instead change directions to attempt to book it to where the survivor exits the portal.
@Fabbybear Ай бұрын
Legion cannot go into portals while frenzied
@thekingpotato346 Ай бұрын
@@Fabbybear Yes he can
@6ToesHeACreature Ай бұрын
Funny that Artist crows follow you but obviously Artist can’t get the follow up hit.
@MasterJim87 Ай бұрын
It's a common theme these days. All there most recent maps are horrible, this happens on greenvale also with the cinema map. Once the cinema gen is done there is no reason to ever go over there. Tends to have 4 gens also and very meh pallets if you are unlucky.
@dom3833 Ай бұрын
It's like behavior doesn't understand what makes a map playable and good
@Phantom-kc9ly Ай бұрын
They haven't made a good map since the Clown released. And that's after the map got reworked lol
@Technature7567 Ай бұрын
I just straight up don't go to the cinema. Why would I? That particular generator has never been part of the last gen line of defense.
@dineez627 Ай бұрын
Greenvale is so ez to fix. Add gens to the right of ot he theater in the parking lot and another to the left. Gives killer a reason to go there and not set up a 3 gen in the middle of the map.
@stepan-nv3sw Ай бұрын
there's 1 filler pallet upstairs where if you drop the pallet the killer can just walk through a gap inbetween a tree
@MrVIrginiaLUV Ай бұрын
I found that, lol. The Survivors and I had a funny head shaking moment after I broke chase to look, lol. It was funny seeing Survivors come over to Vecna like he said..."Yall wanna see a dead body?" I broke the pallet, put my face towards a rock not too far away, and gave the Survivors a chance to reset. I still won though.
@tylerhillier7166 Ай бұрын
As one of like 5 hag players, I don't even know what the downstairs looks like. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist
@Blembus Ай бұрын
In my opinion The map should have just been an indoor map of a dungeon What they did is a cool idea But it's highly impractical
@FTWSamFisher Ай бұрын
@jonathann4813 Ай бұрын
The trend i see on the upper part is all survivors just tend to be around shack. Theres just no other better spot to be even when the shack pallet is gone, shit is full of dead zones and unsafe pallets.
@toogsin Ай бұрын
I’m really surprised they didn’t see it, I decided to just play the top area as killer and it was so easy to defend even with no gen slowdown. I ended up feeling bad for the survivors and letting them finish the gens
@jaymatsu2367 Ай бұрын
Unless they bring an offering, then screw em
@toogsin Ай бұрын
@@jaymatsu2367 not really the biggest fan of abusing broken shit
@BrightWulph Ай бұрын
​@@toogsinI get that, but take the advantage from time to time, since some survivors will do the same to you.
@RezEverday Ай бұрын
@@jaymatsu2367 In the first week though? Many just wanna try out the new map and offer for it if they're not planning on playing a lot of games.
@StrawHatZethy Ай бұрын
This map is so beyond confusing. I end up walking in circles and still can get a 4k cause no one has any idea wtf is happening.
@swampraider3488 Ай бұрын
So lucky, I get teams that knows how to chain everything including portals, so the 4k isn't that easy at all
@user-iw2bn3gz1n Ай бұрын
Wanna trade accounts? Ill take your mmr all day😂
@jeremiahsbeast5560 Ай бұрын
I got a terrible glitch where a part of the map was red and had no collision and you would just fall through the floor. Also a survivor got stuck in the portal and couldn’t be hit or Skull Merchant scanned and had to die by endgame collapse. Definitely the buggiest map of all time.
@ardaoguzhan8181 Ай бұрын
@BrightWulph Ай бұрын
Same! That happened to me as well, sure the survivors ended up down to the wire with gens, but I still ended up with a 3K because we all got lost. 😅
@zettaeliza2043 Ай бұрын
3:30 and thats *before* you take boil over into account; if the survivor goes down in between the hook auras, it is literally impossible to navigate successfully
@kateenthusiast9340 Ай бұрын
They kind of gave us an indoor exit gate with Hawkins, they can probably make an exit like that on this map too.
@kalebbrake5882 Ай бұрын
Probably has to do with the different elevations, but I would like to see one gate downstairs
@PallyLIVE Ай бұрын
The exit gate on Hawkins if you look closely is not indoor. It's just stuck to the edge of the map. Once you open the gate, you're outside.
@Promethe3u5 Ай бұрын
I will say the downstairs does not always spawn 2 hooks. I went into a custom with a friend and it had 3 hooks including the one in the main room. My guess is the map is suffering from the midwich problem where hooks spawns are weird due to the multiple floors. Edit: a bit of an update, 4 hooks can spawn at the bottom. I had all 4 of my scourge hooks spawn at the bottom floor.
@Chazza-01 Ай бұрын
It does have 3 hooks, the problem is with the spacing. Typically there will be 1 in the left room, 1 in the middle infront of the stairs and 1 in the right room. The problem is I had 1 game where all 4 survivors died in the left hand room, so now I can't hook 2 survivors. And they said I was being sweaty for slugging but in reality they chose to die in a corner where 2 of them couldn't get hooked (not to mentioned they sabo'd the hook in the left room while I was carrying a survivor so I HAD to slug, but it is still me just being sweaty I guess for punishing their stupid mistake)
@BrightWulph Ай бұрын
​@Chazza-01 Ah yes, what a classic. Blame the killer for thw conciousness of my own actions. 🤣
@DominikneTOP Ай бұрын
​@@Chazza-01same here, my first match on that map i had 2 hooks downstairs and 4 survivors downed. In the end they called me sweaty slugger or smth like that
@alexandretellini2677 Ай бұрын
Skull Merchant leaps from dog shit to giant dog shit in this map
@jerrywong6672 Ай бұрын
Another problem with this map has is the lack of ways to traverse between upstairs and downstairs. Sure, you have different portals to go from downstairs to upstairs, but all the entrances/portals to go from upstairs to downstairs are clustered at the tower for some reason. This makes it really hard to get downstairs as survivors or killers without teleportation powers. Killers WITH teleportation powers like nurse/dredge/xenomorph can snowball sooooooo much faster or proxy camp sooooooo much more effectively on this map. These killers also have these advantages on other 2 floor maps but it's not as big of a deal because maps like The Game and Midwitch actually have their stairs located at different spots, instead of all clustered at one same spot like this map.
@90bubbel60 Ай бұрын
yeah, its basically impossible to try to defend both downstair and downstair instead of choosing one floor and staying at it, i have no idea how the devs are so incompetent regarding these kind of issues while you instantly recognize it after a single game as a player
@mckookie2967 Ай бұрын
yeah it needs another staircase or more drop down holes like on Temple of purgation
@joh1997dude Ай бұрын
Funny thing as well. You can 3 gen the fuck out of the underground with certain info perks. If you then know that no survs are in the underground, you can stand in 1 spot to cover both entrances to the underground and lock up the game.
@kodybauer9375 Ай бұрын
What about the portals?
@ryannem1216 Ай бұрын
Portals are a thing
@Chazza-01 Ай бұрын
@@ryannem1216 Portal* There is only 1 portal going downstairs to my knowledge. And it so happens that portal is near the stairs so you can cover both entrances. And if you brute force the pallet outside that portal I imagine it would be a free hit every time forcing the survivor to run to the second portal in library to reset.
@Vulgar_Worlock Ай бұрын
thanks for the tip
@Juno__Music Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, the killswitch has a 20 week cooldown before it can be used again. I wish they’d buff it already.
@FellingDragons Ай бұрын
I have found several times a pallet that doesnt even connect to something when it is down so you can just walk right past the floating pallet
@90bubbel60 Ай бұрын
Also just to add which also builds on the issue of the two floors and portals, There is only two points on the map which allows you to transverse up and down the floors and they are both located basically within a 10m radius of eachother forcing you to cross the entire map to get down to the second floor.
@rokk5941 Ай бұрын
i like to space out and look at the cat while scott talks
@ToanIV Ай бұрын
You can also get trapped within a wall when using the portals Outside loops essentially gets you downed, downstair loops seem real powerful mainly because of the portal infinite, it instantly ends the chase and restarts it 💀
@SSGeneration121 Ай бұрын
the map is also incredibley dark, more so than others. I had to turn my filters higher just to see anything
@weaselman710 Ай бұрын
I KNEW you were going to make a video about this. My first time playing the map it was abysmal because I wasn't playing a teleport killer
@BrightWulph Ай бұрын
Wraith does ok on the map, but it was a bit of a struggle bus since he can't pressure the gens as efficiently.
@meez5824 Ай бұрын
There’s also a bug where you sometimes get stuck in the portal frame after you use it
@zenerstorm95 Ай бұрын
God, Exit Gates being too close together boils my piss, man. I haven't played since The Unknown released but I am a survivor main and I adore maps that take too long to get to each door since it gives me at least a decent chance to escape, such as Lerys for example.
@user-iw2bn3gz1n Ай бұрын
Keep crying. The devs will hold your hand all the way to the exit dont worry
@Flotter-Flo Ай бұрын
Pity prize escapes shouldnt even be a thing in the first place. When you are the last survivor of a failed team, there should be a last 1v1 and if you outlast a certain time you should get a guaranteed hatch escape, the killer should get killer instinct until in chase and if he catches you within 1.5 mins, you should lose.
@steeledcelestial2958 Ай бұрын
What an odd thing to give a fuck about
@Sprachitektur Ай бұрын
Who cares lol as someone that plays both sides and thinks killers are overall more whiny these days
@redman0027 Ай бұрын
About the portals, they should probably also add like a second of grace for survivors in regards to movement detecting powers. Your character just moving through the portal can get you tagged by Skull Merchant and Pyramid Head, not sure if there are any others. Other than that I agree, not sure who play tested this map, but it is not very good.
@froggychair7732 Ай бұрын
I played on this map as leather face and the downstairs has two windows you can connect that basically make an infinite and once you actually start closing the distance survivors will just go through both portals and do it all over again.
@MlemilieMods Ай бұрын
I made a tiktok that was just a highlight reel of all of the survivors that I hit behind the fake pallet that just let's you walk through it - that aside, the layout of it reallllllly is such a problem, i was bored of playing on the map after one day
@carminedies3481 Ай бұрын
My problem is I'm blind and can't see anything on dark maps lol
@shaveme2991 Ай бұрын
Dbd has 3 lighting schemes: Shitty sewers, 8am, and pitch black. Like damn, go with some more interesting dark schemes where things are VISIBLE but still look like night. We're not supposed to see daylight.
@shsgshshsdgdhdhhehe5932 Ай бұрын
If you're on pc look into a program called reshade
@uggZymoroon Ай бұрын
they should've made it a completely indoors map, it's the transitions between those two halves that ruin the map over all I feel like.
@bigshaqtheneonblack6418 Ай бұрын
That window directly to the left when you go through the tower portal is the most annoying thing in the entire game. It gives survivors like 5 seconds and is basically an infinite and when you finally catch up they have a pallet that leads back into said window. I hate it so much that yes, I do not follow them through that portal anymore. About to main nurse just to beat that stupid window.
@zmanrockz6358 Ай бұрын
I love that pallet that doesn’t fall against anything and just floats in the air. Most useful pallet ever.
@TravisTLCdrumming Ай бұрын
The downstairs is so insanely dark.
@-eternall Ай бұрын
Also for me anyways I find it annoying that the killers terror radius is heard and you can’t tell if he’s down below or up top , it’s not like midwich or gideons where it’s a building and it makes sense, this there’s a layer of earth between it and it sounds like the killer is right on you but he’s not
@NativeMadness Ай бұрын
Had a wesker that ran starstruck and agitation and everyone was basically exposed the entire time someone went down.
@izzywn5802 Ай бұрын
My friends and I have been bringing the map with exponential. The boon can cover most of the map from above and below, and we just put it on whichever the killer is avoiding. Then run sabo and pretty much insta win. They slug, everyone gets up with boon, someone is in background with hyper focus stake out which is crazy on new map, rinse and repeat.
@mckookie2967 Ай бұрын
@izzywn5802 Ай бұрын
@@mckookie2967 yessir
@mckookie2967 Ай бұрын
@@izzywn5802 enjoy the bleedouts bucko 😂
@izzywn5802 Ай бұрын
@@mckookie2967 can't be bled out with exponential
@coral3607 Ай бұрын
there is also one pallet on the outskirts upstairs that was bugged in one of my games where one side of the pallet wasnt connected to anything and u could just run around the edge of the actual pallet itself.
@deathmankid Ай бұрын
I love the pallet by the gate close to the corner. Doesn't stop anything lol
@burgerbonkerqueenmsp9761 Ай бұрын
thx for the video scott, unfortunately in true BHVR fashion the map will most likely get 0 changes whatsoever for 5 months and then a complete rework which ruins the WHOLE map for everybody! yay!
@MadArtillery Ай бұрын
Vecna's map has a lot of problems? That is an understatement of a title. No idea how this map got finalized with such blatant issues.
@Renegade841 Ай бұрын
A reminded that this map does have a basement, but for whatever reason the basement spawns on the top floor of the map rather than in the dungeon. It's not as though the basement can't be placed in a lower area because it has been done before with Temple of Purgation.
@pistolmoth4198 28 күн бұрын
I think it needs an extra entrance, somewhere. Maybe a tunnel/winding staircase behind Vecna’s desk that leads out to around the middle of map. It’s such a trek to go down there as killer it barely feels worth it. I’d say make the underground more appealing and easier to reach as killer, and make the above ground harder to just 3 gen.
@niecomartinez2148 Ай бұрын
Aside from the downstairs hooks and the exit gates, I think the map is great. Looping both outside and inside is fun for both sides and with an information perk like alert or empathy, outside becomes much more safe for solo survivors.
@DanCorvo420 Ай бұрын
If you get a lag spike when going through a portal into the dungeon, you can glitch into the wall and be stuck the whole game. Happened to me mid-chase and had to sit there for the survivors to finish.
@jamescommaticus3215 Ай бұрын
I literally never chase down stairs on this map.
@jompf Ай бұрын
It hurts because I love this map. The downstairs loops are unique and fun but killers are realizing how bad it is for them. I ran into the exit gate issue multiple times now as well. Hopefully the right changes are made to make this map fun for everyone.
@jacobmurray7016 Ай бұрын
Finally someone talking about this mess of a map
@danielmikula1375 Ай бұрын
It reminds me of the way that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game has the similar situation where the victims are the strongest when in the basement and chasing them down there is generally a waste of time.
@LostLokiYT Ай бұрын
The dungeon also has 3 hooks. One time it had 2 for me. I couldn't get a survivor to a hook and they'd wiggle and go right back to the same spot in the dungeon.
@jeffw0824 Ай бұрын
One exit gate is always by a portal. You just get that gate 99d. Everyone at risk stays in dungeon. Resets. Portal out. Everyone leaves at the gate 10m away
@rafehusky Ай бұрын
there's also like three or four completely invisbile trap locations downstairs for trapper
@dusty0559 Ай бұрын
"We need more hooks in the basement." Scott Jund, 2024, on his desire to hook more than 4 survivors in the basement.
@cohb 29 күн бұрын
he meant the underground portion not the actual basement
@arcarc2663 Ай бұрын
You didn't even mention how a bunch of killer powers are super bugged on the map or have awful interactions. Portals especially. Did you know if you stand directly under a Skull Merchant drone for a second, you get automatically hurt/claw-trapped? Well, guess what happens if there's one directly on a portal exit/entrance. Plus Trapper traps. And then there's Pinhead. Did you know that the box literally cannot spawn underground at all? Which fucks up all its spawning rules, and it can spawn literally right in front of him at the start of the game. Same goes for Pyramidhead's cages. You can cage them, and the cage might appear right in front of you.
@Angel_Flash Ай бұрын
I just wish there was more than 1 entrance to the dungeon that isn't a portal. It feels super weird to only be able to WALK inside the building is via a SINGLE staircase. The only other way in is to teleport in... So strange.
@HanjiZoeSnK Ай бұрын
I keep getting killers who solely 3gen the downstairs once a survivor gets knocked down there, it's almost impossible to escape since they just camp the top of the stairs waiting for them
@timothybyrne7698 Ай бұрын
I do really love that map, most unique map in a while and the portals are so cool too, I hope they make more cool stuff like this because the portals actually make me feel like I can pressure the map as a weaker killer. That said I think 3-4 hooks in the dungeon. Portal cooldowns (only for survivors ~30-60s) should be applied. Maybe add an extra tile upstairs (can be any kind of tile). Make 3-4 gens spawn either upstairs or in the dungeon (in lieu of just 3 always in the basement) Lastly the exit gate spread needs to be fully fixed.
@madisonbrown1215 29 күн бұрын
I would love if they moved one of the exit gates downstairs, like a dungeon escape of some sorts. That would be awesome IMO
@OrdinaryApprentice99 Ай бұрын
1 simple Solution. Do the same as with RPD. Give the map 3-4 different iterations where the map is cut in half. 1 with less ground on the top side but more on the dungeon 2 with blocked areas in the dungeon and more space on top 3 Both stages have certain loops and corridors blocked 4 Dungeon has majority of corridors blocked and mostly 2-3 accessible loops with 1 pallet each. And so on.
@Enzym3 Ай бұрын
My first game on the live version was a Skull Merchant who held a 3 gen immediately on the top of the map and it was one of if not the most impossible 3 gens I have ever had to attempt to break, and it really ruined this map for me. I also played a Nurse match where I was killer and it was super oppressive with how easy it was to pressure survivors. I also agree with Scott on making more varied exit gates. I think an exit gate where the beholder is hidden would be cool where you can "escape" by being grabbed by the beholder - which would be incredibly funny. Also MORE RUIN HOOKS PLEASEEEEEE
@ixand3ri311 Ай бұрын
Nurse on this map also has major problems because she can just blink from level to level and not take nearly the same amount of time survivors do to get from level to level. I know this exists on maps like the Gideon meat plant but this is even more extreme
@eddieallgood7147 Ай бұрын
I got this map 6 times in a row last night with 0 map offerings. I hate this map as killer
@IG33Z Ай бұрын
Theres a pallet thst can spawn upstairs between trees that the killer can walk next to after its dropped
@kilikx1x Ай бұрын
There are a couple of placing on Vecna's map that are effectively traps for survivors. The biggest offender being that double pallet room across from the Beholder. Once you enter this room the only way you escape without getting hit at least once is if the killer makes a massive blunder, and even if you *do* manage to escape that room there simply aren't any nearby resources for you to consistently be able to reach without getting someone to take a hit for you (which is unreliable at the best of times in solo Q). You might be able to waste a few seconds in that room but that is assuming the pallets are even still there, if you find yourself in chase in that room and the pallets are already thrown, or even just outright destroyed already, your SoL. Side note: Not sure what your talking about with the i-frames. In my experience my hitbox seems to persist at the entrance portal all the way until my character is shown coming out of the other side of the portal. Multiple times I have been downed halfway through the portal and end up still teleporting.
@jompf Ай бұрын
My strategy for the double pallet room is to run the killer around to the raised platform. If they want to hit you they have to go all the way around, and if they do, you use the pallet on them and leave the room. The bottom pallet is a trap though I don't use that one often. I also run windows and balanced landing so if I'm going into that room I know I have pallets or have BL to get me out. Hope this helps.
@Flotter-Flo Ай бұрын
lol that room is actually really good against most killers (exceptions being trapper, artist and some others). you can easily burn half a minute in there and then leave. prolly best not to go in there injured tho. also avoid against killers who can literally trap u in there.
@kilikx1x Ай бұрын
@@Flotter-Flo I was testing that room as killer against some friends and not a single time could they escape that room without being hit. Yes it wastes *some* time but that requires the use of one or both pallets after which point that room is completely useless.
@kilikx1x Ай бұрын
@@jompf A smart killer will simply never find themselves on the far side of the door when you are running the raised platform, and at that point you don't make nearly enough distance to actually escape that room without being hit.
@eddieallgood7147 Ай бұрын
There’s also a ton of bugs on the map. When you spectate as survivor you get a fixed position on the castle portal that randomly looks around and there is a bugged pallet that spawns in a corner opposite shack that doesn’t even connect to a second object, it free floats and you can simply walk right around it. Map is trash
@tiller3777 Ай бұрын
small map, bottom of map is insta loss to loop as killer, portal is an infinite, doors right next to each other. Not to mention the fact I've run into countless bugs with vaults and bad pallet bugs
@user-uh5zn4cg8s 29 күн бұрын
To summarize Scott’s channel in one sentence: to make sense of something that don’t even make sense to the person that created it in the first place.
@anettelma123 Ай бұрын
that Chris in your clip jesus this is the guy we all meet in soloQ
@monsterhuntersavage2 Ай бұрын
The worst part of this is if they fix the problem with downstairs but leave upstairs the way it is, this will be one of the most Killer sided maps in the game with getting out being a rarity. In its current iteration, as Scott is saying, the Killer should just play upstairs as they're far more likely to win that way as there is really no reason for them to ever go down there. They really should fix the infinite portal and low number of hooks in the basement but if they solve those issues without resolving the upstairs problem of 4 gens, close and easy to see gates and absolutely fuckin terrible pallets lmao this map will be borderline unwinnable as Survivor. I love the aesthetic of this map as it's really unique and jives well with the games style, but really that's as much as can say besides having some fun with portal crouch tech's. BHVR needs to overhaul this map and stop with the random cluttered pallet spawns as it doesn't suit this space at all.
@DamonWhatif Ай бұрын
They need to change the color of this map too. Probably not the red it used to be but I can’t see ANYTHING with the new lighting. Might just be me, but I Need something brighter so I can at least see where I’m going.
@quietboygonewild Ай бұрын
I know already that if I go to this map as a survivor, I immediatelly lost the match. Hatch always spawns upstairs. Downstairs needs to be bigger and be across the entire map and gens need to be spread across the entire map because killers have a solid 5 gen. If you face a Wesker with Jolt, he will be able to to hit EVERY SINGLE GEN ON THE MAP EVERYTIME! He doesn't even need Distressing. I don't even want to imagine a skill check Doctor. Or the downstairs part needs to face the other direction, like, instead of it going right under the map, it should face in the way of where the current basement is.
@Choesang222 Ай бұрын
Just got this map with 4 hooks downstairs and 3 of them were scourge hooks LOL, doesn't change the fact that this map has problems overall, but I did want to confirm that more than 2 hooks can spawn downstairs.
@thatonetaffers Ай бұрын
I mean, I kind of guess what they wanted to go for, like the whole idea of outside is a normal DBD map, but inside is this magical realm of magic and mystery, but i think if they just made it an indoor map with outdoor elements like RPD instead of a attempt fusion of both it would have gotten a better result. Instead, they made a worse where Midwich no one has fun. Surprisingly strong Dredge map, however
@mckookie2967 Ай бұрын
It would play a lot better if there were more accessible stairs and side drop down holes like Temple of purgation main building
@jonathanz9895 Ай бұрын
There's like 5 or 6 pallets downstairs and 1 or 2 are bad. There's like 6-8 pallets upstairs and 3 or 4 are bad. The exit gates are bad. Downstairs can be strong, portals can be strong but neither downstairs or portals are broken
@floppymd2223 Ай бұрын
You’re supposed to be too busy clapping like a trained seal at all the references to notice things like that
@SebTheSamMarten Ай бұрын
That noogs person just running to another gen instead of saving Scott really is a DBD moment of all time.
@Sp1tfire_5316 Ай бұрын
I kid u not i got so confused downstairs that i managed to leave b4 finding any gens down there. I took the stairs down and somehow found them again while looking for a gen. The upstairs pallets r crap massive dead zone in the center sometimes
@BryceOsborne-us9qg Ай бұрын
Hey Scott. You’re welcome for watching :)
@Mickeymouse7727 Ай бұрын
On ptb the first game I played was against bots on this map, and oh boy did they make it obvious how bad downstairs is for killer very quickly.
@immortal_SO Ай бұрын
As killer the strat is to let the survivors complete all the gens underneath so they have to be around the weaker gens up top.
@SpookySkeletonGang Ай бұрын
One thing they could do to help somewhat is to just make it so survivors aren't invunerable as soon as they touch the portal. Literally they can still be walking through it but it doesn't matter, they're gone as soon as they start the animation. Fix that and it's not such a get out of jail free card.
@illitaret8780 Ай бұрын
You can grab someone out of portal similar to window vault.
@paintedpig3021 Ай бұрын
This is the only map where it's literally too dark to actually play on, with fog it's basically impossible to see anything. Before anyone says "just turn up your monitor brightness" I don't want to do that just for this one map
@dominicsmalley9394 Ай бұрын
The dungeon has only two entrances and the killer can see both of the entrances. If stood correctly. So not only does downstairs have a good 3 gen where all gens can be easily patrolled the two entrances to the great 3gen can both be seen easily. I've barely gone upstairs because playing as vecna I liked to only stay in the dungeon and never leave it only attacking people who enter because I found it fun and immersive to pretend I'm guarding my dungeon. But the downstairs is actually really good. The 3 gen and limited guard able entrances means even if they do all 4 gens upstairs I can still get a 4k without ever leaving the dungeon. And when I had a actual game not just guarding the dungeon I found that the dungeon won me the game by guarding the 3 gen a little but mostly by being able to injure anyone who enters the dungeon almost instantly because the portal and staircase are roughly 5-10 meters away from each other. I think they should have stuck to a full dungeon map instead of half and half. Or maybe have a midwich/lerys inspired layout where it's 80-90% indoors/underground but a little outdoors Area. The dungeon should be the same size as the upstairs and the main entrance thing to the downstairs should take up half the upstairs and the whole map should be made smaller to accommodate for the dungeon being bigger. On each half of the upstairs building there should be a staircase leading to the dungeon so there's two physical entrances to the dungeon aswell as a portal so you can't just camp the entrances and not let anyone in. The gens can then be spread out more downstairs and upstairs with 3 in a obtuse V shape spread as far and equal as possible downstairs to stop the 3 gen and then 4 upstairs spread as best as possible to reduce 3 gens. Maybe two inside two outside or 1 inside 3 outside. The dungeon would be bigger and I think it needs more spacious areas. Maybe double the size of vecnas room/study add more onto the beholders torture room stuff like that to really make it feel bigger and make it more inviting and fun for ranged killers who need the space to make good shots while also giving better space for pallets and to loop. Visually the dungeon is stunning I just with there was more to it and bigger spaces to really take in and be enchanted by. I also LOVE the basement placement. If the basement isn't in shack then it has it's own little entrance not part of an actual building and I love it. It gets its own little structure entrance just in it's little area and to my knowledge that isn't done on any other maps. There either in shack or in a building like Billy's maps it's either in the house in the slaughter house or in shack. Or in rpd it's in the station but for this map its just outside chilling in the open no shack not in a building just part of the bare map.
@SweetLeavesXbox1 Ай бұрын
This map really limits what possible for both sides. Survivors could use boil over, break out for down stairs but wouldnt last if they have to go upstairs at somepoint. They don't have many safe tiles upstairs if the killer rather zone gens vs down the survivor. Bet trapper would be really good on this map XD
@Bryan_S Ай бұрын
My first killer today was a Knight 3gen the outside new map and try to do anything to get them to go for me and would not go for me. My randoms did the castle gens only then were hidden. I saw the Knight not even looking for them. Just looking around the outside gens. So I took my 60 second DC and move on. Also the exits so close with one another with Shack. lol only took 1 week for others to do and see this. Great
@blazeyprime4470 Ай бұрын
5:45 Also tell the devs about hook placements and putting scourge hooks on all four corners of the damn map.
@folssee Ай бұрын
Let the portals go both ways. Opens up more options for people to get Around and removes the two entrance points from being inches from each other.
@AJRobin-qi5vu Ай бұрын
can we talk about how that killer hit you from a good 5 meters away. Damn.
@hxppy_demxn Ай бұрын
We have Hawkin’s. They can definitely add a gate downstairs
@foxnax7660 Ай бұрын
a few days ago i was sacrificed in basement (that was my first hook) coz none of my soloq teammates didnt know where the entrance is 💀
@whitey6174 Ай бұрын
One of the portals that goes out needs to have its direction reversed, killers need to not have delay in portal usage at all considering how the mechanics work for killer, underground needs more hooks, double pallets need to go, out of bounds exploit needs fixing, gates need changed, downstairs loops need nerfs, pointless double pallet room needs changed or removed, portal on back of tower needs to not tele survivors into the strongest loop in map immediately If the map is changed like this it can be rebalanced around chaining upstairs and downstairs while still leaving some strategy for both sides on generator completion order Its not just "survivor side if killer then" you just walk off the map from the portal exit loop and never take hits, its not just another hard multifloor maps its impossible as killer with basic knowledge of the exploits. No built in tele should ever place a survivor immediately inside a loop, that is a clear indicator BHVR does not ever test killer playability.
@mma_datplancher4477 Ай бұрын
The portals are very problematic. I had once a survivor who did infinitive, becz of the cooldown
@agardragon6979 Ай бұрын
I agree with most of things you said but somethings you forgot to mention or are wrong about is saying its free chaining portals. You know the lack of pallets up stairs so running from one portal to the other will 100 percent take a hit unless you use a pallet or greed it which means it can only happen once or twice. ALSO the gen behind the castle or ruin has ZERO pallets. It is a complete DEAD ZONE. working on that gen is a death trap. Also the brand new floating god pallet.
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