Wake The F*** Up Rook! Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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27 күн бұрын

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We thought that only V had a problem with voices in his head but it looks like Rook will too! Johnny Solashand is slated to play an important role as Rook's personal advisor as they have become inextricably linked to each other but what are the possibilities for this sort of arrangement and does it make sense?

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@rhodan74 25 күн бұрын
And here I thought Rook wasn't "special".
@LokiTheAnsuz 25 күн бұрын
So far the writing looks predictable: Solas is not tearing down the Veil, just moving 2 Evanuris around, after 10 years of preparation his ritual is disrupted by basic sabotage (he didn't even lock up his own personal Elluvian, it seems), the protagonist is once again accidentally marked by Solas' power, Solas himself is now trapped and that'll end up being very convenient... Only thing left in the contrivance list is killing off Varric in the prologue or shortly after, so that Rook has more friction with Solas and is catapulted into "taking care of the team"...
@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 25 күн бұрын
Rook with his magical engram, hysterical!
@hugewatermelon 25 күн бұрын
Subverting Solas as the main antagonist makes me wonder how they're going to address the fundamental philosophical conflict between him and the protag. I'm also a bit miffed about him being tied to some rando (Rook) and basically being out of the picture. I hope he's not completely powerless, and that the devs make him a believable manipulative villain.
@Dragon_Lair 24 күн бұрын
I have no faith in their writing to do so. All their key writers of their classic games are gone.
@benlee9409 24 күн бұрын
​@@Dragon_Lair Ditto. The new team cut tie with the previous team in such tacky way that it basically killed the story. The settings and openings could have been grand if incompetent new devs dare to visit the old dragon age.
@lcicada 21 күн бұрын
I’m glad we don’t have to play the Inquisitor again. They’re easily the worst DA protagonist
@Vearsin 25 күн бұрын
I get the Johnny Silverhand thing, but I haven't seen anyone bring up how close the situation is to the emperor in BG3
@YurateYurate 24 күн бұрын
This! My thoughts exactly
@lcicada 21 күн бұрын
It’s not like Larian and CDPR invented it.
@PTLANS 25 күн бұрын
I knew they wouldn't let Elves taking back their homeland remain a thing for the player to fight to stop.
@apres-lachute8718 25 күн бұрын
I don't think this is a coinidence. They were still developing the game when Cyberpunk 2077 came out. I bet they thought, that's cool, let's do this with Solas too! I guess it could still be done well enough.
@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 25 күн бұрын
I concur
@rb98769 25 күн бұрын
I'm a bit conflicted about it. It's something Bloodlines 2 will also do, Forspoken has done it as well to a certain extent, and basically seems to be the new plot point big publishers seem to be on board with because they like to have this ever-present advisor who is also some exposition dispensing machine. I really like how Cyberpunk did it, but I don't know if other games will pull it off the same way. With that said, Solas is enough of an interesting character that it could be a cool dynamic. We'll have to wait and see.
@sjsharp2007 25 күн бұрын
Wellthe ycoul dhav ecopied the idea from Andromeda given the ydid have the AI SAM in Ryder's head in that story
@rb98769 25 күн бұрын
@@sjsharp2007 The advisor thing isn't super new. But having a major character stuck in your head who you have a relationship with is a lot more specific, so the parallels with Cyberpunk are hard to ignore. Other games have probably done it, I know Dark Messiah did, but that's quite old now, I can't think of any recent ones.
@davids2cents594 25 күн бұрын
i think they got the idea from andromeda it already has similarity's. gameplay wise with the primer and detonator and now instead of an A.I that was put in your head its solas. it sucks you guys are not hyped. myself i cant wait i need a release date
@rb98769 25 күн бұрын
Reminds me of how CDPR spoiled Jackie's death before the game released. But honestly I feel like this was something more pertinent to reveal than that.
@gesochisku118 24 күн бұрын
Varric is the new Jackie
@derektodd6650 25 күн бұрын
Would've really liked to have explored Solas' character arc in-game. I can understand that newcomers have no knowledge or Solas or DA outside of the discourse between Origins and DA2 & Inquisition, and likely that lack of understanding would put them off from the game in general. But yeah, it feels so hackneyed the way he's removed from the plot for what seems like the interim until perhaps the last act happens and he unveils his decision based on narrative choices. By Trespasser, we were led to believe Solas would or could, immediately, unravel the veil. There was a sense of direness to the ending due to Solas' regained strength and powers being capable of unmaking the mortal world.
@dreamingflurry2729 25 күн бұрын
So a fucking mashup between a (supposed!) Dragon Age Game, Cyberpunk 2077 and Mass Effect Andromeda? I mean look at the combat system, that is MEA - the only thing different is that you have no cover-system (makes no sense without guns) and get parrying, dodging, blocking and magic-shields instead! Oh, and no profile-switching, so you truly are limited to 3 abilities and can't change those on the fly in combat!...this really is Dragonpunk Effect Thedas :(
@beerexpert1057 25 күн бұрын
Why do I get the feeling this is a recent development. Literally first 3-4 trailers featured him. They restarted development twice who know if it wasn't three times.
@Gloryholrr 24 күн бұрын
Well, a lot of developers who were working on this game were fired during the development.
@homeostasis1103 25 күн бұрын
Making Solas adviser instead of villain after he said that he would destroy the entire world just to bring his own people's legacy back shattered my hopes for somewhat good story in DAV
@rb98769 25 күн бұрын
I don't know, I guess it plays into a similar trope as Cyberpunk. You technically have a terrorist inside your head in that game, and he's always trying to sway you to his side (or terrorize you if you antagonize him). It could make for an interesting story depending on how they do it. Solas is much more of a big bad guy compared to Silverhand also.
@Dragon_Lair 24 күн бұрын
@@rb98769No. It won’t be interesting. Voices in the head was old even when it was new. This sucks, and clearly it is because BioWare are creatively bankrupt and can’t tell a dark fantasy.
@moysoyjoy 23 күн бұрын
While Solas *is an antagonist, I wasn’t expecting him to be the big bad in the following game. The Trespasser dlc, along with the extended media, hinted that there was a much larger threat brewing
@Dragon_Lair 23 күн бұрын
@@moysoyjoy So the guy who's entire mission is tearing down the veil, destroy the world and all life as we know it and is a super powerful ancient god was never going to be the big bad? No, he was. He was set up as such, but one who had the potential to be redeemed. This smells of a massive retcon because the writers decided that what they set up is not what they want to do. If the leaks are true about him becoming a voice in Rook's head after disrupting the ritual and it basically comes down to Bioware being lazy story-tellers.
@Dragon_Lair 23 күн бұрын
@@moysoyjoy Not paying attention? He was set up as the big villain. The title of the game BEFORE they changed it was Dreadwolf, meaning it was all about him, his plan and the potential end of the world via the tearing down of the veil. Depending on the Inquisitor's relationship it could be antagonistic or one that is more hopeful for redemption. The big choice at the end of Trespasser was about disbanding the Inquisition, making it harder to stop Solas but more likely to prove him wrong or keeping the Inquisition so we could fight him more effectively but the corruption of the organization being more likely to prove him right. The implications are even spelled out in the DLC. Everything was about stopping Solas, and the gameplay revealed we stop in the first mission, likely the tutorial mission, and the Inquisitor is not involved. I've been paying very close attention. Solas was the main villain, he was set up as one, all the big choices at the end of Inquisition revolved around preparing to stop him. If you truly believe otherwise and aren't just shilling for BioWare because you're a huge Dragon Age fan and don't want to be in denial about it then you haven't been paying attention.
@BlackWipeout 25 күн бұрын
It doesn't change anything for me, I still have no hope in this game...
@TheAnonimoose 25 күн бұрын
I've commented on this before, but this is entirely unsurprising coming from Bioware. Bioware is not interested or perhaps not capable of creating compelling innovation. Instead they adapt popular game mechanics for their own games in order to chase trends. Bioware isn't creating a game for their hard-core fan base, because they take them for granted. The market they're attempting to breach isn't the people who enjoy RPGs, it's people who play popular games and influencers who can help sell their products.
@Tixmix 25 күн бұрын
I honestly get the opposite impression. It's very obvious the devs are massive DA fans and are making a game for other fans of DA.
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
I Totally agree with this.
@xsvrrx 24 күн бұрын
@@Tixmixagree especially since this was already a BioWare trope. Bhall in bg2. Aribeth in NWN. Bastilia in Kotor. Kriea in Kotor2 yes this part was dictated by BioWare to obsidian. The arch demon to a much lesser extent in Dragon age Origins. The illusion man in mass effect 2 and 3. This is a standard BioWare plot device. Already.
@JohnnyTsunami55 25 күн бұрын
I'll make a bet with you. This game is gonna leave off on a cliff hanger ending. Where solas is just gonna continue to do what he was going to do. Bet money on it. Gonna be a sequel bait ending.
@rebeccawilliams8439 25 күн бұрын
Ugh... I hope not, but I can see it.
@PTLANS 25 күн бұрын
I doubt it only because BioWare probably look at Solas and his people as indigenous people taking back their land. I doubt they'll make him a villain again. If anything I'd bet we get lectures by Solas throughout the game.
@JohnnyTsunami55 25 күн бұрын
@@PTLANS I can see that too actually... 😬
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
Very probably, so be prepared, because if that is the case then you will have a very incomplete story, Bioware will not survive after this game.
@starbirbs5128 24 күн бұрын
If it does it’d be for dlc. Every game has had dlc
@fakenamerodriguez8901 25 күн бұрын
If I thumbs up this video and just leave without watching does that help this guy. Erything about this game bums me out but I want to support the channel.
@spellandshield 25 күн бұрын
@michaelkerley452 25 күн бұрын
Everything that has happened just reads as desperation. I still want to have hope but everything just leads me think this game is going to be the end of my caring about BioWare and it’s games.
@lisdraconis2212 25 күн бұрын
I find it very interesting that so many suddenly find this part of the plot a copy paste of CP2077 yet BG3 did it too with the entity in your head speaking to you. (Nothing agains BG3)
@AulisVaara 24 күн бұрын
Baldur's Gate 3 did it before Cyberpunk came out. And it doesn't feel like the same thing at all, to be honest. Maybe it isn't the same here either, but we expect EAware to copy/paste and do it poorly because they also absolutely had to have the open world in Inquisition because of Skyrim and that turned out poorly too.
@lisdraconis2212 22 күн бұрын
@@AulisVaara If you already expect a game to be bad, why bother citicizing it? Move on if you mind is set and nothing can sway you.
@Inquisitor_Askeladd 24 күн бұрын
I'm curious if Solas being trapped in the fade might possibly lead to him becoming corrupted by the blight, if he is stuck in the same place that he trapped the evanuris.
@rickc-arelsii6276 25 күн бұрын
Oh no. Not another "voice in your head" game. VtM Bloodlines 2 is going for that as well. Is there no originality in gaming anymore?
@Trace153 25 күн бұрын
When you say team focus, it just sounds like they are saying “there is no story”. I am betting the story is barely a few sentences deep. With a focus on meeting your “diverse” crew. Compare this to ME2 and I am expecting this be the perfect example of doing it wrong when the older team knocked it out the park.
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
Like Inquisition, very much. 80% of the game are fetch quests. 20% Story.
@agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859 25 күн бұрын
I strongly believe Solas "trapped" is a placeholder for the later story or future games. Do not forget the story of him trapped by one elf god. He literally escaped after manipulating another to attack his jailer, even exploiting a weakness and predicting emotional responses.
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
Future games.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859 24 күн бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK ??? The Dragon Age Series is telling a world story rather than focusing on a specific main character like Mass Effect. I imagine the series ending with the actual "Dragon Age" in world time period. However the potential of prequels from the 1st Blight or the Slave Rebellion of Andraste is there as well. Even the next "Age".
@SeventhheavenDK 24 күн бұрын
@@agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859 . If Bioware survives this game.
@agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859 24 күн бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK Dragon Age Inquisition sold millions (very well).Even if the Veilguard is trash, there are comics, and books now, if another company doesn't make more Dragon Age games. The story can still be told. As someone who played rpgs before the release of DA Origins, this series never had the best gameplay, and was never telling the greatest fantast story ever told IMO.
@SeventhheavenDK 24 күн бұрын
@@agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859 . I don't think Inquisition's "millions" will help. 1) A lot of people who bought Inquisition didn't like the game, especially nowadays, it's very similar to the situation of Resident Evil, but Capcom actually realized that despite the excellent sales there was a problem, and that their next game wasn't going to be so lucky. So they actually did something about it. 2) 10 years have passed since Inquisition (This one is very important, despite some people pretending it's not the case, within this time a lot of people, who even enjoy Dragon Age no matter what, have moved on with their lives). 3) It's not only about Dragon Age, it's about the big failures that Bioware has had recently, like Andromeda and Anthem. 4) Absolution, the books, the comics, etc are not best sellers, they are only gotten by a niche within an already niche fandom. 5) if Bioware doesn't survive this you can be sure nobody else will/can do anything Dragon Age related again. The franchise will fall into oblivion.
@johnadamsgaming 25 күн бұрын
Hmm, Emperor Squidface was in my head, too. Lots of folks rattling around up there 😁
@ana_d_73 25 күн бұрын
Except Larian actually went there and let us seduce the Emperor for kicks if we wanted to. Absolutely sure they won't let us do that with Solas this time around. I'm not looking forward to having him monologueing in my head for a full campaign
@johnadamsgaming 25 күн бұрын
@@ana_d_73 Very true, however I hate that guy so much (the Emperor, not Solas), I try to kill him every chance I get ;) that doesn't result in a game-over, I mean. Hopefully Solas is less intrusive.
@Xenomorphine 25 күн бұрын
@@ana_d_73 If we're able to go back and forth into the lighthouse, that means he's interactable.
@AlTariqLuqmanMuhammad 24 күн бұрын
I personally don't mind this direction for the story so long as it's executed decently enough. Ever since I first played Origins I've been fascinated by the lore of the Evanuris (or just the Gods of the Elvhen as they used to be known) and was stoked when I learned Solas was Fen'Harel and the story of the pantheon was more complicated than previously presented. I've been waiting ten years since then to find out more and now we have two more gods running amok and more of Solas dropping knowledge about the world and its past on us. The idea is very appealing to me and makes me excited to see where this game goes. All that being said, the development troubles this game has gone through and the loss of so many Bioware vets along the way makes me worried about how this will all turn out. The reveal trailer did not reassure me either (though all of the info they've provided since then, especially the gameplay, were effective damage control at least for me). I plan to go in with low expectations this fall and will secretly hope to be pleasantly surprised.
@lostzephyr2191 24 күн бұрын
Looking forward to Bioware spitting out an inferior rehash of Cyberpunk 2077's main storyline!
@Elmodias1 25 күн бұрын
The more I learn about this game, the less interested I am about it...
@TheGamernews1 25 күн бұрын
Feeling the same unfortunately.
@fakenamerodriguez8901 25 күн бұрын
Same. I still want to support channels like this but man this game is a bummer 😔
@Vera-yu9eh 24 күн бұрын
Same. It sounds soo boring. Old team created Zevran, Alister, Morrigan, Shale, damn, even Ogren was good, and new one created Solas and now this dull bunch of companions. Its a tragedy.
@benlee9409 24 күн бұрын
The cartoon trailer made me go "ewwww" and the gameplay trailer totally killed whatever the hope I had for Dragon age 4 and the story conclusion to dreadwolf.
@UberBri 22 күн бұрын
​@@Vera-yu9ehWhere is Sandal?
@lorisceleste1860 11 күн бұрын
Solas is SAM from ME(h) Andromeda, Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk and the Emperor from Baldur’s Gate 3. Amazing. Awesome. Never seen before.
@arttuluttinen 25 күн бұрын
This doesn't change anything for me. It's just memberberries, the thing the MCU has beaten to death.
@Damon-xf4kt 25 күн бұрын
I will not buy it.
@jeremysanders8766 25 күн бұрын
Sell pretty well 😂 That’s a good one. You slay me 🤣
@SlanderedGaming 24 күн бұрын
That thumbnail is fantastic. 😂
@spellandshield 24 күн бұрын
Thanks, your whole channel is fantastic!
@eastbow6053 25 күн бұрын
To me solas would never have been the enemy come on the guy was a rebel that freed slaves, trapping him was a cheap way to write him out of the story cause they dont know how to make him the good guy that does bad things with good intentions
@solidsmoke9372 25 күн бұрын
This is what we get when originality and aesthetically pleasing characters die
@artofmisi 21 күн бұрын
well, i don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but having someone named 'Pride' whispering in your ear from the Fade certainly sounds like a very interesting thing to me, considering the worldbuilding
@xsvrrx 24 күн бұрын
I have a theory that solas will be the next archdemon at the end of the story
@Kat1kafka 22 күн бұрын
Story leaks pretty much say this rook guy messed up and put the entire world in danger, and now he has to fix it.
@BelieveIt1051 24 күн бұрын
It's going to suck. First, why didn't Solas just move the evanuris first, and then perform a different ritual to take down the veil at some later time? Why do both, knowing how important one was over the other? Second, are we really going to have any dialogue options available to disagree with Solas or call him out? And if we do, then doesn't that mean we've supplanted our Inquisitor who was originally supposed to be the one to convince Solas to give up or else stop him by any means? And what can Solas do about his plan now that he's trapped? Or is he going to find a way to break out? And then are we back at the start of the game, where he's going to tear down the veil again? This "story" is a joke.
@Kat1kafka 22 күн бұрын
The main villains should've been solas flameth and the mages who entered the golden city. Not two other unknowns that solas said in the last game were trapped and sealed off for good.
@Jrockk999 25 күн бұрын
I didn't much like this plot type in 2077 because it took away from V, I'm not digging it here. Johnny did eventually grow on me, but it's still a weak plot point that I feel holds the game back. I'm still convinced this extra emphasis to tell us the story is about the characters we recruit rather than an actual storyline of this growing world tells me that the story will not only be lack luster but also lack much focus.
@FayeRantTheStrong 25 күн бұрын
Silverhand, Guardian, Solas... There's some pattern with voice in the head in 2020s RPGs
@vyndrall2029 25 күн бұрын
I think that the different inspirations that we seek to associate with Veilguard (Suicid Squad, Cyberpunk etc.) are symptomatic of the lack of vision and imagination of the people at Bioware for several years. I had read an article about the development of Anthem and their source of inspiration had been Iron Man because that was the film that was very successful at that time. I guess that's why we have Marvel dialogue and jokes in Bioware games too... They seriously have no ideas to offer: they aggregate all the trendy ideas from pop culture/geek culture of the moment and try to shoehorn them into a universe already established by other people. They never try to delve deeper into a game mechanic or a way to improve dialogue and camera angles etc. Worse, they bring out the dialogue wheel from Dragon Age 2 which dates from 2011... It's either outdated game mechanics or things copied from other games. It's sad when you know that this studio was renowned for its ability to continually innovate in RPG mechanics.
@Shinrea1 24 күн бұрын
I'm hoping Solas is straight up lying to about just wanting to move prisoners and that his true motivation really was to tear down the veil. He'll guide you under the guise of reigning in these ancient gods but the end result gets him what he wanted all along. He is the trickster God after all. It would make sense then as to why Rook is the protag and not the Inquisitor, the Inquisitor would know he was full of shit. Then again maybe I'm being hopelessly optimistic
@lukeorloki 25 күн бұрын
I have absolutely no interest in rook. I still need to see why it's seems they only sent Varic and a scout to stop an elven god intent on destroying the world. Is Thedas just stupid? Did Bioware just write it badly? Or did something delay the real force that had enough strength to actually challenge a god if necessary. Hopefully the actual game will make sense of this.
@tj3603 21 күн бұрын
Ikr, like you have another Brich level magical disaster on your hand and you send two rogue dwarfs? I mean, Varrik and Harding are GOATs and all, but they not exactly experts on sorcery. It would be more reasonable to send Dorian, or Cassandra, or Inqusitor, who had first hand experience with tears in veil and Solas himself.
@ravenroc1784 24 күн бұрын
Is it more like Justice/Anders? He can make you do things or only suggest?
@UberBri 22 күн бұрын
Its odd that Solas didn't the Elvan guard protecting him. 😊
@themagescorner 22 күн бұрын
Not much hype for this game, but I just hope it delivers! Dragon Age has a lot of good nostalgia associated to it.
@carnotaurus_hex 24 күн бұрын
How am I supposed to be chill with a dude in my brain who pretty clearly is going to kill Varric? I never liked Solas to begin with and now I'm stuck with him? Yay...
@mattstansbeary3068 24 күн бұрын
Wake up Rook We have a World to burn. Doctor can you help me I have this Crazy deam of wanting to Destroy the world. Doctor cries that was Solas and you can't live without him.
@denisabdullah1908 24 күн бұрын
So DAD became DAVE
@noctoi 24 күн бұрын
Hmmm, yet another situationally sympathetic antihero/morally grey all powerful character-whose-architype-was-until-recently-considered-evil rattling around in my head and pulling my strings after a cataclysmic coincidence... Where... where have I seen this recently?? It sounds... very familiar... 🤔 Gods I want to look forward to this game, but every single new kernel of info makes me more and more concerned. 😔
@SeventhheavenDK 24 күн бұрын
I recommend you to give a look at a game called Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. By the trailer alone it seems the game will play as TRUE RPG (unlike this Dragon Age wannabe called Veilguard), it seems really good, it's going to be (very) Dark Fantasy, and the gameplay and storyline look really interesting.
@chaos9059 24 күн бұрын
Another voice in my head. Just what the ripperdoc ordered.
@TheAfroGuyCleo 25 күн бұрын
Can my pronouns be attackhelicopter/handsome in the game?
@digigante0588 25 күн бұрын
for the love of God bro come up with an original joke please💀
@theobell2002 25 күн бұрын
2014 called. They want their jokes back.
@Severian1 20 күн бұрын
Underwhelming. Let’s just sand down any teeth this franchise still had. Yet another special protagonist. Yet another team with us as leader.
@Shayan.junior 25 күн бұрын
I saw a bald man and the name "Johnny", my mind went to places💀...
@alexbonciu9658 21 күн бұрын
I got no word's.... Rook= Rooki
@Rickus316 25 күн бұрын
Johnny Solashand 🤣🤣🤣
@ashnazgthrakatulukii1165 13 күн бұрын
Was that move as bald as Solas?
@Orillah 23 күн бұрын
How shit should be your gameplay/trailer reveal so you start preemptively drop major story spoiles months before release?
@LegatusLigeratus 23 күн бұрын
I find my teeth being set on edge whenever I hear 'The Veilguard'. Why couldn't they just call it 'DA: Veilguard'? Much better than 'The Veilguard'!
@tokamnich4709 24 күн бұрын
Why Rook can hear him? If rooks not a "chosen" like the inquisitor or the hero was. Then why can Rook hear solas, when varric was standing next to solas and has a prior history together. Makes more sense to connect those to.
@Kat1kafka 22 күн бұрын
Didn't solas say the evranuris were sealed off for good?
@KratosisGod 25 күн бұрын
I've had a theory about the blight connection to the elven gods since the end of inquisition, I believe the old gods of tevinter imperium are actually the evanuris who influenced the early magisters to breach the veil and release them from the fade which they successfully achieved and the golden city is just where the evanuris are imprisoned but Solas caught wind of it and he casted them out of the fade, wiping their memory so that they couldn't reveal the truth of what they saw, now as for the blight I think its a curse from solas to destroy the remnant esences of evanuris left in the physical world, as we see in inquisition corypheus placed part of his soul in his dragon to become virtually immortal, I believe the evanuris also placed some of their essence in these dragons that become the archdemons to become immortal.
@spellandshield 25 күн бұрын
Many theories indeed.
@KratosisGod 25 күн бұрын
@@spellandshield It would be hilarious if it's revealed that Solas is the Maker. Edit - I meant that the actions that humans attribute to the maker turn out to be actually Solas's work.
@spellandshield 25 күн бұрын
@@KratosisGod It would be!
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
​@@KratosisGod. Very unlikely.
@KratosisGod 25 күн бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK You never know or it could even turn out to be one of the evanuris
@Kevinmil99 25 күн бұрын
ponelo a 1.5 para no dormirte
@davids2cents594 25 күн бұрын
I owe you an apology. sorry i called you a rage baiter after watching more of your videos you just seem like a fan thats worried.
@spellandshield 25 күн бұрын
@xsvrrx 24 күн бұрын
I was thinking it’s more like bastila and kriea in kotor
@crowsbridge 25 күн бұрын
I don't even remember the story of DA anymore. It has been too long
@jeremyzak654 24 күн бұрын
That's okay, I'm beginning to wonder if Bioware remembers.😂. Each game the story is different. However, Origins was the only one that made (In my Opinion) us feel like legitimate badasses. Everything else afterwards felt contrived (Again, just my opinion).
@evilcow666 25 күн бұрын
I really hope they dont reveal the evanuris were the old gods all along. That just the most predictable and uninspired solution. With both of the gods blighted doesnt hold me in high hopes.
@fliplife67 25 күн бұрын
If this game is really about team then they need to put back a lot of things they downgraded for the game and give us more choices to pick are team members then tell us theres only 7 members.
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
7 members are okay, but only 2 party members (and Rook) is the real problem.
@fliplife67 25 күн бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK Its crazy that and the idea U cant switch between members.
@SeventhheavenDK 24 күн бұрын
@@fliplife67 . Yeah, there are a lot of red flags IMO.
@Kornelius707 25 күн бұрын
Looks like you have culture war vultures more so than RPG fans. Can't have a genuine discussion about story, lore, and character continuity.
@AulisVaara 24 күн бұрын
No point in discussing things that have no substance. Them obviously having no substance is the problem.
@BlinkBoyBrad 25 күн бұрын
Dragon age was killed by peak wokeness circa 2015. This game kept all the DEI wokeness from that era, thats why even tho now we are seeing a large push back against that stuff this game still has it bc they never wanted to correct the ship and adapt to what gamers really want now (good gameplay not idpol)
@lehelkiss3919 25 күн бұрын
What games are pushing back against it?
@homeostasis1103 25 күн бұрын
Most people don't care about woke/antiwoke stuff. Wokeness won't kill a good game, but it truly does make bad games look even worse
@lehelkiss3919 25 күн бұрын
@@homeostasis1103 True dat.
@BlinkBoyBrad 25 күн бұрын
@@homeostasis1103 id argue people do care, look at the dying western games industry and thriving eastern one, not to mention all the woke gaming news websites failing and being shut down or bought up. Id argue you have a point but it doesnt encompass the entire picture. Drones will eat up whatever current slop is given to them by most gamers are hyper aware now of these agendas being pushed over gameplay.
@kpNov23 25 күн бұрын
Antiwoke people are woke themselves tbh. They whine and complain and change the laws to suit themselves.
@MrDaftFunk 25 күн бұрын
Can’t wait to be a dwarf with an elf In my head.
@AulisVaara 24 күн бұрын
Yeah, that would suck balls.
@MR67UToob 24 күн бұрын
An elf who possibly also kills another dwarf near the start of the game.....!
@ReplicatorFifth 19 күн бұрын
Solas was a compelling villain in Trespasser. He was right on so many levels but came to the wrong conclusion and I loved that twist and how in character it was. I have no faith in the new BioWare team and I despise the new art direction so I’m going to say DAI was the last entry for now. Like Dead Space 3 was the last entry in that series because EA nukes the studio! See, I’m used to disappointment.
@EuphoriaDeep 24 күн бұрын
@nimrod959 25 күн бұрын
For me the writing the least problem in this game
@doctorogre1777 24 күн бұрын
This DLCs absolute biggest hook and selling point us the continuation of a plot point in a DLC set after a 120+ hour campaign of a mixed reception entry of a series released 10 years ago. I didn't even finish Inquisition. And when I played it I benched Solas the whole time cause he was neither bad ass or sexy. And he was annoying talking about dreams and finding places to sleep. Bro, Bioware is BONED.
@tahnadana5435 24 күн бұрын
than who is the main baddie than? this is the main problem with fantasy that emphasis their characters on power level, not on their character's flow, its not the currented mages, they are small potatoes now, its not the ancient witch, shes dead, its not the elf god, his johnny silverhand, than what? are we going to kill more powerful gods? is this god of war? or a rip off of pillars of eternity?
@rayclawicefire2503 25 күн бұрын
I really Hope not, Stolas needs to die
@richardmcgravyjordan9996 25 күн бұрын
With how the game is being marketed it seems bioware has no faith in its own game.
@fellowshipofgaming847 24 күн бұрын
Another reason for me not to buy it. That shit was annoying in cyberpunk and I bet it will be even more so here.
@rebeccaruth78 52 минут бұрын
Frankly I don't care. My own imagination can come up with a fresh enjoyable conclusion to this story without hoping that what has been ruined will be fixed. They are even taking my favorite color purple and making me hate it lol. I'm just done... An RPG that forces you to do anything isn't really a game based on choice. It is like in my memory Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi. I'll hold to that truth and let the rest lay silent. They get nothing from me. I'm done trying to appease and FIX WHAT WASN"T BROKEN to begin with. Sorry... lol a little vexed at the whole thing.
@maofria1452 25 күн бұрын
Another chosen one MC with special powers 😑
@crazyelf1 22 күн бұрын
I am pessimistic about the game, to be honest. It doesn't feel like the storywriting is at the same level as Mass Effect.
@tokamnich4709 24 күн бұрын
Wait, a couple years ago the title was called "dreadwolf" insinuating he was the main villain and 3 weeks ago they change the name and then less than an hour into the game he is taken out of the way basically useless for a period of time. 2 blighted gods are loose? How can you wrap up those 2 and still focus on solas as the villian and it actually have a good story. Movies fail constantly while trying to bring to many villains into them, games will fail will this also.
@wompoo7967 24 күн бұрын
At present the game seems more like a patch work of several other games held together by bastardised DA lore. This team does not resonate with me at all creatively. Could this game be a success? Personally, I think it is very average and will sell accordingly.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 25 күн бұрын
Every time people mention pronouns are a thing in the game, i feel less interested ☝️
@steffen89able 25 күн бұрын
True, generel rule in life.
@spacesushi210 25 күн бұрын
Bad for you whiny 😂
@df6597 25 күн бұрын
"They" have ruined everything. Now, when people ask who are they, the answer is, "thems".
@carmikeiscray1804 25 күн бұрын
Just don’t pick them?
@Neldog13 25 күн бұрын
you know on old documents from decades ago they would ask you if you are a Mr/Sir, Maam or Mrs./Miss, sounds youre whining about stuff from ages ago. Do you also whine about having to wear seatbelts like they did in the 1980s?
@nyanko2077 25 күн бұрын
I don't care honestly. This game looks trash.
@jmmywyf4lyf 25 күн бұрын
I am genuinely surprised that any Dragon Age fan is a looking forward to Veilguard... Unless you're just the Gen Z, who started playing when that god awful Inquisition game released. Absolutely everytiing about this, looks qwful, and has no semblence of Dragon Age
@KratosisGod 25 күн бұрын
I'm interested in how the story is gonna go but I'm gonna be using KZfaq to satiate my curiosity 😂
@WC-PO 25 күн бұрын
I played DAO when it first came out; I was 17. I'm 32 now, and I'm even more excited for this game than I was for Inquisition. Some of us are fans of the entire series (including books, comics, etc), and not just Origins.
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
Technically is as you say. Other people like the guy above my comment (WC PO) are the type that do not even like videogames, they just play to satisfy their need of romance and friendship simulators, that's why they don't even understand what is to have a good gameplay and story in a videogame, thus the comments of these people saying "I don't care about the gameplay in Dragon Age". These people just wait for the cheat mods and call it a day, or at least hope that the game is just a mindless hack and slash that doesn't need any type of thinking, like in Inquisition, these same people are the ones that are even happy that the tactical menu for companions was removed and the gameplay was dumbed down, like in Inquisition again, because God forbid them from using their heads to play a videogame, because these people real interest is to see who they will bang.
@CoreyAdolfi 24 күн бұрын
What’s wrong with being cautiously optimistic?
@SeventhheavenDK 24 күн бұрын
I recommend you to give a look at a game called Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. By the trailer alone it seems the game will play as TRUE RPG (unlike this Dragon Age wannabe called Veilguard), it seems really good, it's going to be (very) Dark Fantasy, and the gameplay and storyline look really interesting.
@Trollgernautt 25 күн бұрын
They ruined what could've been a really great story and I lost all hope on Bioware, but the incels complaining the characters don't look cute enough is still hillarious to me.
@jmmywyf4lyf 25 күн бұрын
The lore has been retconned repeatedly since Dragon Age origins. Where do you even pretend that there is any kind of Canon anymore? It changes with each game because the writers are not actual Dragon Age fans, or even Gamers for that matter
@AulisVaara 24 күн бұрын
How do you think the lore was retconned? (besides qunari trannies, that was indeed atrocious)
@jmmywyf4lyf 24 күн бұрын
@@AulisVaara just look at the Qunari, .. the Qun.. Look at the Dalish.. The fade and its accessibility, blood magic, reversal of wardens taint, reversal of the tranquil, etc etc etc... What do you mean how?? Its being retconned with each release! Its unrecognizable
@AulisVaara 24 күн бұрын
@@jmmywyf4lyf When I ask for an explanation, you cannot just repeat what you already said. That's not an explanation. I need to know if there is actual retconning going on or if it's just in your head. When you can only repeat yourself, my conclusion is by necessity that it's just in your head.
@jmmywyf4lyf 23 күн бұрын
@@AulisVaara I'm not going to sit here and do homework because you demand it. Go do your own damn research! I even listed several portoons for you to look into. Your belief means absolutely nothing to me. I could care less if you choose to believe or not. Holy hell, the entitlement!
@AulisVaara 23 күн бұрын
@@jmmywyf4lyf "I'm not going to sit here and do homework because you demand it. Go do your own damn research!" *Makes claim. Doesn't back it up even a little. Leaves.* Okay, have a nice day.
@SPSteve 25 күн бұрын
Haters gonna hate, "it's what they do".
@SeventhheavenDK 25 күн бұрын
Some people don't like to eat trash. But if you do, then be my guest. Bioware is well known nowadays, for cooking $hit to please people with low quality standards.
@SPSteve 25 күн бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK you have no idea what the game is going to be like, no one does. You're just a "me too" getting on the hate train. You probably haven't even played the other 3 games.
@benlee9409 24 күн бұрын
DATV told us they suffered a lot setbacks during development and they keep lying so hard about the game will be better than its previous titles. Reduced group size and total companions, dumbed down story and mobile game style hack n slack all indicate to very poorly planned development. The game is going to be very disappointing not just to "modern" new players, but especially old players who loved the series.
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