Why Is There Controversy With Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

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The controvery and division surrounding Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a very old one and preceded it by over a decade. The problem is however, that many people are not allowed to express their views on the game unless those views are utterly positive and involve praise upon praise. There are many different takes and ultimately these boil down to preference but should one have a preference that strays from the mainstream take it tends to get villified. So how did we get here? How did we arrive at this state of division and strife amongst the fans and where does it come from?

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@debrickashaw9387 Ай бұрын
"the veilguard" is such an inferior title to "dreadwolf".
@Rocnation51 29 күн бұрын
I’m actually mad they didn’t keep Dreadwolf
@dreamingflurry2729 28 күн бұрын
Well, if it's not mainly about Solas, then why call it that? - Hell, they made Solas into a Wanna-Be-Johnny-Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077! - Seriously, how can I get his head onto a pike if he's tied to the main character (so I'd have to kill myself to kill him or what?)...yes, I am one of those who don't like Solas at all!
@teeboysmith2413 14 күн бұрын
Story isn't about solas though it's like calling dragon age origins dragon age archdemon like yeah it sounds cooler but its not about the dragon it's about your origin and how u became the hero of ferelden and also it's like false advertisement.
@RallasterAsuremen Ай бұрын
The last point being one that is universally true. It's the Old Fandoms that provided the funds for these New Things, but the Creators act as if they are irrelevant ....and that some a New Fandom will just magically appear and not only Replace them, but Surpass them in investments. Only an idiot would charge off a cliff with the assumption that someone will catch them.
@nickmaddalena985 Ай бұрын
I think it is old thinking we see all the way through life. Young people aka new producers don't want to enhance the old, but make their own mark. Young never see the value of those that came before, why would it be much different. Mix in politics and this is what you get.
@jamesvandevender1603 Ай бұрын
Less party members, "massive" skill tree but we canonly use 3 at a time? Rook isnt interested in blood magic sounds like railroading in an rpg. The biggest topic in the Q&A was player sexuality. It honestly sounds like a Trainwreck
@gamer2101 Ай бұрын
I don't understand why they put so many skills in a game when people are limited to 3. People will slot three skills and probably never change them out. Here are 10000 skills for a character but you can only use three. I just don't understand.
@Eris._. Ай бұрын
Well, it’s the fanbase they are weird asf
@Hekk. Ай бұрын
@@gamer2101 Skill tree is probably filled with +X% more damage/defense stuff.
@chillax319 Ай бұрын
@@Hekk. Same reason why I never liked the skillgdrassil of Path of Exile. It's filled with that stuff.
@viperarum5538 Ай бұрын
best comparison i think about is Dragons Dogma 2 where you try all classes, find youur 3 skills and then combat becomes boring rearly fast
@rhodan74 Ай бұрын
My prefered comparison atm is Fromsoft. The made DemonSouls/Dark Souls1-3 and refined their formula, building ontop of the legacy of previous entries. When they had a new idea, e.g. make block not a thing ..... they made Bloodborne. Then they had another idea, what if it's not about stats and items but raw mechanical mastery ... they made Sekiro. Then they thought, what would an open world game look like with all the previous learnings, and made Elden Ring. They even threw in Armored Core inbetween, talk about a departure from their "modern" releases. This is how you handle legacy/expectations and STILL mature as a company along with your customers. All that flip-flopping, tone-switching and reinventing the wheel brought Bioware into the realm of "meh" games that only live on nostalgia.
@KasumiRINA 28 күн бұрын
Ah yes, as opposed to Bioware that keep remaking Baldur's Gate 2 for 20+ years, down to people complaining how focus on romances and real fi.e combat ruins RPGs. Listen, Bioware games are so similar it was a running joke in RPG community, look up Bioware cliche chart, complaining that Bioware actually make things differently would a the biggest compliment they got.
@rhodan74 28 күн бұрын
@@KasumiRINA You got a point there in terms of the story beats. Shame they manage to retread the same tropes or story beats w/o getting better at it. Rather worse. I have no problem with telling the same story a 100 times if it's from different angles. That's what genres are for imo. But story beats/tropes is not what I was talking about.
@MagnustheRad Ай бұрын
Im glad BG3 opened alot of developers eyes to the market of CRPGs. I believe the key is good characters that are fully voices and robust choices & consequence system. Make the combat real time with pause. combine this with good writing and a compelling world. The customers will come running.
@RealKeetz Ай бұрын
That's it. A compelling & immersive world. Intriguing lore. A stellar story. Fantastic writing. Player agency in choices. With impactful consequences. And gorgeous characters that are nuanced & interesting. There are a few games that either do this, or come quite close. And I would love if more are made. A girl can dream.
@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker Ай бұрын
Or turn-based. Turn-based is good too. ;)
@JaeDeezy117 Ай бұрын
​@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker Not for everybody. But, I respect your opinion. I kinda wish BG3 didn't make everyone think every character being pan was the "standard."
@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker 29 күн бұрын
@@JaeDeezy117 It's true that a character with a specific sexuality can add more to their persona than just being a mirror for the player's desires, but on the other hand, being able to romance every characters regardless of your inclination, is more practical.
@JaeDeezy117 29 күн бұрын
@Celadonis-the-Lore-Seeker I agree on that front, but I feel like it's a little extra depth to the character that is just wasted. But, then again, I'm not a game dev so I can't sit here and say what's best for me, is what's best for everyone.
@J.C.O.B Ай бұрын
How is Harding less atractive?
@Damon-xf4kt 28 күн бұрын
She looks terrible, the entire game looks like poop.
@ghostsdragon9222 Ай бұрын
Ow boy lets not talk about that in 1 of the darkest region in Thedas we as a player cant use Bloodmagic
@Mitsu2040 Ай бұрын
The one country where it is commonplace to use it!!
@arlaux Ай бұрын
@@Mitsu2040None of the backgrounds make it reasonable for us the use it, even the Shadow Dragons are against its use. We can do Necromancy though, which is typically maligned by a lot of people… we got a dark magic type, we’re just not using Bloodmagic probably for fairly reaosnable character reasons. We even, likely, have skeletons we can romance which seems to be the implication of multiple comments from the devs.
@didixtar2863 Ай бұрын
@@arlauxthe use of necromancy is even more nonsensical than the absence of BM as a spec, since given the events of Tevinter Nights the Mortalitasi were unable to summon spirits let alone bind them to the physical world, in other words neceomancers in Thedas can’t resurrect the dead (so they’re not really necros anymore) yet there’s a necro companion actively fighting Solas, the very guy that rendered his entire order powerless, that is bad writing. And as for BG not being usable for lore reasons… give me a break, thats pure bs, they chose to come up with some reason (bet that there’s a massive retcon incoming) to leave BM out. You assume the lore reason is a good, but you don’t know
@arlaux Ай бұрын
​@@didixtar2863 I don't remember that, could you remind me of where the Mortalitasi stopped being able to do necro stuff.
@didixtar2863 Ай бұрын
@@arlaux in Tevinter Nights, there’s a recollection of a ritual that was performed using the red lyrium idol, the ritual created a rift on the veil and Solas manifested, in the shape of a wolf/pride demon (you probably have seen the artwork of a giant wolf with 6 eyes), and he said to them: YOU MEDDLE PAST YOUR UNDERSTAN- DING, FOOLISH MORTAL MAGES, AND IN DOING SO, YOU THREATEN ALL CREATION. YOU USE MY IDOL CARELESSLY TO VANDALIZE THE SEA OF DREAMS NOW FEEL THE PAIN OF WHAT YOU HAVE CREATED FROM THIS MOMENT, SHOULD YOU EVER BIND A SPIRIT, THEN YOUR LIFE IS MINE From that moment the mortalitasi had refrained from using any form of necromancy, because spirits no longer serve them, they have rebelled against humans and now serve Solas, the story ends with the mortalitasi saying: Whatever fear the name of the Dread Wolf carries, he has earned. While we might visit the Fade, it is his natural home, and the spirits there serve him gladly. They whisper in my dreams now, accusing me of crimes I never committed and promising vengeance if my wards fail. If they were able to come up with a loophole that allows Emeric to use necromancy and prevent his skeleton minion to fall under Solas’ influence they might as well have allowed us to use BM, since they MAKE the lore.
@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 Ай бұрын
Yeah...after all this time and what I have seen...I am just numb to it.
@Pyr0geist Ай бұрын
I think another reason people have been a lot more harsher with Bioware over the years is the fact that they lied to their audience when Anthem came out. Or more accurately people found out that Bioware lied about Anthem with the first "gameplay" trailer, which was completely pre-rendered Footage. People didn't find this out until some time after the games release if memory serves. I'm sure most people don't like being lied to, and when a development company as trusted as Bioware was does that you can bet people are gonna be a lot more critical going forward.
@rogerbrandao Ай бұрын
They put all info but no gameplay... strange... very strange...
@apres-lachute8718 Ай бұрын
The whole thing just makes me sad. Maybe my age is showing...
@kr0znik379 Ай бұрын
27yo here, played DA:O many years ago and still prefer that. prolly not an age thing
@everdinestenger1548 Ай бұрын
No not really as DAO was like a beautifully told fairytale. The brothers Grimm would have loved it😊
@mrcookies409 Ай бұрын
Nope, looks like there is very little soul in the newest entry, a by the numbers sequel.
@Damon-xf4kt 28 күн бұрын
No this game looks like garbage!
@TheAnonimoose Ай бұрын
After Bioware's failure with Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem I wouldn't expect a marketing budget like Bioware had with Mass Effect 3 or even Inquisition.
@phantomsplit3491 Ай бұрын
8:25 Are we looking at the same game? I'll admit I have a type, and it is redheads with freckles. But I have never once in my life found a dwarf character to be attractive looking. When I play TTRPGs I like to play dwarfs for the mechanical features, but work with the GM to just make my character a human with dwarf traits so that I do not have to look at dwarf character art. The DAV Harding is the first dwarf I have ever seen and said, "Wow, she looks great." She looks great in this game and will almost certainly be the first character I romance. Also I think Neve could be conventionally attractive...if we can just take that hat off.
@lunaviola8599 29 күн бұрын
I totally agree with you! This whole "why are characters no longer conventionally attractive?!" Is such an old fashioned statement?! Harding looked gorgeous to me in Inquisition and in the Veilguard even more so, plenty of people agree with this. Also I never once thought about how "ugly" the Inquisition companions are compared to Origin? They seem like real people to me with their own quirks and charm which makes these games beautiful to me. I think it's a great thing that we are moving away from "supermodels" in games and instead show that people come in all shapes and sizes and still can have interesting stories and personalities
@Jrockk999 Ай бұрын
I now no longer just blame publishers like i once use to. Developers are just as fault if not more so sonce they are the ones doing the work and testing stuff.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
Yes, people blame EA for everything but Bioware has been given a lot of time to things and they have screwed stuff up on their own.
@RED_Theory038 Ай бұрын
Even the founders of Bioware knew. Just enough rope to hang to yourself with.
@toma.7065 Ай бұрын
In an alternate universe Bioware was never bought by EA and we had a second Larian making good RPGs ... god, I wanna live in that universe! "When will your new game come out?" Larian: "When it is ready" Old Bioware: "When it is ready" EA Bioware: "Before the next investors meeting!"
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
I appreciate the sentiment but I am not sure EA is to blame for this. Bioware consciously went down this route.
@hughcurran6817 Ай бұрын
You are 100 percent correct. Ea made them rush da2. They also put pressure on them into inquisition wanting the game to be more like skyrim. Mark darrah the executive producer of inquisition talks about this I. Depth on his KZfaq channel.
@andrewvincent7299 Ай бұрын
@@hughcurran6817 I wouldn't be so quick to only blame EA for the state of Dragon Age today. I'd honestly say it has more to do with Mike Laidlaw and where he wanted to take the series. Laidlaw while he did work on Origins, he was brought on late into development, when the vision of James Ohlen was already made for Origins. You can tell what vision Laidlaw wanted with Dragon Age in the marketing trailers for Origins when he is foolishly saying things like "You're a badass who just killed 100 darkspawn with a hundred more to go." and trying to describe combat like it's the movie 300. Laidlaw HATED Origins combat and when he became sole lead designer, he set out to change the combat to what we got in DA2. Also, promoting Matt Goldman to lead artist is what turned Dragon Age from a dark medieval fantasy into a stylized anime. Too many people are quick to absolve Bioware of any blame but it was Mike Laidlaw with Mark Darrah's help that helped turn Dragon Age what it is today. They both may have worked on Origins but the vision and foundation of that game was already built by James Ohlen, Dan Tudge, and Brent Knowles when Laidlaw and Darrah joined the team later in development of DAO. DA2 may have been rushed, but so was the Awakening expansion for DAO and that turned out alright. The true problem with DA2 and the rest of the series is that Laidlaw set out to change the foundation and soul of what DA was. If DA2 still kept the spirit, art, combat and tone of Origins, I doubt it wouldn't have been hated as much.
@hughcurran6817 Ай бұрын
@@andrewvincent7299 you might be right on the combat. Though it was ea influence making inquisition open world. Tresspasser was great because bioware got back to making it linear. EA also wanted the mounts added, waste of resources there, ohbthey also wanted ridable dragon mounts. In a dragon age
@lordmarwolaeth4570 Ай бұрын
"In an alternate universe Bioware was never bought by EA so Dragon Age Origins never released as Bioware closed down due to bankruptcy thanks to being too ambitious with their projects" Or if you want the more positive side another and better company bought them. Like yes I love Dragon Age Origins, we all do but everyone needs to know it's one of the reasons why EA bought Bioware, they didn't manage their money well so there was no choice for Bioware, EA swooped in before any other company acting like ''saviors''.
@panzerlurch2629 Ай бұрын
Jade-Empire is such an underrated Diamond of a game😍
@Mitsu2040 Ай бұрын
That's one game where you can doom the world and even convince some companions to help you do it! I haven't seen that level of choice since then
@wolfyno3950 Ай бұрын
​@@Mitsu2040 planescape torment had something similar ..
@iDEATH Ай бұрын
For a long time I insisted on holding out hope for a sequel to that game. It was a solid RPG, and the combat was interesting, but felt incomplete to me. I would have loved to have old Bioware iterate on what they'd done in Jade Empire by making a sequel.
@Derhone 29 күн бұрын
No it's not The combat system was ridiculously easy, the story, except the ending was lame and I literally don't remember anyone from the teammates. People's forgot Bioware made a lot of mistakes in their past: never winter nights, jade empire, sonic chronicles
@healsallwounds Ай бұрын
I disagree with you on Harding’s attractiveness - I think they made her a little prettier in Veilguard. But Bellara and the Qunari lady are definitely very plain-looking.
@lep2525 Ай бұрын
I agree. I think she looks much better and more like a dwarven female. She looked like a short human in inquisition. I think Bellara also looks pretty good - and could probably look even better with the help of mods - but the other two women look rough. The Qunari woman looks like a dude.
@TiaraStarbrighter Ай бұрын
Each their own. I don't see any of the female companions to be attractive. I wasn't even sure WHAT the Qunari was; I assumed non-binary. Bellera looks goofy and appears to be an Asian elf which is a WTF for me. The Ice Mage looks odd and just has to have an artificial leg for more diversity points. And Harding... well if you like stocky, have fun. Not only is this a hard pass for me, the next Mass Effect looks grim as well, despite having played the legendary edition lately. I may just leave it there, end on a high note.
@chillax319 Ай бұрын
I can't remember but were there even any elves that had facial structure similar to asians or black people? They had different skin but their facial structure was always...well, elvish. Here the companions look like something out of the current DnD....at least Solas looks normal.
@swoopingisbad20 Ай бұрын
And for the straight females we don’t get much better! I don’t find the men very attractive like one is literally an old man! 😑
@healsallwounds Ай бұрын
@@chillax319 No, the Asians in Thedas are a new thing in Veilguard.
@buzzii 29 күн бұрын
People just need to move on. Don’t pay into companies you don’t like.
@Pha_Kiew Ай бұрын
You're say the male companions are hot? We're literally down to three and I dont like the selection of old men to pick from, except for Davrin maybe. He's the only one who looks decent enough in my eyes.
@arlaux Ай бұрын
Women find the men hot. Like most of the straight women I’ve talked to have a character they like (Lucanis is mine). Everyone finds different things attractive, it’s okay.
@ammar9909 Ай бұрын
Lucanis is about the only one. But there could be more but the Necromancy guy looks old, like grandpa old. But maybe I haven’t seen a good picture yet.
@chaos9059 29 күн бұрын
Lucanis is hot. Davrin is attractive if you're into elves . Emmrich is an odd choice. Death mages aren't very social. They spend more time with ghosts. Rather than living people.
@benlee9409 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed and loved most of the companions from DAO to DAI. They are not the most beautiful/hansome bunch but they are still charming and look, act like actual people. The new companions however are so far so unattractive that I have no interests whatsoever of ever wanting to talk to either of them plus they are all over designed from appearances to outfits.
@user-jl2gj3tt7s Ай бұрын
My current issues for Veilguard (from Mage player POV but most apply for other classes too): 1. 2 companions at a time only and high possibility that each class will have class specific actions like in Inquisition. That means that I'm pretty much locked out of all Mage companions for most of game if I want to have access to class actions of all 3 classes. I also can't play dps mage + support mage party like I did in all 3 previous parts of Dragon Age withour risking losing access to 1 other class actions when they are needed. 2. Can't control companions directly, so can't move them out of enemy AoE zones, points of danger etc directly and must rely on commands that might be delayed / have limited functionality if there are even any movement commands at all. Not good. 3. Robust skill tree, but I can use only 3 at a time per character + ultimate. That just means that players will find cooky-cutter abilities that will be permanently slotted and most of this robust skill tree will go to waste. There might be even cases where you ignore specializations simply because you have no slots for their abilities when they get unlocked. 4. Skills likely require charging by autoattacks to use. That could matter not much for other classes, but not for Mages - they don't want to autoattack much (especially if these autoattacks deal little to no damage like in Inquisition) and their power comes from their spells and their diversity. If that is the case and you can't immediately use your spells as a Mage without charging them, that is a big downside.
@FanOWater Ай бұрын
Great discussion and I agree with everything stated regarding combat. However, I preferred the character models of DA:I. More real looking people made it feel more immersive to me. Also, to each his own, but I think you are wrong about Leliana in DA:I and Scout Harding in DA:VG - they are more attractive than their earlier incarnations(I'm a sucker for redheads and freckles). But, I don't really care about romancing companions, so it is more about whether they have good dialoque and useful skills. Cheers
@RealKeetz Ай бұрын
Quality dialogue is KEY...whether you wanna bone or not. 😁
@gloriouskevtalksgames Ай бұрын
It's interesting that you say fans of certain franchises don't attack each other over what games are better. I strongly disagree. I am a Fallout fan and the New Vegas fans definitely attack everyone else. The interplay Fallout fans go after the Bethesda Fallout fans as well. I am a Dragon Age fan and I've seen the Origins fans go after the newer fans as well but not like the Fallout guys do. I am also a Halo fan. The Bungie Halo fans can be very toxic towards the 343 Halo fans.
@comyuse9103 22 күн бұрын
you know, even for the games i am not into, i get all of those examples. every one of those comes with a pretty well known drop in quality, its fans being grumpy that casuals don't have standards, and i fucking get it.
@zm6947 Ай бұрын
8:14 This is so true. I didn't wanna romance any woman except Cassandra. I also went for Cullen as female Inquisitor. I've checked the Veilguard companions and I find none of the attractive except Harding. She looks allright.
@hugewatermelon Ай бұрын
I liked CohhCarnage's take on it: fine/10. I'm still interested in the story enough to keep following the game, but I will absolutely not buy it unless they change things dramatically.
@IDontKnowYouWhoAreYou Ай бұрын
i agree with cohcarnage yeah but i am going to wait for reviews
@Titpig69 Ай бұрын
I will follow the development, but I can already say now, I won't buy this. It has lots of faults.
@reptiliancow Ай бұрын
It seems like a dating Sim with some combat mixed in...ill try to watch a lets play, but im definitely not giving bioware money for this one.
@BroBomba Ай бұрын
Veilguard is definitely a "buy on severe discount" kind of game. Or pirate if that's what you do.
@Titpig69 Ай бұрын
@@BroBomba yeah
@derektodd6650 Ай бұрын
I think my post got flagged but I see it as a pendulum swinging from ultra-realism to doll-like beauty. Best example would be Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 where they made that one female love-interest more busty and outwardly attractive while still maintaining her more realistic facial model. Also, Henry seemed to have been mewling to gain a more masculine chin and cheekbone structure. All still relatively tame and within the scope of a realistic setting so your immersion is never broken by the more attractive medieval European models.
@mysteriousfox88 Ай бұрын
they want people to pay $100 for slop worth $30
@Titpig69 Ай бұрын
Barely worth $30.
@9thcircle864 29 күн бұрын
30? This slop should be free
@Karolestube Ай бұрын
Well, now you lads know how female players feel in the vast majority of games where we don’t even have romance options to begin with 😂 Jokes aside on conventional vs unconventional beauty distribution I think even inquisition was a bit unbalanced already, I ended up romancing Cullen (mildly boring), but for my male friends I remember them feeling quite underwhelmed (although I found Cassandra kinda pretty and hilarious,unlike a lot of folks I know) but I absolutely share of the same feeling. Watching the gameplay there when Varric appears with Rook I thought “cool, such a handsome character” Imagine my surprise learning that the only handsome fella is the character we make ourselves 😑 I also couldn’t find one single person saying anything good about this new character design. I legit don’t even expect any dark or serious themes in this game, how could we take those faces seriously in a first place. That necromancer for example: his skeletons look like out of a scooby-doo movie and his face is a cartoon version of Dr.Strange 😂 I’m laughing, but is pure desperation at this point.
@danck941 Ай бұрын
I actually found Cassandra to be attractive too(I'm male). For me personality plays into how attractive I find someone. I actually think that Harding looks more attractive in what we've seen so far in DAV then she did in DAI, but that's just me.
@Karolestube Ай бұрын
@@danck941 You’re right!! Harding looks pretty cute and they gave her lovely freckles :) , on DA:I she looked a bit generic and sometimes I even confused her and the other girl studing runes in that basement area of skyhold hahaha
@Mitsu2040 Ай бұрын
I had to use mods to even attempt Blackwall, lol
@oceanstone5223 Ай бұрын
I notice this trend of people becoming oddly parasocial towards games, characters, cartoons etc etc, and by extension the company that owns their IPs, with very little interest in the actual creator or creative intent behind it as long as they are pandered to. On the one hand I understand it, it's nice to be pandered to, on the other hand, it usually implies that the narrative and setting will be quite safe and clean, so as to avoid upsetting this parasocial attitude. These new fans are typically young, and people who (i think) in the past didn't feel very represented by the games they were playing, and have as a result become protective and overattached to the games that made them feel like they were able to find a good way to express themselves in. I think because of this many of them miss the forest for the trees and don't see how bland this stuff is becoming. Editing to add: i know words like "feeling respresented" and "self expression" are somewhat buzzwordy these days but I think these are real things, and that in some ways companies are manipulating these emotions to get away with serving something subpar. It's sad because I think it's a good thing that more people are able to enjoy these genres, and I'm sure these fans wouldn't hate a heavier game in the setting if it was an offering, as evidenced by the popularity of fallout new vegas, cybperpunk 2077 and BG3 among the same groups of people
@arlaux Ай бұрын
The new fans are not parasocial. (At least, no more than others already are).The old fans are, undoubtably, also parasocial. This is why so many ‘old’ fans have, for 15 years, been completely unable to grasp that IPs change over time. BG3 was not as grim as BG1 was, BG3’s writing wasn’t as good as BG1’s was either (it also suffered from being kinda childish, millennial, and cartoony), they don’t even play the same which got BG3 labeled as “Baldur’s Original Sin 3” when it came out because of its tone and gameplay. The only people acting parasocial are the old fans who have, for every game that hasn’t been their personal favorite, called it the downfall of the series which has happened with DA2, Inquisition, and now Veilguard. Every single time a growing group of people, thinking that their favorite game was the peak of the series, have made it known that this game is the downfall and the end of the world.
@oceanstone5223 Ай бұрын
@@arlaux Hmm, I don't disagree that BG3 has a different vibe than BG1 and 2, but it still very much has a certain "edge" that other games don't have. The same is true with DOS 1and 2. Personally wasn't a fan of the style but there is something that those games try that push certain envelopes. The same is true with Pillars 1 and 2, many people dismiss Pillars 2 as lighter and cheerier than Pillars 1 based on vibes while imo Pillars 2 has an infinitely bleaker and more hopeless story than the first game. I think there is truth to what you are saying, that many cling to nostalgia to an unhealthy degree, and that leads to stagnation for a franchise (can see it slowly happening as blizzard continues to milk classic WoW). But at the same time I think this is different from the way newer fans get hyper invested in characters and relationships. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle I think. I feel like BG3 mostly met that sweet spot, successfully appealing to both old fans and new.
@arlaux Ай бұрын
@@oceanstone5223 If you think BG3 fans aren’t hyper invested in the characters to an unhealthy degree then I know you have not seen the okaybuddybaldur reddit, dirth of morals there.
@oceanstone5223 Ай бұрын
@@arlaux No, they absolutely are invested in the way that I am talking about. What I am saying is the game was able to pull those people in without alienating everyone else (aside for some RTWP enjoyers)
@VanjaKJ 29 күн бұрын
@@arlaux Well keep in mind that BG1 and BG2 was created by old bioware. Ofc BG3 isn't gonna be the same or feel the same since it's a different developer. That is why BG3 is more like Divinity Original Sin, because they're made by the same Developer. Comparing BG1 and 2 to BG3 is almost like comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruits but they come from different trees.
@Darkholow Ай бұрын
There's controversy is, in part, because of the simplification YET AGAIN to the Dragon Age more tactical approach to combat and the RPG elements from DAI. It same happened with DA2's combat from DAO, because "you gotta press a button and something awesome has to happen!" mentality that Bioware thought that's what we wanted from the sequel(s). Now with DA4 they strayed away not only in the combat department but also in the RPG department, which is very sad to see. The one thing they are trying to capture is to make the whole cast of companions able to be romanced by the player character (in BG3's fashion), but I feel like they will fail in that, because to go that route you need to have good writers and Bioware hasn't had those in quite a while. When your main Dragon age writer/universe creator leaves the company you know you done screwed up (David Gaider) royally. That's why I don't have any faith that they will pull this off like BG3 has. Regarding the standards of beauty that you said in the video I 100% agree with you. There isn't ONE single companion female companion that one can take a glance at and say "my isn't she gorgeous". Maybe I'm off base with this, but the men also look like slender androgynous pretty boys and not a single one is a "man's man" (rough around the edges, grizzled, stoic..your Iron Bull / Blackwall's of the world). DAI had no better with Sara looking ugly and Cassandra had that tomboy'ish look about her that some find attractive, but I only compromised because I had to choose between her and Sara (I consider her one of the worst companions ever created and obnoxious through and through so much that I barely took her with me during my playthrough). No point talking about the BG3 combat vs DA4 because we all know who is head and shoulders above the other...in terms of creativity and freedom of how you approach combat. These are my 2 cents on the matter.
@Jrockk999 Ай бұрын
Cassandra wasn't even attractive in the tomboy sense.
@Frozenkex Ай бұрын
Thing is most people dont actually use tactical combat nor switch character in dragon age. From the more casual perspective this might in fact be an improvement. This is a formula that Dragon Age fans are familiar, as most are also Mass Effect fans. And the opinions on attractiveness... I cant say i can relate. None of the female companions of Inquisition were ugly, Josephine was attractive too. Since when is short hair not attractive? Not enough cleavage or what?
@VanjaKJ 29 күн бұрын
Making all companions pansexual doesn't make sense in the world of Dragon age. Look at Dorian, he is from Tevinter where it isn't accepted with same sex relationships. That's what made his character fleshed out. The only like pansexual character in DAI is Iron Bull because he just sleep with anything with a pulse xD but otherwise, it made more sense to have preferences, sexualities in plural. I will only buy DAtv when it's on sale. Not before then. Also I can't wait for the mods.
@Jrockk999 29 күн бұрын
@@VanjaKJ Technically that's not actually true about Dorian. Tevinter society doesn't care much about whether a person is gay or not, but everyone is so obsessed with maintaining or improving the bloodlines that gay people are expected to produce at least one heir. Dorian's story can still work if you replace him being gay with something else, since the main crux is his father turning to blood magic to change and control him. Since that's what makes the story so good is that it can be relatable from nearly any angle by almost anyone.
@mnk9073 Ай бұрын
Bruh, I was nodding along until you said Inquisition didn't have any _conventionally attractive_ baddies, as if Cassandra, Josephine and Leliana couldn't absolutely get it. And if anything Harding got upgraded (as the one and only thing) in Veilguard.
@Frozenkex Ай бұрын
Absolutely, and the guy just says it as if its obvious statement of fact. They are obviously meant to be conventionally attractive. I can agree with characters like Taash and that asian elf
@gromdal9293 29 күн бұрын
Atractivnes of some characters depends on their personality, at least for me. Example in Origins Morrigan is hot physicaly, but her personality is deeper than just "hot". On the other end Leliana does not have special character model and she is not so hot, but the persnonality that they gave her, makes her ultra hot. She was written to have this hot inossent personality. Now fast forward to Casandra. She is physicaly pretty, I cant say she is not hot. But her commanding masculinity makes her not so hot, especialy since she is written in a way that she doesn't really look for romance. And I have to agree also that scout Harding looks better in DA:TV than in Inqusition. To me that not even for a debate. In Inqusition the model was just bland...
@Damon-xf4kt 28 күн бұрын
The characters in veilgaurd look horrible!
@MrDay53 28 күн бұрын
@@gromdal9293 Oh it's up for debate, If you're into her more darkened and noticeable freckles that's your business. So if Playboy was going to put Harding on the cover they're picking her Inquisition model to go on the cover.
@KasumiRINA 28 күн бұрын
LMAO this is an incel gameragter channel? Lol, didn't these guys touch grass since 2014?
@docmacabre Ай бұрын
The textures in DA:I look so much better than what we've seen in the Veilguard trailer. Just look at the wet stairs and castle walls! I sincerely hope they'll add more textures to, well, everything. As it is now, it looks too clean. There is not a single pore to be seen on anyone's skin. Rook didn't even leave foot prints in that snowy patch where they found Neve. DA has been a journey, definitely. I love both Origins and Inquisition, even though they feel completely different from one another. I've always sort of viewed them as stand-alones that simply happen in the same world, with characters from previous installments crossing paths with the new ones. But Veilguard supposedly is the continuation of Inquisition's "Trespasser". (DA2 has its charms, though it's obvious the game was rushed.) All three have memorable characters with distinct personalities. In the new trailer, everybody sounds the same (we are heroes, we get it!). It's this corny, "witty" Marvel-esque dialogue. Nothing against Marvel, I quite like some of the movies. It's just not Dragon Age. Of course, this could all be a silly marketing decision. Not everything shown in the trailer will be in the game, as they even said in the trailer. What isn't a marketing decision, though, is the character design. The character design is so off-putting to me, and I'm not even one who's hung-up on conventional beauty (I mean, Bull? Not that pretty! But he was damn fun to romance!). It just looks too Disney. I wonder if adding textures could change that, give them more personality beyond their generic, cartoonish looks. As they're now, I can't see myself romancing any of these people (sorry, Harding!). And I've romanced every character available in the previous games bc I was interested in what it added to their story. I'm not interested in a Disney-style character's "preferences". Also, the elves in Veilguard look way too human (their physique). I know, I know, they looked different in every game, but this is just another thing adding to the already poor character design. And bring back the damn desire demons!
@teyrncousland7152 Ай бұрын
Oh you have never seen how invested Elder Scrolls fans are in their setting. Just check our average Stormcloak vs Imperial debate. Or wether or not Cyrodiil is a jungle.
@Chris-qw9ch Ай бұрын
Damn those Stormcloak rebels to Oblivion!
@JohnMorgan_88 Ай бұрын
I love how you always find the right words to express what I just feel about a game
@gstar565 Ай бұрын
All the points listed in this video (and more), for me come down to one thing. After all of Biowares missteps in the last years, I'm not blindly hopeful anymore (Andromeda made me wary and Anthem burned me). Bioware has to sell me this game, make me interested in it. All they have shown so far, has failed to do that.
@tamarak.8800 Ай бұрын
Harding is stunning, she looks way better than in Inquisiton. Like, we can discuss the others but Harding looks like a model lmao, if you look at Bellaras art she is also very pretty. I think people expect her to be like Sera, bet she's gonna be the surprising fav for guys.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
I did say from what we can see. You might be right for the elf.
@nimrod959 Ай бұрын
You miss the most important issue: the combat system
@Einstormer Ай бұрын
"Pay us money to be lectured by ugly companions!" An interesting strategy.
@XatubaX Ай бұрын
And they advertised nudity as a PLUS! this is a punishment 😂
@Einstormer Ай бұрын
@@XatubaX a threat of violence! 😂
@Damon-xf4kt 28 күн бұрын
Well said.
@Einstormer 28 күн бұрын
@@Damon-xf4kt Thank you :)
@Lysvsyl Ай бұрын
I recommend the recent capcom survey to anyone who denies the importance of beauty.
@tiagobrizida966 Ай бұрын
Another great video! I completely agree with everything, the companions in Bioware always looked great but since Inquisition there seems to be a rule that they all need to be ugly specially the female companions. When people watch a movie or play a game they like to see beauty, beautifull locations, npcs.. and on this aspect Bioware has failed miserably
@rebeccaruth78 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for putting my feelings into words. I get so frustrated trying to express my disappointment. God... Thirty years of being a Bioware fan and we are treated like rodents. I can't even stand the look of it because it is so far removed from anything I fell in love with in the first place. I'd love to hear your full thesis on the subject though. lol. Imagine, getting all of this bull out in the open.
@SogonD.Zunatsu Ай бұрын
I agreed with everything you said until you said Harding was made less attractive. That's just not true. She used to have a characteristically dwarven, bulbous nose but now she looks like a model, a small sized model.
@greyape59 Ай бұрын
Theres a small typo in the title just to let you know.
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
@jamesgross4833 Ай бұрын
This was an outstanding summary. Perhaps you didn’t go quite far enough, but you hit 90% of exactly why so many are disappointed. And I’d argue it goes beyond the RPG genre. I quit on Battlefield games after they took a more cartoony appearance, dropped random tornadoes in every match, had a girl in a squirrel suit flying through the air, and lost the GAMEPLAY that defined the series. Bottom line: they don’t make ‘em like they used to.
@TillDeathGamingg Ай бұрын
You kinda sound like the malkavian primarch from vampire the masquerade : bloodlines. thumbs up!
@Zuron 21 күн бұрын
Speaking from a marketing perspective, it would appear to make sense for games to churn out 11/10 characters all over the place - just look at the fantasy novel displays anywhere. But in the current western market, there's significant enough distortion by ESG ratings, as well as interference from woke ideologues, that this trend is reversing. I think Inquisition has attractive characters, and more importantly, well designed ones with fitting and memorable aesthetics. It's similar to BG3 in that regard. There would be no problem if I could believe that a game's aesthetics are purely a result of artistic direction, but there's always other forces at work that give rise to gamer cynicism.
@lelouche25 Ай бұрын
I freaking love inquisition. Went back and played dragon age 2. People were overly harsh for a decent game. Then played origins, but i modded it as some of the visuals were scuffed for me. Made it worse got about a third into the game before it crashed. Never finished it. But i can see why people love it. That said, inquisition really is my go to game to replay. As for the ladies of inquisition, lady montilie was cute to me. Loved her and her personality. Cassandra wasnt bad either. Liliana was aslo still pretty. Her heart shaped face untouched.
@faithrakhajiit9773 Ай бұрын
Hudson left Bioware on December 3, 2020, so don't expect anything different from Veilguard to Mass Effect 4...
@justsomerandomguy6719 29 күн бұрын
May you please tell which game you are playing in this video?
@ciarandwynvil273 25 күн бұрын
I was originally planning to buy a new PC just to play the new DA game, so stoked was I. After seeing the choice of male LIs though, I will pass... It makes me quite sad as I've loved the franchise from DA:O. There used to be really handsome characters whom I adored (and continue to do so). Zevran, Alistair, Teagan, Cailan in DA:O, then Fenris, Anders, Carver, and canon Hawke in DA2, then Dorian in Inquisition... And now there is none in Veilguard. Well, fortunately there are other games whose creators understand that a big part of a game's appeal for a large number of players is based on the attractiveness of NPC companions. Games like BG3 or WOTR offer at least one classically handsome male LI available for romancing either a male or female player character. So, yeah, I'll still buy that new PC... but to play BG3. To this day, I think that the handsomest character in a game ever is Iorveth from Witcher 2. Disfigured by a horrible injury that had taken his eye and left him with an angry scar across his cheek and lips, his face nonetheless remained stunningly beautiful. Chiseled features, an intense green eye whose look could steal your soul, a body to die for, a voice that could sound harsh or soft depending on his mood - this elf owned the screen. Sadly, none of the companions introduced in The Veilguard trailer have that kind of presence, not even remotely so.
@steffen89able Ай бұрын
I agree with alot of your thoughts, but we won’t see BG3’s effect on games for few years(due to the long development cycles) I am still anticipating the release, i prefer action combat. Honestly a 7/10 game is the higest hopes i have for it. I’m just glad it isn’t a multiplayer game
@Kat1kafka Ай бұрын
The fact that the game is made by a Canadian studio in Edmonton, one of the wokest places in Canada, didn't even made me have low expectations for this game.
@mysticonthehill Ай бұрын
Great video. Though I think beauty is subjective.
@Icipher353 Ай бұрын
We have to accept that BioWare aren’t making CRPGs anymore, they’re making action games with some light rpg mechanics. The modern BioWare aren’t the BioWare of old and we should stop expecting them to live up to that legacy and move on. There are other studios like Larian, Owlcat, and other making real CRPGs, so we should turn our attention to them, and let BioWare go be whatever it is they have become.
@OrcBro Ай бұрын
Obsidian deserves to be mentioned here as well. Imho
@Icipher353 Ай бұрын
@@OrcBro yes! I knew I forgot someone important. Definitely.
@zeevnation6558 Ай бұрын
@Icipher353 Looking at Outer Worlds and what we've seen from Avowed, Obsidian also strayed away from CRPGs and are now making whatever Bethesda's genre is.
@KasumiRINA 28 күн бұрын
That's exactly what people said than they made Dragon Ge & Mass effect... Actually no, earlier, Bioware ruined CRPGS with KOTOR's consolization. But wait, didn't they ruint it earlier by simplifying D&D to make NWN play in real time? That's all newfag stuff, the REAL Tr00 kvlt fans know that Bioware stopped making RPGs and ruined the genre with turning it realtime with Baldur's Gate! What, hamsters and romance? Not in MY cRPG Ultima and Wizardry. Seriously every single time Bioware announces something it's the end times. And complains are literally the same, and yes, yu can actually find long articles written how they ruined the genre forever even before Baldur's Gate 2. This is stupid.
@someonefromthefuture5269 Ай бұрын
For me "Veilguard" is like the end of an era. Or rather, this is where I truly internalized something that already happened awhile back. It will be the first Bioware game (aside from Anthem, but that doesn't count) I don't plan to buy on release, and maybe not at all.
@Frozenkex Ай бұрын
Weird take on attractiveness. Cassandra is and has always meant to be "conventionally attractive", she just has a few scars and short hair. She has super model physiognomy. We can say the same about Josephine, i dont know how you can suggest she is less attractive than Zhevran. She's attractive, she's just not white and has a distinctive style fashion style representative of Antiva. Merril was cute because of her personality, but i'd actually argue she's the ugliest of romantic interests in terms "conventional attractiveness". I disagree that "coventionaly" means white woman and booba. Also Harding is much more attractive than in Inquisition, and looks like an attractive white woman, just dwarf. You really need to drop the authoritative tone when talking about your personal subjective preferences. Because not only is this an unpopular opinion also just wrong when you want to make statements about "conventional" attractiveness. Also desire demons of Origins is not at all what David Gaider had in mind. The writers didnt like them and it was an artist mistake and misinterpretation of the lore. Also Inquisition cartoony artstyle? Having vibrant colors instead of drab colors doesnt make it cartoony. The artstyle was clearly on the realistic style, DA2 was "cartoony".
@MyKeyMoonShine Ай бұрын
I have the suspicion that "conventionally attractive" means like "feminine white woman" to some extent because Ballara from Veilguard looks very pretty from what they have shown. Neve Gallus also looked quite pretty in the gameplay reveal. Neither of those characters are white though. Wynne is apparently attractive but Vivienne isn't?
@filta994 26 күн бұрын
Cassandra's hair and scarring is meant to be unconventionally attractive, some may say she is ugly because of it. Josephine isnt a companion. I agree that Scout Harding looks a lot better in the new game but shes still a Dwarf, which is unconventional. Even if the Desire Demons were not what the writer had in mind, it was enjoyed by fans and that is the end goal. Now to the guy who replied to you, @MyKeyMoonShine . 1) Bellara is an Elf, that is not conventional. She also is wearing an incredible amount of jewelry. I can admit she is attractive but conventionalism is the argument here. 2) Neve Gallus is conventionally attractive. 3) I must have missed the part when he said Wynne was attractive. Vivienne is unconventionally attractive. She is bald. Some might even say she's unattractive because of this but Amber Rose is bald and she's beautiful.
@tidus94 26 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@filta994you do realize conventionally attractive isn’t a real standard right and is different for every ethnicity and country all around the world, Josephine is a companion but is romanceable,just like Cullen and he was in this video as an example of “conventionally attractive”,and also a beautiful woman. And I don’t Vivienne’s bald haircut is some crazy unconventional thing
@JohnnyTsunami55 Ай бұрын
Why ever time this guy says "the veil guard." I can visualize him making air quotes 😂
@Oneirax 29 күн бұрын
I think DA4 shows the problem with today's AAA titles. The main role is profit and then nothing for a long time. Therefore, the templates of games that have been successful are followed and the games adapt to today's times and trends (much like big budget movies). A AAA title won't experiment and bring in brand new mechanics that might not be liked. When we look at a lot of AAA titles, they may not be bad, but they don't have anything special that would set them apart from the rest. And for a lot of people who grew up playing these games, that will be enough and they will be happy with it. It seems to me that now graphics are often more important than gameplay or story. Another thing is that again, just like in the movies, now there has to be more of everything. More effects, faster gameplay, more threat while forgetting the emotional side. Everything doesn't have to be about saving the world to make an emotional impact on a person. A small final note, I'm quite appalled at how so many DA4 fans completely objectify the companions. They only take them within their relationship to dating their character. For example, everywhere I read news about new hairstyles, possibilities of romance. I also like Alistair as my love interest, but I would love DA Origins without it.
@Dietghostscp2107 Ай бұрын
Let's not rewrite history. I came in with Oblivion. Morrowind fans were and still are notoriously toxic towards other entries in the series. Especially oblivion at that time when I was a middle schooler. That's how I first heard the term 'Dumbed down." Skyrim had people sending Todd death threats on the old forums. It's always been crazy toxic in rpg fanbases. Just now everyone can see it in every space not just whatever forums the game is tied too and it's been that way since HS. (reddit, Twitter etc.)
@shellymars9961 Ай бұрын
Yes, the first time I heard the term "dumbed down" was in relation to Oblivion as well. But it actually goes farther back than that. When Morrowind came out in 2002 the backlash against that game from Daggerfall fans was on a level I had never experienced before. They said Morrowind was not a "true" RPG, that it was just a simplified first-person shooter with a few RPG features tacked on to appeal to what they liked to call "console kiddies." The hate towards that game on Bethesda's forum was so strong and so incessant that I had to stop visiting their forums over the summer because the negativity was poisoning my love for the game
@Dietghostscp2107 Ай бұрын
@@shellymars9961 I believe it. Daggerfall and Arena og's told me at the time that it was way crazier than but it was hard to believe. The Skyrim backlash pushed me away for a long time. It even ruined most of the rp communities there. One of the old mods from then, Hungry Donner was such a chill dude and Skyrim nearly broke that man.
@curtis19921 28 күн бұрын
People seem to be more worried about who they can romance and how sexual relationships can be I don’t get why people are so caught up on that aspect. I actual want a really good story and great combat to go with it and more than just three abilities at a time.
@keagandeal3475 17 күн бұрын
My problem isn't the romancing it's just the companions look stupid. I want some bad ass looking companions but instead we get a bunch if make wish looking retards. And they changed everything about dragon age. It just looks terrible. And honestly I really think bioware should just close down at this point. They are one of the worst developers out there
@DarthDainese Ай бұрын
I've been saying for months Andromeda, Anthem, well Dreadwolf better knock it out of the park because this could be 3 strikes you're out for Bioware, and now I've seen the 2 trailers I believe Bioware is done
@DiegoAlanBenegas Ай бұрын
They could have made a Qunari like the ones in Dragon age 2 , red eyes , menacing looking semi undead vibe but instead went for a dragqueen of the Qun ... dude the concept artists should be fired. I will play the Veilguard but it is a shame to see what they have put together in various areas of design after 10 years.
@babaduk7679 Ай бұрын
Very good video and I totally agree that old fans of dragon age shouldn't be vilified for having their opinions and discussions, however the same is true the other way around, people who have good things to say about this game shouldn't be vilified either, from some of the older fans or old guard I am part of the older gamers and have passed dragon age origins like over 20 times and dragon age 2 like 12 times, dragon age 3 inquisition twice, and that's mainly because unfortunately a lot of that game was filled a lot of repetitive tasks and chores, but I am definitely looking forward to dragon age veilguard because it is going for a more linear, hand crafted and compact experience with branching paths here and there, also this is a very dark game, I have seen screenshots off it and there is also a lot of blood too, not to mention people that have actually played parts of the game said the same For me it's day one Good day/evening
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
I appreciate the civil response.
@charlesroy9881 29 күн бұрын
Nothing immoral or irrational about liking a particular type of game mecanics or esthetics, just as long as we remember that that same logic also applies to our opposition. I just feel that the points raised in this video either gloss over the various corporate issues that shaped DA's identity crisis or simply concentrate too much on the subjective. There is no big conspiracies or industy capture by the woke agenda here. Why did the devs simplify the mecanics ? Time restrictions, techical issues with the engine and corporate mandates for multiplayer (something Baldur's Gate 3 never had to contend with). Why did they change the characters' designs ? Video games are more mainstream nowadays and female characters are now widely accepted. They don't need to appear on the box half-naked for the game to sell. As for the visceral reactions from both sides of the fanbase, well, no parties are innocents here. Sure, newer fans could be more understanding about the roots of the series and not dismiss them out of hand. Inversely, older fans could be more open to change and be more substentive in ther criticism of a game we basically know nothing about.
@jennyrebecca4daysold 26 күн бұрын
Cassandra is really beautiful though. She has the facial features of a model, don't know why you don't consider her conventionally attractive. Maybe because of her short hair?
@keagandeal3475 17 күн бұрын
How does she look like a model? I don't think any of the inquisition characters are good looking. Dragon age origins and 2 are the only good looking companions. With veilguard being a make wish gang
@lep2525 Ай бұрын
The worst example of them nerfing character beauty can be seen with the asari in Andromeda. The asari being beautiful is a fairly significant part of their lore in Mass Effect. I do think Scout Harding looks good though so I’d disagree with you on that.
@victorguimaraes1969 Ай бұрын
Lol man, I thougth the girls in Inquisition were extremely beautiful, Liliana was way better than her Origins version. I understand your opinion regarding how the fan base gets divided, but honestly that occurs exacly becouse we have youtubers and reviewers doing extreeemelly bad reviews, criticising just for the sake of it. Come on man, up to Inquisition the graphics were complete s..t by todays standarts, you cant be seriouslly be calling any char that isnt Morrigan beautiful. Well, in the end beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
@jonathanbernardi4306 Ай бұрын
I'm 52, and had experienced and enjoyed (with some exceptions) almost every game Bioware has made, and at this point, I just feel disappointed with the course they have taken, all this "modern audience" crap is not just damaging games and all media, but society as a whole. Companies pretend to cram everyone under the same umbrella, rejecting and condemning those who have a different opinion, while at the same time talking about celebrating so-called inclusion and diversity, it's insane and plain sheer hypocrisy.
@WanderingMendicant-qd7mv Ай бұрын
The diversity critique is ironic sense Bioware has always had lgbt content in its work since long before EA acquired it. There's nothing new about that. It's the wide scaleopen expressions of bigotry that are new.
@OrcBro Ай бұрын
@WanderingMendicant that's not what this is about. Stop gaslighting.
@WanderingMendicant-qd7mv Ай бұрын
@@OrcBro what do you think they meant by inclusion and diversity then?
@bevanl8331 Ай бұрын
@@OrcBro I don't think you know what gaslighting is.
@revolutionarydragon1123 Ай бұрын
​@@WanderingMendicant-qd7mv and ppl bitching about it now are the same ppl bitching about it then
@vyndrall2029 Ай бұрын
If we coldly observe what is offered today with this DA: Veilguard: - The female companions are not aesthetically pleasing to look at and the companions as a whole are a pile of DEI clichés; - We will be limited to 7 companions instead of 9; - We will be limited to 2 companions who accompany us instead of 3 - We will be limited to missions in "corridor" mode (similar to ME2) and a hub (like the Normandy) - We will be limited to three action skills which can only be used by filling a bar through auto-attack; - Removed tactical view; - Removal of the possibility of controlling our companions; - The dialogue wheel is the same as that of Dragon Age 2 (2011) and only offers cosmetic dialogue choices without concrete consequences on the story (for the moment); For me this game is not only a fucking regression compared to DA: Origins (this was already the case with the other games that said), but it is even an overall regression compared to everything that Dragon Age Inquisition offered in 2014. The only new thing that Bioware offers us is a technical and visual improvement of the Frostbyte engine with neon colors everywhere, and demons that become Christmas trees. Damn it. Bioware fans frustrate me greatly. They're happy with what Bioware is offering: this vocal and visible minority on Twitter is already making pansexual romance fan art inspired by the new companions.They don't care about the dialogue writing as long as they can romance whoever they want and see the elven gods to make other fan art. They don't care about the gameplay loop as long as it's not a obstacle to the story of Solas. They are going to have their queer content and that is the most important until the next Dragon Age in 2034 and which could be a yaoi mobile game. They are so obsessed with the survival of Bioware that they will accept anything. More disturbing, we have well-known KZfaqrs in the fan community who are now paid by Bioware (without this being transparent) to promote the game and gaslight critical remarks. These people are part of a "community council" selected by Bioware itself and which only represents this minority of fans.
@TiaraStarbrighter Ай бұрын
"They are so obsessed with the survival of Bioware that they will accept anything." This is so important; I heard the same thing with Rocksteady's Suicide Squad game: "if we don't support this game, Rocksteady dies and we'll never get another Arkham game!" Then you look at the game, the one where they KILL BATMAN and ask: "what kind of Arkham game can they even make at that point?" The reality is that, just as the real Rocksteady dies, so too has Bioware. The great creators has left and we get a mentally ill "Queerosexual Gendermancer" directing the game. We wouldn't trust such a person with getting our sandwich order right, let alone a 100 million dollar epic video game right! Bioware is dead. Find the people who once comprised it (like the ones making Exodus) and support those companies instead.
@ainzooalgown9963 29 күн бұрын
Its so weird when a company shafts its fanbase to chase people who only care about a character being queer and nothing else its just pathetic
@Damon-xf4kt 28 күн бұрын
This game will fail.
@Damon-xf4kt 28 күн бұрын
@liatka9661 25 күн бұрын
I feel this. To me Bioware is long dead. Just because they identify as Bioware doesn't make it so. The soul of that company left with it's people.
@kaipacifica1289 Ай бұрын
The interesting thing about a fantasy adventure removing conventionally beautiful / attractive idealized characters is that it makes a key component of a fantasy adventure mundane... and no one buys a fantasy adventure game for the mundane. IMO the only people who demand the ordinary and mundane in games are political activists, not game players. That this wasn't learned after Mass Effect Andromeda is astounding.
@joseangelmedinacornejo6362 Ай бұрын
I have to say that I’m an old time DAO fan since 2009, I had the pleasure to enjoy that game as it was when it released, it was my favorite game back then (today my favorite is BG3). Yet, I love all DA games and I’m really hopeful that DAV will actually be good, maybe even great. I understand the feelings expressed in the video, nonetheless when you talk about hostility, I’ve seen more hostility from old fans who want to gatekeep this game from new ones. I’m not saying that you in this particular video are doing this, just saying that some old fans are doing this and I’ve seen more of those than new one being hostile, which of course some of those are out there too. At the end of the day, as an old times fan I recognize all these changes in art style, overall tone, gameplay, and more, I felt the character design changes on the reveal trailer were crazy, but after watching the gameplay, getting more info, and even reading the opinion of former BioWare members Mark Darrah and David Gaider, I remembered that I’ve loved every single game in the saga even with its changes and they’ve always felt true to me and that’s given me hope again.
@RedRabbit-ZA Ай бұрын
The thing is, if you don't like what an Elder Scrolls game gives you, you can mod it into what you want it to be. Unfortunately you don't have that same freedom when it comes to Dragon Age.
@WynneL 16 күн бұрын
The Dragon Age Nexus mods would like a word with you.
@RedRabbit-ZA 16 күн бұрын
@@WynneL You can't really do much with Dragon Age when it comes to modding, that's my point.
@lavenderhippo Ай бұрын
I was with you untill you said Josephine isn’t conventionally attractive, she literally looks like a princess
@RS-xt3qh 27 күн бұрын
corporations don't make games, they never have, people do, when the corpo-rats shred the talent, the quality comes down, you can't expect the same quality, corporations are inherently psycopathic
@jonanderetxebarria9944 Ай бұрын
Frankly, I don't care much about the looks of your companions, but rather the artstyle that makes them look cartoony and weird. But it's true that things like desire demon not being present makes the overall world look more childlish than is should be. Demons are supposed to be the manifestation of the worst emotion of humans, and desire is a part of that. And Harding, I don't know, I don't see her worse than she was before, she never stood out to me as an "atractive" character. I think people are focusing on nonesense, when the reality is that those things never made DA great. As an example, Stellar Blade have basically sex dolls in their games, yet the characters are just terrible, boring and bland. It's still too early to judge the game, because we didn't see anything yet, the gamplay reveal was just the tutorial, played on easy mode by someone who didn't seem to know how to play the game. We should wait more to see how things develop. But the thing I care about the most is the world and the story, which is what made DA great in the first place. And for those who miss the style of the first game, well, I'm sorry, but that ended 15 years ago already.
@ainzooalgown9963 29 күн бұрын
Saying the characters in stellar blade are sex dolls is such a brain dead take I have to assume you are memeing. Its not to early to judge they showed gameplay it was shit. Yeah cant wait for DEI everyone is pan Dragon age.This game is at best gonna be forgettable and at worst be woke dogshit only options at this point
@jonanderetxebarria9944 29 күн бұрын
@@ainzooalgown9963 Everybody agrees that eve and rest are boring, bland and forgetable. The gameplay wasn't shit, it was just the tutorial played on easy mode, which looks shit. And still, that's not what made DA great, it was the story, characters and the world. Everyone in BG3 is also pan and the game is excellent. BG3 has all the woke stuff you guys complain about and the game is universally beloved. And still, nobody remembers the characters of Stellar Blades because they are just dolls dressed like onlyfans girls with no personality. I wouldn't be surprised if you never played the previous DA games.
@jonanderetxebarria9944 29 күн бұрын
@@ainzooalgown9963 Stellar Blade tried to be a copy of Nier:Automata, but failed miserably because the characters are bland, boring and forgetable as hell. The gameplay only showed the tutorial, in easy mode, played by someone who crearly wasn't good at all, that's why it looks bad, like in any other game. Pansexuals were also in BG3, and the game is universally praised by everyone, not even the anti-woker couldn't shit on the game. BG3 already has all those woke things people like you also complain about, and that didn't stop the game from being a banger. The fact that you complain about wokeness in Dragon Age shows you didn't even play the previous games, because all of that was already present in DA:O
@BPOOHEAD189 Ай бұрын
How was ME2 more streamlined?
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
Much fewer abilities compared to ME, simplified weapons, etc.
@mindytotheMOON 24 күн бұрын
I've been around since Origins. I AM an older fan, and I am surprisingly optimistic about VG. I won't lie, I think a lot of the discourse surrounding VG online is ridiculous and petty. It's the same tripe arguments that have been happening since DAII but amplified due to a larger internet inclined fanbase. And btw, Scout Harding's character design is conventionally attractive? Like very much so? Most of the characters in this game appear to be with a few exceptions.
@YurateYurate Ай бұрын
I never ever played any rpg's except TES series, any bioware games passed me by, I just played another genres always. Bg3 was my first crpg I fell in love with, but I remember all this hate about inquisition among the community when it came out, and my husband couldn't even finish it. And It was absolutely idgaf about new DA and then trailer came out and hyped me. All this complains and dislikes make me wonder what were this games earlier and I watched gameplay with some interest and all the vids about it. Now week later I search for books and comics, and also for notebook to play all the previous games(I am console player and console versions of DA are shitty af) ONLY because I want to know what is the story behind the 2 minute dialogue between Varric and Solas, i'm just fully in like crazy. And it is the point when I agree with Cohh, story is what can make me go through all of this action gameplay and pixar's grafics. You can call me "modern fan" for this, but I am not 18 y old stupid girl who only wants date sim instead of actual RPG gameplay.(I am actually 33). I want good story, and I want to know this story. Bioware made me want to know THIS story. So maybe, just MAYBE, they did smth right..and maybe.. new fandom isn't so bad thing until it comes for good reasons, for story not for inclusive appearance of companions(I don't like any of them, but I don't care) I just wanted to say that
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
The interest in the deep lore of Thedas is what unites us all, despite our many differences.
@quintyss1290 Ай бұрын
Well, let's just say I hope there is someone in the modding community who can make a mod that allows the player base to modify the looks of companions. What I fear most, though, are loyalty missions that pertain to touchy-feely past relationship garbage instead of ones that flesh out what is happening in the world around them for lore purposes. The modding community can't fix that. Other than a lack of character loveliness, I'm not a fan of RGB bling or 'stream-lining' the combat. I really enjoyed setting up tactical behaviors for my companions in DA: Origins. What's left? Story. Origins had a great story. BioWare lost a lot of writers leading up to Veilguard. That tells me the new BioWare is no longer stressing its written world-building, and has sold its soul to action roleplaying. Gut-based personal opinion, maybe the original devs left because they were fed up with EA, but the people who were 'let go' might have disagreed with Corinne Buche's direction. Maybe they held Biblical views. Can't have that! Bottom line, I will play it to see how the story plays out and hope the proceeds go towards ME5 development. I pray all the negative fallout from DA:TV gets addressed prior to more development on the new Mass Effect world.
@Kallen50000 Ай бұрын
It's the EA plants in BioWare like Mike Gamble that ensure enshiftification. Everything that guy touches turns brown. Servitude to shareholders alone leads to unhinged concepts considered legitimate. Sadly, buying this apparent tripe only encourages the bean counters who aren't gamers of anything beyond the boardroom politics. Losing Drew and hampering Mac in favour of kool-aid hair Hugo Award hijackers is key in this downfall. Failure to invest in and refine RPG mechanics by choosing to idiotproof simplify means no one wants to play unless it feeds their ego echo chamber like a drug addict who cannot accept their involuntary substance servitude. I wrote off BioWare after Andromeda. Doubt the flop of Veilguard will wisen anyone there up. It's over. Some other group needs to pick up after DAO
@brodieorr5393 Ай бұрын
this is really feeling like fallout 4 all over again.. I already thought inquisition jumped the shark in terms of gameplay, but the story and writing were still good enough to carry it. Hopefully that remains the case here too.. but there's a lot of important writers gone
@Anna-B Ай бұрын
I loved the old combat. I’m not good at games that make me play out the actual fighting. I’m hoping the gameplay trailer is just misleading, and there’s an option to play in a similar way to previous games. I’m also disappointed in the companions. They aren’t as attractive as they used to be. What happened to the blonde British boy? He’s been here so far. I also wish they’d have just one more male RO, since the numbers are uneven
@quintyss1290 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't consider Neve or Taash as women.
@honestpuck4887 29 күн бұрын
@@quintyss1290 In what world does Neve look masculine? I get that what people find attractive is different but this take is wild
@mothywings Ай бұрын
Dude you had me with you until you started talking about none of the companions in DA:I or DA:tV being conventionally attractive. Sera isn’t, sure, but JOSEPHINE isn’t? NEVE isn’t? Idk what tree you’re barking up. And how the heck isn’t Scout Harding attractive, that’s a bizarre take. The trailer wasn’t kind to Taash, though. I can agree with you there.
@revanscript Ай бұрын
Harding actually looks much more attractive in DAV, I didn't like her in Inquisition.
@gnuwaves743 Ай бұрын
I agree with you on Josephine and Neve. I had to google Harding. No sure which pics were direct from the game with no mods but I’m a bit mixed. I wouldn’t say unattractive but not attractive either. Purely down the middle
@tonycmac Ай бұрын
My bet is that it will be a dogfart.
@lelouche25 Ай бұрын
Ultimately, i feel for the orign fans. I too have seen games i love degrade to what they are now. But i believe sometimes, change is good. I just hope this change isnt ass.
@spyrospycrab1815 Ай бұрын
I have replayed da1 several times and da2 twice. For dai I only played it again to get the few achievements i missed. In the end i liked the janky da1 gameplay over the other two.
@shadowslicer3845 Ай бұрын
Andromeda anthem and KOTOR 2 are three of my favorites from them
@kalenics123 28 күн бұрын
Sword and board black twink elf warden. I said enough.
@MrDay53 28 күн бұрын
I'd say the division amongst Fallout fans is probably just as big if not bigger.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 3 күн бұрын
A shame what they did to Harding. She looks like Shierk’s wife now 🤣
@afroman5160 Ай бұрын
Honestly I think Nev is attractive imo. That's who I will romance 1st playthrough. But the demon designs we seen our a step down imo.
@Kross415 Ай бұрын
Cullen is ,funnily enough, a character from DA:O but I have disagree on Harding, I liked her personality on DA:I but she looks a lot better on DA4 just go a check her forehead 🤣. I agree they toned up her freckles to make her more "unconventionally attractive" but she still looks better.
@Ryi0n. Ай бұрын
Iron Bull is hot AF, and Morrigan and Lilliana get a model upgrade 8:10 . The rest of the video is fine, but that is your opinion, however I agree if we jump from orgins and inquisition to Vielguard. Not any attractive to me and not fond of the cartoon style smoothness.
@grallonsphere271 Ай бұрын
Streamlining also means reducing production costs... Combined with the expected increase in consumers - the result is an increased profit margin.
@Marc-hx5vp Ай бұрын
Dragon Age: Oil of Olaz
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
Is dat een merk ofzo? ik weet er helemaal niks van...dus waar gaat het eigenlijk over met de verwijzing ernaartoe?
@Marc-hx5vp Ай бұрын
@@spellandshield Ja dat is een gezichtscreme
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
@@Marc-hx5vp ah, voor de ontbrekende schoonheid..nu snap ik het!
@Marc-hx5vp Ай бұрын
De verwijzing is naar de bland karakters en de bland gameplay Door te proberen iedereen te pleasen doe je er niemand een plezier mee
@spellandshield Ай бұрын
@@Marc-hx5vp Klopt. Maar naar mijn mening probeert Bioware niet eens ieederen te pleasen...ze weten precies wat de zoen en het leidt tot een vervreemding bij de oudere fans..en dat is ook het doel volgens mij. Desalniettemin blijf ik wel positief ingesteld tegenover de story...nog teminste.
@abigfish1620 Ай бұрын
I hate the loss of conventional beauty. Its honestly one of the main things that turn me off of new games. The writing seems to suck in everything these days too, but i dont want to look at / romance, ugly NPCs.
@DagwoodDogwoggle Ай бұрын
I blame EA for nothing. EA is like a lion that tears apart the gazelle - nobody blames the lion. It does what is in it's nature, as does EA. BioWare shopped for potential buyers. The owners (at that time) could've elected to sell to a company that would let BioWare do it's thing without much interference. I cannot divulge how, but I know this for a fact. Therefore, I blame the owners of BioWare who elected to choose the largest financial offer over a company that would let BioWare run more autonomously. The former owners are are to blame, because they fed their IP to the lion.
@TheGreatMu Ай бұрын
Idk about that no attractive women in Inquisition comment man... Josephine was a baddie. Hell, even if she's not exactly the generic conventional attractive you're talking about, for those of us who like athletic women Cassandra is also a baddie.
@andrewvincent7299 Ай бұрын
Cassandra was beautiful in DA2. She was an intense looking character with an intense personality to match. And despite having a masculine personality, her facial features were soft and she displayed her true feminine nature when discussing Hawke defeating the Arishok. In DAI, they completely took away her feminine facial features and ruined her face by making it sharp and angular with ugly scares. It's a damn shame what they did the appearance of such a great character!
@TheGreatMu Ай бұрын
@@andrewvincent7299 I was fine with the scars, she's a bad ass warrior women after all. I thought she was still quite lovely in DAI personally. But hey each to his or her own. That is the beauty of life, we can all have our own preferences.
@mrman487 Ай бұрын
I guess I'll have to wait to see if my favorite characters in it. Dagna sure as hell isn't it.
@lukeorloki Ай бұрын
I had problems with DAI being a single player MMO with the worst story writing of the 3 games but I thought the attractiveness of characters was still pretty good. Companions and romances were done really well in DAI like the previous 2 games. Agree it was different than Origins. I'm still hopeful Bioware after 10 years development has at least managed to have solid writing in the new game. I would like to see how the Solas, blight, and black city storyline ends so if the reviews at launch are okay with evidence of good story writing I will possibly play the game or watch the story on youtube. I'm hopeful this game will be good enough that Bioware continues as a company as I would still really like to see remakes of DAO, DA2, and DAI.
@lukeorloki Ай бұрын
I hope they get rid of the clownspawn skins in the new game and have real darkspawn again. And hopefully the demons will be demons instead weird rave spirits. As a joke for memes I am okay with how utterly stupid the undead look. It would be funny if they made the disney undead in the game out of cheese.
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