What a week, unhappy customer disputes our bill, but wait until you hear the reason, HILARIOUS

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Barum Engines

Barum Engines

2 жыл бұрын

We show how to setup our boring bar today, plus machining a very overheated cylinder head. We have good progress on the 1500 pre xflow engine and the MGB engine. But, you won’t believe this customer and the bill dispute they have

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@pebrede 2 жыл бұрын
You really need to create a policy of “No verbal approvals, all confirmations of work in writing.” If you do not re-negotiate your quote at each change and get written approval you will always have the “Yeah Yeah go ahead” customer making your day hell. Thus speaks the voice of experience. Great videos and explanations of your workshop practices. Take care.
@borabora4480 2 жыл бұрын
business dealings 101. doing the work is one skill versus how to manage contracts/agreements. Very different skill sets.
@michaelmcandrew9217 2 жыл бұрын
fully agree, contract management 101. Very conversation dealing with a change in scope MUST be followed up with a written note for the record detailing said changes and the cost impact.
@mechanoid5739 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I had to do a, 'Manage your customers expectations' course and this was one of the main points that came across. Comms in writing all the way and always make notes with any communications with the customer after any meeting/phone call and follow it up with a summary of what was discussed. No room for 'missunderstandings' and wiggle room! Mind you, that was with jobs that were 100s of Ks but the principal is exactly the same.
@pebrede 2 жыл бұрын
@@mechanoid5739 When dealing with our customers we found, especially those with English as a first language😊, that confusion reigned and we had to clearly define any new or changed specifications or requests and delineate the cost. These changes were made into line items changes to the original or subsequent orders/change orders. The non English speakers were far more understanding of the change order process as culturally they did this anyway and non verbal approval was required to show that they were actually working and written changes showed this. We minuted all meetings and discussions and agreed on wordings that would satisfy all parties on their return to their home offices, the English as first language customers were quite shocked at the clarity provided and the effort involved to make it correct. Many of our items were low dollar-ish but the engineering costs were 100's of times the item cost, the customers would haggle the unit price but not blink at the Non Recurring Engineering cost which could be many many times the total hardware cost. Thank you for your comment and input.
@Cheepchipsable 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, quote WHEN the job is ready to be done. I can't think of anywhere an 18 month old quote would still stand. I wonder if he has factored in his time talking to the builder. Generally just mention "...it will be extra..." for each service not included in the quote. Also emails for records of what's agreed. He didn't say if the quote was written or not, but he should do that, as often people just forget. On the written quote he can include clauses like all supply issues and other price increases beyond his control, etc. Any variation should be followed up with a confirmation email. He might need someone part time to do some of the emails. In a small business where the owner does the actual work, as the business grows you find you need someone to run the office/admin and someone to do the work in the factory. You can't really do both properly when you get busy.
@petershepherd6889 2 жыл бұрын
Don't let the engine out of your sight until the money is in your bank.👍
@charlesjackman143 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, by BACS or cash. No credit card or god forbid paypal payments!!
@colinweir5807 2 жыл бұрын
Chain it to the floor until paid.
@Nbomber Жыл бұрын
@@charlesjackman143 no business should ever accept paypal. They are the scum of the earth and will happily destroy a business for no reason.
@charlesjackman143 Жыл бұрын
@@Nbomber Couldn't agree more, they've stiffed me out of a few quid in the past
@davidboyle5761 Жыл бұрын
Cleared funds before the engine leaves the workshop.
@neilsimmonds1162 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I can't believe you would carry out work without written confirmation. You're almost setting yourself up for this situation even though I think you are in the right. It's all about covering your back with stuff like this. Also, who agrees to have work done without knowing the cost, unless money is no object??
@teamidris 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, it’s fluid depending what it needs. I don’t even quote. I might say, “yeh, should go in a hundred,” and that’s it. With barum the customer can go buy a new car, they aren’t forced to fanny about with their old one :o)
@sociopathicnarcissist8810 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed Neil, it is just insanity to trust a customer who keeps on saying "yeah, yeah, yeah". That should be a warning sign to anyone. I find that people who love what they do for a living are often poor business owners. To focused on the work to make money.
@KevinLee-ww3ny 2 жыл бұрын
DEALERS ( and taxis) warning bells l Tell him your going to sell the engine to cover your costs
@bignasty3274 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm in total agreement with that. You have to nail everything down in writing and preferably to the guy who is going to be putting his hand in his pocket to pay.
@tellsitlikeitis5126 2 жыл бұрын
I agree and commented the same a few months ago on a previous situation. Remember., not everyone can see the wood for the trees!
@matthewharlowehrscyclespor668 2 жыл бұрын
You can't fix "stupid". We call those people "oxygen bandits". Give him a final date. We have "mechanics liens" that we can file to protect our business. 30 day waiting period before we can sell the project. Have a Deluxe weekend Lee.
@richardmessenger9474 2 жыл бұрын
Easy answer to the customer disputing how much the final bill is...send them estimates confirming what they requested by e mail and get them to confirm by email the work and price before you do any machining and parts....you then have a paper trail that'll save the hassle of phone calls with them disputing the bill...just my 2p worth...
@mesomachines 2 жыл бұрын
When I was project managing building mods for a large company, we started with a written scope of work that the quote was based on. If management above me requested changes (which they always did) there was an initialed scope change with impact on cost and delivery time. They never liked it but also, there was never a question about cost or delivery time at the end.
@blue03r6 Жыл бұрын
things like this happen all the time in construction and the car repair business. humans just can't see inside an engine to know the extent of the damage. ya know? plus the construction co I worked for always made the homeowner sign an amendment to contract before any changes took place.
@paulorchard7960 2 жыл бұрын
Try not to stress Lee, everyone wants something for nothing and know they are out of line! Keep calm, carry on but don’t give in when you are right!
@colinscutt5104 2 жыл бұрын
@garyhaslam Жыл бұрын
Where has the respect gone for people that do work for you😡I have always asked for a price, if I need further work done I ask if it can be done, and how much extra it will be, and a ball park final price, I don’t believe in this “best mate” sh*t, if your good and I can afford you then go ahead, AND I never expect for the person that’s done the work to wait for payment, to do so would be disrespectful.
@MrBollocks10 Жыл бұрын
@@richiesrestorations4883 You acted reasonably. The customer acted like a customer. If you would have taken the job and THEN told him it was double or treble what he expected, he would have reason to gripe. It seems to happen at this Engine Co. every week.
@johnrussell5245 2 жыл бұрын
Write things down as you proceed and send them to a customer. Each time there's 'creep' you must send an email that starts, "'to confirm what we discussed on the phone...', and then itemise what you're going to do, together with a revised estimate of what it will cost. I guess what I'm saying is you should be updating the customer in writing with everything you add to the job card. It might seem like work but it will prevent this sort of issue and if anything ever goes to court you will have unequivocal evidence to show the judge.
@conmcgrath7174 Жыл бұрын
Yes and no! If you are a small business there has to be trust, you are right but if the small business-person did that, there wouldn't be much time left to do the actual real work? I suppose it comes down to reputation, old (as in repeat) customers are great, it's the new ones you have to be wary of? Every business wants new customers but they may not be the customers you want? It's a sad old story, especially when you are busting your ass to do a good job for them. I know of a carpenter who took a chainsaw to the supporting joists of 10 houses in rage because he hadn't been paid, the developer declared bankruptcy but was still selling the houses from an other company. The amount of apparently 'solid citizens' that will just rip you off and happily pocket the proceedings of your labour, sweat and worst of all, your honesty, just beggars belief. So, on balance, yes you are right. (see, I could have said that in one sentence, perfectionist that I am, I wanted to clarify). No extra charges will be applied for my time (ahem, you do remember the $1,000 we discussed earlier?) ah coam oan! Pax John.
@stuartmees3332 Жыл бұрын
Until you know a customer well all verbal agreements need to be followed up with an email and no work is done, or spec changed, without a confirmation mail. Hard as it may be to finance you need to take on an admin person, part time a couple of mornings a week may be.
@matthewyabsley Жыл бұрын
Small business does not work like that unfortunately. 98% of your customers aren't like that, don't need this etc. Of those 2% most problems get worked out anyway.
@iainball2023 2 жыл бұрын
I got caught out with that one many times before I learned, nowadays, I prep a full quote, every time I call the customer, and I make sure I give them an up to date, full quote whether they want to hear it or not. Customers are definitely the worst part of running a business 🙄
@blue03r6 Жыл бұрын
and they always seem to hear the wrong thing🤣
@markrainford1219 Жыл бұрын
Yeah customers eh, who'd have em.
@blue03r6 Жыл бұрын
@@markrainford1219 you ever wonder why so many restaurants have so much trouble finding help? most of it has to do with no one wants to listen to a karen crying about how long it takes or not enough ketchup in the bag. the general public is 75% aholes.
@conmcgrath7174 Жыл бұрын
It costs how much now? 'Listen you dickhead, you;re getting off lightly' we did some good work there and we would like to be paid. The effing story of every small business ever. Oh, I have almost wept in frustration, it never ends, you want to be friendly and helpful, you want to do a good job (I couldn't suffer anything less), the client is well aware of the charges and costs but when they are all sorted and the panic is over (you might have bust your arse getting this done right and on time) suddenly the money is not forthcoming or they want to retrospectively adjust the previously outlined and stated charges, or they only disburse payments three times a year, unlucky for you just missed the last ones. The amount of decent guys and small companies that 'sank' because they trusted and believed that honest work would be repaid? It is wise to take precautions and /or substantial deposits. Shaking my head now, remembering how three friends (good engineers) got absolutely shafted. (we did have a certain revenge, he he but there's no way I could or would discuss it). Like the old 'Andy Cap' joke, he's hanging off a lamp-post looking at a guy delving into an engine, he asks 'what's up mate?' and the guy replies 'piston broke'. Sorry, can't help mate, so am I' Story of my effing life! Bad jokes and bad debts. Pax
@billh.1940 Жыл бұрын
Customers are like women, can't live with them, can't live without them!
@smokinrider 2 жыл бұрын
Tell him it’s simple. Pay or sod off. Sell the bits to cover the bill. Someone will want a reconditioned short engine.
@clivewilliams3661 2 жыл бұрын
Not good advice, if that happened to me there would be writs flying about as the customer still owns the original supplied bits.
@richardfabacher3705 2 жыл бұрын
@@clivewilliams3661 Across the pond, do you not have "express or implied mechanic's liens." In the US you go to the local courthouse and for a small fee file a lien. (on anything up to and including a house) That engine would be yours unless he settles the account in a reasonable time. Sounds to me like customer knew EXACTLY what he was doing.
@clivewilliams3661 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardfabacher3705 I don't wish to get into a deep debate on English Law but as I understand it the original goods i.e. the engine block and head etc are the property of the customer and the debt is for work carried out that is separate save that the Courts can award damages that are collected to pay the debt. As the cost of the work that is carried out is in dispute it would be the Court to decide the value if not agreed between the parties, otherwise you could have the ridiculous case where a plumber could sell your house for changing a tap washer! In property ownership the Mortgage company has a lien on the house say but is not entitled to sell it without authority to recover the debt.
@richardfabacher3705 2 жыл бұрын
@@clivewilliams3661 In most, if not all, US states, your plumber analogy would be 100%correct. (Either party starting litigation about the charge changes things.) I was once unable to close on a house until the seller's outstanding electrician's lien for about $70 was made good. Otherwise, the house failed the title search. With portable property like a car, the shop can hold the car until paid. After certain times, varying from state to state, the car can be sold or auctioned by the sheriff and the debt settled. Any extra proceeds beyond the debt (if any) are given to the customer. If our hypothetical plumber did win a judgment for a "sheriff's sale" (usually it's by auction for real estate) he would keep his amount, say $100) and the rest, say $199,900 would revert to the deadbeat customer. One wrinkle is that when one makes a mortgage, lost somewhere around page 20 there is a clause about "keeping the property free from all liens and encumbrances." Another wrinkle is the tremendous potential for abuse. A common ploy with cars is to get a crony to buy that $12,000 car for $1000 and the customer gets nothing because the repair was $1500. "Profit": $9500. Didn't say it was always just, did I? The hope is that the court granting the lien will behave properly, but no guarantees. Conversely, if that dealer is doing what I think he is doing, he hopes the legal costs and time involved would not be worth it to Barum Engines, so he is reasonably sure he gets over £2000 work for £1000. Barum unjustly gets it in the shorts because it's a "he said, she said" oral contract and the dealer knows that weakens Barum's position. (@Matthew Harlowe HRS Cycle Sport also recommends the lien route. Are you sure English Law does not have the mechanic's/workman's lien?)
@archie2archie 2 жыл бұрын
If the job changes substantially, then you send them a new estimate to avoid situations like this.
@papsgarage5127 2 жыл бұрын
I love the story telling. It’s the best part of the video
@stemartin6671 Жыл бұрын
Got a lot of admiration for shops such as yourself, honest and to the point plus top notch work. 👌
@billsheehy1660 2 жыл бұрын
Love the tech bits setting up the "boring", did wonder how you ensured it was all level and centred. Great content. Thanks
@paulwoods7857 2 жыл бұрын
My my, love a good rant, and you never let me down! Learning alot about processes involved in re engineering engines etc, thanks for a great channel!👍👏👏
@fuelrail 2 жыл бұрын
Take all the communication on email or sms, then you never have a problem with how says what... keep up the good work! 🇸🇪
@tam8197 2 жыл бұрын
i worked in the motor trade for 20 years, its full of spiv's and chancer's.
@Antony_Jenner 2 жыл бұрын
Spivs and chancers! I didn't know anyone used those terms anymore. 🤣🤣
@tam8197 2 жыл бұрын
@@Antony_Jenner shush !!! youre giving my age away, lol.
@chrissavage5966 2 жыл бұрын
Always wondered how the setup worked on a boring bar - cheers for that! Kind of bleeding obvious now you explain it :)
@douglastodd1947 2 жыл бұрын
GIVE THEM AN ULTIMATUM , pay the bill or i sell the engine, under no circumstances give them the engine before getting cash in hand,.
@Slim885 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t let that engine go till he’s payed Lee!! , you do a good job hard worker!!
@rayclark44 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck with the dealer. I'm thinking he's not as silly as he said. I've found that most dealers are very smart and some are not very happy until they can knock someone. Thats only my opinion gained from my experience over the yeads so be aware young man. Take care and stay safe 🤞🇬🇧🍀
@wabbatech 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, the key word is “dealer”. Red flag to me when it was mentioned in the video.
@leebox9911 2 жыл бұрын
You try and get some money nock off from a dealer when the shoe is on the other foot!!!!
@damienhornby425 2 жыл бұрын
I love your little rants! It makes me happy to know its not just me that gets these customers 😂
@chrisbennett7039 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting to see your firm doing it's stuff .. Good work
@grahamwalker6395 2 жыл бұрын
All I can suggest (from my own painful experience) if you quote for a job and the customer moves the goal posts, document everything with proof of acknowledgement from the customer. Do not proceed with the job until you are sure that you and the customer are in agreement. If they start to be a problem, walk away from the job.
@daveswarbrick5576 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you Graham, that way no if or buts, all covered and documented.
@clivewilliams3661 2 жыл бұрын
Generally sound advice but is I can presume to modify your last sentence - "......., never be afraid to walk away from the job". If the customer knows that you will be surprised how quickly they become amenable. Those that aren't, comfort yourself that they were never going to be a good customer.
@grahamwalker6395 2 жыл бұрын
@@clivewilliams3661 agreed!
@minzahhh1 Жыл бұрын
Works both ways that... Had a clutch done in a bmw certified workshop because at the time a mate borrowed my jack stands so I couldn't do it myself Got a quote for $900 for new clutch and install in 2 days......well a week later still haven't heard from the guy so called him and he acted like I was bothering him but the problem was he got the wrong throw out so had to wait on a new one so I said yeah fair enough sht happens and waited another 3 days until he called me and said come grab it it's all done I get a lift to the ATM withdraw $1000 expecting the usual extra $100 like they all do and the cheeky fk hits me up for $1700 because of the time spent haha boy did he learn that day real fast I slapped $900 on the desk and said give me my keys before this cost you a few windows haha he gave me my keys pretty fast ....18 year old kid he thought he could scam some money from
@soeren72 Жыл бұрын
And if the customer restarts the project, new quote, get new prices from the piston supplier
@MrFoxxRaven 2 жыл бұрын
Never ever ever process an order without written confirmation, where the terms are clearly set out and the works are clearly defined. Setting yourself up for a nightmare if you take verbal orders.
@hfraat25 2 жыл бұрын
By showing your work it is a document in itself of what going on. Good channel. 👍
@paulnolan1352 2 жыл бұрын
Cheers lee, the road to Engineering excellence is paved with good intent!, you are a great bloke but your gonna have to tighten up with your customers, I love watching you but every time I get a new video come up I think, I wonder what’s happened this time!.
@maljones.8737 2 жыл бұрын
The joy of dealing with the public.
@wookiewookster1214 2 жыл бұрын
Can’t beat your replies, I think you couldn’t of explained it any better, hope the customer pays up, must be nightmare arguing with customers over money 💰
@garyhewitt489 2 жыл бұрын
Oh he gets it alright, it's just a ploy to get some free work done, he will want to negotiate and then bilk you out of about half the extra work. He's in no rush, it's not a customer car so he will play his games.
@petehowlett3966 Жыл бұрын
My first visit here. Was feeling sorry for myself because of the ominous feeling I have been scammed out of an instrument (I build high end ukuleles - niche work like you guys) until 8 minutes and 40 seconds into this video.... I should know better that I'm not the only one with communication issues with clients. Thanks for sharing. It calmed me down a bit.
@sjb59 2 жыл бұрын
This channel fascinates me, I’d love to work on engines but sadly I can’t even assemble a 5 piece Lego model 😂
@padraigblake1462 2 жыл бұрын
Refreshing to see a workshop that does it's best for each customer to give them the best possible engine with the best cost option to suit their requirements and budget, anyone dropping a head or an engine can be confidant of the this good service. That' most likely why Barum Engines are so popular on here and also of course you explain everything so DIY or professionals can understand the process, good luck for the future ..keep it up
@howardgoold5774 2 жыл бұрын
Love your presentation the good and bad of business, had a garage and know just what its like dealing with the general public, not easy.
@frankindustries356 Жыл бұрын
Been doing full automotive restorations for over 10 years. You must follow up any calls when updating quotes with an email confirming. The "can you just..." customer never seems to think about how much they keep adding to their bill.
@markcray5164 2 жыл бұрын
Great analogies Lee, fantastic vid. You're in the right, hope you get your money, you quoted for what you WERE going to do. Good result with the not paying customer from previous video👍🏻
@JohnRolyAU 2 жыл бұрын
I'm well into the engine rebuild on my 68 1275 Cooper S Mini. My engine builder rings me with updates, tells me whats been done, whats needed and I pay the bill. It's easy. Some People are horrible.
@johnboyairey 2 жыл бұрын
he-heee! i love the back-story behind some of the builds .. and the machining info is fantastic too.
@Dinger154 2 жыл бұрын
Always confirm by email everything said in a phone call and when receiving an engine send an email confirming that it is what you expected or not as the case may be. Confirm absolutely everything in writing including extra costs, if you don't them you are leaving yourself wide open for this type of situation. This is a self inflicted injury.
@shnooklefritzer Жыл бұрын
After the final verbal okays you MUST send an email and GET a customer confirmation and payment terms. BEFORE you order or start any work. G_d bless you for being a good honest professional. Wishing you all the very best.
@magmomwise Жыл бұрын
I have worked in the automotive field most of my working career and I found that you really need to document every contact with a customer ( date & time & who & what was discussed and agreed upon at each contact) I found it reduces most issues. Also I always tried to keep discussions to as few people as possible. No process is perfect but what ever it takes to reduce the customer conflict helps. I actually found that I got more repeat customers because they could see we paid attention to the details.
@gertrudebeadle5395 2 жыл бұрын
the ricky gervais of the machine shop !! absolutely love it !! keep it up.
@jamest.5001 2 жыл бұрын
That Friday sounds like it's been Monday , all week long!
@scott_ferguson 2 жыл бұрын
Mate, the customer is at it. Great content 👍
@redchemicalsltd2324 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Lee, Glad your customer paid up...& without a visit, lol. Some excellent solutions being given in the comments to prevent this latest saga repeating itself. At least you still have the engine in your possession, that is a great positive...👍
@richardhartley1705 2 жыл бұрын
Very funny story at end of video did make me chuckle 👍👍
@AndyA1234 2 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between a quote and an estimate. A quote is an agreed fixed price and an estimate is a ballpark figure. I'm from Scotland where the estimate for the parliament building was £40million and ended up costing nearly £400million. You are totally in the right.
@kjbunnyboiler 2 жыл бұрын
Love watching the skimming process, bit like watching grass getting cut as you can see the process👍🤣
@geodun 2 жыл бұрын
It is called scope creep. If the scope creeps more than a little, no matter what the customer agrees verbally, it has to be in writing. A happy customer tells a friend an unhappy customer tells the world.
@classicrestouk 2 жыл бұрын
Always confirm prices and work, and then reconfirm again by email every time the job changes/ more work gets added.
@jeffsmith7864 2 жыл бұрын
Have a good wkend Lee & the lads.
@richardwort6021 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the detailed description of performing a re bore .(ex machinist here)never seen it close up. We always did them on a jig borer (evenings or weekend ,wink wink.) As for the VXR customer and the previous customer, lots of good advice from others on here, sad but I think you'll have to firmer with these chancers/thieves from the start. Good luck ,be safe. Chain the vxr engine down .Please keep the content coming if you can.
@daviesic 2 жыл бұрын
I follow your vlogs, you are too nice & trusting with other people!
@riverflyswatter Жыл бұрын
I feel ya. This world we find ourselves in, I never avoid talking money via text. You have it in writing. For me (carpenter) I want minimum week worth of work and week pay the moment I arrive with my box truck of tools. If they don’t agree. I call the next home owner. I’m 60 and never have an issue with this system. Usually after the first couple days , the customer has additional request and I oblige. First time viewer. Sub/👍🏻
@EvolutionRich Жыл бұрын
I love your comparisons to the gardener and shopping etc! I'm a general builder and used to get this sort of thing all the time. I would get booked in for a custom built wardrobe or something, and then while I was at houses the customers would stack up various wall pictures to put up, IKEA furniture to assemble and any general property maintenance they could find. They would act like they'd booked in a personal butler during the work, with all the 'while you're here' jobs! Then they'd be surprised and horrified that the price had gone up to include all the extras. Some would actually get angry that I'd want anything for my time, they'd say that I was there anyway so what did it matter and just couldn't compute that it had extended the original job by loads. I dealt with it two ways- one I dropped loads of customers and work mainly for regulars and their families who are all good, two, if it does happen then I write an estimate for each extra individual job.
@user-xb2sh7wn8h 2 жыл бұрын
i used to know a guy who had a sign on his desk saying annoying customers should be beaten around the head and body lol. keep up the good work!
@davidjordan8956 2 жыл бұрын
They walk and breathe amongst us. Some people just boil my piss… tell him is options are to pay his bill.. or he’s going to have to bid for it on eBay😂👍 . Have a great weekend guys. I’ll drop in some doughnuts soon👍
@dogpaw775 2 жыл бұрын
don't think they need any more doughnuts. 8/
@davidjordan8956 2 жыл бұрын
@@dogpaw775 😂👍
@danw331 Жыл бұрын
'You've been quoted for a loaf of bread and done a whole shop' 😂
@rodneymounsey4168 Жыл бұрын
If it’s not in writing, it’s just talk! The joys of running a business.
@vauxaholic 2 жыл бұрын
Was in Tesco while listening to this video….bread is £1.20 👍 Love your videos
@DaftFader Жыл бұрын
You always wanna make sure you give a new quote as more things get tacked on. Some people are dumb and think when you say "you're gonna need this" they think it's for free! Always get things in writing, and always update quotes. It's not really your fault, it's his, but to protect yourself in the future, it's wise to do these things. ;)
@MrBigblock427 2 жыл бұрын
We always used to get the go ahead twice, once verbally and an other in writing. By email or tx works well. always get the customer to contact you. And my old boss used to put the definition of the word estimate on top of his paperwork , it worked really well. You have to be firm in your attitude to customers or they'll try it on. i liked the Tesco analogy .
@ServiceProcess 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so laughing at the 'loaf of bread' analogy. Absolutely spot on ... 🤣😂🤣😂
@paullawrence3541 Жыл бұрын
The comments about getting everything in writing are spot on. It would have taken less time than you have spent on the phone arguing with the engine owner.
@Dazza19746 Жыл бұрын
It’s always a learning curve! Keep sending the feckers updated quotes! And keep telling them ‘that will be more… that’s extra….’ No money no engine! I’ve got a job now! I can see a similar situation happening! Think I’ll send an email prior to rocking up to complete!
@richardm9550 Жыл бұрын
Gotta say - Great channel Lee. Without exception, I find your videos absolutely fascinating (I'm an IT geek for my sins), especially where you demystify some of the setting up and machining processes. Spent way too much time watching this when I should be doing other things. Better still, it turns out your just up the road (well 70 miles ish). Would love to come and have a look around sometime. Trouble is, I don't think I would ever leave. Oh bye the by the way; 14:31, you start to sound very much like Steve Merchant🙂.
@midnighttoker8203 2 жыл бұрын
Simply remember the famous phrase, "A verbal contact / agreement isn't worth the paper it is written on"
@santaclause007 Жыл бұрын
You did right. The customer is out of control. He did not listen. No motor without a clear payment.
@davidmoss8993 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not in any sort of business, but would never assume a customer thinks a quote stays the same however much work is done, more than a verbal is needed in the future, every quote in black and white with a time limit and any additional costs incurred, love the channel, oh to be an engine builder 😆
@evo5349 2 жыл бұрын
Oh! The joy's of business.
@tonykruger871 Жыл бұрын
I am an automotive machinist and fitter , worked the trade for over 30 years and seen that scenario quite a few times
@davidpercival4107 2 жыл бұрын
Ha haaaaa best analogy ever “we quoted you for a loaf of bread and you’ve had a full shop” your videos get better this is comedy gold!
@davidc0nian417 Жыл бұрын
Hope you have a good week end
@ronnierobinson1502 2 жыл бұрын
I get just the same customers but in construction ....them 2 are dealers they know the score and acting daft isn't going to help them...just pay the bill, great vids keep em up
@t54760 Жыл бұрын
This hit home on so many points. Thanks for making the video and the gold in the comments sealed the subscription. I'm in a different trade but much of our experiences are similar. For all of the people who are saying get authorization at every change I agree and will move to that sooner than later. However, at the moment for my volume that comes with a cost of time cutting too much into production at this point. For a small shop like mine, I will need to streamline this before proceeding. After being around the block you start to recognize potential problem customers. When that alarm goes off I sometimes will not be able to get to their job in time and will bow out gracefully. Other times I will work it in but I know this customer is coming with a lot of overhead. I hesitate to say this but when I accept these I apply the a$$hole surcharge. This surcharge is applied on top of the base rate. Liked and a new subscriber.
@markellis796 2 жыл бұрын
Always always confirm any verbal agreement with an email, when you're in the small claims court its evidence you need, he could in theory exploit your week position, and some. I once approached a so called gearbox specialist who said something similar to you " yes that's fine just leave it with me.." I pushed him for a price and he just kept saying " I'll sort it out no worries.." I went somewhere else. Great videos though and I like tech stuff!
@Kahnorval Жыл бұрын
😂 I piss myself every time you tell us about your unhappy customer disputes. As frustrating as it must be for you and I feel your pain. It’s also very entertaining. Ps. Remember to bill them for storage fees if it’s not settled within a week. Good luck 👍🏻
@smallbustboy 2 жыл бұрын
The joys of being in business.
@colinnuttall9579 Жыл бұрын
Great video and I feel for you. Personally I’m in major construction and what we do is keep the client updated monthly (although I can see that may need to be weekly or whatever for you). So we keep a spreadsheet going of Variations to the original work. That way all costs are in view regularly, and we also present Potential Variations, so any potential costs an be kept under the clients nose regularly. The client is then always aware of costs or potential costs and it’s in writing, with a track record. Down the track, it becomes impossible for the client to claim he had no idea … This spreadsheet system can be found free of charge on internet or you can easily build your own. It’s only a list of work, parts and auto totalling costs. All parties get regular updates and it should help you resolve issues like this in future. Also, immediately confirm your phone discussions and anything you agreed by follow up email. It’s just a quick note and you have a written copy rather than just a voice phone discussion. You could also consider video phone discussions with copies for all participants. But make sure they know it’s being recorded. You know the drill, ‘ this video call is being recorded for training purposes…’ The point being, you keep a copy of the discussion. Hope that helps you. Keep up the good work. Australia
@clivewilliams3661 2 жыл бұрын
The irony in all this is that I have dealt with many clients that are engineers, own engineering companies (all sorts) or are engineers working for clients, and almost without fail they all start off agreeing a detailed quote and then get upset when extras are quoted, often protesting that they expected it all within the same price! This happens much less with other clients. Car dealers are a known entity and are treated accordingly.
@charlesjackman143 2 жыл бұрын
"Car dealers are a known entity and are treated accordingly." 🤣
@keith0alan 2 жыл бұрын
Where I used to work we had little note pads called AVOs. This stood for Avoid Verbal Orders. Any change request was documented.
@StonyG85 2 жыл бұрын
This 1 made me smile I thought I was the only 1 who dealt with people like that
@zvakanaka2000 2 жыл бұрын
"Verba volant, scripta manent." (words fly away, writings remain)
@brianholcomb6499 Жыл бұрын
Lee also on those badly warped heads, Denny Soltis on you tube does a complete video of how to straighten them! It's not as big of a deal as you think! Weve been doing it for many years the same way! It works & is worth a watch! Especially if you have never done one!
@gailtaylor1636 2 жыл бұрын
Have customer pay for the parts before ordering especially if you can't return them. When I had my shop, always got at least 50% down. Made it so I at least didn't owe the parts house any money if something got funky. Only had one guy that couldn't pick-up his vehicle when it was completed. Took him several months to pay off the bill. Car stayed with me until it was fully paid.
@ainsleyhenderson4228 Жыл бұрын
As Engineers and mechanics,life is better without customer imput as they have generally no idea what it takes to do a job,just a misconceived idea or a mate said,who incidentally is a can stacker it just needs this mate and its sound,yourself as an educated professional in your feild haven't a clue,and pick numbers from the sky.Bloody thankless mate,I've seen heard the lot at 62,but still chuckle,Another do it for sod all crew,Worlds full of them.Usualy end in court and your still out of pocket,great craft,just the customers let it down.Great vids.Good luck.
@harpersisland Жыл бұрын
I would say you do the work as estimated and as further work in excess needs to be added you resubmit the estimate for approval or the job stops and the customer comes to pick it up. In spite of the headache for you, it does make good content for us.
@m4d_mark_xtr3me79 Жыл бұрын
@14:36 💯 buddy, bang on the money there 👍. I build my own guitars and I get customers doing the exact same thing. Get it in writing is what I always do. You can provide an estimate, but any work you do, have a greed on etc etc get the customer to sign it off and then it's in black and white and ready for the main bill... Can't tell you the no. Times I have had the same issue...
@conjohn760 2 жыл бұрын
Love a supermarket analogy, them very engines are complete money pits were no good in the vectras 20 years ago and yet that engine is still around and yeah you’ve got to price update as you go along cause a lot of people don’t understand the costs and the fact you can get something at one price and a month later could double like fuel and electricity etc
@eddiehansen6865 Жыл бұрын
I worked at a repair shop years ago and a women came in with a blown head gasket. Back story, she had came in a year before with the same problem( before I worked there). She never paid for the first repair and then a year later claimed that the shop was responsible because the shop screwed up. The car was fixed again, but she couldn't get her car back until both bills were paid. She eventually paid. Some people never pay attention to the gauges.
@Skycrowe666 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is a lesson to keep the customer aware of any extra costs while the job is on going.
@SkylarkCamperAdventures 2 жыл бұрын
Lesson to be learnt, don’t start work until you get a confirmation of total cost and estimate originally given should have only been valid for about 30 days.
@5rgs17 2 жыл бұрын
When you give someone a quote do you have a validity date? This can then be 'backed off' to suppliers for major items so when they quote you a price it is valid for the same time period. You can set this up with your suppliers as the norm when dealing with them. 2 months is what I would suggest. Loved the boring bar setup. Have a great weekend.
@davidmclean6178 2 жыл бұрын
I have always been told when getting an estimate that it's only good for a limited time & it's written on the bottom of the estimate. Some places it's a month, others it's only 2 weeks & comes with the explanation that parts prices are subject to change. I'm in Canada so I don't know how it goes for you Lee but good luck with this one & have a great weekend!
@lenbaddeley957 2 жыл бұрын
I often see you reface blocks and cylinder heads, do you correct the compression ratio and valve clearance when you finish the job? Back, when I was a mechanic/engineer. Hillman Imps, use to have problems with blown head gaskets. Some, workshops, just removed the head and had it skimmed, others would have both the block and head skimmed. But very few ever checked the compression ratio and corrected it, the result, pinking and blown head gaskets. The Routes Group, modified block casting, doing away with the curve round the cylinder liners to a straight edge, this went so way to curing the head gasket problem. Tuned engine were fitted with Wills rings on top of the bore, that did in most cases cure blow head gaskets. So the question is, do you check the piston valve clearance and compression ratio, and correct it after machining? Len, retired mechanic/engineer.
@jaycromartie4591 Жыл бұрын
Signed “ Work Orders”. That is the only way to keep your customers honest. 25 years experience here. They can’t dispute their own signature. Good Luck.
@oakwoods55 2 жыл бұрын
Dealer knows exactly what he’s doing. Dealt with car traders for years, never want to pay for anything. All about £ to them.
@dc6233 Жыл бұрын
Yup - "But you said 1000 quid sir, what happened??!!"...
@davidbillyard6629 Жыл бұрын
They are a different breed, normally.
@ChrisJones555. Жыл бұрын
Honestly I worked for a Evans Halshaw dealer. Every second hand car that was sold, was looked over by us in the workshop we had no questions asked £500 to put it right I'd it needed more you just had to ask they always said yes 9/10 times they wouldn't need much if anything at all glad we mostly sold new cars. That's going back to 2007. I do however agree most traders are tighter than a ducks arse and that's water tight.
@paulbateman3001 2 жыл бұрын
I hate giving a price for work to some people as like you thy say yes to a load of extras and then sulk when they get the bill good luck with that one and keep up the good work cheers Paul
@joshua_J Жыл бұрын
I can't believe the antique machinery you are using to cut cylinder bores. I have always used a CNC with incredible results. I can't imagine using that boring machine on a lawn mower engine.
@crankshaft007 Жыл бұрын
What I have learned is money upfront when sketchy people, every change and extra cost more money needed. Shows you exactly what the person your dealing with
@DudesIn101 Жыл бұрын
He's trying to get something for nothing,you know know what your worth,what you've done and how you've done it...don't let some idiot tell you that your not worth your work..Because you are,that's why you do what you do,Don't get Scammed man....great vid
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