Why Learning Hillbilly Has Been Miserable for Me - Dead by Daylight

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Scott Jund

Scott Jund

5 ай бұрын

indoor maps / map offerings continuing to ruin everything.
/ scottjund

Пікірлер: 468
@AZHYMOVS 5 ай бұрын
maps are 100% the biggest issue with dbd as a whole, from size, layouts, collision, rng, and more equally map balancing is probably one of the hardest things to get right too so it's tough
@MamaBearKS 5 ай бұрын
Fully agree, I love the innovation with maps sometimes but if I had to chose between uniforming the maps to an extent versus what we have now with the wide variety of stinkers lumped in with okay maps... I'd have to choose the former
@tolland4433 5 ай бұрын
Spot on. This is partly why I stopped playing the game for a while. It looks to be a bit better now as some of the maps have been made smaller but doesn't address map dependant killers at all. I don't even agree that it's that hard to get right though, I think the developers just don't see it as a big issue.
@spiritupgrades 5 ай бұрын
Zip It Lerrys is the best map
@BasementDweller_ 5 ай бұрын
Crossover comment moment.
@memeavengerinnit69000 5 ай бұрын
Hey azhy didn’t expect you here how’s it going ❤
@Ghost_4730 5 ай бұрын
Maps really do hold back a lot killers. Not just in how it restricts their power, but it prevents new players from actually trying the killers
@Joeysworldtour315 5 ай бұрын
This always happens in a GAAS game
@-rascuszenith-301 5 ай бұрын
A simple fix would be making it so only killers can use map offerings. Then, more builds could be used.
@kevincluster1451 5 ай бұрын
Bad idea killers can ruin survivor games with map offerings also. Personally I'd say get rid of map offerings and maybe look into map rotations I liked them in splatoon.
@moldyshoes7872 5 ай бұрын
@@-rascuszenith-301 this would literally be so broken 😂
@spiritupgrades 5 ай бұрын
Zip it lerrys is the best map
@ghostcatboy77 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad this MASSIVE problem is getting some attention. Alot of killers performance heavily rely on what map they spawn in which really fucking sucks
@ike5276 5 ай бұрын
Getting attention because if irrelevant Scott? Nah it’s always been known but it won’t ever be fixed
@ScottJund 5 ай бұрын
@@ike5276 holy gigachad
@Xbob42 5 ай бұрын
@@ike5276 Irrelevant Scott is only for event streams, this is Competitive Scott. I'm still waiting for Racist Grandpa Bubba Scott to return.
@climaxtermalhadevin8000 5 ай бұрын
@Sapreme 5 ай бұрын
@@Xbob42 wtf i subscribe
@endoxos5402 5 ай бұрын
I'm not kidding, I played Billy for 10 games straight, I got borgo, Larry's, nostromo, toba, and then survivors burned rpd twice and then Gideons. I will never understand why clutter has become such a popular map design for BHVR
@yanyan_r1 5 ай бұрын
Even in Autohaven, want to sprint? Nope there’s a single 1x1 pixel lawn chair in the open for some reason
@WutTheDeuceGaming 5 ай бұрын
The clutter is just a result of them putting things on a map to make it look better imo
@one_vegan_boi1097 5 ай бұрын
Clutter was added when killers like GF or Myers struggled on open maps and survivors struggled on open maps against killers like Huntress and Nurse.
@jakonfire 5 ай бұрын
@@one_vegan_boi1097add more cars or something there’s no reason why I’m tripping over fuckin lawn chairs cuz people don’t know how to loop 😭🤣
@mikaylacaldwell4452 5 ай бұрын
Clutter and terrible tiles. It’s a shame
@salvatore2004 5 ай бұрын
Behaviour should do similar with what they did for the alien's map, a portion of it is indoors and the rest outdoors. That way certain killers who rely on openness and who struggles on indoor maps at least have a section thats better for them
@FredCyber 5 ай бұрын
like badham or haddonfield?
@mikaylacaldwell4452 5 ай бұрын
No… no more nostromos please I beg (I like the idea but hate the clutter of nostromo)
@salvatore2004 5 ай бұрын
@@FredCyber neither, I was thinking a castle map, half the map is a run down castle and the other half is the courtyard 😊😌
@salvatore2004 5 ай бұрын
@@mikaylacaldwell4452 what do you mean clutter of nostromo
@Katana314 5 ай бұрын
Trying to imagine a version of Lery's where a portion of the hospital has collapsed and is one big open area, and it's combined with a big front fenced off courtyard area. RPD theoretically does that with a tiny outdoor bit, but I'm wondering how they could expand that, or even just find ways of making the indoor areas of the map "feel" more open. If, for instance, they could remove obstacles and generators from the main lobby room somehow, make it a "travel" space rather than a destination, that might do it.
@StRonberry 5 ай бұрын
You never actually notice how much shit is in the way in maps until you play Billy, Huntress, Trickster, and Slinger.
@noscrubsm 5 ай бұрын
and still you can throw a hatchet through a 2cm hole in shack, DBD's collision logic is weird
@Ben_of_Milam_Music 5 ай бұрын
@@noscrubsm yep, some holes you can shoot through as Slinger are small like the yellow chicken wire on Giddeon's or the holes on the horse trailers on farm maps, but for some reason certain large holes like the broken panes of glass on the main building of Groaning Storehouse completely block your shot. There is no logic lol
@donjoncraig6804 5 ай бұрын
when i started learning billy, i changed as a person and learned to not take everything so seriously because otherwise you're gonna have a miserable time with him. Definitely my favourite killer. (P.S. I was on controller haha you cant imagine how many times ive been juked or spun and lost the game)
@Doncroft1 5 ай бұрын
It's not so much about not taking things seriously and more about wanting to use Billy's cool power and the map not allowing it. Larry's power is the same way. Really does not work on some indoor maps. Or Dredge if he gets bad locker RNG. It's just bad design to have this sharp of map dependency.
@doin10hitcombos 5 ай бұрын
Yea it sucks when I can't play Larry definitely my favourite killer ​@@Doncroft1
@allusionari 5 ай бұрын
@@doin10hitcombos the single larry
@Brisingr73 5 ай бұрын
​@@allusionari Not everyone knows DBD's lore lol
@allusionari 5 ай бұрын
@@Brisingr73 ? not a lore joke? "single larry" aka "singularity"
@Musical_Moose 5 ай бұрын
Average nurse main origin story. . .
@imhoenn5710 5 ай бұрын
Most the maps that are bad for Billy are also bad for Nurse as well because of all the clutter. So going to Nurse won't save them.
@Arentings 5 ай бұрын
@@imhoenn5710nurse is viable on nearly any map regardless of clutter
@one_vegan_boi1097 5 ай бұрын
@@imhoenn5710 There is no bad map for Nurse, that's kinda her thing.
@dirky1185 5 ай бұрын
lery's isn't good for nurse at all. ​@@one_vegan_boi1097
@technicallypsycho5370 5 ай бұрын
​@@one_vegan_boi1097 Lerys is quite bad for nurse, god forbid your against a good swf too.
@brianurbina9630 5 ай бұрын
Says he only gets indoor maps. Shows footage of him playing outdoors Vile scott
@OVERKILLA73691 5 ай бұрын
thats the only gameplay he has from his stream 🤣
@artemyburakh12 5 ай бұрын
As a hillbilly main myself, i know this feeling really well, so let me give few advices. The first thing is, start using two boots addons (or at least one). Mock me or not, Lery's is actually kinda bearable when you have these addons. More than that, it becomes pretty fun when you try to learn the most effective pathways (corners of the map are the most obvious ones but not only). As for RPD, I can only recommend you to look at the bright side of things: this map has a lot of dead zones against Billy. This pallet gym in the middle is pretty decent to play around when it's dropped, and the hallway on the top side is a place where i catch many survivors because they don't understand how easily Billy can catch up. So here the middle is your best friend (the path outside is also great). Can't say much about Hawkins, i haven't played it for quite a while. Maybe i can say, don't destroy pallets so often. Many unsafe pallets become practically free downs if survivors decide to vault back and forth, Billy is very good at catching those. And Hawkins has a lot of unsafe pallets so don't be eager to break those. And in general, don't turn on autopilot of destroying every pallet being dropped. Play around, learn which ones can and cannot be played around (many can, even safe ones, just requires some patience) Are there any other indoor maps? I can't remember any. Anyways good luck mister Scott! Once you understand best parts about every map when it comes to Billy it will get much much better Overall, try to become more focused on what you *can* change rather than what you can't, such as rng giving you RPD. I know it sucks but try to embrace the mindset of "if i get three downs, i win so let's search for a way to do it with my power"
@artemyburakh12 5 ай бұрын
Ah yes, there is also meatplant, forgot about it. Upstairs is your best friend as it's more open. Also the bathroom is pretty damn good to defend. Find the pathway that allows you to chainsaw from afar right to the doorstep, this way survivors won't have time to run away and you'll get a down or two as there is no other way out. You can say it's too specific but it really does give me a down almost every match. Also same thing as for Hawkins, try to play around dropped pallets. Billy is very good at it, he makes even safe pallets highly unsafe
@thedoomslayer5863 5 ай бұрын
@artemyburakh12 5 ай бұрын
@@thedoomslayer5863 thanks for reminding, Nostromo is actually the worst map for Billy (for me at least). I hate it much more than Game and RPD, much much more. As I said, those naps have some things going for you If you search a little. Nostromo doesn't seem to have any because no matter where you are you'll have a lot of restraints for your chainsaw
@SweetLeavesXbox1 5 ай бұрын
This is a Billy main that don't cry about the hand he's delt and continues on with the trial. Highly respect that. Always tell people to take initiative in their gameplay and get better over time. People can't do that when they DC due to the map. I get it sucks being on a map that effects the killers power, considerably. Life isn't fair, and winning with the odds against you feels more satisfying.
@artemyburakh12 5 ай бұрын
@@SweetLeavesXbox1 fully agree with that! That's precisely why I play Billy, because he's so hard and every win feels like an actual victory. I hate meta builds and such stuff because it feels like a cheap victory. I mainly use info and chase perks because only skill and initiative can allow me to take advantage of them unlike pop that you need no brain to use (almost but still)
@betagamer35 5 ай бұрын
Fun fact. hawkins is the only map without an added match start sound effect.
@irisanuwu6113 5 ай бұрын
youre definitely right about survivors burning far more indoor map offerings than usual. the amount of rpd offerings ive been getting is ridiculous
@boveh5323 5 ай бұрын
I feel like I lose by default as soon as I hear the first nurse screech lol
@jjrulez1596 5 ай бұрын
you forgot the context of you're playing killer here XD, jkjk, but I feel that, sometimes playing as nurse it's just, not fun cause as soon as I blink it seems 1-2 people run to me and sit still, 1 is basically brand new, and then 1 gets caught out and I inadvertently tunnel them. honestly happens with a lot of killers that someone ends it on hook, like, if I wanna play to have fun, my roster is just m1 killers, which aren't as fun as any of them with an interesting power.
@ZeFluffyKnight 5 ай бұрын
The idea of trying to avoid Billy is hilarious to me, "Oh boy I hope I get another Nurse main!"
@nathangothan601 5 ай бұрын
It’s the only counter to hillbilly at this point, he’s too strong with basically no cooldown for missing with his chainsaw.
@misteral9045 5 ай бұрын
That's fair, for all of the legitimate complaints about playing Hillbilly, instasaws are back and you don't even really need add ons this time, which is completely unfair for survivors and was the original complaint people had with Hillbilly. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
@nathangothan601 5 ай бұрын
@@misteral9045 I used to love playing against Billy because it was rewarding to dodge his chainsaw, and the good Billy players were still very lethal. Now it’s any Tom dick and harry can pick him and be pretty good, and no reward for dodging the saw.
@MasterJim87 5 ай бұрын
Yeah this is why my friend started to use RPD/Learys when he went vs no CD billy's 5 times in a row.
@JudojugsVtuber 5 ай бұрын
when they use the recharge add-ons (or even just one of them) it's basically "use saw to close distance. If they don't have a pallet within 10 meters you saw them again with a backrev." rinse repeat the entire game. There's no more billies going for curves or cross map snipes. It's all just backrev and using the saw to close distance so you can do so.
@thedoomslayer5863 5 ай бұрын
Funny, people have been asking for billy to be buffed for years and now you kids cry hes op. Guess we can't have nice things. Hopefully BHVR doesn't listen to you miserable lot.
@adrianmalinowski1073 5 ай бұрын
I can't agree with you on this one. I've been playing a lot of Billy before his nerf and no indoor map was ever an issue. Lery's? You can chainsaw through the whole length of map in eany direction on outwards halls. Midwich is the same. Hawkins? There are multiple loops there you can curve around. And all of indoor maps are actually quite decent, because it takes 1 silly mistake to get bodyblocked into a chainsaw. So yeah, just because you can't curve around every single tile on closed maps it doesn't mean he is unplayable. Threat of instadown more than makes up for it. Go with stealth perks if all you are getting is indoor maps.
@alro-jp2ss 5 ай бұрын
But thats the point, it is not about winning, is about using your power in a skilfull way, which you really cant on an indoor map, particulary if you are learning him. Id say midwich is one of best billys maps, but that doesnt make it fun, or skilfull.
@noscrubsm 5 ай бұрын
What's the point of playing Hillbilly if you cant use his chainsaw for high mobility? Bubba already exists
@WutTheDeuceGaming 5 ай бұрын
he said it was frustrating, not unplayable.
@thedoomslayer5863 5 ай бұрын
@noscrubsm 5 ай бұрын
@@thedoomslayer5863 Nostromo is the worst. Most objects you cant bump as blight but you will bump in everything if you play Billy, doesnt make sense
@ScumlordIndy 5 ай бұрын
Maps are why I don't main Dredge anymore. I love dredge, he's super fun for me. But when it's nonstop cold wind, or asylum, or even some of the new Autohaven, the locker spawns become painful. And on some maps even your remnant becomes useless. Its a huge part of why M1 killers feel so bad most of the time. If you get a map that's even as big as say, Disturbed Ward, it just becomes impossible not to bleed gens due to size alone. Yet if you keep making maps smaller, killers like Nurse, Blight and Chucky keep becoming more and more powerful. Map design is one of DBDs biggest flaws, if not the biggest.
@yanyan_r1 5 ай бұрын
This is too real, i want to teleport to a gen but can’t because the closest locker is 30 meters away, then the gen gets done or everyone runs away by the time you get there.
@ScumlordIndy 5 ай бұрын
@@yanyan_r1 It doesn't help that dredge is also the world's loudest vacuum cleaner with that loud ass DIRECTIONAL sucking sound he makes within 24m of a survivor. Makes it so hard to mind game on him, and just impossible against good teams.
@nvct2238 5 ай бұрын
killers being map dependent is actually a huge issue
@Some_Idiot_Online 5 ай бұрын
dredge be like:
@brandonpineda759 5 ай бұрын
Skill issue
@Some_Idiot_Online 5 ай бұрын
@@brandonpineda759 OBJECTION! with sbmm in play all matches should be BALANCED. that is the INTENTION. sooner or later every player will hit a wall where they cannot perform well. this means either EVERYONE has a skill issue or NO ONE DOES. this term comes from dark souls where the challenge in single player games is CONSISTENT and getting good is something that can be done to overcome a challenge. online play is INCONSISTENT. YOU SIR, ARE A FOOL.
@Idontknowwhat2type 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think it is. We don’t want people to feel like the lose by default but there needs to be maps that are good for some people and not for others. Otherwise it will be the same map every time. There needs to be some imbalance. It’s what makes matchups that seem hopeless have a chance and vice versa. IMO from games I’ve gone through this seems to help them survive longer.
@Some_Idiot_Online 5 ай бұрын
@@Idontknowwhat2type this comment fuels me, inspires me to just hit the DC button when i hate the map. thank you. joking aside, maps do have problems. some have endless god windows/pallets and this only usually punishes m1 killers that need buffed desperately. i find being chased by m1 fun so i don't like the idea every killer has to have a huntress hatchet and just hit me while dropping a pallet in order for the map to be "balanced". orbitals are cool and drift billy is cool. so people will hate their maps respectively especially when they arent a nurse blight huntress ect that can solemn judgment a pallet.
@ItsIndi01 5 ай бұрын
seems like this is the time to binge Ghost Face
@dudeiii2069 5 ай бұрын
Funny thing is even as survivor i hate getting indoor maps, playing on The Game feels so brain dead sometimes, im just running one god pallet to another. Plus. Many indoors isn’t even survivor sided, it just sucks to play as either survivor or killer in these maps.
@Eggcellent_One 5 ай бұрын
Pre buff hillbilly here, 73 games on indoor maps in a row. Not kidding. It was so unbelieveably frustrating to use a very tough killer on his literal worst maps over and over against fairly good to great survivors over and over. Legitimate torture.
@Coulroperation 5 ай бұрын
The two times I've tried Singularity I've gotten Lery's.
@mythmage8231 5 ай бұрын
Yes, suffer as I have, whenever I decide I want to play Ghost Face and every game is a fucking corn map
@BlackGamingCat 5 ай бұрын
I have the exact same issue right now. Every game I don't bring sacrificial ward, survivors bring an indoor map offering. And everytime I bring a sacrificial ward, survivors for some reason bring a nice outdoor map offering, but I get randomly sent to an indoor map. I have to add that I was a billy main before he was strong, that makes me very cool.
@Stoneher 5 ай бұрын
ill say that playing survivor recently, I have gotten an increased number in billy's. But I wouldn't say I get too many billy's or that im tired of them
@kallekehveli 5 ай бұрын
yeah theres gonna be more of him and deathslinger since they have archive missions now. had many of them today
@mitchsz 5 ай бұрын
I honestly just gave up and started to bring maps myself so at least it's a 50/50 between two map offerings. If you can't defeat them, join them!
@WutTheDeuceGaming 5 ай бұрын
it's not actually a 50/50 though. I've seen people use maps in consecutive matches, only for ONE survivor offering to beat it out each time.
@Qwerty-js3xi 5 ай бұрын
I think survivors are bringing indoor maps mostly because of the blight. But still, it feels like shit.
@Hatecrewdethrol 5 ай бұрын
Ok it's not just me. Even just playing a custom game with bots to fuck around and 1/3 the time it's RPD/Hawkins like wtf is going on
@EternalAsphyxia 5 ай бұрын
“There’s some requirement to have fun” Well.. isn’t that the case with every Killer in the game? You have to bring SOMETHING to make the Killer more enjoyable.
@Afrochilla 5 ай бұрын
I really am a glass half full guy. I have 4k hours and 7 years of dbd experience. There's a lot to love about the game, but tbh it's just getting really hard to support BHVR. Their balance team is clearly a mess, and they make decisions that constantly fan the flames of a community that's tbh gotten progressively more toxic to be around. Poor Momoseventh got doxxed just for winning too many games for christ's sake. It's sad because dbd is really a special and unique game but BHVR just does a very bad job at listening to the sane people and top tier players in the community. I finally realized that it's probably for the better to just let the game fizzle out and do other things yk. You only live once after all, and I don't intend to wait YEARS for more desperately needed QoL and balance changes (solo q, suicides, busted items and addons on both sides). If you want a multiplayer horror game with devs and a community that actually listens, Phasmophobia is $14 on steam lol. Stop settling.
@misteral9045 5 ай бұрын
Haha as a lurker in the community, because my computer was too bad, I've been watching the community for years now, and I absolutely agree with "stop settling." This game is trash, but that's ok you can still have fun with trashy games, but on top of that Behavior treats its audience like trash. The community is really toxic, the recent survivor challenge between Otz, Hens, Aryun, and Jmac is a great example. The only fun that was had was forced, and at the expense of the players personally. Look at the comments, look at the content creator's responses. So much gas. Don't settle.
@TheGoldenBoo 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I had this exact same feeling before, during, and now (finally) *after* his overheat nerf.
@middox239 5 ай бұрын
The first Game i ever Had with singularity and alien was lerrys, and i immediately DC'd those games
@nathangothan601 5 ай бұрын
Sounds like a skill issue tbh
@terrypennington2519 5 ай бұрын
Singularity I get but, why Alien? If a survivor tries to vault a window then that's a free m2 with Alien
@mckookie2967 5 ай бұрын
yeah Alien has no bad maps if you're good lol ​@@terrypennington2519
@1q2w3e4r5t6yx 5 ай бұрын
If Scott's sinuses were a killer then every survivor would instantly DC. The match would be too expensive for the survivors to get the meds to counter his sinsuses. Knight & Skull merchant: "We are the ultimate DC killers! Scott's sinuses: "Hold my nose strip!"
@irisanuwu6113 5 ай бұрын
by the way if you ever want a "free" sacrifical ward you may just alt f4 out of dbd on that offering or loading screens and not be hit with a dc penalty. it sucks having to do that but its quicker than however long it would take you to play through that map in its entirety
@herpingtonmcderpingus1794 5 ай бұрын
This is my problem with demo and nemi, not just the maps but the loops themselves are hostile to killers because they add so much stuff everywhere. All I want when I'm plating demo is a straight loop with straight walls, not the world's most random tire to absorb every single shred I attempt.
@lolohnah 5 ай бұрын
Those are like two of the least map dependent killers you could have brought up but I understand
@always_a_failure_ 5 ай бұрын
I wish Billy’s power allowed you to switch to ghostface and fly while throwing hatches
@Sasquatchseattle 5 ай бұрын
I wonder how a system that makes each killer get a unique map pool (say, blight oni and hillbilly have a 80% chance to force outdoor maps, while stealth killers have similar for indoors) would influence things. Would you then have offerings to alter which map pool killer side? Or do it like competitve and have a hand picked pool
@fabiopauli420 5 ай бұрын
Killers should have the ability to ban certain maps by default. Without the use of offerings. If a survivor wants to use an offering for a banned map just refund it or smth.
@ImGlassy 5 ай бұрын
Sadly even on some of the outdoor maps the collisions and hitboxes are so tragic it still sucks to play
@derpudeldestodes4614 5 ай бұрын
Excited to see how you manage to bring that one tweet into a 5 minute video
@skerpi4068 5 ай бұрын
Map advantage is something not talked enough when it comes to playing dbd. It can break any killer, no matter how good you are.
@terrypennington2519 5 ай бұрын
Not talked about enough? Brother where have you been people have been griping about the game's shitty maps for years 😂
@NativeMadness 5 ай бұрын
I think insta saw and miss cooldown is unbalanced. You basically cant get away from hillbilly. I played against a nurse and a blight and ive never been more happy in my life. I wish more killers were played more often and I think thats why survivors are frustrated with hillbilly.
@not_zaknefarious 5 ай бұрын
The inevitable conclusion to every short term 'sugar rush' we get from shallow content drops, that when something substantial and fun happens, it's even more noticeable how shallow it mostly is.
@GreatestMKfighter 5 ай бұрын
I've been running Deathslinger for the tome/rift stuff. I promise you, three times in a row, I've gotten Crotus Penn. Twice as RNG and once as an offering. It's getting to a point where I want to place the console in my car passenger seat, pull up to the nearest ocean, and slap a brick onto the pedal and watch it careen into the fucking water.
@zachsmith4473 5 ай бұрын
Honostly we need a map purge, keep a handful and just restart with a different design team
@futuristiclobster9930 5 ай бұрын
I was really proud of my 3 or 4 chainsaw hits in a game where the squad were very altruistic. This was in Lery's which felt bad but at least it wasn't an offering.
@ssspike1696 5 ай бұрын
The Game, RPD, some places in Larrys, and Midwich have curvable tiles and areas you can get long chainsaw sprints like the entire upstairs in the game, the hallways of mid, the outside areas/ main of rpd, and on Larrys the perimeters of the map a very open and you can take them up and down the map. Alternatively, there are long stretches of door ways in larrys as well that you can take to get around. It does get pretty annoying only getting indoor maps and honestly the only two maps I would insta dc on are Haddonfield and Hawkins. Those two maps can suck my 🐔. But I wouldn't give up, billys the strongest he's been in a long time and these changes really take like 70% of the frustration away from playing him, I would know because I have played this killer for years and through all the changes.
@thedoomslayer5863 5 ай бұрын
@MrRivech 5 ай бұрын
I decided to try Billy and do the tome challenge and my first game was Lerrys. Its hilariously demoralizing
@noahcollins1211 5 ай бұрын
I've never really played billy but I've been playing him to do the challenges and I've been having so much fun and doing insane it's very refreshing after getting absolutely whooped in my other killer games. However I also have noticed I've gotten a shit ton of indoor maps also but I'm still having fun surprisingly
@rileyp1506 5 ай бұрын
I feel you, I've only gotten Crows and Badham, 2 maps with horrible map hitboxes that you clip 24/7
@TheRealStraw 5 ай бұрын
Nah. This shit happens to me when I play huntress. Dbd will be so kind as to let me warm up with several indoor maps. Then, when it's not dbd, it's offerings. Or the cluttered outdoor maps.
@skincells69420 5 ай бұрын
dead by daylight slowly burning away at players mental until you don't want to play it is the sad reason I just stopped playing it. I sometimes just boot it up and play one game just to realise "this is why I don't play anymore" its a shame but what can I do. I respect Scott for somehow not being burnt out and am kind of jealous but so is life right?
@Namelessstew 5 ай бұрын
He is most definitely burnt out of dbd. He probably dislikes playing dbd a lot. But that's what makes him money so he doesn't think he can play other games and keep the same income. Even otz is burnt out of dbd, so I'm damn sure Scott is.
@gavinblue3534 5 ай бұрын
given that glasses scott in b-roll footage is wearing the same sweater as non-glasses scott in main frame im starting to think that glasses scott and non-glasses scott are the same person
@Grey_Skies 5 ай бұрын
I played a couple games today and the ONLY game that was indoors (Hawkins) I went against a Billy. RIP.
@TheLogicalBeast 5 ай бұрын
You are not wrong Scott, I love my RPD map being an RE fan but it was night and day difference hitting saws in that vs hitting saws in Ormond. Maps can also ruin survivors if it makes you feel any better :P whenever I see a deadzone instead of a pallet in a Macmil map it's just miserable. The original maps made sense but the variations just ruin it tbh.
@slumberslushie 5 ай бұрын
i think it's worse too because i'm fairly certain there's a system in place for MMR where if you're doing too well, it'll put you on a map that the game knows you're not good on with the killer you're playing to try and reel you back. So if you suck at playing Billy or Bubba on Lery's or Hawkins, it'll force you to go there when it decides it hates you. it's why i've stopped playing speed and range killers because i always get RPD so i can't use my power on those maps, I just decided to become a clown main lmao
@purplepeople3960 5 ай бұрын
This has been the way I've been feeling in the game for a while now. I know some of it is bias because i don't like the indoor maps, but i do consistently play on indoor maps all the time. It just limits what killers you can play and have fun with, and mostly just ruins my games
@piestery4005 5 ай бұрын
Indoor maps have alot more loops with little collision you can hug really tight rpd, midwitch, and the game all have a few they can be enjoyable but still annoying overall being indoors. I've been running drifting billy alot and it's so much fun with the new collision you can get some really sweet hits now
@hock3n 5 ай бұрын
Actually, Haddonfield might be one of the tolerable ones, like Midwich. Because of the collision decrease buff you can actually squeze through a lot of doorframes as Billy and get some cheeky saws here and there. Because of that buff, you can easily sprint to the second floor of every building to surprise survivors and get a hit or saw. Also, there are many "butter like" textures on this map, so even cruising around isnt that bad. Overall: tolerable, once you learn your options
@Comvic 5 ай бұрын
I am glad i am not the only one getting all these indoor maps. Whether being sent to or otherwise. And i been playing billy for years and its still so awful 😭
@shuroaya 5 ай бұрын
On the flip side as survivor with the exception of a Haddonfield offering once, I've gotten all the most open outdoor maps against Billy. With the least amount of pallets possible too. The Rng of DBD really does hate me lol
@lilithkitsune7152 5 ай бұрын
Over half of my matches I get a survivor bringing a map offering, and usually it's either GoJ, Eerie, or badham, and as a bubba main who plays for chases, GoJ is unplayable because of the collision issues, Eerie is borderline the same issue, and Badham is just a miserably survivor sided map. I've used up all of my sacrificial wards and maps offerings that wouldn't just send me to an equally shit map. I knew someone who had 1000 of each offering because of having an injected account, and I can't help but think that's why there seems to be some survivors who just infinitely go to maps that favour them. I wish they would remove map offerings already.
@neiiko5712 5 ай бұрын
Someone told me indoor maps are being pushed this month so I’d suggest bringing map offerings. I faced a Billy on borgo for example and it’s impossible to win as survivor against billy. The chainsaw charge time buff really shines when there’s no good tiles or at dead ones and the whole map is basically one dead zone (aside from like 5 tiles that aren’t)
@fragant47 5 ай бұрын
Honestly at this point I wanna see indoor and outdoor maps as separate queues with different killers that are better suited to each type of map, or something like this. Even just the ability to turn off indoor maps tbh, as unrealistic that both of these ideas are
@Xbob42 5 ай бұрын
Sounds like a great time to play Nurse!
@MalevolentAB 5 ай бұрын
its the movement killer curse, happens to me all the time when i play billy and blight
@MeowBanti 5 ай бұрын
There’s still a lot to practice on indoors maps, lots of curves. If you keep playing to win every match you’re gonna get frustrated and burn out. I’ve been using nothing but saw only for the past couple days and been having a blast even if the map sucks.
@xyp1n 5 ай бұрын
Well, scott i have been on your streams watching you play billy and it is true ur getting indoor maps a lot, but on each indoor map (besides lerys) you have to have a game plan. Getting the horse out of the room lerys is by far the worst in door map for billy, as its only got good paths on the outskirts and the main hallway going past the library, so this is actually a map where you just have to backrev most of the time. Now onto the game, the game is a unique map with its lot of safe pallets but what makes these safe pallets playable as billy is the ability to curve cut off and zone survivors with the chainsaw from the rest of the map, the saw is feared by the survivors much more than you think and they will sometimes zone themselves in order to not get one shot leaving you with a pretty easy backrev, as with the tiles themselves most of them are rectangular and thus easily curvable. Going into RPD: just as usual east wing is A LOT better than west wing, in the east wing you have to keep sirvivors on yhe outskirts of the map this includes the helicopter area the outside branch, basically you have to keep them from going into the rooms on the second floor of the east wing itself, and most survivors dont go there anyway because there is 1 pallet maybe 2 then that whole area is a deadzone. Now the west wing is a much harder map having narrow hallways and tight rooms you have to try and keep survivors from going too deep inside the west wing, mainly anything past the library is bad Mid which: is actually a really good map for billy most tiles are curvable and can be slided on, while the hallways allow for one of the easiest map traversals in the entire game being able to go from a corner of the map to the other in less than 15 seconds which is actually sometimes less than outdoor maps even. I'd say its actually a lot better than some of his outdoor maps like for example singularity's map. So i'd say midwhich is a lot better than many may think Now badham: badham is a unique map having a shack and a lot of houses where survivors can feel safe however its is not as hard as it may seem, due to the rework his cooldowns allow him to pretty easily clear the houses of everything useful and as everyone knows the 2 car loops on the outside of the school are "syn" cars meaning they have almost no collision and can be easily slided off into survivors and with the shack being able to be curved rather easily its almost 2 thirds of the map being completely playable, and the only stuff you have to avoid are the house of pain and the 2 story (the 2 story if it has the pallet on the 2nd floor has a pretty high chance of playing into your advantage as its easily curvable) lampkin lane is a pretty good map for billy as the only struggle in the whole map is the house of pain but with your map mobility its pretty easy to keep survivors away from that Finally hawkins: the hallways allow for map traversals so thats not an issue nor is it downing survivors, many of the tiles are so unsafe on hawkins that instead of the mindset of i get to M1 after every pallet drops you have the mindset of i get and insta down after every pallet drop, just give away the gen in the portal room and dont play in it Finally going away with some general tips on all of these maps 1. Use your chainsaw ALL the time, survivors are actually intimidated by that insta down and the speed of it, i can personally find myself pretty commonly being able to chainsaw only on all of these maps 2. Dont be afraid of bumping into objects, especially now with overdrive affecting your speed at random times within matches its still common even for experienced billy players to bump into objects even on outdoor maps with overdrive on. 3. Slidable objects are your friends, lerys for example has those specific chairs placed around the map and most of those are fully slidable 4.use the intimidation factor i spoke ab at tip 1 for zoning cutting off or backrev survivors 5. Watch some billy montages and get the gist of what you should generally do to mindgame survivors and enable curving at tiles 6. Enduring is a bait perk, you shouldnt get stunned unless a survivor times the stun to stun you in a sprint instead you should run baamboozle i have personally never took off bamboozle of billy since i started playing him in 2019 Hopefully these ideas can ease the pain of learning billy. I have been playing billy since 2019 so im accustomed to all 3 versions of billy and it might not be that easy to learn him new as im saying but these are what helped me throughout the years Love the content hope to see you continue playing billy
@czechm4te 3 ай бұрын
This exact thing is what made me stop playing hillbilly and DBD as a whole for about a year. This has always been Billies biggest drawback and it was in my opinion the main thing that made him near unplayable with the heat mechanic. I don't think this is ever gonna get fixed and it is the most infuriating part of Hillbilly by far, as no matter how many tiles and loops you know, it's not gonna help when the survivors know that if they leave line of sight and hold W to the next corner and hug it on an indoor map, you are basically just an M1 killer.
@kit_mason 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad that map design is varied but the fact that indoor maps are miserable for a lot of killers and the big killers that benefit from them are already strong is a problem.
@ViVerna 5 ай бұрын
Here comes an insanely spicy-hot mama-mia take from someone who's a go-to billy player: get good. You're right that Billy has a huge learning curve, and I think a gigabyte of that goes towards indoor maps. They take those ideas of learning when to curve at loops and kicks it to 11; it's a baptism by fire. Trust me, I tend to get annoyed too seeing I get those maps, but I think there's points of leeway in them for like "roads" and some halls that take you from point A to B in milliseconds. CoconutRTS actually made a video quite a while ago showing Billy is actually VERY viable on Lery's when you understand curve mechanics. If anything, if it makes the experience better, just treat indoors like a nothing game and learn advance curves on any one or multiple targets, not caring too much for hooks ect; reward yourself on successful curves. Most if not all indoor maps have short loops that are perfect for getting down the curve mechanics, and maybe by proxy, you'll learn those maps even better as Billy and you can tolerate a match or more on them... That excludes Badham though. That map is built to destroy Billys.
@thedoomslayer5863 5 ай бұрын
Argument invalid: i cant slap iri addon and drift all around the map
@thedoomslayer5863 5 ай бұрын
Real talk though, how tf do u do nostromo, that map has got to have the worst hitboxes i have ever seen i cant even drift most of the map with double boots.
@Pichudiamond3 5 ай бұрын
I’ve had tons of fun learning Hillbilly tbh, the worst one for me was hospital, but I didn’t mind the game or hawkins near as much as I thought I would. I played 7 games after the update, 3 of which were indoor, but I won all of them, and honestly had a great time. Don’t get me wrong, maps are the worst, but it hasn’t felt too horrible for me thus far for some reason
@aidanmcguire3096 5 ай бұрын
I was a hillbilly main for a while, welcome to the curse. Curse of Billy. Indoor maps only.
@krischainz 5 ай бұрын
Map offerings are olddd, make it on roation as well as a map de-selector where if the killer has gotten oldham in there last game, and the survivors all had seperate maps like the hospital, racoon city, alien ship map, and the cornfield. Once the game has realized what maps were previously played by all players in the match, they would take those maps as potentailly playable for this match. That way, map fatigue doesn't happen, and being able to pick the hospital as a micheal over 30 times in a row for my scratch mirrors is wack.
@Tarneshd 5 ай бұрын
I’VE HAD THIS EXACT EXPERIENCE!!! I literally dropped Hillbilly because of this. The indoor maps + getting The Artist’s map every few games took me to a level of rage I’ve never had with this game and I gave up.
@drs4983 5 ай бұрын
I have faced 1 billy this entire time in 13 survivor games
@skullruss 5 ай бұрын
As someone who played Billy before and after his horrible rework, I'm so glad to see people struggling to pick him up now.
@terrypennington2519 5 ай бұрын
@skullruss 5 ай бұрын
@@terrypennington2519 Just nostalgic back to the struggles of learning back then.
@spiritupgrades 5 ай бұрын
1:35 heheheh I warnd so many people that this would happen
@misteral9045 5 ай бұрын
It's kinda more like still no one plays Hillbilly, but indoor maps are also troublesome for Blight and he's in the limelight now.
@spiritupgrades 5 ай бұрын
@@misteral9045 That's cause all the bills mmr went up Also, it's blight Indoors are not a problem
@KatyaAbc575 5 ай бұрын
I feel like. Trying to get back into Nurse after years break, and of course like 3/4th (I counted) of the matches are indoor maps -.-
@ollolool 5 ай бұрын
Also they had such a good opportunity to not make that shitty purple nail addon and instead could have tried to make it so when you pop into overdrive you get a second curve, even if you’ve been chainsawing. Would probably be worse boots but would be so fun and challenging
@mojolmao1752 Ай бұрын
First time playing hillbilly yesterday. Got to 9 winstreak, then I loaded into RPD
@AirLight1646 5 ай бұрын
I wasn’t playing Billy but I also kept getting indoor maps - offering or not - and it’s incredibly frustrating. Indoor maps are such a terrible thing for dbd
@10du16 5 ай бұрын
i have 950 hours of dbd and 400 is on the game for me. I get it every other map, that or swamp. Its hell
@screaminbloodymurder 5 ай бұрын
I have a slightly similar problem, every time i wanna play Billy, with no map offerings, I get sent to Yamaoka. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
@ryanlutes9833 5 ай бұрын
reminder that matchmaking deliberately puts you on your weaker maps if it thinks you're doing too well, too.
@foxthetheif6148 5 ай бұрын
Once you play Billy, you'll start to realize the chance of getting an indoor map every game goes up tremendously (same with other killers like huntress tbf but still)
@Hunko115 5 ай бұрын
The massive issue with maps that are indoors is that they're almost all licensed, So BHVR aren't able to change the map much without speaking to the license holders. Like Hillbilly is always going to suck at Gideon, RPD, Hawkins, Midwich kinda. So maybe it would be smarter to allow killers to pick 5 realms of their choice that wouldn't appear in the trial. Let's say you're an Oni player, you wouldn't want a map like Gideon Meat plant for example. You queue for a match and select Gideon meat plant along side some other indoor maps to not appear. You spawn in the trial and you get Azorov's for example. Because I do think indoor maps have their charm of providing claustrophobic gameplay a kin to what horror feels like. But neglecting killers that rely on precise movement based powers is also poor oversight. This system would allow all killer players to custom tailor their matches to their own preferences. Because everyone has a different taste in maps etc and the point of DBD is to be a fun game. So cutting out certain elements that make the game feel awful to play, all the better IMO.
@nope5823 5 ай бұрын
This honestly is why my main is now artist, because I just don’t have to care about walls, used to be huntress but same thing with maps feeling bad
@yanyan_r1 5 ай бұрын
First day with billy got nothing but indoor maps, second day i legit got almost all farm maps, most being rotton fields it was so odd. I don’t like Eyrie of Crows for him either, the stupid twigs have huge collisions, can’t chainsaw off hills, and loops are a weird jagged shape
@bobydocky9641 5 ай бұрын
I have this exact problem I always get indoor maps unless I play stealth killers where instead of indoors I get the artist map
@billcipher147 5 ай бұрын
Just goes to show how well-designed this game is and how much thought and consideration Behaviour puts into every new change and addition. Surely they wouldn't repeatedly make maps that completely deny like a solid fourth of their roster parts of their power. Almo would never.
@terrypennington2519 5 ай бұрын
Tbf that's more or less on BHVR's fault for adding so many killers. When you have 34 different killers, all with unique powers and gameplay, you're bound to have some maps out there that they don't excel in, or just straight up get absolutely shut down on.
@TLtheDude 5 ай бұрын
Indoor maps do suck with killers like Billy, but there are strategies to use the chainsaw, most effective for me is feathering the saw until there's a good opening
@WutTheDeuceGaming 5 ай бұрын
literally everyone does that. Wtf kind of advice is that?
@TLtheDude 5 ай бұрын
@WutTheDeuceGaming it's just a suggestion, chill
@psychonou1097 5 ай бұрын
Maybe the killer you choose should dictate what kind of map you get? (example stealth killers get the indoor maps, but can toggle outdoor maps, and killers like huntress and billy only get outdoor maps unless they toggle a button that enables indoor maps as well)
@gageowo9527 5 ай бұрын
Every time I play him and I get one of the new maps with horrific collision, I can't help but wonder how the fucking Collision was better in 2016 and 2017 on the old Maps I also hate the fact that if I don't bring map offerings on killer, I seemingly constantly get the worst possible maps for the killer I am playing. While Survivor is nothing but a swampfest and the occasional Auto Haven with the worst RNG imaginable
@jormes1605 5 ай бұрын
I played this game for around 1500 hours as a killer main (survivor was too boring cuz of gens...) and without a doubt, the reason I quit was the map design. A hill I will die on is that this game would be taken so much more serious on platforms such as twitch if the maps weren't so poorly designed. There is several huge streamers I can think of that might've continued streaming this game had the mechanics not been so restricted by things they weren't even aware of(XQC for example) Like seriously, I think many content creators have played this game and have been subconsciously turned off by the forced immersion that bhvr insists on pushing and lack of captivating gameplay
@fatwe1992 5 ай бұрын
I feel yoy Scott, i was playing dredge yesterday and i got rotten fields. They 4 man outed 😂
@bjorksnase 5 ай бұрын
Psychologically a loss feels 2x as bad as a win so with a 25% chance at an indoor map it ends up feeling like a 50/50 whether you will have fun or you will get an indoor map that dampens all the fun you were having before it
@unluckyrat3961 5 ай бұрын
My first match ever after the new update, considering I hadn't been able to play for a couple days in advance, was ruined as Hillbilly with an RPD offering. Instantly kicked all my hopes out the window. I don't know why map offerings exist.
@MrJP6389 5 ай бұрын
Wish I had the patience to even try Billy. I don't know i just don't want to spend 100s and 100s of hours on one killer even if they super fun mainly because losing in dbd just doesn't feel good to me. I took two months off from dbd after one night where i lost every single match (about 10 or so) and was left in such a miserable state mainly because the survivors i had was so toxic after every match. Btw i say about 60% of those matches had map offerings in them.
@emirinobambino 5 ай бұрын
Bro. They need to do something about these map offerings because I *only* get OUTDOOR MAPS. At least I can play Hillbilly, but so many killers are off limits to me its insane.
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