Woodstove Stop smoking! Smoke coming in the house from woodstove

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ThroughOur Eyes

ThroughOur Eyes

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Too much smoke comes into our living area from the woodstove and we need to do something about it! We are sick of airing out the yurt in 10 degree weather and we are sick of smelling smoke. Hope this helps!

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@calholli 3 жыл бұрын
One tip that I use is--- Once your logs/ wood is all set, and you are about to lite it. Take one or two waded up newspapers, lite them and stick them directly up in the flue, or at least directly under the flue. (and then quickly lite your bottom paper)... and shut the door and keep it shut-- just walk away and let it start. And the heat rising straight up into it will start your vacuum and suck the smoke from your main fire, and it should just have a chain reaction from there...... If you keep having trouble starting your fire with the door closed, it just means you are not building it well enough yet.. I use a lot of scrap 2x4's and such... and one more trick that has helped me a lot is to lean two boards against each other so that it creates a horizontal tunnel.. and you can stack your wood above all that. The "tunnel ensures that the smock is being sucked to the back of your stove and not coming out the door.. Inside this "tunnel, you need to get good at building your starter fire, usually take a nice dry log and split some very thin pieces from it with a hatchet... also use a hand full of twigs from the yard.. below that I usually have a nice piece of cardboard , and below that i have my paper.... So you see, as it lights, the paper lights the cardboard,carboard lites the twigs, twigs lite the smaller splits-- which all end up liting my "tunnel material.... Its easy for me to build this 'tunnel with dimentional lumber. But you can also do it by placing a nice 3 or 4 inch diamber log on the left and right side, and then cross stack a lot of larger sticks and thin log splits.... and then build your starter paper, cardboard/ kinlin just as before. You'll only have to do this right ONCE, and then you will see the light and realize that the extra effort is well worth it and you become confident in knowing that you've built it correctly, and after you lite your "flue paper, and then bottom paper, you can shut the door and walk away knowing that it WILL start. You will get better and more efficient at building your "starter fire in that "tunnel over time........... Also, the horizontal pipe in your flue should be fine because you do have 6 ft or so of vertical pipe right off of your stove, so that is plenty to pull a vacuum and get thigns moving, you just have to send heat directly up the flue as i said, with some dedicated paper to start with, as you lite.. Other than that, if its still leaking into your house even when you are adding wood-- that is just because you're not letting it get hot enough. I still make this mistake sometimes/ the room gets comfortable so you close everything down to make the fire smolder and last longer... well that causes some smoking issues--- so if you know you are about to add wood, open up everything--- open your damper all the way and open the front holes for a few minutes and let it feed and heat up good and hot, so when you open that door, it has no choice but to vent up the pipe because of the heat forcing it to rise. And one last tip that is a NO NO--- NEVER open the door with the damper open--- Im sure you know this but I just feel like I had to say it.
@alansach8437 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, your biggest problems are the bends in the pipe. Whenever possible you want the pipe going straight up. Another problem, is the amount of pipe that is outside. A hot flue is what creates the draft (temperature differences). Too much uninsulated pipe outside can cause flue temperatures to drop when you close the damper, thus a loss of draft. When you go to add wood open the damper wide and wait several minutes before open the door. This will heat up the fire and the flue before you open the door. Then open a crack and wait another minute or two before opening wide. As a last resort they sell chimney caps that have a built in electric fan that can be turned on to suck smoke up and out of the pipe. I have no experience with them, but they are evidently popular in Europe. American versions are very expensive, but I have seen an Italian one reasonably priced on Amazon. But I think if you just get the draft reestablished as I describe above you will be fine. You obviously have draft as your fire burns well. You just need to get that pipe warmed up before opening the stove.
@aestrada2770 2 жыл бұрын
I would agree with Mr. Sach. The Hot Flue will create draft. Also I might add that I would have changed the cap on the chimney exhaust. To me it seems way to open and the design seems to almost make air flow in a downward fashion since your pipe is so extremely long- you don't have enough heat on the flue before your the draft process actually starts to work. The shape of your roof probably creates wind drafting in an upward fashion , into the cap and back down in my opinion. I think you can leave your exhaust chimney pipe at a shorter height, change the cap to reduce air flow going back down into the chimney and you will have yourself a nice set up. I had a similar issue and went with a Louvered Screen Design and noticed better heat on flue, draft, flow and less backdraft.
@edwardnedharvey8019 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with caholli; I have always shoved some paper up the chimney and light it, to create the updraft before lighting the paper under the wood.
@tazzharm 4 жыл бұрын
hi I realize its 2020 but thought I'd give my 2cents. we also have a problem with smoke coming in when I open the fireplace door, some things to remember open door a bit and wait about 30 seconds before opening fully, the wood your burning if it sizzling its not fully dry which causes more smoke I have also read that if your house is too sealed opening a window close to the stove will make the updraft better till the stove gets really hot , I have tried this and it did help I find some of our wood still has moisture and that is why smoke comes in the house when door opens , do a test, buy wood from store that is fully seasoned and try that , if it makes a difference then that may be the answer it does sound like your wood is not fully dry by the sizzle sound from your vid . hopefully you find the answer Glenn
@barnabyaprobert5159 2 жыл бұрын
The "sizzle" also means that that water vapor is going up the chimney and creating creasote!
@freebuilder007 4 жыл бұрын
Yup, I second the open the ash door (if you have one) during lighting, That feeds Oxygene from directly below the combustion box, Its like turning on a powerful blower/bellows. I never use more than one match, and during smoky (and cold flue) lighting I can keep the front door shut and Everything goes where it should, right up the chimney. The bottom fed air is really something, will also get a ragging fire going in the morning by just laying a few dry logs on remaining embers. Found your posting while looking for a tutorial on how to find leaks in the fire box. My 40 year old Vermont Castings Resolute my have a firebox seem leak Im trying to figure out how to find..... Good luck with your life adventure. It looks like you got it going on. Happy trails.
@SheepyHollowCanada 4 жыл бұрын
My wood heaters can both smoke back into the house or in the case of the 2nd one into the garage. All I do it open the nearest door to the outside to equalize the pressure in the house to the outside. Thus, the heat starts to flow up the stack like normal. I also build my fire (as some point out) upside down, by placing the largest pieces on the bottom and then smaller pieces up to the top then roll up the newspaper (about 5 pieces) and tie into a knot and light it on the top of all the wood. The paper gets going then the kindling then the larger pieces at the bottom. The drafts are all wide open and the door is cracked about 1/4 to a 1/2 inch until the kindling starts to pop and crackle then I close the door. Then start closing the drafts down but I still make sure the fire is strong.
@artyberkhoff8878 3 жыл бұрын
Your chimney is the problem. The horizontal pipe is 1 issue the chimney is actually too long. I would suggest the following, 1 the best thing would be to move the tee fitting up as high as you can, move the stove closer to the wall and use 2 45s instead of the 90 elbow. Also that stove needs a fresh air intake. Think of it this way the chimney is full of cold air which is heavier that warm air when you light a cold stove the column of cold air wants to come in your yurt. the less you need to heat the better. 90s disrupt the flow so they add to the problem. The best chimneys go straight up.
@Lord_Joseph17 3 жыл бұрын
I have the exact problem. I sort of fixed the issue by leaving the wood stove door opened for 30 min. then staking wood in the box and starting the fire with small kindles at the very top. in the days to come I will try to install a direct outside air vent which is going to feed outside air in the wood stove and not warm air from my home. if that doesn't work,they sell a venturie spinning chimney cap that spins and pulles air out of your chimney cause out outside winds. GOD BLESS✝️
@44556613able 4 жыл бұрын
After stacking the wood, try stack crumbled news paper sheets on top and light them first...that will push the cold air up and create a draft, and also partially shut the door
@supernuts060 4 жыл бұрын
I also have a Silverfire product, had smoke back issues, on my unit there are narrow gaps that the fire passes through which became clogged in the stove. I need to take the stove out every 2 weeks to bang out the creosote. I also use a product called Kathite which helps keep the creosote down.
@SaintCoemgen 4 жыл бұрын
A few things to consider. - You have a very long (I think too long) horizontal run with your stove pipe. This will prevent good drafting, especially at startup. Move the stove closer to the wall and shorten the horizontal run. -Try a top down burn with far smaller kindling at top (at the top, the kindling ideally works well if they are twigs or thin wood splits, less thick than your finger), and you can use less paper (paper smokes a lot). Plenty of sources around explaining how to do a top down burn (even I did one at my blog). - If you use a torch, avoid paper, and rather play the torch on your kindling and get that started well. - Try using a commercial wax based fire starter. - Don't crack the door unless your wood stove instructions say to do so -- normally opening the primary and secondary air fully and closing the door should provide enough air and draft. - Your stove itself may be part of the problem. Maybe badly designed. - Did you clean your chimney this year before needing to burn? Especially that horizontal part (which probably will collect the most creosote resulting in blocking good drafting of the chimney). Does a cleaner chimney help? If so, you may need to clean more regularly. Hope this helps.
@throughoureyes5160 4 жыл бұрын
Great info. Thanks. We did fully clean the inside and outside pipe. The horizontal run was just added this year so that i know that's not the problem as this problem has been going on since day one. The top down method sounds interesting, we will look into that. Thanks. We have much to learn.
@candicedowns9319 3 жыл бұрын
Usually I get a good kindling fire and slowly add bigger chunks, more on the likes of heating up all the metal including pipes, so heat expands and there are less places for it to leak smoke. Adds to the efficiency of the draft and the smoke evacuates better.
@coloradomountainman8659 3 жыл бұрын
Here is what you need to know: As stated in other comments, you do have too many 90 degree bends. None is ideal. Start the draft by placing loosely crumpled newspaper in the flue. Light that and it will start your draw. Pipe diameter: Increase the pipe diameter to 8". A 6" diameter flue will not create enough draw especially with your distance and the aforementioned elbows. Also, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the pipe height is 2' above 10 ft. horizontal. Or 2' above the ridge height if closer than 10' horizontal. Lastly, in the case when you have a low pressure system move in, you will see the smoke rise out of the terminal cap and immediately drop to the ground. This will have the effect also of forcing the draft back down the chimney whereas it will exit your door and/or seal. The remedy here is to build a simple terminal cap in the shape of a capital H with the flue pipe attaching to the center of the horizontal T. Lean the two vertical legs in about 5 - 10 degrees, does not have to be real exact. Now, when the low pressure outside air hits the cap, the smoke will be forced downward through the vertical legs and exit the bottom of the legs. This will still create the needed draft out of the main chimney pipe. I have used this system in 40 years of burning wood in a stove and have always had excellent results.
@l2p58 3 жыл бұрын
The issue here and the one I have is not only at the start of the stove, when reloading the stove or moving the coal backdraft occurs.
@ontogeny6474 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. Mariners also use H caps to help thwart blustery winds. I think they look cool too ( my own sense of style :D) and although I'm not having recurrent downdraft issues I'm still considering putting one in.
@johnbutler5208 5 ай бұрын
Tuna can fill with rubbing alcohol place in the middle of stove light with tissue. This method will heat up your chimney and get your kindlin going. No smoke
@etabetta1 3 жыл бұрын
Not only have you two 90° bends but you have a 3 to 4 ft horizontal flue pipe connecting them ....no wonder your getting smoke back into yhurt. Smoke like water takes the path of least resistance. So as soon as you open the door of your stove its going to take the easier route of coming out into your room instead of struggling to go up flue. I'm not sure if you can but are you able to reduce the horizontal pipe ? Obviously a safe distance is required from the yhurt sides. If you could reduce it by half though you would notice a tremendous difference . Is it possible to have a vertical pipe and go out through roof of yhurt ?
@johnwhite5035 4 жыл бұрын
Negative pressure maybe the issue - Cold air coming down chimney (because they're cold) when the hot air is trying to go up causes the smoke to push out. One fix is in the airflow and starting fire slowly by adding kindling then small stuff with the door slightly open (not too much) until you get some ambers at which time add the logs. You'll spend probably about 10 to 15mins to get it going but it's a small price to pay if it works. Other than that, wet or damp wood is always smokey. The other two cheaper options are open the woodburner about 40mins before starting the fire to let cold air out of chimney or using that blow torch up the flu in which case you'll see the torch flame getting sucked up the chimney (ready) rather than blowing out.
@PurpleCollarLife 3 жыл бұрын
Great info!
@throughoureyes5160 3 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@greenghopper 4 жыл бұрын
Typically the more bends you have in the pipeline, the less draft you have going out. The best advice I could perhaps usually an auxiliary air intake.
@julienbietlot3401 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, you asked for tips sure can do. Use matches instead of a torch, it is more ecofriedly. Have you cleaned up the cheminey? (this needs to be done every year if your using it frequently). Also,opening the ash tray door (was not able to see if your stove has one) instead of the main woodstove door increases the drag from below. Remember that your cheminey has 3 x 90 degree it slows down the drag. Keep up the good work.
@tomanderson3369 4 жыл бұрын
I made a fire starting device that is much more cost effective. It doesn't require red phosphorous like matches either! I have a 20lb propane cylinder attached to a regulator you'd find on a BBQ grill. From the regulator is flexible CNG hose to a a gas valve. The valve is threaded to a section of 3' black gas pipe that is capped. Toward the end of this pipe, drill some pilot holes. About 5 with openings of about 1/32'. You now have a torch that will burn hundreds of hours on one tank. It is safe too. Well, it is as safe as a stove powered by natural gas or propane, unless you do something in the Darwin handbook. This starter will keep wet wood burning outside while it snows. I've done it, it just burns more propane.
@littleacres6753 3 жыл бұрын
Use small kindling with slightly larger pieces on top & leave your torch on it longer to get it started & leave the door open more.
@apuuvah 3 жыл бұрын
You could get a curved pipe at the top that will rotate so, that the exhaust is always opening downwind. It has a sort of "rudder" and it turns with the wind. More draft. Me thinks. And you could fit an adjustable barometric flue damper to prevent too much draft. I think you might be able to make the draft optimal. I think you could even make some kind of "feedback loop" with the barometric damper and outside air pipe, if your stove has one.
@greenghopper 4 жыл бұрын
Looks like you might need a higher gauge of rope sealing on the door. It's looks recessed a bit.
@barbarawarren9443 2 жыл бұрын
LOL Are you kidding? That's bad? Heck, I have smoke leaking out directly into the house with the door CLOSED. I may definitely need the roof pipe extension.
@wallingtonfilming 3 жыл бұрын
Good video guys 🕯☕️🚬
@judydyck4707 3 жыл бұрын
How much higher than the roof should the chimney be ?
@janie2shoes537 4 жыл бұрын
Nice, looked like it worked !!!
@throughoureyes5160 4 жыл бұрын
It def helps!
@TobiasCBrown 3 жыл бұрын
Is your wood super dry? Wetter means more smoke.
@davidparker2173 2 жыл бұрын
They have chimney caps that are supposed to remedy downdrafts. Also if your indoor pipes where insulated, or even just double wall, it would give your draft more thrust I believe.
@throughoureyes5160 2 жыл бұрын
Awsome, thank you! Any idea on how it would creat more thrust?
@DamianOConnor 3 жыл бұрын
I know a lot of houses are reasonably air tight these days. I wonder if pressurising the house (or the room) briefly could force the hot air into the flue, after which the flue should sustain its own up-draft. This is just a thought bubble, I never tried it.
@zaneh6224 3 жыл бұрын
The fire is not drawing properly due to the badly designed flue, the 90 deg bends these are restricting the air couple that with the long run between the 90 deg bends it's a wonder it even works at all. You need to shorten the distance between the bends and replace the 90's with 45's, the horizontal run of pipe will also gather lots of creosote and basically be impossible to clean, which will lead to a chimney fire
@earthhermit1114 4 жыл бұрын
Dont know if this is a good idea? but i heated my pipe with a torch to help create upward draw
@DAR.from1761 Жыл бұрын
I like this video I'm having same problem when putting more wood in smoke comes out . I tried different things but haven't found solutions yet other than somehow changing the pipe to go straight up because I have a 90 coming right off top of stove then a 30in cross over to another 90
@throughoureyes5160 Жыл бұрын
When we took the 90 degree turn out it helped tremendously. What kind of stove do you have? Are you in a Yurt?
@DAR.from1761 Жыл бұрын
I'm trying a newly made pomoly dweller stainless wood heater I can't get away from my 3 90s without taking cabinets down and then going through roof in a liberty addition 1976 chevy camper there is a baffle over exhaust hole inside I'm considering taking out .I kinda think the 2 and three eights pipe is to small 4 inch would be better .I'm venting out the side vs the roof my old cast iron wood heater worked fine this way but was 5 inch and had no baffle over the inside exhaust
@throughoureyes5160 Жыл бұрын
@@DAR.from1761 A larger diameter pipe may help. I know its a pain in the butt "butt" see what I did there... haha... but it may be worth just removing those cabinets if you can afford to lose the storage space. How big is the Dweller?
@DAR.from1761 Жыл бұрын
It's omly12 inches wide 12 tall. I. removed baffle didn't really help I put a straight stack on it outside and that didn't help , after thinking about all woodstoves I've had the exhaust pipe is always almost half the size as the door mine is not . That explains it .so if I increase to 4 inches it would help alot so I decided to deal with it .u can see a pomoly dweller wood stove video on KZfaq , I kinda think they could be using some kinda of help to vent in video that u can't see .lol 🤔 How ever I really like this little thing .it does draw ok if u close it . I will deal with it because it looks so good and might try increasing to 4 if it I can't get use to it.
@The1sillygirly 3 жыл бұрын
This is probably way too late, but I know that a straight up pipe is known to be much more reliable.
@bradleygraff4025 4 жыл бұрын
Look up auto draft stove blower fans
@crispychicken2743 2 жыл бұрын
Take the screen out of the cap . Flash lite the stove with a hand fill of news paper to get the up draft started .
@marcleclair2261 3 жыл бұрын
If you pre heat your stove pipe above , with your torch (3 to 5 min ) before starting the fire it would stop that ....
@guyparham575 2 жыл бұрын
How many years do you let your wood season for could be that
@throughoureyes5160 2 жыл бұрын
The longest we've had our fire wood sit was 2 years. It did the same thing unfortunately. Is 2 years in to long? I ask because when we let it season that long it seemed to burn to quickly.
@prometheus8404 4 ай бұрын
Still not good enough. As long as you get your glass dirty and stained sucktion or the air flow is not good enough. I have same issues. This dann thing is like racket sceins. One thing is for sure in my case the easier burnong wood like pine makes higher tempreture quickly and then it runt ok. Bur OBS once the stowe and chimney get cold and kondesation build up, it is freakin nightmare to get it started...almost impossible. Once you use it, use it every day, or don't fired it up cold unless very very dry outside.
@seoulkidd1 2 жыл бұрын
You may need an air intake for the stove or get a stove that has a outside air intake.
@anthonyonly3326 Жыл бұрын
Hi. I’m new to using wood stove. If smoke comes into house how long does it take for the smell of burning wood to go away? It still smells like a bbq in my basement even with windows open and is been three days since my stove has been off?
@throughoureyes5160 Жыл бұрын
Depends on the strength and length of the smoke exposure. It can be weeks even months.Get a box fan blowing outwards as close as you can to a window while having all other windows open. How long was the smoke exposure? Do you have a fan in one of the windows?
@anthonyonly3326 Жыл бұрын
@@throughoureyes5160 Hi. It’s been about 3 days now. The fire went out and there was smoke all over but not enough to set off smoke detector. Now my downstairs smell like a bbq and I did try a window fan today but seems like the smell is coming back strong
@allanwells4886 4 жыл бұрын
Get rid of the bend in your flue!
@l2p58 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, Is this stove is epa? I have similar problems with my epa stove my father too (similar stove but bigger). Adding a section of chimney didn’t fix the problem, it looks like "modern stove" (double combustion) are way more prone to smoke problems. Older stove that takes the smoke right out never have that issue. My epa stove collect smoke in front of the loading door, which to me is part of the issue. When the draft is not 100% pulling and I reload the stove get smoke inside the house which is horrible. Nothing that I’ve done as fix this issue, I’m very disappointed with the design and engineering of this stove (Drolet). At this point I’m considering changing this stove, since my dad has the same issues I think that the maker trying not to pollute outside made a big mistake in the conception of the stove. ✌🏻
@throughoureyes5160 3 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for this comment. Something we hadnt thought of yet!
@Walking_on_Chips Жыл бұрын
@LP2, did you ever get your Drolet working properly? We just bought an Drolet Escape 1500 and have smoking issues when reloading wood. The stove is awesome except the smoking door. We do have one 90 going to a 12" horizonal run,and no fresh air intake kit yet. I'm thinking the 90 could be my problem as the previous stove also smoked when opening the door more than 3", even with a hot firebox. Sucks that these DVL pipes are so expensive in 2022!
@curtissiwak5349 8 ай бұрын
I Just had a blazeking princess 32 installed and I am also highly disappointed with the amount of smoke in my home making the co2 detectors go off the next morning. I am looking into an auto draft fan to see if that will help.
@TobiasCBrown 3 жыл бұрын
What about some type of fan mounted at the end of the chimney on a switch so you just make negative pressure for few minutes while you have to door open.
@doyrayburn2668 3 жыл бұрын
A liitle smoke here and there is expected.
@yourneck2 4 жыл бұрын
Banking fire or caring fire for you and yours would be awesome especially since where you live, also look into baffles.
@Robert-fs6ge Жыл бұрын
The music blew my ear out was so loud
@goonluv Жыл бұрын
advert after 30 secs turned off!!!
@jaafarabaas6268 3 жыл бұрын
انا من سوريا وعندي نفس الصوبة
@jaafarabaas6268 3 жыл бұрын
صوبة رائعة جدا للتواصل 0933577060
@rdk162 Жыл бұрын
chimney not high enough!!!!
@throughoureyes5160 Жыл бұрын
How high do we need to go? Its already over the recommended specs.
@jacksprat3100 3 жыл бұрын
Bad stove design
@Cp6uH_ 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite fire starting method: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/apljoNxz2q6VaJs.html
@badhonebrahim7707 2 жыл бұрын
u just wasted 4 kg of gas to lite those woods. :(
@crispychicken2743 2 жыл бұрын
P.s. your not starting it right. You should never open. All the way
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