Autism Train Therapy?
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How's the Gang?
2 ай бұрын
Amazing Sensory Toy
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Masking IS NOT an Autism Sign
Autism Stim-A-Long to Rice
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Autism Kid's Space Movie Part 3
Autism Family Goes Rock Hounding
Autism Outdoor Survival
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Autistic Son's 15th Birthday!
Autism Family's Garden Part 3
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Autism Family Visits Dino Island
Autism Reactions to Fireworks
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@juk748 2 сағат бұрын
I like how Connor called Alistair olster
@danieljones3259 2 сағат бұрын
Its just matter of opinion but i feel like you should become affiliated with the Autumns armory KZfaq channel, it could be fun for you and your family
@AutismFamilyChannel Сағат бұрын
Yeah I’ve seen their channel. She’s a great shot for her age.
@danieljones3259 2 сағат бұрын
For sure bro people will.not require arms until the second coming of christ and when He sets up.His Kingdom because we as humans are just incapable of bringing about peace
@AutismFamilyChannel Сағат бұрын
I’m hoping His coming will put an end to the need of arms, until after the millennium of course 😉
@cerealfibre6938 3 сағат бұрын
There are strict gun laws in the UK, 🇬🇧 Rob after what happened to Dunblane School in 1996. All I can say is, I hope you keep your gun in a safe.
@AutismFamilyChannel Сағат бұрын
We sure do 😉
@LeoDamascusVG 10 сағат бұрын
I'm not sure it's a good idea to interpret the Constitution being divinely inspired as meaning that all parts of it should persist in the present political realities. By that reasoning, we would still need to restrict voting rights to male landowners, for example, and I doubt Elder Oaks would have made such an argument when defending the totality of the constitution. I'd argue the second amendment should be seen as that kind of archaic section that was relevant at the time, but doesn't make sense in a country where children are regularly targeted in their schools by gun welding mass murders, and our cities' downtown are often controlled by gun-fueled gang violence (especially since those kinds of violence are so much less frequent in every other developed nation with strong gun control laws).
@AutismFamilyChannel 3 сағат бұрын
“Inspired” and “perfect” can be different. As I said in the video, I don’t think the 2nd amendment is perfect. I think the core of it is necessary for a free state and self defense. Do I think psychopaths and murderers should have arms? Of course not. But the 2nd amendment being available to fend off tyrannical governments is more applicable today than it was in say, the 1870’s just 100 years after the last need to fight a tyrannical government (aka revolutionary war). Our world governments become more corrupt and tyrannical by the minute. You will see in the coming years why the 2nd amendment is still quite relevant.
@Teerakjoopjoop 10 сағат бұрын
The answer is sometimes
@rbrtpongo 10 сағат бұрын
I love train rides as well to. last year when we took my Nephew to Australia we were riding in a train from New mexico to LA and it was a fun time. I like how on trains your could move around and enjoy different things. I think the hard thing for me is someimtes riding in airplanes.
@rbrtpongo 11 сағат бұрын
when I was a kid I miss being able to do things like going to class playing with friends and enjoying lunch. when I was in scouts I was scared of guns because of the sound. I wish that school shootings would end because family and friends are important to me. also going to church is also important to me as well to.
@juk748 11 сағат бұрын
I wish my parents would have enough money to spend time with me more, but their trying their best and I'm still happy with that
@orioguy9 11 сағат бұрын
I've been thinking I might be a undiagnosed autistic. And I favor Libertarian policy. I wonder if it may be a coincidence.
@AutismFamilyChannel 3 сағат бұрын
Not sure. I do like more freedom than less though, so I hear you 😉
@RoxieBrethour 13 сағат бұрын
Happy 4th Of July 🇺🇸🎉🎊
@laura-mariaburnside9068 15 сағат бұрын
Wow are they military guns you are using
@AutismFamilyChannel 15 сағат бұрын
Pretty much every gun was a military gun at some point 😉👍
@megputze3516 16 сағат бұрын
I think "freedom" is not having to carry a gun around with you for self defense
@AutismFamilyChannel 16 сағат бұрын
In a perfect world my friend. We are far from that.
@megputze3516 14 сағат бұрын
@AutismFamilyChannel I live in a country where we don't have the need to own a gun because the laws are so strict and incidents that occur daily in the states are not as much a common occurrence here. My country is far from perfect, but I can't imagine the stress on families in such a place where they have to constantly protect themselves and are under threat by such violence. I'm so sorry your family is in such a position
@au9parsec 13 сағат бұрын
@@megputze3516 , in a care bear world my friend, but we are far from that.
@AutismFamilyChannel 3 сағат бұрын
@@megputze3516what country do you live in? There are pros and cons every place.
@davef2975 16 сағат бұрын
Sadly, a politically volatile subject. It should not be, but it is. Those in other Countries tout their lack of weapons. The cat is out of the bag in the U.S., so there is no turning back. A family should always be prepared to both defend and care for itself. A weapon lying on a table kills no one. People kill people. It is wise for a family to practice proper use, safety, and respect for any kind of weapon. There are those who think if you take away all weapons (in the U.S.), there will be no crime and no deaths. You are doing right to have your family learn the correct way. We all hope that we shall never have to defend our family. It is far better to be prepared and never have to use such skills than suffer when the need arises. I am not a religious person. I do know praying and citing verse does not stop bullets. So, hang onto your family values and do not others dissuade you from what you think is right.
@cda6590 17 сағат бұрын
Autistic man who strongly identifies with leftist political values (to such an extent that I vehemently disavow Biden *and* Obama): If I were the parent of autistic children I would absolutely teach, train, and familiarize all of them with firearms and firearm safety along with self-defense. I'm fairly sure all of your children are boys, but I would be doubly adamant about this if I had a daughter. If Congress were to legally take the necessary steps to repeal the Second Amendment, *that* is when I would likely start to stockpile guns. Your right to self-defense--both you as an individual and your family--transcends anything written on any piece of paper; and although you and I might have a few disagreements about how effective any firearm we would have access to would be against a Predator drone piloted on aircraft carriers thousands of miles away, you (and I imagine by extension your family) are exactly the sort I picture when I think of "responsible gunowners" and I highly commend you for passing on this knowledge to your children. (Bonus fun fact: Karl Marx was a *huge* advocate of gun rights, particularly for the working class)
@AutismFamilyChannel 16 сағат бұрын
I agree with about everything you said, up until Karl Marx 😂 for all of his utopia plans, dictators sure have a way of using communism to their advantage and at the oppression of their populace. Which is ironic based on what the communist manifesto supposedly aims for, which is the abolition of a ruling class. Thanks for your comments just the same though 👍
@cda6590 14 сағат бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel I wouldn't call myself a Marxist; nor do I even think that if we were able to commune with the ghost of Marx, educate him on 20th century history would he even be a Marxist himself--or at least as it was understood during his time. Lenin, although intelligent, was undeniably bloodthirsty and had a familial vendetta to settle; Stalin, showing unparalleled levels of paranoia even for a dictator, is theorized to have possibly had undiagnosed brain damage; Mao, more of a mixed bag, is still inextricably linked to one of today's most pervasive and invasive surveillance States the world has ever seen; and then there are still the horrors of Cambodia's Killing Fields and specifically the S21 prison (if you ever want to watch some scary af PG-13 documentaries). Any responsible and reasonable leftist of the 21st century who takes the idea of revolution seriously has to admit that the attempts in the 20th century all failed and that going back to any of those strategies would certainly wind up in repeated failures. Still, if we are to acknowledge the atrocities undeniably waged in the name of Communism of the past (these people made Antifa look like the blue-haired idiots they are), we must also acknowledge the atrocities committed by the American Government and their Corporate Puppet Masters. The only reason the Democratic Party has chosen Biden as its marionette is because it's illegal to allow actual babies to run for Presidential Office. But as you said, this isn't an avenue for political debate and I've far too much respect for Autism Dads who put in the work to argue with one.
@LifeWithShawn2024 17 сағат бұрын
I'm possibly autistic and I receive my results tomorrow afternoon ( July 3 ) which will mostlikely be my last appointment but one thing I hate and causes me to have sensory overloads is how people in this world approach me with the tone of their words or behavior . That means I'm a sensitive person and already have struggled with social interactions in school and at home . God loves us all but hates the evil within mankind due to Adam and Eve disobeying Jesus 2000 years ago . Autism family , do you honestly believe autistic people are sensitive kinds of people ?
@AutismFamilyChannel 15 сағат бұрын
It depends on the individual. I wish you the best 😉
@SimonSkempton 19 сағат бұрын
Do you also tie up, whip, and edge ur kid? Are you a dominant/sadist? Is this public humiliation?? This makes me SO FUCKING MAD!!! 🤬🤬🤬
@itsonlyemmaa 19 сағат бұрын
You guys are great parents and I enjoy your content on autism. But when it comes to politics my god you are ignorant. I'm so glad I was born in Canada and was taught critical thinking in school. Look up gun violence stats in the US versus every other developed country in existence. Look up Project 25, the abolishment of separation of church and state and other threats to democracy from the republicans. The stats speak for themselves- America is really not that great.
@AutismFamilyChannel 18 сағат бұрын
I’ve seen the stats. I’m happy you like life in Canada. Others don’t feel the same under Trudeau and wish they had guaranteed rights. We may have to agree to disagree but I’m grateful when things happen like I mentioned in the video that I can defend my family. A lot of Canadians cannot properly defend themselves and I think that should be a fundamental right.
@itsonlyemmaa 9 сағат бұрын
​@@AutismFamilyChannel Republicans and conservatives are actively trying to take away people's rights. Do you care about gay and trans people? Women's reproductive justice? Do you understand how Christian nationalism is the EXACT SAME THING as jihadism? Democrats won't even take away your guns. Turn off fox news, you're being manipulated.
@youaresoft-ee4ub 20 сағат бұрын
these kids dont need to be taking pills. this is tough to watch
@ronyx1402 20 сағат бұрын
Your country is so wild
@AutismFamilyChannel 18 сағат бұрын
Wild and crazy 😄
@youaresoft-ee4ub 20 сағат бұрын
trying to make a spectacle of your kids for the LOSS, do something better with your time rather than trying to exploit something that isnt even an issue. you look like a bunch of idiots.
@rbrtpongo 21 сағат бұрын
I agree 100% and families are important. Dallan H Oaks is correct as well to he gave a good talk in conference
@ariajane8695 21 сағат бұрын
Happy 4th 🇺🇸
@au9parsec 21 сағат бұрын
I feel that you're very smart to own guns because if our government or infrastructure was to collapse then there would be no more food in the grocery stores, so we would have to go out hunting for our own food which requires using a weapon, and also because our neighbors would become extremely desperate and would try to break into our houses in order to steal whatever essentials we have since most people don't prepare for the worst possible scenarios.
@AutismFamilyChannel 21 сағат бұрын
In some neighborhoods absolutely they will loot and even murder for supplies. Fortunately I’m in a decent neighborhood now, but as our area gains more people from out of state and we become more of a larger city it weighs on my mind a bit. Also police will be overwhelmed if there’s a major hack or infrastructure crisis, etc. so in many cases, even now, police simply cannot respond for hours or days, or not at all. Yes, we need to protect our loved ones 😉👍
@GenX6887 23 сағат бұрын
Amen! Preach it Brother!
@bennolanswaggerdiaperautistic Күн бұрын
Hi rob. I don’t believe in Independence Day anymore. Because there’s way too many shootings and car accidents. And people are dying left and right. Every day and night. So this country isn’t free anymore.
@AutismFamilyChannel 23 сағат бұрын
It can be free again if we all pull together and stick up for our freedoms. Please don’t give up. Christ already won the battle, we just have to pick the team 😉
@bennolanswaggerdiaperautistic 23 сағат бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel yep. I agree with you
@keni3527 Күн бұрын
Tism for 2 A
@rasul01 Күн бұрын
Be proud of your country, and don't let anyone make you ashamed of it. The country I live in, in Europe, has been overrun by anti-freedom, un-integrated, s@tanic |sl@mists that want to take over; don't let that happen to the US.
@elizabethkusce2718 Күн бұрын
They want you to have no guns so that you can’t fight them the government.
@AutismFamilyChannel Күн бұрын
True of most governments probably 😂
@elizabethkusce2718 Күн бұрын
I’m a born again and a Christian prayer warrior for 40 yrs. Jesus said to Barabas who was chosen over the one who told him those who live by the sword will die by the sword Amen❤
@AutismFamilyChannel Күн бұрын
He also said: “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one” -Luke 22:36 It’s all about the context. Peter struck someone with a sword to defend the Savior when in actuality the Savior needed to die and didn’t need defending. Also it was more of an offensive move since the Savior’s captors didn’t stab anyone first. Hope that makes sense 😉
@brockhampton3078 7 сағат бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel Hm. So in your opinion, would Jesus kill somebody with a gun as a means of self defense? or would he accept him or his loved ones dying as God's intended plan for them?
@AutismFamilyChannel 3 сағат бұрын
@@brockhampton3078well Jesus is an extremely rare exception because He had to die or all mankind would be lost. The line “what would Jesus do?” doesn’t always apply to us because we cannot pay for the sins of others since none of us are perfect. Different context. But I’ve seen prophets in the scriptures take up arms. Think David and Goliath for instance 😉
@brockhampton3078 22 минут бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel Sure! Since this is completely hypothetical, would it be possible to change this context up a bit as if Jesus was currently a living person? So in this scenario, Jesus would only die as an individual as opposed to the risk of mankind entirely. In this specific circumstance, would he kill somebody with a gun to protect his own life or a loved one's? Or would he accept death as God's will?
@elizabethkusce2718 Күн бұрын
I so agree with you and everyone has the right to speak of freedom❤ love you guys
@richarddavis1310 Күн бұрын
I live in Ireland where police don’t usually carry firearms. Firearms are practically illegal (except for hunting) and we have virtually zero gun crime. As much as I respect the freedoms granted in the US, I believe the right to life is more important the right to bear arms.
@AutismFamilyChannel Күн бұрын
You are also on an island where it is much easier to control the importation of weapons. Same with Hawaii, etc. Having said that, I wouldn’t use Ireland as the poster child for non violence given past history and recent history in the region. I mean no offense by that either. Every country has its issues 😉
@richarddavis1310 23 сағат бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel My country is not perfect but just thought I would offer a different perspective of how to keep people safe where even the police don’t carry firearms. I presume you are referring to the violence in Northern Ireland. This conflict was ended by all sides agreeing to lay down their arms. So maybe this makes me more wary of mass gun ownership. I appreciate you wishing to protect your family. We all need to do what’s best for our own family. I have 3 autistic children myself and enjoy your content.
@cda6590 17 сағат бұрын
@@richarddavis1310 I would wager that when it comes right down to it, both of you are fathers who would be willing to defend their children by whatever means necessary. It's important to take into consideration that in order to do that in America, you must also account for the 400,000,000 privately owned firearms; whereas, in Ireland, that isn't so much of an issue.
@richarddavis1310 16 сағат бұрын
@@cda6590 That’s true. The two countries are not comparable. Studies in the US do show though that, sadly, if you have a firearm in your house, you are more likely to die from a firearm so whether your kids are better protected with a firearm in the house is questionable.
@cda6590 16 сағат бұрын
@@richarddavis1310 I believe it's actually the Swiss who have the highest per capita private ownership of assault rifles. On top of this, many firearms used in mass shootings aren't purchased by the shooter themselves (I don't have an exact stat on this). I personally do not own a firearm; but living in the South, "gun culture" in America is inextricably linked and about all we have to our cultural Zeitgeist apart from maybe McDonald's. In a country where the privately-owned firearms outnumber the actual population of citizens, the only realistic way to combat this (no pun intended) is to ensure that you and yours are educated and trained in the usage and handling of firearms. Yes, it's very cringey when out-of-shape Americans fancy themselves as Gravy Seals cosplaying as their own Meal Team Six; but I do think that there is a demonstrable population of well-reasoned and responsible gun-owning Americans, and that this video is a prime example of such a family
@hannatiemstra6548 Күн бұрын
Are the latter days saint the same as FLDS? I thought you were a Christian family. I don’t understand.
@AutismFamilyChannel Күн бұрын
We are not FLDS. They are a more extreme off shoot of our faith. We are Christians first as all of our doctrine points us to Christ. We may believe in different aspects about the Savior, but it is the same Savior born of Mary and Joseph who died for our sins that we believe in. 😉
@theboeing737flyer3 Күн бұрын
Very patriotic video happy independence Day to you and your family.
@Hugh-S Күн бұрын
seems so peaceful there. Would love a trip like that.
@Pickdivision Күн бұрын
Happy Independence Day to you all! You know I fired a rifle before and I have autism. I do get your point why you're autistic boys needs to learn how to shoot. Do you know that what happened in the Sandy Hook shooting, the media and the press had proof that the shooter was autistic, and people are conflicting about mental illness. You guys are the greatest!!😊
@rheidtech Күн бұрын
Gratedul i subbed to you way back. #livefreeordie #ingodwetrust Happy Independence Day. #americafirstisimminent Thank You. Your kids are in good hands🎩🛡⚔🌄🇺🇸
@Owen2131_ Күн бұрын
Happy Independence Day!
@legocon1225 Күн бұрын
This video was super true
@legocon1225 Күн бұрын
What kind of guns did u guys shot?
@AutismFamilyChannel Күн бұрын
All kinds 😉
@legocon1225 Күн бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel ok
@AutismFamilyChannel 14 сағат бұрын
@@legocon1225too many to mention but you can give a time stamp and ask about a specific one 👍
@legocon1225 14 сағат бұрын
@@AutismFamilyChannel ok
@derekaldrich4887 Күн бұрын
Ian and Connor are cool
@FaizanMubarakgetconnected Күн бұрын
You're guys are simply awesome and beautiful and fantastic 🤩😊 love from India Kolkata
@rebeccaallman1353 Күн бұрын
Anay one who sayes rains are for animals are unintelligent and just nasty my son who 4 had have his back on as he started to run to main roads it's most frightening thing a parent go through when he wants run I run with him so dosnt feel restrained they are life saver !I care more about my son safety than igronent people ❤
@mikebooth6007 Күн бұрын
Cute vid but aEEAaeAEaeEAAEEAAEaeAEaeAEAEAEAEaEEAAEAEAEAEAEaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae idumn id got me
@juk748 Күн бұрын
Ian everytime hes on screen: 🗿 👍
@someanimewerido7323 Күн бұрын
As someone who was diagnosed with level 1 autism in my early teens, I feel like I was just mistreated whenever I had these types of breakdowns/panic attacks. Like for example, my dad who did abuse me mentally, would yell at me a lot. He would yell at just the slightest things that I did wrong and it traumatized me to the point where if anyone would yell at me like that, I feel like I would just breakdown. Like I start to cry and just curl up into a ball and cover my ears to hope it would stop. I never had a breakdown this serious before due to my experience with autism being different, but this just so familiar to what my experiences with autism have been like for me. The way you handle their breakdowns/panic attacks just makes me feel good inside.
@isabeanieboos5342 Күн бұрын
@thomasschoeck9080 Күн бұрын
From watching the 7-Ahead KZfaq channel I noticed that Simon was using some made-up language that reminds me of Alistair’s maybe about a year ago or so right around the time that he was officially becoming verbal (around the time that he was starting preschool or possibly slightly before). I also noticed that he and Alistair seem to be pretty good friends. I wonder if Alistair has been helping Simon with his speech and perhaps some other areas (in terms of reaching various developmental milestones). On a related note it is my understanding that Simon became officially daytime potty trained by some time in November of last year. I think he’s still doing well with this (in the absence of any news to the contrary (no news is good news, probably)). I’m mentioning this because given that Simon and Alistair are good friends it just occurred to me that if Simon’s potty training during the day begins to regress a bit (as sometimes happens with kids on the spectrum, and even some neurotypical kids (due to stress (for example)) Alistair might be able to talk to Simon and/or be a role model for him to get things back on track should that ever become necessary. Statistically speaking, this probably won’t be necessary (many kids don’t regress, but it’s always possible). Hopefully if this does happen Simon and Alistair will remain friends and Alistair will be willing to help him with anything that he might need some help with. Generally speaking from what I have seen of Simon in various videos it occurs to me that if he resists doing something that his parents or other adults want him to do that he might be more willing to do them if asked to do so by someone closer to his own age (like maybe Alistair, for example). These are all of the ideas that I have on that for now. Back to the topic of made-up language: By the way Simon’s use of made-up language would have been right around the time that he was learning phrases like “uh-oh” or “oh no” or perhaps even a month or more before that, I forget.
@thomasschoeck9080 Күн бұрын
It’s good that Alistair is recording himself, talking to Siri, etc. it seems to have helped his verbal development quite a bit. I also watch the 7-Ahead KZfaq channel quite a bit and I have noticed that similar activities in combination with his speech therapy and his preschool activities have help Simon quite a bit with his verbal development. He was considered nonverbal until fairly recently and now (at least on a good day) he seems to communicate almost as well as other kids his own age. That tells me that the activities that are helping Alistair are probably generally useful for many kids who are either level one or level two who struggle with their own speech initially. On a related note I’m level one (I was level two when I was growing up) and one thing that helped me somewhat with my verbal skills was giving me some tape recorders to play with. This was back in the 1980s (when I was somewhere in the eight to ten age range) and again in the 1990s after I saw the movie Home Alone 2.