@bullvinetheband7260 3 күн бұрын
It's one of the first instances of god gold and glory.
@michaelweston409 3 күн бұрын
China was the most advanced country of the last 2000 years if you go back in history. If we go by history & chance China was the most likely to become the world leader hegemonic power in the human story. Thru many factors, some their own doing & bad luck Europe beat them to the punch. & now Europe/TheWest has pretty much ruled the planet for the last 500 years with a clear head start.
@DigitalLazarus 4 күн бұрын
Dizzy was so wondrously inspiring as truly a man of his Zeitgeist. What a wonderful rendering of his words. Thank you. PS: Today Sir Keir Starmer became the 58th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Sorted.
@EmilyKresl 5 күн бұрын
Over the last few days I was in a fight on a video about the titan submersible in the comments section because I said it's as if billionaires shouldn't disturb the mass gravesite of people who were too poor to get on lifeboats. Everyone was ganging up on me about how that's historically inaccurate and I don't know what I'm talking about. I had to delete the comment that started it all but I appreciate this bit of crucial information. You nailed the point i was making.
@toqa6735 5 күн бұрын
Wow their hand writing, do English people nowadays write in this way nowadays or is it difficult?
@arnoldvezbon6131 5 күн бұрын
Feminism is garbage. Then and today.
@geekmeee 5 күн бұрын
So how does White Supremacy fit in all of this?
@charlotteharding3986 5 күн бұрын
@ogChaaka 6 күн бұрын
Abolished you say? Lol. 😂 Look around
@seanmcdonald5859 9 күн бұрын
Actually, no you don't. You inherit rights from the SOCIETY you live in and the governing laws and regulations. Right now, in many so called democracies, the christofascists, zealots and fanatics, are REMOVING the rights of women, minorities and those who practice other or non religions. If you want to see the future of your 'rights' you need look no further than the Southern states of Americastan: you have NO rights if you aren't a white christian or a woman.
@janelightning73 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for remembering the brave Mary.
@stephenstrysower-gi1qo 13 күн бұрын
A huge amount of resentment? In Scotland it caused an armed revolt. Charles should have listened to his father who is quoted as saying "Laud knew not the stomach of that people if he hoped to make that stubborn Kirk stoop more to the English platform ."
@yousoufkirkwood6289 15 күн бұрын
What went wrong then?
@PhysicalTrainner-ku2so 15 күн бұрын
I am in Pakistan and my religion is Muslim boy 😊😅🎉
@PhysicalTrainner-ku2so 15 күн бұрын
You are in which city ,😊please reply and what is your religioun 😅😊😢 please 🙏🥺
@krystalsmith9575 17 күн бұрын
@seanmcdonald5859 22 күн бұрын
Excellent teeth . . .appears healthy and fertlie if rather opinionated, hysterical and strident: are her humours in balance and what dowry does she being? 😂
@karlthemarxist6806 5 күн бұрын
If she is undergoing a regular course of hirudo medicinalis, then she would be in very good humour.
@seanmcdonald5859 22 күн бұрын
Oooo . . .all those insightful edge lords telling us that we are still serfs living in a feudal society, ruled over by kings and lords are just sisplaying an extraordinary level of ignorance ABOUT feudalism . . . . . .in the comments section of a video explaining the decline of said feudalism. Dont you guys have a MAGA rally to attend? Now THATS feudalism right there.
@NorvilleRising 22 күн бұрын
I just want to point out how awesome it is, that we get to see our founders like they're in a J.K. Rowling series.
@jonahtwhale1779 23 күн бұрын
Women want their rights. Which rights? The ones men have! Why? Because men have them! Will you earn those rights, as men had to? No, we deserve at zero effort and danger, because men have won them we should have them too!
@awreckingball 25 күн бұрын
A homosexual civil union is easily distinguishable from a marriage. Marriage since time immemorial has been understood as the union between a man and a woman, not a man and a man.
@adrianainespena5654 28 күн бұрын
Ask the Irish what they think about Oliver Cromwell.
@TbLj____ 28 күн бұрын
Wow, great video! The visuals and period art really helped illustrate the ideas. I appreciate also that they started with the simple view and then complicated it with the more nuanced contemporary view by historians.
@sylvanamai-rashidateflehwo718 Ай бұрын
Anyone using this to study for exams??
@kelvin31272 Ай бұрын
Incredibly made videos, this is AMAZING 🎉
@darkblueyank Ай бұрын
Thank you for posting. The eloquent and concise writing of James I/VI and the reading by James Parsons gave me a better understanding of how James I kept his throne and his son Charles I did not.
@SnobbyBird_ Ай бұрын
“All children survived in 1st and 2nd class” The Allison girl:
@RobertaSirgutz Ай бұрын
Educated, charismatic and endowed with leadership skills. It was an opportunity to create liberal democracy, knowing Monarchy was a bizarre notion of the divine right of Kings.
@juliaagnello1302 Ай бұрын
The lord protetor of Jews hahahaha
@jacob_088 Ай бұрын
im cooked
@jacob_088 Ай бұрын
me too bro
@nategaxxv2 Ай бұрын
real shit
@Retarmy1 Ай бұрын
He climbed the top of the greasy pole 😂
@ravibajaj6177 Ай бұрын
@ravibajaj6177 Ай бұрын
@ZackLongdick Ай бұрын
I love 19th Century women! They were amazing! Such sweet little muffins 😊. May those lovely ladies rest in peace 🌹❤️
@Tony41christ Ай бұрын
I have no sympathy for her at all. I don't care.
@HiNickCares Ай бұрын
Women were overwhelmingly against the female vote.
@TheImperialChannel Ай бұрын
*Charles II may have touched over 100K ill Britons, but legend has it he may have 'touched' twice that number of women...No wonder they call each other today 'luv'.*
@angr3819 Ай бұрын
If the writer of this knew the extent of starvation of Blacks in Africa, and of their heinous treatment by their own chiefs and Arabs (the only ones usually allowed beyond the coast of Africa at that time) he would realise why so many blacks asked to be slaves and to be taken away. William Cobbett and others were viewing the situation at the time, not 2 centuries later when a lot of people have some chance of possibly improving their lives without slavery (although what do you call the impoverished since and now, working for such a pittance that keeping the family together, fed and housed is impossible even on two wages?). Slavery was a living in job, with food, clothes and a roof. Not all slave owners were cruel to them. Far from it. Most valued them because they cost so much, so it made economical sense to look after them well enough that they would remain fit and healthy. Unlike the stolen little white, teenage and adult slaves who - because they weren't paid for - were sold by the traders for so little they were seen as disposable. Those who became the Blackamoors came from a tribe who had suffered severe drought. They had sought slavery to the white Moors, agreeing their slavery would end when they could manage themselves. That is how they became known as Blacker Moors. Whites also were known to ask to work as slaves for other whites and other darker peoples. As for anything he might have said about Jews (no idea what) he certainly spoke out very much against Methodists and some other Christian sects. To quote from an original copy I have of his weekly political register dated August 21 1813, he writes of Methodists "They are lower in the scale of animal life than any people that I ever saw in any country;".... not enough space here to copy more of what he thought of them. I doubt wrote anything similar to that about blacks or Jews. He certainly didn't mince his words, did he? No political correctness with him. He disliked pretentiousness and hypocrisy in those claiming to be religious is all there is to it. He made mistakes and admitted when he knew he had done so, because he was genuine and straightforward enough to admit it. How many politicians do that with all sincerity with true regret nowadays?
@CrystalBase Ай бұрын
Very useful video
@willhovell9019 Ай бұрын
Both if truth be told, as many modern historians now find, that some aspects of Cromwell's dark reputation across these islands are not always born out with the facts, but there's no denying the barbarism of his troops in Ireland Cromwell's. Compared to the mass murderer and tyrant Charles Stuart, where due to his intrangance and stubborn refusal to settle or negotiate, leading to the deaths of 10% of his people across two civil wars. The Scottish born Stuarts, James Charles with their ridiculous French notions of the divine right of Kings, weren't used to a powerful parliamentary system, only the Scottish fuedal clan system. Cromwell was tolerant of all other religions, except French and Spanish funded Catholicism, bringing the Jews back to England and tolerance of all other forms of Christianity. He remains in his rightful place outside the British parliament in the tradition of Wilks and Payne in the view of many Londoners
@JwayT Ай бұрын
Feminists for military conscription. As soon as you talk about that or paying alimony they can't wait to chain themselves to the kitchen sink and go back tk their traditional gender roles when it suits them.
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
Can someone explain why rich women were disenfranchised?? The legislation does specifically exclude them in 1832, however, the Municipal Franchise Act 1869 includes propertied women voting for local authorities.
@lilnemo4099 Ай бұрын
Rich women were disenfranchised in 1832 because society at that time believed that only men should be involved in politics. The 1832 Reform Act specifically said only men could vote, even if women owned property. This was based on the idea that men represented their households, including women. But by 1869, attitudes were starting to change a bit. The Municipal Franchise Act allowed unmarried women who owned property to vote in local elections, but married women were still excluded. This change recognized that women could handle some public responsibilities, but they were still not considered equal to men in the political sphere.
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
@@lilnemo4099 - Nope, that doesn't add up. Even under Coverture women were held responsible for breaking the law. The husband may have been financially responsible for the family and supporting the wife and children, but women were still considered criminally responsible and therefore autonomous. Rich single women and rich widows could vote for local authorities - so, the gender issues fails.
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
1430 Act mentioned - Amazing !!
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
Most honest video I have seen yet!!
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
Nope - married women were not 'owned' by their husbands in the common law sense. The concept of Coverture placed the wife under her husband's protection. The 'Dowry' or property of the wife was to be managed responsibly by her husband - it did not become his property. It was marital property. On becoming a widow or via divorce, the Dowry reverted to the woman with all the legal rights involved.
@Sunshineheart124 4 күн бұрын
It’s not that married women were “owned,” necessarily. But their legal identity was absorbed into that of their husbands. Complaining about one’s husband, even in the case of being severely beaten by him, was medically considered a sign of female insanity during the 1800’s, and could therefore, land her in an insane asylum. Married men during that time period had almost unquestioned legal authority over their wives and had full ownership of their children.
@Sunshineheart124 4 күн бұрын
I just realized that you may be referring to England, whereas I was referring to America. I’m not sure how the laws differed during that time, in regards to women’s level of freedom.
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 4 күн бұрын
@@Sunshineheart124 - Dear God - you really are indoctrinated!! Read up on something called 'Coverture' before spouting this nonsense. The identity of the wife was not 'absorbed' into the husband. Both were merged to become one legal entity. She was still held criminally responsible for her actions - thus, had autonomy and agency within the marriage. On the death of the husband (or divorce) her dowry/property reverted to her sole ownership. Her husband was held responsible for the good management of marital assets to provide for the family - he did not steal/own her property. Go and look up the common law definition of 'Property'!! Your example of 'female insanity' is straight out of man-hating feminism 101. There was no marital exemption for 'common assault' in English common law or statute. The 'rule of thumb' hoax was created in the US in the 1970s by bitter man-hating feminists. Ownership of children - see common law definition of property before blabbering this tripe. That is an obscene and offensive statement. The husband had financial and legal responsibility for the family - and that is about 2 million miles away from 'Ownership'
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 4 күн бұрын
@@Sunshineheart124 - US Law is firmly rooted in English common law. Statute will have evolved differently - but Civil Law etc (based on Precedence) will be historically very similar, especially as the US has strong Judaeo-Christian roots!!
@Sunshineheart124 4 күн бұрын
@@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Have you heard the story of Elizabeth Packard, from the 1860’s? If you read her full biography then you can see the countless ways that lack of female freedoms and the unchecked power men had over their wives, would cause many to simply refer to them as having been their husband’s property. We can debate over the technicalities of applying that term, but the nature of marriages during that time sure point in that direction.
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
Better than some videos on the same subject matter!
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
Sylvia the Communist - you can't have Communism without Feminism!
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
The Suffragettes contributed by handing out white feathers and shaming/bullying young men to their deaths. They gained the vote for rich women - working class women got nothing! Rich women got the vote based on the blood and suffering of over 2 million men! Emmeline Pankhurst - Racist, White Supremacist and Imperialist!
@thehowlingmisogynist9871 Ай бұрын
No mention of the Postal Workers burned with Sulphuric Acid from letter boxes then??
@WILLIAM1690WALES Ай бұрын
The golden rule throughout history if you want a revolution to remove the establish leader, you must have an army behind you. Cromwell had the model Army the precursor to the British professional army.🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧