7 Things I Wish I Knew At 20
These 5 Films Changed My Life
How To Feel Your Feelings
6 ай бұрын
7 Life Lessons for Teenagers
10 reasons to stay alive
7 ай бұрын
To Anyone Trying To Find Love
If you want to break up ..
Жыл бұрын
My life is finally changing..
2 жыл бұрын
the reasons i don't love you
2 жыл бұрын
loving someone you left
2 жыл бұрын
To Anyone Going Through A Breakup
the over protective boyfriend
2 жыл бұрын
i didn't fall in love with you
2 жыл бұрын
A Trip With My Girlfriend | Vlog
@kawtar9533 2 сағат бұрын
My bestfriend died we are not the same bro
@rubenmaceo 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you....
@blueboyasyoucanseezanzer2692 4 сағат бұрын
She cared too much about me, to the point where she didn’t want to go against me, she slowly started to hate me because she felt trapped, she never told me anything was wrong. Then she dumped it all on me
@dannyliles8025 5 сағат бұрын
The love of my life moved out while I was work and left me note saying she fell out of love with me. We did everything together. I dont know how I will ever move on
@LorenzoASR1927 5 сағат бұрын
she took my soul away
@amin_baccari 5 сағат бұрын
Love is for weaklings and suckers, be the villain that commands fear and respect
@ako7655 12 сағат бұрын
Im 19 and never experienced love especially from my parents so i crave it but noone never loved me back
@kristianchiksraymanlegends6973 14 сағат бұрын
18 end 19 is to teenagers in the end said teen eighteen nineteen!
@siuol2227 20 сағат бұрын
the moment we broke up, i tried healing myself, i went 3 times a day on walks, i exercised, i drank water, i ate better. its not fair to her that i tried healing myself only after i made a mistake, i dont know why i didnt heal myself first before i got into this, everyday i want to say sorry, i was selfish and immature, and only now i choose to learn and grow? who knows if she'll ever see this, but im sorry
@justinpineda3935 23 сағат бұрын
I fucked up my relationship due to selfishness.
@defendska2158 Күн бұрын
We've been broken up for a year, but for the last few months we'd be talking (mostly arguing) and she kept telling me she was single and struggling financially, so I gave her a bunch of money. Found out last week she had a boyfriend the last couple months. It stings worse now than when we broke up. I even dated a woman for a few months earlier this year, and everytime we'd be intimate, I'd think about the other one. I don't know how to move on. I think the worst part is the fact that we were planning to get married and we were trying relentlessly to get pregnant, but it didn't happen. Makes me feel like a failure of a man.
@elliotvandeleene8092 Күн бұрын
It is tough, I am in a dark spot. But I am working on myself everyday to bounce back. Hopefully everything will be fine. Stay strong Guys !
@palapalak.8907 Күн бұрын
I don't cry anymore... the pain is easier now. I do nails, hair, massages. I stay very, very busy!
@Marcus-yx4gi Күн бұрын
I cheated on my girlfriend and its the worst mistake of my life. I don’t know what to do. I’m I even deserving of this advice?
@hanakropackova2599 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. I needed that ❤
@user-yv1so6qg5o Күн бұрын
@ReNewReViews1 Күн бұрын
Sadly im struggling, she secretly broke up with me but didnt change anything. then went online dating and i found her talking to a guy, turns out i found out she had him overnight in our house while my 4 year old boy asleep also under the roof. I was away for a couple of nights clearing my head. She states that because we werent together it's okay, but im still sorting my life and trying to move out :(
@ItsBigRickSon Күн бұрын
I found someone that I IMMEDIATELY knew I wanted to be with. They made the first move, they initiated wanting the first date, and they initiated the conversation wanting to be in a relationship with me. They showed up everyday for me, and they showed me they cared and were trying for me……… at first. They are a single mom, and they still were trying at first, but then after a little while they just started getting distant and claiming they “had to get home to the child” after work, which I understand completely, or they couldn’t ever find a baby sitter when they were off which I couldn’t understand because they went from working 5 days a week to 3/2 swing shifts so they worked less days now at this point then the amount of days they were off, so yes I felt some type of way, but I never changed how I acted or how I felt about her. I was present every single day without fail, good morning and good night texts every single day, then just one day recently, I had a lapse in judgement and got into “busy mode” with work and chores around my home and my property, and I wasn’t able to tell her goodnight because when I finally got to sit down and relax, I passed out from around 11pm - almost 8am, my shift starts at 8am so I was running late for work. When I woke up in a frenzied rush, I prioritized getting to work before texting her good morning, but I got swamped at work IMMEDIATELY as soon as I got in, and it pushed the good morning text back even further…….. I get it, I fucked up, and I could have said something when I first woke up,but here’s where idk what happened…. When I finally got a second to sit down and tell her good morning and use my phone, I have built this habit from the last couple of years to check my messages across my social media first thing when I get some free time, because I get ALOT of impressions, we are talking some days it could be 200 impressions and some days upwards of 2000 or more…… and being that this was a FEW YEARS long habit, and we were only together for a couple months, old habits die hard, and adding that I never got out of “busy mode” from the night before, I learned that I was blocked by her on all social media…… because I didn’t tell her good night or goodmorning and I wasn’t on my phone when I originally got into “busy mode” so I didn’t text her for around a combined 18ish hours….. she claimed that I “ghosted her” and that’s why she blocked me because I have “never not told her goodmorning and goodnight and it took me 19 hours to text her, yet she never reached out to me during this time, and she takes on average around 2 hours to respond to my texts especially after 6pm she would either go from 6-11 before she responded or some nights from 6pm - after I told her good morning because she passed out after getting the child to bed, but even so, the amount of effort I gave her EVERY SINGLE DAY, getting her flowers multiple times, bringing food to her because I knew she hadn’t eaten all day, doing an oil change on her car aswell as a full inspection so I knew she had a reliable mode of transportation, plus washing it and fully detailing it, showing up for her even when she didn’t ask me too, and a bunch of other little sweet things, that should have proved to her that I was NEVER going anywhere. Well we were able to mend that issue, and I promised her that I would never not tell her goodmorning and goodnight again, which I’m still upholding even tho we are over (for now but hopefully she comes back). But then a few days later, after we had our fight, one of our things about our relationship was “if you have a problem come to me about it and we can discuss it like adults and figure out why we’re feeling that way and how to resolve it”, when I brought up to her that she’s gotten a little more distant and I felt like I was no longer on her list of priorities, she made everything about how I was in the wrong and that we should just end things……. Like what??? I’m so fucking depressed, and I miss her so much. I really cared for her, yet it seems like she just had something going on in her life and me wanting time was an issue big enough to leave over. I don’t believe she was cheating, but at the same time, the way she went about things sounds like she has a guilty conscience or something, idk…… it was just kind of out of character for her honestly. The thing is, she’s the first COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP that I’ve been in for around 10 years, I’ve “dated” a good bit with a good handful of women, but they never progressed forward because I knew that they weren’t for me as my girlfriend or potential wife, but I did enjoy the company….. so when I met her, and I was in my heart SURE I wanted to be with her, it was a real thing for me. How do I fix it, I’ve cut all communication the past 4 or 5 days except for the goodnight and good morning texts because I made a promise, and when I promise something and it’s within my power to do so, I always keep my promises. I still want to be with her, I still want to try for her, I want her to know that I’ll do anything to mend our relationship and so we can move forward because like I said, she’s the first in a decade (maybe more actually) where I am wanting to make the true efforts and build something with……. Please help………. I don’t know what to do or what the right move is……
@JaneDoe-h6k Күн бұрын
Sounds like you’re the problem …
@ItsBigRickSon 5 сағат бұрын
@@JaneDoe-h6k how so?
@OshanMaverick Күн бұрын
I feel hungry very much but I can't eat when I sit at the table , I feel so sleepy at night but I can't sleep. I really have no words to express my feelings I even don't know how I feel now. I'm literally lost.
@farasapt6579 Күн бұрын
Does this also applies to your best friend, who said and do all these good things and end up being fake and leave you to feel like a monster?
@SkyTyDaEdit Күн бұрын
I met a girl and I had been dating her since middle school. Here I am, trying to process this while in the summer of junior high school, being broken up by the girl I thought I would last with. Honestly I sound cringe, cheesy, but damn, I though we could’ve been they few who make it out of middle school. She had good looks, she was decently smart, and funny. But now, since I have larger family issues, she broke up with me this summer because I wasn’t “interesting” enough. Damn. Y’all can roast me in the comments if you want. I’m just depressed.
@FOR-DEMOCRACY658 2 күн бұрын
I just lost both of my friends just 10 minutes ago
@leahwhitten6333 2 күн бұрын
1 Whole year. 1 Whole fucking Fucking year.
@jinayshah6338 2 күн бұрын
idk why but i keep wanna die
@angelface333 2 күн бұрын
6:29 💗💗💗
@dinuthdemitha1260 2 күн бұрын
Im young , so is her . I dont have a good relationship with my parents or friends. She was the only gud person in life. And she js lost feelings for me ,idk why ,i tried my best to change my self. It didnt work and we broke up. But now im alone All alone. I have no one to even talk about the breakup ,idk wht to do. She talked to me like we have never known each other. Idk wht to do .i dont wanna disappoint my mom, if she isnt alive i wouldve already done it
@Kanyarat.r 2 күн бұрын
Is it so hard to meet someone who believes in love the same way?
@user-hu8vb9vn3o 2 күн бұрын
Great video .. we need to be kind and compassionate👌
@user-hu8vb9vn3o 2 күн бұрын
I am like you ,i value friendship more than i value love 👌
@user-hu8vb9vn3o 2 күн бұрын
The reason i’m single because i am a demanding person with high expectations and i’m a difficult person ,the thing i do not think anyone can put up with it. Also real love is hard to find these days specially with the things that corrupted the society like porn.. etc . Unfortunately the majority now are looking for temporary pleasures which is not my thing. I need a soulmate and a provider😂 and i wonder if he ever exists. I think finding a such partner is luck and destiny more than anything else.
@TeeganHWRD 2 күн бұрын
great video, i feel sad, stresse, this video helped!! thank you
@ashshaunts6989 2 күн бұрын
Ty Soo much 5 yr narrcisit relationship. Gone couldn't do it anymore discarded for last time. This time. ❤️
@spartaragekick6202 2 күн бұрын
did ppl bak n the 1800 & to the 1500's go to theraphy when it didnt wrk out for them....i think not.....soooo y is it ant different this day & age.....do the math ppl....where is the logic n that....
@user-ti8of7oh9h 2 күн бұрын
🙋‍♂️ this is me unfortunately 😔
@sickosniper8886 2 күн бұрын
tapi i dah hurt.... :(
@macvines5417 2 күн бұрын
I love you bro, great words of wisdom, you deserve love and you’re a true angel.
@188jay9 2 күн бұрын
yea my bitch broke up with me today my poor asian
@troywhite5607 2 күн бұрын
My fucking world is gone man and its my fault.
@masterobsidian68 2 күн бұрын
Going to the principles office isn’t a punishment to me, it is a good thing so I don’t get distracted and also I have ADHD
@user-zv2lb6id3x 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for this after my break up it was hard and I didn’t know how to move forward she was my everything she was my other half to life and watching this helped my anxiety and I feel almost depressed thinking abt a world without her and me and now we’re living in it so thank you you are act the most amazing person for this❤️❤️
@kep1er-. 3 күн бұрын
Only if i was born in another country 😔
@sassyqueen9739 3 күн бұрын
I am a teen and everything great happens at 2-4am. The time is sacred to me.
@Miku_Zurb 3 күн бұрын
this helped a lot, thanks. from all of us.
@Standforthetruth18 3 күн бұрын
Not me watching this at 3 a.m 😢
@angiekozah2392 3 күн бұрын
this helped alot
@scrunchitup_ 3 күн бұрын
i’m a teenager, but I also play hockey used to beat myself up every single time I mess up and so with my dad like he just got disappointed in me and I got really disappointed myself. I’m still kind of overcoming that I’m not gonna be the best but I still have to try it because I love this sport I struggle with a minor academic struggle. I have dyslexia, and I’ve been pitied most of my life for example, I’m a high honor roll student and I find myself being very discouraged when I don’t succeed as high
@aniruddhamestry3984 3 күн бұрын
And you know what’s the worst part? I still care about her more than myself
@Meklit770 3 күн бұрын
Feeling it too😒
@banzaiman1 3 күн бұрын
Im going through a lot a crap at the minute. My wife of 14 years is seeing someone else behind my back. 14 years down the crapper. The worst part of it is i wont get to see my kids every day, all the trivial things like making packed lunches, running baths, tucking them into bed. It absolutely breaks my heart. Im really not sure how im going to get through it, it hurts soo much. Ill have to move back in with my parents after 12 years of living a happy family life. How do i move on from that? How can i even afford to move out and start again on my own.
@user-xh2kw5eh1u 3 күн бұрын
He left me in the worst way possible He said he loves me both in person and in a card Then he disappeared. With no closure.