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@GlitchF3MX0F 18 сағат бұрын
He was for sure my absolute favorite character within the entire show, I actually stopped watching for a couple months after the... Hawks incident.
@G.Bfit.93 Күн бұрын
Thing is, infinite tsukuyomi doesn't rob you of free will. It's actually the ONLY WAY to have free will. The reality is a perfect creation of your own will/desires. You literally will yourself into your own perfect world.
@ivanbluecool Күн бұрын
Twice is how any and all mangaka should right a potential end game level threat. Twice has the ability to create an army and hawks seeing that and stomping it out before it became a problem is frankly brilliant for mha heck a lot of stories where they want to show off all the powers someone can use. Sometimes I wish we can deal the evil away before it gets released. Sometimes we should have stories stomp out an evil rebellion before it gains steam. It would be a lot more interesting to have scenarios where we could have been in a worse spot. Most times it's only the villains where nothing affects them. Star and stripes foe example did nothing to all for one. He was still very powerful heck even more so after that fight which is the opposite of how twice was handled
@ivanbluecool Күн бұрын
All might was saving people but not teaching them to save themselves. Like teaching someone to fish vs giving them a fish. You can give someone a fish to eat everyday of your life but once you are gone they can't eat because they never figured out how to fish. By teaching hero society to have more well rounded heroes that actually care for the people not the fame all might would have been able to retire sooner aka teach them to fish. Manga is ending soon and yeah it's a mess. Things just snap back and forth with society and the heroes and it doesn't sound good to leave mha at that funny Deiku even did more for hero society than all might with gentle criminal who stopped an entire prison break by himself basically Saving a soul who then saves others.
@ivanbluecool Күн бұрын
Can be summed up as "pain was right in how the world works" to "but not right on how he planned to go about change" Pain is not seeing the Forrest through the trees where he wants to create more hardship to make peace but that can't work forever as eventually someone can overtake him or war will break out once again in the name of peace. Naruto had a more rosy colored view of the world while pain lives through the other side of those stories of heroes defeating villains. Kishi did an excellent job at writing how both sides can take loss
@PlatinumBro 4 күн бұрын
I love MHA, I have 3 MHA tattoos and I couldn’t agree more with you about deku
@piusonche7851 4 күн бұрын
U know i love mha and deku as a character but everything his as was mostly ture, but it can't make me like deku less because in fiction, i don't need the writers to go above and beyond to make their character complex from my point of view. I just need a nice, relatable main character who what to get stronger so that he can protect the people the love. So i just go with the flow while watch the show but i still know smart writing and dumb/lazy writing.
@Omar_Marquez 4 күн бұрын
Bro Mikasa is literally one of the best character
@johnlasker5408 3 күн бұрын
I disagree wholeheartedly
@MaxEdrox 5 күн бұрын
Mirio was better protagonist than Deku, he follows the concept of BNH, he is heroic and besides to losing his quirk for a while he kept fighting besides the odds because he did train, he did care for people, he wanted to save people no matter the cost and was willing to sacrifice himself because of it. Deku? He showed All Might he is worthy because he saves Bakugo... Not a random civilian in need, but Bakugo, someone he already knows and who has a weird attachment, his "best friend" (Horikoshi, that weird dynamic doesn't help at all if you wanted to said he is straight 😒). Sometimes I feel like Horikoshi went with the first draft and when he introduce new characters that really fits into the theme of the manga he inmediately kick them out from the story because he doesn't want to admit that Deku started as a huge mistake for this story and world. Keep in mind, he is working on a spin off and I bet the main character will be better than Deku.
@anthon- 5 күн бұрын
Logically, Kira was right. Humanly, there are various reasons he was right, and various reasons he was wrong
@Abner-gu3ve 6 күн бұрын
Ozai’s a great villain because of how he’s able to have such a terrifying presence and influence. He has little screen time, is mostly seen as a silhouette for most of the show, doesn’t have too many lines yet his influence and impact of the show is reflected through the behavior of his children. The impact and stain he left on his family and his nation and how he influenced and drove the whole conflict of the show is proof of how he’s a great villain
@villainking9651 7 күн бұрын
During Season 7 when deku became the Edgy Vigilante it was like trying to make Clark Kent a edgy hero like Batman or Black suit Spider-Man and I cannot understand the hype
@leafyart4664 7 күн бұрын
"maybe he loses his quirk somehow" I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this...
@mmadmuor7149 7 күн бұрын
It's truely masterful writing when a villains death drives you to tears. The only other one with such impact, which comes to my mind may bei Darth Vader.
@SAGEjutsu 8 күн бұрын
I genuinely disagree with your points. only thing I'd nod at is mikasa indeey not having ass much agency as the ending gave her even with that Calling her a terrible character is still just freaking clickbait bro 😂 . Mikasa wants to protect and be with eren that's her disire, we wouldn't be having this subject if Mikasa was a overprotective dad trying to save his son who keeps getting into trouble an is forced to take his life at the end . There situation/position can change but Not every character is meant or needs to have a change of philosophy, and the characters that needed to change did change when it was needed
@johnlasker5408 3 күн бұрын
Histora was also semi attached to eren during season 3 but the difference between her and mikasa is that she actually had a personality that both made her interesting and was able to give good chemistry between them. Mikasa doesn’t have one and her chemistry with eren is one sided at best, non-existent at worst
@shreksyq 8 күн бұрын
“She doesn’t do anything as a Shinobi” Cause her Main Role is being a medic? And tfym “treated Naruto horribly” Sakura cheered for him and supported him since the Zabuza Arc. And she DOES reflect on what she said about him not having parents to Sasuke. Literally right after sasuke said it. And in the Zabuza Arc she saves Naruto from Zabuzas Shuriken in the Manga.
@thesmilyguyguy9799 8 күн бұрын
= )
@adamsanders2270 8 күн бұрын
The great misunderstanding of Sasuke is the fact that he experienced loss like Naruto, but his loss was in many ways more sinister. Naruto was alone from the beginning. Sasuke became alone when the person he loved and trusted the most took everything from him. Naruto was hungry for attention, but Sasuke was scarred. To love and trust is to become vulnerable to getting hurt again. Initially I was stunned that he wanted to destroy the leaf, but after thinking about it it made total sense. His hatred for Itachi was transferred to the Village that took everything from him.
@ian.swift.31614 8 күн бұрын
100% agree. i despise her so much. she's a horrible person through and through. always talking crap, always being a beta, zero confidence in anything beyond her own fighting ability which just comes across as extremely arrogant and disdainful. and that was demonstrated in her little rant in season 1. she even pushes away historia when historia wants to be friends.
@sourov3122 8 күн бұрын
I think that that was never there intention to kataang to be canon because this is really underrated and that only development in GATE is on season 3 and that moment accept for dance women everything else was cringe anda kiss from the end of the series was good but I never feel satisfied I believe that should never include romance in this series
@kaga1427 9 күн бұрын
Love madara he was my fav naruto villan, but im more into characters like batman, morpheus(from sandman comics) and even now i like boruto, and if u watched tv show or watched the comic u would know about that sand episode or issue (bassiclly he has his sand and he can put people into dreams etc. and some girl gets addicted to it and she is like living in this fake reality where she is with her man and everything is perfect, but on outside shes like corpse and she dies when that sand is taken away from her) And that reminded me of infinite tsukuyomi, fake reality where ue body is rooting and ur real life is forgoten. And yes living in world where there is no bad thing happening to you seems really good but im christian and i belive in heaven. I also belive that heven is place where only good thing happend, and u can relive ur happy memories and all u do is making new good memories. And cuz of that i see this life like a test, i want to be best version of myself and i dont look at death like worst thing that happend but i also dont want to die young. We all have one life on earth and we should expirience it fully, point is to have as much as fun here (like partying but not too much that we became addicted to alcohol, drugs etc, earn money but not too much so we become addicted to it, u get what im saying) and also like good things are part of your life so are bad, we only have one it may not be perfect but its at least real. My mother has s
@kaga1427 9 күн бұрын
Part 2. My mother has schizophrenia and i was watching movie called beautiful mind (2001) its about genius with schizophrenia. And its like there are all these events and people that u are not sure that are real, and now imagine all u love and care about are just part of your imagination, imagine now naruto.. he loves hinata, has his children boruto and himawari and manny other things and he dies and goes to heaven, there is hinata and all his firends he made in dream and none of them are real, none of them lived same dream as he has etc. He would be pretty sad, even tho he had best 50years of his life in that dream none of it matters cuz its not real acctualy, so im saying, in real life yes he went through some really bad stuff but it only made his stronger ans better in some way, in the end he wont remeber these bad times cuz good times will overshine it, nostalgia is remembering only good things about ur past so the bad thing just come and go but good things say with you till the day u die. It doesnt matter if its bad now cuz at the end its gonna be good. If u got to this part j want to thank you. I have been thinking about this past 2 or 3 days and i had to say it. I really like life even if i didnt before and id be verry happy if this helped anyone cuz i have been there and i eish you best in life❤❤❤
@Mikenho 9 күн бұрын
You just got put on a list for that video
@leannasullender8482 9 күн бұрын
well there was where he burned katara from not being disciplined fire bending he takes a long time to work up the courage to try it again with his guilt bit that did tie into zuko arc too since after he burned toph by mistake aang decided to let him join the ggang because he understands
@OscarGarciaBallesteros 11 күн бұрын
I can't believe this. Are we forgetting the severe training he had to go through to be worthy of OFA? Even with this, are we forgetting the risk he takes in every fight because his body still can't endure it? Are we forgetting how much he's learnt about heroism from his experience and partnership? Just because the show focuses on many other characters doesn't mean he's underdeveloped or has no stakes.
@kril859 8 күн бұрын
Yeah I agree my hero academy is mid at best 😅
@F1nd-m9 12 күн бұрын
I like Mikasa but that my opinion I like all of the characters
@spencerpayton5401 12 күн бұрын
Tbh I think the general consensus still holds up. Light’s INTENTIONS were good, but the problem is that he let the power go to his way too much. By that point, it was pretty clear he cared less about justice, and put a bigger emphasis on ruling the world through fear, not getting caught, not giving second chances, and being perfectly willing to execute ANYONE, even if their worst crime is just disagreeing with Kira.
@blesskind6389 12 күн бұрын
Liked and subscribed just because you seem a good guy who loves the same characters i love..good job man!
@ZackTheBBHOffical 13 күн бұрын
aint no way you think a sociopathic murderer who eventually let his own ego get to his head and decided to just kill anyone who got in his way and completely made it more then just killing criminals and murdering innocent people was actually right, just to show his own sense of twisted “justice” Light is sick to his head man. That’s all ima say to you
@1212Diablo 13 күн бұрын
Only that you are wrong by your own admission. You said "We are lucky the death note didn't do more harm than it did." Except that it didn't do harm now did it? As you said light saved more people than he killed and he saved innocent people. This the death note did good not damage to the good. Unless you choose not not count good people living as a good thing. Of course if you don't count innocent peoples lives as valuable then of course he did harm but then you must say that good peoples lives doesn't matter and sure you can think that if you want. In the end light was good for the world not bad. That's an objective fact as you yourself stated. Even if you don't like it, that's on you not valuing the lives of innocent people you don't know. Sure the death note might be bad in itself and yes we were lucky it wasn't hitler that got it. You can say the same with anything ever made. Anything can be used for good or evil.
@highsidezombietv3858 15 күн бұрын
Hands down the best protagonist. Not just in Anime for the most part... I have a list of great protagonists of all time in Anime, but Naruto is definitely at the top 💪🏼 He's definitely the most relatable, a character you can feel, and get behind. But definitely, out of the "Big 3" 💯 Naruto has become the Anime that's popular to hate on from time to time from what I've noticed. 🤦🏻‍♂️ And I don't get why. I get there are flaws in the series or execution of said series... but even those flaws don't take away from the messages, Influence, masterful writing, and all around how iconic the series truly is. 💯 Naruto is a masterpiece 👑
@yurika_edits 16 күн бұрын
I honestly hate how they make the whole world revolve around him. Like i get it, he is the main character, we are hearing HIS story. But why does he always have to be the one to end the fight? In most of the anime he isnt even the strongest person, he is just a student. Yet he always gets nosy and jumps in as if he is the "only" saviour of the world. There honestly a lot better quirks than one for all. One for all is supposed to be just a power quirk but it was made better thanks to the quirks of previous wielders. If consider one for all alone, other quirks like todoroki, bakugou, eraser head, creati and many more seem a lot better since they can be used more strategically. All deku can do is punch, kick or blow air.
@Doey14 16 күн бұрын
Light was always right.
@dishantmahi8061 16 күн бұрын
Naruto aint that good bruh stawp yapping XD
@andrewmah2962 16 күн бұрын
@Gilbert_Dice_Gottfried 16 күн бұрын
Her role in season 4 absolutely ruined her character for me. She has no reason at all to not want to kill eren. Eren became such an evil person and her refusing to kill him made me so mad. Eren was completely right to tell her that he always hated her. She never let him learn from the dangers of life and coddled him. I think it had a very detrimental effect on eren and he wanted to be “free” of her. It’s ironic because she was basically a “slave” to him but in a way he was held back and therefore, held captive by his own “slave.” She bothers me because there’s so many female characters in AOT that are written so well. Hange is one of the best written female characters I’ve seen in shonen (even though some people say hange isn’t female). Annie is also very well written. As well as many other female AOT characters that have a much, much more minor role than Mikasa, who is one of THE 3 main characters. She’s very similar to Sakura in that way because Sakura is one of the main characters of naruto. The difference is that naruto has few female characters that are even decently written. Before watching the video I knew what he was going to say. Mikasa is not her own character at all. She has absolutely no personality to speak of whatsoever. The only purpose she has is to protect eren and she has no other character traits besides that at all. It’s fine if she’s in love with him but her obsession with him makes her one of the creepiest characters I’ve ever seen and she is completely bland. Being a bad@$$ doesn’t make a character good. For example, Sasha is a good character because she has so many endearing personality quirks and it’s impossible not to love her. She’s practically bursting at the seams with personality and charm. Mikasa has nothing like that. She was holding everyone back with her refusal to kill eren while everyone else was fighting for their lives. It felt very selfish and stupid of her. She had every right to want to kill eren because he treated her like sh!t and she should’ve been the most mad at him out of anybody. It doesn’t make her more “human” or more relatable for having such huge character flaws. Instead it just makes her a bad character because none of her obsessions with protecting eren were really explained at all. The Ackerman’s protecting people thing was just a lazy excuse and a lousy cop out because Kenny and Levi weren’t like that at all. Kenny was very much his own man and basically did whatever he wanted to. Levi was protecting the people of his home behind the walls but I feel like a lot of it was just him loving battle and trying to justify his own existence. Mikasa was protecting eren because she was a weak person, not because she was an ackerman. In fact if it was because she was an ackerman, it’d just ruin her character even more.
@bolt2569 18 күн бұрын
Deku being Batman would have taken this show so incredibly high but the stupid (extremely pointless) power of one for all made it’s introduction😢
@fjccommish 19 күн бұрын
The show is awful in general. It tries too hard to be emotional, so it ends up being emotional over nothing. In Season 1, SPOILER, a main character's brother is killed - they don't show us the fight. Awful.
@tuskedclover3308 19 күн бұрын
I think another reason for ppl disliking Midoriya risks and punishment. The plot armor he has is sometimes, extremely noticable. He takes somewhat stupid risks, and doesn't get punished for it. Yes, it's fiction, he's the mc, the rules can be bent for him. But there's a point where some people just get taken out of the world, saying that was stupid. Like he doesn't get punished for trying rescue Bakugo. What he and the others were told was essentially, by all accounts, you should be punished, but because you're a part of the main cast you get another chance. A good example of risk would be Mikazuki from Iron-Blooded Orphans. When he needs more power, or needs to keep up with other pilots, he takes a risk that punishes him because it's a stupid risk. The surgery was dangerous and permanently morphed his body. He loses control in his right arm when he got a boost in order to win. He loses control of his entire right side after needing another boost. He has huge plot armor, but he still gets punished for taking stupid risks. Unlike Midoriya, who essentially gets off scott free from punishment when doing something stupid or explicitly against the rules
@Th3opps 21 күн бұрын
The best anime villain you know of Blackberry
@samuelclayhills3298 23 күн бұрын
Wll tecknically speaking since Itachi allowed his girlfriend Izumi live a complete and happy life in like a nanosecond in the light novels this would actually work. Of course its kinda a moot point considering the infinite tsukuyomi was complete bs that Black Zetsu used to manipulate the reincarnations of Indra to help him get Kaguya back. So while humanity has a good dream the human race dies out as everyone is turned into White Zetsus. Plus Madara caused a lot of evil and many wars and hell he basically loved fighting more than anything so even if his want for peace is somewhat genuine he was still extremly hyppocritical about it. His whole plan was actually more about stroking his ego and show off his power as what really matters was that he was the one who brought peace. We also see just how far he has fallen in the present as he basically was the root of all the bad things in the world to a degree. Also considering the whole plan was just a way to resurect Kaguya it was clearly doomed from the start.
@eternalblizzard4107 23 күн бұрын
2:11 exactly
@This.iscari. 24 күн бұрын
Ok so not to monlogue but before when i saw Twice i was like "oh cool" but when we got deeper and DEEPER i started really feeling for him he is basically the "the people who laugh the most are the saddest people in the room" quote because i only started watching anime 2 weeks ago but Twice made it one of my favourites so far he literally sarcrificed himself to save his friends multiple times and not only that but he's just so relatable and funny but the scene him and Toga shared at the end when i was trying my hardest not to cry made me cry so fucking bad(sorry for cursing to ppl who find it offensive) ,but yeah Twice is such a good guy that he wasnt begging not to die he literally made a double to save his FRIENDS instead of himself and wouldnt give up on them no matter what Twice:top tier character
@giggymuun 25 күн бұрын
maybe it’s because one of the main draws are the side characters :)
@JustasWealth 25 күн бұрын
Mikasa was written to be resemblance of ymir that would be slave and love the king
@harvey9400 26 күн бұрын
Out of topic: where did you get the background music? it’s so soothing 🤩
@jeremygrandison1040 26 күн бұрын
I'm so tired of the Deku hate, that's just braindead syndrome y'all taking! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
@Hei-yh2dm 28 күн бұрын
Every world need a kira
@JesusisLord756 29 күн бұрын
I think they could have pulled off the no kill idea if instead of Aang finding out he can talk the bending already, instead he had to learn how to take bending It would've also been better if there would have been a downside to killing him like how the rest of the fire nation may avenge ozai
@jasonleetharn 29 күн бұрын
If L was smarter, he would have waited to make a task force. If he wasn’t childish, he would have immediately left Japan, took his theories and deductions with him, never revealed it to the public. He would have found out about Naomi misora/ or at least discover her death and made partly accurate deductions as to who could be Kira. He could narrow it down, use his influence to create specific situations in which would narrow down who is Kira from the plausible existing pool of suspects (partners and families of the Japan task force) in those specific situations, he would have narrowed down the likely suspects. He would’ve waited, months, possibly years, he’s already established that Kira was childish-whats the best solution to childishness? Maturity. Waiting, taking the time to do ANY rebuttal, at s glacial pace. If L wasn’t egoistical himself, he would’ve played the long game.He would’ve WAITED between Every Reaction. That’s how you handle a child. Sure more criminals would be killed, but better them than citizens/FBI/police force. Light was childish and idealistic, a beautiful human with an extraordinary power bestowed on him, and L was a supposed genius that wants to solves mysteries and crimes, regardless of the result. Light never cared about human life(made apparent from now easily he killed innocent detectives doing their job) and L never cared either ( made apparent by how he found immediately instigating a reaction from Kira more important than strategizing a way to lure Kira out) Two geniuses that truly don’t care about human life, only to elevate their boredom and vy for the moral high ground.
@EurickHidalgo 29 күн бұрын
Aang is just kinda boring he always has to be the great good and someone of who is limited to having to be the avatar. So a lot of who he is and free will is taken by that responsibly. If he were just an airbender then I think we’d get more development. The scenes that hit hard for me with aang is the process of opening the chakras and when he woke up in season 3 after losing in the avatar state. He was talking about redemption and wanting his honor back but other then that he’s always kind of a simp and alot of it has to do with being the avatar something he never had the choice of being.