Jesus Christ, Sun of Righteousness
The 2013 Astrotheology Calendar
11 жыл бұрын
Please respect my religion!
12 жыл бұрын
Jesus as the Sun God
12 жыл бұрын
The Gospel According to Acharya S
@thoughtvibesz 2 күн бұрын
Please give a reply to bart erhman
@nasserhameed3828 15 күн бұрын
What a tour de force for truth. RIP D.M. Murdoch
@TruthHurtsbtheals100 18 күн бұрын
Very interesting that she has been writing a lot about the date 25th December and then she passed on 25th December. I never knew about her till I read Suns Of God and I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. Her name used to confuse me. I thought Murdock was a male but Acharya S in her writing sounded a feminine till I recently googled her and found out she’s a woman but had passed. It made me sad to know she had passed. I wish I could have met her
@AJ-Secular 18 күн бұрын
She was a whole person! I didn't know these things about her. Thanks!
@drewcameron6550 23 күн бұрын
I still can't believe she's gone.
@nasserhameed3828 23 күн бұрын
Pity Alex, cant escape his mental slavery to religious dogma and blind faith
@nasserhameed3828 23 күн бұрын
There is only one question. What are the claims in the holy texts and what is the EVIDENCE. Please read DM Murdock's books. They are based on research by someone is well versed in Greek Hebrew etc.
@CPHSDC Ай бұрын
To look at Tan'ach as a bunch of reworked more ancient myths is to miss the forest for the trees. btw No one follows Judaism, 'blindly'.
@chrisstevens2706 Ай бұрын
I think weve moved on significantly. Christianity is a Religion. It is based on God becoming Man. In religion, God can become Man. This is indisputable. History is a different subject matter. Whoever wrote the New Testament, understood Religion in a way that is mostly now lost to Mankind. Christianity attracts people who need Historical facts to believe/not believe.
@Ridethebomb777 Ай бұрын
Sun worship ..... it never gets old ..... it just goes around and around, like the seasons and the signs, houses, or mansions in the heavens ...... it's a never ending story folks !
@mjpietro Ай бұрын
These are all ways to show meanings of Christ and reminders of the Man who is God's Son. Do not take these symbols as meaning Christ is imaginary. Historically the Man existed and the physical envidence exists of his crucifixtion, death, and ressurection. Even an LA PD detective atheist proved on murder scene facts and eyewitness accounts that Jesus was murdered, died, buried, and ressurected. I wouldn't lose sleep that your research detracts from Jesus' story and message. It adds to it and points back at Man himself. Why Man continues to reject Christ and God. His presence and existance is in our face!😁
@mrlanders08 Ай бұрын
Odd that she died on Christmas Day.
@NickSmith-dn7uh Ай бұрын
That's what I have been thinking.
@johnchill Ай бұрын
Pity Alex starts this interview , with HIS so called, correct interpretations of atheism and why there must be a devine spark. Such a pity. Acharya S is capable of enunciation her knowledge without Alex's imposed views. Such a pity and a spoilt interview.
@Ridethebomb777 Ай бұрын
Finkelstein went looking in the desert for signs of the Exodus ...... found absolutely nothing. Wrote about his findings in his book The Bible Unearthed.
@OnlineMD Ай бұрын
The first book I had read of this amazing scholar was "The Christ Conspiracy," published in 1999. She then proceeded to work on "Suns Of God" which was published in 2004. Poor thing, she was struggling financially, so I sent her $100. I now wish it was $1000 or more but my wife and I were struggling too, raising two daughters. (I was only able to retire in 2020) So she sent me an autographed copy. I wish I had asked for a small lock of her beautiful hair too, I really do! I'm sure my wife wouldn't have minded!!!! Anyhow, about this video, after 20 minutes I got tired of seeing her on the screen, muted out. Not nice, people! Men talking on and on, and the brilliant, beautiful Acharya S talking but muted out. Uhhh. And oh, one other thing. I asked her by email, if Jesus was a mythical being, how come Thomas Christianity became established in South India within the fourth century CE? Oh, that didn't phase her one bit. She absolutely would not accept that there was a living breathing "apostle" named Thomas who came to India; likely someone who carried the Christ myth which was based on earlier myths. It is quite a story, that of Thomas in India, if you look it up. Apparently he arrived in the west coast of South India, (legend says by 56 CE) created the first churches there, then moved to the east coast to what is now called Chennai. There, apparently, he was martyred by a local King. As you descend by plane into the Chennai airport, your plane will go over a hill that was and is called St. Thomas Mount.
@ronchism6435 Ай бұрын
Fascinating woman. Someone once emailed me claiming to be Acharya's sister. She said that ONE inspiration for Acharya's writings was that their parents were Christian religious zealots, and that Acharya's works were inspired as a reaction to that zealotry. I have NO idea if that was true, and I had no way if knowing if the individual writing me was Acharya's sister or not. I held the view that "Jesus Christ" did exist; was crucified; survived the crucifixion; traveled to Kashmir; married; had children; and died at the age of 120. I entered debates with Acharya, via email. I was impressed by her CIVILITY and her HONOR and her PATIENCE. I was nobody special. But she exchanged with me anyway. I miss her.
@Scott_works 2 ай бұрын
This is the first chapter of the first Zeitgeist movie. They disassemble Christianity like it is an old automobile. This was a transformational segment for many people who were once under the spell of Christendom. I saw this twenty years ago, in 1994. After seeing Zeitgeist, I left the Republican party and Christianity. Since then I have studied ancient history and the world's religions. I had to process the PTSD from the Persian Gulf War, in which I was a Marine. My world knowledge was weak. All I knew about the Abrahamic religions was Christianity, and I was a Christian for twenty years. I had to understand the core issues between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. I already knew a lot about Buddhism, and liked it. I undertook the practice of yoga, and became a certified instructor of Ashtanga. I learned about the Hindu, Jain, and Sikh religions. I learned about the Zoroastrian religion, and the Bahai Faith. And then I learned about the ancient religions of the Near East and Mediterranean. Here is what I believe I have learned about the Abrahamic religions. Judaism - The Jews borrowed their fables and folk lore from the Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. The grew up between them and were dominated by several of them over the millennia. The Northern Kingdom was decimated by the Assyrians and the northern "ten tribes" were hauled off and never heard from again. The Temple of Solomon was later destroyed by Babylon, and the Jews of the Southern Kingdom hauled off to Babylon for 70 years. King Cyrus of the Persians, a Zoroastrian, set them free after defeating the Babylonians, and let them rebuild the second temple. The Jews then rewrote much of their back story so they could have a valid claim to their land. The wrote the story of how God gave it to Abraham. They borrowed themes from Hindu, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian religions. The learned to write from the Greeks, and adopted Greek language. They retooled their stories, changed their names, and blended it in with their oral traditions. They later fought against the Greeks and then the Romans, though many of the Jews submitted to both. Christianity. Christianity is a Sun God religion. They anthropomorphized the sun to be God's son, and made Jesus a God. Whether or not Jesus actually existed as a human is questionable. There were many cults in the Roman Empire, and the term Christ was used in other religions as the "anointed one" or the "enlightened one". The Romans were adept at blending religions to fabricate new Gods to please the populace from either side. The Messianic Jews fought bitterly against the Greeks and the Romans. They believed a messiah would come and lead them to victory and their own kingdom. The Romans were tired of fighting the Jews, as they were wide spread in Rome. They summoned General Vespasian, who had "erased" the Druid people and culture, and ordered him to do the same with Israel. Messianic Jews were said by Nero to have started the fire in Rome. Nero died, and Vespasian was made Emperor. His son General Titus destroyed Israel with Roman armies. They took the treasure and the Torah from the Jews' temple, and used it to write the Gospels. They promulgated them across the empire. They told the story of Jesus, the Jewish messiah who came and taught the people that the priests of the temple were corrupt, and the law of Moses was obsolete. Jesus taught men to obey Caesar and to be pacifist. He taught men to be faithful in their station in life and their reward would come in the eternal kingdom, the afterlife. This became the explanation for why the Romans decimated Judah and razed the temple, killing millions of Jews and wiping their nation off the face of the earth, taking possession the Levant. After a couple of hundred years of this, they fabricated the formal religion of Christianity and made it the state religion of Rome, a religion they could control. They erased anything that competed with Christianity, and forced it on the masses at the edge of the sword. They canonized the Bible and moved the capital of Rome to Constantinople. Eventually the empire split along the lines of language, Greek vs Latin. The religion split with it, birthing the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, both of which lasted for a thousand years. Islam. There was a prophet named Mani who claimed to be a prophet of Jesus, the last prophet, and the seal of the prophets. He blended Zoroastrian and Christianity and was popular in Rome, Persia, India, and China. He had a large following. The Romans squashed this religion (Manichaeism) when they created Christianity as their state religion. At the same time, Persia adopted Zoroastrianism as their official religion and Manichaeism declined. A few hundred years later, Muhammad came and they wrote the Koran. They believed that the Jews had corrupted their religion, and then the Romans had corrupted Christianity. They believed that Islam was God's true religion and the religion of Abraham. They gave Muhammad the monikers of The Last Prophet and The Seal of the Prophets. They used Manichaeism as material for Islam and kept the stories of the Jews and Jesus, many of which were destroyed by Rome.
@suzanneblomgren2237 2 ай бұрын
Very informative, ty
@user-ec5vx3uf6r 2 ай бұрын
She is big lost to our time. The real dark time is now, facist and Nazis made clear to close the liberty of learning to acquire knowledge. The real darkness is in the religion of lies fear and ignorance
@Scott_works 2 ай бұрын
Acharya S - a very brave woman who stood up to a very large organization in the world and led the charge to "enlighten us". Know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Christians don't need any more proof than 1) The bible is God's infallible word. 2) If it's in the bible, its true. They won't listen to any reason, or any facts to the contrary. This is what they are indoctrinated to believe. They believe Solomon existed and was the strongest man in the world. But Hercules was mythology. The Jewish tales are factual, the Greek are mythology. I became angry at the Christian church. Angry because they continued for year after year to fill me with inaccurate information while milking me for money, week after week, year after year. I tried bringing friends to church, I tried making friends at church with little luck. I lost friends who went to church with me one time who then said "no thanks" to me and to Christianity. My parents went to church for fifty years, every week, and always gave money - usually 5% of their income, which was significant. My mom did not even know who Abraham was. My dad knew more about Santa Clause than he did about Jesus. I tried numerous denominations, and was scolded for asking honest questions, even asked to "find another church". They never teach the origins of Judaism, the origins of Christianity, or the history of Christianity. They don't teach comparative religion, and don't teach the comparison and origins of all the branches of Christianity. I went for twenty years as an adult and didn't know anything about the Eastern Orthodox branch. I knew nothing about Islam, and I participated as a Marine in the Persian Gulf War. These people do not want you to learn the big picture of it all. They want to spoon feed you their own blend, and have you pay them to keep feeding it to you, That logo of a cross and a dollar sign is so accurate. When we invaded Iraq in 2003, i knew they were lying us into that war. I left the Republican party and Christianity. I am so glad I did, but it has taken me a lot of time and effort to research my way to the root cause of the issues. The truth of the matter is that the Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have "sacred" texts that are hopelessly pitted against each other. There will be no peace in the middle East without the deconstruction of these texts and proof that they were fabricated and are full of misinformation, fables, fairy tales, and state propaganda. None of them are "God's word". They are the words of those who believed God was inspiring them.
@prayercodes 2 ай бұрын
dec29 my bday. was/ am will always Be, a giant fan and student of DM. i pray she is in Light. if you are New to Acharya, DIVE IN
@roguewar88 2 ай бұрын
If she was neutral, as in neither for or against, I respect that. This world or this realm can at times persuade one to feel forced to choose a side.
@roguewar88 2 ай бұрын
The voice and profanity of the female taking about the cuckoo bird is annoying. No one knows why this is. There is no proof of evolution. It's a theory which was created by who? Hmm....Moses is a story that is very disturbing. I'm not here to comment about a Hebrew book being true, because it's not. Fantastic lizards is a hoax as much as the big bang theory. Again, no one knows.
@roguewar88 2 ай бұрын
The movie Yentl, the movie Dune, all are Jewish productions that depict Old Testament or the Torah myths. Especially the main character Paul in Dune. In that I see the Moses character.
@daretodare-xr1kl 3 ай бұрын
@lindseyjohn4789 3 ай бұрын
I wonder what would she say if she were to come back from the dead, for a day. Would her works become a lie or the absolute truth. What would she say about Moses, Paul, and Jesus Christ.
@MrPorkered 3 ай бұрын
I do admire and follow her work but can anyone explain how she passed away right smack on Dec 25!!!??? Is this a coincidence>??
@asheru9254 Ай бұрын
Passed away during galactic phenomena. May she rest In Peace
@diverbrent 3 ай бұрын
She’ll be missed. Loved her work. Real courage for Truth. Much love and many blessings.
@Demosophist 3 ай бұрын
“The consequent process of archetypal-isation of Nature ensure that the Earth is now an old ‘booster-stage’… a quaint form of Camp… a sort of archaeological museum affording immediate access to all past cultures simultaneously on a classified-information basis. THE SATELLITE DECIDES FOR US THAT OUR FUTURE RELATION TO THE PLANET IS ONE OF “PROGRAM”. (Dew-Line 1;5)” --Herbert Marshall McLuhan
@MitchellRose-gi2ln 3 ай бұрын
Our solution to the hypocracy, I think, is in the "why" society hides the truth of religious culture. Societies are supported by the fallacy of the fiction. "We can't handle the truth". Why? I wish that I had learned more in school about "Human Narcissism ". The study of retarding of maturity can help to explain how a pastor is threatened by reality.
@frankyzee 3 ай бұрын
She was amazing
@frankyzee 3 ай бұрын
She opened my mind. We were email friends.
@rjpearsonIV 4 ай бұрын
As Easter 2024 approaches. I am glad I remembered this video. I posted it to facebook and texted it to my Children. I am a former Christian. My children are I feel still under its influence. Her videos are invaluable to helping many like them. I am completely out. So when I watch these videos it of course brings out a type of low grade rage at the reason why Christian Churches keep pushing the Jesus resurrection story on Easter. I was indoctrinated into conservative evangelicalism. i.e like Billy Graham. I know. I also always loved science. Why not just preach what Acharya S just said every Easter? I discovered Acharya S after she passed on. I was saddened to hear it. The Sun God is real. He can raise the dead of whom he chooses. Acharya S, D.M. Murdock would be on the list. She was known as "Dori" to her loved ones. Amen.
@PaulSmith-wz2xv 4 ай бұрын
Share widely and also be aware that this information also destroys the foundations of the Islamic Myth criticism of which can be an extremely dangerous pastime.
@oldmanfigs 4 ай бұрын
@rawr1208 4 ай бұрын
dionysus mom got effed by zeus, no matter the myth his father is always zeus
@AlanIanke 4 ай бұрын
You are sorely missed. Your knowledge provided freedom for my mind and soul.
@charlesamos1515 4 ай бұрын
@barrylyndongurley 4 ай бұрын
Take any premise upon which a religion is based, examine it carefully and you'll find much that strains credulity. Some surmount these doubts and become true believers. I respect that, but haven't yet been able to muster a belief in them, after applying reasoning to the premises upon which the beliefs are based. Belief: from the root word "lief," meaning, " to wish." It's always a good idea to kick the tires & open the hood before you buy the car.
@maumusa123 5 ай бұрын
I didn't know she had passed away until today. Feel sad and I am going to miss her.
@_kieran_behan 5 ай бұрын
can anyone out there connect me to Barbara )))
@StellarHouse1 4 ай бұрын
Her website is,
@_kieran_behan 5 ай бұрын
@Demosophist 5 ай бұрын
I wish she were still around and could comment on the work of David N. Talbott and others in the Thunderbolts Project, because I think she'd have another epiphany. It was a Sun God, for sure... but not the one that's currently in the sky. It was a different sun--the one the Greeks called Kronos/Helios, and the Romans called Saturn, the Egyptians Atem, etc..
@Demosophist 5 ай бұрын
Oh, I remembered what I was going to say about the "horns". The horns were the crescent figure which rotated around the Saturnian orb as it was backlit by our current sun. It was this rotation that first gave humans a sense of the passage of time, and and index by which time could be counted. Again, see David Talbott, Ev Cochrane, Dwardu Cardona, et al..
@timothymulholland7905 5 ай бұрын
Great ,
@bradthieke4969 5 ай бұрын
She stands for the Truth
@Navops1067 5 ай бұрын
Excuse me but the sun is not spheroid and it doesn’t rotate but nice try.
@Demosophist 5 ай бұрын
Her contribution in critical. I should say that I'm not a Mythicist except in a very narrow sense that the enduring archetypes with which mythology is filled derive from a period in Earth's development where the forces of electricity and plasma dominated the much weaker forces of gravity. The further back you go in history the closer you get to the origins of a universal "religion" based on the planetary "gods" and geologically active electromagnetic discharge formation which would inspire awe in anyone who had witnessed it for even a brief period.
@omegadroidzero 5 ай бұрын
Religion is a weapon of mass destruction.
@malcolmneate5852 5 ай бұрын
What a loss she has been but her works stands up.
@charlescarter2072 6 ай бұрын
Agnostic New Testament scholar Bart D. Ehrman wrote in his Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth that "all of Acharya's major points are in fact wrong" and her book "is filled with so many factual errors and outlandish assertions that it is hard to believe the author is serious".
@StellarHouse1 4 ай бұрын
If you read the book, "Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth: An Evaluation of Ehrman s Did Jesus Exist?" by all these authors: Dr. Richard Carrier Ph.D. D.M. Murdock, Earl Doherty, René Salm, David Fitzgerald, Frank R. Zindler and Dr. Robert M. Price you will learn just how wrong Bart Ehrman really is. Here's Dr. Price calling Bart Ehrman's comments about Acharya's work, "LIBEL": "Such libel only reveals a total disinclination to do a fraction of the research manifest on any singe page of Acharya's works." page xxi Bart Ehrman owes Acharya S an apology.
@charlescarter2072 4 ай бұрын
@@StellarHouse1 as soon as Carrier was mentioned I switched off.
@Marabarra94 Ай бұрын
​​@@charlescarter2072as soon as Ehrman was mentioned i started to laugh😂😂 the man that brings all kinds of hypothetical sources as evidence for a historical Jesus. the delusion
@charlescarter2072 6 ай бұрын
Agnostic New Testament scholar Bart D. Ehrman wrote in his Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth that "all of Acharya's major points are in fact wrong" and her book "is filled with so many factual errors and outlandish assertions that it is hard to believe the author is serious".
@riverdean7 Ай бұрын
and why should we believe Bart D. Ehrman
@charlescarter2072 Ай бұрын
@@riverdean7 good point. Worth reading many sources and forming a balanced view.
@riverdean7 Ай бұрын
@@charlescarter2072 u ca look at the work to of Kenneth Humphreys and richard carrier