Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Full Review
Let's Play Xenogears (Part 48) [4-8Live]
@supersaiyanzero386 23 сағат бұрын
I just did the first one this should be its own game not a mini game in a game it should literally be its own game it's so extensive. I want to play final fantasy not.... whatever in the world this is lol. I'd probably enjoy it if that's the kind of thing that I wanted to do but I purchased Final Fantasy 7 rebirth hahaha
@supersaiyanzero386 Күн бұрын
Another one like condor very good. Thanks for being a technical practical advice giver and no nonsense guide! I would have spent 6 hours on each of these without your help. I haven't even completed gears yet but I already know that this is going to be similar to the Condor guide I can easily pause and place Takes me a while to get stuff and patterns memorized but once I do I'm really efficient but to be honest I just want to get through these I prefer the combat simulator and the story and trying my own combinations so I just need to get my guys as strong as possible I understand why there are like a hundred videos with people covering their faces with "FF7 Rebirth Platinum, was it worth it?!" In the title LOL
@carljordan2386 Күн бұрын
By far the best guide!! Thank you
@kmjsuperfly1 Күн бұрын
Whew! been binge watching the last 3 days and finally caught up.
@ma2perdue Күн бұрын
This game is impossibly hard in a fun way
@supersaiyanzero386 Күн бұрын
Im physically sick doing the Aerith one. I'm at like my 25th try I must be missing something really bad I don't know what it is but I'm definitely missing something Yuffie one was kinda easy. Aerith I'm fighting different enemies maybe I chose the wrong thing but I have to do crush Intel twice I only got 1,980 out of 6,000 after practicing I'm wondering if this is going to be something that's going to take a few days the advice was amazing but my first round was a different cactus maybe I'll try to find the one that starts out the way yours does Edit edit edit Got it I just needed some practice and to calm the hell down thank you thank you a few more to go and then I'm going to check out your gears and gambits thanks man
@mjesus850 Күн бұрын
do these guys have any steals
@masoprid3 Күн бұрын
ff7 original will always be the best. i didnt mind rebirth but the gongaga map was awful. and the design of cosmo canyon was a maze nightmare... could have made it eaiser to navigate. overall a 7.5 out of 10
@Jyukenmaster95 Күн бұрын
16:30 "Aerith is a Chocobo" is the new "Rinoa is Ultimecia"
@hpesojogladih9782 Күн бұрын
That fight seems endless.
@mjesus850 Күн бұрын
seems like its not even possible with the hp drain that happens, just did this part and was wondering if its intended to steal from them and try to beat it, but i doubt. so i just moved on
@supersaiyanzero386 Күн бұрын
Yuffie attempt 4, 6400. I was failing with the walkthrough so I went back to the basic tips and use a lot more blind side hard mode
@keen96 Күн бұрын
I would watch the shit out of an Ancient JRPG Makers tv show ngl
@allycatblues2770 Күн бұрын
You gatta beat it Death! Use all your FF7 knowledge. I need to know what will happen after the fight! It'll be wild if Zach joins the party or something.
@Mimsy_Crush Күн бұрын
1st also ben waiting on this cut off time i wanted to see
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
LOL Does a lot with a little
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
Ely has so much flair in her victory pose I had a way big crush on her as a teenager lol vesu more than tifa or aerith tifa was too typical abd aerith was too fake
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
Lol user friendly, they were definitely not trying to be lol
@supersaiyanzero386 Күн бұрын
Did all four hard on first try. Thanks 4 8 you're an FF hero genius man!
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
You're feeling the rushing now
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
Are you out of the prison though? When life is a prison lol
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
I grinded out so many combos before advancing in thr beginning that I was smoking fools super easy. Also xg has a problem identifying cubes lol
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
The fact you've done so well without certain combos is impressive
@debelmeis2311 Күн бұрын
Hungry, better bust out a can of Soylent 😂
@razyamato2449 Күн бұрын
Still can’t believe you gave up so early , such a shame
@RichHeart89 Күн бұрын
Arbitrary code execution is the coolest thing in gaming :D
@dynagamerproductions8249 Күн бұрын
This isn't really ACE happening here, this works more along the lines of bringing your party to a time in the game where the field scripts run a line to put Aerith into the party (just after SampleH0512), then bringing that party back to the point where you left off
@Loim988 Күн бұрын
Can all the saves be created on one play through? Or do you have to start new play throughs for each save you have to create?
@dynagamerproductions8249 Күн бұрын
It can all be done in one playthrough
@kyleabrams5036 Күн бұрын
Gave that bish a phoenix down...
@mareoso37 Күн бұрын
death, I really think sometimes you would benefit from doing your commentary after the cutscenes, just like you do with voice-acted games. It's no secret that Xenogears is not my cup of tea. The game was full of ups and downs when I played it, grasping and then loosing my interest in it multiple times. But if I was ever invested in the game, it was during this section, and your reaction throughout the entire scene with Elly's dad kind of soured my enjoyment on it. You often advocate for understanding character behaviour, and being interested in their development/relationships, but it felt to me that you failed to put yourself in Erich shoes back there. I'm not sure where the "it's been years since he saw his daughter" is coming from (maybe I missed when they mentioned it), but Elly's dad works in the palace, and he has access to restrictive information (which is the whole point of being in that room to begin with). Even if it had been years since I last saw my daughter, if I heard she had come home, on the day when the lamb dwellers who are infiltrating my country were captured, I'd be suspicious. And not only that, but my wife told me that she's home with somebody who looked like a land dweller, and then find them fiddling with my computer. I wouldn't care less how long it's been. It's not too far-fetched to think that Erich is aware of Elly being a traitor, so that's why he's acting the way he does. I would be enranged, and probably think the land dwellers had tricked/coerced my daughter into doing that, so I would've also take it out on Fei. And if I saw that as an opportunity to exonerate her, then I would take it. Erich even mentions that Elly knows what happens to traitors. But after seeing that Fei is a decent fellow (because of his reaction to the family feud), he lets him go without a fight. And about that, I understand people thinking Fei is stupid, but, as others have commented already, repeating what the other person said is a way to be polite in Japan. Whether he's really stupid or not, is up to debate. But in here, he finally put two and two together, and realized why Elly did not join his group from the beginning. Fei doesn't have a family, but she does. A family who cares for her, and being a traitor means she's an enemy to her own parents. Thus, he tells her to stay with them, so they don't keep fighting. Could all of this have been explained better? Absolutely. However, I don't think this was a translation or the game being rushed problem (this specific part). There are other points in the game when you, as a player, have no clue what's going on. I feel like that's an inherent issue of Xenogears, because it keeps throwing concepts and plot points at you, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, I apologize for the long wall of text, and hope it didn't come out as rude.
@4-8Productions Күн бұрын
I think we just disagree as to what happened in the cutscene, which is perfectly fine, that doesn't mean I or you need to do anything different. Also, I've heard nothing but "this game was rushed in the second half" since the playthrough started so obviously that is going to be one avenue I explore when trying to break apart a cutscene. But don't take my thinking out loud as the end all be all final synopsis of a cutscene, its just what I'm thinking at that moment.
@jeremyseaton3314 Күн бұрын
Dyne as a character was ruined for me, and Red's new voice wasn't necessary for me, and I didn't like it. Also I felt like the last 10 hours were the only part of the story that really mattered. It was information overload at the end. Those are my only real complaints. That, and also there's a bit too much content, and it gets exhausting when everything is a puzzle it feels like. A lot of it doesn't hit, and could have been cut. I just hated how Dyne was so polar opposite of his character towards Barrett than in the OG. And I felt the Shinra soldiers came from nowhere. O also, Aerith's part at the temple caused my control to have analog drift. I wish game devs didn't use mechanics that make you stress the analog like that. Lastly I was disappointed that progress from Remake couldn't carry over. Queen's Blood went from fun, but easy to legendary difficult immediately. It caused serious wiplash. Also, I wish Ft. Condor was done more like how it was done in Integrade where there were opponents in every area, and where you earned pieces and play style. Cid was completely changed, and watered down. And I hated battle with Cait Sith. Lastly, fuck the half button presses at Jules' gym. Fuck those in particular. And the Gold Saucer fighting mini game was impossible without pause spamming.
@ProjectSerpo90 Күн бұрын
Excellent review. I agree with you on 99.9% of you opinions, ESPECIALLY Cid. He felt nothing at all like Cid in OG. His upbeat positive attitude did not match what i felt from OG. I just finished FF XVI and i felt like that Cid was closer to FFVII OG Cid than Rebirth. Really loved the game overall but they definitely missed the mark on a lot of key things.
@ProjectSerpo90 Күн бұрын
Do you have a video or guide of the Brutal Challenges for combat sim? Im trying to get platinum and I’m stuck on Helions Intonement. I had no problem on normal but hard more is extremely difficult for me. Even using Stop/Magnify + Quaga/Magnify technique i can’t win. My characters get annihilated.
@LomaGnome Күн бұрын
Where's this toilet I flush 10k times to raise the dead?
@jmiester25 Күн бұрын
I don’t agree with the notion that every scene with Aeris is goofy.
@1k_Synth Күн бұрын
My neighbor had been claiming this for 20 years
@billyteioh Күн бұрын
Does it work on the switch version
@rogueoperative1547 Күн бұрын
Would this work on the Switch version? If no one's tested it, I'll see if it works.
@ragnaroksangel Күн бұрын
Wait a minute, you just said at the 3rd prerequisite that this works for the original PC or Steam version... so not the PSX version?
@drago1uk2000 Күн бұрын
Only on steam and pc so basically its irrelevant lmao
@dynagamerproductions8249 Күн бұрын
Why is it irrelevant? Both versions are rel versions
@BinaryDood Күн бұрын
"Treasure which cannot be stolen" my fav ost
@ragnaroksangel Күн бұрын
I guess it's time... About to create the first save
@patdonovan2087 Күн бұрын
I suppose you could make gil selling materia ? But that would mean a fair way through the game or alot of grinding and becoming op early. Interesting concept the no gil reward. Gets ya thinkin
@nateg7384 Күн бұрын
Never knew how complex this game is
@bragiodinsen4604 Күн бұрын
i love that super soldier cloud cant lift the hunk of metal off cid without shera the middle aged scientist lady's help
@tisoybagtik6208 Күн бұрын
Can you do this on PS4 console?
@kenneyblanton6080 Күн бұрын
@theFado96 Күн бұрын
If I remember correctly, the code is doing binary sums, but it might be doing in reverse; with the lowest magnitude digit on the left instead of the right. In the Resonant Arc podcast of Xenogears they tried to explain why would Citan allow Elly and Fei to eat the canned food despite him knowing how it's made. What they theorized is that 1) It's part of Citan's plan for 'something' that happens to Fei later (won't spoil what) or 2) it's more like a symbolism thing of "you are what you eat" so since you ate the evil food, are you going to fight the evil who made it, knowing you're "part" of it (sort of, I can't remember it pretty well) Also Citan's "This is reality, let's go." is 100% the most badass line in the game XD
@theFado96 Күн бұрын
If I remember correctly, the code is doing binary sums, but it might be doing in reverse; with the lowest magnitude digit on the left instead of the right. In the Resonant Arc podcast of Xenogears they tried to explain why would Citan allow Elly and Fei to eat the canned food despite him knowing how it's made. What they theorized is that 1) It's part of Citan's plan for 'something' that happens to Fei later (won't spoil what) or 2) it's more like a symbolism thing of "you are what you eat" so since you ate the evil food, are you going to fight the evil who made it, knowing you're "part" of it (sort of, I can't remember it pretty well) Also Citan's "This is reality, let's go." is 100% the most badass line in the game XD
@TheDarlingFussyfangs Күн бұрын
42:45 With How Needed Morph Is Like I Almost Wish It Did Normal Attack Damage
@trasul4884 Күн бұрын
Does it work on a PS3 version ?
@ProjectSerpo90 Күн бұрын
“gonna have to cheese this” 48:26 “look at him go!” 😂😂😂 im dying