The Science of HELLDIVERS 2!
21 күн бұрын
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@lightbeingpontifex 3 минут бұрын
oh crap
@mauriciogamboapulido 5 минут бұрын
As an INL worker I can tell you…. We need to help people love this subject as much as I do
@rjpluhar8894 26 минут бұрын
This is awesome
@kjack2019 35 минут бұрын
You should mention 2 VERY important facts/misconceptions 1) reactor safety varies considerably with design - pebble reactors for example are quite resistant to meltdown 2) they CAN NOT explode like a nuclear bomb. My favorite meta-explanation is that it’s relatively easy to build a nuclear reactor (including sufficient refinement) but really hard to build a nuclear bomb. But by all means go into refinement levels and critical masses, and a somewhat subtle point it took me a minute to get, that criticality accidents don’t result in explosions because the heat generated by the reaction almost instantly expands it past critical mass. I know it’s unrelated but my biggest pet peeve misconception is the idea that if the sun were a black hole it would suck us all in… please do a vid on that! Another one from a great book called “relativity visualized” deals with the model of balls on a sheet to model gravitational distortion of spacetime, and they propose an alternate model. Why the hell has no one else figured out, the model for the effects of gravity needs to use gravity to work?
@lowiq888 38 минут бұрын
Similar problems may still exist in every airport, dentist office, courthouse, hospital, and other places where humans are forced to comply, or gaslighted into having faith in SOFTWARE. The same arrogant experts will ALWAYS assure you that you are perfectly safe from software controls. These expert operators are criminally insane in my opinion. They do not need to be sued when something goes wrong. They belong in prison, or a mental institution for the criminally insane for the rest of their lives. Any skeptic will be casually disregarded as crazy and paranoid. It also creates an opportunity for bad actors to single out individuals for elimination and create plausible deniability by claiming that the individual simply got cancer like so many others. Or some hacker might just make some adjustments to the software for fun.
@alexielraynes6265 40 минут бұрын
800 Septillion
@alexielraynes6265 40 минут бұрын
800 Septillion
@theminerwithin9316 41 минут бұрын
You did enter a nuclear wasteland, Kyle. It's just an accurate one.
@alexielraynes6265 44 минут бұрын
5:21 200 Septillion