@gowthamkumar7547 16 сағат бұрын
Bro u have to watch ramcharan's new song jaragandi from gamechnager movie.
@DontDrinkTheLuminol 19 сағат бұрын
How do you feel about this episode now that you've finished the season and know WHY these three were acting so weird?
@Madvisionn 16 сағат бұрын
way better than before for sure!!! it all makes sense
@DontDrinkTheLuminol 13 сағат бұрын
@@Madvisionn I am very much like you -- I trust characters too much when they tell their stories and motives. I need to remind myself we are all unreliable narrators.
@claireelyse5992 21 сағат бұрын
This was my favorite episode of the season. I kind of like how different it feels from the other episodes. To me it was very deep and very shocking and exciting. Super interesting and insane! I could write (and have written) essays about this episode! Maybe if you watch it again you might pick up on some more things. It explains so much about the character’s dynamics both in the present day and then even farther back to the past in Paris. Very enlightening. But if you still didn’t really like this episode, no problem. It is like it’s own contained story. Armand is my favorite character, and we really see him at full-force this episode. We get to see how insane, desperate, and manipulative he is all while still being able to understand the deep sadness and tragedy of his character. He is very insecure. He comes off as very reserved at first but that is a mask he puts on. He doesn’t know who he is or how to get what he wants. So he resorts to evil things and being a control freak, despite his belief that he is a passive participant in the way things play out. It is a response to the trauma and lack of control and lack of real ton-toxic love from his traumatic past (sex slavery, kidnapping, grooming, forced prostitution, abuse, brainwashing). It is great subtle acting work by Assad Zaman that we can see all this play out. I also love how Louis and Daniel join forces this episode, which is an important turning point in the season. They both know something is up with Armand, their memories, and the story being told as a whole for this whole interview. This “happy couple” charade Armand and Louis are putting on in modern day is not true and actually feels very sinister. That happy facade crumbling as they uncover more and more of the truth of the past. I think both Louis and Armand know that they shouldn’t be together, but at the same time they can’t be separated. Armand is desperate, and Louis almost seems like he’s punishing himself. After the finale, we can see why this is very clearly. There may have been some love or affection there, but each of their actions have spoiled it and left them nothing else but each other. I’ve rewatched it so many times! It is so layered and perfect, and I cannot take my eyes off of it. It is magnetic and hypnotizing, despite how horrifying it is. It probably has a lot to do with just how rich and exciting all of the performances were. Also, everyone was looking GOOD in the 70s. I cannot wait to rewatch this season all the way through now that it’s all out and we have proper context for everything. Edit: typos
@stephaniehensley346 Күн бұрын
I liked this episode because it shows us what Armand is capable of. If he’s wiped Daniel’s and Louis memories about San Francisco what else has he done or is he willing to do? Also we see Louis at his lowest. He’s doesn’t have Claudia, he doesn’t have Lestat and he’s unhappy and has just lost the will to live. It’s a bleak episode but one that is important to the overall story. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it so much. I think you’ll like the rest of the season.
@marianesantos4756 Күн бұрын
you should watch the 2nd and 3rd movie too! they're really good and funny
@mikenelson1624 Күн бұрын
@ac85450 Күн бұрын
Yeah I see how you could have felt this way about his episode, especially without context enough to understand that Armand is kind of fundamentally desperate, a control freak (he controls the entire house [lights, windows, etc] w an iPad, cosplayed as Rashid so he could keep an eye on the interview without revealing his identity, keeps Louis' books in the air where he'd have to ask him for a book instead of getting it himself, and Claudia's removed diary pages away from him), and a bit pathetic when he can't control something and is not given the validation he craves in his servitude. His entire identity has been based on being useful and of service to people. He sees Daniel as a selfish and cruel person and so it felt like a slap in the face that Louis could find him "fascinating". It's not just about Daniel, though, I think he was taking out his opinion that LESTAT is a selfish and cruel person who didn't deserve Louis on Daniel. Armand sees it as a pattern of Louis' to love people who he thinks don't deserve it, and it brought to the forefront his own capacity for cruelty and rage, almost as if to say, "You're into bad boys? I'll give you a bad boy." He's very much not a good person bc a "prison of empathy" is still a prison, and he's lied to Louis and manipulated many of his understandings of how the past played out. He also let Louis suffer outside his coffin and without healing blood for multiple days to punish him and drive home the point that Louis "needs" him and should feel ashamed of himself for thinking otherwise. In spite of it all, Armand is also easy to empathize with as a character because he really couldn't help how stunted he turned out due to the abuse and grooming that plagued his childhood and even human adulthood. When he was turned, his new power and need to forsake his humanity just emphasized that stuntedness and made him extremely emotionally immature and unable to handle rejection or not being appreciated, so he conforms to the roles others put him in when he was a human-- roles of servitude and devotion so that he doesn't have to think about or deal with his own feelings. It's emphasized often that his methodology is "never violent" and i think that's really funny bc it totally is. He just facilitates bad things happening and lets people suffer in ways that give him plausible deniability. He mindfucks them into consenting to death so he doesn't have to feel guilt or acknowledge that he's just as cruel and selfish as any other vampire, including Lestat-- if not more so. I haven't read the books, but the title, The Devil's Minion is in reference to Daniel, and the Devil is Armand. I think other vampires view him as the most unhinged and scary vampire yet. Anyway, love seeing you process this wild story lol 💜
@enchantedboy66 Күн бұрын
You somehow missed that Louis shares a heart with Lestat? And always will. That their love is the well with no bottom? And always will be. That he is Lestat's and Lestat is his? And will be for all eternity. ❤
@mitchmatt6002 Күн бұрын
Not sure why this episode failed to ignite your usual energy/enthusiasm, but I'm surprised by it, ngl. Each to their own though. Hopefully you enjoy the remaining chapters.
@Madvisionn Күн бұрын
yeah it didn’t hit me as it should’ve for some reason
@Naystrudel Күн бұрын
You don't know what Armand is capable of, therefore don't know what you've witnessed. And b/c it's the past and we know that these characters are "fine" now I think your mind went to "Well you are alive right? I'm confused about why this matters?" is the vibe I'm getting with this reaction
@jamiedoe6822 Күн бұрын
The story is about surviving trauma and how it screws with memory .
@jamiedoe6822 Күн бұрын
He has ptsd. It is how trauma works.
@CineCuts.TurtleBugre Күн бұрын
Great reaction bro, i got emotional in The end too!!
@HannahG-nk2mf Күн бұрын
Daniel has carried the trauma of that week as a ‘house pet’ in his body & in his subconscious even though he couldn’t remember what happened to him. He realizes that he said the wrong things back then, and it was mostly due to drugs & ignorance. He pushes Louis & Armand coldly in the present in Dubai bcuz of the anger he felt (but didn’t remember where it came from) and he’s compelled by his journalistic experience to seek the truth even when it puts him in danger (the KGB story he shared never stopped him continuing his career, he can’t stop himself even to save his life)
@jamiedoe6822 Күн бұрын
Right. Armand put him through a week of intense torture. . He doesn’t even know why he feels the way he does about Armand saving him until this conversation with Louis.
@orangemarmalade77 Күн бұрын
I'm glad you finally got to a "poor Daniel" moment. Think about it-he was a young, drug addicted guy who happened to meet a hot vampire at a gay bar and ended up being held hostage and tortured for six days. Sure, he didn't remember all the details but the body remembers even when the conscious mind doesn't. Daniel has been right to be wary of and low key hostile toward Armand. And in terms of Armand, he didn't annoy me as much as terrify me. In the present, we see him as this doting but maybe a bit controlling partner to Louis and now we get to see that he's capable of doing violence AND of changing people's memories so they don't remember what happened. Daunting at the very least
@jamiedoe6822 Күн бұрын
It also tells us we cannot remember trust either narrators about who the real Lestat was
@orangemarmalade77 Күн бұрын
@@jamiedoe6822 Oh, absolutely. Sam Reid said at the 92NY conversation at the beginning of May that we had never seen the real Lestat in the show. Now that s2 is over, we've seen him exactly once
@jamiedoe6822 Күн бұрын
@@orangemarmalade77 yeah, I have had to remind myself repeatedly that the show is seducing me with recollections rather than the real think. Just have to remember how my own memory works to realize it’s not a perfect copy of what has happened. This episode was an important reminder of that.
@chanzy8613 Күн бұрын
Even if you don’t like some of the stuff it was like a mini horror movie. The acting in this episode was incredible. The little changes in facial expression in Armand and how he slowly shows how insane he is. They repeat the words at the end because Louis said the exact same words Armand did showing Armand messed around in his mind as well. Creepy. You’re the first person I’ve watched who didn’t love this ep lol 😂 and Louis helped Daniel survive through his darkest moments by giving him a mantra to hold onto. Armand is very manipulative and this ep showed how cruel he can be despite the mask he puts up. Louis doesn’t even remember armand calling lestat.
@Joelyne37 Күн бұрын
Armand is extremely insecure, always has been and always will be. Lestat blowing him off centuries ago stuck with him and broke him and Louis talking about being bored of him and that talking about Lestat was more interesting than he has ever been broke him. And several more things in the episodes to come will break him. He's insecure to his core. So of course he gets jealous. He wants to control the things he loves, we saw that with Lestat and we see that with Louis, so the idea of him losing control over Louis because of Daniel breaks him. And so he lashes out. Obviously some bigger plot behind that could've been more interesting but the fact that it was the simple fact that Louis expressed he wasn't happy with him that made him break explains many things that are going to come in future episodes. This episode sets up perfectly the dynamic between our four main characters (Louis, Armand, Daniel, and Lestat) and it sets up the dynamics that will be at play in future episodes: Louis still talking about Lestat, Louis unhappy in his relationship with Armand, Armand's need to control those he loves, and Daniel and Louis's shared betrayal from Armand. It all comes back into play
@oyami4444 Күн бұрын
8:45 he spoke about lestat))) shittalk about Lestat is more exciting for Louis then enything else)))
@wildflowersinwinter Күн бұрын
Hahaha this episode creates a lot of questions! I think the next episodes will give you answers :))
@oyami4444 Күн бұрын
You see! You see! He is like the same personality but young and insecure! But these are two different actors. You realize that? They did an amazing job synching their caharcters like that.
@Jevjevjevj Күн бұрын
You still think Louis would ever be over Lestat? Well well well
@itzmehDevi Күн бұрын
4:23 a short version of Thiruvananthapuram is Trivandrum
@DougerSR Күн бұрын
Your reactions actually ADD to the comedy essence of this classic series! Cracking me up!!!
@itzmehDevi Күн бұрын
This movie is fantastic..i am glad more people are reacting to this
@Madvisionn Күн бұрын
This was CRAZY! Even though I disliked some parts from this episode but I know you guys love it 💀 The Full reactions are on Patreon.com/Madvision ⭐️ (Episodes included)
@gmunden1 Күн бұрын
It's because you didn't take the time to understand message nor the dynamic.
@antemiuenteri Күн бұрын
the last thing Armand said was what louis said in the beginning of the episode "preserving happiness" at the end they are both realizing that Armand had done something to their memories
@backpackmatt 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for having the Strength and Courage to be honest. 🐧🍎🍏💙
@PriscilaSantos-di8nf 2 күн бұрын
Please react another Brazilian movie, minha vida em Marte that has Paulo Gustavo and his friend is so good, you will don’t regret it’s about the love and support that we have in friendships
@Madvisionn Күн бұрын
coming soon!
@aniscofra 2 күн бұрын
Can’t wait for your reaction on episodes 5 & 7, the best ones in my humble opinion.
@oyami4444 2 күн бұрын
Episode 5 will be absolutely fantastic.
@oyami4444 2 күн бұрын
There is a great chance that Armand is not entirely honest about his maker. Or maybe he remembers it wrong. Because books Marius would never "donate" his Amadeo. The show can change his character of course, but I doubt it. I think it's "memory is a monster" all over again.
@claireelyse5992 21 сағат бұрын
Nonetheless it is clear he feels traumatized by what happened, as we can see with the choices he makes and the resulting dynamic between him and Louis. I tend to believe it is not too out of character for book Marius to have done this as well, so I’m more willing to accept it as it’s told here in the show. I don’t know if it would be smart to show a character’s sensitive backstory like this just to go “sike, that trauma isn’t real/is all in his head.” I know it could be more nuanced than that, but still. SPOILER: The only thing we know is “wrong” about his story is that he believes Marius to be dead (and I can’t blame him for thinking so).
@iwillcry 2 күн бұрын
Your reaction to the Louis/Armand/Ghostat scenes are the closest to mine of all the reactors, I wished he would go away bc his presence just indicates that Louis is not doing too great, but I still enjoyed Sam's performance. I was also stunned by Delainey's delivery of "picked another one over me" it was in one of the s2 trailers and i couldn't get it out of my head. she's my Claudia <3 (and yes Jacob's brittish which makes his accent work as Louis even more impressive!)
@rach2755 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t say dreamstat being there indicates he’s not doing well, because I feel like once dreamstat went away Louis hardened himself and became a shell of himself kinda like when he was in New Orleans before he met Lestat. Even Claudia pointed it out in episode 6 when she said, “you’re stronger now, harder too. But you gotta give up something to get something” and the actors have all said that Louis began to act like the way he was when he was a pimp. So yeah I wouldn’t say dreamstat going away as an indicator of Louis doing well.
@oyami4444 3 күн бұрын
Finale is heartbreaking and kinky.
@user-mv2ti2gb6y 3 күн бұрын
Wooooooooooow 💕🤩😍🤩🤩💕
@B_Ella1269 3 күн бұрын
Yep, Jacob Anderson is British. Sam Reid is Australian. As for the crazy parts, buckle up dude, episode 5 is a banger 😉
@PlainAndSimpleNinja 3 күн бұрын
Assad Zaman is British too, and so is Delainey Hayles! And Sam Reid is Australian indeed, but he studied acting in London ;)
@orangemarmalade77 3 күн бұрын
I saw that you've already seen the full season and the rest of the reactions are already up on Patron so I know you know, but I had to laugh when you said you wanted something big to happen when the rest of the season is looming 😂 Can't wait to see what you think of the rest!
@RAA_50 3 күн бұрын
The season was fabulous 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@anacarolmsc 3 күн бұрын
"She sounds like a 40 year old woman who went through hell... Which is exacly what she is, right?" 😂👌🏼 Delainey is incredible in both explosive and subtle emotions
@toms5996 3 күн бұрын
Love your reactions. I might be destroyed by the last episode❤
@MsUndeadhearts 3 күн бұрын
baaaaby the rest of these episodes are gonna be crazyyyy
@gmunden1 3 күн бұрын
The photos Louis is analyzing are real photos by famous American photographers Gordon Parks and Fred Stein. The photo with the child on crutches is by Gordon Parks.
@dipakchauhan2336 3 күн бұрын
@shan0997 3 күн бұрын
The painter europeanised the painting but the implication is that it's Armand.
@psychedelicpegasus7587 2 күн бұрын
@@shan0997 Rolin Jones got his staff to go through the Louvre's entire painting catalogue from Renaissance Italy to find Amadeo/Armand. Assad Zaman recently took a photo with the real thing and sent it to Rolin. He said it's in the same room as La Joconde/the Mona Lisa. Does anyone know the name of the piece?
@claireelyse5992 21 сағат бұрын
@@psychedelicpegasus7587I believe it’s the same as the title they give it in the show
@mikenelson1624 3 күн бұрын
@Madvisionn 3 күн бұрын
I FOTGOT TO PUBLISH THIS 6 HOURS AGO LOL ENJOY! I finished this season on Patreon.com/Madvision ⭐️ (Episodes included)
@rapuncaldsny4259 3 күн бұрын
Do you watch drama.... I wanna suggest The Untamed a chinese periodic drama to you 🙌🏻
@rajasekaran256 3 күн бұрын
இது ஒரு தரமான தெலுங்கு படம் 👍👌✌️💯