I'm Not Okay
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I screwed up again.
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A Post-Burnout Life Update
@WilliamTheUnkownShoutout 7 күн бұрын
Hello Jenelle Carter hello anyway this is indeed very heartwarming and very wonderful and very beautiful and this brings back such great memories of when I use to be a 90s kid and an early 2000s kid and I am a new subscriber as well:).
@jenellecarter 6 күн бұрын
Hi! 👋🏻 Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and comment, I really appreciate it!
@alver2337 24 күн бұрын
OK, here is my point. Maybe you have ADHD or maybe not. But, I am sure the signs you've described can be applied to 50% of the world's population and almost all of us experience something like that more or less throughout our lives. Does this mean we all have ADHD? In your case, you rule out half of the issue right there, which is HD! Now, can you live and function through your life the way you are now? I guess the answer is "Yes". So, the next step for you would be to see the professional to get diagnosed. Right? I can give you 100% you will get prescribed a drug, containing, amphetamine, and in one year you will become a drug addict sitting on the maximum daily dose and still experiencing the same symptoms. Is ADHD a life-threatening condition? NO! But the side effects of those drugs are 100% life-threatening! I am telling you this as I watch my 30-year-old son, who was first self-diagnosed with ADHD and then went to see a professional and now he is a drug addict having way more issues than he had prior!!! If you think the quality of your life will change for good with the drugs, you are wrong! It may seem like they work at first, but over time you will realize what you've done to yourself but it will be too late. You will just become another money supplier for the drug companies having a very questionable ADHD diagnosis. I wish you all the best, but, please, think not even twice but ten times before making decisions here...
@jenellecarter 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your experience! I'm so sorry to hear about the negative impact that medication had on your son and how that tragically progressed. I've heard both positive and negative stories of diagnosis and medication and am always wary of any healthcare professional who prescribes medication as the first course of action without asking about other lifestyle factors. I have found ways of functioning my whole life, and as you said, many of the signs can be applied to the majority of people, so I'm still very much in the exploration phase of it all. Hearing others' stories and feedback has been very helpful in this regard though, so thank you for the advice and caution, I really appreciate it. I hope your son is able to get back on track!
@alver2337 23 күн бұрын
@@jenellecarter I am glad you read this and thank you for the nice words too! Also, if you have not yet, Google for the Natural Remedies for ADHD and maybe review your lifestyle and diet... just saying. You would also benefit from doing something that you really like in your leisure time, maybe starting a new hobby. And I would say travel would be the best to take you away from your daily routine thoughts! All the best to you!
@jenellecarter 23 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the info! I've cleaned up my eating a lot over the past number of years which has helped, as well as going for walks a couple times a day. Medication for me is always a last resort as I do think that lifestyle is a bigger factor than most people realize for anyone's health and well-being. I'm on board with all of your suggestions :) Thanks again!
@ccorreialoureiro 24 күн бұрын
Here I am, diagnosed at 34… also obsessed about learning more.
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Welcome 😊 All the best as you learn more!
@toomworld 24 күн бұрын
I went from self diagnosis at 44 to doctor diagnosis at 49, and I know EXACTLY how you feel. Breaking into tears often, after I started connecting the dots of my life. Also, I was diagnosed ASD as well, so the feelings hit all over again.
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I can't believe how many people have commented about being in the same boat. I'm so glad you were able to connect the dots and validate your struggles - an emotional experience I'm sure! I hope the diagnoses and professional help has been positive and beneficial for you. I wondered about ASD for myself as well, long before ADHD, but haven't looked into it as thoroughly. I've always known I was "different" but it's been helpful to learn more about neurodivergence in general as I'm always trying to understand myself. With comments like yours, it's comforting to feel like someone else understands what you're going through, so thanks again! All the best.
@oftin_wong 24 күн бұрын
Why would you bother self diagnosing ? Just get yourself assessed by professional
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
There are a lot of factors with the time, cost, and process of getting assessed professionally. At this point, I'm still in the early stages of exploring things, which I enjoy doing on my own.
@oftin_wong 24 күн бұрын
@@jenellecarter your video is 45 minutes long You've got plenty of free time
@kakarotz9296 24 күн бұрын
I'm 34, and just finished a year-long diagnosis in the UK - which I am now told I have combined ADHD. It explains so much about how I was as a kid, to how I think and behave as an adult. I feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders, and it is helping me kinder to myself. The best advice I can give is to be kinder to yourself!
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience and for the great advice :) I'm so glad the diagnosis has been so liberating for you! That's so encouraging to hear. Understanding can give so much freedom. All the best as you move forward on your journey!
@Jacmac1 24 күн бұрын
You don't sound like ADHD to me. I had a girlfriend years ago that was ADHD and she was reasonably organized, a high school teacher, but she made spur of the moment decisions without regard for consequences. She could not save a dime, it drove her father crazy. She had a casual disregard for being on time, and combine that with spur of the moment bad decision making and she blows through a police barrier at graduation for her high school and winds up in hand cuffs frantically yelling that she is a teacher. She took very little accountability and deflected quite a bit of her actions as someone else's fault. She was a nice person and usually postitive, but I had to break it off because she conned me into thinking we were going to pick some things up at her ex-boyfriend's house. It turned out that she knew where he kept a key and we were breaking in while he was on a trip so she could rifle around and pick things up she believed were hers. Just listening to you for a few minutes, you don't seem like this type of person at all.
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Thanks very much for your feedback, and for sharing your experience with someone who has it! That is an unfortunate situation with your ex 😬 There are different types of ADHD, and it's now considered to be a spectrum with varying symptoms and severity, so it's very much a self-diagnosis for me with a lot more to learn and explore. It may be that I don't have it after all, but it's been helpful to hear others' stories and opinions like yours as I seek to understand myself. Thanks for sharing!
@markogolem9537 25 күн бұрын
I always thought i may have it but never gave it much thought until about 2 weeks ago i watched a Jaiden Animations video on her experience through life and getting diagnosed and everything and since then I've started noticing more and more behaviors in my life that fit adhd very closely but I'd just seen as normal or "just me procrastinating/being lazy" up until now and it's been brining me so much stress that i decided to get diagnosed. Unfortunately, ADHD is not diagnosed with adults in my country. I'll keep trying and may even go to another country to get diagnosed but when i found out there may be a chance I can't get diagnosed it was absolutely devastating and i felt so let down by all the systems around me. Im really thankful for my friends and partner being so supportive, but yeah. It's a really difficult thing, i hope you manage to get diagnosed and get help or medication, sure wish i could
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to listen to some of my thoughts, and for sharing your experience too! I haven't seen Jaiden Animations before, but I'll check out that video, thanks. I'm so sorry to hear that you're not able to get diagnosed where you live but I'm glad you're able to still see some positives with the support around you. I hope you're able to still somehow get the professional support you need, and that you can find ways to manage things in the meantime. Are there any online options for help and diagnoses that aren't country-dependent?
@Didgeridoovibes 25 күн бұрын
Self diagnosis can be a very good first step ( i never thought i'd have it until watching "tell me You Have ADHD Without Telling Me You Have ADHD" from "How to ADHD" here on yt 2 years ago ) but i highly recommend seeking out professional help aswell. I got my diagnosis for a bit over a year, got meds shortly after diagnosis and honestly, they changed my life drastically. All The tips, therapy, coping mechanisms are only about 20 of the effect, 80% is the meds (that is sadly also the clinical reality of it, seeing as it is a neurodivergence, we process dopamine very differently then neurotypicals). One thing tho: You (we) are not flawed! It's just different obstacles then a neurotypical person. edit: i'm 39 yrs old now
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I've watched a number of "How to ADHD" videos, but not that one, so I'm interested in checking that out, thanks. I appreciate hearing about how the diagnosis and meds have worked for you - I'm so glad that's been helpful! I know someone else who recently started medication and it has been a game changer for them as well. Lots for me to explore further, but thanks for taking the time to share a bit about your journey, that is so helpful! All the best going forward.
@petercsakvari5519 25 күн бұрын
A 45 min video ... who is this for? Ehh nvm.
@jenellecarter 25 күн бұрын
Right? Your guess is as good as mine haha.
@carole1864 25 күн бұрын
You have some angst and you cope with multiple interests. Some emotions or some sensations you don’t want to feel are there, waiting.
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
@matthewsmith330 25 күн бұрын
sounds more like OCD than ADHD
@jenellecarter 25 күн бұрын
Another thing for me to obsessively look into 🙃
@Kim-zn1rj 25 күн бұрын
Hi. I always wondered about ADHD especially when I listened to Mel Robbins pod cast about her experience of getting diagnosed in her 40s. I started seeing my phycologist 7 months ago due to me getting really overwhelmed with parenting (I have 4 yo and 6 yo) and my emotional up and down. During one of the consultation, I asked my phycologist about the possibility of ADHD. From there everything went really fast and lots of things made sense. I can totally relate hyper focusing researching about ADHD, cleaning is my thing… I need my house clean and everything in designated spot and my husband thinks I am over the top…. I always try to give myself more than enough time to get to place. Lot of the time people can have both ADHD and ASD. I am due to have another assessment at the end of this month as a preparation to see psychiatrist. I am excited but very nervous about it. Somewhere in my head I feel like I don’t have ADHD due to me being highly organised.
@jenellecarter 24 күн бұрын
Hi! Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I look forward to checking out the Mel Robbins podcast you mentioned too. Being organized is one of the main reasons why I dismissed the thought of ADHD, but I have come across others in the same boat that have been professionally diagnosed, so it's more rare but is still a possibility. I also wondered about ASD for myself long before ADHD, so that's another topic that I will delve more into in the future as well. I'm glad to hear that you sought and are seeking professional help in managing things for yourself. I can imagine assessments and diagnoses would bring a lot of mixed emotions with it, so I hope that your upcoming assessment is a positive experience that gives you more clarity and next steps in your journey. All the best, and thanks again for taking the time to share!
@summerday1983 25 күн бұрын
I feel like we are like 99% the same. I'm 40 years old now. 20 years ago a friend first said that I might have adhd. But I always had exactly the same doubts as you. I got diagnosed just this week. The psychologist said that I am very ADHD. And quite smart with an IQ of 123. Thats probably the reason I did very well in school. Until I had to really study and organize myself. I started going to med school, quit after like 6 years of under achieving. (I'm from Austria, so fortunately it didn't cost me a single Euro). My son has severe ADHD too, and my daughter is like my clone. Gonna get her tested, just to be sure. At least one of my sisters has severe ADHD too, and I suspect my other two sisters to have it too. I feel you very much from afar. LLAP 🙃
@jenellecarter 25 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to some of my thoughts and to share what your experience has been like too! It's so helpful to hear others' stories, and so validating when others understand a bit of what you're going through. I've also been wondering if a number of my family members have it too. I hope your diagnosis helps you to understand yourself better and allows you to thrive in new ways! Thanks again for sharing :)
@NahIamgood 25 күн бұрын
It's so weird while actually making so much sense that we, people that self diagnose with ADHD, have very similar "realization moment". I self diagnosed a few years ago and almost two weeks ago I have gotten a formal diagnosis and it was so liberating. Going in to do the test I was worried that, as you, I have developed so many coping mechanisms that I was thinking that they will say that I'm lying. But, to my surprise, the tests accounts for the coping mechanisms and it was just so emotional to be validated in this struggle that I have had my whole life. Thanks for making this video and wishing you the best with your journey of discovering and understanding yourself!
@jenellecarter 25 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience! The thought of getting tested gives me the exact same feelings you had - that they'd think I'm just making things up. But that is so encouraging to hear that the process went okay for you and that your struggles were "officially" validated; that would definitely be emotional and liberating! I'm so glad you were able to get that diagnosis and move forward in a new light. Thanks for the well wishes and for taking the time to hear some of my thoughts and share your story too, I really appreciate it! All the best to you as well. I hope you're able to thrive in new ways now!
@WillCh01 25 күн бұрын
I'm sharing a similar experience. At 28 years old, I find myself to be extremely calm during a very responsible emergency. Over the past decade or so, I've always felt a similarity to ADHD, but due to the (well-intentioned) discouragement from those around me, I didn't pursue it straightforwardly. I'm also confident in my self-diagnosis, but I might seek professional examination.
@jenellecarter 25 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience, and for taking the time to hear mine! It means a lot and is very helpful to hear others' similar circumstances. I haven't looked into getting a professional examination yet, but I'm looking forward to learning more about ADHD and seeing where that leads for me personally. Regardless of whether you seek a professional examination or not, all the best on your journey of better understanding yourself!
@BBBag147 26 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I'm in a similar place. 35 years old and over the past few weeks I've discovered that ADHD isn't really what I'd assumed it was, and that it actually sounds like a lot of the issues i've been experiencing fit into that bucket quite nicely. These symptoms got noticeably worse following a fairly minor head injury about 7 years ago. I'm going to get tested. Wish you all the best and hope you can get some help with it
@jenellecarter 25 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience as well, and for taking the time to listen to mine! I really appreciate it. Sorry to hear about your head injury, but that's interesting to hear that symptoms were noticeably worse afterwards. Thanks for the well wishes! I hope you're able to understand yourself better as you explore this and get tested, and that it's a helpful experience moving forward!
@threadbearr8866 27 күн бұрын
Have you ever been tested for ADHD? Your whiteboard looks like systems I have created (and abandoned) in the past.
@jenellecarter 27 күн бұрын
It's just been very recently that I've gone down the rabbit hole of learning more about ADHD, so I haven't been tested, but I do think I have it. I love creating systems, but get satisfaction out of creating them and usually not from implementing them haha. What types of systems do you create?
@threadbearr8866 27 күн бұрын
@@jenellecarter Well for a while I was studying Computer Science and thought of the idea of an ankle or wrist band that would shock you if you weren't at a GPS Location at a certain time. Like you could set it to shock you if you weren't in the gym by 5pm or whatever. I also struggled to wake up on time or really wake up at all. That's more due to my depression, but still a system. I would lock up my alarm and stick the key in my mailbox or car outside. For a while there I wouldn't take off my shoes until I did a chore. That way I didn't completely lose momentum after work. The shoes were my cue to relax. I have separate Google account for work, streaming, and relaxing. And currently I'm streaming study sessions every Thursday and Saturday to make sure I do the chores, work on UX Design stuff, and program.
@jenellecarter 26 күн бұрын
@@threadbearr8866 Interesting, thanks for sharing! I definitely relate to those sorts of things. I've heard of a shock bracelet before, but that's a cool idea to have it be based on location!
@threadbearr8866 26 күн бұрын
@@jenellecarter Well good luck to you. I hope you find something that allows you to follow through and be appreciated in society for what you have to contribute.
@jenellecarter 26 күн бұрын
Thanks so much ☺️ Good luck to you as well, and good for you for working on systems that allow you to improve your circumstances; that's so commendable!
@Munkaa Ай бұрын
The only thing we have control over is how we react to things that happen to us. I'm still learning as well, but I can tell for sure the more you try to avoid bad feelings the more you fall into the hole of bad things. Let it be, remember this shall pass, it's okay to feel low from time to time, we are only human :) Keep going, keep growing!
@jenellecarter Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement, and for sharing your experience! I really appreciate it. I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to realize how much my expectations were based around thinking that being okay should be the norm, but better late than never. It's a good foundation to grow from for sure.
@FFAs 9 ай бұрын
The best parts of videos are the unintentional mishaps ^^
@jenellecarter 9 ай бұрын
That's good to hear since I seem to have those often :) This one was definitely the funniest and most fitting so far. Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment!
@kristenrose345 Жыл бұрын
You’re human.. ❤ not every day can be a good day. There will always be contrast in response to the good days. Have extra grace for yourself right now 🙏🏻 endings are just new beginnings in disguise!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Kristen! Well said :)
@user-lv9xo6pm7f Жыл бұрын
Heads up Redbubble owns teepublic
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks, yes, I've dabbled with TeePublic long enough to have been there when Redbubble bought it. TeePublic just announced payout changes too now!
@happygiftideas1095 Жыл бұрын
Heads up. RB has out sourced its help desk to Mexico, uses BOTS and AI to reply to emails, uses scripted replies and does not give a flying FCUK about its subscribers/Users, It was based in Australia but went corporate America....,RIP. The site is 90% full of trash now since they went global and the new tier system is mad. I pay TAX yes TAX on my sales and now this! Time to ditch it!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Didn't know all that, wow. Thanks for sharing.
@happygiftideas1095 Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter Yes I've been on it since 2017 and spent years trying to give them feedback etc I get no real reply and I have watched them go down the pan in BOT auto site management and scripted email replies. The site is now drowning in crap.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
@@happygiftideas1095 That's such a shame. Thanks for sharing your experience. Are you looking for an alternative platform? I use TeePublic as well, but Redbubble owns them.
@Steve8203 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jenelle. I enjoyed your video. I've been creating on Redbubble for about two or three years. I uploaded several times a week and have about 2200 designs for sale. I generally averaged about $50 to $80 per month in income over most of the year and $100 to $200 a month over the holidays. I'm in the "Standard" tier as well. I had a fairly consistent sales pattern of a sale a day or every other day. Then, a few weeks ago, my sales cratered and I couldn't understand why. Now it makes sense. I'm thinking that Redbubble is pushing the "Pro" and "Premium" artists and their designs and burying the "Standard" designs. A real shame. I enjoyed Redbubble. I doubt I'll pull down my account. I've worked hard on it. But I won't be putting any new designs up on Redbubble. I'll probably concentrate more on Etsy.
@Steve8203 Жыл бұрын
Forgot to mention the fees. Outrageous! When I first read the email from Redbubble, I assumed the fee was gonna be about 5% or something reasonable like that. But nearly 50%?! Yikes. No way. It's insulting.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Hi, Steve. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for sharing hard details - it's always helpful to hear other people's experiences. Wow, you've put in a lot of work! I would've thought that that many designs and consistent uploading would have generated a lot more income - that discourages me even more from wanting to put more time and effort in. Sorry to hear your sales have dropped off. It's such a shame things aren't worthwhile anymore. Hopefully Etsy is more profitable for you! Best of luck, and thanks again for your comment, I really appreciate it!
@rayhunt9991 Жыл бұрын
RB probably applied no-index to your account
@kristenrose345 Жыл бұрын
Yesss tuning into one’s self.. best medicine noone talks about. Thank you for shading light on that importance - our bodies are genius and will tell us what we need (and need to quit). Keep it yo girl! Glad you’re finding your footing again 🙌
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement and support, Kristen! 😊
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
It's alright, I post once per 4 months at the moment xD Had a major health setback as well... Bad case of needing hospitalization due to severe eye infection. It was a major pain to not manage to do my art... But, it inspired me and increased my creativity afterwards, so, some positives came out of that mess. Health comes first, without it... We can't do anything.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear about your setback! It's always hard when the things that bring enjoyment are the things you can't do when you most need that outlet. Glad you're doing better and that it resulted in more creativity afterwards - I've often found that to be the case for me as well. The work that goes into your videos is infinitely more than mine haha, so your upload schedule is still very reasonable!
@Aaron4Giants Жыл бұрын
How did you speed up your recovery? I’m dealing with my 3rd concussion now.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that, Aaron! Proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise are crucial. I think nutrition is the most underrated out of the three. I highly recommend checking out Dr. Cameron Marshall from Complete Concussion Management / Ask Concussion Doc - he has a wealth of knowledge made freely available with answers to any specific questions you may have, and help for long-term solutions. I hope your recovery goes well!
@Aaron4Giants Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter I follow him and have watch much of his videos! Very insightful and gave me hope which is the one of the biggest part of all of this!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
@@Aaron4Giants That's awesome! Yes, hope is such a huge part of the equation that not many people talk about. It took a while for me to get there, but hope makes all the difference!
@Wander-asia-vlogs Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I like your format. Good luck with skillshare
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much!
@FFAs Жыл бұрын
Keep up the great progress, Jenelle! :)
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks :)
@deepspaceocean Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on the five years!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much ☺️
@deepspaceocean Жыл бұрын
Hello! 👋🏻 I found one of your videos through recommendations.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Hi! 👋🏻 That's amazing, thanks so much for being here and taking the time to comment ☺️
@deepspaceocean Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter Oh, btw it was the Skillshare one 😊 I've watched a couple of others about Skillshare so KZfaq pushed your video my way. Keep up the good work! ✨👍🏻
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
@@deepspaceocean Thanks for the encouragement! That video is definitely my most popular. I made it on a whim and didn't think much of it at the time, but the engagement with it has been neat to see and people have been so nice and helpful!
@deepspaceocean Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter I should make more stuff on a whim 😄
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
@@deepspaceocean Haha, yes, you never know what will come of it!
@ArtBrain Жыл бұрын
The whole purpose of the Skillshare challenge is to create sunk costs for you so you'll feel like you have to continue with it.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
I liked the deadlines and accountability it provided, but in the middle of it it was definitely hard to step back and objectively evaluate the situation.
@Munkaa Жыл бұрын
I started two years ago on skillshare and youtube, yes Skillshare made it very discouraging to keep teaching on their platform. Despite all of that tho, I have gotten some great feedback from people there and that let me work on my craft even to this day. The money is not good from skillshare but try not to focus only on one platform, keep doing youtube, keep doing the other stuff, and eventually, you will be in a better mind space! Good luck!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience, especially highlighting the positives you've experienced through using Skillshare. And thank you so much for the encouragement! I'm in it for the long game, so I will definitely keep dabbling and creating and see where things lead. Blender and animation are on that list of things to eventually spend time on, so it's neat to see your channel and hear a bit about your journey! Thanks for the comment, and best of luck to you with your work and aspirations!
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
I have a partner, so, whatever plans I have are off the window. On myself the expenses are minimal, spent most of my life living well on a tight budget, and pushed it to extremes on occasion. Being in a relationship only made my entire life of learning how to save money and live on less make extreme sense. Relationship is a costly business. Still, it's extremely valuable to know how to handle yourself, as well as learn what is really not needed. For me, I learned that I needed to eat less, and I actually ate too much, to a point where it harmed my sleep... Due to cutting stuff down left and right, I ended up discovering the minimal amount I need to function good. Weird things you can discover by needing to cut down the budget.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Relationships definitely add a whole new layer to finances! That's great you already had a clear sense of your own habits going in. I think statistically money is the number one cause of relationships ending, so it's a very big deal! Are you and your partner on the same page when it comes to finances, or is there a lot of compromise? I've been trying to find the sweet spot with my own eating habits lately, so that's very interesting to hear your experience! That's amazing to have found what's optimal - good for you! Especially with the rising cost of food, there are so many ways finance and health are connected which is something I've been thinking more about lately too. That's why I love experiments like this - you never know what they'll uncover. Thanks so much for sharing your own thoughts and experiences, I really appreciate it!
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter It boils down to her being a spender and me a saver... Eh, allot of compromises in the middle, but, it balances out. In health it's allot of experiments, because everyone digest differently, and learning through trial and error is probably the only way to go there. Self-deconstruction ain't easy, but, it leads to useful discoveries! But yeah, limitation breeds creativity! And I am happy to share my thoughts!
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
Spent most of my life in a sick state... Very hard to progress while being down, but, also better not focus on what you can't do while you are not in your best, or what you failed it - but rather, see what small things you can accomplish from a limited state. Sometimes we just need to let ourselves be in that moment, even if it's bad... Oddly enough, since allot of people go through harsh times in one way or another, those down times can end up inspiring our creativity in better moments. Because we come with relatable situations and emotions, at least as artists. Self-improvement happens when we realize we need to get ready for when we'll fall again.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear you've struggled, but you seem to have a really good perspective on things! The difficult seasons and down moments have been personally very formative. It's a complicated dynamic, but those times definitely breed extra creativity for me. Hard things to work through, but raw and rewarding! I do think a lot of artists experience a similar thing since they seem to be a bit more attuned to their emotions and willing to explore them deeper. One thing I've had in the back of my mind lately is the idea that self improvement happens on the good days. That's not to say it doesn't also happen on the bad, but just that building better habits and choices when you're in the right state to do so can sustain you through the difficult times or at least prevent you from slipping as far when life's hard.
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
I think the primary issue is obvious - you worked too hard and gained too little for it, of course you'll want a "time off". And it's important to have these once in a while, work hustle culture is heavily damaging. It's a common issue in modern life... Over-giving, under receiving. As long as you can afford it, take the time to adjust yourself and be ready for a new work with a better mentality and more fresh perspective. Self-reflection periods are important... Otherwise, people end up draining themselves away for nothing and realizing important things a bit too late. Health matter above all, without it, we have nothing.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Yes, self-reflection and time off periods have been crucial turning points in my life! This time off has already 'paid for itself' in so many ways. I've always been averse to hustle culture and will take time over money any day. The dream is to build up enough of my own income to be able to support myself and have freedom with my time and schedule. I'm in the process of figuring out how much runway I have, but either way am much more prepared for whatever's next!
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
Considering the amount of videos you uploaded since you began, seems like you are ready enough :) The toddler approach is the best one - Throw things out there, fall allot, eventually start walking and have it rise up from there! My own upload rate is abysmal in comparison.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks :) The upload rate has been possible only because I started "poorly" - removing the excuses and barriers and time-consuming aspects so it was sustainable. Not worrying about production value or editing or scripting was scary to start, but this approach is so much better for me to learn as I go, as it allows me to actually publish videos consistently and improve faster in the long run. It's also more "me" as well, getting away from the mold that I thought I had to fit into. If you're looking to publish more regularly and grow a KZfaq channel, I think that process and behind-the-scenes content is a lot more valuable than people realize. For some people, it makes more sense to publish higher quality videos less often and only share the finished product which is great if that's what you're going for (animation is incredibly time-consuming and lends itself well to either scenario - I love your style by the way!) But taking people along for the journey allows for more content to be produced - timelapses, vlogs, tutorials, etc - that can be much more casual and less time-consuming to make. More content means more chances for people to come across your work. Plus, this allows people to get to know you better and therefore be more invested in what you're making in general. Those are just my own personal thoughts, but hopefully they're useful haha.
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
Picking things as we go works perfectly, most people on youtube recommend this approach as well, because it's proactive. In my animation process, I actually don't do most of the stuff an animator is suppose to do, mostly to spare time and manage to be up to my own schedule, I also learn in the process where I need to put extra effort and where less. It is fun for me, despite the process being long, it is heavily rewarding to see people that like what I do, it gives me motivation to continue (half way to finish the third 3 min episode). I personally don't have the guts or drive to stand and talk in front of a camera, I just go hyper silent and rather anxious... I am amazed to see others do it so smoothly. But, for my animations I go wild with the sounds I do there, it's very liberating. There certainly is an improvement from video to video, and that's really my goal here - get better, and have the next episode set up my goal for the next one. Best to get happily professional about things. Still, it's obviously better to have a more rapid process - fast videos lead to quicker feedback and more instant evolution process of making the new video better.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
@@Shimamon27 That's neat to hear about your process, I love animation! I dabbled in stop motion years ago and have always wanted to make my own 2D illustrated film - it's on my lengthy list of creative things to do eventually :) Focusing on improving with each video is all you can control, so that's a great mindset to have. And enjoying what you do makes it sustainable, so that's awesome it's fun for you. In terms of getting in front of the camera, I've seen many successful channels where the creator never shows their face or uses their voice - just footage and text if needed. I personally like the ASMR-type approach for creatives. At the same time, I used to be amazed at how others could be in front of a camera too, so if I can do it, anyone can! Like anything, you get more comfortable over time. That's not to say you need to post anything other than your animations, but just another option to think about. That's cool that you find the sound aspect liberating. I recommend leaning into whatever is most "you." Good for you for making progress on your next video! With each thing you produce, it gets more motivating as you build your track record of publishing, and feedback from others is so encouraging. I look forward to seeing what you create next!
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
Never thought about trying skillshare, I've yet to develop a skill enough in order to share it better than others, but, if I'll ever get requests, now I know the downsides of trying to go down that route. It sounds like the amount of time needed for investment there is only worth the effort while not under financial stress, because the rewards are not bountiful by the sound of it, and the process isn't exactly the greatest time ever. Thank you for sharing your experience in that platform!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Yes, I'd say it's only worth it now as either a stepping stone to get your feet wet (which I think is an overlooked aspect), or as a place to repurpose content you've already created elsewhere. It used to be a viable income source fairly early on, but now for most people it would just be a bit of extra cash. Their policies and standards have changed so much that even if you put in the work your class might not be accepted, so there's also a much greater risk of your time investment being completely thrown out the window than there used to be. In anything nowadays, it's ideal to be in control of your own platforms as much as possible so you're not at the mercy of ever-changing companies, so that's what I'll eventually be working towards.
@TheNebula725 Жыл бұрын
the budgeting system that I use (YNAB) often has no-spend challenges and they offer plenty of tips and stuff on their social media for those challenges! I think it's great, and using budget systems that require you to look through your spending and track every penny is a great way to know your habits and make a plan, like you have, to cut out the habits we have that cause us to spend unnecessarily. Great video!
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks :) I've always enjoyed not having a budget for things, but I've been toying with choosing an area or two to try as an experiment. The YNAB concept is really cool though, and I'm glad it's still working for you guys! I'll check out their no-spend tips - thanks!
@FFAs Жыл бұрын
I'm weird, grew up from a young age learning the value of frugality. I gradually opened myself up to 'living a little' until it got to be too open, and now I'm back to the opposite extreme of only spending on the bare necessities and a gift here or there, which I also consider essential to my relationships. Biggest thing with something like this is having those boundaries of steering past / staying out of stores, not having your credit card easily accessible instead of a little bit of hard cash when you do not plan to use it, and not giving into any peer pressure / removing peer pressure altogether.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
That's awesome to have learned that at a young age! Do you still feel like you're 'living a little' without spending that money anymore since it's in line with your values? Thanks for the tips, I'm looking forward to the challenge!
@RobJorg Жыл бұрын
i am working on a series of videos on how to earn an income on the side or as a main income. skillshare was one of the two platforms i was considering but i will have to take a new look at them.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Oh cool. Do you mean you were going to try Skillshare as your platform to teach/host your video series, or just presenting Skillshare as an income option to others on your KZfaq channel?
@artbybenjamin Жыл бұрын
A very good move to not invest into Skillshare right now. Hope you find a good platform to start on and get your endeavors of the ground.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks! I hope you're able to find a better solution and recover lost income! Best of luck with everything.
@artbybenjamin Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter thanks, you too.
@satines6045 Жыл бұрын
I tried to listen to audio books, I just couldn't focus. Even in school I could never listen to lectures I would always prefer to read the lesson later to memorise it. I suppose it depends of the way your brain works, what type of concentration you have.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, Satine! Yes, it definitely depends on how your brain works. I'm always fascinated to hear how others process things, especially since I have aphantasia, meaning I cannot picture things in my head. Do you ever read using an e-reader? I still haven't tried one, but I'd be interested to hear your experience with that compared to regular books if you have.
@satines6045 Жыл бұрын
@Jenelle Carter thank you for sharing too. I never used e-reader before, I don't like reading books on screen (it would be my last resort), I read only paper books. I suppose its because I'm a designer in real life so I spend most of my day on PC, and the feel of paper relaxes me and the reading paper books have an comfortable feeling, don't know how to explain it better 😆
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
@@satines6045 That's exactly how I feel as well 🙂
@satines6045 Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter :)
@FFAs Жыл бұрын
Hello again, Jenelle! Glad to see you're feeling lots better. :) I do something a little similar to this. I read papers & articles instead of books for the most part, and use a combination of Chrome extensions to read virtually anything online for free outloud while simultaneously reading the text myself. I don't really have a 'favorite' book. It changes with each stage of my life to the point where declaring a favorite feels almost too rigid, if that makes sense. I also don't expect to read more books as much as more content outside of books themselves that interest me. I will also sometimes speed up longer youtube videos to make it go faster. I may or may not have done that for this video. One small bit of feedback: with KZfaq, spacing the actual publishing of videos out a little is known to help more than uploading a 2+ videos all at once (I will watch the other video tomorrow though!). Spaced repetition applies to KZfaq publishing too. Hope that's helpful
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
That's interesting that you read and listen at the same time. I would think that would enhance learning and understanding for most people. That's something I did try with a physical book and audiobook, but with how my brain works, it was just distracting. I like your view on not having a favourite book! I definitely have a few, but who I am changes often as I learn more and follow my interests, so I almost always feel in flux in general. And in terms of watching KZfaq videos, I almost always watch on double speed as well (most of my KZfaq consumption is for learning purposes and taking in information, so it's a similar experience to audiobook listening). My own gauge for someone being a favourite KZfaqr is if I want to watch their videos at regular speed haha. Thanks so much for your detailed comment! I always appreciate hearing others' experiences, especially when it comes to reading and learning.
@nigamkumar0 Жыл бұрын
hi where are you from
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm from Ontario, Canada.
@nigamkumar0 Жыл бұрын
i am from india
@sanwalkhan222 Жыл бұрын
You are boy or girl🙆
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Girl :P
@sanwalkhan222 Жыл бұрын
@@jenellecarter really you are gril
@adrianalanguages Жыл бұрын
What a disrespectful comment. It’s so sad how manners are missing these days.
@sanwalkhan222 Жыл бұрын
@@adrianalanguages not disrespect sister ok I like this gue but first time me not understand 😉
@Shimamon27 Жыл бұрын
She has a female deeper voice, it exists. Come to think of it, I know I need a female with deep voice for my animation, if only my funds were bigger than just banana peels to afford it. Voices has value after all!
@sanwalkhan222 Жыл бұрын
U r boy are girl
@EscapeDesignStudios Жыл бұрын
I was considering starting to teach some classes on Skillshare but it sounds like a waste of time.
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I would no longer recommend it if you were thinking of making it specifically for Skillshare. It's probably only worth it if you're repurposing a class you've already made or can post in multiple places. That said, it could still be a good starting point to get the ball rolling and get feedback, however, they've become very strict with their quality standards so it's harder for beginners to even get published.
@GauravMmiv Жыл бұрын
A love from India
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thank you from Canada :)
@GauravMmiv Жыл бұрын
This video deserve a lot ✨
@jenellecarter Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much!