How to Write a Mini-Essay
21 күн бұрын
How to Manage Multiple Interests
How to Read Hard Books
3 ай бұрын
How to Analyze a Book - 101
3 ай бұрын
How to Apply What You Read
6 ай бұрын
@raibhattacharya 11 сағат бұрын
This has to be the best video ever uploaded. I'm in love. 😭🎀
@thehermitthetower1126 11 сағат бұрын
Butter, is in fact, seamless. I've never found a seam on a stick, or in a tub, of butter.
@user-zw4nn3gx7m 11 сағат бұрын
@rushfit6895 12 сағат бұрын
Philippians 4:13.
@BookCravings 13 сағат бұрын
I’m so happy I found this channel! It’s amazing!!!
@JebadiaSmith 15 сағат бұрын
Its funny... I have blocked this video 4 separate times by clicking "Not interested" , "Don't show me videos from this channel" and I even reported it... But some how this proliferation or terrorism continues to appear on my feed....🤔
@odysseas__ 11 сағат бұрын
Terrorism? Never heard that one before
@notebookaddict 18 сағат бұрын
I love your content and do this myself! But you lost me at the "something even easier, like a novel" part 🙄
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
They are typically easier to read no?
@mayurbhil5952 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
I appreciate it, cheers
@user-yn1wx4lk5o 23 сағат бұрын
Thank you for gave me a direction
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
Much appreciated, and I'm wishing you well
@user-lu6qb7ud2j Күн бұрын
Mate,I found the answer I was looking for in your video. Thank's
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
Much appreciated
@xelumbra Күн бұрын
Great video. I’m really struggling at the moment with how to reconcile working a full time job with all of the things I want to do. Making music, writing, reading, improving my Japanese, drawing… it feels impossible to fit everything in and I end up doing nothing most of the time. Paralysis of analysis.
@nachobemol_ Күн бұрын
Your videos always makes me go back on track! thanks from Chile🙂
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
Thanks, that's amazing to hear
@ag54521 Күн бұрын
I realized I've been doing this when I had to read scientific papers. That's what we do in research, a little summary of what is in the paper and why is important for my work
@etc.8629 Күн бұрын
It would be easier to go to school, obtain degrees in architecture, English literature, and information technology, build a structure, and then fill it with all kinds of books that you have written to create a physical library.
@maxwolrdrm1654 Күн бұрын
This video saved me. For a long time, I was thinking about learning many things at the same time, but when I started, it was so hard for me to make things work. So I thought about giving up on some things that I wanted to learn. Thank you, man, this video saved me.
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
Thanks, and best of luck to you
@claycon Күн бұрын
Great thoughts & advice! As a father of 2 little ones, I have very little personal time. This requires constant priority evaluation. My top priorities are family, work, spiritual fitness & physical fitness. After watching this video it’s clear I need to make more time for writing & reading. I often wish I spent more time drawing but it has been & continues to be not important enough to make the cut. But unlike many other abandoned hobbies, I will get back to it one day. Thanks for helping me consider things more clearly.
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
Thanks, and wise words too
@fabiansanhueza278 Күн бұрын
Each time I see you have uploaded a new video and I start watching it I can't help but to feel a little guilty. I mean, since I'm "losing" time watching KZfaq videos, I'm not making progress in my own learning/writing. Is that something that happens to you too? Not with your own videos, obviously 😂
@odysseas__ 16 сағат бұрын
I get that completely, if it gets out of hand, it becomes it's own form of procrastination or fake productivity. Still, learning and consuming content that helps is good for you so long as you balance it with action. I try and do both every day.
@kenneth1767 Күн бұрын
I'll start by writing a mini essay about this video. Considering trying Obsidian to organise my notebooks digitally. I think to try and incorporate new words learned is a good practice too. My mind salivates at the glimpses of all those interesting books. Thanks for the insights. Would you be so kind as to make a video on the importance of reading the classics?
@3vil3lvis Күн бұрын
"Not an excuse to suck at all of them." You can't do everything, and so focusing on what is essential will prevent you from over committing yourself. The most valuable skill you can develop is something I call "Idea Sourcing". Basically every idea was born from someone or something and you need to recognize who or to where these ideas belong. Learn to say NO to bad ideas. Before you start an endevour that will use a large chunk of your time or resources, identify the source of the idea. Most ideas are not good nor worthy of your time. Everyone has a friend that is well meaning, but is full of bad ideas (if you cannot recognize that person in your group you may need to look at yourself). Once you see that this friend is feeding you bad ideas, you can categorically scrap these ideas. Instead of accepting every idea, we must filter them. Tracing each ideas origin give clues as to weather there are perverse incentives built into them. Things like advertisements (hidden or not) that seek profits through consumerism. There is no avoiding Ads, it is the way of Capitalism. Recognizing them as Advertisements helps combat the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Media Influencers are idea kryptonite that will waste your time on a epic level. Evaluate, curate, collate, terminate subscriptions from these people on a regular basis ...or they will steal your time because you like them. Every creator has something valuable to say, but after they have contributed that you may find that they are stuck in the mode of making content for views and not really adding anything to the conversation. They have literally peaked, and when their content no longer serves you...that is the time to cut them loose. Set goals (at least these are your ideas that don't have perverse incentives baked in and if they don't work you won't feel bad about pursuing them). Dig deeper: The reality is that even things that you think are your thoughts have an origin that is not you and come from your environment. This is not to say don't do anything, but rather be deliberate in the things you do... so that you don't go to college chasing a degree that you are not interested in because someone else made that plan for you. Journaling is the best way to discover who you are and build an internal conversation on what you want. In this way you will record your thoughts so that you can compare who you are tomorrow with who you were yesterday. Write about your successes and failures, and include things that may have improved your outcome. So many people are shunned by failure and view it as a label that applies to them forever, when it is actually a stepping stone on the path to success. Notice the people that only post their success on the interweb (perfection is an impossible standard and usually a facade), you will learn more from the people that post their failures. Write about your failure, it is something people won't try to take away from you and something you can own. Do your research: Once you know what to do, researching how to do it will improve your success. Chances are that someone else had a similar idea, learn from their failures. When you reexamine your goals apply the 3 Socratic questions 1. Is it True 2. Is it Good 3. Is it Useful. Is it True? Does what you wrote qualify as a goal? In order to be a goal it must be achievable (No pipe dreams). It has be be something that you really want to be truly your goal. Is it Good? It cannot involve theft, lies, or murder and be good. When it's beautiful it's probably good. Is it Useful? Does your goal make the world a better place? We should all endevour so high and summit monument tasks, but even small things like picking up trash qualify as useful. Once you apply this skill to your life you will be more satisfied with the time that you have spent, knowing that you left things better than you found them.
@seasonal.holidays.444 Күн бұрын
I used to have 1,000 different hobbies until I started working for a bank. 😂 they made me do every task, every job, every role because I was great at multitasking. With perfection, no failures, Until I got burnt out and quit. When I want to jump from hobby to hobby, I just remind myself of the corporate days… it’ll pull me right back to reality. 😂 great video!
@malakmohamed5607 Күн бұрын
Hi, i have one questions about the zettlekasten system and the question is what is the difference between the tags section amd the status section in the note?
@user-rh9zi3bj1n Күн бұрын
Can you recommend the software you were using to organise and keep track of all your content
@abena8339 Күн бұрын
I want to improve my speaking skills so im assuming i can somehow apply this to speech
@cleisonarmandomanriqueagui9176 Күн бұрын
31:12 Remember to move it to the tag folder . If you put tags as notes , the MOC view will be full of floating notes (the tags) .
@anthonylopez1077 Күн бұрын
Im thinking of writing a book review, but I don't know how long it should be, What would you recommend?
@bekzodkhamutov2328 Күн бұрын
Your insights are incredibly honest man. Thank you!
@odysseas__ Күн бұрын
Much appreciated, thank you
@tripti9621 Күн бұрын
Pure gold video✨
@odysseas__ Күн бұрын
@chelseaclinton5993 Күн бұрын
not appliable for adhd people
@theshortviz Күн бұрын
where do you practice the violin without a teacher?
@odysseas__ Күн бұрын
KZfaq mainly
@zainabbatool6150 Күн бұрын
By reading the comments I'm feeling the same energy that I have
@zainabbatool6150 Күн бұрын
My advice, don't get enough or do dopamine boosting activities to often, like everyday one or other, instead work hard and smart of several days and then do the fun dopamine boosting activity like this that activity will provide the value you want to get otherwise it loses its value
@ShootFirstNS Күн бұрын
Slowing down while reading is a good point, unless the author is linking chapters together like a list I always put the book down and walk around talking to myself about the chapter, otherwise the next chapter essentially overwrites the previous.
@redallover_ Күн бұрын
A very insightful video! This was too relatable to me. I've always had an immense appetite for life, but I've only recently realized that I'll only ever be great at all my passions with organization and discipline. You have some great advice in this video, and I can tell you have been and are working hard toward your dreams. Best of luck to you, and thank you for sharing your wisdom.
@user-fo8jf9tm4z 2 күн бұрын
Great video, love the setup. I'm a bit lost on how to add links to tag notes. Is this something we can do retroactively, or is it meant to be done at the time of settings up a new note?
@odysseas__ Күн бұрын
Thanks. Once there's enough notes to link, I make the index and add them all manually, then add new ones as I create them
@nicolasprocel 2 күн бұрын
Solid video.
@odysseas__ Күн бұрын
@lucasandreotti2037 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for that video. I am feeling similar strugling with college and work... both have things I am curious to improve, but it seems that time gets shrinked as they "compete" for my attention...
@thomasdeeter3679 2 күн бұрын
Great video thank you. As a 50-year-old creator with many interest I have used a lot of your advice to stay focused. I’ll apply some of the things I learned in this video to remain focused. Best of luck to you all.
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
Much appreciated, and I'm wishing you well
@chaosordeal294 2 күн бұрын
Everything seems like it's slapped together and the people who make it don't care that it looks slapped together. "Perfectionist" is word made up by a lazy guy to excuse his laziness. Put in the effort and do it right.
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
How is it 'slapped together?' You say 'do it right,' and yet it works for me and gets the writing done. I know it's not perfect, but its a better route than jerking off with 20 different plugins and workflow steps.
@FL85106 2 күн бұрын
It’s fascinating how we both developed the exact same system without ever meeting each other. I call this system Daybits. Every day, I do six of them. Train, Ride (Skateboarding), Perform (Guitar and Piano) and later in the day Read, Write, Compose. My output is Tricks, Books and Songs. It has proved to be a very effective system and it greatly improves the quality of my life.
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
Indeed it is. It's the simple approaches that win in the end.
@FL85106 2 күн бұрын
@@odysseas__ I did make many mistakes along the way and had to learn through trial and error but eventually created a balance that is conducive to my professional career and two young children.
@Christian-rp6qu 2 күн бұрын
What a great video!! I will apply some of these ideas to my 80% rule ( to become 80% proficient at my many interests!). Thank you for the info and the great presentation!!
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
I like that idea, and thanks
@swampybogard9368 2 күн бұрын
This was a great watch. And I do not feel bad about spending the time to watch this youtube video.
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
@bardoflyhm 2 күн бұрын
Could it be that an expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less?
@danaysiapaul3206 2 күн бұрын
i needed this so bad. thank you.
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
Much appreciated
@FL85106 2 күн бұрын
I think most of us watching this video have all been there. We’re living in an age of the second reinassance, where accessible technology enables anyone learn anything. My take on this is simple: love and work over fame and fortune. Do what makes you happy and have a good time. Do not worry about getting rich and famous along the way. That is not the measure of a good life.
@SofiP-pf3td 2 күн бұрын
I would love some book suggestions for a beginner reader who wants to learn new new
@fabiansanhueza278 2 күн бұрын
I think of all your videos this has been one of the most helpful. It inspired me to start writing my own mini-essays and integrate them into my Digital Zettelkasten. By the way, I'm writing to you from Chile! 🇨🇱
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
I'm grateful to hear it, thanks!
@virajmadushan7615 2 күн бұрын
Thank You
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
Much appreciated
@LucasXavier-bj4fi 2 күн бұрын
If bro can squat 330lbs he is a master
@odysseas__ 2 күн бұрын
Those are reps -I was trying something new
@LucasXavier-bj4fi 2 күн бұрын
@@odysseas__ did it maximise ur marginal squat product? Assuming ur an econ bro too 🫡
@Matt-qi5ff 2 күн бұрын
exactly what i needed to hear, thanks a lot for your video