Hong Kong for 3 Days and 2 Nights
Where to Give Birth in Chiang Mai
Should You Use Cannabis with Yoga?
Diet and Fasting for Inguinal Hernia
Yoga for Inguinal Hernia
2 жыл бұрын
"Faded" by room 2/3 (Alan Walker)
3 жыл бұрын
Spanish project on court street
@orion6372 2 күн бұрын
When it comes to food, fiber fiber fiber. Fruits, veggies, powders like benefiber.
@shanthishanthi2766 3 күн бұрын
@dancewithdjdancingdean3643 4 күн бұрын
Tom thanks so much i found out he news on Thursday been depressed and stressed out since . But watching this gives me hope , as i Am active at work . And teach dance that could involve lifts or drops i guess.
@Kingaronfi 5 күн бұрын
im not sure if i have this but i have been feeling like some bulge. i cant see it but i can feel in inside my body in this area. i tried this out and it went fine but i feel the bulge more today. i feel it the most when sittingdown. it was painful some weeks ago and it used to hurt to walk but i felt better everyday. but today its no pain but the bulge feeling is bothering me, any advice? i have had this before over 5 years ago and i stretced on the floor and it went away. not sure why its coming back. im also a bit chubby. muscular kind like when bulking.
@ijs_diy 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for update. I am into 7 month of holding in my right inguinal hernia seen couple of upsets but not ready to give up
@malakashalaka8614 6 күн бұрын
Thanks Tom! Do you engage your Kegel muscles (the muscles that stop and start urination) when you are doing the ab vacuum?
@orion6372 8 күн бұрын
This is helpful, thank you for putting it together. I also find relief with bending over backwards and grabbing my ankles…don’t recall the name of the pose.
@jameswestconsultant 9 күн бұрын
Guy looks like Alex in the movie Hostel 😂
@waynecollins9398 10 күн бұрын
thanks so much for you efforts here, inspiring and informative!
@coastalcam 10 күн бұрын
Just got this at 36, fml. Believe it happened selling some weights. Not even training, moved a weight set outside for this dude to buy "wam".
@bethchandler7578 11 күн бұрын
I really liked the vibe of this class, and I feel it helped me, however the music was so loud I was unable to really hear the instructions.
@sudharsona2481 11 күн бұрын
It's for avoid hernia or to cure hernia....i am from India pls reply
@anniefrankenstein1989 12 күн бұрын
Much appreciated, I have been undergoing a similar journey, found the same stomach vacuum guy, into intermittent fasting and very clean animal-based eating. I've had it for almost a year now reduced in size by about a half since becoming strict with animal-based eating (saladino fan) even though I haven't been keeping up with the physical practices of breathe yoga, the stomach vacuum, or pelvic floor exercises.. I'm a gardener and during the growing season it can be easy to fall off these important routines.. anyhow information is still very hard to find about non-surgical healing but I know it's possible and I really appreciate you sharing your story ! It's inspired me to get back to the breathing and stomach vacuums. Maybe I will try actual kriya yoga. Ty ! Be well,
@yvonnemach1049 13 күн бұрын
Might not be the meat you eat that cause the hernia, it might be the wheat in the bread that give you the bloat which push the hernia out.
@sblionas 13 күн бұрын
Hi Tom. As I told you I started since 27/05/24 (today is 20/06/2024 ie 25 days already), to try to "HEAL" my left indirect (probably) inguinal hernia that has a size of a wallnut. I stoped all activities and I started fasting 18 hours (20:00-14:00 next day only drinking water, 14:00-20:00 eating mostly vegetarian food rarely meat and fish) and once a week I am skipping eating (I am eating after 42 hours). Every morning with very few exceptions I am doing 10 minutes the Nauli Krya breathing-stomach exercises and then another 20-30 minutes of the transversus abdominis exercises you suggested (very mild but enough to feel the muscle active and rigid). RESULTS SO FAR (25 days): the bulge is coming and going (but never disappears for an entire day). Mainly it disappears when the stomach is empty and I do not do any move that will "push" the "inside" (probably the small intestine), toward the deep inguinal ring where is the defect (way out from the abdominal wall), in my case (probable indirect inguinal hernia). When I start eating at 14:00 after few minutes when I stand up at the upright position it pops out. The bigger is the quantity that I eat the bigger and harder becomes the bulge. If I will lie down the bulge goes in immediately. For the moment because I do not perform any activity the content of the bulge it didn't go through to the scrotum and stops just before it, at the pubic tubercle and specifically before the superficial inguinal ring. When because of constipation the content and size of the large intestine increases then the bulge is there present at its maximum size. Probably because it creates higher intra-abdominal pressure. Probably the same happens when the Urinary Bladder is very full and the bulge goes to its maximum. Always if I will lie down it disappears. When I do my mooring “inguinal hernia” exercises (obviously with empty stomach because I eat at 14:00), the bulge disappears. Probably because of the stretching of the muscles in the area because of the exercises. Also there is a "trick" when the bulge is out after eating to keep it in. If I keep tight my muscles down there in that area (transversus abdominis and the oblique muscles particular the left side where is located my left indirect inguinal hernia), the bulge cannot come out. Nevertheless this is not easy to keep these muscles tight for long time (more than few minutes for me). CONCLUSIONS: It’s a matter of anatomy and pure physics! There is a hole down there in the abdominal cavity and specifically the deep inguinal ring that didn’t close properly before or shortly after birth. Normally if you see in laparoscopic videos from the inside the abdominal wall at the area of the deep inguinal ring where the spermatic cord goes into the inguinal canal, it is perfectly closed in healthy people. In people that have an indirect inguinal hernia there is a hole like a small “mouth” that when the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases the small intestine that is full of a creamy paste (chyme), finds its way out through the weak point of the abdominal wall that is the hole at the point of the deep inguinal ring. The more the intra-abdominal pressure the bigger the bulge is. The content of the bulge is actually a few centimeters of the small intestine full of this creamy paste called chyme. If you do not eat and your small intestine is relatively empty then no significant intra-abdominal pressure and no bulge. You start eating small portion the small intestine is not quite full and heavy to open this small “mouth” down there and create a bulge. You eat more the small intestine becomes more full and heavier and the created intra-abdominal pressure becomes sufficient to let the small intestine to go out through the deep inguinal ring and create the bulge. The exercises they help to keep the muscles down there tight and make it more difficult for the small intestine to escape through the “hole” at the deep inguinal ring and create the bulge. Even though exercises help, in case that you over exercise the muscles get tired and they relax and the do not keep the weak area closed. You just need to find your proper balance for the exercises to just keep enough active the muscles down there and keep relatively closed the hole. Probably what happened with you Tom is that you strengthened properly with the inguinal hernia exercises the muscles down there and you manage to keep them tight all the time even when you were doing later your hard athletic activities. Definitely, by keeping your fasting and paying attention your activities not to increase the intra-abdominal pressure, you help further yourself because the strengthened muscles there they are not forced significantly. I believe that in case that you will stop all this (fasting inguinal hernia exercises and paying attention not to increase your intra-abdominal pressure the bulge will return soon (if it didn’t return already and it is this scrotum swelling you got recently). BOTTOMLINE : The indirect inguinal hernia cannot be healed. This hole down there cannot close as the teared skin because it is not a trauma. It is rather a defect since birth time. You can only live with the indirect inguinal hernia and pay attention to keep as much as possible the bulge inside by eating very small quantities and by exercising your muscles down there to keep them active all the time. If you want to do other athletic activities, if you wouldn’t like your bulge to increase and reach your scrotum better to wear a relatively heavy duty truss. I am 63 and my muscles are not that elastic as they used to be in the past. That means the inguinal hernia exercises they will not have the same result as in your case or others’ (George Hirst, Logan Grant), that you are much younger. In addition, FURTHER STEPS: I will continue until end of July my current fasting and exercises. In any case this will also be a test to check if I will lose my current belly fat 😊. Nevertheless I am not sure if I can live for the rest of my life thinking all the time about my indirect inguinal hernia and to discipline in fasting, inguinal hernia exercises and not to increase my intra-abdominal pressure when I do athletic activities without a proper truss. Even wearing a truss is something that I do not enjoy. Thus, I started already investigation about surgery. In August I will go back to my normal athletic activities (keeping the small quantities eating habit and the morning exercises), and by watchful waiting I will see if the bulge increases having a normal life. If it will increase I will definitely go for surgery to get rid of the bulge and have a normal life. Thank you and all other KZfaqr guys out there once again about your effort to inform us.
@washcloud 12 күн бұрын
...απ' ό,τι κατάλαβα, είσαι πατριωτάκι;. Απλά ήθελα να γράψω ένα "κουράγιο", και προσπάθα να τηρήσεις όσα έγραψες ότι κάνεις, στην προσπάθεια να γλυτώσεις χειρουργείο, γιατί αν κρίνω από την,,,"ιατρική μέσω ΥΤ", η επέμβαση με πλέγμα, δεν είναι βέβαιο ότι θα πάει απροβλημάτιστα, και δη "για πάντα" (παίζουν πιθανές επιπλοκές και μολύνσεις, με συνέπεια την ανάγκη να ΞΑΝΑ-γίνει επέμβαση, και δη "ανοικτού τύπου" την 2η φορά, συνεπώς έχε τον νου σου....). "Φοβάμαι" δε πως οι αλλαγές σε διατροφικές συνήθειες και η άσκηση είναι από 'δω και πέρα "must", ανεξαρτήτως αποτελεσμάτων, γιατί οι ρημάδες οι κήλες έχουν την τάση είτε να ξανανοίγουν, είτε να δημιουργούνται νέες - ένα παραπάνω με την πάροδο της ηλικίας......Από την άλλη πάλι, η λογική μου μου λέει ότι όσο θ' αποφεύγεις χειρουργείο και θα περνάνε τα χρόνια, τόσο "χειρότερο" θα είναι να το κάνεις "αναγκαστικά" κάποια στιγμή, έχοντας περάσει κι άλλο τα χρόνια....Γενικά ό,τι κι αν κάνεις, να έχεις "από κοντά" κάποιον χειρούργο που να μπορείς να πεις ότι εμπιστεύεσαι την γνώμη του για το πώς να το χειριστείς....Και μιας και αναφέρθηκες σε "ειδικό σλιπάκι" (αν κατάλαβα καλά), έχε κατά νου ότι πιθανώς δημιουργεί "επιπλοκές" (κατά βάση δερματικούς ερεθισμούς λόγω της αυξημένης πίεσης που προκαλεί το υλικό του, ώστε να "συγκρατήσει" την κήλη - ίσως όμως όχι μόνο, καθώς γενικά οι "κηλεπίδεσμοι" δεν είναι για,,,,"χόρταση", απ' ό,τι κατάλαβα, καθώς και οι μύες της περιοχής "εξασθενούν" λόγω της "υποστήριξης" του προϊόντος, αλλά και - λέει - ότι καταλήγει η χρήση του στη δημιουργία "συμφύσεων" της κήλης με τον "κηλικό σάκκο", πράγμα που το λιγότερο σημαίνει ότι θα δυσχεράνει μια πιθανή μελλοντική επέμβαση.......Μπρος γκρεμός και πίσω ρέμα δηλαδή μια φάση......). Και τέλος, το δικό μου συμπέρασμα με αυτήν την κωλοκάτάσταση, είναι ότι κάνουμε-δεν κάνουμε επέμβαση, η αλλαγή στις καθημερινές μας συνήθειες (διατροφή, άσκηση, άρση βάρους, κακές συνήθειες) είναι επιβεβλημένη για το υπόλοιπο του βίου........(και "ποιος το κάνει" είναι το θέμα.........). Τεσπα. Τα καλύτερα εύχομαι.....
@janicealderson4329 16 күн бұрын
My son has just been diagnosed with this this and of course he dosn't want the surgery, he has been very active like you. What type of yoga did you say? When I spoke to him he was walking and he says he has had some relief by sitting in cold water Vim Hoff style.
@Jondude0 17 күн бұрын
Tom! Did you ever wear a hernia belt?
@TrackinDaMeta 17 күн бұрын
It feels like you're just doing stuff and adding "for Inguinal Hernia"
@RUBAN0606 17 күн бұрын
So i've notice a slight bulge above my bellybutton recently. I believe i've always had it, but it's become a bit more pronounced since i've been progressing with weight lifting. I've been reading about how Russians use various forms of fasting to cure many ailments. Dry Fasting has peaked my interest, soley because many use it to cure and strengthen fascia tissue, joints and connective tissues. I will be incorporating 2-3 times a week dry fasting to see if i can remedy this on my own. If not, then under the knife i'll go.
@JayDude85 17 күн бұрын
Dang, I wish my hernia were small enough to stay in. I was hoping I could heal mine, but it's about an inch long at least. Doesn't hurt at all, not even when it happened, but it always out when I'm standing up. I wear a truss while working or walking my dogs, but if I have to remove my underwear to use the bathroom or shower, I have to remove the truss and out comes the hernia. Unfortunately, in my case, I think surgery is the only option I have if I want it gone. Glad to hear that some people can avoid it though.
@rabisonsimon 19 күн бұрын
Sorry sir can you give me your email
@2Tacoface 19 күн бұрын
How can I heal my hernia without surgery? Simple. You can't. It is not physically possible. Hernias will only ever get worse. They can also be dangerous if you get an incarcerated hernia. Incarcerated hernia is when your intestines get stuck in the hole in your abdominal wall. This can lead to a loss of circulation to that portion of the intestine and can cause sepsis, which can be lethal (and is lethal if untreated!). You hernia will never heal. You need to have repair surgery to actually fix it. I have your answer for 16:48: it's not. To anyone watching this, I had a small inguinal hernia on my left side due to lifting. I had an open hernia repair surgery using the mesh. Did it suck? Absolutely! However, after about three days I was able to return to normal activities (no lifting mind you, but I could move relatively well). After three weeks of taking it very easy, I was able to fully return to all activities I enjoyed before my hernia: cycling, lifting, hiking, climbing, and yoga. Listen to what this man actually said: months, and months, and months of ultimately futile efforts only for the hernia to inevitably return. They cannot heal without surgical intervention. Go to a doctor, get the surgery. Endure the suck for three weeks, and then get back to your life! Can the mesh fail? Yes. There is roughly a ~15% chance of mesh failure. But, I will take 85% chance of a normal life with no complications whatsoever over constantly trying (and failing) to fix something that is beyond my body's ability to heal. Get the surgery. Don't listen to this quackery.
@Northman1963 4 күн бұрын
And they only get worse with time, at least mine did. All the research I've done supports your comment.
@ashtonnnnnnn 22 күн бұрын
Hi Tom, weirdly related how a different problem lead me hear but did you find what infection was causing your bump on the scrotum?
@rickyd1126 24 күн бұрын
The exercise is called uddiyana bandha guys
@rickyd1126 24 күн бұрын
-vegetarian diet -fasting once a week 2 nights and one day -eating once a day light not full -abdominal vacuum exercise -wait 1-2 weeks with no pop out before exercise -progress slowly
@christopherblew6856 24 күн бұрын
Man good luck hernia suck I have one and it has been getting worse. I am also a smoker. It has been affecting my stomach lately. I am currently using a nic patches so I can stop. Just bought a hernia belt which helps alot
@ILLWill1027 26 күн бұрын
I would love to heal mines I’m 35 and I’ve had my left Inguinal hernia since i was 17. Mines is located in my scrotum but thankfully all these years I’ve had no pain whatsoever even lifting heavy in the gym. I have a surgery scheduled but i do not want to do it because I’m nervous about the what if’s. The fear of living with hernia is the strangulation of the organs which cuts off blood supply and then an emergency surgery has to be done at that point. Overall there is no way i can heal that i know without surgery.
@Vinny8El611 27 күн бұрын
I had an inguinal hernia in 2009 with strangulation. It was the most painful thing I ever experienced in my life I had laparoscopic surgery with the mesh and everything is great. It is not a good idea to wait on these things. Don’t be afraid just get it done.
@Pr833k Ай бұрын
Hello Tom, i have IH , 2 on right and 3 on left of small size, i am about to have my SSB for Indian army officer rank , in 2 months , well am doing the exercise suggested by for 15 days, yet not much of result i have witnessed so far, can you tell me how long did it took you to see the results My Hernia doesn't pop out or go inside like other's say, it just constant there, sometimes seems to be big and sometimes small Regards
@angel11111 Ай бұрын
I want to recommend an easy exercise, it will work for the prevention, but may have a role in healing too if done at the end of a similar routine which is what I am doing. Horse stance.
@ZanyJIntPictures Ай бұрын
The Power of God still moves to heal! You believed, took steps of faith, believing that you would get it healed and BOOM!!!!! No trace of there ever having been one. I too am dealing with an inguinal on the left and I was kinda in denial as well (messed aroun and waited, then went to see a doctor) found out it was indeed an IH. I know that this thing will be healed; your video is a another testament to God at work in peoples lives! Be blessed!😎😎😎😎
@sblionas Ай бұрын
Tom because I will give it a try the following next 2 or 3 months I have some important questions for you: 1) Did you ever have pain from your hernia since the beginning that you realized it? 2 During the period of your healing how would you rank the importance of your "new habits" for not to going out your hernia? i) Physical activity not to be hard i.e. just walking and only the exercises that you describe in your channel, or ii) fasting and generally eating small meals? Did you try those "new habits" separetely to understand their importance or you applied them both together for the entire period of your healing? 3) Now after so long your hernia is in did you try running frequently?
@josephrzeczycki8642 Ай бұрын
Most of your videos are not loud enough on my Dell PCs. I'll try it on my WiFi TV. I'm 73 and a bit hard of hearing, but many videos are louder than this.
I had the same thing happen over a year ago. I did my own excercises and it was seeming to be getting better. Recently I had to do a lot of heavy lifting around the house and saw my lumpy friend appear again. I immediately went to Amazon to see if there is anythjng that exists that can help push henrnia in without having to use your fingers. Bingo. There is...search for this..Tenbon Hernia Belt Truss for Single/Double Inguinal or Sports Hernia, Hernia Support Brace for Men for Women Pain Relief Recovery Strap with 2 Removable Compression Pads Been wearing this for 1 day and it works amazingly. I can focus on my abdominal excerciaes again and work on recovering. Thank you for sharing your story
@lilomouradenilsonkaiowa5195 Ай бұрын
Colágeno is fundamental for treat or prevent hérnia, besides exercises.
@ujkae.7957 Ай бұрын
excellent update! Thanks for sharing!
@WilliamMartinez-lm1sk Ай бұрын
Hello. ❤❤❤❤❤. I had hernia on my left side a while ago, I ordered Hernia Drops from India, and it went away. Thank you. ❤❤❤❤❤.
@Breylin24 Ай бұрын
Can you share to me the brand name of the drops you used. Thanks.
@teainastorm4357 Ай бұрын
Hey Tom, sorry for the off-topic comment. I am looking for a cure for my inguinal bulge (not a hernia yet but muscles are weak and could lead to hernia as per doc. Feeling mild aches too). Did you ever wear a hernia belt and did it help you? Btw I'll be starting on the strength exercises for hernia, the yoga movements and diet systems in a few days, so that's covered. Just was confused if a belt is be necessary or optional.
@tommaher1841 Ай бұрын
I didn't use one personally, but they seem to be helpful for many others!
@teainastorm4357 Ай бұрын
@@tommaher1841 Got it! Will figure it out ... good luck for your future Tom, following your adventures - what an inspiration!
@thomasball3532 Ай бұрын
I would put a lot more faith in this anecdotal account if it was backed up by before and after CT scans, showing what was going on in the tissue. I'm a doubting Thomas, and seeing is believing - particularly if one can see what is happening on the inside, and how it changes with time.
@Kwistenbiebel100-ns5ko 5 күн бұрын
How are you going now?
@everydayjay Ай бұрын
Why not just get surgery? Hernias are not tears, they are a weakness in the abdominal wall
@michaelcurran1797 Ай бұрын
I have inguinal hernia since five months. Can I try your exercise for my issue. Please let me know friend.
@TrackinDaMeta Ай бұрын
I think what happens is the intestines themself become bigger than the genetics of the muscles in the area are built for.
@mudkow5092 Ай бұрын
Right in. So glad I found. Left buldge, maybe? Fasting, lost 80lbs since November last year. Ate heavier on vacation. Right on man!
@alokwane Ай бұрын
So agnisar is safe in lower abdomen hernia??
@robertabel2650 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the information. I recently got a dime size umbilical cord hernia working at Tesla the surgeon had told me that they cannot do the surgery because of a swollen lymph node in the same area so it really complicates things.
@johnbrown6230 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your videos! I've been doing the exercises you recommend. I have a question: when you mentioned your hernia bulging and feeling like you weren't improving, did it bulge out like a balloon or was it a small bulge? I usually have a small bulge but occasionally get a larger one. Did you mostly have a small bulge or none at all?
@snowcold903 Ай бұрын
Im 30 soon and i had it since i was a kid and have had 2 surgeries. Now it hasn't developed much over the years and its still small but im getting annoyed by it and i think it is possible to get rid off without surgery. my worst hernia was right before my first surgery as a 13 year old kid. Go on the Keto Diet and use the right exercises. I believe that the type of food i ate as a kid also was a factor in me getting a hernia, proteins with lots of sugar isn't a good combination + i remember i overdid some exercises as a kid too
@akramakhtar7665 Ай бұрын
Do hernia cause any problem related to infertility in men?
@soniacruz3763 Ай бұрын
I've had 4 hernia surgery repairs in the last 8 years and have been told that I need surgery again. But I don't want to go through surgery again just to have the same results. I am tired of going through these surgery with the same negative results.
@zacmiller210 Ай бұрын
When talk about hernia being healed what do you actually mean..? Is the hernia gone..? I’m going for surgery next month & now I’m wondering if I should go through with it ..?