The illymation Drama Continues
A Fat Acceptance Cartoon
3 ай бұрын
The Consequences of Woke Parenting
Why Obese People Can't Stop Eating
Why Your Life Isn't Going Well
Women With No Aspirations
6 ай бұрын
How Children Become Addicts
7 ай бұрын
Female Influencers Lying for Money
Why Woke People Don't Know Anything
Why Woke Content Is TRASH
10 ай бұрын
Women Who Can't Get A Man
11 ай бұрын
How Addicts Lie
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How to Stay Permanently Single
How Woke Propaganda Works
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@mintygreen9877 33 минут бұрын
That porn id verification gift card idea is the most pipe dream ass idea I've ever heard 😂😂😭🤡
@GrtsHixm 45 минут бұрын
BRO TRIED TO DISS BUT FAILED TO -.. . .-.. .. ...- . .-.
@Chud-mb7gl 57 минут бұрын
How the hell do we even know the first guy is a fememeist, plus you'll fail because of your height regardless of having the right facial expression
@mintygreen9877 58 минут бұрын
Shawn, no one's gonna advocate for their porn to be put behind a paywall just because some parents can't control their brats. The solution is to make large (actual quality) online spaces for kids and find a way to close access to all unapproved sites on their devices.
@mintygreen9877 Сағат бұрын
Pole dancing isn't inherently sexual. Sure strippers do it, but at the end of the day as long as you're not doing sexual movements it's just another form of dance.
@BillyOnYouTube Сағат бұрын
This is like watching a grown man spanking the shit out of a rude child
@staufackar2135 Сағат бұрын
I know the feeling, while i was looking for a job, there were several places who just said "we're only hiring women, not men". """""""""""""Equality"""""""""""" ladies and gentlemen.
@anangelsdiaries Сағат бұрын
Does Hasan know what a woman look like? Tf, like I can understand him saying Brit is not type or whatever, but ugly? Uh?
@doctordungus7774 Сағат бұрын
Your comments about Super Size Me and Morgan Spurlock are INCREDIBLY DISHONEST. The man (who is dead now, rest in piss) made his documentary claiming that he was going to be replicating the average eating habits of a normal McDonald's consumer. That was literally the entire point of the documentary: to show that McDonald's itself was intensely unhealthy, AND that it was tricking people into eating too much just through normal consumption of their food. He made a big deal out of only getting super sized meals when the cashier asked him if he wanted to super size. That's literally where the name of the documentary comes from. So tell me, Think Before You Sleep (whatever your name is), how is eating TWO BIG MACS and TWO FRENCH FRIES for lunch a normal representation of a McDonald's meal? It's not. That's the answer. It obviously isn't. And the point that the podcasters were making (a point which was made in one of those takedown documentaries called Fat Head, which is the 2nd-best documentary I've ever seen) was that Spurlock's company would not publicly release his daily calorie intake charts for journalists or scientists to corroborate. That's because large amounts of his daily caloric intake came from his alcohol consumption, along with likely him adding on extra food. You cannot say that one blurry image of half of one day's calorie sheet is enough evidence to vet his claims. Is that part of your video a poorly-told joke? I thought you cared about research?
@abbottschorsch2056 2 сағат бұрын
53:43 I love hay bales,I'd make a joke about eating it but I'd rather ask for more hay bale pictures in your videos.
@rondyreeves4772 2 сағат бұрын
There is no such thing as “my truth” and there never will be. There is only *the* truth. And I know this sounds mean, but I don’t understand how she has children. Who could be attracted to someone that massive?
@milfeullesakuraba2593 2 сағат бұрын
If women are so indepenent and strong, why would they ever need men? Boom.
@GENOSAD 2 сағат бұрын
Finding out that the beef between you and Samsen had been going on for a while puts his videos in a very different context. He's not just someone trying to promote fat acceptance, he's someone who legit just has it out for you. That's honestly even sadder, somehow. The whole time I watched his video, I couldn't help but wonder what exactly it was about your video he felt the need to respond to. He doesn't really seem like the type to actively promote fat acceptance (maybe he actually is, hard to say), which made the whole video just seem unnecessary. But when there's been a feud for this long... yep, that makes sense now.
@parishansen6309 2 сағат бұрын
Love the videos keep it up not usually one for drama but could only get through 22 mins as this Noah is just brilliant and hearing another contradiction might send me into a nirvana state cheers keep it up
@nicklion6585 3 сағат бұрын
Great points HOWEVER im not watching past 30 minutes
@cendimix.4132 3 сағат бұрын
Though the women are at a biological disadvantage i think it's fair to say the women here are just blatantly stupid, brawn or no brawn being dumb as hell lazy and not working well as a team is not going to end favorably.
@TheMegaultrachicken 4 сағат бұрын
Dove soap smells terrible now ugh.
@Allegroskate90 4 сағат бұрын
Just like the great Micheal Scott says "KISS, Keep It Simple, Stupid"
@donaldhall-yb3lp 5 сағат бұрын
She couldn't swim 2.5km if the pool filled with chocolate.
@TheRealWalterClements 5 сағат бұрын
Welcome to the KZfaq drama game! Level "Illymation v TBYS v Samson" Difficulty: Extreme
@phizzles 5 сағат бұрын
Is he genuinely messing with us or sum? The video was called “think before you dox”
@kwesiriyuma9001 5 сағат бұрын
it made me chuckle when u pointed out that ur audience mostly listens to ur videos in the background when that was exactly what i was doing playing gi 1:38:54 (reminded me of when mrbeast said the creator knows their audience best)
@Allegroskate90 5 сағат бұрын
She's a stay in bed mom
@monabear7287 5 сағат бұрын
Setpoint theory is provably false. Such a thing only applies to people with metabolic problems. That example of setpoints, figure 14, is that it uses 28 people. That's literally insufficient to qualify as "statistical noise." They also didn't control for historical or current physical activity. There's an astounding amount of evidence showing it's overwhelmingly just people lying.
@4spooky8u 6 сағат бұрын
Internet drama is so strange
@shadowsoulless6227 6 сағат бұрын
I just got sterilized at 31, no kids, I never wanted kids because I just am not the mothering type even as a 10-year-old I didn't want to be near babies, at no point in my life have I held a baby because I just am disgusted by them, I don't find them cute and them crying just makes me annoyed. I was going in for a procedure and I was just like "can you please sterilize me while I'm under" because I was having surgery on my ovaries anyway. The doctor asked me a few questions and then agreed to it, then on the day of surgery she asked me a few questions again, she seemed completely fine with my answers. I didn't really have to put up a battle but I did have to make it very very clear that I would never have children even if I was physically capable.
@shadowsoulless6227 6 сағат бұрын
Having a child is a choice. The government shouldn't pay for your choices. I'm not saying that we need universal healthcare or that we don't need it but certain medical problems are not people's choices so it's a bit different. (Yes I know if you do drugs or your obese you can have illnesses you wouldn't normally have if you live to healthy life I understand that I'm saying for medical problems that aren't related to choices, you could be the healthiest person on the planet and because of bad genetics you end up getting cancer) But I don't think there should be anything afforded to anybody just because they had a kid or got I don't think work should allow any kind of child leave or maternity leave or anything for pregnant women, you chose to get pregnant it's literally no one else's choice but you and your husbands, if you're involuntarily pregnant there's a thing called an abortion you can get. It should not be everybody else's problem that you chose to get pregnant, you should be forced to save up money or have a man that can support you through your pregnancy. it should be completely fine for a workplace to terminate you if you become pregnant and you become a hindrance to their business. It is not the world's problem that you wanted to have a baby.
@enviritas9498 6 сағат бұрын
The guy talking about the fitness industry should take a look at what the snack food and soft drink industries make. They lose business the more people begin to adopt a healthier lifestyle. There is money to be made with keeping people overweight.