4 Ways to PREVENT Gallstones
TRAUMA Care is Getting F***ed
Doctors DO HARM!
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@samh3438 21 сағат бұрын
Thank you dr , really needed to hear this!!
@CowboyStag Күн бұрын
Well La de da
@jeffduncan7685 Күн бұрын
Wow what a crock of poop. Where to start with this lie. 1. PCS, up to 40% have PCS and will for LIFE. 2. SOD, sphincter OD dysfunction, another one that is in the 20%-40%. ERCP has its risks and then this patch only last 3-5 years and pain comes back . 3. Adhesions, 51.6% of the people have adhesions after surgery. I was one of those 51.6% of the people. 4. Scaring, yep you will have scaring under your liver and if your lucky like I was I have a 2nd belly button now in the middle of my chest because the surgeon said I did not need post antibiotics, spent 3.5 days in the hospital a week later from a ,assume infection. 5. Vitamin deficiency, yep you will no longer have enough concentrated bile to properly digest your fats, so goodbye to vitamin A, D, E, and omega 3. I am now low on all these post GB removal. 6. Liver, your liver now has to work harder, and let’s not forget NAFLD. You don’t change your diet and your liver is screwed. 7. Let’s not forget about the rest of your organs, that’s right campers, your body will pay the price for this. Lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, etc all need the proper things to work properly. You cannot remove an organ and expect to live normal, what they call normal and I call normal or way different. Maybe they mean perfectly normal for someone that no longer has a GB. Sorry but I am so upset I let my wife push me into this just because I had 2 flare ups, now I live in constant pain, much worse than before. Life now sucks…
@tzenmatteo Күн бұрын
University is over promised and under delivered. Everybody does it. It lost any and all value. Be you. Live.
@jerryjohnson9531 Күн бұрын
Good information especially about the enzymes. I have been led to believe by friends that I needed enzymes after gallbladder removal.
@Shaara1 2 күн бұрын
My advice is to everyone, try and find a surgeon who is willing to try and save your gall bladder. Empty it from the stones and leave the bladder intact. It's harder for a surgeon but very important.
@beatrixbrennan1545 Күн бұрын
To the best of my knowledge, they can not simply remove the stones and leave your gallbladder. They have to take out the whole thing
@Shaara1 23 сағат бұрын
@@beatrixbrennan1545 I'm not a surgeon. It's possible that they can't save it ever since. Mine was taken out 30 years ago. Noone since, gave me better answer than it's just easier. Back then I didn't mind because they said it won't make a difference. Well, my life revolves solely around the lack of gall bladder. Every aspect of my life for 30 years. I thought since then medics realised the long list of side effects and developed a better method of surgery. I had too many stones, they said that's why they couldn't save it. My mom had 1 big stone, they said to her that's why they couldn't. 2024 , not good enough.
@sindiswanzoboyi148 2 күн бұрын
Im removing it on Thursday,Im just nervous.I dont have gallstones,bt the bile is blocked,so it is swollen.They suggested a surgery.
@valcrist7428 2 күн бұрын
But if you have to bring it first to the hospital, it may be too late by then.
@VenturiLife 2 күн бұрын
I find you should eat a decent amount of fibre if you weren't already, otherwise you can eat whatever.
@retlaw83 2 күн бұрын
I had an emergency gallbladder removal two days ago. While I need to recover and it hurts, its leagues ahead of how it was when my gallbladdr was gangrenous.
@dragon90815 3 күн бұрын
Reconstructive surgery
@user-lu9zu2ii3v 3 күн бұрын
it was very helpful
@ttmm282 4 күн бұрын
i got cancer from mesh
@jonhadley-zx2iu 4 күн бұрын
Would it be the silicon mesh that causes problems?!
@preethikarajan7446 5 күн бұрын
I think drop our rate is high in US (yes there are exceptions)because they don’t get exposed to the specialties before residency like an internship year or something like that which is there in many countries like uk and Australia So they end up choosing wrong pathway and regret about it and quit their jobs
@sksim6154 5 күн бұрын
I quit medicine too ! 37 years after graduation and after 30 years in Pediatrics. It wasn't easy but it was all worth it. No regrets. Hang in there.
@tarlcabbot6880 6 күн бұрын
I had three hernias repaired on March 21 of this year. I'm 75 and live in a cabin off grid in NW Montana. I have to cut my on firewood etc. I have always been fit, Thank God for that. I taught Jujitsu in the basement of the local bank here when I was sixty. Like I said, I've always been fit, but I have to tell you, yhe first week was just hell. Getting in and out of bed to go to yhe bathroom or put a log on the fire was near impossible. The second week was better and today Im back to working out. My surgeon told me that they have a new mesh and that the old one was problematic. He must've been right. I feel great. The first six weeks were sucky, but since then its been all down hill. If you do get hernia surgery, make sure to stay hydrated. Going to the bathroom can br very painful if you don't.
@roslinaleena1835 7 күн бұрын
I'm also have gallbladder removed..Alhamdulillah in good healthy
@briancobb3907 8 күн бұрын
I’ve had the same surgical hernia fixed three times.
@annreynolds6381 9 күн бұрын
I had my gallbladder out five days ago came home after 2 days very little pain was delighted with the results as my gallbladder was stuck to my liver but surgeon got it all out I had a knee replacement 6 month's ago now that it what I called pain but it went good for me I am delighted I am 72 ❤
@imtired1683 10 күн бұрын
next video: how to use needle drivers w/o your hands
Hernia mesh IS - DEFINITELY dangerous. There have been recalls - class action lawsuits - individual lawsuits probably in the thousands going on - right now. AND - based on peer reviewed studies - the no mesh hernia repairs have the same or better results of recurrence - the same or better pain results - the same or better recovery time to function and on and on. AND there is no possibility of ( mesh ) nerve entrapment - long term chronic pain - other complications AND the necessity to REMOVE the mesh later on - by specialists who actually do this type of surgery - because of the rapacious greed and profit based health care system in 1st world nations which gave rise to the whole deal in the first place. One of the best no mesh methods - the DeSarda methods was developed in India where they do not have a majority BIG healthcare system based on maximum profit at all costs. And no one would be paying for mesh that costs thousands or whatever. Anyone reading this who needs a hernia repair should seek out the professional around the world who do NO MESH surgeries
@klinexxx1871 10 күн бұрын
We already had the first casualty of this 'sport' in Poland.
@Ayatron34 10 күн бұрын
Dana White may as well bring back Roman gladiator matches at this point. Instead of stadiums we build coliseums.
@rafaelvazquez9006 11 күн бұрын
¿In case of a cardiac tamponade, what scenario would cause you to go for an ED thoracotomy instead of a pericardiocentesis?
@dasbof 11 күн бұрын
I had surgery 3 days ago. I feel great. Stop with the doomsday stuff. Get the surgery.
@mty72 11 күн бұрын
and this will add even more micro plastics into the human body Great!!
@hometypist1966 11 күн бұрын
Remove your Gallbladder at your OWN RISK, and for LIFE, you are allowing DOCTORS/HOSPITALS/MEDICAL COLLEGES/PHARMACEUTICALS to mint MONEY CONTINUOUSLY. Your FREEDOM to EAT whatever YOU WANT, HOWEVER QUANTITY YOU WANT, will go for a TOSS, leave alone OTHER HEALTH ISSUES THAT WILL BE FOR LIFE. Like a child learning habits developed from childhood, the CORRUPT SYSTEM is teaching these Modern Doctors that if GALLBLADDER is removed, it will not make a difference, and it's sheer IGNORANCE that makes these MODERN DOCTORS believe these teachings in the Medical Colleges. WHY WOULD ALL HUMAN BEINGS BE PROVIDED WITH A GALLBLADDER IF AS PER MODERN DOCTORS IT WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. Removing Gallbladder, you are not living your life. You become a Doctor's/Hospital's PATIENT for LIFE TIME. You will not be told that you cannot eat fatty food, fried food, and if you don't follow, you face severe health issues. No Modern Doctors tell you that you will have indigestion issues, you will be facing man other health issues for which the same doctors will not have any reply or generally will attribute to something different rather than removal of Gallbladder. Those Doctor or any Doctor/Hospital/Medical Colleges/Pharmaceuticals who say that Gallbladder removal will not cause any issues in a HUMAN BODY are either IGNORANT and/or due to personal interest of MONEY behind their views/interpretation and/or the medical school where they are taught it can be removed, that too, done only to ensure that the modern Doctors/Hospitals/Medical Colleges/Pharmaeuticals remain and generate continous MONEY at the cost of patients health. Infact the Modern Doctors Belief System has been molded by the Medical Colleges. On one hand you say science has ADVANCED SO MUCH, but the Doctors/Hospitals/Medical Colleges/Pharmaceuticals till date cannot find technology to break the Gallbladder Calculus Stone, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT. Understand what a bile does. Its a substance that is water soluble as well as oil/fat soluble. 1. It breaks down the oil/fat and make it small particles so that it will not clog and to allow the pancreas to release the lipase and easier to absorb the smaller particles in the intestine 2. It helps to absorb fat soluble nutrients (Vitamin A, E, K, K2, Phytonutrients) 3. It helps remove toxins out of the body hence if you are deficient in bile, you may have If your Gallbladder is removed, you will face 1. difficulty digesting fats and thus have bloating, indigestion, gas, sticky stool and burping, hence stomach feeling heavy. Majority of the people will not realise that this is due to the removal of their gallbladder, that realization is not easy to understand because they were having it earlier too before the Gallbladder Removal Operation, so majority will assume/presume/deduce it is not related to GALLBLADDER REMOVAL and will find it improper to blame their Doctor, on whose advise they removed their Gallbladder. 2. That puts us to another question, why many have bloating, indigestion, gas, burping after eating food and later sticky stool or even constipation. The reason can be attributed to low bile/less concentrated bile and can also be due to calculus stone blocking partially the concentrated bile from the Gallbladder. 3. One of the function of Gallbladder is to lubricate the colon, and without bile, you will have constipation. 4. If too much bile is there, than you will have diarrhea, that happens when the duct is too large or opening is too large. 5. One of the function of the bile is to take the byproduct of RED BLOOD CELLS, which is Billirubbin and help to eliminate through the body so if there is some blockage in the liver than it can come up and cause Jaundice/Yellow Eye, hence you need more bile to remove the obstruction so that the billirubin is flushed out of the system and do not cause Jaundice. So you can imagine what happens if on your Doctors advise you remove the Gallbladder, you end up in the hospital and Doctor/Hospital gives you a detergent that acts as a bile, to remove such excess billirubin. 6. Vision issues 7. Many other issues are going to crop up and that in turn means that Doctors/Hospitals/Medical Schools will have various other avenues to mint MONEY out of 1(one) patient, just think of the millions of patients added just because gallbladder is removed. One more thing, majority of the people after surgery will not reach a REALISATION stage because some of the symptoms above, they may attribute to something else rathar than removal of the GALLBLADDER. Yes, You can remove gallbladder calculus stone without pain. Removing Gallbladder is the start of various other health issues that will arise but which same doctors wont have any reply and/or misinform you that it is caused by other health issues. Google Dr. Piyush Saxena and Liver Cleanse or go for Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Unani to dissolve/melt gallstones from your Gallbladder. Ayurvedically Gallbladder is an extension of liver and one of the most important organs for a balanced Agni AKS Gut Health. It is called "Pittashya" (Seat of Pitta) for a reason.
@user-uh2uc6jd2i 12 күн бұрын
cut out carbs and sugar the fatty meat diet is the best way to lose weight then there are simple exercises for the strengthening of the core muscles. My problem was belly button and Diastasis Rec. Also, if one is Diabetic then it also goes away . I am 63.
@wwt17 12 күн бұрын
What would you have a doctor say to someone who just got concussed? If I just work up from a traumatic event, I'd rather hear, "You're okay," than, "Oh man, you're fucked." 😂 After the shock dissipates, then give it to me straight.
@mustseenow991 13 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention high liver enzymes post surgery
@mustseenow991 13 күн бұрын
Nah.. literally 20-50% get bile acid diarrhea... I had it for 3 weeks
@andreibass6804 14 күн бұрын
A lot of chatter. Come to Novosibirsk, the railway medicine clinic, and we will teach you how to operate hernias. .
@JayRazah 14 күн бұрын
I had a hernia mesh surgery a year ago n just recently start to having pain n had an ultrasound n it showed a small hernia recurrence, went to see my surgeon n he said No it is nerve entrapment n going for NRI to see , can the ultrasound be wrong?
@supriyahalder1346 15 күн бұрын
Why it’s common to get gallstones after pregnancy?
@NellyNelleNel 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for the video. I just found out I need mine removed, and I am so scared. I'm not scared of the actual procedure or recovery pain, I'm scared of the anesthesia.
@beatrixbrennan1545 Күн бұрын
Oh sweetheart, don't be scared of the anesthesia. That's actually the best part! I've been under more times than I can remember and the only problem I've ever had was nausea after I woke up. But they even have a patch for that now so it's not even an issue. Anesthesiologists go to school for 12 years. They know what they're doing. They also usually give you a nice sedative that makes you feel very calm and relaxed before the surgery. When you get scared, remember how much better you're going to feel afterward..
@NHussain707 15 күн бұрын
That’s frightening
@NHussain707 15 күн бұрын
Why is there risk of death
@angelahettler3317 15 күн бұрын
I have mesh after a nick of the knife in a previous surgery, had to have a repair after that,iv been sick everyday since, an the pain to my stomach is so bad ,i never leave my house😢
@LanaJzn 16 күн бұрын
I love the fact that it starts out like "I can see potential application" and "That is a valid point" to "...murder machine"
@Blissfullifestyle15 16 күн бұрын
I had surgery almost 5 months ago and I am now in too much pain is it normal ? I do eat unhealthy though is it the only reason or is it serious plz someone help me out ? Thanks
@goodlife5D 16 күн бұрын
Im terrified of getting the mesh, ill wear the trust apparatus indefinitely 😢
@joannelabastide9008 12 күн бұрын
Please don't be. I stayed an extra year trying to cope with my hernia. I eventually had the surgery. I didn't even have pain after and didn't need pain meds. I felt so good that I ask my Dr. For permission to hug him in my 1 week visit after. Coney Island hospital for me is the best.
@anonymousvapes8026 17 күн бұрын
I got a serious infection from mine. It had to be removed.
@alexgrant11 17 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr
@jadenepetreneevans2802 18 күн бұрын
I scheduled to do a umbilical hernia surgery tomorrow morning 😢
@wbwarren57 18 күн бұрын
Certain are great people! However, based on the surgeons I’ve met I think that we desperately need to pass laws, prohibiting surgeons from ever being able to get hold of sharp objects.
@wbwarren57 18 күн бұрын
Knife skills? Why didn’t you name your channel “cutting remarks“?
@stevenmoore3480 18 күн бұрын
I just want to go back a week to before I had one dammit... This did not help.
@Alden_Indoway 19 күн бұрын
I had laparoscopic mesh back around 2001 and never had any complications. Not long after the surgery I never had even the slightest reminder that anything had ever been wrong. I ran the marathon that year, and in those days did weight training until decades later when COVID closed down the gyms. I still run, but at my present age very slowly.
@datingprofile 19 күн бұрын
Good video, thanks. Why use a mesh and not a solid plastic sheet? That should reinforce even better.