What is "Living History" ??
14 күн бұрын
Headscarf Propaganda
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Soviet Muslims On Hajj
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Vintage Fashion Radical Values
Humanizing Books on The USSR
Happy “October” Revolution
Seattle's Soviet Submarine
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A vlog to hold things over
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Women in the USSR - A reading list
Reactionaries Are Paper Tigers
Scanning Soviet Documents
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How Soviets Reimagined Museums
For my haters
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@laceisaverb Сағат бұрын
I always enjoy your point of view!
@gabefarris7005 Сағат бұрын
The reason I, as an anarchist, tend not to understand the celebration of these specific times, is because I don’t really understand the romanticization of famine and like mass suffering and death
@julio1116 2 сағат бұрын
I have thought the same, your video was great, you are a great educator and historian. Feel very humanized!
@tainahollo8567 2 сағат бұрын
But the year 1937 makes me shiver... In 1937 - 1938 so many cute children lost their wonderful daddies and mommies... For example, thousands of Finnish political refugees in the Soviet Union were shot in the Carelian woods. It is terrible to think that the Soviet Union betrayed them and treated them even worse than they were treated in Finland. The Finnish Communist Party was illegal, and many Communists spent years in prison before getting to the Soviet Union - many legendary heroes of the Finnish Communist Party were shot, and the Party was all but destroyed. :(
@Marcosberto2 2 сағат бұрын
Cool clothing!
@fredflintstone5776 4 сағат бұрын
The idea that official Soviet organs told the truth about conditions in the Soviet Union is absurd. If you want to be ‘fair’ to the CCCP then read the first hand accounts of western anarchists and communists that went there and stayed a while. Emma Goldberg’s account is particularly telling. Others describe a slavery the working class of Russia had ever known. Famine in Ukraine was particularly acute and per “Stalinist’ sources caused by a draught. The richest farmland on Earth in the hands of the Greeks, poles and tsarist Russia never knew that sort of degradation. George Orwell, another ‘fellow traveler’ became quite disenchanted to saw the least. To paraphrase him if you break eggs (I think Khrushchev favorite was ‘when you cut wood chips fly” instead of breaking eggs. Solchinytsen, not sure how spelled in English, Солженицын gave a detailed account of the ‘improvements’ millions felt under a system that should only be called ‘stalinist’. While industrialization occurred and some commodities were available cheaply, namely housing and bread in the 50’s it is simple revisionism (“pun” intended) to say much of anything was “better“ in the USSR in order to seduce western children into subversive action on behalf of ideas that deserve no second look and deserve their place, ironically in the ‘dustbin of history’. Read Steven Kotkin’s book on Stalin if you are not convinced, and if you think he didn’t do his homework then you deserve the reeducation camp your fellow travelers will have you in if you win and get to try it again.
@sneaky6820 5 сағат бұрын
You play a very special and important role in educating future marxists Thank you for your hard work
@jack17jackson3 5 сағат бұрын
There was also a time period called nazi germany where there were a lot of cool propaganda books and all that jazz, (oh wait no jazz because that was "black music") that make the nazis look like the saviors of the german people. They in the long run failed with their ideology. But they at least tried and some people had a great life living of jewish and slavic stolen goods. So in the end we cant pass any moral judgment on them and a few dead/torchered people puhhh who cares?? It was great that they at least tried!!!!!😅😅😅 It might be that some jews had some bad expiriences, but must of them still havent spoken out so they think the nazi regime was fine!!!
@dennisdelicado 5 сағат бұрын
your video is amazing :) I'd just like to point out that Butler goes by they/them and not she/her anymore
@Person_Lizard 6 сағат бұрын
You're not contributing to unity with your post-modern LARP. (But do we even want unity? What kind of unity? Unity, Freedom, Peace ... everybody wants those empty phrases.) You're not beating the stereotypes. (Maybe some, but many stereotypes you even exaggerate.) "True character with unique thoughts" Sounds vaguely right-wing (some people are unique, some are NPCs - the person telling you about this coincidentally always happens to be of the unique kind). Dress and consume how and what you want - don't pretend it matters concerning political change, don't idolize any style, lifestyle or person. Learning from the past doesn't mean copying visuals or strategies from back then. Learning is not idolizing, getting *inspired*, being nostalgic. To learn from something passion is not enough - you need a certain distance, too. Not cancelling you, not demanding you to follow the one and only communist path, just critical annotations. Thank you for addressing criticism in this video!
@PizzaChess69 6 сағат бұрын
Hot take: The global dominance of the English language as a result of colonialism is helpful because it allows global international marxist networks to communicate a lot easier and thus be far more connected and working more closely together.
@nathan_97550 8 сағат бұрын
Good to see another communist muslim, assalamu alaikum sister
@patrickliu822 12 сағат бұрын
Can't deny you are a cute bimbo
@DinoCism 14 сағат бұрын
I don't see a problem with the outfits. What is a more pressing issue is the problem of people only being active online and not being active in organizations. That's not a problem with content creators though, that's just a problem with our extremely online and often anti-social generation. People expect there to be a ready made party in their country with large membership and no problems or disagreements within it, rather than accepting that it's their job to build it because no one else will.
@Happycoreftw 16 сағат бұрын
I agree with this so much
@Ap1hw 19 сағат бұрын
I don't think romanticizing socialist history is inherently a bad thing, would certainly engage or garner more support from regular people, the main problem is the potential to lose sight of what communism is or what socialism is really fighting for 🥖🌹
@forcelightningcable9639 21 сағат бұрын
Unfortunate generalizing and ad hominems aside, I think it’s mostly fine as long as we recognize that it’s all in good fun and communism specifically denies hero worship and other such idolatry. I would like to bring up the point that revolutionary aesthetic does not a revolutionary make, and adopting a revolutionary aesthetic without adopting rigorous revolutionary praxis only makes one a poser, and your detractors might be responding to a perception of that, whether it’s actually present in your content or not.
@sirdook2761 21 сағат бұрын
I have 0 hope in westerners. So kudos to you, but I would definitely never give them the time of day.
@sojourner4726 21 сағат бұрын
One of my favorite of yours! The online left is in a phase of left communism then burn out that leads to permanent disengagement or obstacle building. You can’t just have these beliefs and ideas rolling around in our heads. One had to live first and joining an existing party is very useful for that. But how to do that? Enjoy something social and join an existing party. No sense in creating something from whole cloth. CPUSA, FRSO, and PSL Are all going to give folks experience in organizing as well as struggle in difference of opinion that is necessary in forming real ideas and opinions and not some well meaning belief based on internal logic.
@uraniumrock8381 22 сағат бұрын
Arguments about "larping" usually fail to grasp that performative aesthetics are inherent aspects of mass movements. That's why the Soviets covered everything in Marx and Lenin statues.
@LadyIzdihar 22 сағат бұрын
Good point Actually!
@uraniumrock8381 21 сағат бұрын
@LadyIzdihar all 20th century mass movements were "cosplaying", what is a missile parade? Supposedly, Stalin didn't even smoke his pipe, it was just a prop to look paternal. I don't have a problem with affected aesthetics, I'm not sure if taking aesthetics out of history is politically savvy. It makes the movement look literally historical and irrelevant. Also, dressing up as the past is inherently reactionary. I wish contemporary leftists could have a coherent positive aesthetic. Currently the closest thing to that is like septum rings and looking too online. I'll take the Soviet larping over that. I'd rather wear a Ushanka than clear framed glasses.
@Hardcore_Ant 22 сағат бұрын
You encourage others to contribute to the movement because you believe everyone has value? Filthy Capitalist confirmed! A true communist overthrows the value form, and knows everyone else's opinions are worthless! 😂😂
@itlw999 Күн бұрын
she's my celebrity crush for real
@nathanielsantossilva2959 Күн бұрын
Mais um novo fã brasileiro aqui! I meet u at tiktok, but thanks to algorithm, I found u at my YT page!
@paulodalpont5999 Күн бұрын
One thing that i want to point out is that, when you talk about "The Loss of True Character" i agree with your arguments besides that it's because chat GPT or other ai's. Im my perspective this is much more related to social medias like twitter, facebook, instagram, and many others, that create an ambience of hate and it's inclined to no let new ideas flurish.
@LadyIzdihar Күн бұрын
Right I meant to attribute it to a lot of things! Social media for sure!!!
@RadicalizeLeft Күн бұрын
Thank you for uploading, this video was informative and I definitely resonate with what was said.
@DruzaCardonikc Күн бұрын
I like play a game called how many hammer and sickle pins can I wear on my work uniform before my boss notices.
@comradebaker Күн бұрын
What a lovely video and message. Thank you!
@MarxVsBakunin Күн бұрын
Dipping his hands in blood is pretty bad ass though
@alangalantin8614 Күн бұрын
Put all in my list. Thanks
@alangalantin8614 Күн бұрын
I believe we need as much content creators supporting Communism as possible. With different ways to engage people, the funny ones, the historical accuracy ones with bibliography..and going on. We need to BE here.
@Fracasso-1 Күн бұрын
Owned by their own strategy
@ZaharaFunk-mw8tt Күн бұрын
I found your channel yesterday and have been watching a ton of your content. As an American who grew up under the crushing oppression of poverty while surrounded by the opioid epidemic (thanks capitalism) learning about Soviet history and daily life has always been an interest of mine. And you are such a great presenter! I’ll definitely be a long time subscriber.
@dmman33 Күн бұрын
Dunno much about fashion history beyond military stuff but how many folks found Marxism from the badass music? They Might Be Giants were absolutely right about this!
@dmman33 Күн бұрын
I discovered your channel a couple days ago and am finding it really inspiring. On an emotional level, the iron hope of Marxism-Leninism is preferable to the sentimental brutality of the religious conservatives and neocons and the sneering contempt of the libertarians. I don’t trust anticommunists one jot. But self-criticism is important for everyone, regardless of their place on the political compass. I want to believe a better world is possible, but just as it is human to imagine an improved future, it is also human to be skeptical.
@Darwinator1859 Күн бұрын
I quite love your channel. There are many marxist theory Channels and also many channels dealing with marxist history. But your channel has this special niche, where you talk about "ordinary Things" in socialist countries. And showing how the poeple in the soviet Union lived, loved and eat or which hobbies they had is very unique. You show that people in socialism are people doing ordinary stuff which helps more to fight against prejucides against socialism than a talk about "das Kapital". Thank you for that
@Darwinator1859 Күн бұрын
And it helps to educate the ordinary masses. I think you can reach better the youth with communism when you talk about foos, clothes, musics, sports etc.
@ammazkhan7586 Күн бұрын
Comrade, love the content you're putting out. Quick tip to improve audio quality, as I do see a mic pin, but there seems to be some static coming through as well. Not sure how tech-savvy you are, but consider using a decibel filter to filter out noise which is less than 4-8 db (really depends on the input) but it should improve the quality of the sound dramatically! It'll be a great help for headphone users too ! :)
@LadyIzdihar Күн бұрын
Thanks for the tip! I think my issue is I don't edit with headphones it 😭
@ammazkhan7586 Күн бұрын
@@LadyIzdihar no worries! 😊 Happy to help.
@ammazkhan7586 12 сағат бұрын
@@LadyIzdihar Actually, another thing you might try is using classical soviet music at low volume as background. It will mask the muffled audio. There should be some good archives available! I for one would love such an implementation.
@LadyIzdihar 11 сағат бұрын
My only concern with music is finding something that won't get flagged and copywrite strikes on the video.
@ammazkhan7586 11 сағат бұрын
@@LadyIzdihar ah true. Maybe lofi Soviet beats? 🤔 I've seen another comrade do that.
@watching7650 Күн бұрын
Fkkk off. "Muslim" communist indeed. The latest US breed, I suppose.
@cristobalacebes7932 Күн бұрын
I like your content, just keep going, comrade! You are doing far more than those trolls in the comments.
@joyrooj2050 Күн бұрын
What is the negative bias , Hitler and Stalin are literally in same realms
@vadimk3484 Күн бұрын
I think that the humanization of XX-century socialist countries is important, as well as humanizing people around the world nowadays. There's still a bunch of stupid misconception and prejudice between different peoples, which needs debunking. So that part of your work is important, keep up the good work. As for dressing up and larping though - personally, I think it's mostly a hobby (sure beats videogaming, lol), because clothes and memorabilia are history, products of their time, not directly applicable to potential future socialism. I mean, when socialism emerges strong again sometime and somewhere, it's not like they're going to take some aesthetic model from the past (i.e. "1950s USSR" or something) and apply it to everything directly. Future socialism and communism will have their own aesthetic, possibly somewhat inspired by the ones from the past, but that's it.
@jacobwumbo827 Күн бұрын
Dogma is the antithesis of liberated human potential. It is incredibly ironic that a movement with the supposed goal of unshackling humanity requires quasi-religious adherence to rather narrow bands of ideological doctrine.
@BootyFish Күн бұрын
most people are communists they just don’t know it.
@kwekspeps7207 Күн бұрын
The only way to avoid infighting is to concretely talk about the building of a party which would obviously involve getting past the “isms”. But that is unavoidable, we want a united party, there will be trots , maoist forms of thinking- they will reproduce themselves. Whats more important is to analyse the material conditions that will make it likely for a strong communist movement- trade union / class consciousness, mass movements, political turmoil. Otherwise every communist becomes a nostalgia act or a “content creator” having Kardashian level strife and no productive conversations. There is already a communist party, in fact theres hundreds of them, and just like 100 years ago it took tremendous work to unite them.
@dizzygiggleflix257 Күн бұрын
Is there a historical record of early communism having a plurality approach that would be a good tool to follow to bridge the differences between groups now?
@TheArtist808 Күн бұрын
Great video
@maxgurman633 Күн бұрын
I so appreciate and resonate with your analysis here and your ability to embrace the complexity and richness that makes life more human. I'm an aspiring culture worker, and I've had comrades (who are close friends of mine) rather than support my vision (and my small but particular role) tell me art isnt important during a revolution, clothing isnt important during a revolution. They act like a revolution is one singular act. It's a process! Beyond an armed struggle is a whole new world that needs to be built, it includes many things, it requires many things! We need to be lifting each other. That is precisely why I make art, not just because I love it or am good at it, but because I want others to see art that empowers them and "helps them greater understand their world and their role in it." Additionally, like you, I want to humanize, I want to honor heroes that dont get to be honored in western culture, bring names back that the West has tried to bury, I want those to be teaching opportunities. I've had a comrade close to me tell me I was taking on my political views as too much of my personality because I got interested in marxist culture. Cmon! We should be celebrating this legacy, just like you do. It's the most inspiring thing in the world! Your work is appreciated, you are an inspiration to others! Thank you Izdihar
@Omniseed Күн бұрын
You're a good channel and an important piece of culture in your own right, thanks for helping to educate us on the generally overlooked but critically important aspects of day-to-day life that you tend to focus on!
@phaeorie533 Күн бұрын
istg it'll never make sense to me having so little in your head to the point where you get genuinely mad abt the way a youtuber dresses