@attractivegd9531 2 күн бұрын
Keltz is a talented guy and Srs's aim is insane. Good interview, big up to Avek for the cast.
@freespirit0788 2 күн бұрын
u know why doom 2016 was popular and QC was not, its because they put alot more effort into doom than quake.. they made doom on their inhouse idtech engine, and they invested into an story mode campaign.. while they outsourced QC to some other dev team and made it a f2p shooter with no story mode.. they gotta go the Q4 route, and make a good story campaign and then on top of it add a multiplayer.. that way they get people to buy the game, and invested into the single player and then eventually they check out multiplayer, and if its a good game and its fun, people will naturally stick around
@Turned2Ice Күн бұрын
hows doom multiplayer? did people naturally sticked around to it?
@freespirit0788 Күн бұрын
@@Turned2Ice nah people played it for a little bit and then left but doom multiplayer is not as sophiaticated as quake, its mediocre at best
@ChrisKadaver 3 күн бұрын
An issue I had with diabotical and that made me by far prefer QC was the sound ques. And I'm not talking about spacial awareness because thats a bit fucked up in QC. I'm talking about weapon sounds, hit beeps and how the weapon feels in terms of sound. It's just waaay more satisfying to frag in QC than in diabotical. Landing a rail, full rocket and LG is just more satisfying in QC and that's why it's so addictive. Diabotical doesn'y have the same feel in that regard. And from what I can hear in this new game are the same sound ques. Also I didn't like the physics in diabotical. It's like having too strong gravity. I mean, shooting rockets at someones feet in QC will bounce them up in the air, while the eggs in diabotical more seemed to be glued to the floor.
@Wobbothe3rd 3 күн бұрын
The reason for the specific engine decisions made in Quake Champions was the need for a technology with no motion blur. If you remember, id tech 6 had serious issues with the TAA introducing blur and "gridlines" in certain parts of the image (for example Doom 2016). A multiplayer game like Quake needs a pristine image in rapid motion. TAA was added to QC later, but even with TAA its not the same level of blurring as id tech 6 or even idtech 7. I think the decision to use Saber's specific take on the tech was motivated by this above all.
@mkotov 3 күн бұрын
Yo, Avek and Veng. Thx for the awesome-possum shows and your thoughts, guys, really appreciate your efforts, brother's love to you. I think that all Quakes were successful because each of them was next level shit. In terms of gameplay, setting up new genres, the engine, everything. Until Quake Champions wasn't. A copycat of somebody else's gameplay (hero shooter) and a really out-dated engine. So for Quake 6 we simply need next level shit again. Hire some geniuses. Bring back the intense Lovecraftian horror atmosphere. Multiply it by 10x. Show us some crazy engine that would make Unreal engine suck poodle's ass. Focus on single player, build the best levels and monsters that were ever made, that would drag millions of noobs potentially. Make the gameplay really scary and intense, let the player's model scream in agony so fucking desperate it would turn yours hair gray. Bring much, much more horror into it, horror is the key ingredient to differentiate from vanilla shooters and CHILD GAMES. Quake is the Mortal Combat of FPS. Just build a beautiful astonishing yet violent unique cyber-gothic world for it and let people enjoy fucking their rivals with their ripped-off backbones. That's all we fucking ask.
@tomasseselis777 3 күн бұрын
cto vy pizdite? perevedite :DDDD
@TomekBobrowski 3 күн бұрын
What I loved about qc was movement mix from other quakes
@abepl 3 күн бұрын
creating "elitist" esport imho is not a good idea, you need an influx of players, and a structure behind it to get them and if you have no player base u cant get more pro players. F1 exists only because of the ammount of money that is flowing through it. If you want Quake or arena FPS to become "elite type of esport" like F1, find a couple of billionaires that will love to spend their money on you and slap their ads on your in game models (kinda like intel was doing with QL back in the days with Q3DM6 Intel map). The problem arrives with the influx of New players. Better comparison would be MMA sports, Elite fighter is an elite fighter but reality is that there is a whole bunch of new fighters at the bottom trying to make it to the top, where in F1 they appear out of nowhere, usually from other car sports with a lot of sponsors behind them. summarising if we want to compare to the real sports, Imho: MOBA / Battle Royale = Football, Arena FPS/ RTS = MMA / Boxing. now you want to make ArenaFPS like tennis / golf or F1 like (rich man's sports) and imho that won't work.
@Wobbothe3rd 3 күн бұрын
The sponsorship model for QL failed, that's why id software abandoned it and moved to a subscription model - which also failed - then they just made it a one time fee.
@abepl 3 күн бұрын
Single Player campaign also teaches the mechanics of the game. even Quake 3 had Single Player
@Wobbothe3rd 3 күн бұрын
I agree, but QC does have local bot play now.
@freespirit0788 2 күн бұрын
@@Wobbothe3rdbut now its too late 😂 potential new players are not gonna stick around, they gonna download the game because of hype, and if it sucks they will most likely delete it and move on from it forever today the market is full of games, nobody wants to waste time
@ChampionsOfQuake 3 күн бұрын
Open the game. The community will bring it to its greatness 🔥
@Turned2Ice Күн бұрын
sweet dreams, but the audience playing community content will be like 5% of existing one
@abepl 3 күн бұрын
not Overwatch my friends u forgot about Team Fortress, which was before Overwatch. Overwatch made the Genre popular with their amazing marketing. Single player campaign allow more people to play the game and maybe try it out online.
@JamesUK85 3 күн бұрын
I started playing multiplayer in 1997ish, playing QW and Q2 and then attending a few LANs for Q3. In this day and age, if Quake returns and wants to have a successful multiplayer/esports I believe it needs to do something a bit different - have a mode that is like Quake Wars. Some sort of high player count mode, big maps, objectives, etc,. That's what players like these days and would give them an introduction to the game that isn't getting smashed in CTF/duel.
@JuicersSuck 3 күн бұрын
Doom?... never heard of it 😄Quake Champions failed large in part because they could never make the game run for shit. Adding new maps, skins and characters came too slow as well.
@Wobbothe3rd 3 күн бұрын
The game runs really well on the vast majority of systems on the Steam Hardware Survey now. Yes, it was harder back in 2017, but you could say that about literally any id software game ever, including Doom. id software games are always technically advanced for the time, and only run perfectly well on systems built a year or two after.
@DarkCandramelekh 3 күн бұрын
Replays of demos. Essential for cybersport feature
@BullX_io 4 күн бұрын
Rare moment where av3k dont interrupt his invited xD hail to rapha 🙇🤸🏋️
@brandonhamaguchi 4 күн бұрын
Hey Avek just a suggestion as an interviewer, let the guest take a breath to respond q bit, elaborate their answer, and don't talk over him that hard raising your voice, is disrespectful sometimes. Hope you don't mind the criticism, maybe I'm wrong but it is what I perceived watching, and wanted to respectfully let you know.
@maciejkrzykowski6757 3 күн бұрын
Im aware of it, sometimes I dont know exactly when I can get in ! So im sliding in very unexpected manner !
@attractivegd9531 4 күн бұрын
7:50 from what I can deduce is that they had a small budget for QC, plus they wanted to make a joint venture with Saber/test the water with them (don't forget Tim Willits is at Saber now). From what Sync said if I'm not mistaken there is 0 Saber code in the engine right now (they removed it).
@parab00m 4 күн бұрын
> From what Sync said if I'm not mistaken there is 0 Saber code in the engine right now (they removed it). What??? This is just impossible, you've definitely misunderstood him.
@Wobbothe3rd 4 күн бұрын
Sync definitely has not said that. But due to sanctions it is likely that Saber has not contributed anything to the game since at LATEST 2022, more likely since the game started. Also the ruble was very low at the time of development so it made business sense to id.
@parab00m 3 күн бұрын
@@Wobbothe3rd Zenimax "fired" Saber in (IIRC) late 2018. Before that, we've been promised that demo recording will be added, many new champs were somewhat ready to be added, etc. But it all fell victim to hilarioursly unprofessional management (PR included) from Zenimax.
@parab00m 3 күн бұрын
I mean, many people blame Saber's engine for being bad, while that is not true - it's not bad, it's just basically stalled. Saber could work on it and polish to perfection, add many highly requested features and etc., if not for poor Zenimax's administration.
@Wobbothe3rd 3 күн бұрын
@@parab00m it's probably more of a technical problem then. Adding features like demo recording would take actual access to the engine. It would be like adding features to Quake 1 if John Carmack left id in June of 1996. Code is really hard to understand from a new POV, especially C++
@The12sunflowers 4 күн бұрын
it's all empty words sorry, because looking how fail qc nobody at near future will spend millions $$$ for new quake, "nothing personal only business sorry" - publishers speaking to all quake fans. all we need we alredy have - immortal classic, quake1234, ut99-2017, other indie afps, semilive qc;) We need to be happy that we have now) Have fun)
@Wobbothe3rd 4 күн бұрын
Nonsense. IPs are the single most valuable thing to a video game publisher now, when everything is oversaturated. The Quake IP is worth millions right now, it's an INEVITABILITY that Microsoft will eventually develop another one with or without id. The whole essence of id software and ESPECIALLY Quake is pushing forward with new technology. And for the record, id software claims they made money on QC - by your own logic that isn't a "fail" unless you think they're lying.
@qdosaurus 4 күн бұрын
Doom actually has a lot of potential in multiplayer too. Check Doom Eternal's Slayer vs Slayer mod. It's pretty hard to find in KZfaq but there is alot of similar things going on just like in quake
@attractivegd9531 4 күн бұрын
It has a massive potential in Coop. That's about it. The combat loop isn't fit for 1v1.
@Wobbothe3rd 4 күн бұрын
Doom literally INVENTED THE DEATHMATCH. It's ridiculous and frankly disrespectful of Doom's Legacy that id hasn't supported multiplayer with Doom. I could understand that that was not the focus with Doom 3, but even Doom 3 had a bare-bones Deathmatch! Seeing no Slayer vs Slayer in Doom Eternal broke my heart.
@sonbang_fps 4 күн бұрын
I've been hearing quake is dying since 2002, but as long as there's new development it's not going anywhere. Now, once the support for quake champions ends and there's no new quake on the horizon, after a year you'll have what unreal tournament is now.
@SleepyRickyC92 4 күн бұрын
I thought the topic around 17:00 is interesting. The other big competitive esport games like Dota 2 and CS2/CSGO has a much bigger playerbase even though they also got a steep learning curve. Maybe it's because the ranked mode of QC is duel, a 1 vs 1 mode? Perhaps without teammates to rely on (and blame), the mental toll of duel is too much for the average casual player. Speaking from experience, I know duel can get toxic or negative. It isn't always that way, and duels can be fun if you don't worry too much about losing, but it is still a very personal experience that can quickly get frustrating. Now that I think about it, I think QC does suffer from a lack of casual game modes. I don't think CTF is that popular (but maybe it should be), and CA is not very well implemented IMO. Sacrifice is a cool mode, but I don't think most casual players play that a lot either. I might be wrong as I don't queue the mode myself, but it seems TDM is the most popular mode for casual play. My guess at why the more objective game modes don't get queued as much as TDM is because it requires more balanced teams, or at least communication, which is hard when the game is throwing random players into a server (albeit with some algorithm for balance). Part of the solution might just be having community servers again, and another solution might be a more simpler objective mode that randoms can somehow work together in. Or maybe rather than objective team modes, QC can have fun but simple team modes. I never played freeze tag but I hear that was pretty fun. Something similar to Diabotical's wipeout can also be tuned to be a simple but fun game mode in a future Quake game (hopefully 2GD won't mind his idea being borrowed).
@TomekBobrowski 3 күн бұрын
After making the whole diabotical like a big copy of quake live im sure he will not mind :)
@ValenceFlux 4 күн бұрын
I played Quake 3 Arena when we all had 60hz crt monitors but I had cable speeds to play on. That put me in a category of LPB low ping players that got to test some mod development servers that existed labeled 'LPB ONLY' So single digit pings. I have a few thoughts about it as just another fan of the game and where it's going. Quake was to modding fps games as Bethesda was for modding it's rpg games. Imaging Quake with creation club. In other words I think the lack of community modding stumped it's growth. Players got more excited when they knew they could get a model not just a skin. But then again that did get out of hand with some games so.. well a decision was made. They gave the champions introduced in Quake 3 Arena more lore and voices so the game has introduced story writing in it more than ever before and I don't think the original ID was used to that haha.. But yes I can see how Quake Champions got labeled as a Hero Shooter as it's the first big lore expiation of Quake. I own the Champions Pack yet disappointed no Sarge, Xearo or Klesk and others yet to appear. I don't think the engine is terrible. I think the perception of the Quake we've known going into wider ratios with small area locations that are full of choke points tries to make this game more of a wobble shooter in many places. In some areas you get a lot of vertical heights and the different champs speed dynamics spice up the odds some especially in a good clan arena match. But my laser vision I once had has faded and I need glasses usually now :p Still got enough muscle memory bwahaha If the next Quake cannot handle mods like defrag or excessive+++ ++ +++ then I will not be impressed. (heh) The anti-cheats don't seem to work for very long. However the most important part of that to us og Quake 3 players was what the lagometer was showing, and cheats can dupe that but it usually catches a red spike in between the frames if you watch for it. I think knowing about that is or was an important tool in recognizes a fair game verse a tampered game. In the end, Quake Champions does seem to be an Art and Lore project on the Quake Universe. When you think about it, why open it up to modding and map building if you haven't finished creating your games lore before modders take it again. Anyway, that's how I see it. My QC tag is crazy eyes Always keep and eye out for what the lagometer is showing o.0
@Wobbothe3rd 4 күн бұрын
I largely agree that the lack of user control of servers and modding is a problem, but it should be noted that Quake Live didn't support custom mods in its early years either. Like QC, it incorporated popular things that modders did. QL didn't really get "opened up" until years later. Also, don't underestimate how confusing and intimidating a server browser is to a new player, especially players used to the convenience of connecting in most free-to-play games.
@EmilioGagliardi 4 күн бұрын
Think of a track meet. You may be a pole jumper but when you go to a track meet you hang out for hours checking out different stuff and then you do your events. Why can't the lobby be more fun and let players hangout and watch some stuff going on while they figure out what and who they want to play with. Have a few defrag map areas where defraggers can be doing their thing or you can join an aim trainer with a few friends and other people can hangout and watch. Have a much more immersive and fun area where new people can see what the community is doing and different aspects of the game. The user experience of loading a server browser and picking a link is not exciting or give you a sense of interest. Community map making would be great, even better if the map builder was loadable from the lobby and you and some friends could build a map together. Then the community votes on maps that are featured monthly or something. Create a pipeline where community members can get involved on the esports side based on how much their contribution gets voted on by the community. Right now kids are more about seeking fun people to hang out with, not to master a skill or be the best at fragging, so offer a fun place where they can meet people and hang out. Think of how long games sit in warmup mode as people just trash talk or run the map or talk about the last hilarious thing that happened. there is absolutely 0 fun to quake champions unless you are competent and know some players you have decent games with in your region.
@augmented2nd666 4 күн бұрын
Things Champions should have had from the get go and possibly reasons its dying are, Continuous public servers, where players and their conversations are kept together after each match, gives stronger sense of community, something that helped Quake 3 thrive for so long. Proper 1st person Spectator mode in public games, with work arounds to prevent aiding an enemy team although that barely works for that purpose to begin with, spectating allows new players to watch better players and learn. And Avek touched on one important feature previous Quakes had and thats the Console. I'd like to narrow that down further to the Call Vote system. In Quake 3 if we had rampant cheaters that enough players agreed needed to go, or just a toxic player in general spamming chat with gross stuff, we could /callvote kick the player, now this didnt prevent them from reconnecting but it didnt prevent us from calling the vote again and again, the change I would make is once a player is kicked by vote they cannot rejoin the match until the match is over, this would make the game very boring for cheaters and probably force many to quit which is a win for the community. Lately there has been alot of them, often confirmed by pro players, not to mention ridiculous stats and the accounts having very low clocked in game hours, meaning they are making new accounts because their previous accounts are probably banned. As for a new game and the QC Engine being terrible, I dont know, it still has potential if hit registry can be further addressed, the zero damage direct hit rockets still seem to be a thing, as well as teleporters cancelling CPMA movement when you go through them at higher pings. Further balancing of champs would still be an ongoing battle, as would balancing weapons, as the super shotgun seems ruined for me, but I'm also often getting one shot from it by others from 20 feet away at full spawn health, so its basically very jank now. A new game would be great, but seems super unlikely now that Doom is getting a new game, one that treads on the esthetics of the original Quake unfortunately. For me Doom Eternal felt aweful, from the engine to the weapon system, to the item and health drops from enemies and lack of normal item pickups forcing a player to use glory kill, chainsaw, and flame burp way too often, and recycling the cheesy animated cut scene from each way too often, just doesnt feel like an ID title to me. Hopefully we are surprised with either a new Quake or some drastic upgrades and budget increases to Quake Champions like more devs added and whatnot and a return of Pro League, I wont hold my breath though. I'd just be happy with Instagib Ranked Duels being a thing, as Instagib Duels were one of the most popular duel modes in Quake 3 arena for many many years, complete with rail jump.
@EndpointQuake 4 күн бұрын
You have a lot of thoughts clearly!
@iamthehippychannel 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
@EndpointQuake 4 күн бұрын
It's what they're for!
@Flowpl 4 күн бұрын
They hired a studio from St. Petersburg to make the game, probably because it was cheap and they had their own engine that they knew, and that's the whole secret.
@EndpointQuake 4 күн бұрын
Simple as that?
@Wobbothe3rd 4 күн бұрын
Yeah I think the Saber contribution that is now cut off likely explains a lot of the issues with the game. Maybe that doesn't explain EVERYTHYING but its an obviously huge "elephant in the room" factor.
@whateverman9942 3 күн бұрын
@@EndpointQuake this often happens when games are outsourced since it might take up to a year for another studio to get familiar with a different engine.
@osirisgolad 4 күн бұрын
I will just give you one example: the most unique and arguably most enjoyable aspect of Quake compared to other FPS is the movement. Quake Champions launched with absolutely zero explanation for a new player as to how the movement works, let alone a defrag mode with special maps, tutorials and achievements. The worst part of it is that the movement is very important if you want to play the rest of the game, otherwise you are at a major disadvantage.
@EndpointQuake 4 күн бұрын
So Quake 6 needs a tutorial?
@osirisgolad 4 күн бұрын
@@EndpointQuake Not exactly, not in the traditional sense of a tutorial or a guide. It needs gameplay modes/maps that make use of the movement mechanics and teach new players how each mechanic works while they are actively playing a game mode that has objectives/achievements for completing the map or sections of the map. When you can complete the map, you can compete for the fastest completion time like defrag in previous Quakes, or jump maps in Team Fortress 2, or surf maps in Counter-Strike. Quake Live had a tutorial map like this, but it was very basic and didn't do much explaining and there was nothing left to do after completing it.
@yxp_ 2 күн бұрын
@@EndpointQuake Quake needs an IN-DEPTH and BUILT-IN tutorial, in addition to practice defrag maps. If casual players can't learn the movement tech then either the game has to properly teach them or not have the movement tech at all. Part of why Quake is so beloved is due to its unique movement, so it would be best that a new entry in the series properly explains these mechanics to new players. Even if the game has to hold a player's hand in order to teach strafe-jumping, so be it. As long as it gets the job done.
@DA-lt9tg 4 күн бұрын
If you'd have an option for multiplayer mode without strafe jumping, where newbees wouldn't be instantly demolished by seasoned players, that would revive the game. This way newer players would have SOME feeling of accomplishment. And then they would be tempted to compete in the big leages with strafe jumping.
@SleepyRickyC92 4 күн бұрын
While I agree to an extent that having access to strafe jumping is such a big advantage experienced players have over newbies, I feel like part of Quake's identity is that you can strafe jump. Without strafe jump Quake's multiplayer might look really similar to Doom 2016 or UT. If Quake 6 does release sometime in the future, I think they need a fun, interactive, and very user friendly strafe jump tutorial, even better than the old strafe jump guide that QC had and the one QL has. QL's strafe jump tutorial map is good for showing the different movement techniques in a step-by-step fashion, but it's not exactly fun. Maybe set up an obstacle course where players can go for a high score time, something like that movement practice mission in Titanfall 2. Also maybe they can borrow some ideas from Diabotical's development and include that onscreen hud that assists with strafe jumping.
@Wobbothe3rd 4 күн бұрын
No, the entire point of quake Champions is the different physics for the different characters, like Sorlag's air control. The movement is a huge part of the depth of the game, and if anything the strafe jumping advantage in QC is LESS than previous Quakes!
@DA-lt9tg 4 күн бұрын
@@Wobbothe3rd I said "an Option". Seasoned players could still choose the strafe jump multiplayer. Gotta make some compromises here. And to me It's not even a compromise, because I'd choose the multiplayer with strafe jumping. Otherwise Quake Champions is probably the last Quake game we had. If there's no audience, there is no money for tournaments. And if there's no money for tournaments, we'll have less and less of those.
@Wobbothe3rd 3 күн бұрын
@@DA-lt9tg dividing the playerbase in a multiplayer game is an EXTREMELY BAD IDEA, for obvious reasons. You can't make core gameplay elements "optional." Strafe jumping isn't even that big of a deal anyway, there are veteran players who do well in QC who don't know how to bunny hop. This is definitely not a major reason for QC not being embraced by more people.
@DA-lt9tg 3 күн бұрын
@@Wobbothe3rd If you don't change something, nothing will change. And further more, While Quake is dying now, It will be dead soon. If you don't lure new players into the game, one way or another, that would have been the last Quake game. And when Quake is dead, there will be no live servers as well to play vs other players. And when it come to deviding the player base, there is almost no player base to devide. So at least let new player pay for the servers and the next Quake game. And I can garanty, that at least 10% of new players would try to player the game in it's intended form. I think, with this option you get more than you lose.
@ronniemillsap 4 күн бұрын
Very well done with many topics but well covered!
@EndpointQuake 4 күн бұрын
Our boys cover everything 😎
@martinheller6766 9 күн бұрын
Sad to see k1llsen just standing in the middle of the map camping, doing nothing for 15 mins straight with average of 12 kills per map and barely any dmg exchange while not being able to say the item pick up out loud. This just shows how diffrent teammodes and duels are for some of the players. I am extremely impressed by rapha in this case.
@martinheller6766 9 күн бұрын
If you reading this av3k, ask k1llsen if he has push to button speak maybe thats the issue. I cant believe he is unable to say anything during the game.
@EndpointQuake 8 күн бұрын
@maciejkrzykowski6757 10 күн бұрын
Make sure to let us know what you all think ! 💪
@ronniemillsap 10 күн бұрын
Sick interview Av3k! I love listening to the peopl3e like you and srs keltz etc who really like to fight hard. great questionings all around. I been wishing since 2018 that serious could overcome his mental struggles. I believe him and evil and clawz have an ultimate potential beyond anything they've done and its more scary than rapha imo,.because rapha always does everything he can to prepare and win, he doesn't gain quite as much from psychological reset as other players would, he always does these things already <3
@maciejkrzykowski6757 10 күн бұрын
yep they all are goats
@EndpointQuake 8 күн бұрын
Serious showing what he's capable of in 2s!
@krystianp715 4 күн бұрын
I wish clawz would be back and train hard. Hes the ultimate beast
@ronniemillsap 4 күн бұрын
@@krystianp715 yes <3
@abepl 11 күн бұрын
good podcast
@maciejkrzykowski6757 10 күн бұрын
thank you ! <3
@EndpointQuake 8 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed!
@Wobbothe3rd 11 күн бұрын
I love this channel, keep it up!
@maciejkrzykowski6757 10 күн бұрын
appreciate !
@EndpointQuake 8 күн бұрын
@Engineerbydey 11 күн бұрын
Sounds like Keltz is in denial against Rapha & Max.
@HumanDesignBudapest 11 күн бұрын
Ye, the good old "they practised more" line... :D
@Engineerbydey 11 күн бұрын
​@@HumanDesignBudapestnot mentioning that Rapha & Max is a very new team, while Serious & Kelts been playing together for so long.
@Desiro7 11 күн бұрын
@@Engineerbydey there's not that much of a difference, maybe 2 months. Rapha and maxter have been playing together since february at least.
@roraFPS 10 күн бұрын
Serious launched the game like 3 times a month relax lil bro
@ronniemillsap 10 күн бұрын
@@HumanDesignBudapest he said the truth, why is that something to troll?
@SleepyRickyC92 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for this discussion, very informative. Always nice to get some pro level perspective on the game. Especially now that all the top players are focusing on 2 vs 2, and that's a mode I don't play a lot, so it's cool to see how it's different from traditional 1 vs 1 duels.
@EndpointQuake 8 күн бұрын
Glad to help!
@DrGetgood 17 күн бұрын
where can I watch previous 2v2 matches? I want to see some gameplay of Maxter and rapha together. Ideally with comms, if possible.
@EndpointQuake 15 күн бұрын
I don't know if there's any with comms, but Shaftastic's channel has the Estoty cups
@dariusus9870 17 күн бұрын
Clarky ❤ 😢
@EndpointQuake 8 күн бұрын
@crackdav1d 17 күн бұрын
rip clarky
@EndpointQuake 17 күн бұрын
@timlangeloh4679 18 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear about Clarky. May the great nap be a peaceful rest.
@EndpointQuake 17 күн бұрын
@kettenfaust 18 күн бұрын
I love this lineup. Go crush it guys! Win for Clarky! <3
@EndpointQuake 17 күн бұрын
@MaxMustermann 18 күн бұрын
Av3k + k1llsen = bro + bro. So flaming is absolutely fine. PS: RIP Clarky 🙏
@EndpointQuake 17 күн бұрын
Bro gets it 👊
@guardisto 18 күн бұрын
Quake ❤
@HDQuakelive 19 күн бұрын
Why is ins's voice so deeeep
@daymaker_bybit 20 күн бұрын
Endpoint is the new place for Quake Tournaments? Which one is the most 'official' now?
@EndpointQuake 19 күн бұрын
The one that everyone is playing is KeenCon Team Series - a monthly 2v2 tournament where the top teams qualify for the LAN finals in November (in Spain) :)
@daymaker_bybit 19 күн бұрын
@@EndpointQuake Awesome thank you!
@Arnoud-nf6iz 20 күн бұрын
im a simple beginner player no hate wy do people want to become the absolute best in a videogame??? im just having fun dont care about elo. the less fun the more it would be a waste of your time, the more ego/hate and self centerness would turn up if you only play for a higher rank. I play so much 1on1.. but SO much hate.. so many people call me cheater or just say you suck or you spam and you should uninstall.. so much hate. or peopel that dont want to play certain maps.. people with huge egos, stressed out people... calling names in foreighn languages , arrogance is a big problem.
@exeverrr 20 күн бұрын
Professional breakdown gents, classy without bias and drama
@EndpointQuake 20 күн бұрын
@ronniemillsap 21 күн бұрын
letws hope not people like rapha have cheesed the scene for far too long ruining it for anyone wanting ot play for fun and to their max. cheesing just ruins the fun unless eveyrones doing it, and then it just makes the gaems so boring lol
@EndpointQuake 20 күн бұрын
How does Rapha cheese it? I'm curious
@martinheller6766 21 күн бұрын
maxter and rapha really stepped up their game by lots
@EndpointQuake 20 күн бұрын
Can they maintain it?
@martinheller6766 20 күн бұрын
@@EndpointQuake no