The 5 Qualities of a Perfect Employee
I Made AI Rewrite My Resume
21 күн бұрын
Do THIS to Become a Great Boss
Do THIS When Your Boss Sucks
The True Cost of a Toxic Boss
Signs Your Boss Wants You Gone
@ThovhakaleBethuel 3 сағат бұрын
Is a pub no customers and we failed to reach targets and buy stock in time so they work and go
@Sirie7206 2 күн бұрын
My former boss had a habit of cutting people off when they would talk and she would misinterpret everything staff would say. It was so frustrating.
@claudiamanta1943 3 күн бұрын
The company has the right to know what the employees are doing (the company pays for the worker’s time, after all) and how they are using the work devices, but they should tell them upfront. If you work for an employer who puts hidden surveillance on you, leave the fucking bastards. They are psychopathic animals and have no concept of respect. And last, but not least, a lazy employee is very creative and wastes time even if he/she is physically present in an office.
@BearCrossStudio 4 күн бұрын
To all the business owners watching this... hey, hire me. You obviously are watching this because you want to make a better work environment. I'd want to work with someone like that. Let's get in touch!
@dirtyhoefarms2024 4 күн бұрын
Lack of Trust in Leadership: YEP
@binilee4753 4 күн бұрын
Easy said than done. The more you do and strands out. The danger of doing this becomes more dangerous in my case.
@FifthDecade 5 күн бұрын
I dig the new camera angle! Great video; I love that your focus is on fixing things, without being judgmental of the people who need to fix them.
@BenjaminPreston 5 күн бұрын
thank you! testing out some new camera/editing stuff lol, so glad you like it.
@DerekFlowerz-r4v 6 күн бұрын
This is so true
@michaeljimenez2079 6 күн бұрын
I am currently suspended from work pending a harassment case that my coworker is filing against me. For several months she has been walking down different aisles that she sees me in, she changes her language from English to Spanish Everytime I go around her. She gets along with everyone else on the team, but when I come around she avoids eye contact, turns her head the other way, or gets up and walks away. I don't make eye contact, or talk to this person, and I recently wrote an email out with concerns about the social clicks on the team, and certain members not being productive on the team, and my boss was s part of their click. Now I am being accused of Harassment. They're saying that I follow her around, and Try to be next to her, and this is all not true. I am always alone when tasking, and I rarely converse with the team because my boss runs the team on a buddy system, and nobody works with those other teammates except amongst themselves. My boss said in a meeting once that if you have a friend on the team it's a plus. I tried getting him to put me with a variety of colleagues on the team to execute resets, and build comradely ship, but my opinions, and ideas constantly get dismissed. He has also told me if I don't like his team, or how he does things to simply go apply at another store, or go to a red vest associate. I work for Lowe's as a MST Associate, but currently suspended for something that I did not do. Tell me what you think, if I am fired do you think I may have a case to sue? What do you think may be going on here with this associate/ colleague of mine.
@0neandOnlyyy 7 күн бұрын
Fran Chelli, spot on!
@Bvcggdert 7 күн бұрын
Spot on. 🎯
@dan7533 9 күн бұрын
The management where I work are bunch of smartass. Instead of divide the work equally, they send all the other guys to other branch and help them out while leaving me the rest alone. Good jobs.
@KingDogfl 10 күн бұрын
The hard worker will sometimes be denied a promotion, while instead, a supervisor will promote a poor worker off of his or her hands. The mindset is, "Why would I want to promote a hard worker and lose them?"
@djkweensupreme 10 күн бұрын
I’m not valued, not given any thing to do ...its humiliating
@Astral_Dusk 10 күн бұрын
I found it helpful to strip away emotion with these toxic coworkers and go pure grey rock logic. Internally wish them well and remain grounded. Some of them are a lost cause in such an incompatible fit - that's fine, move on. Life isn't permanent, nor is the toxic situation, so don't stress it. I think many often tolerate horrible things forgetting we actually don't live forever and it's simply a poor investment of our limited lifetime and energy to settle with these things with no alternative paths in mind. When it's really bad disrupting sleep, change is the top priority and way more natural and realistic than modern societal thinking tends to shy away from. We assert our boundaries, clarify the situation, speak our authentic peace - but we can't manage someone else's emotions and if they have a failure to do their part of being mature most of the time, then it's their problem no matter how much they try to deny their lack of self-control as if it is in the hands of everyone else.
@estebandi122 10 күн бұрын
sometimes you are simply working for an asshole
@hxjdjdn6236 11 күн бұрын
I am the first point...I feel threatened but because she is a bully 😬
@Astral_Dusk 11 күн бұрын
From the title, I'm already thinking, "there's no working WITH a micromanager," when they just want a slave and zero pushback. I've had micromanagers that wanted to take control to a personal level - "you need to speak this way and think this way" - constantly correcting subjective word use and tone rather than actually focusing on the real details related to a project - trying to change their employee's personalities and typically having a turnover rate specifically related to their unsustainable management style. Micromanaging doesn't allow trust and perhaps isn't actually interested in trust of developing autonomy in workers, just execution of commands. 7:42 spot on, I agree - nudging and guiding has been the most effective and revealing approach in my experience. Confrontation just sets off their defenses over listening "no....I've never tried to micromanage you....oh and can I ask you to not make up accusations, please - thank you" 😂. I've realized it's totally ok to just accept some are insecure, primarily their own business, and that our more authentic self-management and respect must remain adventurous to keep networking for a more sustainable fit for us, not just unsustainably self-sacrificing and catering to toxic environments.
@stickshiftdriver1832 16 күн бұрын
Just started a part time job after retirement two years ago. I quit after two year because the head car porter was an ahole and had the tendency of going off on people
@sarahsmrdal7094 17 күн бұрын
U r correct.
@schingh1973 17 күн бұрын
Isn’t this harrassment?
@LB17530 17 күн бұрын
All boundaries will do as label you as “not a team player”
@industrialarts3921 18 күн бұрын
I'm an engineer with 20 years experience. I love to do creative design work. I make way more than the market rate as an individual contributor. I'm at about $150k. If I changed jobs now, I couldn't make more than $100k. The company has decided to do less new product development and focus on their standard offerings - not good for me. My best strategy to keep my sanity and stay relevant is to look for opportunities for innovation by tweaking existing designs. It's super lame, but I'm stuck here. It doesn't make financial sense to "follow my dreams" at this point.
@kfing1 18 күн бұрын
No way I'm busting my a$s at my current job. The expectation is ridiculous. Also I'm a temp(!)
@Faithandseekerofchrist 19 күн бұрын
It's not worth it I just left and found another job.
@-_oOtianaOo_- 19 күн бұрын
I have spoken up but just get you have more than enough time. I work landscaping and the hrder i work the more i get piled on . I gave up speaking up saying i dont have enough time. I have been here almost 8 years and this has been going on for the whole time with different supervisors . I'm just thinking loyalty and hard work is not rewarded. As min wage goes up i dont have my income go up and it iant wven worth it anymore. Thank you for letring me vent.
@preciousshhh 19 күн бұрын
this is happening.. but is there a way to refuse or reject it? moving up means more stress and less sleep. i am a little bit perceptive and knew that i was being tested. i was able to do the task.. but i am not interested climbing the ladder.
@SSTIXX-lc9qd 22 күн бұрын
what type of lawyer you get ??? i might need one
@BenjaminPreston 20 күн бұрын
You would want to get an employment lawyer probably with a speciality in retaliation or something similar.
@jayj4439 22 күн бұрын
Another thing is don’t go to hr for anything unless you have legal representation. It is my belief that they go directly to the person you made a report on and they concoct some kind of plot to stress you out in the hopes of you quitting because they know if they fire you it’ll look suspicious. It’s very diabolical and sneaky.
@booradley0x0 23 күн бұрын
Why don’t people just quit? If you’re not useful, skilled, qualified or liked, I wish these people just left and stopped making everyone around them miserable
@TheGodOfGematria 20 күн бұрын
It's a lot more dignified in saying you support systematic euthanasia.
@PlatoCave 23 күн бұрын
I have been victimized for 4 years by an absolute inhumane psychopathic manager that finally ended my 16 years career in that otherwise amazing company . I went to HR few times and the answer from a timid HR manager was even shocking. "In this region we worship line managers". She was born in India. Raised in Kenya. Educated in Canada and moved to the UAE. I wonder what exactly went wrong with her due to this culture diversity that she was pretending to be superior and inferior at the same time and could not tolerate any reasonable conversation or business improvement idea. As she would always take any fresh perspective as a direct threat to her obvious incompetence which she was trying to cover up with brutal sarcastic and narcissist behavior and attitude. In my entire 30 years of career I have never seen such a human being who is a total embodiment of evil. She was playing this gender game very tactfully. Her favorite was " you have attitude issue" when she felt completely lost to answer otherwise a simple work related question. She was unmarried with complete lack of empathy for people with family. May God curse her in eternal hellfire forever.
@keatonwilliams8721 24 күн бұрын
I had that happened to me at my work, but a good tip I use is eye on the prize and keep your expectations low. Also still learn to be nice to everyone even the difficult coworkers. I also found when you show up for work, on time, every week and do your job well while being a team player, upper management will notice and it looks good for you.
@jamesreddington2327 24 күн бұрын
Haters Hate
@redkhamelejoon1599 26 күн бұрын
I'm trying to do a good job not a great one😭😭😩😩
@ryancraig7695 26 күн бұрын
I work in a warehouse I have a lead that is always singling me out having me work alone has even told me he doesn't want me in his section now that he is on vacation my true boss an assistant manager of the warehouse treats me as if I'm currently in charge of my section gives me updates and information on any changes that might be coming and never once told me he wants me out I also have co workers from other sections asking for me by name to answer any questions they might have or give any advice they need
@arielperez797 26 күн бұрын
I have a coworker that seems to hide things for me. She seems to like me a lot and always wants to be around me and talk to me period but whenever I work with her I notice that everything is out of order. Paper work is missing.I have a hard time finding my tools. Today, she came in a few minutes before me and grabbed all my tools for me even though i never ask her to. She just does it and it It seems cool and nice.. Until I realized that she was handing me.Someone else's tools. I said Thank you But where Are my tools? She said she couldn't find it.. Now this is where to come sneaky. Told her I was going to go check the closet with the tools But she said don't bother because she already checked and it wasn't there. I said ima have to check anyways Because I might have to report my tools missing. I walked in the tool closet and my tools We're right there. She done this a few times now. She acts. All cool and nice, but she makes work for other people difficult. It's hard. To tell if she's doing this on purpose or if she's genuinely making mistakes. Nobody is asking her to grab our tools though. Her help is the opposite of help. Shes weird ....
@RaphialLee 27 күн бұрын
Lol if you go to a nursing home women are known to gaslight. Usaully the lazy ones
@roubad9034 Ай бұрын
Another reason why they might want to push u out is because the business is growing exponentially and they no longer want to invest in part-timers.
@CodeIngenuity Ай бұрын
I had to quit my job as a software developer, now it’s been two months jobless, the reason I had to quit is because they were saying I was not meeting expectations despite all my efforts, after researching online, I concluded that is worse being fired than just quitting for job finding. Is a shame… I really love being a programmer but now I feel like an impostor.
@Civilian_wardrobe Ай бұрын
I am actively dealing with a malicious chess master that I believe is executing a multi stage game that will result in my termination or resignation. I’m doing everything can to keep my nose down and do my job but it’s not working. No body sees it but me and I’m beginning to accept the inevitable. Hopefully I can make it through the year so it won’t look bad on a resume later.
@dontbelongherefromanotherp9807 15 күн бұрын
This recently happened to me with several coworkers, and I resigned to spare myself from being terminated. I was constantly nitpicked for minor mistakes that everyone made. I was new to the job and the other employees had years on the job. Every time I made a minor mistake, someone would rush to tell our supervisor. It was tiring, and I felt I was being targeted. This was a salary job but I felt my sanity was worth more. I wish you well.
@Civilian_wardrobe Ай бұрын
Question is what play do you have? Other than leaving and giving the culprit the win.
@Milwaukeemale34 Ай бұрын
I always gotta do the hard labor or cleaning like im a crack head. I be thinking its me. 😢
@Johngoodman454 Ай бұрын
Does Amazon help you relocate? To another Amazon if so how??
@jldeshayes3109 Ай бұрын
mouais ok , mais c'est bien parce que c'est vous
@jldeshayes3109 Ай бұрын
pas mes échallottes
@dontmindme2375 Ай бұрын
I just do well outside work 😅😅😅
@leesmith3216 Ай бұрын
Showing your pocket knife collection on the regular is a big one, this ones for XL bullies he said.
@johnwallace3990 Ай бұрын
Your HR team? Uh, no, my guy. Not helpful advice!
@smoothiecutie2277 22 күн бұрын
@jldeshayes3109 Ай бұрын
c'est mon intuition , mais après ça , ça risque plus d'arriver
@GJ-pj4mj Ай бұрын
I have all those threads in one individual 🥲