Why your quirky book doesn't sell
@Patsy-May 9 сағат бұрын
I would love to be able to have the skills and talent to write books. I am a Social Worker and have a 8.30 to 5.00 job. If I could do my time over I would have placed my time and money in to compound interest and real estate not a Social Work Degree.
@joannmitchell8371 20 сағат бұрын
Background noise is not a problem. I especially enjoy when a pet makes a cameo in person or as background noise. I am enjoying this very much. Thank you. 😊
@Saunderswritesmagic 20 сағат бұрын
such valuable information and experience you are sharing,it is really appreciated.
@Saunderswritesmagic 21 сағат бұрын
Love this break down ,tfs
@FeeBee3001 Күн бұрын
I wish I could draw my stories. I've tried but they didn't look like my imagination and was taking away from writing time. Love seeing you drawing while talking about your stories.
@lidiyafoxgloveauthor 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah, it helped that I honed my skill when I was young and bored. My dad is a musician and my parents dragged me to a lot of folk and bluegrass music shows as a teenager, which at the time I didn't care about at all, so I just brought a sketchbook and sketched the whole time. If I had to figure all of this out, it would be way harder. They still don't always look like my imagination though!
@FeeBee3001 Күн бұрын
Brought the book that you mentioned. Aim to finish my story before the end of the year and get to a clean draft next year.
@SaadetOZTRK Күн бұрын
i really enjoyed this video a lot, being vulnerable and open to criticism and sitting through the fire...
@jedthefroggy Күн бұрын
I'm not too familiar with your catalogue, but can you recommend me your most typical fantasy book? I'm not big into romance, but I am really interested in reading one of your books, and I remember you mentioning somewhere that you took a shot at fantasy with your world you'd been making for 30 years or something. Love your vids and would love even more to see how you write :)
@lidiyafoxgloveauthor Күн бұрын
The Broken Queen probably has the least romance proportionally, a fair amount of it is more of a coming-of-age/coming-into-powers story and trying to break the curse on the kingdom.
@emilycampbell521 2 күн бұрын
Firstly, great vid. Secondly, if you ever go back to “fairytales” please consider a Mulan retelling!!
@lidiyafoxgloveauthor Күн бұрын
It's unlikely, especially since I already have covers for Snow White, the Frog Prince, and the Little Mermaid (I did a mermaid one already but it was based on another story) so those would be next if I DID do more fairy tales, but you never know.
@vernalviolante 2 күн бұрын
Wowza. You go, girl!
@PrinceOfCloudCity 2 күн бұрын
Your dedication to giving your fantasy men eyeliner is so relatable
@regina.nyckelharpista2224 2 күн бұрын
Very fascinating how many parallels there are between different art forms! I'm a musician, not a writer, but I think our experiences of creating and sharing art (or trying to share it!) are very similar. It is very helpful for me to remember once in a while that the 'pushing through' part is what makes sooo many beautiful things happen! I would have missed out on many opportunities to reach and move people with my music, to connect with beautiful people (some have turned into close friends) if I hadn't overcome the initial (and constant) doubts and failures. And some struggles will keep coming back forever - that's also very true! Also, some people will never "get it" or will dislike what we create - but that's totally okay, they don't HAVE to like or understand it! There are 8 billion people in the world. I'm doing it for those who find value in what I have to share. I have a little document on my phone where I put the positive feedback so I can read it when I'm in a dark place and feel like giving up. A little tip maybe for all creatives. Of course, it still hurts when people reject something you put your heart and soul into, something that is part of your identity ... but it hurts a little less, knowing that there are people out there who genuinely love what you're doing. Focus on the good stuff that YOU have brought into the world! You make it a better place, keep going, keep being true to yourself and keep sharing :)
@jennadabomb 2 күн бұрын
This IS the way! haha at least for me
@Theunaestheticwriter 2 күн бұрын
It's so soothing listening to you calmly discuss turmoil, like maybe one day it won't feel so terrifying ❤❤❤
@ramonarobot 2 күн бұрын
I’m not sure why, but whenever I watch your videos, I can’t help thinking you look like how I imagine a victorian era female author would.
@anthonycastro2146 3 күн бұрын
I told my aunt that I wanted to be a writer and she told me that I wouldn't make money unless I moved to Los Angeles. I felt shut down. It took me ten years to rediscover my talent. And looking back it's like that was such a stupid advice, why LA? I don't talk to her much.
@KathrynRisch 3 күн бұрын
These are so cozy and lovely, such great distinct characters. I really appreciate your reading the book aloud, it’s been so nice to listen to! Also in one of your other videos, when you said ‘I’ve never had anyone tell me I had too many bakeries’ I think of that a lot when I’m writing lol. One can never have too many bakeries, in worlds real or imagined!
@lidiyafoxgloveauthor Күн бұрын
It is so true! Though I probably should try something else. A cheese shop or something, haha
@iko5220 3 күн бұрын
So nice! I am totally here for your world and this video!! 🥰