@rcharboneau8782 23 сағат бұрын
Nicely painted army you have there sir.
@domino5409 8 күн бұрын
amazing old scool orc army :D love it
@warpaintjj Ай бұрын
Fascinating chat. I never played 8th, otherwise 1 - 7 & now TOW, interesting nonetheless. Keep it up Gents 🏆
@azdavies87 Ай бұрын
If anything point 3 is the pointless one.
@azdavies87 Ай бұрын
The charge rules are dumb....very dumb. But a couple of thoughts. Point 1 is still important, the over-rule isnt an over-rule. It's more of a caveat. It just doesnt force you to fail charges....so a bit of nonsense was spoken then sir!! Wait until you realise that it doesn't say that you have to prioritise them in order. So actually you can argue that any of the 4 points is most important causing the world to end and sky to fall.
@Jimmyjazz1414 Ай бұрын
Very nice battle report! I think that gyrocopters and rangers are a must for any dwarf army kinda how shades and warlocks are a must for dark elf (my army) You should try 3 gyro unit if you have the models ofc, although single models are good as well Honestly gyrocopters (clattergun) are so good that in theory you should maximize special unit points with them, i dont think theres any restriction? Dwarfs have the potential to be wood elves in old world but people are gonna hate you so much 😅
@owb1979 Ай бұрын
GW are trying to build a whole new factory at the moment. I think they are just production constrained.
@thelastredcoat1662 Ай бұрын
I'm really enjoying your content. I hope to see yourself and Luke do more things together in the future. I wish I could participate in your tourneys, but alas for my sins I'm exiled in the Colonies.
@d6wounds Ай бұрын
Thank you! Yes indeed more to come over the summer as we both go to Old World tournaments…
@davidpoole7507 Ай бұрын
Great weekend again, chaps! Definitely missed playing 8th amidst all the Old World hubbub. I'm sure I'll get involved in Old World events as well at some point, but definitely plan to continue with 8th and would be well up for more London Legends - despite the number of Temple Guard blown up by the Slann and Skink handlers eaten by Salamanders this time.
@NisGaarde Ай бұрын
Beautifully painted armies. And looks like a fun event. It's so interesting to me that there's this love for 8th edition. For me personally it's probably the worst one. The one that departed the most from what I knew as Warhammer. But I guess it's the one that has had the longest run, and the nuking of Warhammer 10 years ago probably made fans rally around it.
@d6wounds Ай бұрын
Cheers !
@thelastredcoat1662 Ай бұрын
I'm late, but I enjoyed it nevertheless!
@d6wounds Ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it 🤙
@That_Rat_Bastrd Ай бұрын
I loved 8th, I am enjoying old world but would prefer 8th. The problem is, getting old world games is tough enough. The number of 8th players is essentially 0 in practicality.
@d6wounds Ай бұрын
Come to London next time we do an event!
@kerel995 Ай бұрын
Allan Merrett is honest but brutal. Or maybe brutal but honest
@beefboy9500120953 Ай бұрын
'The Wall' here, that's a fantastic recap of an even better event. Although my table top companion might not see another London legends table I will most certainly will be in attendance at any future GTs you run. Which so long as you three enjoy I think should be a given should continue. Its a nice reminder of what a great game 8th edition is and why we love the hobby in general. In relation to Old world vs 8th I think of it like this, 8th is a great game with flawed elements and Old World is a flawed game with great elements. I do think both have merits. If LL organised an old world event next id sign up for sure but id also like 8th to continue. Thank you for the amazing review of my army and it is indeed for sale, although Lukes review of the paint job has me feeling bad about it haha Meeting the people at these torneys and seeing the level of painting on show has inspired me to chase the coveted best painted and I have a few things in the works.....As well as being subjected to some really great plays throughout the matches which also has sparked a hunger to improve my gaming. Thanks again to the organisers it was awesome.
@d6wounds Ай бұрын
Cheers mate, thanks for coming! The wall is excellent mate. Ignore Luke’s lack of enthusiasm for it. He only likes models produced before 1995 😄
@Willabrador Ай бұрын
Love this boys. Thanks for sharing. I would like to make the trip up from Cornwall when I can make the time!!!
@holydiver539 Ай бұрын
Love how you UK boys are playing 8th sticking it to the man lol👻
@Althiii Ай бұрын
Excellent tournament guys, I had a great time
@earnestwanderer2471 Ай бұрын
Wow, I hope that the Dwarf players (if any) weren’t the ones who ordered the Hawaiian non-pizza.
@jrs3739 Ай бұрын
Love the old school Gyros
@TheTarturo Ай бұрын
Thanks for the afterreport, especially for the armylists and pictures! It was a wonderful tournament, especially meeting all of you chaps! I am looking forward to the next one! Also: Luke, congrats for the pronounciation! I already had a soundbite recorded to sent to you for practice.^^ In regards to my list: I do prefer a hyperaggressive style, since I don't come to the table to sit at the back and wait. I understand that I basically played a WoC list as an Empire player and it could have been stronger in many regards. I was trying to hit the local meta and orientated myself around Luke's battlereports. Looking back I was overall ok with the list and am currently trying to rebuild it with WoC to see if it works better with them. My first game against High Elves, as Mark referred to, was won at the point where my opponent decided to put Tyrion into a small unit of Knights. I could never kill that guy, but if I win a combat by 8, I can just run him down. Which I did. After that it was just cleaning up the board. Though, as usual, my comet only came down after it had like 7 markers when it was just me on his side on the board. My second game against Mike was promising to be a nailbiter, but the dice decided it before we could really get into it. Looking at his later games I wouldmost likely have lost anyway, as he is clearly a better player. Out of 100 games I might win 22. The third games against Chaosdwarves actually saw my Speculum backfire in a way, as he had magic gear that exchanged all his attacks for a single one (that he landed) and was basically the basic spell from metal, i.e. killing my general with his own armour. Though his horses took revenge right away and open the path for me to kill his general right after. Also: I did not get what Iron Demons could do until I was ground in there. Still had a good 15:5, it was a good learning experience. Fourth game saw me go up against the Nurgle Deamons, which, again, the dice decided early on. Got some points here as opposed to the second game, the Pistoliers were the clear MVPs with them taking down a skullcannon in close combat. Fifth game against Bretons was, as you said, a boxing in of my opponent. I was actually quite tired at that point and just kinda forgot how some rules worked, but he helped us work through them. In the end I think the boxing in in addition to him making a small mistake, that spiralled into a big loss were what gave me a quick victory. The mistake was simply a flank charge of his with a dragon and paladin where, had he switched the models around, I would not have been able to counter charge with cheap infantery into the paladin and keeping his dragon from trampling. That gave me 6 Combat Resolution points and both of them ran. Anyway, thanks again for the great time!
@Knoffles Ай бұрын
Great summary of your games. Thanks for sharing!
@d6wounds Ай бұрын
Thanks for the run down of the games man. We’ll have to get you on the channel at some point…
@TheTarturo Ай бұрын
@@d6wounds Thanks for the tournament that enabled it.^^ And yes, I'd love to!
@entropy2100 Ай бұрын
Thankyou for doing this. Maybe one day I’ll make the trip from Australia
@marcelopradodasilva8130 Ай бұрын
Nice one. Keep 8th alive !
@ClydeMillerWynant Ай бұрын
Sounds like your tournament was a success so well done gents. I see the Swedes and the Dwarves came up short (sorry), but hopefully they enjoyed themselves regardless. Filmdeg Miniatures is the name of the channel you talk about with interviews with former GW types. And yes they're good but quite brief. Trish Carden (formerly Morrison) did do a longer interview with The Painting Phase that I watched quite a while back that is very good, she comes across ever so well and of course has created so many great figures. There was one on there with Bob Naismith as well that was fun.
@user-sq3ti1jc3r Ай бұрын
Would have loved to have seen the whole of the army lists. Great video guys, look forward to coming along for my free t-shirt next year 😀
@Jimbo818 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the shout out for my WoC list. I also debated Khorne warriors, but I had the Slaanesh ones painted 😅. I hadn't tested the army before the tournament either, otherwise probably would have painted some Khorne fellas!
@svebbe Ай бұрын
My Yellow Tzeentch DoC Army have a white base and then panted with Iyanden Yellow Contrast paint.. you paint and army over a weekend this way. Painting an entire army yellow with ordinary yellow would be true pain... Thanks again for a great weekend. You were all perfect gents. /André Miscast Table of Sweden
@Willabrador Ай бұрын
They looked amazing dude!!!
@jimmyjamwhambam 2 ай бұрын
i'm gonna get 'VC till the end' as my tattoo! :)
@marcelopradodasilva8130 2 ай бұрын
Nice. 8th ed is the ed.
@ClydeMillerWynant 2 ай бұрын
Good luck with your tournament gents, all sounds great. Hope the one lot of Dwarves do well and also the Swedes as I enjoy their channel and think it's great that they're Warhammering away like nobody's business in the back of beyond.
@brennan121 2 ай бұрын
Nice spread of armies. Looking forward to the event!
@hneugiii1245 2 ай бұрын
Love seeing more 8th ed content. I can't wait to see your tournament coverage 👍
@TheTarturo 2 ай бұрын
Looking forward to the event. Gonna have a final exam tomorrow, put some finishing touches on some demigryphs and then we'll hop over already! Also you might recognise my name from me commenting under some of your video, dear Dr. Blaxill. We talked a bit about the "Royal Bretonnian airforce" army concept.
@DrBlaxill 2 ай бұрын
That's it! I knew it!
@entropy2100 2 ай бұрын
Love 8th, best edition for tournaments
@subedai 2 ай бұрын
I have armies for 3rd edition and armies for 4th to 8th edition. Also using any of them for games like SAGA Age of Magic or others. Currently painting a couple of models for 1st edition which would also work well for skirmish systems since I'll keep them on their puddle bases. I've never been interested in playing competitively and rather play for the sake of the Warhammer background, trying out various game systems along the way. I am all for separating the world of Warhammer from whatever Games Workshop deems to be their latest and greatest at any point.
@patrickdunford8430 2 ай бұрын
Do you plan to organise any Old World events in London? Sorry if you covered this in the video, I'm not interested in 8th ed so didn't watch.
@Knoffles 2 ай бұрын
It’s definitely possible. This particular event was all booked and sold out before the Old World was launched.
@Althiii 2 ай бұрын
I've got a couple of late night painting sessions ahead this week to prepare for Saturday's GT. I've had the pleasure of being outplayed by both Luke and Simon at events now, great guys, I can tell this is going to be another excellent event!
@mralexwheatley 2 ай бұрын
Great video as always lads xo
@earnestwanderer2471 2 ай бұрын
6th was the pinnacle!
@wisdomfpv1499 2 ай бұрын
Love these chats. Would be great to have something more regularly released from you guys
@MissJunksBits 2 ай бұрын
Nice! I can't wait to see how the Swedish boys do in the UK!! Have fun :)
@snissclark 2 ай бұрын
Dont worry about the axe getting to shetland, my dark elves will be lucky to get top half again this year especially if the drink flows as well as last year 😅
@bengtarnesvensson8807 2 ай бұрын
Fantastic, cant wait to see you guys this weekend. I was absolut impressed that you got the special characters in Måns name right at first 😂 All the best, see you in a couple of days! / Martin
@Knoffles 2 ай бұрын
To be honest, I’m still not sure how I managed it as I utterly failed with the German B type one 😂
@TheTarturo 2 ай бұрын
@@Knoffles No biggie, even germans usually write me with an "s" and a "k". The "ß" is simply called either a "sharp s" or and "s z". Comes out mostly the same pronounciationwise as a double "s" anyway.
@Knoffles 2 ай бұрын
@@TheTarturothank you 👍
@jimmyjamwhambam 2 ай бұрын
Yay 8th!!! commenting for the algorithms
@UnkaStunka 2 ай бұрын
To be honest I would be much more hyped about this vid if it was about a ToW tournament. That said Im glad people are playing fantasy whatever the edition. Cheers!
@divafever9754 2 ай бұрын
Take your bandwagon elsewhere. 8th ed for life, punk.
@ahjington89 2 ай бұрын
Been watchin all your content. Loved Spirt of the game episode you did. This battle report was more top teir stuff.
@d6wounds 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. More to come soon..
@ahjington89 2 ай бұрын
I just wish there was combat reform 😢
@amarmunaev7939 2 ай бұрын
Let’s be real why not just allow every unit that is allowed to charge to do a pivot and eather count the inches from the pivot or make it free it will make the game faster and also avoid tricky situations like for example what do you do if a unit has the frenzy rule and can charge but a friendly unit is in the way by blocking the path to weel just over complicating the whole situation.
@NoProcrastinationMiniatures 2 ай бұрын
Please do a video re: the various post combat movements and how they work in practice when there's weird charge aligments and multicharges
@NoProcrastinationMiniatures 2 ай бұрын
Good videos 👍 having played a bit of Kings of War before coming back to Warhammer the KoW rules re: line of sight and movement are much more straightforward. I thought that they didn't always feel as 'natural' as Warhammer 8th, but Old World LoS and movement is certainly taking some getting used to!
@todaguilar2004 2 ай бұрын
✋ P r o m o s m