What's the Perfect Vitamin D Dose?
Why I get the TWO Annual Vaccines
Be Healthier Than 99.7% of People
I've Heard Your Criticism
5 ай бұрын
@heidiantros1856 Минут бұрын
What about Epitalon? Apparently this stuff is great and has been studied for eons showing longevity and health improvements yet it’s not technically available. Supposedly lengthens telemeres.
@heidiantros1856 11 минут бұрын
You’re completely ignoring , especially for women, decrease of estrogen which is CRITICAL in skin aging unless you’re only directing this for men. But if you’re being inclusive, you’ve really missed the holy grail.
@user-yv5id5gl4w 34 минут бұрын
I was listening until you said to use dairy. Dairy is not good for us or the cows.
@garygary7376 Сағат бұрын
This is all true but we simply cannot neglect the genetic factor. My uncle is 55, 5'10", 230 lbs, with beer belly, eats only junk food like margarine, white bread, processed salty meats and cookies, smokes 20 cigarettes per day, consumes alcohol on a daily basis, usually gets drunk once a week and still works like a horse. His blood work is completely fine, the only problem he has is that he is slightly hypertensive, around 140-150 for the systolic numbers. Strength wise, he lifts more than average gym bro, he is pretty good at arm wrestling too, his built is similar to a caveman and his grip strength is some next level shit. And when I ask him how he feels in general, he says that he is fine n can still have sex every day 😎. Call me crazy but if he was following a healthy lifestyle, he would have been a strength athlete for sure!
@marcelotemer 4 сағат бұрын
What “avoid non starchy vegetables “ has to do with “avoid high calorie (fats)”?. Starch is 4 CAL/g just like protein, fats is 9.
@marcelotemer 4 сағат бұрын
The order for “lean” protein is beans, lentils, nuts and fish, not the opposite. Fish and nuts are oily and even greasy.
@tubo1812 4 сағат бұрын
Chamomile and tomato 🎉
@marcelbirgelen7558 7 сағат бұрын
You forgot don't smoke or quit
@insidethefire6840 7 сағат бұрын
Whenever i hear you speak about your skin care routine I cant help but recall the opening monologue in American Psycho.
@joes3689 7 сағат бұрын
Please get your vitamin and mineral levels checked. Especially before mega supplementing. We are all individuals with different genetics. We have different lifestyles and live in different areas that have an effect on our bodies. Supplementation is exactly that. To supplement your diet, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Deficiencies are caused by diet, lifestyle choices, and genetics. Where you live geographically and the time we spend in the sun with or without sunscreen, and many diseases all may play a role in deficiencies as well. Some common examples of deficiencies in the elderly in the US include (These percentages will vary depending on where you get your info, but are all similar in amounts) Vitamin D, 70 to 90%. B12, 80 to 90% in vegans and vegetarians and 20% in standard American diet eating elderly. Magnesium, 80%. B6, 24% in women and 31% in men. The elderly that supplemented with b6 to the RDA still showed 11% were deficient. Vitamin K, 60%, don't get enough from their diet. Vitamin C, 32 to 68%, don't get enough from their diet. Vitamin E, 60% don't enough from their diet. Potassium, 20% don't get enough from diet. Calcium, 65% don't get enough from their diet. Protein, 46% don't get enough from their diet. Water, 25% of the elderly are dehydrated. I personally think this statistic is low. These are some common examples to watch out for and consider getting tested for. Don't make assumptions that you need to supplement unless your levels are tested. RDA amounts of supplements are designed to help you maintain normal levels of vitamins and minerals, not improve deficiencies. If you are low or deficient in something after testing, then first add foods that are high in your deficiencies, then supplement as necessary to normalize your deficiencies. There is also evidence that shows that raising levels of certain vitamins and minerals to the top of their ranges during certain circumstances can also be beneficial. Like high stress, cold and flu season, or onset of certain diseases. In many cases, extreme levels of supplementation can become toxic to your body and can cause as much or more damage than the deficiency you were trying to correct. It is all quess work unless you know what your levels are, so be smart and get your levels checked. Also, listen to your body. If supplementation feels bad, it probably is being taken incorrectly or interacting with something. Testing is the best way for you to know if or what to start supplementing. Then, recheck to make sure your supplementation is adequate and know when to increase, decrease, or stop supplementation. Lastly, if you do need to supplement, only buy supplements that are made in an FDA CERTIFIED facility that have been third-party tested and preferably made in the USA. There are a lot of junk unsafe supplements out there! Many with way more or less amounts then stated on the label. Some contain heavy metals and toxic or not even stated on the label materials. Please do your research and choose wisely! I hope this helps.
@deel2435 8 сағат бұрын
But women are told to take calcium as we age! I'm so confused. This is OPPOSITE to what we're told as we go through Menopause. Please let us know Dr Brad!
@ParrotHead1980 9 сағат бұрын
Bad side effects of Ozempic From sources across the web Nausea Constipation Dizziness Allergic reaction Diarrhea Hypoglycemia Abdominal pain Fatigue Thyroid cancer Burping Headache Flatulence Pancreatitis Abdominal bloating and pain Blurred vision Gallstones Tachycardia Diabetic retinopathy Kidney disease Heartburn Dysphagia Lump Ozempic breath and dry mouth Reduced Urination "I think I'll stick too the only 3 side effects of berberine vs the 20 side effects of Ozempic"
@mangOO0548 9 сағат бұрын
Whenever I take MK4, after half an hour or an hour I hear clicks and noises from the bones, mainly in the shoulders and fingers. I don't know why it's like this but it shouldn't be like this. Maybe MK4 removes/redirects/cleans too much calcium from soft tissue. when i take mk7 this is not happening. i think: with MK7 I feel a very slight strange sensation in my chest, a slightly increased heartbeat.
@MelodicSolar 9 сағат бұрын
Should one be concerned if their father has prostate cancer, is there a genetic component to this?
@ParrotHead1980 9 сағат бұрын
Actually there has been multiple studies done on how "1500mg of Berberine for a 6 month trial lowered A1C and glucose levels better than metformin". Second Ozempic has had horrible side offects of people having severe stomach issue's and the numbness of how the stomach acids have caused people severe acid reflux and bad side effects of the ozempic drug. On the other side Berberine has less side effects compared to both metformin and Ozempic. I happen to be type 2 diabetic and when only taking 1200mg of berberine a day for the last 3 months my blood sugar and A1c has dropped 20% from all my blood glocuse readings. I take 25mg of jardiance and when that wasn't lowering my blood sugar enough I went to berberine versus Ozempic, and the berberine was able to get my numbers down without the horrible side effects of Ozempic. So the studies done on how berberine lowers A1C better than metformin are true.
@ChessMasterNate 10 сағат бұрын
While he could still be right on every count, there is reason to doubt a few of these guidelines. In a paper "Association between prescription drugs and all-cause mortality risk in the UK population" they show that Naproxen Sodium is one of a few drugs that showed reduction in all cause mortality. Now, there could be some not so obvious reason there was an association. However, if it was as bad s he says, then I would think a negative association would likely be present. There were over 500,000 people in this study. That means a lot of resolving power. Even small effects either way should be detectable. All the vitamin E studies used the artificial version of vitamin E. There is zero evidence that natural vitamin E has any issues. And they are different, half of the molecules being backward. In the first world, I see two reasons to take vitamin A (retinol). An older vegan could lose the ability to convert beta-carotene to retinol. So a small amount would be justified (I don't know if there is a vegan source of retinol). The other is a kid or odd person who will not eat anything except some short list of food, and within that, there is no beta-carotene and no retinol. I remember seeing a video on someone who was like this and lost most of his sight as a result. People like this do exist. Excess salt only causes high blood pressure in those prone to that. Granted, that is a lot of people (100 million+ in the US), but it is far from everyone. Best to routinely check blood pressure and let that be your guide. And if you do cut table salt substantially, you need to make sure you have an iodine source. Perhaps a drop of "Lugol's formula" (that is not a brand) once or twice a week. And don't get sucked into thinking pink salt and sea salt are better than iodized salt. There is little or no iodine in these ordinary salts. Iodine is not naturally in salt. It is added because our western diets normally are deficient in iodine. Fruit sugar such as in pineapple or mango can still cause problems as whole fruit. The hypothesis that regular mental exercise improves brain health over time was tested. Earlier science had associations between mental activity and a healthy brain, but when tested as an intervention, it failed. The cause and effect were likely switched. Healthy brains probably tend to like thinking more. The social factor seems likely to be valuable. But this is still only association. It is possible to get a group of loners and try to greatly increase the social interactions of half of them and see if there is a difference in longevity. But, as far as I know, this has not been done.
@jameswarhol442 11 сағат бұрын
I think I would add CoQ10, garlic, ginger, turmeric and green tea to the To Do list. And a Calcium Heart Scan at maybe 55 or 60.
@angeloiodice9304 12 сағат бұрын
Berberine helped prostatitis symptoms for myself
@sheilamccurley7084 12 сағат бұрын
I seem to be allergic to Resveratrol. Even Resveratrol in skin care products cause a reaction of rashes and rosacea flare ups.
@RobustArid379 12 сағат бұрын
Its about brain muscle
@natesofamerica 12 сағат бұрын
I have a massively overactive amount of glutamate and difficulty sleeping as a result, b6 often helps me get a super deep amount of sleep at night and though I don't take it every night nor at high doses, I do take it. I'm over 50 now.
@lucycooper55 12 сағат бұрын
What about milk ?
@tisha3831 13 сағат бұрын
I take doctors best ALA and it doesn’t say type R. I take it on any empty stomach but if I don’t eat for hours, I get jittery and shaky low blood sugar. I am not a diabetic and this shows for me that it works on lowering glucose. I’ve gone on 24 hr fasts before ever taking ALA and never felt jittery low blood sugar effects.
@garryodellphillips3116 13 сағат бұрын
It's amazing to me that the "Experts" can have such differences of opinion on what s "health" and what's not. The government has lied to us until we are the most obese country in the world. And now you're telling us again that 'Fat" is Bad, and seed oils and low fat is good??? Really? I'm just going to stick to "whole, single ingredient" food. I don't know what or who to believe anymore.
@PunyHulk 14 сағат бұрын
For a healthy gym going person, we don't need all these tests except hormonal & nutritional deficiencies tests.
@maxblack2113 14 сағат бұрын
Photo shop
@PunyHulk 14 сағат бұрын
Dude can you not smile for a while ?
@tengyamtan9514 14 сағат бұрын
Taurine slow heart beat
@heide-raquelfuss5580 14 сағат бұрын
Ask your doctor. I have to vomit from that sentence by now. First they have no time. Not even 5 minutes. Second..., they have protocols, they have to follow for their own and others gain, except your gain. Third, they have allmost no knowledge. Forth. They listen to ensurances, etc... Fifth. They are never up to date, decades behing, not reading, studying science discoveries. Sixth. They have a very poor character, moral, ethics, motivation, empathy and are arrogant and think they know it all, which is not. Seventh. Do not give a damn if they put you on life long medications, managing your 'problem', instead of curing you and do not prevent things. Eight. They like to prescribe drugs, not giving you the complete picture how damaging each med is, not giving you the chance to think about it. Their ego and arrogance is dangerous to your health, wellbeing. The list is sooo long. I vomit from all i discovered and damage they did. 2x they did something good in 55 years. They further damaged my health and i can never function, work anymore and the list is long, to what damage they did to me, my son, my mother, my father, my aunt and others. I feel a rage i can not put under words.
@thetroublemaker65 15 сағат бұрын
Brad, you should a video on artificial sweeteners. There was a study that showed artificial sweeteners actually increase blood sugar in an animal model.
@narniadan 15 сағат бұрын
Because Dr.Sinclair is an alcoholic , he came up with and excuse to consume alcohol - " you can have alcohol, it contains Resveratrol"" For his Coke addition "" I drink Coke but no sugar in it. I drink Coke Zero without sugar "" Dr.Sinclair is a scammer. It was good to hear real , trusted info from Dr.Stanfield.
@ZaneLike 15 сағат бұрын
My GP who trained in the cardio field said to not be concerned with the adding of salt and he suggested I use Celtic salt, but we must watch out for processed and tinned foods as these are swimming in junk salt plus harder to control intake.. Luckily I don't consume any of these.. I do start each day with half a teaspoon of celtic salt and have so much energy
@robertdargan1113 16 сағат бұрын
Really surprised you haven't mentioned how dagerous seed oils are. It's the way they're processed that makes them so toxic.
@dima-rafael 16 сағат бұрын
BP of 105/65 ?
@FutureLaugh 17 сағат бұрын
My moms doctor reccomended taking vitamin D with calcium to strengthen her bones, she is elderly. youre saying NO to vitamin D because it will increase the chances of a fracture??
@jonasg5889 17 сағат бұрын
Hate the mystery. Stop calling it "the supplement" just to keep watch time until the big reveal. I stopped watching because of this.
@FutureLaugh 17 сағат бұрын
i know you shouldnt have calcium supplements and just eat dairy, but if I purchase lets say any nut milk, they add calcium to it. Is this the same as taking a calcium supplement? i enjoy non dairy alternatives but not if its going to calcify my arteries or give me kidney issues
@totallyraw1313 17 сағат бұрын
Brad, how often do you eat fush and chups?
@mscir 17 сағат бұрын
I'm almost 70, no alohol or cigarettes, regular exercise, basic supplements, 80% great diet, I'm very healthy. This is a great channel and everything he said that applies to me is working very well for me.
@abc_cba 17 сағат бұрын
Dr. Stanfield, which sunscreens and sunblocks do you use?
@diegomisaelcamachonuno9686 17 сағат бұрын
It will be awesome to part the video in subthemes, thanks.
@stevemartin7464 18 сағат бұрын
My wife started taking Creatine on my daughters recommendation and I can attest to the weight gain. My wife has gained 3 Kg in about a month, this has worried her but I suspect this is a lot to do with lean muscle mass as my wife does do resistance training so the link seems to be there, particularly because her measurements have not changed. I am checking her hormones such as Oestrogen and progesterone in case there is an issue there unrelated to the creatine, but I am fairly confident that it is simply greater muscle mass. From my research Creatine is a totally safe supplement and a good one, unlike many others that are either unsafe, useless or both!
@filippo85betti 18 сағат бұрын
Doc, you're great!!!!!! 😀💚
@tartanredmgb 18 сағат бұрын
He makes no distinction of the 8 components of a high quality Vitamin E supplement. Cheap supplements load on Alpha Tocopherol and lack the other parts of the spectrum. If you take inexpensive Vit E that has only Alpha Tocopherol, you would be better off to just take no E pill at all.
@pawekrawczyk6625 18 сағат бұрын
So we should avoid ADEK sets?
@nitrostudy9049 18 сағат бұрын
Some full fat dairy might be beneficial (perhaps as kefir?). Why, because it is the richest source of the saturated C15:0 fatty acid, probably associated with cell membrane stability. Deficiency of C15:0 is linked with ferroptosis and age related disease. While this research direction is in its infancy, it might be prudent to include a small amount of full fat dairy on a regular basis. Papers of interest: 1. The Cellular Stability Hypothesis: Evidence of Ferroptosis and Accelerated Aging-Associated Diseases as Newly Identified Nutritional Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:0) Deficiency Syndrome (2024) 2. Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:0), an Essential Fatty Acid, Shares Clinically Relevant Cell-Based Activities with Leading Longevity-Enhancing Compounds (2023)
@matc6221 19 сағат бұрын
My Dr's in the UK know nothing about supplements.
@barnabykent6698 19 сағат бұрын
I absolutely love your unbiased reveiw of the current academic literature in plain English. Please continue to make such high-quality videos for us, they're really helping me stay informed as to what supplements I would benefit from taking.
@jadedk9916 20 сағат бұрын
If you can take 2,000IU of vitamin D3, is it okay to take a 10,000IU pill once every week?
@Nel33147 20 сағат бұрын
Well I’ll tell you , these health influencers have me convinced I’ve got much to do.