Born Tough Gym Shorts 7in REVIEW
7 сағат бұрын
Bird dog
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Up downs
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Drop squat
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Quick feet forward and back
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Quick feet in and outs
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@ioanbalint4039 2 күн бұрын
yes that is the best 12 pound one ...
@jheers1 2 күн бұрын
@DarksouIjah 3 күн бұрын
Thanks. I think I’ll try these for spin class. Or do you think too much friction?
@FuelFitnessCo 3 күн бұрын
@@DarksouIjah I love these for cycling! I use them on the peloton all of the time.
@DarksouIjah 3 күн бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo Awesome. Thanks for your response!
@FuelFitnessCo 3 күн бұрын
@@DarksouIjah thanks for tuning in!!!
@jheers1 21 күн бұрын
@j.a.6866 29 күн бұрын
But WHAT do they take? I doubt it’s the body building style roids, right?? Probably just peptides?
@FuelFitnessCo 28 күн бұрын
Great question! I have been studying this pretty hard and trying to figure this out. I think there are certain drugs one can take early on that can set someone’s physiology up pretty strong for CrossFit. Then later on there are some things they could take while “in season” to benefit them during that time as well. I am going to do a video on this, but yes, peptides would definitely be beneficial. Some anabolics and sarms would certainly have there place as well. To name a few of each that I think they may take: BPC 157 and TB500 for recovery and joints/tendons. CJC/ ipa for Growth hormone. Actual growth hormone would be highly beneficial for joints, and recovery. GW50156 aka cardarine for endurance SR 9009 for endurance ITPP (i think that’s the name) Ostarine for tendon health and recovery/ volume tolerance, keeping muscle during high volume training Rad140 or LGD for strength Also, Testosterone obviously Anavar or primobolin for recovery/strength EPO Injectable ATP Stimulants
@FuelFitnessCo 28 күн бұрын
Also, the higher paid athletes could afford to pay labs like Balco to make undetectable designer steroids for them
@vineetbesra3103 Ай бұрын
Thank you brother
@davidt5200 Ай бұрын
I agree to an extent there's nothing wrong with simulating a sport as a workout. Just as long as that's not all you do because you are correct the gym is meant for exactly what you said. Just like anything in moderation
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
For sure. I am going to do a long form video about this to go in depth. I think there is a place for simulation. It just gets a bit ridiculous. I think simulation just sells. It makes the client feel like the coach knows what they are doing for some reason.
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
Oh and thanks for commenting!
@bw6228 Ай бұрын
It's rampant in the sport, but I still love watching them. They're all still incredibly fit, skilled and gifted athletes. The people getting popped are 1) getting their timing wrong 2) taking the wrong PEDs 3) don't have the affiliation with the right clinics. Take a look back at how far ahead BALCO was of the IOC, NFL, MLB etc back in the 90's. There's without question labs around today that are doing the same thing BALCO did. Unfortunately, without a saved blood sample from the top CrossFit athletes, they can't go back and test them once they identify what these new designer PEDs are.
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
Such a great comment. Thanks for sharing. I 100% agree.
@bw6228 Ай бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo Thanks. I think a lot of us are in the same boat where we sincerely enjoy participating in and watching CrossFit competition but just wish HQ, the elite athletes and coaches would be forthcoming about the degree of PEDs being used at the elite levels of the sport. Much of their audience, to some degree, are athletes that all have an understanding of the limitations of performance and recovery. Protein powders and hard work isn’t all that’s in the magic formula.
@DarksouIjah Ай бұрын
Damn. Your break down of this project is perfect. You got a new subscriber
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
🙏 thanks so much!
@DarksouIjah Ай бұрын
How tall are you?
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
@@DarksouIjah 5 foot 10. I would think 6 ft would be the max for this freezer in my opinion. It’s not super roomy for me. I do have enough room to dunk myself underwater but it’s kind of tight
@DarksouIjah Ай бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo Thank you for the quick response. Damn, I was hoping you were my height. I’m 6’1” and thin. That freezer you bought is the perfect one for the price.
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
@@DarksouIjah yeah for the price it’s pretty hard to beat. You could fit in there for sure, but it would just be a little more tight. I think even someone taller than you could fit, it’s just they would be cramped up, kinda like those cheap small plastic tubs you see that they have to sit Indian style in. All that to say, it would work, I just want you to know what you’re getting into. If you want to really sprawl out, and have lots of room, you may want to spend extra to go with a bigger size
@smartnothard2400 Ай бұрын
Beast move and well done for your progress! Have you ever tried them with straight arms? They’re a notch or two harder than the bent elbow ones but you’ll be able to do them easy ❤
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
Thanks!!! I actually have tried to straighten them but I have some chronic inflammation in my left elbow that won't allow me to straighten it fully right now in certain positions, that position being one of them. I can definitely imagine anything to add length to the arms will certainly make it more difficult. On that note, this would be such a hard exercise for someone with really long arms.
@DERHOF2007 Ай бұрын
Great video, Bro. I've been training with the ab wheel on and off for years now. If you want to see who I can only imagine is the strongest dude on the planet at this exercise and one of the biggest influences in my training for the last 17 years check out Ross Enamait if you haven't seen him. He does a one arm standing rollout on a decline while wearing a weighted vest for reps🤯
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
Thanks 🙏. Much appreciated. I haven’t seen Ross Enamait so I’m stoked to check him out!!
@pureposture Ай бұрын
Why? It's just a show-off exercise with the potential for low back injury.
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
Why do it? Great question. Because I want to, and enjoy it. I think that’s a big fundamental part of strength training and exercise. Doing movements you enjoy, want to do, and respect. It “just being a show off exercise” is solely your opinion, and that’s cool. I think we could question MANY exercises if we put them in the frame you are coming from. Why squat heavy? Why deadlift heavy? We couldn really take that even further outside of the context of lifting. Why do anything with risk? Simply because it’s enjoyable or somehow provides value to the person doing it. That’s why to me, the best form of exercise is the one you will do consistently. Sure, I don’t think raw CrossFit is the best form of exercise for longevity and health, but hey, for those folks that absolutely love it…carry on!!
@DERHOF2007 Ай бұрын
@pureposture Stupid comment. It's not a showoff exercise... it's one of the best most beneficial core exercises that exists. And any exercise has potential for injury if done stupidly. I'll just assume you are not strong enough to do these and aren't willing to put the effort into accomplish something amazing so you choose to criticize. Later
@smartnothard2400 Ай бұрын
@@DERHOF2007yeah, either that or they’re just a negative outlook type of person. They’ll bring a problem to every solution you can throw at them! Show off. lol Love life ❤
@thorshiddengym Ай бұрын
I've got one of these. It's cool as a weighted speed bag like exercise. Like an upper body sprint too.
@thorshiddengym Ай бұрын
Good build up progressions for getting to that standing ab wheel move. Very nice info good sir.
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
Thanks a bunch! 🙏
@conroybent4586 2 ай бұрын
Steroids do not make you recover in 24 hours
@FuelFitnessCo Ай бұрын
I hope I didnt say that. If i did, not sure why because I dont believe that. They dont make you recover in any specific amount of time. 14 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours. The time would be different for each person and depending on a ton of factors what amount of exercise at what intensity you just did, genetics, response to anabolics in general, sleep, diet, stress levels, etc. However its the fact that they speed up recovery which is so important. The same person on gear can handle way more volume and frequency than when they are not on gear.
@jheers1 2 ай бұрын
@royxrp1510 2 ай бұрын
It's practically impossible for a natural to train and compete in high level crossfit. The body is just not capable of recovering from the volume and load in that matter. I always thought crossfitters had more moral then bb's. I dont know why, it just felt that way cause their less egotistical with their body's. Unfortunately, ofcourse I've been proven otherwise. These guys are all juiced to the gils.
@FuelFitnessCo 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I really have thought about doing a PED regimen and comparing my progress at 37 years old to what I could do natty at 28-30. If I can hit PRs and progress quickly at 37 on the juice, it would honestly give me a lot of insight to the topic. The only downfall is that I couldn’t compete ever again if did make great progress. Most folks say if you’re smart about it, you can retain quite a bit of your gains after coming off of PEDs or at least achieve a higher baseline than you had full natty.
@baddinosaur1548 2 ай бұрын
Dude, you are over thinking this. Think of your cool plunge tank as a small swimming pool. Use the same chemicals for the number of gallons you have. No more slime. The chemical cost for 150 gal is close to nothing. if you already have a pool just do the math for your gal size. 35% Hydrogen peroxide is close to the oxidizer used in rocket fuel. It will burn you and rust everything it come in contact with. The bigger filter is great.
@Xwerks 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@FuelFitnessCo 3 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏!
@jesserivchin8163 3 ай бұрын
I am in the wiring phase of my set up now. Big question on the main inkbird for the side of the freezer for heat. I’m in sac we get pretty hot too. Have you found that the external inkbird was worth it? Is the side still your location for measurement? Mine will be outside and I haven’t gotten an external inkbird yet.
@FuelFitnessCo 3 ай бұрын
Great question. Here in NC it never got hot enough in our hottest months to make it worth it. Hottest it got in there was 95 degrees and the freezer is rated for 115 I believe. I still have it set up, but it may have been overkill
@TIO540S1 3 ай бұрын
If you hold it way up like a speed bag, it’s also pretty killer on the shoulders.
@FuelFitnessCo 3 ай бұрын
Very challenging for the shoulders when holding it up!
@WE-Mavic 4 ай бұрын
I now blend yoga into my week now...not doing CF daily as I did years ago...I'm also no longer required to pass a PFT. Those First Responders and the military I would claim need to do it until their career ends....part of their service demands physical readiness. Just my opinion.
@saturdayevan 4 ай бұрын
How has your seal job held up?
@FuelFitnessCo 4 ай бұрын
It has held up great! No issues or leaking whatsoever.
@MegaDreamOo 5 ай бұрын
Is it worth it?
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
At this point, I think not. I definitely will mess around and try it again at some point but as of now I don’t think it’s worth the price point for me. If I was on a lower carb diet for some reason, or if I was a long distance athlete doing 1-2 hours + I could see it being beneficial, but I do neither of those.
@duchaneaux 5 ай бұрын
I've got some questions. I'm trying to figure out why Mat Fraser would say that he kept this tool a secret for awhile. Now I can see this tool being useful for MMA and boxing, but for crossfit, I'm trying to figure out where he's coming from. So you mentioned endurance. Do you believe this tool helped carry over into work capacity during your workouts? Did you feel that perhaps your workouts were more effective because of this? Another thing I was thinking about with the use of this tool was if it does anything to the upper body/shoulders similar to how rice bucket exercises help the hands and forearms and tendons in relation to not only rehab by getting lots of blood flow into those areas, but also developing grip strength. Do you feel anything similar for your shoulder joints or perhaps biceps as far as this tool bringing in more blood flow to those areas? Like maybe more lubricated or loose and good feeling? Perhaps a little extra "oomph" in strength while doing certain things? For example, I had to use both hands to pick up a 50 lb bag of chicken feed, but after awhile of doing rice buckets, I was able to pick up two 50 lb bags of in each hand. Now I'm not sure what kind of workouts you do for weightlifting, but I'm curious if you noticed anything diffferent, for example, maybe you noticed your pullup form was much better, or it was a little easier to pick up things up over your head. I'm kind of wondering if this tool will help me with overhead stuff like the snatch, overhead presses, etc.
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
Great question. So Ill start with why Mat Fraser I think Mat Fraser used this and why I think its a great tool for endurance in the arms. When it comes to training the arms, most of what we do to train the arms are exercises that take 10 seconds to MAYBE 2 mins for a very high rep arm exercise. This means that most of our arm training is for STRENGTH, POWER, or MUSCLE ENDURANCE (local muscle endurance). I cant really think of a scenario where we train our arms for longer than 2 minutes without resting somewhere in there. Even if someone does burpees for 30 minutes, the arms arent working constantly and do get rest. So if we train legs for long durations, long runs, biking, etc. utilizing long endurance sessions over 30 mins, why wouldnt we do that with the arms. It could potentially improve mitochondria count in the arms, and improve overall endurance, and volume tolerance of the arms. Now, one would have to already be VERY strong, otherwise this will cut into strength training a bit, and strength gains. This is an area Mat was probably willing to lose a little bit in since he was already very strong. So its more building up the ability to work the arms for 30 mins straight or so, at a lower intensity in my opinion, which would have some carry over to long endurance events with arm movements, high volume training tolerance in general, AND also being able to tolerate the high volume of damage on the arms at the Crossfit Games. As for the rehab aspect, I imagine there is a small effect there but I am unsure. Mat did however mention that he used this apparatus for active recovery too which makes sense. You are spot on, it would increase bloodflow which would be greatly beneficial to speeding up recovery. As for noticing any kind of strength, i havent noticed that but I dont think it will help with srength in general anyhow. Great questions and thanks for commenting!!
@jesserivchin8163 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for this post man I was looking at that exact freezer and wasn’t feeling confident on the dimensions. How tall are you?
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for tuning in!! I am 5”10 and it works great for me.
@jesserivchin8163 5 ай бұрын
Are you able to be fully submerged (to the neck)? It’s not too narrow at the shoulders? Sorry for the 21 Q’s but the vid of you in is pretty quick. I’m 6’ and wanna make sure I’m good to pull the trigger
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
@@jesserivchin8163oh yeah I can submerge to my neck. Its a little tough to do but I also dunk my head under ever time by laying back. As far as the width goes, I would definitely say measure your shoulder width and check the dimensions. I don’t have very wide shoulders, I imagine someone pretty broad might be a little tight in there in the shoulders.
@jesserivchin8163 5 ай бұрын
Sorry another question I could find an answer for. Did you put any foam or wood support under near the freezer?
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
@@jesserivchin8163 great question! Yes I put 2x4 blocks of wood underneath for support
@_Mr.Sush_ 5 ай бұрын
So if I'm already eating a low-calorie diet (I take in on average 20 k/cal a day) and I'm in Ketosis all the time. Is there a point to this? It seems expensive for something I may already be benefiting from.
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
Definitely not an expert on this, but if you check your ketone levels and they are already solid, I wouldn’t see any benefit from this. Personally I wouldn’t use it in that case. However, if I’m just reducing carbs to cut calorie intake, but not quite in that keto zone where I’m producing ketones, this could be potentially beneficial to get and energy boost for performance without the additional carbs if that makes sense. Especially during endurance training when going beyond 45 mins.
@_Mr.Sush_ 5 ай бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo Thanks, good video and Info. I can see how using it as a tool for endurance when not quit in a consistent keto zone as a nice option.
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
@@_Mr.Sush_ thanks so much for watching and commenting!
@blaketaylor8078 5 ай бұрын
Juicing… of course they are juicing. Are all of them… we don’t know, but juicing is in all forms of sports. Also, if you want to see if people are juicing, just look at injuries and age. People coming back from injuries. Age. As you get older you become slower, weaker and lose muscle less mass.
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
So what age are we looking at? Masters divisions?
@jefferson.notaro 5 ай бұрын
Olympic gymnastics guys are natural? Many movements in CrossFit are Olympic gymnastics. The training before, they were very strong for muscle growth, now more endurance... so there are much fewer muscular crossfit athletes right now... but, Castro is back and I believe the workouts will anabolize again
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
Interesting! Will be looking forward to seeing if there is a legit physical change there
@FuelFitnessCo 5 ай бұрын
New video response posted to many of these comments!
@jheers1 5 ай бұрын
@markwelden7393 6 ай бұрын
Lol I remember Rich Froning answering the question in one of his documentaries..."I don't know that steroids would help in crossfit, would they?" LMFAO the sport of bigger stronger faster. There is no sport on the planet that invites roid use as much as crossfit (bodybuilding isn't a sport, it's a lifestyle activity)
@jheers1 6 ай бұрын
Chasing the pump!
@ChrisConley1 6 ай бұрын
Can barely hear you talking bud. Get rid of that awful music
@Genetic_ceiling 6 ай бұрын
If rich and all the top guys are juicing, does even really matter🤔 I (personally) don’t care if any athlete uses. I think they all juice to be honest lol. It’s harder to tell in the men but it’s so easy to spot on the women.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m with you I personally don’t care if they use. I don’t judge that. In a perfect world, i think I would want there to be an “enhanced” division and a “natty” division. That being said, it’s not a perfect world, and unfortunately folks would go into the natty division and cheat
@WE-Mavic 6 ай бұрын
I’m consistently inconsistent. at this time😂
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
@jheers1 6 ай бұрын
@CarMad97ci 6 ай бұрын
In a sport that almost opposes hypertrophic stimulus, where even the chicks are jacked af? Yeah, they takin some shit. Same with bjj. Obviously sauced, because look at the sport they do, while looking like body builders. Come the F on bro.
@repentandfollowjesuschrist6170 6 ай бұрын
Ever gym has roid abusers, but CrossFit is just lame😂 those pull ups they do and dips and burpee's.... Well thats what they cal it at least
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
@Worth303. 6 ай бұрын
Good taste.
@YairvanEer 6 ай бұрын
You are kidding yourself if you think these people are not on anything. Just from the recovery aspect alone for them do be able to do all this stuff
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
So are you saying you think they are all on PEDS? Look I’ve seen some real freaks, some people I’m 99.9% sure aren’t taking anything and could recover from ridiculous amounts of volume. I mean heck, even when I was 28-30 years old I could handle an insane amount of volume and I would be foolish to think I am genetically in the top. I think even if I would have taken all the PEDs possible I still wouldn’t have made it to the games. Idk, I still believe some of these guys and girls are clean. Maybe Im foolish, but I’ve just seen too many generic freaks to say that every single one of them are on something
@YairvanEer 6 ай бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo I agree that you have genetic freaks out there. However at elite levels of competition it is a different story. Specially when money is on the line. And if athletes are not really tested at the moment then it is hard to say for sure. But the faster you can recover the harder you can push training.
@brockharrison5541 6 ай бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo Yes they are ALL on steroids, all of them who compete are on steroids. The thing about steroids is that most people don't know how to use it and when to use it. An average joe like you who doesn't know how roids work properly might use it and you don't see any results but lets you are guided by Lance Armstrong doctor and he will know how to hack your body and make the cycle work specifically for you.
@douglowry7382 6 ай бұрын
When Rich Froning said he doesn’t do steroids and that he didn’t even see how it would help that gave your answer. They absolutely do. CrossFit originally in the beginning was telling women don’t worry about lifting heavy because you won’t look like a guy unless you’re on roids. Well now that so many women in CrossFit look like dudes they answered their own question.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m with you 100%. Very faulty logic on Rich and CrossFit’s part at that time
@briancunningham1927 2 ай бұрын
A went to Manchester to watch a friend in the Rainhill trials, I was blown away by the physiques of the women and they weren’t at the same level as your tia toomeys etc , I asked if there was a chance some would be on steroids, 100% yes he said and they’d just got lucky not to be tested , it’s a brilliant sport to watch but there’s no honesty amongst the athletes regarding ped’s
@halfnattyboomer354 6 ай бұрын
Even low level local comps have people running juice lol.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I’ve seen some crazy physiques at local comps, and wondered
@NerdLifts 6 ай бұрын
I once saw an interview with a recent CrossFit champion. When asked if was on steroids, his reply was "How could steroids even help with CrossFit?". That answer told me that he was definitely on them.
@2011hwalker 6 ай бұрын
haha they are so delusional
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Yeah that answer really pisses me off 😂. Crazy that anyone could think that
@NerdLifts 6 ай бұрын
@@FuelFitnessCo I went to a CrossFit gym for about nine years. Steroids would be an immense help. Not only would they help with strength and endurance, but the decreased recovery time would be huge. You are correct that steroids alone won't make you a champion, but I don't see how someone not on steroids could compete against those that are. The edge is just too big.
@jessiewhite7783 6 ай бұрын
You need to watch the channel “more plates more dates”. Just deep dive on his channel and spend some time watching his videos and researching yourself.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
I love MPMD! Watch him all the time. Derek has the best content on the tube about the topic
@iLLy369 6 ай бұрын
Worst audio
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Classic complaint without any kind of advice. Good job bro
@pittchaser 6 ай бұрын
Just look at the "female" cross fitters and tell me they're not on roids..
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
I feel you on this. Truthfully it’s the female CrossFit physiques that are most suspect to me based on appearances alone. Might be a good video to just break down the female athletes and physiques
@Thrive910 6 ай бұрын
Froning could win a body building competition so…. Yes. But I think the more telling signs is the top women. The human body is not capable naturally of recovering from that type of load and volume multiple times a day for week, months and years on end. However, just because you take drugs doesn’t mean you will be the best. So if everyone is doing it then it comes down to genetic potential, work ethic and mindset.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
💯 agree. On that note, Another common misconception people have is that if they do drugs they would be the best, or people who do drugs don’t work as hard. Both misconceptions are sooo far from the truth.
@heathdietz115 6 ай бұрын
My opinion human nature dictates that if crossfit doesn't rigorously test then most if not all of the athletes are using. especially with money involved.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I mean, it would be hard not to logically make that assumption right. I agree that would be probable.
@zachbowler8752 6 ай бұрын
Check out Andrew Hiller videos on this topic. He has several crossfit Natty or Not and others that are worth watching. I get what you are saying and you definitely are not presenting anything false with the sport of crossfit. The "benefit" of steroid use and performance enhanced drugs is more relative to the individual and the sport they are participating. I think it would be hard to convince the majority that, "There is literally not a sport on the planet that is better for steroids & performance enhancing drugs. There is not a sport on the planet that you would benefit from that...the use of those drugs more than the sport of crossfit." You even mention at the end MLB; NFL; Cycling; Track & Field; etc. Benefits here are insane. Billions of dollars being thrown around. Just take MLB. Individuals making hundreds of millions because of it. Hundreds of thousands filling stadiums to watch 450 foot bombs or 105 mph fastballs. Tens of Millions tuning into TV networks. Fame and Fortune is pretty high on the list of benefits for most people that use.
@FuelFitnessCo 6 ай бұрын
Love it man. Thanks for the comment! I’ve watched nearly all of Hillers videos on the topic. Love hearing his take on it. I’m pretty fascinated with the topic in general.