@ArenaRat-xd8fu Күн бұрын
This is depression, cfs is a bogus diagnosis
@faystalker9851 2 күн бұрын
See the pain is it like electric shocks
@user-uv8xi3uf8s 2 күн бұрын
Please don't say we make it up. It is real. And how do I feel better to live a better life. I can have pain somewhere one day and then go away. I biggest is fatigue just feeling so tired. I tell my self I am just lazy and depressed which makes it difficult to do things. And my breathing is difficult to deal with. I would love to stop doing all my prescriptions.
@pugglesammy 3 күн бұрын
One doctor said...oh perhaps you have sleep apnea or low mood..then told me to see another doctor but this other doctor he mentioned, told me to go out to events and to do things that were absolutely impossible. Zero comprehension. Zero.
@pugglesammy 3 күн бұрын
Doctors and other medical professionals need to be educated on this condition as they simply don't understand it. Many dismiss it which is damaging. I've had comments like.. who on earth told you that and then rubbish medical professionals diagnosis of thus debilitating condition. Others tell you to just exercise, take vitamins and eat this that or the other, sharing their thoughts on what you need to do as if we haven't already tried all these things. People are clueless but there is NO awareness and very little understanding yet we are seeing more and more people suffering from this.
@Leoviliti1 3 күн бұрын
Also if you've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but also have dry eyes mouth lips and a dry cough and dryness everywhere You could actually be suffering from Sjögrens syndrome As these can get confused . As the pain and fatigue is very similar .
@crystal-eb5rf 3 күн бұрын
When you feel so tired every step is like wading through treacle its no joke
@sl1456 4 күн бұрын
Stop eating anything with seed oils. See what happens in a few months. Even if you aren’t “cured”, you will feel a whole lot better. Highly processed foods are killing us. They create inflammation and wreck every system in our bodies. Even on a “clean” diet, people will allow themselves sunflower, canola and various other oils. Don’t do it, learn to eat actually clean food. Cut out the vegetable oils, refined carbs, fake sugars, added sugars and boxes of garbage that say “healthy” on them. Shop only in the produce, meat and dairy departments. It will change your life for the better.
@Beth-nr5lb 7 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1997. Then chronic fatigue. I'm now being tested for MS. Have any of you had to go on disability because of fibro? How long and drawn out was the process? Do you have any tips?
@tinaattanasio1358 8 күн бұрын
Yes I am in agreement with everything you said in your video.As you will gather I am a sufferer of this syndrome, yes I have a lot of the symtoms you described it has even effected my nails on my hands they cant be touched by me or anyone else I have burning sensation and stabbing pain every day can be difficult Thank you for sharing this video
@nataliechadwick750 9 күн бұрын
I’ve had fibro for 16 years that I know of… and recently I have acquired polymyalgia rheumatica… I would take fibromyalgia all day long over polymyalgia!! it is absolutely debilitating can make your arms move past a certain point and the pain is unbearable.
@Nana-zi9xq 9 күн бұрын
The is a great book out there about morning the death of your health. It has helped me immensely
@christinam777 9 күн бұрын
What program can help me after severe mold exposure having developed extreme reactions to mold and many other things in my environment now. I need help so badly please
@christinam777 9 күн бұрын
I'm suffering so badly, hoping to find the answers
@corinepetzinger7789 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. 🫶🌸🙋‍♀️
@liamsnanny5967 10 күн бұрын
I think this is what’s wrong with me.
@janetelizabethcolegatemadg2118 10 күн бұрын
I was told that my CFS is fake and I am not as ill as I make out
@meredithchildress8001 10 күн бұрын
I do like the video as it makes a lot of sense! I'm feeling desperate to find answers and hearing the information in this video gives me hope! Thank you!
@glmenoscal 11 күн бұрын
What are some medication. That some of us from rheumatologist are cortisone shot they help a lillte. What else can help me. 😢. Very painful.
@moggygibbo8318 12 күн бұрын
Beth, I'm blown away. My life story is similar in many ways. Thank you so much for sharing, now I KNOW I'll be well soon, too
@Fiawordweaver 12 күн бұрын
My hope circled around becoming stable after 3 years of CF that doctors said was caused by Hashimotos hypothyroidism. I’m stable now and my CF is full blown. I had hope that my titration down from klonopin would help my CF. I thought I could tell my brain to rewire itself with visualization and that would bring back my lost energy. Now I listen to all the utube channels that discuss CFS for answers because my anxiety is raging as my CFS shows no recovery.
@Fiawordweaver 12 күн бұрын
I have a life long struggle with panic attacks and phases of daily anxiety symptoms. CF has attached itself to my being since September 2021. 4 variables occurred that month Completed a month of prednisone to aid my late onset on exercise induced asthma Started weaning from 2.0mg to 1.5 mg of klonopin Had my fourth Moderna vaccine My Hashimotos hypothyroidism stopped responding to medication management. I’m 71 Successful craniotomy in 2018, tumor free CPTSD emerged post brain surgery Been under a psychiatrist care for 30 years managing panic disorder and depression using medication. Did not share my abuse all those years because I buried it. Highly active, problem solving, warrior, all gone Daytime is the worse for anxiety. 6 pm I start to be anxiety free to midnight. I wear a CPAP for sleeping Cardiologist, primary GP, ENDOCRINOLOGIST, GYNECOLOGIST, do not discuss my CF despite me sharing my life is over Pulmonologist has other patients with CFS, heard me and prescribed a medication that is supposedly going to assist energy. I haven’t picked it up from the pharmacy, yet Functional doctor keeps suggesting supplements. I have a bottle of mitacore that I haven’t opened yet.
@dianecassivi7528 12 күн бұрын
I suffer with Fibromyalgia and have been suffering with pain since I was younger. I would have leg pains the doctor would say oh it's growing pains move along as I was getting older the pain was still there then I was diagnosed with arthritis and the list goes on and on. I was wondering would florid cause fribro and has anybody looked into it.
@jennifercooke8280 13 күн бұрын
I’m now in a wheel chair unable to stand or walk. Terrible pain and stiffness. This is no joke.
@jennifercooke8280 13 күн бұрын
One of my glands has been enlarged for weeks and bad , new pains in my neck. I was worried but now I see that this is one of the symptoms.
@moggygibbo8318 14 күн бұрын
Fantastic story, you're an amazing woman Claudia! I'm inspired, I can do it, too. Thank you so much ❤
@moggygibbo8318 15 күн бұрын
Great interview! Thank you. Very inspiring
@edzkieverdidaromero671 15 күн бұрын
Is sharp pain in the rib cage also a symptoms of fibromyalgia?
@m.nielsen1008 16 күн бұрын
This is a great video. I suffer with fibromyalgia & CFS. I will be sharing this one!
@starrleo12 16 күн бұрын
Finally someone the understand how a person feels!
@dianecassivi7528 16 күн бұрын
11:00 pm I have been suffering with this issue for years. My aunt Diane also suffered with fibromyaga also. She suffered major pain in her legs and I also suffered with leg pains and more . My pain is everwhere It's like being a prisoner in my body it's becoming worse. Im so tired with it all. So pls find what is causing us to suffer I have wonder if floride is the cause. Has anyone looked into this.
@olgaperez3090 16 күн бұрын
@annsan1722 16 күн бұрын
Hi Dan, vielen Dank für den weiteren hilfreichen Denkanstoß von Dir! Niemand möchte gerne eine unheilbare Erkrankung haben und natürlich wünschte auch ich mir im ersten Moment, dass wieder alles so wie früher wird. Aber war das wirklich gesund? Sagt mir mein Körper nicht vielmehr per Stoppschild, dass mein Geist über viele Jahre Dinge ignoriert hat, die er besser wahrgenommen und damit dann gearbeitet hätte? Ein Zurück kann demnach ja nur ein Rückschritt sein mit dann vielleicht noch ganz anderen Folgen. Mal davon abgesehen, dass das Leben selbst eine immer tödlich verlaufende Geschichte ist und damit gewissermaßen eine unheilbare Erkrankung 😁. Aber das verdrängen wir in unserer westlichen Kultur ja überwiegend sehr erfolgreich. Möglicherweise liegt hierin ja auch mit ein Grund, warum sich die institutionelle Medizin so schwer mit chronischen Erkrankungen tut, gefühlt heißt das ja ständig eigene Grenzen akzeptieren müssen und es besteht die Gefahr, dass man noch auf viel Tieferes stößt, das macht einfach Angst. Wenn ich diese Grenzen aber bei mir akzeptieren lerne und mein Leben entsprechend gestalte, tut sich plötzlich wieder die Möglichkeit auf, auch in schwierigen Momenten noch jede Menge Schönheit zu entdecken. Und dann sieht mein Körper-Geist-System sogar manchmal wieder Wege, diese Grenzen etwas auszuweiten. Ich habe seit 15 Jahren ME/CFS, 13 Jahre mild ohne es zu wissen (und immer schön durchgekämpft). Zum Glück bin ich nach meiner Verschlimmerung Anfang 23 bald auf solche Informationen wie von Dir gestoßen, so dass mir vermutlich einige Umwege erspart geblieben sind. Und mit dieser Hilfe habe ich es von 23 Std bettgebunden und kaum mental aktivierbar immerhin wieder auf Homeoffice in Teilzeit gebracht, wobei es immer wieder eine Gratwanderung ist und ich aufpassen muss, nicht in alte Muster zu verfallen. Danke für Deine tolle Unterstützung dabei!!!
@sharonbice7490 16 күн бұрын
Don't ever let a doctor tell you that you have fybromayalsia, because everything happening to you from prescriptions, antiobotics, and other illnesses, will be diagnosed as fybromayalsia. Fybromayalsia is a made up decease that they have no answer too. Also caused from heavy medels in food, forever chemicals in food, plastics in the blood stream from plastic. Get checked for these things in blood work. There's millions of people being diagnosed with this, all over the United States. We are being poisoned, from pharma, food additives, heavy medals and plastic. 😢
@curtiste3235 17 күн бұрын
Yes, Abigail's story is remarkable and inspiring. Looking forward to learning more.
@curtiste3235 17 күн бұрын
Yes! Working full-time and moderately strenuous physical activities-a good indicator of significant recovery.
@curtiste3235 17 күн бұрын
(Im new here) Excellent, probing interview questions! I really appreciate that you didn't lead or shape the answers. This was an informative, authentic interview. Im intrigued to hear more.
@presidentiallsuite 18 күн бұрын
Clean & Simple... Just like his explanations 💯😏💯😏💯👌 Im going to keep my eye out on his work....ijs 🎯🏆
@CathyKnott-jo6qh 18 күн бұрын
First they thought it was CFS then ME, finally a good dr referred me to rheumatologist and I ticked every single box on the fibro checklist. The pain, sleeplessness, heightened sense of smell, pain in being touched, ibs, headaches, when I’m hot I can’t cool down, when I’m cold I can’t warm up due to problems with hypothalamus. Shooting pains through all (and I mean all!) parts of body. Depression, anxiety I could go on. I’m lucky to have a good family but even then the ‘forget’ I wish I could! Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s all in your head. It’s a daily battle worthy of a medal!
@Tammygurganus-ml8nj 18 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 10 years ago..worst pain I've ever had in my life...still have bad days.I'm 63 years old now..I was a barber standing all day cutting hair had to quit because of my pain...no medicine to help either.
@charlotteryner6583 19 күн бұрын
Best treatise on fibro I've ever seen. Thank you!
@leeevans102 21 күн бұрын
I am 66, I have been experiencing most of these symptoms after contracting Mono or a form of Hep after working one summer in 2 different restuarants when I was 19 years old. Had a few Dr.s blow me off, tell me to exercise more, or take a vitiman supplement. Contracted Covid twice during 2020 and ever since that time, I feel as though I 've aged 20 years. My world has turned upside down due to this illness CFS/ME and personal stress. As you stated in this video, people get tired or hearing about what you're feeling and write you off as a hypochondriac. It gets worse everyday, and I have reclused myself bascially from the world. Seeing a new Dr in a few weeks, and will have to go through the entire process of explaining my symptoms again, and really feel like, " what's the point ", they won't believe me anyway. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism since the age of 35. Was doing well for several years until divorce stress, raising a child without financial or emotional support from his father, and of course Covid in 2020. This is the most detailed video I've seen, and reinforces to me that I am not lossing my mind or crazy. Thank you for your work.
@kathleendillon1572 11 күн бұрын
I am 66 as well & have Hashimotos Thyroiditis for 35 years and since Covid I have not been well
@kathleendillon1572 11 күн бұрын
I have become a recluse as well-totally changed my personality and life the past 8 months-I believe that I am in adrenal fatigue 😩
@dshepherd107 8 күн бұрын
Look up, The Perrin Technique. I have the same thing, & it’s severe. I want to try Dr Perrin’s technique. There’s sound studies backing up his original discovery regarding our lymph vessels. Look on KZfaq 🫶
@evelisisdavis7242 21 күн бұрын
Thank you
@EleanorMillsr 22 күн бұрын
Hello I just listing to your recovery story I thank God for you you so much to be thankful for amen
@pattiemoseley8752 22 күн бұрын
I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. The fatigue is awful. And to add to this I also have degenerative disk disease. Yep, having a ball here. My husband almost throws a party when I can get out of bed. And the flare ups?? You might as well bet that I will be in bed for several days 😢❤
@lemuelwilliams1205 23 күн бұрын
Price of your program please... and also unpaid or uninfulenced evidence that it actually works... i want to join
@lemuelwilliams1205 23 күн бұрын
Did u have dpdr and muscle weakness in your entire body aswell as vision probs and disconnected feeling of life?
@lemuelwilliams1205 23 күн бұрын
Pricee of the programme please
@Stella-kn1sl 23 күн бұрын
Sorry, but none of this helps. These are all explanations and that you should stay calm when you have symptoms, but none of this shows you the way out. If I had to follow the symptoms, my world would get smaller and smaller every day. I always have symptoms, and they get stronger after eating, when I raise my arm in bed they get stronger. If I let the symptoms influence me, I would only be able to lie in bed and breathe. I'm already doing brain retraining, but I'm not supposed to go to the bathroom, eat anything etc. until it starts to work. What is the solution!!!! NOBODY tells you that. If I do something despite the symptoms, I have flare ups, I understand, and then? Then I lie in bed for 5 days and just breathe or what? I HAVE to eat something, otherwise I get even weaker and I also have to go to the toilet. So again, what is the solution, what is the right way now? What exactly do I have to do? Ignore it, don't ignore it, do something anyway, etc.
@Nazareth434 25 күн бұрын
Havin,g fibro or chronic fatigue is like having a battery that is just about dead, is hardtop recharge, and therechargedoesnt do much znd it quick.y drains again. It's as though your internal battery is about 1/4, and going to sleep or napping only recharges it to say 1/3 at best. Most healthy people get sort of tired, and sleep for 8 hours and are fully charged and ready for the day. Fibro folks wake up with only about 1/4 charge, and quickly drain to point of needing another nap. Th3 exhaustion is very unlike simple fatigue- it is all consuming, and is asking to having a bad flu where every little thing you do is exhausting and causes burning muscle pain that causes the person to stop - just brushing their teeth causes enough pain that they have to stop anmd let the exhaustion and pain subside, then they can finish the task.